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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1925, p. 2

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Valentines Our comprehensive col- etion of lovely Valen- îes,; comprising a wide nge ,from serio-comilcsý cards and bookiets of, clusive design andar ,tic merit, is offered for ur inspection at very at- Office Hampt 129-15. o n have nsut nof :es n nc Use programma a question syllabus, bu of teachers wns n ý countiessa numiber of Ontario- vil- Ibd the ts. Sbe 1 PRAYER FOR MOTHER h twica Lord Jesus, Thou hast known ilu ail A mnotiher's love and tender cure a good' And Thou wvilt hear wbile for my own ses sud i Mother mest dear, 1 make thiis sports.ý birthday prayer. ige and1 y bnp- Proteet ber 1f e,, Ipray, -e Vlan Who gave the gijit of 1fr eo me; And may she know froin da-y te day, The deepening glow of hfe thati comes froin Thee tAs, o lnc on kor hrn2Q* Clubbing List Tearless and well content S ______ So eL ber beait in Th'ee at îest iStatesman wvill be' Feel fears depart sud trouil y of the following1 fade away. 1925 at the f ollow- Hem every wisih f ulfil .$6.50And even if Thou miust refuse ~.$6.50 Inl anytbing Let Thy wise wil Star......... $6.50I A comfort being sueb as ki te ......$ .OO .10 otihers use. ian ...... ..$4.00A ed e yth ad i...........$4.00 Ahl e b J ad .....$4.50 As oucý. ber baud held mine, urnal .....$3.00 And tho-ue'b she mav not understa lay bles THE ONTARIO VILLAGE DR. G. C. BONNYCASTILE --~--- We have often thouglit what un How the People of a Rural Comnmun. Honor gradixate in Defltistry Toronto told gQod might be aconmplished in ily Camne and Go in ~the Cours University. Gaate of the Roya THE EDITOR, TALKS every comnunity by the united co- I of Forty Years. College of Dental Surgeons of -On-, operative efforts of the people lin____ tario,. Offce King-st., Bowmaniville. We have good xeason to feel jeal-.j any get-together enterprise or 1inove- The Toront~o taily Star~ on Fe'b- Office phon'e 40. House thone 22. ous for the hp>ior of Cavan, Town- ment. An exemple of such an ruary 4th puiblisheil on its editoril4 ship. The flrst two years of our~j achievlerment is giveni lu the last page extracts fromi Mr. Arthur L, oR. .J. C. DEVITT 1f e spent a'way from home -were ý Cristian Uerald, published at Bible Pascoe's article: "Solina's 40 years DenalCeleg, sen luCaan ndthe wre erHouse, New York City. This re- Activityl" which appeared lu Ths t~radate f Roal1hppy years. Wcý have nevr IigiQus weekl-y offered a free tipý StatesmanofJuay2t. W Toronto. Office, King-st, East, Bow- kno-n'n riong public career a toi Washington, D. C.., for the presi- publish Th~e Star edî.tor's commients manvile. Office hours 9a. nm. to 6 lknorw in ourpeopeta 'ar-dnilnugaio onM ch 4 p. m. daily except Sunday . Phone furcaso epeta e'er-duiliagrto onMac ,oly for the perusal of oui readers. Housephone90b.ed to kuow down in that municipal- 1125, with entertalument at one Of Edýtor C. S. 90a. ds n 0. ity and during those two years we the best hotels durlng March 33, 41 Ail over Outario tilere are emlall DR. R. E. klîNNIWELL learuied to know a greatnurntber and 5, to the churcli in U. S. e ý,hs cuitnehpan naesoil-'th lrgtpret- fvlae weiaent"nhIre- flnrGaut fTrnoUni- woeaqantnehpad nansprig1h ags eret ffperhaps even smaller-tban they1 ionor Graduae of Tor~nt we have cheî,ished1 and shah cherish v'otes ciast at the November 4 elec- wr ryyasao hyhl verit aid emer f oyl Cllgewhîîe 1f eý lasts. Our famnily conuec- tho by its embers who were t1heir quiet place in the world. There of Dental Surgeons. Licensed te tions include some well-known Cav-1 qualified to vote. The contest was lis not one of those villages but prcialuitoan h omno.