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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1925, p. 1

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tea li WitI- Which Is lhcorporated The Bowmanviile Newvs A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. B .iiïee Comic Opera John B~. Rogers Production House, Bowmanville Iay and Wednesday .%miber lst and 2nd 8:-15 P. M. Presented by :)wmrkvilie Rotary Club Aid of Crippled Children's Fund Cast of 60 talented artflsts ed Seat Plan Opens at lVith ell's Drug Thursday, Nov. 126th at 12 o'clock noon. 'I BOWMANVJLLE, ONT', THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 19:25. "PRINCES S BONN lE""CAST The Comie Opera "Princess Bon- nie" will be presenteti by the Bow- manville Rotairy Club oni Tuesday and Wednesday nights Deceniber ist and 2Znd in the Opera House, iunsiti of the Crippleti Children's Fund. .Avery talented cast has been se- lecteti to give a very professional presentation of this beautiful op- era. The principais lnçlutiu: Mrs. C. Dudley, Mrs. G. L. Hall, Mrs., F. C.-. Palmer, Miss L Quick, Messms Geo. E. Chase, Sani Glanvillle, R. M. Mitchell, Edsall Oliver, D. R. Morrison, W. A. Etiger, C. H. Mas- on The Spanisli Dancers include Miss- es Isabel Mcl4urtry, Rena Caverly, Bernicu Bagneli, Dorothy Jms Dorothy Bonnycastle, Agries Van.- stene, Lucy McMurtry, Vera Wootis Ellinor Milson, Gladys Batemnan. "I'Jever Faîl in Love" group con- sists of Misses Beatrice Bedlell, Beatriee Cryderman, Thelma Green- away, Katie Pinch, Lucy Oliver, Loruen Lorriman and Messrs. Stuart James, Harold Gi, John James, Harold Caverly, Bernard Mitchell, Clinton' Caverly. "Tango Group" include Misses Helen Osborne, Leona Quinn, Luella Stevens,, Ethel Poupard, Vera Eti- wards, Elizabeth Bu'st, Jean Rairsay, Ehinor Woods andi Messrs, E. S. Varcoe, C. H. Pethick, N. Grosse, 0. Hanna, G. Moorcraft, K. Caverly, J. Reynoltis, B. Bounsaîll The "Awkward Squad" incluties Mussrs,. Fred Crydicrman, Samn Masýon Jr., Jack: Bentz anti Mr. Buckle. The chorus is comprised of The Spanish Dancers, Neyer Fal "nLov Croup, Tango Dancers ant Me f oh- I Iowing--Mi.sses R. Freenian, M, A1-I lin, G. Pawsoni, I. Pawson), Mrs. J.- E. Anderson, Mms. A. Colville, Mess- rs, K. Logan W. Grahr~ M., Dale, IR. Bates, W, Carrüt, 1 s. Fashionable ,-Trimmed Winter Coats We have a large assortment of new models expressing every neiv fashion theme. Tiiey corne in suedine, veltone,, duvetyn, marveIla, velour., etc., in ail the seasons new shades of rosewood, cuckoo, bturgundy, rust, grey, wine, green, Wren and black. They are trimmed with fur cf tibet, Wolf , kofinsky, nutrea ai-d opossum, on coller, cufs and skirt. They also have new side flares, back flares and mushroorn collars and sleeves. Every coat is lined and interlined with the best quality materials. Ail sizes and mod- erately pric-ed. Suits and Overcoats For Meni and Boys Y ou w7iIl find here stylish Overcoats and smart suits whicb will please you as to quality, style and price, Models that do justice to your physical build and splendidly harmonize with your general appearance. , You owe it to yoursellf to see our suits and warm winter Overcoats before buying. I 7 THE EDITOR TALKS Our readers cannot but feel a genuin personal interest in the very excellent nIne planke ,3in Aleix- anier McGregor's parlianientary platformon -which lie seeks election, to the Provincial Older Boys' Par- lianment a the election on the 28th, instant. Wu think every ene of Alex's pianks is desirable and prac-I tical, andi considera'bly more exteni- sive is bis platfo'rin than were those of many candidates for the House of Comimons in the recent Federali election campaign. Plank No. 81 has surehy the riglit ring anti muetý meet the approbation of every aduItý person in West Durhiam, the field! frein which Alex. draws his support in this election. In this issue we publishi the higlih point.