Promi-otion repor SE~ND , your reniittan( Standard Bank Money Or<d are convenient, efficient,a oimical. The money is fuil ag-ainst bass or theft in tra can reach oniy the person it is addressed. 1S;tanoda Mon-ey Orders are as good and are acceptable ,nayý Caânada., TDA OF c BANK d Things For Picnic Hampers The pienic is a pleasant and favorite foin of summer en- tertainment witb both old and young. The lunch, however, is an important factor in the ýsuccessfulness of the outing. We will give sonie suggestions that probably will hielp you. Try Minced MNeat Sandwiches, two-thirds chopped lhan and one-third tonguje, mixed together with mayonnaise dressinig, spread on white bread with lettuce leaves. OLIVES l3on'!t forget to include some aýpetiz ing Olives and Pýýckles, also Summer Drinks to Quench Your Tkirst FANCY BISCUITS Are easy to carry and are tasty and satisfying. We haye a a nice assortmient. RUBRER JAR RINGS Sep that you get a new lot for preseriving time, Let us fil your nexdt grocery order. Phone 657-w V 171, Li~ iEconomv id arej Ej D -1 des, Jin r. IV-MarI, îch, Kenne Manson Pa lenn Pollr Ir. III1-Syl rwaruk, Jo] r. I-Gera Cdes, 1Herb: le. r. I-Roy aGeddes, 1 man Patton. Sr. Pr.-Harvey Jr. P-c.-Russa Pinï,h, Velma1 AUG. 6th., 192-5.'FORMER CL.ARKE~ RESIDENT ___________DEAD LREPORT Jo ni Miller, Mo~,Ilan., dearly belov-eri eson of Ms Jane Miller of )rt of S. S. 'N o. 9, Orono ,passeci away at his home on July lOth. He was seized with a ,y Bowen hon, ijor- severe stroke, June 261% followed a ýti Neal, Kerineth little Later byr two others in quick atton, Mary Gl1an- succession. Deceased ýWas born in d. C1ýaxi1e towvnship near thie village Ivia KViipatrick, El- of Kendlal, where he grew to young bu. Barnes. rnanhood. Thirty years ago he went ld Pinch hon, Jes- to the Prairie Province and for m-any ie Gibson, Charlie years has been en.-aged in the grain business at Roland, x'lhere ho Patto n, Jack- Ge-d was recognized as one of their iead- Isalbel Geddes, Car- ing citizens. Besides his sorrowl- ing wido.w and daughter, a grief 'Blake. strickea mnother also nmourns tne los elof a kindBson. He was 57 years old. il iac, BuceHîs brother Edward lîves in Car- M. Neai, teacher. berry. Mrs. E. P. Doncaster, Bow- manville, is a sister. COURTICE (Received too late for last issue) SorryV o hear of little Dean Courtices illness aad hope for a speedy reeovery. Ladlies' Bereani Class is haviag an "At Homne" at Mrs. Chas-. Fouad's on Thursday afternioon. Miss MhLrion Worden visiting- her aunts la Éowmai-inville spent Sunday withi her graadnmother, Mr,, John Worden. Mrs. Mary Everson and Mrs. Blake Courtice motored to Campbell- ford 'with Mr. Frank Walters to at- tend a funeral there on Moriday. Picnics are ail the rag-e. Several froan here .tteadedl the Courtice- Everson pienie at Os;hnwa and a nurniber of relatives fromi Ebenezer were at the Pascoe picnic on Satur- day. Visit ors: Mrs. Ellis, Oshawav, viýs- iting at her daughter's, Mrs. Cecil Wý,,ordean; Mr. Ehnier Rundle and Miss Dorothîy Henrderson, Toronto, guestsi of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rundie; Mr. ' and Mrs. T. Sanderson, Toronto, atj MVr. W. R. Courtice's1 KEDRON la camp-, )ro. anci airs. Clarkçe1 rmeriy Peari Croskeml) daughter Marlon, Erie, ent guests at Mr. A. 's; Thorntoa's Cor- Sehool picainckedl in s'agroe. . .r.and 'nley, Zion, visited at vis. .. r.and Mrs. ir Sundayed with, relu- -wa. .Ms Amiber Son- ress of Nurce and Operating- Roomn, Osh-i Hfospital, was guest of M\eCGregor ...Mr. eugor has resumned his oronto .... .Mrs. Johins, roao, visited M-2s. W. -Miss Eveiyýi Willis, d M'rs H1-. Molutji)y l. Tonkin and Miss nviile, were guest aru ýoskin's 0on Sundlay. preached a, - ipe ser- , -A astà, n Mr.nI. Mojunt-' ..Mr. anid Mrs. 