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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1925, p. 7

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4ANVILLE,1 What We Have ~/~/To Offer No oaa charterad Bankc la Canada bas anything greater Vo off er ý the business cofliaunity than its coatei- pommres unless it ha la thaebaracter of the service it renders. During ~ the half-century of its ife, the Stand- NK1INC ard Bank lias developed a distinct individuality tbrough the kind of ser- IFTY vice mnaintaiaed ia its daily transac- tions. The commercial aspect of ~~ARS this individuality is fudl h mnaay unique services for whicb the Standard Bank le pecufiarly equip- NDA] OFC. nager, S~methùe!y not this time? Fhe OKNEp EKOE i7s ex-tra' good. Try àt F RFED ýE 1ý, ,T MN >!odei FE150) -FREED-EI sEMANN RADIO RECEIV£Ite The Fineet Radio Receiving Set in the World. Demoiistxations on requet F. J. MITCHELL Bowmanville Ontario SEAS êSuo( on al kinds of Bout, 5WORKS TO BEAT THE DEVIL eting Said of a Bow malnville Old Boy in' 03 1JRESo 'eCou._ties Lounicil of Northwfl- Army. I O.1U~RESberiand and Dur- ariin held in Co'bourg J Mn. Elizabeth2 Anu Webster, there were tvo mnte for -Ward-ý The ilalaus (T e xaS) Times lHeraki Ca Mbray aeni. of Januar-- 2lat.,2, ju'_ýt reeived morn te os o1oe eeve M. J. Eýlliott, Bowmanvilie, contains this a -couni , of thie :intro-, Camibray orstelsofneî was nominated by Reeve C. David- duction of a Bownianvilie Old Boy of its oldest and ynost respected citi-; son, Cumibellford, seconded byito the DaIls Rotary Club as a new zens, in the person of Mrs. Win. G.! Reeve H. H. Holdaway, Port Hlope. mein'uer: Webster, Who passed away very d Reeve Alex. Anderson, Sôuth "e'o otras some )fof OT January 16th. D)eceased wa not in McCamus, Cavan, Reeve W. S. Gril- present our new member as an in- good health for several mi-onitha, but lis, Seymour, being the2 seconder. dividual wo wrka to beat the devil hier _-ud den death was indeeda e 1re Voting is by open ballot for thisaL the time 1" shock to al. office. The first two ballots re- Il,1 these wor'ds Rev. Williami M. Deceased vvazs born 74 years ago in sulted in a tie-nineteer votes each Anderson pastor First Pre,-oýyteri*an Cornwall, iEngland, She emligrated candidate Reeve M J. Holmnan, Church, initrod ucedl to Dallas Rotary years with her parents, the late Mr.! fore the third ballot was takeni. AiEdýwy White, local Salvati on Army and Mrs. Samuel Goard of Mariposa.'i-majority of one vote gave J. L. Mc- i Commandant, uponi the latter's elec-. Fifty years ago last March she: Camus the Wardenship for 192>5, and tion Vo membersbip. married Wm. G. Webster of Manis-i at the request of the cler~k, lhe retir- The usual, but entirely accurate,. tee, Michigan, coming to Canada, ed with his mover and seconder, took description of Colonel White's activi- three years later, being a resident of, the oath Of office, *a invested with ties naturally excited a roro Cambray ever ince. the officiai robe, and returning Vo t.he; lauglhter. Left to moura hier loss is lier hus-I Council Chamber, was received by band and two children, Frank of the meinbers standing, and escorted Oakwood, and Mrs. Jos. F. Jewell of to the War'den's chair. DURHAM COUNTY BOYS Cannington. Two grandohildren,, Moved by Reave W. J. CoDrbett,ý Bernice and Ellsworth Webster, aio Cobourg, seconded by Reeve W. F.; Another Durhamn boy of whoim to two sisters and one brother, Mrs. Elliott of Murray Township, that the be proud 'is Lieut.-ColoneI Levi Tay- Ricar Frgso, M. oh Fr-reeves be a comm-ittee to appoint lor who got hi6 early education la guson and Mr. Wm. Goard, ail of, standing committees frcretHiitaadi ehwo r.W Oaîkwood. Another sister, r. "year. The comîmîttee retired and 3. Clemens, Hampton. The War William Foley, Bowuxanville, died t appointed as chairman, Reeve Thom-, Cry says of Lieut.-ColoneI and Mrs. little over two years ao. ' las Baker, Darlingtoa Township,' Lavi Taylor, t1at a Field Secretary Mrs. Webster was a very activet spokea of as "the daddy of us all", lbas the oversight of the Field Officers meamber of the Methodist church' a, now sitting under the -qixtaenth War- and all affairs connected wvýith thefm. charter as 'well as a if e rmember of den Vo hold office sizice hie first be- The appointaients, promotions, en- the oma's îssonay Sciey ad, amea memiber of the Counties' gagements, marriages, furloughs, Peieifo ayyaso'teC ouncill. 