- cf a very excellent inpia tional atitire.s-s on "The YQungMaYLný anti His Cha'nces" delivereti by Mr.! C. L. Burton, Genieral Manager cfý The Robert Sinmpson C9mnpany Limi- iteti, before Toronito Optimiist Club. We have reati this,, adtiress five times alreatiy, anti our greatest tiesire is' that in evury home visited by T11he Statesman where there are young- people they may be attracteti by,-theý tithe to suchi a tiegrue as te iti e! them te rend it-every sentene cf! it. , The preminent position helti by Mr. Burton shoulti create in every reader cf this journal a tiesiru te reati what he hais te sýay on such Iian im-portant topic. lHe says miany thingsý that affort fod for sesiou's theurght for parents anti young fls toe. When ycu have rend this ati- dress ant igiven it y'our most serieus thouglit turn te page six ant ireati the little poemi "Toil and Truth Will Wi'n" for tieert as it were.' We tiesire to ~ncrl thank Mr, Burton for favoring us -with a cop0yn cf bis addruss that we mniglt afforti miany other- young men the priv'ilege We are keenhy intere-steti in the election on Saturtiay cf a represent- ative te The Oltier Beys' Parliam'ent for West Durham. We have ever since- our teaching tiavs taken great interest in the welfare cf youang pe(ople. We always rejoice, tee,ý when we see youn~- men. aiming high in a worthy cause. Dr. John Hos-1 kmn, K. C, a short tume before bis1 tiemise when atidressing Bo,,vmnaiiville Hig-h School stuCdent-s satil: " hil nistriv'e to e r hy objeýt- ive." We are gladti t know that, there are boys in West Durhiam pos, sesseti cf worthy ambition. Whien we rend Alex. MceGregor'sý parlia- mentary platform -we pronouncetI it excellent. Later when mn E. Winter's came to hand we founti il aIseo excellent-especially his 2nd and 5tli planks. Both candidates truly have a fine conception cf the opportunities a inember cf parlianient has for hehping along the bettermient cf human condiition- in this landi cf promise for yeung Canatilans. Af ter reading- their resp)ective platf ornis on page 7 of this issue our, rentiers iwill have feelings sin-ilar te ours, we fancy-that it is a pity that bothý cf these young lads- can ntb elected. We' have raceiveti a luttercrtis ing the person who wrote a para- gai that appeaiet angn-New- castle news two weeks -,ago about the bati conduct of sonie young men wlio wuru at tise public d'ance in Coni- munity Hall a fuw ni ghlts befpre ani aIse the editeyr cf Tlhe $aena for giving putbliity te the maitter. We can assure our critic that neithurý cf our reg7ular Neýwcastle corresýpen- tients bati anytbing wliatever te tic -witli that itemi, anti we are 'surpriseti that lie shoulti imagine fer one in- stant that the empleye eof this office xlie an.5wered lis telepliene inquiry for the naine cf our informant woulti reveal that information, not even to0 the heati of thal municipaiitY. Saiti employeu hati as imucliright ite aský hlite iVhk~h candidate lie gave bis vote at the recent Fetieral luction as lie badti t ask ler lie nanne cf the pursen who wrote that itain. The fact that four young men hav7e buen summnonedti t appuar at court te answer fer their contiuct at that tiance, remeoves ail question of deubl cf there being a disturbance, anti as the, tance