'Thos. Scott. id Mrs. J. H. Pascoe atteaded pienie at Hampton.... Miss ce Wheelerad Miss Stella ,a, Toronto, -are viitiaga iman's .... .Miss Olive Luke is relatives at Solina. The Rioht Way to Boil Potatoes )TS DURHAM COUNTY MAN DIES William McKnight, Cavan. The dleath of Wmi. MeKniglit on JuIy llth. ,reinoves anothJer of Cav- aa's o~ hig-hly respected resi- dents. Deceased -%as bo-cnl in South Monaghan 63 years ago. Forty-1six years ago he was united in marriag-e with Miss Margaret laiapton, sister of Mr. D'avid Hanap- ton ,for maay years Priicipafl of Mihibrook Schools. Seven chidren were born to their happy union, five of -wloio sur-vive thieir father. Mr. McKnight was a niember of Grace Presbyterian Church, Miii- brook ,was n sta.unch Conservative. -Mrs. Thos. Wilson, Manvers, nnd Mrs. F. Hall, Keadal, attended the f uneral. H1e had been ailing- for a year. Mrs. MýcKnight -was two years a ciever pupil of the senior editor of The Statesman ini Pallia Lino School in hîs teaching- daysansd he adda his sincere symipathy with her in hier great loss. WELLKNOWN PORT HOPER DIES Mr. Fred T. Pedlar, Son aI r.R Mrs. Richard Bragg, Sr., was cal- ed to Port flope,last week ,owiaýgj tco the dezith of her son, Mr. FedT Pedlar who passed away Thursdlay mcrning after sonie moaths' iii- nesa. The funleral on Saturday was; very iargely attended by busines-s men, relatives and memîbers of lYurha:ïl Lodge of Oddfehlows, Rev. J. W. Baird, Pastor of the United Church assisted by Rev. J. W. Dowii, Ty- rone, coaducted the service. The floral tributes w\,ere very beautiful. Six of his most intimnate friends aýcted'as pall-bearers: Msr.Fred Browni, Fraak, Flood, C. M. Roberts and W. T. Gree-aawaty. -At the g-raveside W. J. CroGwhurst, AcigNbie Grand,'and W. T. Greena-way, Chapiain, conducted' the imîpressive burial service of the S. 0. O. F., of which he was a mena- ber, aiSo o ictJoria Encamopment No. 25. lni 189,S he was uniited In marae wîth Laura Greenway (dalughter of the laVe Naýthaniiel Grceenaway who survives hi> to whomii- the symà-pathy of the -whoie commiliunity goes out lna'her sad ber- eayement. Interment took place in Wel- corne Ceimetery. OBITUARY Mies Fanny C. Crues, Bewdley. A very sad and rather unexpected death occurred on Sunday morning, July 12, in Nicholîs' Hospital, Peter- boro, when Fanny C. Cruse, young- est daughter of the late John and Margaret Cruse, Hamilton township, passed a-way, followýing a serious op- eratiion. Decesed had noV been well for ,some timie, but -was able Vo be arouad until entering the hospital just five days before her death. The f uneral took place oný Tues- day afternoon, July 1,4, froni the residence of hier brother, WilliamiJ. Cruse, Bewýýdlèey, in whose home she performied faithfully for a numnber of years the duties of a noter. Tho 1f e of the departed was one of sac- rifilce and service Vo many who ned- ed help and care, and she w,ýill be much missed by lier siatera and arohlers, niecea and nephews. Shie learves five isters and two brothers to myourn lier death. The paîl-bearers were: Msr. Robert Campbell, Dewdley; John Canipheil, Bewdley; John Sackiville, ex-Reeve of Brock Township, Can. anington, brothers-in-law of te de- cased; MAayor Chaik, Port Hope; MNessrs. Leslie Webster, Little Brit- Airi; George Hamnilton, W"litby, cousins of the deceased. The funeral was largely attended and friends were present fronJ Tor- onto, Lindsay, Canning1ton, Orono., Oshawa, Whitby, Peterboro and other places. Many have been relieved of corns by Holloway's Corn Renover. 1V hlas a power of its own that wilI be found effective. Canada to spread thy glory, We will make the lhills resound With thy praise, until the story Gladly rings the whole world round We'lI stand behind our Emipire Until ttme shall cease to be, And with hearts aglow sing CANADA We love thee. Two With unbounded love for Canada, we sing of happy homes, And the boon of every benefit that to the toiler coules: While for ail our needs kind Pro-vi- dence with gifts of sun aad raja, Th e horn of pleaty freely empties over our domain. We cherish our Dominion as a land avo-wed to right, Where no flaw\ýless fires shall nould- er to smirch its scutcheon bright Aad the King of Kings we'll gborify for the gift of His g-reat love,Y Wherewith enc.onpassed, we in pence and perfect order move. Three With unbounded love for Canada, our broad