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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1925, p. 5

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'-'r> LV ~ r At thte inaugural meeting ai the. Bowmniville Public School Bard Mr F. F. Marris was appointed ohairinan foi 1925. Cammittees wor~e aisoe appointed as follows with first name in eack as chairm-n :?ropety-C. F. Rice, Geo. L. Hall, A. N. McMil- Ian; Finance-Dr. C. W. Sleeman, Geo. L. Hall, C. F'. Rice; Visiting-A, N. MeMillan, Dr. C. W. Slemon, F. C. CoIlmer; Representative ta ighi Schoýol Board-Rev. D. W. Best,1BXA1 Daffodil Blooms ow we have a nice lot1 ils coming inta bý. lam off or these seasanable 4ther eut or on the Daffodils in pots at froni 25c to $1.00 according ta vaiiety and number of bulbs în pot. Daffodils cut at $1.00 $1.25 and $1.50 dozen Give baffodils Now S. J. Jackman & Sons Floilrsts Phone 80 Bowrnanville Valentines Our comprehensive col- lection of lovely Valen- tines, comprising a wide range ,froni serio-comics to cards. and booklets Qf exclusive design and ar.- tistic menit, is offered for you~r inspection at very at.- tractive prices. 5c to 75c W. T. Allen Big 120 Bookstore Bowmaniville Special Sale of Underwear Children's Natural White and Black Draw- ers, sizes 2 to 12 years, IRegular up to $1,00, Extra Special Thursday, Friday and Saturday 35c PAIR Children's White BIoomers, particularly well tailored, our famous M93 line, reguIar up to) al Thursday, Friday and Saturday 50c PAIR 1 S. W. Mason & Son Gooda and Ladies' Roady-te-Wear, 06 Bowtmanville PUBLIC SCHOOL BOAR~D Sa-sk., is visiting his sisteis, Mis. 1 Geo. Brown and Miss Carrie Broad, Carlisle Ave. Mi. Bîoad is a native af North Darlington but leit there; Iover 40 yeaîs ago ta take Up Laad in! the West. We understand he has done well and is nùw living in the town educating bis f anily. The Baroness de Hueck Entertain-i ment in the Opera House on Thuis- day, February 12th., High. School Liteiary Society. Reserved seats 50c. Childîca 25c. We are pleased tao rece-ive a letter from aur old Darlingtanian Mi. S. H. Short, Viaeland, North Carolîna, brother oi Mi. W. D. Short ofi is1 tawn. He and wif e have paçsed thîce score and ten mark and re-, port s bath -well. As usual tbey say 1 "Cant get ak.ng witihout T he S1ate.- înu. Thaniks for paper sent. Miss Jessie McDougall of Rex~ Business College was awaý,-rded the bronze medal in'the January 40-word contest having written 44wodpe minute ifoi llfteen consecutive imin- Utes. In the 30-word coatest forý Jnnuary ceitifica.tes weîe awarded ta - Misses Edith Cator, Pauline Turner, Messîýs. Ernest Goddard andi Earl Bynni. Mis. Hl. W. Euîk, Mrs. C. B. Kent and Mis. R. M Mitchell are visiting, Mi-s. J. H. Hall, Braifford. Tuesday ' they were entertained by Mis. Thos. Fissette of that city who has as bier guests, ber sister, Mis. P .C Trebil-, cock and Miss Margaret Trebilcocki of this tow-%n. Mis D. Smîith ai Gait,' was also amang th'.e gests who en-ý joyed the Bowm-aaville re-union. TilthP V fVOt a)UJ.l, TÂ1 Jili HBryand Mi. R. Worthington, Toronto, weîe over weekend guestsý ai Mi-, and i.