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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1924, p. 5

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Christmas Economies You w"I find everything here you expeet to find in a, weil equipped grocery store-ail fresh and new for Christmas trade. Our reasonable prices are always a, strong f actor in holding old customers and getting new ones. Here you find the choicest in Staple Grocer- ies, Oranges, Grapes, Bananas, Lemnons, Raisins, Nuts of ail kinds, dandy mixtures of Candies fromn 25e lb. up, Let- us fil your order for pouitry. Farmers, bring us your poultry if it's first ciass. 'iA RR Y ]PHONE 1 " ALLIN sowmÂN VgïlLE Hiave *Sunshine" Furnace For Cold Weather Easy instailed Easy to operate Easy on coal Easy to pay for An estimate places you un- der no obligation uniess per- fectly satisfied. Greenaway & Elliott Heating Experts and Ccngulting Engîneers Phone 18 BowmanviII. Would You Likhe a Piano For Christmas? If you wouid, eall me at 105 Bow,ý7manv7iile. 1 have pianos for every purse-some as low as $1 00.00 F. J. MITCHELL Ontario SEASONABLE SUGGEST IONS Fi your coal bin with Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal at SUMMER PRICES. Cover your roof with Artistie Ruberoid Octab Siate Surfaced Shingles. Colors-Sage Green and Venetian Red. Very best material and manu- f acture. Also roll roofing of various grades and prices to suit every purpose. Replace your unsanitary, dust-iaden carpets with Beaver Brand H-ardwood Fiooring. Cheaper, more wholesome, more durable and better in ap- pearance than other floor covering. fEstimates cheerfuliy furnished on ail kinds of building material. McleIIan & Co., Lirnited King St. East Office Phone 15 1Bowmanville Heuse Phones 228, 274, 218 7 BOWMANTVILrLE, DEC. 18th., 1924, THE DURHAM CLUB, TORONTO AUNT'S TALK TO NIECES i- Mr. and Mirs. R. W. King Of 10 Girls will want te read our dear LOCAL AND OTHERWISE ýWalmer Road, Toronto, are always Auntie's talk to hier nieces which we sure of a 'bumper house, when the giadly pass on to our girl readers. iThe choicest gift that any man Durhami folk meet under thleir hospit-1 Aunt says: can give his friends is him.-self at his able roof, and that means once every My Dea.r I'iece: There is nothing best. year, and last Thursday evening! to be ashiamed of in your desire te Mr,. Fred W. Lee, Taunten, wa n was ne exception and a righit royalj appear young. Youy owe it to your town Friday guest of his daughter,wecewaexedeteilorrs childien and your husband as wel Mrs. A. R. SOtt. We sissed our geniai Presldent,' as te yourself, te miake the very best , Mira. L. Cryderman, Bowmanville, Dr. J. L. Hughes, but Dr. D. J. Gog- e f everyting, and of ceurse, that was a guest of her parents, Mr. and ginl, First Vice-President, submlit-1 must include yourself. Mrs. Jehn Dyer.-Reforrner. ted a program ef' unusuai variety1 If yeu negi-ect yourseif, careiess- Some 60 tons of pickling eniens and quality, censisting of a dunet Of 1 ness& will becomne a habit, and later were grewn inti titti saxýaphene aad piano, by Mr. Mi!-Iflazy indifference; surely a state net yea. he ro is-vl-dd liga ad son, instrumntal usic, Ite be commended in anything. Se yea. Te cop s vlue atMiss ,Alie, Miss Brisbini, tory-tel-i do make the daily effort te give $4,600. igb i.Ageaa r onD Canddate forthe ayority f Kach .- Itgie andgrd that Dyourself a polish, as it were; don't Cniaefoth like mush'- eche T s gre ta the! stop at a mere wash and change of Oshawa are springing up lk js- Club neyer spent a happier eveýningl, dress. roonis. Reeve Geo. N. Gerrow isý together. the latest anaouncedt. <emeigws eoe yav Go te a littie extra trouble, at, Mr. H. E. Reynolds, South Rex- it from Mrs. John Beiiamy of Moeo et a few Ttakek if lyouan-"' ton, Que., is_ visitiag hispareats , Mr. Jaw, Sask., who expressed ber gi-eaU netrevmuesda. takgies onlyaifew and Mrs. Edwin Reynolds, Queea St.. pleasure at being preseat, and she iorsmintesnedgieyrr haîr ab and other relatives and friends ia insisted of -Mr. Yellowlees go buhngad--rrne tb-1 this vicinity. j"The Maple Leaf Ferever", a Sogcomî.ngiy. and ado ae ae o Warden Geo. A. McMiliani, Reeve Ishe heard hlmi sing over 50 yearn or alnndhns of Beach township la four years bas age, and the two oid friends sanigi Your comrplexion, tee, ineed netý -net missed roll cail at County Coun- a verse about, the company jiniingl sufer; innumnerable brnts