and fertileland We, an undivided brotherhood, with- in her portais -stand, And beholding Nature's richest dow- er adora the paths we've trod, Perceive in every leaf and flower the autograph of God. No country could be fairer ia pros- ýpect, or in deed, Sons and' dauglJiters e'ver eager to nid in tim-e of need; The traditions of our fathers as- they reach poSterity Inspire their sons in giad acclain- to chant triumphantly. Four With uabounded love for Caniada, our watch fires briglit shah gb-ow Gleamiing steadiiy and permannent, that ail the world may know We'Il defend our riglits -wîth valiance and neyer yieidl nor fly; For Canada and liiberty, if need Nocorne,-shall we die!I Novauating., hostile army our brawny sons shaîlnove Whiere they stand with puirpose holy to defend Vthe land they love; Though we court -weet peace in Can- ada, yet is freedona dearer still! We'il1 keep our easig-n waving and we'hi shMout -with right good wili. The Boys' Band of the Salvation Army, Oshawa, hold its annual tipý to Ciesarea, Enni'skilien, Barketon,1 Biackstock, on Sunday, August 2nd.1 70OWINrENIPE From WINNIPEG l' lus Y2 cent er milt to jjointsýbeyndr. but not west Plus 'ý cent pcr il , stertlng fEmno,\1lodadCalgary $ 0po'int tO winnipeg. From Stations in Ontario, Smîth's Falls to and including Taronto on Lakte Ontario Shore Aug. l8th f Une al v..d . teboL ne. S~~ tFron Il Sations Dranoel o Port -MceNicoli and Bktnt Bocaygeots, inclusive. Seprosleail StationS on T.ooto-Sudbury direct L:n. From al Staion. Ontario' and Weto ratt ndicungBnft f WeIllad, Niagara Feall dWindsor Aug. 21 st From .1ailstations on Owen So..d, W.lkertonOa v4iTeniwater, mora, LEstowal, J Goderih, St. Mary, Port BurweW ,and St. T%.-ma Branehe. From .il Stations 'Teronto ..d Northt.toBoit..,,ieuv. Sep. thFrai,, ai Stations in Ontario on the Michi an Central, Pere Marquette, Windsor, Essez & Lakte Shore, Chatham Wall-cburg & L.1 es, rand River, Lakte Erie & N4ortiemr and Toronto, Hamnilton & Buf falo Railways. SPJECL4L TRAIN SERVICE FROM TOIRONTO Ladien and CldeSeia Cars will be re.rvcd for tie elusive use of lad-a, ehidren~ and deir ecoxs. 7'ravel Ftul infoirmation fromr any Canadian Pacifie Agent. c ANAIAANcàFX4: C. B. KENT, C. P. R. AGENT, Post Office, Bowmanville I -, '00 ITERS .TES AUGUST lsth and 2lst ion East, Beeton, Meaford, Collingwood, Penetang, Ury, Capreol and east thereof in Ontarl"o.. nood Jet. and ail Stations south and wst thereef in Ontaio ,iai Trains leace Toronto ,Aug. l8th, 12.01 a-. m. Midnight ug. l7th,); Aug, 18$, 10.00 a. m.; Aug. lSth, 12.30 p. m.; Uig. 18th, 10-30 P. ra. -Toror * l5 0 0, TO WINNIPEG toba, Saskatchewan, Albierta,-Edinenton, Tannis, Calgary, MvacLeod and East. R~tur~ii~-alla cent peyF mile to Winnipeg, ays. whetIher or 80* nu National. MASON & IEtfe PIANOS FRED MITCHELL ]Bowmanville CANADA, WE LOVE TIiEE- A Ilynn of I$bve for Canada. Writ- ten by Jas. Faýx. With unbounded- love for Canada, we sing a soag of praise, For her hisý and valjleys 'beautiful, and radiant golden days; Every rippling lake and rivuiet, and every mountain dome Combines to lift our hearts in pride of the land that we call home. We prize the achievements of of the dauntless race of men, Who have toiled and made thee fair- ous, with ploughshare, axe and Pen. We revere they daughters, Canada, who strive to prove thy worth By making thee in very truth a para- dise on earth. WE KNOW OUR MEATS They contain ail the elements that guaraxitee health, ,,igor and a satisfied appetite. We have ail kinds of FRESH AND CURED MEATS We buy only the best and keep our meats in a sanitary condition in a most modern and up-te- date refnigerator. z....W *Ilbert J. DLudley, BUTCHER PHIONE 225 BOWMANVILLE f QUALITY CUNTS And it's quality you get first ,last and always whe-n you buy Bowmanville Bakery Products And it's quality that lias built up such a tremen- dous demand for our Products. Make yourself a permanent customer. W'e welcome your trade. Phone 97.ï J ACOBS & HTIILLYER The Candy Shop Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowinanville -they ý5 0