Es DURHAM CLUB, TQRC R IM The second meeting of ab ýt too late to have that niew "Sunshine" installed ir. your home now. Better do it .to regret ail winter you hadn't done so. are scores of satisfied Sunshine Furnace io will be glad to recommend this popu- economical furnace. în and talk over your heating problems iway & Elliott rts and Consuitirg Eagineers t Bowmanville Phone 18W asIs F ast Approachinlg eiving new goods every day, most esents. It is to your advantage to you wish we will Iay aside any ar- have again LS year 3last ye Mrs. Gordon D. Conant, onie of teo wom'en who took out a dJeer hunting license in Oshawa bag-ged a deer in Haliburtoni. Messrs. R. M. Nfiller and M. Lib- by, two Oshawa's valiant deer hunt-ý ers, returned from an eighat days' hunt with a 90 pound moose. An issue of $56,880 '51/ per cenit 3-instalment Towa.sfhip of East Whlitby debentures has sold at 102.22 equal to a 5.05 per cent basis. Virginia coal is used in Brooklin taking in cook stoves, furnaces and pratesl with succes.s and ecuomiy sellUing at $11 per ton -and la taking well. Mfiss Lillian Hiler, Oshawa, and Mr. Elton Werry, Bowmrani-iie, Sundayed with the latter's parent's, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Werry Eben- ezer. Mr. Williami Vinson in1jured in railway accide'nit near Hall's Marsh about three -weceks ago, is ho me fromn the hospital and recovering nicelY. Mr. Robert Hlewitt, Port Hlope, on bis annual bunting trip in~ Parry Sound District, shot a large grey timnber wolf' measuring 61/s feet in length. Mrs. J. A. Bilkeli held an after- noon tea at lier home in aid of the annual bazaar of the LadJies,' Aid Society of the South Oshawa Church, 1$11 being realized. Oh, cruel muen. The woollen. in- dustry bas been bard bit, they say ,because women and girls wear no woollen or fiannel petticoats and their dresses are ro short at botb as anl of the an3y. ied on Jobn lack- it- i his tw? wabaut the ' Goodyear people warking 241 baursi a day for mionths past? How about the Scale and Sîjeer Fact ory working avertime ail summer and1 naow doig it? Jnst niotice the aVer- time in the Textile Works. for sonme- timre past, too. EIow about tbatl fine Industriail plant in the narth par t tbe Rhieder Foundry CompDany's 1Works, one of aur besýt inistitut,,is in town. Thi-, unemploymient tak this h igb tarif baot air stufi' andl ail that, w7ent witb it before the elec!tion was, as MUiss Agnes McPhail, -M. P., says, "1notbing but pure bunl<'. MAINISTER'S SALARY RAISED Rev. J. F. Chapman Inviteci to Remnain i-x Ljadon Ch.urch, Those of bhis micle circle of minis- ters and laymen ln Bay of Quinte Conference and the people of bis pastorates who know of the goodl wDrk Rev. J. F. Chapnnian, B. A., didl of Mrs. William Scott, sister a1 otxr President, wbo passed away on1 greatly beloved, as was ber laVe wortby husband. The programnime whicb mas a very attractive ane consisted of two plays given under the superviion of Miss Marion Squair, wbich werre splendid-l ly presented and elieited tbe warm- est applause. Sp)ecial music mýas given also by Jackey on the v-ioliný and inspiring sangs by MAiss Grainger' and Mr. John D. Keachie, the latterl at bis test. A short aiddress byl Dr. F. C., Trebllcack compieted al very- excellent programmne, Ilearty tbanks were tendered tbel host and bostess and ahl wha assisted. anaother very bappy montbly seb ly Came ta a close MR. FRED R. FOLEY'S GOOD WORK! Stockst XDeeds polUcies Fatily R~ecordsi jewelievy, N a less en-lightened age people I%; ý f fought to saf eguiard theêir vfilables Athey placed themn in a strong box which they hi4ïin some secret place, hpigto prQteçt fthemn. , Today the safety and security of steel vaults eliinatue the da-inger of loss by fire or theft, and give peace of mind for the safety of valuable belongings. Documents lyving unprotecteýd in your bouse or olice demand the security of a Sa-fe.ty Deposit Box. The i Bowinanville Brandi Rý. F. Aitchison, Manager and ir Fred R. seems ta e enougJh y Season Here Y JACOBS' BREAD don't lknow why people need to buy ade out~ of town when you can have de- ýght to your kitchen fresh every day such inourîshing and satisfying bread such as Try a loaf of Jacobs Bread- JACOBS îdy Shop ited Cburcb beld anni-i ces November 8tb. Rev. , Port Perry, preached ive sermon~s. Monda y .owl suppel' was beld was a very large crowd )£ good eats. A s pien- was gîven. rLeS Hnv Mnse AUTUMN WEDDING Thuraton-Penrose ghways, and the purposes. bn as been dis- ; Townsend, 24- oy, wlio was led police court af- 1Vo f our yearS Kingston Peni- te Hind afterIhe Vo a 'charge of rof false pre- uickly the blue. ction campaigil ged since Pre-- bold the fort Reformer says:1 future of Os.h-_ Fuel Situation Strike secims al is practi- Almost every day f armers are bringing to our store plumnp well dresed young poultry. 'What makes a more enjoyable treat for the famlly than a nice roast chicken? Whether it is poultry, fresh, cooked or cured meats you wapt we have the goods, the service and give satisfaction. G A. Edmondstone Phone 21 We may adi was a great hi his pastoral w the Forest Oitý tinues Vo bei is daugliter of late Mr. Levi ville. 13owmanville Attractive New Furniture i DU Farni ies moI ply Y'Our heating re- Coke, Pochontas and g circumstances & SON Bowmanville opportuiiity is in initerested in ama- In the Town le, oa ýThursday er 26th., Mn. Qeo- awa, the President Iturai Socieies of ýe a profusely illus- t. "4Amateur Decor- Admission free. ofgladiolus bulbs d to those present. Medicine Chest.- ard bousebold reine- a hav n nd At the Guelph Pair Mr. Alfred A. tpt;Mnt Ayre, Hamapton, ook Vwo firsts on return they wil' bis Suffolk sheep and mari other Mr. G. N.1 lower placings. Ahl the top plac- and daug-hter ings in Gheviot sbeep went ta -Mr, ville, attended Ayre, wbo also won a numiber of the otber prizes for Cbeviots, Mr. W. Frank Batty, Broolclin, HION. MR. MF. Are Spring or The Children Healthy best and inost healthy during Let finish. Mattress or Walnut cold plenty of meat. ment to the 1 to old and 1 young give you just what you like if you will tell us p wants, Our prices are always lower than eity pri( and delivered right in your home. We need your custom, and will be gladl serve you. lusic 15 F.eF. Morris PHO ww 0 TORE ALI you'I want more, Co.w. Th4-ý Foll( )n was