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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1925, p. 7

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ns, Sud- ir dauoeh.. pair tor recharge bat- autos or radies HOSPITAL S'ick, wern out tires ha-ve thesu repaired. formierly of taO take place rtin, Newcastle, On- the engagement of ýer, Gertrudie, Eia e James Stapet'oni, andi Mrs. Thomas onil. Marriag-e clatter part of Sep- Newl for Street 25c, 35c, SOC. Attractive Prices on IFootwear FOR THIS WEEK AND FAIR WEEK Tome-n's Black Patent Kid two-strap shoe, sm-all cutouts at side, cuban heel with rubber top at .................... ...... ...$ 3.95 Tome-n's Black Patent one-strap shoe with a medium low heel at .................$3.95 rowing Girls' Oxfords in Black Patent or Black Caîf at .......................-$3-95 iomen.'s Black Kid Cushion Sole Oxford with rubber heel at ...................$2.95 With every cash purchase of -five dollars we ill give free to custoener a Durham Duplex -Razor Shoe Stôore Footwear & Travelling Goods Pho#ie 120 Bowmanville n TER ' FI<,HT11 House-tc -o-hope canrrassing bas be- rexatieus problin in Bow- as well as in many ether It is estimqted that pos- per cent of housebolti fun- ales are in soino locaities 1 tradeis, as against 60 par Slocal retailers, Canvas- I &-ver thse country, employ-1 tensive drives place handre-d6 of thoasandis of dollars' worthi of goods. Soine of the practice is extre-niely shady. The ouit-of-town-r concern selfing by peddier and deivering by parcels post, does net protect the customyer either in, price'or quality and his "1guarantees" are meaningless The' price argument is not soand, be- cauce the agent's commission often exceeds the total niark-êuap ofth reliable local retailer. The out-of- town denler does not contribute pro-! portlonately to the taxes of the corn- manity. The oat-of-tawn deaieri will neyer build a town. To make1 a sale the f ereign peddler attaices, the whole local retail system with unlre td iglie to-morrow, is the best slogan we have heard as appiied to the itinerant merchand- ise solicitor. If goods are not as represented by hini there is rio ap- peal fer justice. NOTICE A.ny dalry, person, or persons keeping mny mull< bottles after this date will be1 Drosecuted. Pearce Dairy, Bowmianville. Bowmanville, Aug. 11, !925. 33 He KnL»ight's Store News SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEKENI> Willard', Chocolate Bars, all kinds 3 fer 13e Tilsýon's Health1 Kippered Snacks, Crossfish......5 for 25e Malt, heavy, aî Pruneî#, fancy, nleaty, 2 bis.-.........25e Malt, amber sha Macaroni r(ýdy eut or long package 2 for 25e Hûps, P. K., 31 Easifirst, 3 lb. pail, 'only.........54c Princesis Soap 1 Fry's Cocoa, !,, lb. tins................22c Lux Honey, pure clover, very whte, new 5 lb pail Boap, 10 BtLrs 74e Sheriff's Maras Honey, pure anber, a littie daricer than the 1 lb. glass jar very white, nice ftuvor ... -...... 49e Magic Baking F( CamipbeÈ's Toimate Saup, 2 fer...ý........ 23e Pastry Flour, 24 Rice, 3 lb. f or............. ......... 24c H, P. Sauce. Matches, 3 b«oes in package....27c package Crossfish Sardini Post Bran, 2 for............25e Special for men Pop Bran Flakes, 2 for ......,...25e Sept. 22 and 21 Raisins, Seedless or Seedeti, 2 parkages .... .23e nian that enjo: Zinc Rings ....... .........19c doz pipes. We wu Rubber Rings, 3 dozen ......... .,,23e you on Fair 1) Parawax, 2. packages...........2c People fromi the Creantery Butter, Hampton or Orono....40e with us Fair iaý ,Swani'e Dow,,n Cake Flouy . ..