~ familles too. Duriug several yýears etîdb 15sPrt~ someon e lu Toronuto can s'hut his j')etistyinal isbranches. Office that w-, served lut Ct* ti' Cuni ,nC evra tler o chvuprche -King-st., Bowmanville. Opposite we learned to kuowý niany leadiug in the movement. The Christin I he fn spt wer( ehe ispnt his e- -suchi as Uncle Alex. Fergu.son, Chias. aarg nuniber of Christianis to vote secret cornier-lof his heart, a regard MfeNeil, Thomas Doualdson, Sand'y befleving su ch au effort would brin- hth a ee elfrn te PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS' Keiley and a host of others ail mien good1 results. iVe churches re- "paü c whaever e ould lite TIOSof integrity and honor, shrewdl but ported 100 per cent vote but t heC~ osmtigfrbsodhm TAILORS just and pl ayed the business gaine a war, ett ofaxM .CucAtowd n-etwui ikefor express hisl (F'ormerly in Bowmnanvllle,) now at 1263 f-,ir at ail timies. Two familles IowVa. Novi, it so happeuied that, aftown, b wu hle o et know os youige-st., stop at summrerhill Ave., that we remiem-ber well were the the pastor of this churcb is naffonishebur ieeat f heweîe t ToonoPhn Rudl1 Woods and Taylors-forbe'ars of h Caniadian citizen, uot having îesid ed aip it, his action might not bel We cari stili give you our beterle..ate t pre-war prices ifluer mien than Archibald Wood ai-d innbip papiers. of the things that mnakes a man, SWmi. Taylor do net live in these ** proud of bis native village isa er counties. Thus it is because f'uj tain pride possessed by its, inhab"t- LEGAL 1 itimte kn-owlecie of these he 1f Rev. F. j. Neal the pastor, telîs Iauts. They are nQt asking favorsý and scores of others-al irmen h how hie and his people set to work and will flot be patronized by any- M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D.j would scorui to deprive any ilmani ito wi l isn gea Critin it- newho has le ft the place and BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTÊ.RY of the honor or prefernient that was sznsip am algu, istin h thi nk h wh etenorhv mioney te bcan on Faim andÏw righitly and constitutioually bis that tooyacmuiycnb ra~ gone. Thie saal Ontario village, Property Royal Bak Bi cn, h etirrglaiadi1ea c ized wvhen a group of earnest citi I it its surrounding faims gives usl Bowïnanville. Phone 351. ceptiance of the wardenship gave us ze- aeu hi id htIacmuîytesudetadmr I suc surrise ayeastoishm nt. oething worth while needa to hec up-standi'ng of auy we have., W. F. WAItD, B. A. We didl not believe that g ood OUd acompli shed. In this case therej Nor when hie visits his village does BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY 'aa otie a h ol were 277 qualifled votersa nd pastor' he fee like mlakiug free with it? Moneontiuue an hBordinftreswar.en'1 and workers concentrated their en-, The friends of his youth are gone. 4Offies to 1akley Bondsfer ie.chair 4fter it was made clear to ergies ou the task and left nothingi The people are oteso1h yeh Offies, Blemale BO aio.,Kieg himadevley ther membrelr the tochance ou election day. The knew-but lhe sees them as strangers Strees-tfi 0, Bman ule 279Ja. h a ece t ya rgla resuit wasthat the largest vote lu lu bis faiiar place. l ef eels thlat Phoes Ofi<.n102 Huse27J. and improper procedure owing to rt the pesidng oficers mitathe his'tory of Colfax was polled asihe is th-e native, and tbey the the presidingvich the activities of the churfch workers' strangers. They cau't possibly kuow cost himi a ight's sleep and forjQgave inspiration tO mauly othier citi-: the village, the hill, the stream-i-. the Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries wvhich hie pubhlicly apologized nx zenis to exercise their franchise. voods as hie knows them. He is Public, Etc.,onig We doubt if there was; Thus, cooperatîve eff ort worked ýrather nmused to tbink tnat the boys Conveyancing and General Practice a' mlem'-ber wh attended that ss woniders lu this commiuuity. oni the corner dIo uot know hlmi, the of Lawj sion who did not feel in bis inu-er real boy of th-at place, Whio prankedl Offices 71/2 Simcoe St. Soutb coulsciojusness that Reeve Elliott of* arudteebfethy eebo. Phone 63 Oshawaý Bowmianville shouldl occupy the aon hr eoete eebri G. D. CONANT, B.A., LL.*B. weardeu's chair for 1925. Werk is not degiadiug. Hie wh o A. L. Pascoe bas -been correspond- A.FINI, .. LB ent at the village of Solina to the A. F. ANIS, BA. LL.B. oes not work neither shaîl he eat.i B'ownuville Statesýmanifrteps 321y; hei okp s uahlo tha ermot mis-hehs en o fnorepdet, ________ vey Ihes w a. slot he a pes on lies forty years. During ah that time ý,f1 fail men is the one who dis- h aMA.Jsbs been ln'credotorno, FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mr. Fariner, w hnke yfaim- Ilkes bis work. Dr2. L. P. Jacks aTdh . AStat mesan. Its a neiuere-f er should rend regularly one, two or wrote ail article ou the "111gb Calh, oriSureyusuch ret io nipsuer. F. F. MORRIS CO. three good agricultttral weekly or iug of Labor" wihcnansti i coe asurein