owma Prlncipa Sall the nuils ia First Formn every subject, two pupils .Arithmeic.' FOOT ,ýýEAR VALUES Te have been showing the people of this tthat there, is no need of buying Boots an-d out oftwn The values we have been mi-ade m any new eustomners. So we will ue to make it worth your while to buy ear Fît thisstore. r's Brown Sandals ...........$1.98 per pair Wis, Patent Leather Sandials $2.20 per pair New-ý Brown Gore Pumpý,s, cuban heels, rubber top lift, at Special Price $3.'75 pair is above, only with low heels atu $3.75 pair r-, of Ladies' Paltent Leather low shoes in patternis and in ties, from $6.00 to $8 pair New B3rown Caif Oxfords wiUh wide toes, atest f'or men at ............$6,150 per pair e stil.l have a few pair of those gp od every- oes for men at $3.48,,and 3.9 per pair. ,ai prices on Ladies' prevail. Gop.ç1s in small VAeClaude Ives eHome of Good Shoes Bowmanville NEWCASTLE Mr. Eric Toms was hiere from Blelle- Vitie. Mr1s. J- E. Ma,,tchett is hoidaying ýin) Muskoka. Mrs. T. (Ctterreety istdO- a\\-,lfriends. Mrs. Gtimsb)Y is visiting D). j. Gibson, Mrs. Raynor, Gimisb)y, is visiting D). J. ibson, "Hazel Dell". MrS. (r)Bte and Miss Cora. vi- ited in Týoronto recent.ly. Mr. and Mrs.. Jamieson Sna with friends l Npaeei Mur. Gýeorge Fenniing,, Toronto,vstd friendl's in tlown on Sundiay. Mlr. and Mrs. W aîgrcni vis- itedl friend(s atNigr Falis. M.and Mrs. W.C. S1,tttonOhaa visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm11.Jaesn Mrs. We ila, Tor onto, i s isîiln visitîng finsin leur td lhome town. Mrs. JT. TjIow is ejyn a visit from' her1,sister an niecefrom DuI)luthf, Minn. Mr.La]d Mr'S. W. P. Rioard nçtMr'. adMrs,. S. Sutton \isited Lake -,fie]d fiends. -Miss Mary Hamiey and 1ren, Oshi- awa, wats weedguest in ber ptd homie village, Dr. -A. Farnomb hams purchIasec iIth Ltte ..J. Robson'S 1home and wili make it amd dwetlingL. Mrs. E. C. [b(ar %wascaldhm ong to the srtousllness ofhe fteMr.~ Samnuel S. Emagg. M r. n1. Fintey has moved hieami here aniId !S ocupying pat 0f AMm. Wil- son McCam-us busBeaver Steetl. fut entrine e rected i.n fr'ont of his Mrs. W. H. Pearce's gruof the, Ladies' A\id is ho01lding antaftemlnoon teaý at the home ,of' M\rs. Sueiýl Bnt LawnBowingClub) is pkLayingoff their inter-rinkcmths Four rinks played lajýst week, resuit: DmI. 1ButIer, Slkip, . 12 , vs. G., Jamieson, skýip lI; F. itiekard, Skip ý10,vsH BrtoSp i4. Mms. fKinaac aunp Mac Xi,,. BmaulIt and friends. M rs.Gege Hari ai manville' were gue and Miss Annie Keýn Mr. and Mrs. jeri'l son's-inl-t a w anfldi dau d.Qulilan an d Mý Wise and -Mi. and 1M moni, al Cf Torontio. i ors with Misses Bre. '.C or SC 'ON. R. c ngl agent caienu spe,ýnt thie lday with wih his fine, voie e in connection -vi ceremnie-s at St. NEWCASTLE LE FR1 Coi'ng to Picton Mvr. C. F. Can Prinicipal, has ac principal and ent- of Picton Pubi $2,000.00, duties ber lst. Altho such good citizen Camnon and such er as -Mr. Cannoi- to bu during his cipalship of. Our vupils, parents a llj1y, unite in con', this distinct adv Ifinaincial and soci C.no'spersona h'ave richly earnef wishes x'ill follow\ý non ac sol i leave !Newvcastle lier with a, lively il non 'is achievemneni where hie !as aire nalÀ sucýess. yWl in Mxi. 'Cannon, .Pi( ciass teacher inE live sportsmian-lik tics and a good MISS BrýOCK' Happy Evening SI at Newcast The R-ectory wi interesting and gathering Wednes( 17, when miemibers and of St. Gýeorg-e'ý day School assemi well Io Miss PhcS prior to her lea, England. Miss rend a iiice1y- word Brock expressingi for1 her character hanked hich v or a y( f nmak ST. JOHN'S JRCH Peter- con-i- eul dis- al real day's whole- V; the crowd to Port seYerl Frieads j nuspokei nai ýs for the gift Éacceptable one juSt 0o n te evTe -joýýurney to the mact. 4 t~I~i f -s Yosu Losing routh Your 'rth the >f a row the wvalls and roof s of re insul-ated with Ten- n your fl10 y. Saves ngl costýs, 1.Co, MxýI. Frank Bennett, Toronto Uni- versity 'carpenter, lias been at Co'p- per Beech imaking im-provemnents and repairs upon Camp building-s. About fifty young friends of -Miss ladys Heard suTprise-d her at her b0mi-e last Wednesday evening, June 1 7th, and presented her with a mnis- cel1aneou-sbsower of useful articles. A fine social tinie was spent by