-....33e package after the Fair. .*q2 0e package S20 b e.........20e Ib, ckages......... 25C akes............20e yde, 1,lb. in....... 28r lb. 1lb.tin.....285e ib a............915e ce mnusee our real ,special for wraps .d cal TERS Trinity Unitedi, Rev. J. U. Ro)bins, Pastor. Sunday services Il a. ni. anti 7 pi.. &iday Sehool 2.30 p. ni. (Standard Tinie.) PDresbyteri-an Churcb in Disciples Cbrch-Rev. M. Zeidinan, Knox Coilege, Teronto, will preach at Il a. ni. and 7 p. ni. Sanday Sehool at 2.3 0 p. ni. St. Paul's Charcb, Rev. D. W. 'Best, D. D., Minister. Public Wor- ship at il a. ni. andi 7 p. mi. The min- istor will preach. Santiay Sehool at 10 a. nm. (standard tume.) it a Mrs, TENDERS WkNTED For alteration and improvements at Bowmanville Hospital. Worî. to lni- l ude Masonry, Carpentering, Plumbi l 91 Sash and Doors and Gazkig. One tcender ta cover wholW work, Particularsina>' bu had at J. J. Mason & Sons ofice. Tenders to close October lat anid work te be completed before Novambar lst, ]Low- est or any tender not necesswariiy ac- cepted. 38-2 C. H. MASON, See'y.-Treas. STEAMISHIP TICKETS M., A. JAMES Tu Europe--Canadlan Pacifie, White Star Do'minion, Cuinard, American. Ask for information. Phone b52, Stat"mian Offiee, Bownienvllle. jo13Car -Appiy, S8-t! PASSING 0F A GOOQU WUMAN' Mra. Kate Prower Wiliamu There passed ýo reat at Bownmian-1 ville Hospital, Saturday, Sept. 12thý, a gooti womran, a loving mother, al kind neîghbor and a true friend in the persan of Kate Pro:rwer, 'wido-w of Markus li. Williams. Mrs. Wil- liam-s was baorn in. Stratton, Corn- wall, England, in 1848, and came te Canada with her parents, William and , Catherine Hicks Prower when two years of age. They settled in Bo-wmyanville where- the greater part of her if e has been sp)ent. In August, 1870, she was unilted in marriag-e with ber late bius!band who was. 'a well-known cattle exporter of the fin aof Williams & HaIl They lived hère until about sixteen years ago when they moved to the West living in Edmonton, Alta., for about six years. They retarned froïn the West and three years ago hast Jane ,while on a visit t() Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Vaince, at Raei1-e, Wisconsin, Mr. Williains passed away, . Since then Mrsý. Williams has spent the winters with hon daugbhtor, Mrs. (Roýv.) J. E, Miles, Syracuse, N. Y., and the sammelirs witbhane son, Alan, at the old home bere. Týhoiug,,h not in very giood health. wben she camne this suirmter she was able to bo around antil ajbout ai week previous to her death when shesu- ored a slight stroke. Evorything possible -was dane to relieve her sufforings but she passed to rest on Satunday foronoon. The funeral took plaýce oni Tues- day afternoon froin the residonce of ber son on Queen Street serltice bo- ing conducted by Rev. D. W. Best, D. D., minister of St. Paal's Uniited Cburch and Rev. G. S. Pestlethwnite,1 Rectoi, of St. Johnr's Cburch. The pali-bearers weroe Messysrý. John Perey, J. H. H. Jury, W. H. Dastan, John Lyle, C. A. Johinstoii and C. M. Cawker. The fiýowers were very beauutul and included tnibutes from friends In Syracase, N. Y., Edmonton, Ot- ta-wa, Pete.cboroý, Wisconsin and frori nmany relatives and ,lId frientis in town and vicinity. She leaves to mo'urn