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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1925, p. 3

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MUr. EHome Owner You place fire insurance 6n your home Why Net Have Heat and Fuel Insurance by installing a f urnace that wjll burn any kind of fuel? Sooner or Later-Perhàaps Sooner the national fuel of Canada may be sof t coal1. McClary's Exclusivee Air Blast Ring sprays warma air over tche top of the fire (when using soft coal) and igntes ai! theý gases, thus giv'ng greater heat by burning gases which usually pass off in soot. Cold air~ can also be introdutced f romn below, assuring perfect combustion of hamrd coal or coke. Consuit McClary's dealer and have hlmn make a heatirig survey of your home. Furnace Write for descriptive booklet to McC3ry's, Lon~don, Toronto, Montrea), Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, H..,1amiton, Calgary, Sask"'001n and Edrrontoi. McClary's Sunshine Furnaces SoId ini Bowin&nville by GREENAWAY & ELLIOTT Watch %Our Windows For bSpecials G> A. Edmondstone Phonie 21 Bewmanville Headqe-uarters For Ail Garden Tools, viz: LAWN MOWERS, HOSE, NOZZELS ETC., SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES, RAKES, WIRE, FENCE AND FLY SCREEN MASON & DALE The Popular Hardware --Quality and Riglit Prices Phone 145 Bowmanville "mPIANOS FRED MITCHELL Bowmanville - .. - t ~ * n ,~, srf.ti t PARDS F ~fTt4ANKS - IÔWMANýVILLE, JUE 4th.,19251 M11TR ADCwKIt LOCAL ANI) OTHERWISE Miss Millie CoDlidge recently vis- ited friends in Oshiawa, Rev. W. A. Bunner recently cali- ed on Pgkering friends. Miss Einma White isited lier nep- hew ,Dr. ~White, Lindsay, on San- day., Mr'. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard and faynily spent Sunday with relatives' iin Toronto. Mr'. Thonmas Jennings, of Parkhill, is visting bis sister, Mrs. J. Flem- mngand other relatives ýhere. Mr. and Mrs. Merkley Belman and family, Oakville, reeuntly visit-I ed Mrs E. Belîmnan,"Bla Grove". Mr'. D. Robinson was in Cart- wiglit over the holiday visiting his dlaugIiter,, Mxrs. Afcher.-Millbrookz Reporter. Miss Mary Howard, -student at Tor.onto University visited lier par- ents, Rev. F. H. and Mrs. Howard, recently.--Millbrook Reporter, Congratulations to Dr. J. C. De- vitt on 'being elected President of Ontario Dental Convention w c was lield in Toronto lest week. Mr'. and Mrs. R. BI. Wli1iamson, Redlands, Calif., are registered ýtat the Queea's.-,-Guide. Mr'. Williamr- son is an old LBowmnanville boy. Milibrook Cadets paraded to St. Thomas Church, on May 1l7th., and listenedl to an excellent and ap- propriate sermion dèeliver7ed by Rev. M. G. -B. Williams. The Canda Gazette last week contained a notice under lieading of "The Bankruptcy Act", statiug that E. G. Clarkson lias been appointedi custodian of esaate of H. A. Scul- Vlorp. During 1924, flfty-six per3ons in Port H~ope contracted sclarlet fever, three succumbing to the disease. So fer in 1925 a total of twenty-nine catses, with no deaths, have been re- ported.--Guide. At the annua'l meeting of Eat Duiýham- Conservatives Mi'. A. J. Fallis, M. P. P., gave an addreSss ad these officers were elected: Presi- dent-Warden J. L. McCamus; lst Vice-President-W. W. Brown; 2nd vice-President--J. H. MciGill; Secre- tary-I-. W. Larmer; Treasurer-J. H. Paul. Thre Piend of Ail Sufferers.- Dr. Thomas' Bclectric Oil 15 a valu- able remedy to ahi those who sufer pain. t holds out hope Vo every- one and realizes it by stilling sufer- ing everyýwhere. t is a liniment that lias the blessing of haîf a con- tinent. It is on sale everywhsrs and cari be found whersver enquired for. At 12 p. mn. Wednesday, ay27, 1fine destnoyed tlie driving shed and Mr'. Ed. Dickinsoa"s Ford touring car at Moon's Churcli, east of Garden 1Hill. Fine' is believed Vo have started near the car. It bunned s0 furiously that it was difficuit 'to save the church, which is a brick structure, the roof having cauglit several times.--Guide. The Van YNest family in Toronto have had erected a very nie gan ite monument on. the family hurili plot in Bowm-nanvills Qemetery to the mnemiory of their parents the laVe John Van Nest and wife Julia Bray and their son Laurie. The inonu- ment is Rideau Red Granite with a Stanstead granite base. The -work was' executed by our local dleaher, Mn. F. H. Bounsail of the Monu- mental Art Works esta!