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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Apr 1925, p. 10

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MEDICA& ALFRED FARNC0M4, M. D.", V.,I Graduate of Tr'initY lkiveýrsiWy,, SlS 01 Royal (Jollege Ph.yicj, Edý, burg. Specialty-DiSýase.s of wGIn en and clilidren. O0fce-Parker', Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate of Trinity University Fellow of Trinity Medical CoIIeg(e Licentiate of the State University of New York, Matriculate of the Posat- Graduate Medical -Schoo1 and Hos-, pJital of New York and Fellow of the Tôorontbo Academy of Medicine. Ofc -Ms. AMeNaugh-Iton's Residene , Newcag-tle. Hour-8 to 10 a, »Ir_ 1 ' fp.,,and Iby appointmzent, Jeddo Highland %Coal is the best gr4de of An- thracite Coal mlned in thel United States A trial order wiIl con- vinée you.' Geo. Jamnieson I Newcastle Ont.ý Baker and Confectioner f LAKCE SHORE, CLAIÙCE 'eeding 1 opeirati-ons are in f ull swng... ae Shore Union $u-nday School will hold its 35tb anniversa-ry ser ' ices on Sunday, Ajril 26 a t2:30 p. Mp. Rev. George Mason of Bow- manyville, will officiate. Sriecial music is expected>. . . Attendan'ce at Sanday Sehapio on Sunday was good bu.t 1there's rooni for more. You conie next Sunday. Sunday is~ God's flay niot rest day.. . .Mr. Clar- ence Mitchell has had bis residence equipped with a brand new roof... Mr'. S. Powell hias purehased a new Seeder.. . Mr., Powell hits collected a large amount of maple syrup fri the 27 trees hee bas tapped on the ridge at the north end of his farmi. This reminds sonie of our oider set- tiers of the days wheni the ridg-e ex- tendinýg across the old "Soper" f armn and reaching westward across the farmn now owned by Mr'. S. Powell and over into the f ari owned at present by Mr. i"red Parker was covered withý a thick growth of prime maples. In these days mnaking maple syriip and sugar was a regular spring tinie operation. M-r. Soper had the best equipment for this task. It consisted of two bgg-e sugar ket- ties built into a stone arch near a stone pile whic-h aVill exists ini the north field o! the farmi now worked býy Mr. Leslie Allia, North of the ketties he had a shanty open to the sonth and facing the fixe, providing shelter fo~r the attendant who was on duty at night or during the day. He also had bis woods ail cleaned up.j No dead wood or downg# stuif wasi tolerated. Alas those wo-ods are no more!1 Bowmanv!ÏÏe GRO'"'CERY SPECIALS Be sure to get mny Special Prices for Groceries bef ore buiying.-ý We Save You Money. H. S. BRITTO^N, B er& Grocer Newcastle For Your Spring Suit or Over- coat Don't Fait to V yisit This Store Over 200 Suits to choose Jfrom .... $15.00l to $35.00 Boys' 2-Bloomer Suits ...........$ 8.50 to $12.56 Made-to-Measure Suits,..........$27.00 to $50.00 Complete Unes of Men's Hats, Shirts, Under- wear, Neckwear, Work Shirts, Pants, Overalis, etc. Corne to the store that saves you mtoney on every aiticle.. S, G. CHARTRAN 1 doo west of Bell Telephoae Offce BN Phione 26 wmo.iivilI, Th N vanIeCIIdep ern iderit THURSDAY, APRIL 16th., 1925 NEWCASTLE C. R. Carveth had business in Tor- onto on Monday. Mr'. and Mrs. Johin Hall, Toronto, visited friends bere. 1 Mr. andf Mrs. W. F. Rickard mot- ored to Torontola.st week. Mrs. J. G. Rickard, Bown-ianville, at MNIr. and Mis. Geo. P. Rickard's, Mrs. Jazs. Courtiec, Bowiinanvillle,. with