her lh'js-zone daughter, Mn. '(Rev.) J. E. Miles, Syracuse, N. Y., and oone son, Mr. Alan M. Williams, town, aise, two sisters, Mrs. S. F. Hill of Bowman- ville and Mrs. Stahi of Toronto. Among those attending the faner- ai frani eut of tLown were Rov. and 3Mrs. John E. Miles, son John anid daughter Gertrude, S1yýracuse, N. Y.. -Mrs. Stabi and Dr. W. Tennant, fToronto; Mrs. W. Kent, Peterboro; Mr. L. T. Vance, Racine, Wï-scensin; Mr. S. J. Hall,. Hamilton; Mr. Chas. 3Thomas and Mr. L. Drew\,, Oshaw\a; ?Sberiif andi Mr. Frank Paxto-p and Miss, D'everall, Wbitby. Miss Harnden's Faîl Millinery di- ay is new ready forinpto. dues, don't miss caliîng anti.-c-eng e new styles andi col)r.s. Mrs. W. C. Hazlewood, Wrexeter, r. Jiohu Tathami, Edmlonton, Alta., isa Cherry Gerrel, Regina, Sask, Lv been guests of Dr. anti Mrs. B. Hazlewood. A mieeting for those inteïested îin iwling wili be bold at Martyn Bi-os. omis on Friday, Sepember 18a p. ni . A committee wiil befr- to look after teamis intending to ter ini the various longues that wili fornsed. Mr. anti Mms. Thos. McMllen, rs. Geo, McMulen, Mrs, . . ' 3imeroni, Margaret ai-d Vernon, issos Lulut and MarJorie McMLienî id Mr, Harvey Rice attendedth ie eMllen-WaLtson weddiag- at Stay- ýr on Saturtiay. Dr. J. C. Devitt is in To)ronto is week taking- a special post.. .aduate course at the Facuity, of entistry. About 70 dental prac- toners andi teachers f rom Ca- an and American Universities have, gistereti. Dr. Devitt had thbe hon- ýof being electeti president of tfite iBs. Nzewest thiings lii Fail Milinry atý igman & Edmondstone'e on Fridiay ici Saturday, September 18 ,rid ID. ENGAGEMENTS Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. G. E. MeLean, trefui, prompt anti efficient vice to ail custeIlers Missiolary night at Trinity Çhurch Young Peoples' League \vas in charg-e of Miss Rilda Slemon. Scrip- ture lesson was read by Mr. Renneth Foster. Rev. E. A. Tonkin gave a talk on Missions illustrated. Solos wvere sang by Misses Dorothy Pllni- mrer, Margaret Pollock andMlre Cole andi a piano solo played by Miss Velilla Stapfles. The Mission Cirele of Trinity7 United Charch held its regalayr meet- ing and quarterly tea at the home of Miss Lena Iiaddy on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Chas. Bag-neil, Presi.. dent, opened the mneeting alter wh-ich MiÎss Florence Werry took charge. Mrs. W. C. 1-'ves read the scriptures, Miss Lena Hladdy gave a reading on "Christian Stewardship", -Miss Werryl reviewed the last chapte-, of the Study Book; a vocal solo ,a ed ered by Miss Mildred Calc n whistling solo by Miss Margaret Pol- lock, Mrs. Albert Cole and Miss Vellna Staples, acco-nipanists. Watch Tower was taken by a namiber of the girls alter which business was considered. The girls are prepared ta do quailting for ainy who desire'. Miss Margaret Pollock was appoint- ed Recording Secretary suceeeding1 1Miss Enid Souch, now Mirs. Morley Burgess who bais renioved from town. Refreshments were served andi a so- cial time enjoyeci. Octobl, Meet- ing at th~e home of Mrs. Chais. H. Mason, Centre-st, BIRTHS 1HALLAREN-At ý'MMlbrook FHospital, WensaAuguet 19, to Mr. and Mre. J. J. Hallaren. _Manvers, a daughiter. WIL.LIAMS-On Augist 26, 1925, at' 34 Carlisle Avenue, Bowmanville, to Mr. and Mrs. Fra,-nk Williams, a dlanghter. (Myrtie tiatherine>). MARRIAGES B RANTON-BIGWOOD-OfIn Thurs- day, Sept. In, by ReIv. Yr. ogî of the