was a public affaîr wh71y -kck because the public was given the information? TINITY UNITED CHURCH ,THANKOFFERING SERVICES Sunday, December 6t;- basbee grneedand our flrs tbougblts turu113toward thulcelebra thon of antrCbitateecud u 11o mlor'e aurîrnuseason forihldling rbankoffuriug services thatln outhe first has ben for uuaiy two score yearS tha:t members Clrl mrt, o f Tiil te "t - lay. Du Couch, J~hnston & Cryderman~ eowmanvIlIe Plhone t04 1Llmlttect Dr. Elmo W. Sis.son of the Reli- able Poultry Fanm, Li berty Street, B owman ville, just &bout matie a chenui up cf prizes in the Single1 Coinb White Leghorn classes at the Royal Winter Fair fin Toronto hast week His bi#tis won the nmajonit1y of prizes in all classes, 6 crips, bronze inedal, champion male anti female anti nîl other specials U) the White Leghorn clas-ses. Iu aIl lie scoret 1-09 peints. It is sucli a remarkable record fori one exhibitor te win so many priz s at an international ýshowv of sacli magnitude that we give herev.ithl coniplete details cf Dr. Sisson's wvin-J nings anti entries lie matie in each class: Cock-1, 2, ý3, (4 entries); les 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, (r6 entries); cock- eres-1, 4, 7, 8, 13, (9 entries) ; pullet-1, 2, 6$, 7, (9 entries) ; pens, old-1, 2, (2 entries.); pens, young1 -2, (1 entry). ' $50 Tropliy for beest collection cf L eglio rn s. This is second time Dr. Sisson won this treplsy which must bue won tchree time-s te own outriglit. Silver Cups-en best pair maies; best pair females; ýbest pair male ani femnale; best eck; best lien; Amer-ý ican Poultry Association bronze miedai for best cockerul. It was the annnal club mneut cf thle Single White Leghorn Club cf Canada anti Dr. Sisson wa.s awartied champion for maie anti fesuale, bue- sities ahi other specials. Some very satisfactory ýsales at hantisome prices were aIse matie in- clutiing the 4t'h prIze ceckerul which went teo an Alberta buyer te be shown at the Calgary show. PFour maies anti 12 females were aise isolti. Ortiers for spring delivery of eggs for liatching were taken frein Ber- inga, Jersey, Channel Islandis, Frit- ish Columibia, ýanti other nea-by pein ts. Lest ýsome .of our reatiers may flot knew wvho Dr. Si1sson isý we mnay atic that lie is son cf Mr. S. W. sis-soli, Betliany, anti nepheiw cf Dr. J. C. Devitt, te'wn. Mr. James Morrow, veleran black- srnith, waal aise a ,veccessful exhibit- or witl i is Single d omb WhiteLe-- horus. luis prizus wure: Co,'k-4; Cockerl-2, 3. 5. 6. 14; Puhiets- 3. 4. .5. If yon atit together the winning-s cf Dr. Sisson anti lMr. Mor- row il wili bu founti other exhibitors in thiýs class ditin't guI a look-in. Mr. Chas. F. Rice with sýix untnies in Black Spanish won first ceckerei, first heu, Ibird cock. , Mr. Rie-lia- beun an exhibiter at' the Royal Win- ter Fair csince it starteti in 1922 antil holtis diplomnas f"or [923 anti 1924' for huaI collection of Black Spanis-h. INDUCTION SERVICE AT ST. JOHN'S CHURCHj Inijction cf the Ruv. R. J. Sbire-s, M. A., B. fi., as Recto)r of St. Jelin's- A-ngliçean Church, B onaman ville, wil bu li on Wednestiay evening, Duc. 2nd, at 8 p. in., by the Pt. Ruv. Sweuney, Lord BiLicop cf Toronto, M. -A., fi.fD. fD., C. L., 'PreachlerI MILK SERVED AT SCHOOLS It mlay have beun the Board cf Heaith, the Public Schoel Be-i,1 the Public Heailli Nurse, the Homne anti Scheel Club) or ninybe it was Principal Johnston who is respon-, sibie for the idea of having ïnilk - surveti eaclimerning, just befoýre ie-ý cess, -te pupils of fiotli town schoeisj wlio sotiesire it. This modemn h'eath