-lishcd in 1857 and ira in k1eeping with the hig-h class workmanship that bas always cjracterized the Bounsaîl output. His relatives and others in West Durham who know themi will read with keen interest this gcood news,: Mr. Hlerbent N. Coucli, B. A., son of tlie ev. Isaac Coucli who iast y ear graduated lin Chassies f rom Victoria College, lias been .1ppointed Vo the staff of Jqoins Hlopkins Unii- versity as Student Assistant in His- tory for the ensuing academnie yeir. Mr. Couch was offered a position as lecturer in Greeli at the University of Vermont, but preferred to con- tinue bis work in classical archaý-eo- logy at Johins Hopkins unden Prof. Robinson, the Ainerican archaelog-ist who recently lectured in Tononto ou his excavations et Pisidian Antbio o.- Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Ogden, Port Hope, celebrated their GldnJu- bilse on May 29 at thir residence,1 Cewslips froni a Devon combe- Midlaind furze afir- 'Biy my English posies Anid l'Il sell your heart's desire! ~The Fluwers-Kipling. Mrs. R. Bentham, Burkceton, de. eires' to thank alllier friends an neigboxs for the kindness and sym-ý patliy extended to her in the death of her husband and for the beautiful floral tributes. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Steven,, Enniskllleni, desire to thanl< their wnny friends and neiglibors for the sympathy and kindness, extended to them during the illness and death of their little son Frank and for the beautiful floral off erings. Rev. H. W. Foley, B. A., B. D., Hilton, bas been invited by Quart- erly Officiai Board of Fraserville Cir- cuit to beçcoie past6r for next Con- fýerence year. Mr'. Foley bas ac- epted the invitation and if the Stationing Conrmittee concurs he will take up residence in Fraserville in June. He îs well and favorably known at Fraserville having taught schoohi there sorne twenty-five- or tbirty years ago. Rev. R. M. Pat- terson, the present pastor, of Fraser- ville Circuit bas been invited and accepted the invitation to the Janet- ville Circuit, Manvers. We see by Strathroy Age-Despatch the Rev. Isaac Couch, B.ý A., B. D., is leaving Stiiathroy for Aniherstburg and the Ladies' Ald at a social even- ing held in the Methodist Church in their honor read an exceeedixngly coirplimentary address Vto Rev. and Mrs. Coucli. Refevring Vo the good services rendered in the churchi this tribute to bis pulpit work was given: You have labored faithfully amýongst us and many of us knowvç that your lab9rs have not been in vain. You have taugbt many of as to know, in a more perfect wtay, the real mean- ing of Chistiani.ty. your serinons have been an inspiration and educa- tion Vo every one w,,ho thinks, and mnany a heearer lias -one out strong- er and more able to face if e and its responsibilities after >istening to one of your able addresses. GOOD OLD DAYS GONE FOREVER The versatile Dowinsnville cOrs pondent to Orono Newýs -writes: Some of our caily papers ar~e la- menting the passing away of thie village smithy and the spreadfing chestnut tres ,and all the sentiment in connection thereýwith. Well what are you going to do abuot it, is it noV the samne with many other branches of craftsmanship? Years ag o here in this town there would bc apprenitices to the earving trade, Vo sloe an-d boot mnaking, to the carriage trade and varions other branches. To-day yoin wmill flot find a single apprenticeship at any trade. Skilled labor does not amount to anything in this age, genierally speaking a man goes into a shop Vo- day and in a few hours is a ful fledged journeyman. A man or boy doca not need Vo serve four years to learn to screw up "nut 376", and that is about the size -jf it. This scribe also writes: In The Statzeman of May 7th., we notice the denth of Mrs, Alex. Kennedy, which took place in Los Angeles, in- terment at Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. Kennedy wass a native of hs own, and the eldest daulter of Mr'. and Mrs. Wm. Tatpson. In lier young days she was known as Flo Tapson, and was particulrlyv clever as a mus-ician, being e proficient piaýnist, and at one time was org-anist in he Bible Chistian Chuarh, -'ow occu- pied as an evaporator by John A. Holgate & Son. Her first husband was Richard Moses, a cabinet maker in the Upper Canada Furniture C'o's chop and wns a niember of the old U. C. F. Band, and a miie respected citizen of the itow,,n. She after- -wards united with Mr. Alex. Ken- nedy, a boot ai-d shoe maker, who lied a stand abouit wliere Mr. Hl. Bunner carried on the samne occu- pation. Many changes iii the old, town since those clnys and not many of our people to-day will rememnber those of that period. I g GYPROC USES. New Construction Remodeling Repairing Bai s Attic Rooms Store Windows Ccilings Walls Poultry Rouses Farm Offices Dairnes Warehouses Fireproofiaig Under Singles Partitions Garage. PROTECTION against fie. 