hler sister, Mrs. W. H. Jackson. Mr. Frank Gibson recently had s3everal valuable sheep >illed by dogs. Mrs. and Miss Mason are spendinig Enster vacation wtih friends in Or- illia. Miss P. M. L. Brock is spending- the Easter holidays' with friends in Toronto. Miss S. A. Moise, Dartfo'rd, is spending tire holiday under the par- ental roof. Miss Jamies, Toronto, with lier par- ents', Rev. E. R. and Mrs. Jamnes, T7he Rectory. Miss L. Hlodgins and Miss HI. Tuf, Ta ronto, spent Easter with Mrs. Frank DBranton. Mr'. W. E. Bemian is shipping tw,,o cars of spy apples to the Montreal mnarket this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. G. Rundle, Bethesda, spent Easter witb Mr' and Mrs. Geo. H. Joîl. Mr. and MVrs. C. Tetley and faîri-i. ily, Toronto, spent Easter with her brother, Mr., John Garrod. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey MNatchett and daughter, and Misses Jean and Glad- ys Mstachett, Toronto, with t'heir par- ents. SERVICE filÂT COIJNTS We are putting forth every possible eff or" to give the citizens of Bowmanville and vicinity an efficient delivery service, as welF as coûrteous service at the store. Our delivery service, consisting of three wag- ons and a motor truck, covers the town thoroly, also the rural districts. This ' eiyice is 4aily with the exception of Wednesday afternoon when our delivery boys are given a well earned haif holi- day. May we also express our appreciation for the way our customers mnake it possible for us to give this haif holiday by orderîng their breadl. accordingly. The store, of course, is open Wed- nesday ail day as usual. Wedding Cake&. a Specialty Ice Creazu Always on Hn NEWCASTLE Rev. Peter Addison at Mfrs. Chas. Coulter's. _Miss Jean Coates, Toronto, at Mr'. and Mrs. F. B. Lovekin's. Mrs. Stînson and daug1hter Frances at Mr'. and Mrs. Geo. Ellbecks. Mrs. iiarry Wallbridge and son, Rosmnore, at her unle ,Mr. S. Jose. Miss Laura Stephens and sister, Cowanville, at Mrs. John Stapleton's. Mrs. John Taylor is spending a f rngtwith ber relatives in Toi'- enta. Miss F'lorenice Boniathan, Torontio, with bher mother, Ms.Wm. Bona- than. Mi.Bernard Hughes, Teller ,cf the Standard Bank, spent Easter at his home in Picton. Mr'. Lamne Thomas. Trinity Col- lege, Toronto, at lus mother's, Mrs. Win. F> Themaus. ' Mi'. and MUrs. Laýwren1ce and daugbhter, Toronto, with bher parentLs, Mr, and Mrs. Wnm. Jennings. Mr.. and MIrs. Vallea-u and bibe, Os-hawa, iith her parents, Mmr. and iMrs. Thos. Gibson, "The Towvers". MKrs. Joe Joncs now of Toronto, sean ta join lier busband in Alberta, with Mrs. R. Parkecr and ber brother, Mr. J. S. H. Jolies. Mr'. George Bonathan and Mr'. John Boenathan, Trinity College. Toronto, wýith their parents, Mi'. and Mrs. Samnuel Bonathan. Rev. E. B. Cooke, Mrs. Cooke and Eileen spent Enster Monday witb Mrs. Gaoke's parents, Mr'. and Mrs. ossli f Unionville. MiV . W. Duwns, grafting- ex- pert, Shaw's, h.as becý:i grafting a riumhver of appl)e trees ri. W. H. B. Cliaplin and fol' Mrs. Reg. Legres- ley. Misses Jean and Gertrude Graham, daugbters o! Bey. W. H. Grahami, B. A., D. D., Pastor of St. Clair Ave. Methodist Churcb, Toronto,, with thieir aunt, Mrs. George Houey. Mr. Hanipson of Toronto, wbo bas spent several weekends bere in years past has bought t lie late Montgomery brothers' llabing house froni their sister, Mms. John Taylor and bas eriployed