Simcoe St. United Church. Oshawa. ~Mrs.] Emily Bigwood and Mr. Titus Branton, both of Oshawa WMEELER-BOND-At Torrington, Connecticut, on Saturdlay, Sept. l2th., 192.5, Mr. Albert Wolëott Wheeler and Mies Mabel Ruwet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick James Bond of Tor- rington, Conn. CRYDERMAN-TAYLOR-At the Par-1 sonage, Hlampton, on Moadcay, Sept,11, 1925, by Rev. J. n. Biclt, Mr. William Everett Cryderinan, and Miss Lycla Ir- ene,' youïige-st dau1giltYr of Mr. tind Mre. W. T. Taylor, ail of J)arlifïgton. ALCHJN-PALPMER--At the King St. iLnited Chiirch l'arsonage Oshawa, on Thursday, September 10, hy Rev. C. W DeMille, Elva May Plmer and Arthir Robert Alehin, both of Oshawva. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. PlImer of Bowmanville, were attendants. MIcMILLEN-WATSON-A-'t the roesi- dence of the bride's parents, on Satur- dlay, Sept. 12, 1925, by Rev. Mr. Gray, Mr. Charles T. McMullen son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Me.NMulien, Bowmanville, and Mary Eniuly, eldest daughiter of Mr. and 1Mrs. Archije Watson, Stayner. WE-RRY-TRESIDDR-In Dominion Douglas (United) Chu3roh, Westniceunt, (Montreal>, on Tuesday, September jet., by Rev. Thomas Scott Mr. Royal Ernceet Carl Werry, B3. A., B. C. L., eIder s-on of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wferry, and Miss Ruth Tre-sidder, daughter of Mr and Mrs. James Tresidder, Montreal, Que. JONES-BOTTRELL-On Monda')y, Septemiber 14, 1925, at St. Ctregory's Church, Oshawa, by Rev. Father Beach, Gilbrt Ireland Jones son of the late William John Jones and Mrs. Chris. Robinson, and Hlen Loretta Nl) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dot- trell, both of 1Bowrial)ville. RENDALL--TAYLOR-At 5711 lIelen Aveýnue, Detroit, the homne 0f the bride's cousin, Mr. Charlie Edgerton. on Sept. 5. 1925, by 11ev. Raiph M. Pairc,5 D e- troit, Elsie Mabel T-aylor oniy daugi-1 ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. HIRl Ty lor, London, Engiand, and neeo r H. Edgerton, Bowmvianviîle, t r hr lesl Rendall; De-troit, formerly of l3o0w- maunville. DEATHS JOSE-In Carke, on Tuesday, 3epfem- ber 15, 1925, Staphen Jose ln hie 72ndi Puneral tram his late residence, lýot 26, con. 1, on Thursciay, Septenîber 17 at 3 a'ciock to Bond Iead Cemetery. TRENOUTH-ITn Bawianvillie, on Sunday, Sept. 13,19295, Elizabeth, beloved wif e of Richard Trenouth, aged 79 years. HOLMAN-At Wellesley Haospitai, Toronto, on Sept. 13, 1925, Joseph Web- ster Hlolman Columbus, aged 6e) years, WILLIAMS-In Bownianville, onu et urday, September 12, 1925, Rate Prower. widaw of the late MU. D. Williîams, aged WILIAM-OnSeptember 9,19 at 34Carlisle Avenue, omnil,,yre Catherine. infant daughter a! Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilams, ROBINSON-AÀt WIitby, on Thursday, Sept. 10, 1125, Williamn S. Robinson, be- Iaved husbafld of Sophie Spry, Port Hope, aged 70 years. CHANDLER-On Sunday morning, Sept. l3, 1925, at her late resid1ence, 1276 King Street West, Toronto, Annie M. ,vidow of the late S. B. Chandier, SN'elcastle. Lost or Foiuid AUTO CRANK FOUND)-On Silver St. Bawmaniville. An automobile cranik. A4PPlY taj Johni Percy. 