in the pap-1 cil and was presented at December in the chorus. ers and the geed skia teaics on the sesson itha gid-hade cae ~ A auilber of the oid songs wre mark et wili heip you care for it. bis comi-ades. sung by the cinpany, such as Love's, B ut if yen cannot afferd qinythilng, Old Swvýeet Song, Juanita, The Oidj or prefer net te, thea you wvill flnd T.E.stasypaonyMisQuanet-.Oakea Bucket, etc. 1miik, cream and abuttermilk great T. . as, sprno Mss ea Kd- The haif heur for refresbmneats' softeners and cleaners. die, contral1to; Mr. T. E. East, bass,' *and Mr-. W. A. Dewland, Whîtby, was as usuai, an interchange of Ci aefeharadasrc *tenr-weïe te siag la Whitby Tab- greetings and gladniess aind as Weý attention te hbeaith aad diet ruIesý ernacle on Sunday. are on the eve of anether Christmias, are fai- better than pe'wdering over and a New Y'ear, there wvere mjore in nelhsaowki Aca, A bad epidemic of diphtheria at evidence than usuai.anneatyslwskn Ada, Columbus has been chec:ked as has Thanks were cenveyed te the hesthetysnisaasatrcv. the Wheoping Oough epidemic ln! and hostesa, and al who assîstedý in Naturally, next te the heaith MeKenzie scheei section, Dr. R. J. the pregram on motion of Prof. John study, is the study for cheerfuiaess, 1Rundie, M. O. H. for East Whitby, Squair and Mr. J. D. Keaichie. for witheut either yeu caninot obtain f tld the Board of Healtb. Thus another year's social even- brigbt eyes and a clear comiplexion; Ontarioe County Council bas taken ings was broug-ht te a happjyu and better stili, a happy contentedt action te reguiate truck traffic. close.exrsin Speed limit 15 miles an heur, total________exrson weight of truck and loa.d net te ex- Yen need net worry about ceed six tons. Other ceuaty ceun- FIFTY YEARS 0Fi wrinkies; they. give character te the cils shouid jein Ontario in this me- PUBLIC SERVICEi face, and it is realyv the-- miserable, meniai te the Highways Department. petulant, peevishan axiufce Mi- F B.GlspilTanto, asA Life of James L. 'Hughes, Toronto that look eider than they sheuld. a very successful exhibitor of sbeep W aern ihke neetYeu can train the wrinkles the way at Chicago International Exhibition. Wan bade lta newibokeby Leretthey should go by k apnd scoi- Mi.Giaspeil was one of the high1est anýdlgtanwbo yLref rom the turned dwen lips an yoýl przewinners at Toronto and London1 Pierce bearing the above titie. Itl iag brews. exhibitions and was therefere select- is a book of over 250 pages andi Cide' eak r eeie _ ed tü 1-0 o Chicago.makes capital readînig for any mem- Cide'rnaksreoitiis ed e o t Cîcao.ber of a famiiy, but exceediagly te be taken serieusly, and it is net Friends of Mir. J. F. McMillan, geod as an inspirationai eo frte be expectedl that yeu sheuid like superintendent of-the counties home boys. An oid adage that bs adte bear pther chiidren's mothers for- the aged, will regret te leara some influence on Oui- own carer sflatteringly commrented upeni, boys in that hee bas been cenfiaed te the "What man bas done, man cnd" the 'teens are often critical and par- house threugh illaess for several Se we feel that ne youth can readý ticular regarding those who beloag, weeks, and ail hope te see him "Fifty Yeas of Public re " te hlm, and a boy's pride in his around again shoi-tly. witbout personai profit. It is reaily, home and bis mether and sisters is Rev. J. F. Hai-ton for past five a young man's book, but ' -schol, somnething te be valued. Instead of years pastor of Emanual Baptist teacher, maie or femnale, od fail feeling offended bis eutspoken churcb, Oshawa, bas resigned that te red this book. admiration of others,, or bis i-e- pasteirate and will farewell on Sua- Here is a page la blis ewn words mnarks, think it over and see if there day, Decenber 28th. H1e gees te that iaterested us: sntom fudai oihe. the Baptist churcb at Georegtown, "'In some way, eatirely without i e oefudto o hm Ont. Bey. Mr. Haiton's leaviag wiii m knowledge, somne of the papers To ignore what could be bettered be a distinct bass te Osbawa. one"iv year began te speak of me as ai is te make the boy careless of bis fKflgso Penitentiary will*soon be pssible candidate for-the position of own appearance and morais. A fulat the rate that criminaîs ai-e Mayor of Toi-ente. The Mail priat- -boy who is proud of his home and beiag sent dowa lately. Chai-lesl ed aomlinated blanks each Iay fo people wili be ashanied te do any Laing was fouad guilty oftbe tht severai weeks aad asked its readers thigta ol edtîetlt ofbnsfor $11,650 fron I ogg & te fil them lan witb tbe namnes o eithei-. Lytle, Port Perry, dnriag the sum- their favorite candidates. I oo mer and was givea a termi of tbree took a bigh rank la the lis". It years la Kingston Peaitentiary by was gratifyiag te mie, of course, but Judge Ruddy. 