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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1925, p. 6

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iýJ, Nobleton, Gnt, writes: U *"I was a great sufferer lrom severe headachies and billius silIs. 1 tried a num ber of remne- (lies Without obtaining any bene- fit until 1 was advised to use Dy. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pffis. These competely reieved me, and made me feel like a ncw person. 1 am ~very grateful to'cir. Chase s Mdceies for what they have clone for me, and you nMay use ~rmy lktter for the benefit of c:diers." 35 pi, EFduanijgoe Babes & O.,, LL, TSveiý Eu'Glafrom Each li to lai, eggs, and liens -will positivelIy lay mnore eggs- YOU Put a dose of Fratt's Poultry Regulator ini the feed lealer le authodized to gýive baclc your moniey if it fails. 3L PRATTr 100!D CO. OF ?CANADA, LT!). TORONTO HErADan im2P.ýn H.ad.chee N -algi I ..-' ~9 I <huirch was the flrst thing with theini A Public Jubilee Celebratianis Hield' and it hadi a vital influence upon at First Methodit Church on Linesi him as a youth. of thie Service Which Inaugurateicl 1He also owed a great deal to the His Ministry at Artlur Fifty good men and women in t ec, hurcli. Years Ago. Thieir faces and voices werx. aùncea to hinm now as if lie had( just met The large attend ance at the jubïIee them in the str e. r. Rýogers service of Rev. D). Rog-ers in First ae ay fteppeh a Methodist Churclh-* in St. Th omnas,i met whio hadi crossed the boumie, anid January 11th., was pirtly due to, ai sýaid hie did pot thilink of themi as ho- desire toc be present on a very inter- n a wy btol eaated by esting occasion, but chiefly proinpted a Veil. hy a desire to pay personal tributeý Amioag theim lie mientioneci John to a mran who has been the faithluil Potts, "the man of the silvery voice, an-d tender shepherd of 50 many1 silvery heart and thoixght'"; "the flocks, who, althoug'h offilcialiy retired niajestic and saintlY Douglas whose frorn the Mthodist Mâinistry, îs yet eloquence was brighter thgn the sun- active in well-doing. set of a tropfical elimie"; "the fervent and sagacious John A. Willianms, His sunny, gernial personality,, w\hose 'hand waüs placeid upon my which outwatrdly refiects the serenity. head at my ordination"; "the schol- of mind that his life of Christian; arly and unjiversally beloved Hugh experience bas engendered, and bis Johnson"; and "the silvery tongued strong, unswerving belief in Christ- orator Rev. Dr. Heniderson, who died ianity, whicb enables him to, regard a few weeks ago in MoafrieaV'. 1"I the numn.bered years with calmi comr- knew them afl" he sald. "They are posure, impressing ýand inspiring alil now enshriined on high, -wearing the wIIQ corne in contact with him ia the, amiaranth of 'well dlone' forever; and church and ia the street makes hlm happy is hie that hears the bells of an outstaniang figure. tie Uoly City that chimie through As hie stood at the desk Sunday ete-rnity"f niorniing, a fine comimanding pîctureý Address Presented of Christian mnanliness, boldly ex-, poinding a theipe whch he has pro-' In behaîf of Piist Mlethodist con- claimed for the past fifty years,' bis gi'egation, W. F. Thomas readl an ad- hearers were mnade to, feel the heat dress whieh ýsaid la part: "Those jof the isacred tire within hlmii which who know that you have held unfat- g-ave warm-ith an, ador to, bis words' eringly to tbe essentials of Chrisýtian and illuinied bis face -wlth a beauti- faith through your long years of ser-d ful and ethereal light. vice and have helped to stabilize thep faîth of your hieareres by the nlote of N1e had no notes, but there -was no certainty that has cbaracterizedl your i groping for words. They came with utterances in public and private. a resonant fluency fromn this Gr'and Your heart has held a warnrtih Old an o th minstr, an lawhich bas indicated that you have style and expression this sermon on'lvr ied near to, the Gulf Streamn of his fiftieth aniniversary was wrt o chee ivueagn oeadti i, o-rUelofiet cncptinsof iscail- mande your inî-istry a comfTort and fi irtl--j inspiration to multitudes ln those E Ail classes and denomiinationis hours when a heart commiirunication I were present at this service wvlici aterthn a-1ogical presentmnent of si was unique i-n that it conformied as tr-uth w-\as more neei, 42 b far as possible to the service con-: "Nature endowed yiîwithi a suni- ducted by the young iniister on nY disposition, and [ ,com[bnedf January 10, 1875, la the Methodist, with the added chiarm, hle spirtat Church at Arthur. One wo,,hipperý fellowships of life gilve oi personal- wIIQ heard hiim preach that day againi ity ,bas