1 copening, clos&ing of Corps, etc., are Ladis' idan>sM s t:aky in a e c i c4 tedate of note that there; l o k d up in the Fi:Id of part.. intret i-,the--nerl elf.1-e f he av ben uthree county clerks, ment. The Field Secretary also Wilfred E. Cawker disinBstn MacNachtan, 16 o19;adhsTeOfcrhligti motn p ______son, ClnlNi .M.Ncio.piteta h rsn iei h WilfredE. Cawkramedbteof Vothe preseat time. well known Lieut.-Gotonel Levi Tay- Roylf OakE.Crian Sci eecr ofFour county trpasurars hav~e held lor,. RoyladCristreetSciedceMonday ffice in the samie pariod-Hon. Zac- I For the past 38 years hie has been aTryandFib srie îes idMo cheus Brhm 1842 to 1852; Hon.1 laboring as an officer in Canadaf 1He aThra bodiseing rogt o . Asa Buriiham, 1852 to 1878, when ecame out of Bowmauville ia 1886, ai Oak, where burial wili take place the tofices were mierged in one: and was llrst engaged in village wotk Friday or Saturday in Roseland Park pe rson, the MacNachtoa, father and1 in Ontarilo. Three year6 laVer lie Cemetery. sn fulfillllng the duties up Vo the' was appointed to the fYorkvilleI Mr. Ca'wker bas long been identi- present time. oiRad n Training Garrison, Then came or- lfied with the Christian Scientist The DepartriientofRas nd ders for Ne-ufoundand, where in ad- movmet. He asoa oftu o- ighwvays gave the following as the dition to comimanding the St. John's ganizers and the first reader o tha estimata for 1925-Roads to be 1 Corps, lie iistitutadl a 'Trainiing Roal'Okchrc aditw, hrug aved: Bowmanville Vo Newcastle, Garrison for mien. Halifax 1> bis~~~~~~~~ diiet1duni5gta miles, $9-7,000 a mile, $189-1I Corps and Training Garrison flo- effots0,50.06; Port Hope -wasterly, 5 miles,ý ed and then ha went to Toronto oi - the church becarne an imiposing fac- $13 5,000.00; Trenton to Brighýton, take charge of t'te Lippinicott Corps. tor in the religious life of t he coin- 8.58 'miles, $231,660.00; Coýboîirg Vo Wthtaiagrto ft Po muaityheiauuato.o hePo Mr. Cawkar had been a residant of Brighton, 7 miles, $189.000.00. j vincial system hle became a Districti For surface treataient: Peterboro1 Officer at Brockville, baving the ovar- Royal Oak for 14 years. 11e was to Frazerville, 2.10 miles, $900 a sight of tan Corps. Ohepoion bomliiOshwaJul St, 179,andmile, $1,890.00; Oshawa to Bowman- on the Staff followed and than lhe ,vwas married la Windisor, January 21, ville, $645.00; Cobourg to Port Hopeiva poneasCnclroftl i1909, Vo Miss Lulu May Hughes. $8.0;Port Hopek Vo N ýcatiWesteaiviin awhnctelroi h Hsw-otochiidren, Harold $8.0 ecs ~iWsenDvso hc hnicue and Charles, both living athpr-0(). Maintaiaeace of pavement:' Arthur. His wdoe, 318Coryaenhear-'1d .0 ecm o ae 23-alCrsaato h oke oPr enti ome 38 C4ry aene, ndPort Hope Vo Frazerville, $100 a' His naxt appointmant took him, three brothers and two sisters, H. G. mile, $179,000; Graftoa Vo Colborne, East again, where hie took charge' CawerDetoit Mr. Jnni Smth,$810.00; Coiborne Vo Brighiton, $750. of the Social Work in Montreal. The Oshawa; Hiarry Cawker, Oshawa, Snow cleaning:, $250.00. Total- Divisional Comm-andership at st. Laura Cawker, Toronto; andl H. M.-7818.0 John, N. B., followad and on the i Cawker, Winnipeg, Man., survive-,cnlso fbs emteeh e From Royal Oak Times, Mich. ocuino i ei hr i b- The late Mr. Cawker was a son of1 HIGHER TEA PRJkÇES camne Divisional Cominander for i the lata Emmanual Cawçer and ne-p-, ' XPECflED ANY DAY, Manitoba. He was aext appoînted j j haw of Mr. C. M. Cawkar and the iHa fteFad n usrbss t laVe Roger Cawker of Bowiraanville. The estimated increase la the col- Departaients la Canada West, and iHis mother was a Miss Hogarth o fsumptiori of tea la 1924 ovar 1923 wth thte development of the work the Solina. has amounlted Vo over 39 million latter Departmnît was passed over I ____________pounds. Au inerease in production to the Firtancial Secretary, and Col- fof oaly seventeen milîlion pounds onel Taylor beame kniown as Fieldi AUNT'S WEEKLY ARTICLE during the samne period bas e~sule1 ceay 1in tea pricas advancing in primary Mrs. tayoeaEsgEl i1[ Aunt's advice connes home to aL lot markets from ten Vo fourteen cents l ianîs, lias Vo lber credit a