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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1925, p. 1

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lu With Which Is Incorporate4 The Bowmnanville News M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWIMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 5th., 1925. $2.00a Xear Ini A1vance 5c a C.opy BI 1GG ER V AL U ES TH ,AN EVER For Last Days of Our Great Economy Sale 'Phisý Sale has developed into the greatest money-saving buying event of the year. t Thrifty shoppers are purchasing goods of sterling quaity at greater reductions than ever during balance of the Sale. LADIES' COATS Ail this Season's Coats of the most sought after materials and styles, any coat in the store now miarked down to HALF PRICE LADIES' DRESSES A few Tricotine Dresses in Black an-d Blue, large sizes, were good values at $20,00,...............Your Choice Now at $12.00 Another 'lot of Tricotine Dresses in Navy Blue smaler sizes, originally priced at $25.00,........................Sale Price $12.00 A good selection of Dresses in Satin and Canton Crepes, all sizes, were priced up to $28.00,........While They Last $16.00 Another lot of Satin and Canton Crepe Dresses, good assort- ment and sizes, Regular price $30,00, Now Marked to $20.00. CHILIDREN'S FLANNEL D)RESSES Lot 1-10, 12, 14 year sizes, Regular $4.75 for .............. $3.00 Lot 2-1.2 to 16 year sizes, Regular $7.50 for ..............$.lu ALL WOOL SWEATERS These are manufacturers' samples, from a reliable maker and everyone is a real bargain: Women's Ail Wool Sleeveless Sweaters at $2.00 Women's Ail Wool Sweater Coats from $3.00 up YARD GOODS We cannot beg"In to give a complete Est of bargains in this well stocked departmnent, but these few items give you a slight idea of what to expeet: Serges, odd ends, $1.00,................................. ..Now 65c yd Fancy Curtain Net, 50eç....... ............................ Now 35c yd Fancy Curtain Net ,75ec ................................... Now 50e ydl Crepe Net, assorted shades, $2.00,................Now $1 .25 yd Curtain Madras, $1.O0 ............................ ......Now 75c yd MEN'S OVERCOATS Chincillas, Melt-ons and Cheviots, some with plaid back: $19.50ý Overcoats Redcued to $14.75 $24.50 Overcoats Reduced to $18.50 $35.00 Overcoats Reduced to $26.00 $38.50I Overcoats Reduced to $28.75 MEN'S SUITS A wonderful variety from which to choose a real good suit. $15.00 Suits Clearing at $11.50 $18.00 Suits Clearingf at $14.50 $25.0O Suits Clearing_, at $1 9.50 $29.50 Suits Clearing at $24.48 $35.00 Suits Clearing at $29.50 BOYS' SUITS Boys' Suits with 2 bloomers, Reg. $7.98, Stili Lower at $6.50 Boys' Suits from $10.00 to $11.001, Now Reduced to $7.98 SWEATERS AND JERSEYS This list is made up of ivanufacturers' Samples which are being plassed on ta. our customers at wonderful values: Meon's All Wool Sweatersý$7.50 for $5.00) Mien's AUl Wool Sweaters $5.50 for $3.90 Men's Ail Woôl Jerseys $3.50 for $2.04) Boys' Ail WooI Jerseys $2.50 for $1.50 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Men',- Combinations, Zîimerknit, Regular $2.50, Now $1.7,5 MEN'S OVERALLS Dorn't fail to see the big snap in: Overalls at ......