[s. Ed. Bradley, Osb-j awa. Miss Marion M. Van Nest ai former nenibei ai Bownianville iMethodist Choir sang in the Pîesby-i terian Church and "Th'e Telegramn" says: "Miss Maiion Van Nest ai Ceýntral Methoçist Church Choir, Toi- onta, rendeied the solo, " Repent Ye" with fine feeling and interpre- tation.,". BARONESS DE HUECK tUnder auspices oi H. S. Literaryý jSociety, -Oper7a Hanse, TIh rsday,I IFebruary 12th. Also f olk dancingi by the students. Plan aifhllopens nt Mitchell's Drug Store, iida'y Feb- îuary 6th., noon. ReseYed seat3s 50c; children 25c. Some Press notices: The entertainnient given b'y thej Barone-as de Hueck was ful ai inter-1 est and surprise. Her appearance1 in ber native costume ai the Rus-1 sian nobllity was- indeed regal andj created a sensation, as well as ber' question box. She held ber aud-1 ience spellbound throughout theý whole, twa bonis ai ber talk. Twoi retuin engagements have been secur-1 ed by ber upon terminatian ai hei spoke twice, la French and in Erg- lish; hotb were the success ai the year.-Winnilpeg Fiee Press. The Baroness de Hlueck, a beauti- fui Rýussian Noblewonian, who 18 Imsking ber home la Toron>to, quite.i j oaptuied the large audience that turned out ta ber celebiated talk an- "Personal Experiencea" ........ Wej jpie dîct for ber a brilliant future as! an entertainer.-The Toronto Satur- day Night. NEW HOCKEY SCHEDULE Bowmanville IatQrryýediate hoackey team bas entered tbýý consolation series la nthe O. HI.A41 The achedule: Feb. 6-Whhtby  otPery Femb. 9-Port Perry at Bowmanville Feb. 1 2-Bowinanville at Whit by Feb. 16-Port Perry at WhiVby Feb. 185-Whltby at Bo'wmajnville jFeb. 2O-0-Bowmanville at Port Ferrj BIRTIIS McFE ETlERS-Ir omnileHsi ai. Sunday, Feb. 1, 1925, ta Mn. mAd Mrs. ChJas. MoýFeeters, a diaugbite. (Stili- borui.) 1 iîîgîiuse iRauiola 111. ýSi1as bîas 1 OBITUARY been conllnied ta the bouse for sev-! - eral years and the younig people took1 Mrs. W. W. Allin, Bowmrýaniille tliis means ai cheering his lonely_____ hours. The family lived at Raby -laapdsceio anubra Head, Darlingtan, beiore removinî ng owanilluessiondeay citiereo ta the West. Mis. Britton is a sister Bowm ta th'seli evely homznsae. ai Mrs. John Wonaacott and otheri passing o oterhael oe memlbers ai the Knight family whoi Theie iassod ta rest on >XYc(ý nesday reside bere.. evening aiter nearly twa esis' 111- To "Oui Daddy af the Musicians" ness oune ai 011 esteemed and ahliast lifelong residents in the persan ai -Mr. David Morrisan, Senior-we1 Mis. William W. Allia aged 72 years. are suie ahl citizens wlll offer theîîj Mis. Allia'Is maiden name was Re- heartiest conigraulations-barn on becca Ana Wilson, daughter of Mr. Jauaary 30, 1849, in the Highlandsi and Mis. Wilson ai Darlingtoa. She ai Old Scoti.a, he celebrated his 77th was left an Orplan very early ln biîthdlay on Friday last. What he has lile, far ber, father was diownedi done fo"r the advancemeatao flmusic and ten manths after be~r birth her and the enteitainnient of Oui citi- mother passed away. XHer grand- zens duriag the last haîf century can mother, Mrs. Hamley, took charge ni-ver be fully appreciated aoi estini- oaiber and cared for lier until she ated. His hasts ai friends near and reached wor-nanbood. far will be glad ta hear that Mr, On July 2, 1867, she was united in Moirison is enjaying beat ai health 1 marriage wiith lier now sorrowing and is daily on active service at the fhusband, Mi. William W. Allia, and Goodyear Tire and Rubber Factory.I they lived veiy happily until ber ___________ Ideath. A remiaikable incident in t onnection witb ber residence ln 50-TUXIS BOYS-50 Bowmnaaville is that 59 years ai beri lufe she lived continuously an Kiagi Tuxis Boys ai Bowmnanville Meth- Street, remaving only last Decemnber odist Church wiil put on a Minstrel ta their home on Horsey street., Night la the Opera House on Tues- whea Mi. Allia resigneçl his position day, March 3rd. These boys ai the as caretaker at the Post Office. combined