innovation was introduceti hure about six weeks ago anti is meeting witli growing favo)r anti consiterable succeýss anti benefit te pupils. Prom slightly ever 100 pupils at the start there are nowv 175 who daiiy enjoy their hlf pint of Milk, About 50 cf this number are registereti at the Southi Warti Scliool. Each room ibas its ewn or- ganization of pupils wlio get the bol- tles; frein the main hall anti serveý the milk iu the cass rooms.1 Str aws are us-et for drînkcing purpeses. Se far the Home anti School Club lias velunteeredti t supply the straws. There is ne age limit or comipul- sien te this mihk-drinking exercise. PupiLs lu every roosn take ad'wantage of it, anti some ef the teacliers are also acquiring the iaJbit. The mulli is ti9livereti cdimorn- ing, in hall pint sealeti bottles at 3c a bottie which ameunts te only 15e a week pur pupil. Alîhougli milk lias been in City scliools for several years Bowman- ville las among the first tewna in On- tarie te atiept the idea. -BOYS' TRAINING SC1-1OOL NEWS Mr. W. J. Bragg9, M. P. P., lias urpîns applus reatiy for .SI p"ig te Eng-lai. Twenty barrels -wil bu kept for Selicol neetis. The weekly treat Saturtiay was ini the form of an Athietîc Relay Car-1 nýv'al. Teams were clio,ýen anUd many ferma cf relays were indusigeti in, the winners getting a larger share cf the ice cream anid cake Whicli was servedti t ail at the con-- clusion cf the sports. A new electric irener lias been installed in uthe Darch' Heusu. Tuesday niglit ail the boys vii- eti thse local theatre te sue Captajin Blooti. It proveti aMost tielightful outing anti everycue enjoycdth le show. Saturday afternoon ail beys who have an aver-ag-e cf 350ü or more marks a week for the past meonti ,wiil bu alloweti te gn te se the- "Gold Rush" at the Royal Theatre as a special treat. Physicai Departmenî Leadfers' Corps helti an erganizaticu m-ýeetin-g MLontiay. Officers. are Honeo'aryI Prusitient, Dr. G. E. Reanan; Pre--j tient, Harolti Wfltuis ; Sec'y.-Trua-. R.oy Bowtcli; Captain, Haitid Jack son; Physical Dire ctor anti Atvisor, J. E. Cunningliai. -Werk on thle sewage disposai plant fer tiie new buildings is heing rap-i itily pushbet aheati. Tuesday evening in Trinity Chlirch Scol-omavery itrsigadin- structive meetiný waýs 11eldin ,coninecnion with the comrlng eleci ion of the Oldeýr Bos'Palimet. Theahig wajs an niueevntin a:way,'S 1both can-j ddtsfor West P-urhamn, 2A,1x. Mcj- G'regor and N1,orman Wnewere )o the samle platforni. LL sigltwbichi is Seldomr seun. Both candlidate des i thle am aidience is juetý one examnple of the -wayivtbe bIoys a re ruiniiig tli.eir calilpigu-no mudf-slinging, inivective3 nri anytbing of that nature. Their election is being run by playiug a fair auld sqllare gamei. Mr. Stulart R> Jameýs, presenlt mem5i6er of tbe Boyvs' Parliament for, Dnrham, was chiairman. 1,ev. J. U, Robins opened lthe nmee(ting With prayer. Miss Dorotby R'wt,,ý Orono, gave a raigthat was nmucb e'njoS'edI ais was Mýr. Lorne Jaclkmauins piano solo. Durirlgtbe cbairman's addcress the elec- trie ligbits weut onut bit fhefiluishud 1Iis remarks aud an enjoyabie sing-song took place tilI ýIbe li&rbts came ,on. Mr. Ae.MNi introduced Mr. Nor- mn Winercanldidaqte from Orono, statiug -tbe meýrits of Orono's selection und ,appealing to theu boys to support bis canid~e. Mr. Normnan Winter in a vers' ciQar and concise manner told the boys liy e w1as rinning for Parlia- mn;wbat be w\ould (do if el-ctedl and steated b is pla tfofmi, brlefly outliniig eacb 0of his planks. 