1 couid net understand it. We notice that oui- fermer towa&. 1 accidentally leanned"thýe chief man, CasIl . Ilether ExCom.,source of my popularity, however. I was installed as H. at the regular ie fo twnyig eas t convocation of Orient Chapter, Roy- Baimy Beach fer six mnontbs of eâcb ai Ai-ch Mlasons la Riverdale Masean- year. We grew large quantities efi icTepl o Dcebe 1, t heflowers and it was My customu te SANTA KNOWS annuamleistlton of ofiers. B te,-bring large bouquets te the city annal nsalltin o oficrs Bo-ýevery merning. My, office was on manville boys have a way of beîng iYork Street nt that timte. One ethed aContrp-nlttios, hvntmerning whea I got off the car at EpI.A tbey aConraul ais. i ewbysadl Bt the cerner of King and York Streets, C % b »ai means te the ordinary office staff of flower, Mister",. "eaîny l "Cet-anly ol a aewspaper te turn eut sncb a new- bey", I said, ý'two if you like them". sy edition as was issued lnýst week H1e nccepted thean gratefuily aad M K ST EB T frm The Stateamau Office. We expressed bis gratitude as a gentie- M K ST EB S doubt if any town paper la Canada man. Ail boys of every class have of the size of Bownaavilie cariled always done se te mie whien I de- -o greater space in merchants' an- served eitber respect or gratitude. nounceents. The local paper that Next morning 1 bacd twe news- X M r k. GF goesin te hoescf the district is boys waiting for me and the aumber XA the best medium for advertisers! increased, from day te day until Iý Sometimes mistakes attract more breught the beauty of flewers te ail attention than otberwise. This was the newsbeys of York Street district.i ne doubt thxe case last week when a The beys of -the immediate districtý typegraphicai errer cropped up in of York and King Streets used te Bice & Co's advt wbicb sheuid have- meet mie la the evenings and talk te' rend: "Duiîng the past 30 years we me -whiie I was waiting for My car.1 have soi-d over 300 of these celebrat- One eveaning wbile' four of tbem1 Santa Claus gives his sweetest ed Heaters"-meaaing Pease Econ- wene cffattiag witb me at d1 mi omy Furnaces. There was ne excuse House cerner, a gentlemnan crossed eti h omo o fdl for the priater makiag this inistake Kng Street on bis way te the sta- as Harry writes the copy for bis tien. The whole of tbe boys fol- I Ganong's (G. B.) Chocoates-"Fin advts la a good legibie hand. 'iowed hlmr around flixe corner ta selli Farmers welcomed thxe annouace- him a paper. I overheard wbat the Land", There's a reason- ments made last week by a welî Passedr The gentleman said-: known manufacturer of farm impie- "Who was that mail yen were talk:, Chocolates tempt the palate as no menta that the foiiowing reductions ing té"? "Wby, do't you know had been made: Binder $10; hlm"? One of tbem repiied. else-and at the same time they foi mower $4.50; rake $2; bayloader $5 "That's Jini Hughes, the Sehool Ia- o Critasset gaslin enine$1550;wagn ad pector"j.. And one of the other idelmp ssn maoeent tne t$15t5thiswas ad erMyo" a ymp ssnofmen tmaof Gann naa oeen conisîcereti, $5,500 had Lover of littie cbil<ren.?' been collected and paid te the Pro-1 vincial Treasurer, Liquer seized m and forfeited aaiounted to 175 bot-ý A Bemiedy for Ea-racie.-To have e0 ties, value $525, wbîle one motor car 'the enrache' la te endure torture.1 vaiue $2,000 was seized and forfeit- care te deni witbti it, considering iti ed, inaking tbe total recelpts for thi3 The car- is a delicate organ and few, (Successor to Thomas Tod) license district $8,02.5. Total ex- work, for a doctor. Dr. Thomas' Ec-I penses of administering $1,700, leav- lectric 011 off ers a simple rém, y ~Baker and Confectioner Bowmar ing a balance foi- the Goverament few drops upon a piece of lint or of $6,39-5. Total convictions for medicated cotton and placed ln the yer 6. enr illii do mucb la reiievlag pain.1 (Autherjzed DeF'orest Veule-) HARRY C. ALLIN Division St. Bowmanville idy rs tsenti- dieiOus nest in -these ýthing rm the -iment. ig and Sfrom pricedl ,k for iandly ýed at 50c lb. tt Lnville

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