fine record of us again this week. Truly she par pound since last ,suimer. The acs Field and Training Officer. Shae d.oes go f or us "f rom the shouldaer" price Vo the consumier today is on the also bad experience la Newf ound-; at imes, as "Jersey Maid' recently basis of inucli lower primary costs, land and was ina'charge of a district Said: so a general increase Vo tea drinkers Pt the time of hier ma.rriage. IMy Dear Niece: Much as tiiat is inievitable in the near future. i_______ mnan disgusted you by bis vicious on-______________ fslaught in bis endeavors Vo put things GO TO IT, BOYS to right, I would like Vo say a faw iwords ia lis favor. "It is only Determine to-day that you'll battie Iwhen one fi really moved that oaa with life; ts iu i5 O--es self". 1 raad the other day a And tackle your ts wi il; and your latter racalîs iV Vo my mmnd. Decide that no matter how grievous We are so bedged by conventional teI ife fraies, and our habits of self conitrol You will climb to the top of tbe1 are tio strong tha.t it le very seldoni USEfl we are oxfr true salves. Parhapl aoletia ouI ake igiaeh- momatinias, it lseas well wa are noV, Rslvemthatyoux'l iml;hg and that Miost of our tme we ar Away witb remorse and regret. acting as custom ditates. But deep) You will ftnd. thera la ime Vo wir. dead Itmay elout la the game dowa in our natures are primieval ý And rise Vo prosperity yet. theai from biag aroused. .,., Forget the old love of 'enjoymaat Thesa instincts cannot always be ~ adeaaaa, aired, and when we see amnor .'-N~- Toss away the had habits you've won-tna so far moved as Vo "f orget I ~ ~ . made, ourselvs"-as the saying is-wa are IRamember you neyer cari do wbat shocked and surpri8ad. It seems as ...Yo'u pleame if that person is lowared la our as- If you're bant upon maklng thel timation; we stand off and loftily DESIRABLF_ MILK gr adel.1 thinli how very mucli aboya hlm Wei Cuinadcaaaei Let othar folks ganîble, and ipplei are for we ara qulte Suare wa could Cuinad r r ,ýand dreani; sialk Vo sucli a lavaI as Vo show our e d la the production n f You caW't gala succass la a chair;1 ane oblatantly.- Joliano's Pure Mîlk. It You've got to set out witb a full ange sobead of steam, But, dear niece, do no let us ha la s ASit should bel pureIfyuwt oarvan bec hasty in our judgmeat. Maybap 'we and sweet and dlean and. Ifyu atVorivayw re have neyer been ftaced witli a chai- lange Vo "forget oursalsos that - it belongs la your honte. Make a vow you w-111 Voil 16 hoursi ourdorantpriitie nstncts ae Du,.r. Fr.h ~iî f a day- or c IWcrma lin children, if tliay le not; i Iattended to, cause aa>nvlilsios andj ha, I f tei deah 'MotiVr iT"4ïor1 Exterminatur will proteeVt te chldr4eI ren fromm thesýe it.eg affliefioaa, T Il, .11 the Bank oen help die Fariner T HERE are scores of ways i whic your Bank can help you-methods'that will surprise you by their convenience anid safety. Take the sale of ananimal. If itià a cash transaction, you can ask the purchaser to send you a marked chequae or your bank will attach a sight draft Vo the biâ of ladig. If it is a time sale, yoi±r banke< ili handie and collect the note. Our manager will be on'ly too gla Vo outlzne Vo you the scores, of ways in whîichi he can serve. BANK 0F MONTREAL EstabIisbod over JoOyears 'D*.I Asis eta euor d'4700.0oooo MEATY OR3 Pkg .29C E x cELLEN " ý CE CANDIES, Rej,.31-12 CA MP COFFEE'l ESSEN~CE - WÂLNUTS- =UCAEL:.î R~AISIS 1b Painlessan~d perfect in their Vlaon, Miller's Worna Powders ara lways a szf e and reliable reiueçy Dr chiliren 'wlo abo-w symptoms of iri. Thasa symptams are easily ýcognizable ila afevarisli restlass- ess, fraquently eading la coavul- uns. A point of notabIle importance that afteri' eio Worm Powdars av. epeUed the Worms~, the Stom- A and aipls are toned up fInto a ery bealtby condition, B5 ISCUITS 21'b.25c 25 PI CifïTS- 2 b ICÛFFEE 5M. 7~ AL BRAND 15C r -LUEBERRIES- , Do as Mr. Gard rMr. Anson A. Gard, the well knowa Littérateur of Ottawa, cled thie Wan-' de4ing Yankee., says inansa insclIcited testimonial for ZUTOO Tablets : "Zutoo Tablets stop my head- aches so conmpletely that 1 de noIt mind havînLg thèm mny more." No ined for aay one to sufer from hea4.' acheif they doas Mr. Gard ess and take Zutou 4 -4 mi L---

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