37,-tf DOG ESTRAY-Strayed fro.m Lot 23, Con. 4, Darlington, on Wedlnesday, Sept. 9, a yellow collite dog with white mark- !Dg. Information as to itse wýhereaibouits will be thankfully received. Lorenizo Truil, Hampton, R. R. 1, phone 198-14. '88-tf LOST-Blaok Leather Club Bag con- taining wearing apparel, etc., on Blriday, August 28th., between Courtice and tirst haif mile of detaui, easýt of Bowmlani- ville. -Reward if left~ at, Statesman Office or forward ta B. D. Marwick, B. -A., Iemptville, Ont. 36-3w* Articles lor Sale FOR SALE-Chevroltt Baby Grand A-uto,chp for quicksae Apply1 Statesman Office,38 - 1: FOR SALE-Pure Bredî Cocker Span- iel Pups, 10 weekls old; one black (log $5.00; one liver colar dog $5.00; ore sand color female $4.00, Apply Mtthewý Brown, box 75,~ Newcastle. 3s-1 DEMOCRATS FOR SALE-2 -Rubbeýr Tire Democrats in AI condlitilon. Aiea D25 Mc-Lauighiliin Truck. Qiksl for cash. Appfly ta Richard Greenis,l King St., Bowmanvillé. 3 7-3 w FO R BAL E-A Blacit Welsh Pony, harnese and buggy. This lïttle pony is very quiet anda agd little ail- roundl pony. Only reasan for selling she je flot big enough now for owner'e work. Appýly Matthew Brown, "Glenwoodi Cot- tage," Box 75,- Newcastle. 238-1 To let FOR RENT-Apartmept, containlng 4 rooms, electric light and water. Appiy at The Statesmnan Office. HO3JSE TO RENT-6-roomned house, aIl coniveniences. Possession tiret af Octaber. Apply Box, 512, Bowinanville. FOR RENT SEPT 1st.-Six-raamed house, tawn water and electric llght, furnace, partly furnished if desired. Iniquire of Neil Taylor, Bank of Montre- aI, Bowmaiwille. 34-1w. Property For Sale FOR SALE-The home of the late F, B. Whlting, situated at the Parka of the scugog Rioad. This property Io in ele- gant condition; consista of gaod house and four acres of land wlth abundance of fruit. For particulars apply at resi- dence ta Mrs. F. B. Whltlng, Bowman- ville.23-tf Admninlstrators' sale of valuable farm, one mnile east of Bowmanville, 175 acres, unfaillng flupply of water, young or- chard about in full bearing fronting on Provincial Highway. For particulars apply to Dr. S. S. Dickinson, box 186. Port FHope. 29-tf PINE LUMBER FOR SALE We luave a large quanutlty o? Fine Lumber for sale at our yard, Lot 22, Con. 2, Manvers Townohl.p We have it In ail the different lengths and sizea and can sall it from $18.00 per M. Up, according ta quallty; real good st $30.00. If in need of any corne and sae it. Parties can be met at yard by appoint- ment. J. C. 'Wood, yard rnanage,ý Pantypool, R. R. S, or Chapmian Luxnber Co., Aiurora, Onit. 3i-4 TOWNISHIP 0F DARLINGTON Applicationi for Office of Collecter of Taxes. 'Sealed" applications for the office of Collector of Taxes for year 1925 wiil be received by the undersigned up ta Sat- urday, Septembel, 26, 1925. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. Duties to begin on October îet., 1925. W. R. ALLIN, Township Clerk Hampton, Sept. 15, 1925. 38-1 ,CLERK5S NOTICE 0F FIRST POSTING OF' VOTERS' LIST Votera' Lit, 'Ï925, MunicipaIity of the Townsh-ip of Darlington, Couaty of Durham. Notice ie hereby given that 1 have ~ iplied with Section 10 af The Voters' List Act and that I have posed up at mny office at Hampton, on the l4th day of Septamber, 1925, the list a! ail persons entitled ta vote in the saîd rmuniclpality for rnibers o! parliament and ati Muni- cipal Electians and t1at such iet re- mains there for inspection. And 1 hereby cal] npon. ail "V"oers ta take imnedlate proceedings ta have any errors or omissions cor-ected accopding to law* Dated this faurteenth day of ,Septei-l ber, 1925. W,~ . ALLIN, Clerk of the Townshlp o! 