Squares are putting this For the past two nionths Mis. Allia show across ta provide /necessaiyl has suffered conisiderably, keeping dranlatic training and ta show the lier bed for a f ew weeks until death peope ofBowmnvile wht th 1îeleased bier irom ber sufferiags. Tuxis Fellows cati really accomplîsh Th ueatokpceFiyaf in the li'w ai entei-taining. A load1 ternoan, service being coaducted by ai fun iacludiag a short pîay onad ber pestai, Rev.J . Robins, as- pyrar-nid building will be pîesented.1 sisted by Rev. W. H. Sparga wbo Reserve the date. Tickets an sale gave vei-y comforting messages ta at an early date.f the bereaved relatives. iThe paîl-beareis were Messrs. W. fPaintomi, J. T. Hooper, A. Mitchell, IJ A. McClellan, W. Caldwell, John MINISTERS AND CHURCHES C. Stacey. iShe leaves ta maura the loss ai a Rev. J. H. McBain, Pastor ai Sim- good wiie and mother, ber husband, coe Street Methodist Church, Osh- one son, Mi. Gea. W. Allia ai Van-, awa, has been invted ta Oakville. couver, B. C., who on accaunit ai the Methl.ist Snnday SIchoo1 Anai- long distance was unable ta be pi-es- versary an Sunday, Maîch Ist. Rev. ent at the funeral, and onedugtr C. W. DeMille, B. A., Oshawa, will (Edith) Mis. Albert Gilders ai this pieach. town. Methodist Chureb, Rev. J. U.' Rab- Mirs. Allia was a life-long menmber tas, Pastor, wllpîeach at il a. m. ai the Methodist Chuic1h and its var- and 7. ini.an Sunday. Sundayi ious denominations-Primitive, Bible School at 2:30 ûP. m. Christian and Methodit-veery faitb- St. auls Curc, Rv. . W Bet,1fulinlaattendance always taking ai St. auls Curci, Rv. . ýest keen iateîest ln ail church work.1 mainister. 1 L a. m. -"The Jaure1 b ainaelsneagodegh of Lufe." 7 p. m.-Chr-ist as Guest iora n a ielsnse oallgwoo negh and Host. 2:30 p. im.-Suna. j aIl ru fiadt al h ke Schtll andBibl Clases jeautiful floral offeri>igs, ai wbich' Ennisklllen Quarteily OfficiaI 1she was very fond, covered the cas- Baard ai the Union church at the 1 ket and weîe fi-rn the memlbeis Of meeting on Monday unaaimausly i"-'j her awn iarily and rnaary sympathiz- vitedl Rev. E. C. Belknap ta remlainI ing iriends anad citizens. as thiei pastai another year which j Among the relatives and friends he pleasiagly accepted. fi-rn a distance were Mis. Hairy Exceedingl'y apprapriiate and help-1 Dunsiord and son, Mi. Cecil Duns-J ful sornons were preached by Rev7. fard, NMis. Fred T. Heal, Mr. and J. U. Robins, the Pastor, on Sunday 1Mis. Hlarold HeaI, Mis. Bei-t Brocki ia the Methodist Chai-ch, bath dis- 1Mis. John H. Joli and Miss Thelmaý courses beîng based on thie -ardisl Gilders, Toronto, and Mirs. J. T . "I will lift ny eyes unto the 'llla, Gould, Wbitby. Sacrarnent ai the Lord's Supp er wa adniinistered ta a large number of WOMEN'S INSTITUTE communicants., Miss Marg7aret AI-f lin sang a solo at the evening ser.- Ovr5 me esatnddB - vice.manviLie Women's Iastitute meeting Friday aiteinoon at home ai Mi&ý T. JUNIOR LOSE FIRST GAME C. Je-well. Mis. W. AdCams, Vice - - President, was la the chair. Open- Bomnvle' opsof wvinninig the ing ode was sung witb Mis. J. U. gnoup la second round of O. H.U. Junior fRoi hockey senries were tmRobin satend s 'tpiano. 