1\lr. O. A. Gamisbyv, 4droio, sang aý solo and spoke briefly and interus-tingly in f avor of the(ir candiIat1. A collect- ion wýas taken to bçLp defray electioli andoteuxee. It -was poutliar, that the fripiens of both boys in iutroducing ilbem sbould bave bit. on the same metbod of laying be),fore the audience the cbiaracters of tbieir candidlate. Each was described along dhu four-fold' developmeint of a true Tuxis Boy. Thbu mel-hod was a very sulcýeSsf ni oue, ,S it lihade it easy to c!ompare, the candidates under tliese hie-adings. Mr. Alex. -McGregoi, laid before the i meetiug bý is plans and idleals in a speech thait will long; be reebee y al who 'hu1ard it. A1lx. discussed ever-y planld 0f ]lis pIatformi, dscribiug ih and teiiing lieb' tbongbit it would belp boys' work, in the Province. In closinig be asked the boys to make the election a good, dlean one aud to bue sure to vote for whom tbey thougbit wculd best represent Miss Ueln Poweàr pleased the audi- enewt a piano solo arud the meeting wa; closed wi the -National Antbem. Th neeig as a great snccuss and uundouibtedIly gavýe gave a clear ideau te tliose preseut of what the Boys' Parlia- muent -is and of the good that C. S. E. T. ýwork is doing. Don't mnisýs seeing the girls ýf olk dance nt School Concert, Dec. lOth and llth. SUPPER St. John's Church Parish Hall on Wed. Dec. 2ndi 5:30 te 7:30 p. nm. tinder thse Auspices of the Wosmien's Guilti MENU: Cold Hans and Reast Chickemi Salatis Jellies Relishes Creained Potatote%' Apple Pie witli Devonshire Creans 1Pumpitin Pie Tea ADMISSION sot £ý 1 WHAT IS PASTEURIZED MILK? For the benefit of our readers h are nlot f amiliar with thie proce9ss f1 pasteurizing -ilk and its benefits, we 7give the following information pre- pareti by an eminent provincial medical autýhority. Paý-teuriation of~ milk consists of heating it'up~ to a temperature which d'estroys bacteria and yet fails shorti of altering the character of the milk.' It is then imm-ediately cool- ed to 50 degrees or less anti stored in sterileil bottles until ýdisposei of. In pasteurization, nothing what-1 ever fs added and nothing remnoveti except the bacteria it contains, in- cluding thiose -which produce hnnian disease such as diplitheria, typhoid,! septic sore throat, scarlet Lever andà tuberculosîs. Since pasteurization has been put into practise in *our large cities it il iteresting to note that the infantl death rate bias been cut in two. Pasteurizet imilk requiresth saine after cure aS does raw 1nilke andi when properly careti for is much saLer for hum-an co)njumiptioni and exclude's the possibility of child diarrhoea sýo prevalent during the sumnier nionths which is known to be due to ýdrinking raw mulk con-taini- ing large nuib'ers of bacteria. Cive the children a chance by giv- ing thein pasteurizeti nilk, also the aduits anti thas lessen the daiigers of spreading the milk.-born, diseases. GRADUATION EXERCISES 1Graduation exercises of Bwin ville Hospital for Nurses in Train-1 ing- will be held in Opera House, Bowmianville, Monday, Dec. 7tha at 8 o'clock. Dr. J. W- Aikens, Toroni- to, will be the sýpeaker of the even- in'-. The nurs es -who will receive diplonias ,are M1isses Helen B.Cae- !y, Aninie G. Everest, Mary E, Sau- va anti Elsie A. Peters. Càtuzuns onf town ai counitry are crial n vited to this interestingfuct- n WINS MANY PRIZES AT ROYAL WINTER FAIR $2.00 a Year In Advance HOSP'ITAL BAZAAR ANOTHER GRATIFYING SUCCESS Citizens crowded the Council Roorn and m~ain :corridor of the Town Hall on Tuesday, November i7th., when the Women's Hosp)ital Auxiliary hield its annual baza1ar. CThe many boothis were attractive- 1Iy and