always maddcl omiipanion1shi sat in the pew Sunday norning. Thisn with you a joy to old a iîd(lyoucîg ed itî a pleasure andi you this e present. yourm irî se bmassu~g l th our appi ee Lmiissungin te, as a chur iur two have been elim-godw le ~odem hynal, but zealous a wbose memomy is an m'ucli bel( ît of a virile and un-, years moý lect, epeated the ver-, impart bl t lineg of these hymnsý A heau ne the faith which can presented nk tbe îuountain in a Dwîm Let the redeeaied give1 nak le ic1 Icannot raise' Rogers to Jesus blood". j telegrainG Mmr. R. j. -R'o,,e was, re-appoiated towshp ssssrat last îmeeting. Miss Mairy Long, from Desboro and Il(or'Onto, is at her aunt's, Mr,. T. SqmIith. Mïiss Dolly Emo, Toronto, was guest of Miss Minnie Cornish over Weekenci. Mm. George Cowvan has sold the tim-ber on 30 acres bordeýring on Keadal1, to Mr. A. Jacks;on. Pleased to sýeeMr, Samuel Allen down towvn again. Hope to see fiim resume eharge' at the meat shop. Mmr. Moses Roboins reached bis] 8lst birthday January 28th. H e has been la poor health the past few weeks but is on the mend. Mr-. A. A. Powers was up from Cornwall last week. The Butter and Conçlensed MiIk business he and ,bis son Gordon recently acqujmred is, making good. Mr. Frank MePherson, Orllia, at- lended the funerai of bis aunt, rs. àos. Camnpbell. Mr. Chas. McPher-j son, brother, -was unable to attendi owing to poor bealtch of bis wife. Miss Laura Allia is homne fromi Moncton, N. B., where she has been aive years instructress ia T. Eaton Co's branch store. She expects toý leave for ber brotber's, Rev. Cecil Allia, Thunder Rawke, S. Dakota. Orono Women's Institute held it.s meeting F.riday, Jan. lOth. Good progmarn 1was given: Music by Mrs. (Dr.) Colville, assembly singing con- ducted by Mmrs. O. W. Rolph; well prepamed paper by Ms.T. Cwnon "Ilospitality and the Etiquette of EItertaliaing.", Contest on an Antý Hill was won by Mrs. 0. W. Roipli. Social haîf hour was enjoyed.1 Institute bas a memibership of 71. When Asthnîa Comnes dIo not des-' paur. Turn at once to the belp ef- fective-Dr . J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. This wonderful remiedy yuil give you the aid you need 50 orely. Choklng cesses, breathiag becomes natural and wlthout effort. )thers, thousands of themn, have suf- fered as you suffer but have wisely turned to this famlous remedy and éased to suifer. Cet a package bhis very day. ýea of Quality is bler yroung richly4 nesse Winter Battery ServiceI When needing a new Battery see us. We seli Prest-O-Lite and Exide Batteries. FisI-er's Battery Service (Formerly F. W. Wirkendalls Shop) Mofatt Garage J3ldg. Phone 248 Bowmanville UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA robably Greateat Conaumumation in History of Christendoni. Amid cla~m of ca+,G-.n,v n..1 TOmaMORROW iis on the way. If you knew to-day that to-morrow's fire wolil1d et ro urhomne~, ou ouldppare to-day. But you cannot know what will bhappen to-mci orrow. wver 'You car. prote et yourself against only one of the many forzns of dependable proper- ty protection we off er to tbose who would be pre- parecl for to-morrow's eventualities. J. J. MAQ&SON 'Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 IBpwmanville tne mnatchlessl H th1e Saviour of 1as Ri feature about hi e service waýï 'sung by W.' was the solo ai bur, "Beulab" iw' lave a staff of es. United1 ider imlssioinar ne of the sepa lave mission fiE ha Japan, ýtes, rules-,and ýpropriate ordel business and etings of consE "For thel e Greeksf re preaeh' Jews a e Greeks! eim which Greeks, d the wis- ,il be c ity and Every .Ce t'ai cally, Rev. Mr. ýat there er grade& of MARBLE Sy carotake is nîstory of Cam tory of Cbristen The fi-st Genera ited Churcli of nposed of 150p bliodists, 40 C 110 meinbers in<'4l ,f UnonV and prescribed by physicians for Rheumatism Headachie Pain Neuralgia Toothiachc )e convened within a perio-d-of two Lumbago Neuritis -ars. anaia Satý;anAccet only "Bayer" pacae '[lieCauaJan Sa.tesan ý which ccntains proven dîrectioris.' i8 $2O .W a eaj Handy "IBayer" bxs5 12tbes --and orl t Also bottles of 24 an'd 0--mug.%s.. worh~ it. j jsspirin la the trade mark registered in Oariada) of Bayer mamiracture 0,Mn.otc Subscibe T-daaei, prf SaÎIry]Iieaed (Acetyl Slicylc tcid, "A. S. A.,,). Whfle 1,tilw! n t aeraDEis YWllWeapei wItILtJi teneral traie mark, the. "Bayer Orom-. suvcJ others or spe'ak "Belhold eing thne lai i enjoys w that he ne er of therefome, at the yoi rexposltiol [n of a! to tbis- andf WORK3 1857 0oW the J( )uglt a gosr eni, one in rigs, their pi thinking ar From The lv,,,ývs of January 29th. ry to-morrow. Fire insurance is the Colds

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