0f teil quilts Modynight at Taiylor's Rtink when made by iearbeis, six are ta be Peterboro defeaAv'd the local puclr chas- sent to Matheson Hospital, Nol-th ens 5-2. Prospiects looked vr n nai foi distribution nmng the ccouraging for borne fans in f-st pei O ntareaeriigpopae witb B3owmanville one goal up due ctareaae i needyaedi long shot by Hooper. soon after the in- 1 for Fresh Air Camp. RaIl Cal termnission Chartran made it 2-0. Thatj'brought forth several happy respon-ý ends tbe best part of the story so farf ses Mi.HBasnedappe as local fans are conicerned for right Ms .BIonra ae thereý Peterbora asserted itself and be on Balancîng aur Lives" a-nd Miss fore the final gang sounf Mecougall, the Eleanar Wood sang a couple ai solos wiry midget playing centre fthevi-which e iuhapcatdR- itons, scored 4 goals whlle Saînon add ee ah iiuoiae. e one more. 1 i reshrnents were seived and a hearty There. was plenty of excitement ail vote ai tbaaks extended ta the hast- through the gaine wlth play neyer la-g- ess moved by Mis. E. R.. Bounsall ging. Referee Glen Smnith kept the and seconded by Miss Mijlnie Web.. match well under control althou gh it ne- ber. Next meeting on February 27 qilred 17 penalties ta do so. The > tth oe iMs J .Rik-d turn gaine willl b. payod ut Peterbooatten hoSmeet. r. .G Rcad iFniday nlght. Cnr tet Lost or Found F0 UN O-Bosto)n Bull Terrio.ppyt StatesmanOfie - BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 5th., 1925.1 LOCAL AND TEWS f Wheat is $2.05 in Winnipeg. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE 1 Several articles are held over. Mrs. W. H Roenigk, Lindsa, is *Mrs. Fleming is visiting Dr. and l visiting her sister, Mrs W,.IF. D)ale. Mrfs. James Moore at Brooklin. MrJu Regkteneltefu- Churh Uion ammtteereprtseral of his brother at Trenton oný -vote: For Union 1,096; against 349 Monday. Mrs. Miles Knowles, Toronto, hias -Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Toronto, iîsý Ieen visiting Mia. T. C. Jewell and j'isiing er daughter, Mis. J. O'Neill, other old frienuis here. Church St. Folk dancing will faim,1 part of Miss Winnifred Worth, Toronto, rrogiamlne at High School entertain- Sunae 1hMi n i.W rient, Opera House, Thursday, Fe'b-ý Claude Ives. Mw-iss CohraePiniplof Mi. Gardon Lapp, Brighton, Pre- Mis Cohrae, rinipa oftheý mier af Ontario Boys' Older Parlia- Rex Business Callege, has accepted a, ment, was guest of Mir. and Mis. position as teacher in the Canada i Gea. W. James while in towni last Business College, Toronto.wek Miss Annie Coulter, Dietetia~n ati Monday's Toronto Globe contains the Hospital for Inîcu.rables, Toron- an editorial on Home Training alang to, spent the weekend with hler par-; une's af the Edîtor's Tal1k on 2nd enta, Mi. and Mis. Thos. Coulter. j page af this issue written on Friday,1 TIhe regular morthly meeting ai Janu'ary 31th, Re ad bath. the Womnen's Hosptal Auxilhary I Miss Noa s ibson enteîtained a1 w1i11 be held Fîiday afternoon, Feb. t nuniber of her High Schaol friends Sth t 3:0 p.m. i theCouncilat a jolly snow-s'hoeing and sleighing I Room. party on Friiday'evening last. Afil j Mis. James Knight, Bîooklin, pass- report a very enjoy'able timie. ed away on Tueýsday, Januaiy 20th., The White Shield Club will cele- it being lber 5lst wedding day. She brate Valentine on Tuesdiay, Feb- was la h-er 78th year and leaves lier raylt nS.Pu' et~ husband and three diaugihter. I Rom iat 8 p. m. sharp. Corne in Students frani Rex Business Col- costumie and dan't f org-et your val- lege, (Bowvanville), wha were suc- entine. cessful in passig thie examnination -Miss Marion Van Nest of the' necessary for the junior stenographic Central Methodist Church, Toronto,1 workwereMisss Jesie cDauall sang a delightful solo in the Presby- Edith Cator, Pauline Turnaer and Mr.,tra Ernest Goddard. trinCEiuch Sunday miorning. Herý Snigwas greatly appreciated byl Mis. Thos. Heighton received the large conigiegation.