artistica1ly arranged with var- bious designs and color-effects to teipt the anxious buyer whlo oni such occasions shops wý,ith a two-fold Ilpurpose-to buy pretty, useful and attractive gifts and to contrihute their share to 'a most worthy cause. i. As one walked around and elbow- 1ed his way through the happy throng iof gift-seekers, onie found almiast ,!every imiaginable article, the handi- 1work of sonie lady, on display in the booths. There were DoIls, Fancy Work, Children's WVear, Aprons, Candies, Country Store, Witch's1 Well ,Honie-Made Cooking, Contests! and 'misc-elaneous articles of every kind. At 6 o'clock a Chicken Pie Sup- per was served in Trinity Church Scliool-Room-- which was well pst- ronized and everyýbody Who attend- ed went away wveil sa7isfied. The total receipts for the, day amounted to $1030.15, and aftep-ri deducting expenses g-ave the Aixxil-1 iary a net profit of $100-1.25 with al few simall amountsýto corne in. To carry through' such a success- fui event1 is no sminal undertakig and thie credit to a large extert rests with' the Conveners-Mesdatmeslý John Spencer, F. J.- Manning, Thomas Tod and E. R. Bounsail wh only have praise and thanks for theý1 cooperation given theni on every hand. Will the person holding ticket Nol 241 in the fl Contest, please caîl on Miss Allen at "Big 20" Book- store before Saturday, Novemiber 28th. The Women's Hospital Auxilîary wish to than~k everyvone who hAlpedil in any way to niake thiis the mnost j sijcesfl baznar, they have ever j MINISTÈRS AND CHURCHES Trinity United Church, Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor. Services tIl a. mi. and 7 p. m., Sunday School 2.30 p. in. Chr1lhyteriGhurch iin Disciples hhc. Rev. Jas. McIroy, Tor- onto, will preach at Il a. in, and 7T p. nm. Sunday Scliool at 2.30 p.. m. Everybody welcome. St. Paul's United Chutail, Rev. D. W. Best, Mlinister. il a. -o ing Worship--"IJt shall not seeni bard to TJiee". -1.p. m-EeiIng 'or siiip--"I was eyes to the Blind". 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School and Bible Classes. At St. Paul's Church last Sunday t morning a notable addice, by Revi W. J. Cook, B. A., of Barrwani, In- dia, was heard with very~ great in- terest. A vivid description of coniý tions of if e in Central India wwà given and also of whýat îs beiýng doine by the missionaries and workers o:f the United Churdlito alleviate wret- chedness and despair, a.nd to kindle the flame of a happier and fuller life iamong the people. At the evening service Miss Webster who is in~ towa conduct'ng a musical producitio-i un. der auspices of the Rotary Club, kindly contributed a solo which was very m.uch appreciated. Over io« cnvssrsfromt Darlington anfi Claikutowfïshiips woare taking pa4rt ln the',mainof t11u Un]ited Chnrui rbcfCanada froi, t1he 4OA Maitennceand Extension tFund beUi a banquet-in Trinity ChurchSçolRm on Mna eveýning. A most satlsfy'ing uiper was ere by theLae' Aid Society of thie Churuli. Rev. _\. J. Cok, who lhas b)(uni a missionary ia ndafor 15 years, gave a ýn interesting illstrtedIçture on his work on the foreig fle1d"Rev.Frank Langford, Toronto, of the( Religions and Edlucation- 4 ai Dpa!r1ment, lit a very forceful n con1Vlnci ng manne'r Xepandin deta'il the, obet nlneeof thiemanenc and1 extension find(. Rey. ..U. Rob)- ins. Preýsicl.ent 0fth ie Cob)ourg P'resb)ytery, achairman. Cornme and sec the "Guess Who" Dirji1l at School Concert, December 1 0 anti ' t1. OLDER BOYS' ELECTION MEETING Alex. MeGregor and Norman Winter on Saine Platfor&.

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