$1.90 Couc h,,Jbnston &Cryderman., lBowmanvlUe Phoue 104 Limýtea THE EDITOIR TALKS DEATH 0F FAMOUS MARKSMAN OLDER BOYS' PREMIER TOWN PUBLIC SCHOCLS DELIGHTS LOCAL AUDIENCES1 Citizens Oakdt pera Blouse Lieut. Franl, Henry Morris Reor for January on tvo 'successive evenings last week t Mr. Gordon Lapp of Brighton, ta en-joy the musical comnedy "Ail After two nmonthis' iiln,,es,ý in the' Premlier and Minister of Finance of Room 1, Entrance Class. (Over Aiboard" presented under auspices of General Hospital, Montreai, Lieut the Fout naj ldrBy'Pr 7 )M1aito 5 . mn Bowmanville Rotary Club for a wor- F'rank H. -Morris of 254 Notre Dame:, pallent, was kept bus'y during his 83, J. Vanstone 82, G. Bradd! 79, B. tycharitabe, pup e, the delightful cie Grace Ave., and eider son of Mr.j-hu tyi omnil as rdra 9 .Bry7, B musical fa.rce having local girls and an-d Mrs. John H. Morris, Beach Ave.': week. Thursday afternoon lie ad-'Hazlewoodl 78, G. Munday 78, N. ,boys with a few sa1ults exclusively Bo wman ville, pasdla nSn ressed the High Sclioai Literary So-1Krtn7,M ala 7 .Ll in the cast of chiaractera, and the day, January 25th., aged 46 years. cit. I te vein e gave an 77. ndrh-rookngpl ws ehared A service was held at the Chapel of~ address in the Methodist Sunday, Prin.cipal J. H. Johnstoin, Teacher. in about two weeks anid staged undeT, joseph.- C. Wray & Bro., 290 Mount-'School roomr under auspices of TuxiS Boom 2, Jr. 4th-Morleçr Van- the personal direction. of Misa Agnes ain St., Montreal, after which the Squares and Trail Rangers. Friday stone, Evelyn Pega'n, PhyllIs IYach, tRoberts, the wonder being that sIierean were brought ta Bowman-, morning on invitation of Principal J. Norrnian Taylor, Jean Bell, Bo Cor- could in so brief per~i train a coin- villeý, the funeraî tnking place fromn H. Johinston, hie vîsited flhe Public bett, Leola Miller, Olive Jonie,, Har- pany of soine 75 school girls and the Methodist Church. School and spoke o severval o'f the old $iemoni,lirvin Yeo. boy cs, repre aes sentugh iy oupa Rev. J. U.Robins, pastor of te!aider classes. FPriday noon lhe was I Miss M. M. Jenniags, Teacher'. an rurd cs fchr ~a sntds er- Chuih, conducted the service, as-guest Of 1Bowmanville Rotary Clubt Roorn 3, Sr. 3rd--George Weekes, edy equied u t it 0on 5 sisted by Rer. D. W. Best, B. A.,, and again gave an oration. ýJack Weeces, Bruce Camieron, Betty spleindidly as to e dligtith wo ca-i- nister of St. Paui's Prealbteri-n Mr. Lapp is imaking a tour of the Famn o unya~ vln pi t ueir enceas w. wee nrtue eutabi and ohinisforting aver Povicein thýe interests of the Can- Goddard equal, Marion Leggott and mpaciity paue Wh W8ing0 Oin thr, . Bt ins1~gaevr produe A nd nurf o his brothe F ôar Sandard Effciency 1Training. Lawvrence Benitz equal, George Ives, histrioniîc art, rdin such varietyA large nme fhs rte o-Work and the Bond Seilinig Camn- Norah Haywar-d. of graceful mo'vae n an-d instruct- esters of Cou.rt Pride of Olntario No.: pagnpf the Boys' Parliamnent whîch Miss Helen G. Morris, Teapcher, ing young schoo~l sdenistOsn 6000, and old friends and citizens be-' is in progresa f frn January $ 1 to Boom 4, Jr. 3rd-Phyiis Chaula, s0 niany cloruses, trios, duets and irg present ta show theii' respect for February lOth. Edward Bagneil and Charles, Cawko.r solos is not oOly a remarkable the departed and synipathy with the' This young Premier appears per-anDoldWiam eulMro ac!ieemntbuta.