e b,isps btra Complete MTotor or Horse Equipmieut mnypulctos. Fv olars of_ foodï for thought: I aol h euý fEio ae a Al l a promptly attended te. a year invested lu good farii papers as a laborer that manii is either cap-,witufrTeSttsa nr Private Ambulnce. is a good luvýestinent if you and yu able of education or worthy of il".1 ofrttecngiTe stathaetakn aceor Bowmnauville phones 10 and 34 farnily, girls, boys and aven t-eiîr Read that over again and think se o nfrty yachange th is oue akevilage. Brauc Stors-Oroo & Nwcaale. others rend theim regulnrly. It ISis ' oeritfo few minutes then It is a valua5le and sigulficaut ar- ,55 years since the writer gave up1 rend what follows: _Men of science.,il. I usdonl lc u ALAN M. WILLIAMS fnrinig, but lie rends several faim lýartiSs, poets, phiÀlosophais, heroes, jtwit-ýe toe pu s lu il lacekpand Emlbalmer and Funeral Director. journais still and enjoys doiug rS, saints, captains of nur-htsoeltoecmng nd gig, Cals gvenproptandperena ~ Oua good farin publication lie rends I are these but bigly veducnted labo r- sowncbe',ve vigbs iexperginced, tentien. No extra charge for di%- w' n'ae itra s"ai n r? Tbe geapt task of our timies jbtwihutl o ehv ee tance. Pbonea 58 or 159, Bow- Hm, h edn rts ommi ste wvork lu alliance culture and seen phciunt reod. h manvilie, Ont.3- farmrers' journal, published lun Van-J labor. Thie oully coutented class min, couver, B. C., at $2 a yen r. Just isociety consists of those who eni oy I Tbese rural communities, wi th' Snow they are offermug te, seud it to, the labci, by whieh tbhey ive-the' their stores, village industries and nniy part of Canada at $1.00 a yenia rk of their vocations. Here, is a fa"ims, de a consîderable buisiniess MEDICAL aupd it la well worth it, for it tell-s a good lesson for ail girls: The young, witb the counitry at large,buthi lot about British Cohumnbia farrn OP--gil-%who was judýged, to be t'he Most graetrdc is men aud wonIeu. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M era t i ons. We nieyer like to MISS a neQarly perfect physically of 350 -, They maise people and senldthi Gold Medalist of Trinity University single copy. Try it for a yea.i at a' o ntrants ini the Health Contest far 'and wide. They do not cul- Torento. Fouiryears attending Phy dollar. Simiply address Farin and of the International Livestock Ex- ploy the young people, they grow. sican sud Surgeon at Mt . Carmel Homie, Vancouver, B. C. position at Chicago, a girl wbo isn't Out into the world tbey go, and Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and asae ohl le ohrl he the'y gofar ndwd. O Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- b omle gave these simple rules for' hiuudred acre faim, there may be six mianville. Phone 10&. healthi: Sleep 10 bours of the 24. childien, and lu the course of years, C. W.SLENON, . D. C. . "Eery llanto 'is tade" Drink al quart cf imilk daily. Ent, five of hem may be scattered over C.W.SLMO, . .,C.M. "Eer mn o strde1S' a'nI plenty of vegetables. Don't use 1 tw'Ào hemlispheres, wbile O-ne stays on1 Graduate of Trinity Medical College, old adage. Yes, wýe agree. EverY1 face 'powder or rouge. Don't wear the farim and bas six childreu of his Toronto, forinerly of Enniakillen. person sbould do that whlich tbey calbigh heels. Keep fit by deep-brelath- own ripening for departure. This Office and Residence, Dr. Beit's, do real well in t the ram1ue timle iug. Exemrcise at housework, then at imay o easiulit to be, but se former residence ou Church-st., Bow: learui to do other thiugs that they sucýh gaines as tennis, bn-sketball t is. As Mr. Pascoe describes the manville. Phone 259. 4- should know well how todi). A Jhorseliack-riding, sknating or any changes lu Solua one soles how it la. 44tg irl, for instance, s'hould nt only fothýer proper exerciî.e Out of dloors.i Take the Solina school for in- ________________________learu every thing necessary about 1Pretty sensible advice for a 16 year' stance, and its teachers. Or take houseikeeping lu general but sbould' old girl -wbo won the phiysically fit!I the story of the corner store lu Se-, CHIROPRACTIC certainly learu bow to, repuýir lier ~rze against tbree 'hundred andl c lina during tlhe pnst f oity yeaîs, owu clothing-, damn stockiugs nicely, fifty thousand other girls, eh? N duta ee hne ocr DR. DURWIN E. STECKLEY do plain sewinig so that site can îed