'Protection againist cold drafts, vermin, repairs, deterioration - these are only a few advantages Gyproc gives your f arm. Gyproc is fireproof watt- S board made of solid rock. It cornes in convenient ceil- ing-high sections that can be sawed and nailed like lumber. Lighit and easy to handie. Gyproc is durable and permanent. No repairs are -ever necessary. Yet the cost of construction is less than lumber because Gyproc can be applied in haif the time. Ask your carpenter or builders' supply agent about Gyproc. JOHN A. HOLGATE & SON Phone 153 Bownianville TRIBESMEN VISIT TOWN Peterborough U. 0. S. and P. and Other Tribesmen Here OFI Saturday. Khjavi Sanctorum No. 0-35, U. 0. S. aud P. entertaiued the tnibesmen of the several oases ia District No. 34, including Cyzicus No. 24, Peterboro Myceinus No. 41, Lindsay, tgte with sverel tribesmen_ froinisaa thje meet being held ia hs LI. . O.F. Temiple on Saturdey evening lu Bow- The programiacinluded hs confer- ring- of the "Degres of Hum-iIity" on a class of 'Neophytes', and the joint installation of the Officers of Cyzicus iad Khinvi Sanctorans. District Deputy Supreme -Mon-j1 archas, J. G. Baldwin of Lindsay,I was Vhe installing officer, -represeat-, ing he Supreme Sanctorum,-;indi who at he clos e of the ceremi-oniy r eceivè(d the hearty-Vlanks of thej meetfiing for. Vhes plenduid ,nanrei~n which lie, together witlr the nir- bers of bis suite, had canried outi their duties. The splendid "De- grec Teani" of Cyzicus No. 24, Pete2r- borougli, together with tribesrnen Wrnj Brysoin of Lindsay sud E. E. Bathe of Oshawa, conducted he de- gres work of hs svening, with De- gres Cap Vain SheikC C. IJ.Mowry, R. G, H., lu comrmand, and tlie man- uer in which ths work was put on re- ceived he hearty commendation of ail privileged Vo lie present sud wit- ness 1V. Anyiong the pleasing featu)res of the eveaing was the prezsutation Vo Sheik Walter T. Byers, hseretirag presiding officer of Cyzicus Sanctor- uni No. 24, of a Past Grand Moni- arcli's je-wel, hs presentation beinig made byr D. D. S. M. Baldîwia. AV hs close of hs meeting an ad- journment was made Vo Vhse]3ow- man House where a "Moon Feast" lied been provided for ths T1ribes- mea by the genial host, Cap. Chas. Dickinson, wliere songes, recitations and speeches proved a splendid final Vo au unusually succdssful trsck of he Trihesmen. Officers Kliavi Sanctorum No. 235: Grand Monarh-E. E. Bathe; «Vice Monrh-J. E. Hoblis; Gd. Counsel- or-P. Wright, Yen. Fiar-F. J. Mo ors, P. G. M.; Gd. Monitor--Wm. [Gamble; Registrar-Posg Grant';1 Banker-A. Anderson; Gd. Higli Exi -Rex Caveriy; Gd. Hleraid-A. Stevenson; Gd. Chie! Guide-Win. Ellis. Em ORRHOIDS Do Pt uffer atiQeLr dynt Itch ing, Bieeding, "r P otrud ing Pliles or Iiorrholds. No surgicaf cÇpration r.equired. Dr. Chase's Oiitmenit wileiev you nt once arn41 afford lasting b)enefit. 60c a boxý; ail dealers, or Edmnanson, Bates & Co., Lîmnited, Toronto. SamjIpe box free. PHONE F,186 ALLIN BOWMAN VILLE Stock Up Now Now is tbie time to buy groceries-when the buying is good. In many hunes of groceries we are now off ering you will neyer buy at a smaller price. Certainly you will neyer get more in value thati we are nýow off ering. As a safeguard, why not jot down the items you want, send to us or phone and we will prove our ability to serve you with quality groceries at ilowest prices. We Deliver in Town W. G., NELLES CO. Groceries Victoria Building and Provisions Phone 62 Bowmanville ïï There Is No Substitute For Meat There is really no satisfactory substitute for meat. Vegetable proteins are, in general, infér- ior to meat proteins and cannot be considered as entirely satisfactory substitutes for m'eat, but meat is capable of making good their deficiencies. Meat is flot harm1ful, even in large quantities -providing it is good- meat. You only get the best quality meats at this store. "Always the Best" in Qualîty and Service C.M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butehers Bowrnanville H.ARRY You have been intending,,,tQ try "Red Rose!> Why not now before you forget. ýTIEA&t is good ted' The ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. Trit! BOWMANVJLLE I«BAKERY Have you tied, Moir's Chocolate Puzzle Bar? Particulars enclosed with each bar. Tells how to win a Sedan Car, a Pony, a B3icycle, or a 5' lb. box of Chocolates. Get one to-day. JACOý«)'B S & HILLYER The Candy Shop Successors to Christie's Rakery Bownianville NO DOU BT-m AÀBO'UT l-IT Our Specials this week are appetite tempters: Pine Apples for Preserving, New Carrots, Fresh Spinach A sure way to raise chickens is to feed them some of our Full-of-Pep Starter, Full-of-Pep Growing Mash, -0 Steam Cooked Scratch-Feed. THIS is the place to buy it. Also a fulll une of clioice Groceries always in stock.

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