~~~e1ou baeltbereaved ones. 1 fectly at ease on the Public platforni Battie, Clara Purdy and Helin Purdy and enjoyment to the youn perforni- Hionorp.ry bearers were --Mr.1 and preserits his subject in a clear- equal, MauTice Booth and Gordon e ers. Parents were poud of their c.ilre, s he ajut î~mStewart Boa, Mr. L. Monk, Mr,1 eut and forceful mnlanner. His a-I Jollow and Edward Richards eiual. to be, for only eleve children could James Jarvis and Mir. Cecil Osbo'ne,drsehihaernfulofat Miss Greta M. Wickett, Tc-acher. train in the time an.d resoet suh a The pall-bearers were six Forestera and interesting information regard- Rooni 5, Sr. 3rd-Newton Hack- lengthy and varied program under of the local Court of which deceased ing boys' work are delivered ,rithout ney, Stanley Dunni, Everett Quinn, conditions mentioed (including wa"qs a miember-Messrs. Jamles Wil- flo;urishes and at a trip-hàmmier, Minetta Shortridge, Alan 0,5orne most unfavorable et'her conditions '.mAvnSaeN.5 lmesed and Marjorie Rowe equai. for the rehearsals) an~d not have a G;eo . Weekes, W J. Found, A. Battie.1 The Olîler Boys' Cab'net bas un- Jr. 3rd-Ruth Tuerk, C(harles hitch, hesitatien or hoticea.ble erro The floral off erings w~ere very xlag- dertaken ta maise a budget of $8S,- Gives, Lawson Kirkton, Elva Drew, in1 the three-act, two-hour perform- i- flcent including: Elmployees and 500 this year for Province-widle * va Hooper, Caroline Hamnilton,- and ance. It la eertainlly o great achieve- OffiiaIs of Brownsburg Plant; Seri, boys' work in the f our-f oid (develop-[ Ruby Thomas eqjial. j ment far the girls ifi boys of Bow- geants Mess (U. R. C.) ; Mantreajl meht of boyhEJod. The C. S. E. T.1 J. H. Winter, Teacher. inanvilie. Laý-dies' Rifle Club; Province of activities for 1925 em-brace: 14 sum-j Roon 6, Sr. 2ud--Bessie -Martin, _________-*~ Quebec Rifle Association; Victoria mer camps, leadership traininl rpbe errd opr r cap os'cneeneFate n a Trlume, Grrce Wosh. ,Or ,Rifles (Officer and Commanding Off,- ctmp, ts'caidfereneFte n ai lmeGaeWlh IBOWMANVILLE cIRR ers); Mernbers of Le Club de Fir Son Banquets, mentors' training in- Jr. 2nd-Ale~x Coiville, Greta PUBLIC IR Y Beaurepaire; Grand Trunk Riverside' ttts le boys' parliamlent'and Pearce, Lorraine Pickard, Byron TeGun Club;, President and members Canacianl Standard Efllciency Train- Vanstone, -Russell Hayes, ]Doris Hall. j anul eet*g e th aov Dminion of Canada Rifle Associa. î ng for 12,000 boys. Every activity iNEss E. M. 1. Bone, T-eacher. institution was held in the Library t 0 ; Officiais and Employees of on th-is program laý, a worthy abject, om7,S.2d-iltMFe- room tse n Tuesy January 2for Canadian Explosives Ltd., and Sub' tendling towards a better citzenship. os vlnOe weLuhý n w1e9t5es offcr r eetdfro.Wntrp Brned rEjMebsa! local Tuxis Squares Willie Simpsn equal, Leonari Wil- 1925: tPrniplW.J Mri Monk; Mr. J. C. Cadham; Mraud! and Trail Rangers are naw in the i son, Walter llately, Jack Allin, Bes- Proin, tPriB. AW... oriMrs. Boa; Mir. aud Mra. Kelly; Mr.' micdst of the bond camipaign and are aie 'Gires anffi Russell Oke equal, sou, B.-T-As.H L. and Mirs. Brodie; Mir. Davidson; Mr. meeting with very enqcouraging UC- Riuth Haym--ani and Dudley Bradd *Scy-Tes-If.lSP adiey; Mr-. and Mrs. Entwistle; Mrs ceas and liberalrs1 e t hIr Librariai-Mrs. J., McGregor. IDugu1d; ia .Hwrhalfoiapas rs)ne oterequal. Ms eaL r~,Tahr Committe-Miss 'F. M. Galbraith, M otreal; Mr. James Jarvis, Toron-' After listening te Prem~ier Lapp rBoMis8, 5v . Braggid a ilck, Mrs J.A. cC~i1aa Ms illamta; Mr. C. DOncaster, Osharwa; A. 0- and Stuart James, local niemb-er' for Hilda Hall, Evelvrn Taylor, Xi!l Jol- Quick, Miss H. rters, Mrs. 0eo. Foresters; Wonen of St. Paul's Durhami County, who presi(led at' OW. Mason, esr.M.G V ould and 1Church; dl il ls fS-Tusa ih etnoecouldj J. D. Carruthers Pu' di ibeCaao t Tusa ih'smeig n r. 2nd-Aileen Gibbs, Bill Allin, easre's e~b auls Church; Mr. and Mra. Goorge not help but be inîpressed witlh the Jean Morris. I easue' reprtwaws: ened àlso; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dustai; eanestness and zeal w"ich these ar1t-leLaCde ob- Mr .and Mrs. F. F. Morris- Mrs. 