Mi'. Wm. Perrin to meove it a littie sauth and put it in more hbita'ble condition. Rev. E. R. James has been in Tor- onlto this week attendin1g important comrmittee meetings of the Anglican Synod, and also representing the Board of Education at sorne of the sessions of the Ontario School Trua- tees' Convention. Mrs. James also spent a day or two in the eity. . Severa1l of Newcastle's young lad- ies teaaJinsg scihrnl at varioiLa points, arie aIl a~t borne for Easter week: Miss Estella Blackburn frein (me- mec; IMiss Marie Selby fmom Bright- on; Miss Gladys Jackson ,M. E., frein Oshawav<; Miss Hazel Brown frDrrm H1ýayd1on; Miss Gladys Bradley froin Bi1eville; Miss Ettie Holmes froirn Osbawva; and Miss Gertie a'i from Cowanville, The lure of Newcûastle-on-the- Lake brougbit nany summner resi- dents - t this popular resort aut of Toronto for Easter weaieng v.boni were: Mi'. and Mi's. Geo. Bul and farnily, M,'. B. Jacl1son andso B3il, Mi'. and Mrs. Aust-in Cemnpbcl and children, Messrs. Donald IMcLach- lin, Jr., Tori Fullertan and Glen Snu-itb, Dr. WýNalton Bail and faiily at th,-Ir res-pectives sum-mer cottag,-es. Miss Betty Montgomery was guest of the Interinediate Room of the Pu~blic School on Monday aftemnaori, April 6th. Her fellowv pupils taok this oppomtuipity o! expressing their sori'ow at ber departure fromn tbe scbeel and of wisbing bier continued succeass n the sebool te wbicb she is geing. On behalf of the teacher and pupils Miss Helena Hayes read an addi'ess and Master Fillie Mc- I "acheri presented Miss, Betty with a Weteman Fountein Pen engravcd witb ber naine. NEWCASTLE CHURCHES Repart o! Easter services 1p in Meth- odi_ýt Churcb wvill appear nex e k. Preshyterian Churcb, Rev. George !',ason, minister, will preedi on Sun- ta,,Y at Newcastle at il a. m.; New,ý- tonville 2:30 P. m. Suibject--"Tbe i M4an who secs too Far". St. George's Cburchi, Rector, Rev. E. R. James. First Sunday after Eastci, , April i9th. il a. im.- VIamning Prayer and Holy Commun-' on. 2:30 P. m.-~sunday 5ch031. 7 p. m.-Evenso-ug. Easýter services in St. George's eth Haricock of Nor Io, accompanied by cFadzen of Ne-w Bi ttendting Margaret1 onto, with bher pare J. C. Hlancock. Announce ment Tepublic wvill kindly taentCethat after this month the Brookdale Nurseries wi*,ll flot retail greenhouse products such as IFlowers and Pot Plants. We bel-ieve we cat render better, service by having local uptownm merchants retail this stock. We xiii, however, contbinue seiling dHirect to the public nu-Lr- sery stock such as Shi'ubs, Rose Bushes, Evergreens, etc. You are invited to visit our nurseries where you will find the? largest collection of Plants east of Toronto. B3roomkdale Nnureries& Near G. T. R. Station Phone 7 Bowmanville I.. Lt For Sprîi Lgtime Mr. and Mrs. Henry RýagePnan fainiuly, Toronto, spent Sunda i lier parents, Mi'. and Mrs, John Douglas. Mr. A. Clark, Toronto, spent f i- day with Mrs. White and she re- tui'ned with hlmi for a short visit in the ity. Rev. Dr. E. B. Lasceley and Mrs. Lancclcy with Mmr. Lanceley's broth- c-in-law and sister, Mrt. and MrS. J. E. Mtchctt. Mr'. Arthur Law has purcbased an automobile in order te speed up the delivery of Hie Majesty's mail on R. R. No. 3. Mrs, A. B. Ceates, Miss Jean and Master Raymond Cottes, Port Credit, are visiting fermer friends in the Shaw section. r Miss Irenie Learmen apid Miss Gladys Courtnrey, Toronto, and -M iss B. Brown, Cobourg, werc Easter vis- items witb Miss Jean Singer. Mi'. L. Kelley, Oshawa, was in town Friday looking up a store as be intends te open up an up-to-date Dr'ug Store heme in the neam future.1 Mi'. L. Might, oui' High School Principal, is the letest convcrt te the anks o! the metoristas. 