-0shawa Re- Word fram lher brother in Bristol, f orier. England, that hier mather passed aw,,ay on January 7, 1925, in lier Scientillc palinist here to-nmorrow 77th year, after an illness af twa <Fiiday) and Satuid.ay. Have your1 years iesting peaýefully at Erdrhg- Lands read by th-.e scinttfic palmist, ton, Birmingham, England. (lady), ýwho has read the hands af Mr. . W Aleandr an Mr Jý t. many distinguished people, also for Mi. T. W Alxandr ad Mi J.Hi ospitals and specialists, Balmnoral IH. Jury accepted the invitation of j otel, Room 7, haurs 10 a. mi. 1ta His Honor the Lieutenant Governor m1 af Quebec and attended a meeting,9 s. ens$10 - of the Banne Entente in that city On Christmas eve a party of Esýton, and also of the mayor ai Montreal jSas,"k., young people cansisting of whiere they spent a couple af days irmembers of C. G. I. T. TVuxis Boys 1 enjoying the good fellowship af oui a"d Trail Rangers invaded the homne Eastern Province residents. af Mis. Wmi. Britton and presentedi Mi. Robt. L. 'Broad, Assinihoia, . 1S~s*~t atotb et MARRIAGES CAL DWEL L-MA L LETT-Mr. and Mrs. J _R. Mlet Oshawa. announce the maraeof theirdagtr Florenoe WelhyInd David Willia1n Caldwefl, ats'lby M-otel. Toronto. on Jan. 1. 1925, bvypRev. W.A. Cmrn McLEAN-FÉRGUSON-Sattu-rd, ýl an 17th, at St. MarysMadee Church,, Picton, Ont., by Rev. J. M. Lyons, Lillie, daurghter of Mr. and MIlrs. Chillie Fer- guson, Hallowell, to [Evain H cen Picton, Ontario. -- DEATHS BENSlON-At B3ewd-leuy, Ontario, oni January ' 28th., 19215, John Býenson. SPOTTO N-At Port Hope,, on Janiuary 27, Francis Spotton, ag-ed 57 yeýars. ELLIOTT-At Pryon on January 29, Charlottec Elliott, in her 68th year. PEMBERTON-At Port Hlope, JanuaLry 27, Jessie Oliver, beloved wif e of William HAMBLYN-In Bowman-,ille-, on Fni- da1y, January 301h., -925, William H1-am-1 blyn, aged 82 years. HANSMAN-At Port Hope Hospital February lst., 1925, Asa Hansn.'l. sort of the Late Michiael Hansman. JARVIS-In Bowman ville, on Suindfay, 1Felruary 1, 1925, Mnl'y Rdel belovedl wife of Mr. RcadJarvis, ChIief 0f Police. CAMPBELL-Ini Orono, on Jan. 26th., Cathenine McPhersoni, bvdWife of Mr. Joseph Camiipbel[, aged 89 years, 7 months. ALLIN-In Bowmanville, on Wedcnes- day-, January 28th.,2, Rebecca Ann, beloved1 wif e of Mr. W. W. Allin, aged 72 years. WI LSO N-On Wednesday, Janay 8 at hier residenice, 128 1,awtonBldT- onto, Alice (Giles, belovedl wif e of Charlesi A. W\ilson. WOOD-At her latte residlence, il brook, January 28th., 1925, in her 8_11nd year, Sasanna ood, wvidooý0f the late Archihald Wood. LAWRI E-Wedne.,sdaqy Japuary 28th., 192'5, at his late residence, North Mark- haJames Lawrie, beloved husband of the late Jane Patton in bis 75th year. ROENIGK-A-ýt renton, Januatry Sl1st., iLewvis R'ot&igký, brother of MUrs.Knox anud Mrs. Iillings, Toronto, M.Julei Roenigk of Bowmanville, and Mr s. C. McCullough, Trenton. Notice to Creditors' Estate of Fanny Mitchell, Deceased Patrties having dcaim s Laantth tate of Fanny M\itchelil dceased. Dar - lington, who died May lOt, . Dà1924, atre requliired lta send the saine ta W. K. N. Sin clair, R. C.,4-Oshawa, on or befone Pebnruary 24111, 192;5,) after wlch date dlistribution wil] be made baving regard only ta dlainis then filed. This no-t ice is given la pur suance of R. S. O. 1914,Cp 11Se. 56 and amieadments thereto. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K. C., Jan. 24th. 1925. Oshawa, Ont, 5-3, Notice to Creditors Take notice that ail pensoas havlng c ainiant the late Hariett Been wýid-j ow, and the late John Beer, farmer, bath of thie Twn oi f Darlington, in the I County of Dunharn who dieç anj or before Apnil 30, 1921, are hereby n e- quined ta forward notices of sueich aims ta the undersigned, on or before Febru- ary 15th, 1925, as on that date distribut- ion of the Assets of the said estaten shal be ma-de, havinig regard, only ta suchi clainis as may be filed ta that date. Signed, GEORGE H-. BEER. By Mlis Solicitor. J. P. Mangin, 5-3 Oshawa. Ont. MORTGAGE SALE -Unden andi lýy Virtue of tlïe Powens con tained in a certain Mon9tgage whicbi will be p)roduýjced at the timeic of Sale. thereWillubeoliered for sale by Public Auctioni oi S aturday, the 7th da of Februairy, 19-25, at ý2 o'clock In the after- noon at the office of M. G'. V. Gud Barnister. Roýyal Bank Bulig Bow- manville, Ont., hy Thea. M. Siemon1-, 1Aucýtioneiier, Lot 1 and part of Lot 2, Block35 Town af Bowmnanviile, bcing' on1 the Nonth East Corner of Lowe St.1 and1,Beech Ave., and formerly known as the King Homestead. On the preip- ises are situiated a two and onie-haîkf starey brick bouse with hbardwaad faoons down stains andi ah modlern improve- ments together with out-buildings. TERMS-Ten Per, Cent (10%,) of pur- chase mroey ýta be paid at thie tiîme afi sale, balance ta bcipaid thinty days (:30) thereafter, or if cdesireçi Pif ty Pen Cent, (50%) of purchase maney may remina in ~on a Martgage witb lnterest at Seven Per Cent (7%) Fer Antum. For fui-- ther partîculars and condition S of sale apl)Vy ta M. G. V. Gauld, Barrister, Bow- iansvil]e. Ont. DATED at Bowmnanvi-lle this 19th day of f Jaauary, 1925. 4-3 Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Thursday, Friday, Saturday Feblruary 5, 6, 7 "One Law for the Womn" With Cullen Landis and Mildred Harris Articles For Sale PU.PS ,OR SALE-2 maIe Cockert Spaýtiiels. Apply ta Cllarke Bras., Scugog- C0W FOR SALE-Jersey, ta freshen t11 Flel ir-ary -th. Apply ta E. S. Clark e, I Scug-t.0Bomanville. 6 -3wTv: FOR SALE-2 _g.ood mnuskratrObes Will seil at real bangains. -3pply Percy Co(wani, Liherty St., B1owmanliville-. Phone 270. 5-31 COW FORý SALE-Dughamn and Ayr- sbiire Milc1h Cw extra goadj. Apply ta Clif Cavenl, Cncession - G. Bwan- - EN-G1-N E F OR-,SA L E---('Ga sol1ine--En- t gine, Gofuld, Shiaply & Muir, 31½ H. p. witb i agneto, Happer cooled. A7pply ta E. C. oar, Newcastle. 2-tfý BULL.S FOR SALE-2 Aede nu Bulîs, registered, bned frami the be(st of stock. Apply ta Truman Power, Maplej Grave, Phione 134-31, Blowmni.ville. 5-34 FOR SALE-Oýxford HIeater, self feed- en; camp) bedl; single bed; bat1h tub; Bis- sell Carpet Sweepen. Apply ta Charles McjjFeetens, Cuc-tBwavle FOR SALE-C edan fence- posts fromn 20)c eachb and -,il); lso mrixedc dry woadi eut in stove lengthis, at $10 pier cordt. Mrs. Olsen, W,,iltsinie Fairm, R. R. 5, B>owmanv ille, phaone 181-5. 3-tf FOR SALE-12 school desks; 1 smnail argan; 1 beating stove-staition Agenciti No. 24 in goad rnepair; a numben of 7-1nchi s;tove pipes; building 1012- with good noof, in good shape, two gates one 3 ft.1 wide, othier 10 ft. wide. Apply ta W. J. S. tickhard, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. Phione 111-14. 