'ys are putting forth "o soîve the snsdU$etYpeul ~ala~e 1 28 .. ~ *irdff; rs~ ian~; Mi a 1dMs îany pmrolens of yqiung Ca.nadians, Miss Myrtie A. Wilson, Tý,acher. Baaebes9f2........ .095 Taylor; Mr. an-d Mrsý. A. Colville; W., which until recent years have been C. Ashton. ftas .....i.d o249eni5eCy byhadults Room 9, Jr. tst-Helen Pritchard, Fines..... ................ 33.27 011Otbr1,10,le.1vsui-nts are netrl yaut.1Samuel Allin, Jean Spry, Muriel Town Grant............. 250.00 On ctrr16191he asui- We bespeak f!or the youngcna-Ton, oga lit jProvincial Grant........ 1350 ed lu m-arriag-e with Miss Edlith Car- sers aur citizens' g-eneraus ;anîd Primler-Gardon Brown, HTarold IDonations................. 25.00 scadden of! this town, who survives wholêhearted support as it sbould benntGeaTulnoMxoi him4 with o ndauoer Bne, ed aLipririlege and pleasure ta assiat the 1Jnes, Teddy Elliit. $75584, 4ya n oesnKneh121 boys in their efforts ta deveiop better Jo sPaleM oiyTahr Expenditures iJohn H. MIoris paudnose rotherMr. Miss PearinM. Sonley, Teacher Books ................... $283.64 yearsH.lsorhis pardes, ir, dMra. ctze1lti gnrtinRoom 10, Jr. Iat-Harry Souch, r ibaraus alr.......30.0Sydney Morris ôf this town. 1 Betty Tamblyn, Harry Taylor, Philip IMagazines............... 63.00' The death of Mir. Frank Henryj Pattrick. Express etc ......... ......2.5.00 Morris is keenly feit by a hast of 1 Pr. A-Ciifford Hall, Tomm-y Dus.- Post Carda and Printing . ... 7,75 friends throughou.t Canada, but par- HOIULURPrEC.R tnFl rn ooer,ac hd. 19i23 accounit re concert.. 5,00 ticuiariy' by his old friends in Bow- Pr. B-Frauk Berry, George Burns Balanice...................(/1.451 manilie where lhe spent the 'greater 1 Thceybsemn forte Htincurai MiBurneli otoer.ahr part aof bis life. -Mr. Morris ascietyMrbas.beenMoortue, lu er- Miss N u tgoniryTah $755.84 bora on Novemnber 29, 1878, atht iculre .. oorie, islecturei Tea mucli praise cannot be given1 Shanidin, Isle aof Wighit. He ihotiulur, a ie is letue <>Iie Woad il the efficient, painstakiug and court- camie ta Canada with bis parentsý "Beautification of Hlome Surround- r 2d-ako Bec, Wii eous Librarian wbo deserves a large ,,,,en 31/2 years of age sud settied tiugs" i n the Opera House, Bowmnan- P~hillips, Cecil Jackman, Betty Blic, share of credit for the pOpularity this îin Bowmanvilie, where hie spent bis ville, on Tuescday, February l7thi., ati Glynn Large, Florence Purdy. institution enjoys by citizens of this youtb and early manbood. As aby8 P. n. This la tbe flrst of a series 1 lst-Willie Dunlop, Hazel Barreil, town sud district. A giance at the he early showed great fonctness f or .ity ig eh edb hsSa ae robm lo ihrs receipta frorri fines impoaed on mem- sports of ail kinds. He was well c suy ad it la boped that ail citizens1 Jack LMutton. bers is a good indication t1-at the knowr as a hce andi baselbal of the town sud aurrounding ceun- Miss F. M. Galbraith, Teachor. ries aud regulations r iergýj player, but his greateat hobby was to try' who are iuterested iu horticuit- Primier A-Jim Woodward, Bille erîorcd.areaio rgidy hoo, ud e oongar eerymd-t rewill endeavor ta attend. The Lougbman, Murray Este, Grace These interesting facts are' cation of the abiiity which was asiter-1 lecure is ta be iliuatrated