1Mr. C. F. Cannoni, Pubhlie Sehool Principal, and Miss Gledys Jackson o! the Haimony Public School, ut- tended the annual convention o! the O. E. A., la Toronto, Mr'. K. Hutchinson, a former Tell- er la the hank bere, was in town on Friday rcnewing old acquaintances. "Ilutch" wps on bis way te a new% appointnmèbt in Montreal. rMr, H. S. Eritton, aur pqpulam merchant and baker, was aken sud- dcnily and seriously ill 1last week, but we arc pleased te learn that lie is mtuchim nprovcd et ime a wiof g Mr. Stanley Mils o! Port Hope, la building a fine ncw garage fer- Dr. Walton.'Ball near the nortbei'n bou.,n- damy o! the Harris Lodge estate and at Vhse extremity o! the Eastern Avenue. Remernber hs Young Peappc's League anniversary services on Sun- day anid DMondey, April 26 and 27, Leeguc dramnatists will present tble 2i/L heur play, Home Tics on Mon- day evenîng, April 27th. M1iss ?l1att, Toronto, returned is- sianai'y froin Turkey, wîth the Misses Druinninond. Miss PlatV's niother wns a preminent figure for many yeers la W. M. S. Circles la this province and was anc ine Presicîentc of the Bay o! Quinte Brapch of the W. M. S. Mi's. (Rer.) E. B. Cooke was In Toronto lest -wcek as a delegate fronii the Bey o! Quinte Cenference, at- 1 tending the convention o! the Na- tional Young Peoples' Workers tao elaborete plans for cerrying on young peoples' work in the United Cburch of Canada. Banker Mvontgomeny left by the7 C. N. R. evening train on Monday te j oin bis wife and daugber la Lakefield and ta enter upon bis niei duties as banik manager in that vil- lage. Mr. S. Sutton, the în'cemingF manager was here two days lest week, getting acuqainted but did net at once assume his new position.e in hseieantinie Mr. -McNeil la look- 0 ing aftei' the Ban's interest.s. S. S. NO. 2 CLARKE Nunmbers indicate average per cent, 7 %and over is bonors. t Sr ý-Mamorie Clark 76, Bob l Hendry 72.r Jr. IV-Kenneth Wilson 63, Era-0 est Welch 57.c Si'. 111-Johin Hendry SI., Billy Rowlaiid 69, Bella Wilson 64, Jack BaTlaies 58.p Jr, III-Annabelle flendry 77. Jr. I-Olive Jaynes 65, Ruth Sr. 1 te Jr. 11-Myrtle AllUn. Pr. B te Pr. C-Alec. Hendry, ~Nta Allia. Pr. ~ A. t Pr. B-Al'ani Clurk. v Alla= A. Martin, -L-eacher. R S.W. Mason & Son Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bowmanville s Displays of surpassing interest and brilliance, combining the best and srnartest styles the season has to off er. Every new Fashion thougbt, every correct note of trimiming, every approv.ed mnateriali, every wanted color-receives due cqnsideration in these extensive collections. Coats-Suits-Frocks-Blouses-Skirts -Gloves---osiery-Scarfs--and smart accessories. Cornec in anytime ai-id inspect thne New Spring I1eàdy-to-We-ar Apparel aid Dress Goods, Dio Your Spring Shopping Early There -is an advantage în-choosing now-Stocks are at their maxim um of variety and çlesirability, every garment is fresh with the bloom of Spring, and should any alterations be necEýs- sary, they miay be carefully made in good time. W.q P. Corbett I.

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