en'c asmercht bo o'k oer HIoner oraduate of Toronto Chro- trmk e w omndess e the business \vas regarded as a per- practie College wil be lu offlice on tildother hats, forash end iron itthe enrly days in this couutry aecbtlfekeswalgl Tepeaue tret Bwmnvlî'a nd o"hecokig o te amlyjIand out 'and of pernianency there is Temerace tretBowianilj,:We believe tibere would 'ba mlany we read lu the bistoryv of pioncer'1ioe amto hnehns Tueaday, Thursday 1and Saturday 1noe Fimthchng aus afero'~m su eenng P enes: ore happy miarriages if girls lenîn-A famnilles sudt(, iudeed, tere aie mau-yý The "old bomestead" of Ontario is Offce 41; Raidnc 14W. ed to, be good cooks and had common; men aidwot n ti-liin hoi often au old homestead te mauy Ofic 11J Rsseus 41.e enougli to serve allil mefls as1 memiber when womien and girls help- fmle ntedofoe Those wbo DR. S. M. JONES promptly as a dlock strikes. liothe-S' ed ýwitb general faim wok-farmier-iwent away,. went in Marty directions.1 Chiropractor and Osteopath wfýhe do not insîst that their dauagltersl ettes tbey really were sud tbey en-. Toronto, Osbnwa and Bownn- leanu t do such tbling s, as we've- joyed the outdoorlife, toc. It isj mauville absorbed many people whe 1Over 16 years' successal practice meutionad are doing their dau.gteîs a commain ides prevalent even In left tItis village sud its nei'gbborhood. Office Hours: grn nutc. piey of tulle this day that young and older women u i ve mrc te et 2-5-7 te 8 p. M. Phone 224 to lear il these tbiug, miusic aud!f tocil, intIer enýfoy t orking ,along u uiga hi ieM.Pso 86 Sirmçoe St., Oshawa. siuging and other Iecom-plislimients1 with men. We have just been ad- - wrote thbe news froin Solina, it ap- Sbten5and 25 yearr-few girlsi mflring tbe portrait cf Miss Elsie peared lu the Bowîmnnuvllle States- baing fitted for marriage befere theyý Ives appearing lu the Farim and 1man, aud once a week that paper VETERINARY are 25. Homne of Vancouver, B. C. The -went eut to the four corners o the * *stc'ry told cf ber is: This veiy continent and the waudereren d Dr. F. T. TIGHE yu ayuntil recently lived witb, ,ç of the ±m oIlns athot.i Barookdale Nurseries Phone 7 Bowmanville Make Good Things Tastie Better That's what you will say about our Groceries athey are always fresh and of the best quality. This week we are' featuring: Prunes, Santa Claire, tender and meaty, .2 tbs. 25e Aylmer Pork and Beans, reg. 20c .......2 f or 25o Tea, black or mixed, lb ......................65e Cocoa, Baker's, in bulk ................2 Ibs. 19c Kippered Snacks, very tasty, 4 tins ..........25c Oyster Sheil, triple screened, best quality we have ever had and cheapest, price 100 lbs .........................................-$1.45 .Potted and Cut Flowers 15e up KEEP YOUR EYES ON OUR WINDOWS Ii"ARRV PHONE Iee6 ALLIN BOWMANVI j, 100 per cent Servic'e Now we're ail set up in our new butcher shop-neiçt door east of W. H. Dustan's-and are in a better position than ever to give our custom- ers 100%c' service. And at the saine time give you good quality meat and reasonable prices. Don't take our, word for it-buy your meat herc and be convinced first hand. By the way, have a look at our fine n'ew mod- ern refrigerator. It will certainly keep meat in prime condition during hot weather. ilbrtJ~Dudley BUTCHER BOWMANVILLE It Costs So Littie YET MEANS SO MUCH The small cost of Fire Insurance is practically noth ing when compared with the protection you receive. Don't put off this very important matter. Cali and see us to-day. It places you under no obli- gation and may mean; the saving of many dollars to you. WE INSURE EVERYTHING J. J. M A SON &0SN bas giveit, * Poe forget Pon 5 er ini earth 3al Estate and Insurance Brokers Bownia Phone ypur'order. 5c to 75c T. Allen e0 Beekitore Bown-anville We Wil Mend a Rip Sew on a Buttoni Put in a. Tuck Let out a PIêat Press your Clothes Make a Suit ýs no job too small or too ne too simple of toc coin-' dennd our careful at-I [Me fenýsfed baib5rf ooûd ~rMeal t- lot pay nIl te We deliver in town. eOWbIAN'ViLLEjý FEB. 12th,ý, 19,2-5. T14E, ÈPITOR, TALKS, 'Valentîe Sugestion Flowers are always acece'ptable, but just think how happy your Valentine if you gave lier a beautiful bouquet of flowers or a pretty potted flowering plant. Wè have just what you want and a price you are prepared to pay.

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