sud sbould Woodward, Fernie Large, George glenedfro th Liraran' reort wa4s a mke u oe a! te Ipr-ove ai! much iterest sud benefiti Purdy, Douglas Bhznt and Thornley Memberhip-Aduits 227, jureilie' finest ail-round abats ln the British I to every homnemaker. It la' snat neces- Bret qa 10,an increase aof 35 over 1923; Empire.1 sary ta be a memnber of the Society Primer B-Sybil Muttton, Irene 100, n190 Mri, ae i ir n order to attend this lecture, ad- Brookbamn, Gracie Sellers. Magazines-±Subscribed 15, doae(1n197M0Mra md i ia misson la free, and everybady willi Miss Miidred F. Cole, Teacher. 8: Nespaper-Subscribed 2, donat- trip ta Bisiey, sund froni that date un-' be welcome. Don't forget the date. Penny Bank Deposits-$179.97. edl 3; Books-Purcbased 273, d'onat-j tiI 1911 he imadle five consecutrvýe 6-2w Highest Boom-Misa Jenuing-s'. edi 48; books discarded 50i trips. He qualified twelve tumes ai- Pupils on Bol-529. iu an annual report of this kind together for the Canadian Bis y _____________ you are uaturally interested ini kno#' Teatu, but for business reasans he_________ ing what the people are reading. couid oniy make the trip five tiiea.! extensive knowledge of the sbooting These figures show that feion is by' His shaoting was a rerelation andi he game.C a ni a I far tbe most popular readiug: won hundreds of trophies, the result in rifie ±nootn amogeuîy inerari- Fctieni 11,995; Juvenile 3,116; Lit-' of bis splendid and consistent shýoot- acasabtigaogtyug a- erature 263; Hitory 224;. Geog- ing over a numii'er ai! years. Amonga or ns and w55 iSrgely i'espensibie! raphy 78; Biography 114; Beligous the trophies won by Mr. Morris at ili succeorasza!Diion Marks-nil 40; Science 122; N. 'Science 37; Bisiey were these: mea1raiato fjrul Mental Medical Science 34; Poetry King and St. George Cross shootera scattered tbroughaut Can-, Under auspices ai! Home sud Schooi 119; Arts 38; Magazines 1379-Grn geat Grand Cross Id hc o asanelesi Club on Total 17,559, being' an increase ai evc il bminhpOf over fourteen thousand. fHe was over 1923 ai! 3,283. King's Standard aud Empire Shed idedawneuleapea!te U S AY FE UA Y1 Territorial____ Sgiete highest type ai! sportsmen for the 12 DETA ASOIAIO MT t. eiorial Sgrie Rife Age e youllger generation to look up ta 92 Dt.NGeogeAServceARifeNAggEeate auandtoemulate. a .n.a IN BOWMANVIJ4.E Bronze Jeweii 5er. Rifle Agg'regate, t8P .a _____Bronze'Cross Grand I rgaeMir.Marris hiad a hast aof friends Durham sud Ontario Counities 2 - Standard of Enmpire Aggegate f ligý the business associates u TAYLOR'S ARENA sociatian held t .eir inaugural mecet Ai Comiers' Aggregate, Bronze Cross, th"e hardware sud aporting deiers... Prizes will be awarded for th-e fo tisyer t owanHoseonFour King's Bages His siiing face sud breezy persan- f oilowing: Wednesday, January 28th. About Silver Jewell Service Rifle Champion- siymd atigipeso uBest Dressed Lady sixteendetts eeprenfoi shlp ereryoue who became acquainted Best »ressed Gent Oshawa, Whitby,, Bowmianvlle and Canada Club Gold Wteh j.with him sud bis loas will be keelyBest Comic lu 91 M. Mrrs cied hestfffeit by thausanda aof niflemnen sud Beast Comnic Couple Port Hope.in11MrMorsjiethsaf trapahooters tbroughout Canada who Beat Married Couple Dr. W. B. Amyy, a member of! theofai the Domrinion Cartridge Company,,extend deea yrp thyto ia 3~1 staf ofthoDenal Cllae, oroto nd bs dmontraed he qaiiy a! tMori ad emîsud bil-m aaged pr- tDrsedGr No.6 Ir. ý IN n Y A 1 m Àlhý AL

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