al the young- ladies and g-entleme'i pre- sent. J. A. BUTLIER, M. D., C. M. Honor -riduate of Trinity Universit-y FeIlow of Trinity MedicalCoeg Licentiate of the State Universlty 9of New York,Maiclt of the Post, GraduiateMdia School and Hos- pital of' New York and Feilowý of th, Toronto Academy of Medicinc. Office -Mrs. 1McNaightonl's esidenceý, Newý,castle. Hours-8 to 10 a. Mi., 1 t. 3 p nm., and by appointmeni, "Red RZose" extra goôd. Won't you try ît? LA 6 good ted' samne gooci tea for 30 years. lci a, tuci vurcu(i . toch',on. Theeprtiscuetthtursoo teahîgsmtffvwIlt mquire the attjI- ion o t1pthe ýýoLard asPrnia Mtt aind bis ab)ie asitat iss Bo,, havet senit in theýir reýsignationjs. as lias ls') Principal Cnnnor tiae Public jàSeýool. This witjI l i blasvî us ot onI i r the seb!ool but tIo 1the lo!Immuniry at large.ip l' lilIý Cahfiha rrive he re from ail faiyrenflions. Mr. iuad M a Hae ndyugS oni came from Fchster by),ferry Iand weýreIlues(s of Mml. anld Mr's. Jalmes E. Hys ot Stree't. Mr. ohn i o. o f tho lone of ,'Ithis isticlt, 1pa's sed (j over to1 the Get Beyond 1]ljat imidigh"t on( und anid Vwas lttemrod in Bond ledCr- 1t-1-y on Wemsdyatenon. M. Dixon had (lPassed Itheforscr mr 'nnd iwas 0on1y jj- ii Ifwdas ,H- on', of the1bestknOwn memborsf~h lommunlity l' -and wa 1s respecte d byail who kneýw hm.Beside s jis id lh icav \\tO dagheriad tw sns Ms1 Geýo. Po weni. 0Orono; Mr Crij' ,)-s la:lw, Newcaste;1Jams Iat O',ronoil; and Henriry inToroi)to', Mrs. Mm. Hunter, Toronto, bas opened lier Newcastle homne again. Miss Minnie Barrett, Bowman- ville, was weekend gustcf Missi Emma Beman. Mr. Donal.d Meinchian, Jr., was week-end gnuest of Master Eric Wý,al- ton-Bail at Harris Lod'-e. 'Y. . l . 1îuIxar(u and (uaugîîult 'isited Lakelfield friends. aind MUrs. Chas. M. Smnith an er Mvargaret, Toront'o, a: Urs. R. L. WihBroadlawi 'castle Leag-uers -)0 stron dýc to Oshawýa and( enjoye ï afternoon picnicking ai-,Lai P., . GQo. th1 ofe iC cI as Par- o nlrc whit.e georg-e anld rosettes. was a string< carried a sho' bossois and »yhite sh'oes. Mrs. Cocul ml-atron 1of lb gown of Fri wore a Coý,rsag mnan was Mr'. of the bridegi After the wavs held at t] the bride and spaclous draw drawing rooin filied with peý the diniiio rc a charrming picture, wedding gowni of., withi flare ,g')(dets :er onfly ornament ýerîs. The biride bouquet of orange te roses and -wore n, as lier ister's w$ore a gracef'ul blue cantoni and )uquet '. The best an Brown, brothler moiny a reception ride's home whe-e 'are six cousin- orne, W. J. Bragg-, valistonle, C. W. and F. A. Craýgo. rings hich --UeT. v. and Mrs. C. C. Washington, . -Randaîl and S. Coverly, Mr. iMrs. F. A. Crago, MT. and Mrs. C. vanstone, Drs,ý Norman nnd rar Allun, Edmionton, Altb., Mr. 1Mrs. 'T. H. Powe rs and Helen, and Mrs. W. H. Allin, Toropto, and Mrs. A. S. Tilley, Sunshine [s, Ebenezer. WANTED 1 0 mn to quatrfy for work paye.tng $100 to $2001 monthly as Motor and ,i~rtion experts, Chauffeurs, Weidl- ers, Battery and Tire Work; aiso Bridayng.Barbertng and Mcai cal De)ntistry. W pay money part time; whlie learning these tradaes. Cati or write, for informattion. Hemp- hiti's Ltd., 16.1 King St. W., T.r- onito. When You Need GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or sen'd your order to this store ;\he-re it will receive prompt attention and you will get good value. "THE HOUSE 0F VALUE" ths illage. The NEW ada (Presi51 ville Presiý The Uni rip the i th e n'umi dancing anld carcis were enjoyeci. Jur Refreshnients weie served. 10Moi' st. its H~ighand Coal i l'Ott is the best grade of An-bt We venture to say that our large stock of Summier Dresses preseùit the mos 't out'standing values,; the smartest styles and the most coim- prehensive lot of beautiful fabries it is possible to offer at prices that are truly reasonable. Styles illustrated show the slenderizing effect of Dresses stylbd by Billie Burke featuring: Broadcloths, Linons, Voiles ,Rayons, Printed Crepes., Crepes Romaines, Wash Silks, Bedoras, Ginghams, in ail the new shades and the newest styles. SPECIAL OFFE1R 0F BROAD)CLOTH DRESSES In many styles, colors and ail sizes 16 to 46, $2.98 S.W. Maonï & Son Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 B o wmanv il1le 't-. al rioi)e on 11