'Darliington.1 save money. Satisfaction guaranteed or nloney refunded. T. B. Gilchrist Direetly opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 Ehvei'y article in the atom guaranteed to give bou eatisfaction. T'he New Eaul Styles Are Ready AT C. S. Mason's Women's Exclusive Shoppe 100 Disinctly New Faîl Coats, Each One Differeiit PRICED $18.00 TO $100.00 150 Different Style Dresses PRICED FROM $6.75 TO $45.00 Watch Our Window We Change it Often. C. S. Mason's Personality'Shoppe Where you neyer see two garments alîke Where you are neyer urged to buy 2 Big Specials in 1. Our Usual Weekend Specialb THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDA[Y 0F THIS WEEK ALSO Bowmanville Fair Day Specials Septemnber 22 and 23 DO.N'T MISS THIS BIG SELLING EVENT We are making a special effort to crowd two 'big sellinig events ito one by featuring exceptionai vaIres in Men's Clothing and Furnishings, Boys' Clothing for THURSDKY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 0F TIS WEEK AND BOWMANVILLE F'AIR DAYS SEPT. 22-23 Buay everythig you nieed flow. Sale starts Th-urs- day Morning and ends Wednesday Night. We are listing only a few of our many Specials. Men's Suits Navy. Blue Men's Fail Overcoats MVade by Ceppley, Noyres anti New styles and entirely tiew Ëandai of Hamilton, anti also shades, Society Brand, Reg, $35, by Society Brandi Clethes of On Sale for $28,5 Montreal. The fineýst fabries te ma sasflo - anti best madeie lothes on te Othe rukeasfeow -Mreý T,, ,.lin NA v Rn,,., Reg. $35..00 for $27-95 lVorsteds, also very fine Her- ringbone stripes ,all wool and guaranteed f ast colors, wi Hymvio.-fronts and wool serge linings as folloiws. Regular $35 and $37.50, On Sale $28.95 Men's Fine Quality Tweed and Worsted Suits Ail new Fail and Winter Pab- rics and styles.' In the inew Radium, Moca and Bluestone shades. Reg: $35.00 f or $27.95 Reg. $32.50 f or $25-95 R eg. $30.00 for $23.95 Reg. $25.00 f or $19.75 Reg. $20.00 f or $1595 Boys' Suits SPECIAL NO. Il The best qaality suit we have ever sold, in ail the best shades very hea-vy ail wool tweei 1 effeets. Regalar up te l.o $12,50, $13.50, aIl sizês up ta On Sale $7.95 each Boys' Suits SPECIAL INO. 1 In iîce snappy styles, in the best quality ail wool VAth blooiner troujsers, made of the saine quality as the Men's SUits, ail sizes ap to 36, Regaular $9.QQI, $,5,$10.00, On Sale $5.95 each Men's Englîsh Sox Ail wool, fancy shades, grey and Sawn, Regular $1,50, On Sale 98c pair Buy now and Re.$32.50 for $25.95 Reg. $25.00) for $19-75 M4ens Woirk Shirts la ilaiPlain Blue, IBlue Stripe and Black and White Stripe as faellow6: Reg. $1.50 f or $1.29 Reg. $1.35 for $1.1£1 Reg. $1.25 for $1.00 A lhue of Men's Work Shirs, K.baki shade, Reg. 85c for 69e Men's Sweater Coats and ~Pullovers In plain shades of light fawn, grey, navy, cardinal, ete. beai- fui shaded and ail wool iin the best qualities mtade, Warren's, Pe.muan's, QV makes, Reg. $5.00 for $4A8 Reg. $4.50 for $3.98 Reg. $4.00 for $3.48 Reg. $3.50 for $2.98 A lineo f Peunan s Sweater ,Coats in ,shades of H~eather, Grey, Brown, Reg. $300 for $2,-59 ea Men's Work Trousers -Reg. $5.00 for $4.29 pir Reg. $4.00 for $3.29 Pr Reg. $3.50 for $2.85 pr Reg. 2.50 for $2.19 pr Men's and Boys' Sport Belts Reg. $1.00 for 79c Reg. 75e f or 38c 0jeson Brose Block Bowrnanv Bot Brs. [RELS OPERA HOUSE, BOWMAN VILLE Thursday 8.15,p. m -Silver

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