5--2w, $ 6.50 Per Room INCLUDES WALL PAPER AND PUTTING IT ON This month 1 will supiply Wall Paper (ail 1925 patterns), and put it on any room up tû 12 ft. by 12ft., at the exceptionally loiw price of $6.50. If you are goilng ta do any de- torating it will pay you to take advantage of thio special offer. Big assortment of Wall Papers from which ta make your Selee- tion. Don't buy till you have seen, My samples. G. Pritchard DECORATOR Cor. KING AND SILVER STS., BOWMAN VILLE Baker and Confectioner E. F. WEEKES Ccmmunity Grocer King and Ontario Sts. Special Re duced Prices In Gro'ceries Tili Feb. 7. See last week's Statesmaia for big list ai savings- it's woith your while. Mainy are buying ini large quatities. We Deliver la Tow,,n E. F. WeeIkes The Comniunity Grocer Corner King and Ontario Sts, Phone 226 ring 4 MOVED O)n Mconday, February lst., I will occupy iooms iiptar- ONE DOOR EAST 0F7 BOWMANVILLE GLOVE &ç MITT CO. I will be prepared ta do al kinds of fur îepairing and altert- ing. Special Values iii Fur GOoats. Thurston Fur Sliop Phone 14 King-st. W. Bôwmanville Bowmanville Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday February 9, 10, il Cecil B. DeMille's "Feet of Clay" By -Margaret Tutile with Rod La Rocque, Vera Reynalls, Ricardo Cortez, Julia Faye, Theodore Kos- loif, Robert Edeson and Victor Varconi Thursçlay, Friday, Saturday February 12, 13, 14 Pola Negri in "East of Suez" Mondlay, Tuesday, Wednesday February 16, 17, 18 Richard( Dix in "Manhattan" Ir .- w ARTICLES FOR SALE Thiese pries cdefy comnparison for1 Gloveýs landMitts: Horse biide, one-finger iunlined gaunt- jet $1.00 pair. Shiort 1-icbmu, on-finger 45e pair. 48 pairs only, horse bid, hog ýskin andl buck skin gauntiet gloves, clearing at $1.00 pair. Menis unlined kid and suede gloveýs, 1 $1.75 to $ý2,75 pair. M\en'*s silk lined( gloves, highi gradle i3uede and kid leather, $0 and $3.75. 39 pairsLais tan strap ullned goeclearing at $2.00 pair. Ladies' tan chocolate aind(1 biack gauintiets, lined $2.3a., unlined $2.25 pair. See these real bargains at BOWMANVILLE GLOVE & MITT CO. Ltd. iNextLStaitesmain Office, Bowmnanville Janitor Wanted l For Bowmanvllle High Scliool. Appli cations will b,- received for above posi- tion Up to Tuesday, Feb. 10th. inst. Sa]- ary $750 per ,anniim. Duties to comn- menceMaýr0h lst., 1925. 6-iJ. S. Moarcrift, Secretary* Farms te Rent PARM TO RENT-126 acres, lot ,B. F., Darlington. Plowing possessi on ut once. full possession April 1, 192-5. Ap- plJy to Mrs. James MacConnlachie, R1ing1 St-..,E., Bowmnanville. 34-tv, 150 ACRE FARM FOR SALE-Withjn two iles of Orono, good land, good buildings, valuable tîmber, plenty of water. Con'venienit to schools and mar- ket. N."oted as a great producing fairmn. Land in good sat of cultivation. Bar- gain for quick sale. Liheral termns. Get fui]l particulars from R. Z. Hlall, Portmaster. Orono.50t TAKE NOTICE From this date 1 will not be respon- sible for any debts contracted in miyi naine unleýss auithorlzed by me. Chiarles H. Bur 9ess. Bowmianville, February 2, 1925. - Children MayShop No need of coming to our store to select your meat order, if. you are busy. Just send one of your children. and. we will give your order the same care and attention as if you shopped your- self. 0f course, phone orders are also given prompt attention. As Marshall Field once said, and we agree with him: "The customer must always be satis- fied". G..AL. Edmiondstone Bowmanville P~hone 21 Eat C'"'ORBETT'S Bread There's no substitute for High Quality. If you are harboring the thought that economy and health are wrapped up with cheap breadl, just, sweep the idea fromi your mind, You'.re irnf air to yourself and your faiiy when you reach out for price and neglect quality. Corbett's Bread contains only best quality in- gredients and is baked under most sanitary con- ditions. Try a loaf to-day. Ice Cream in buîk or brick always on hand W. P. Corbett

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