COURTICE Bert~ Pergus.,n ýends recently. )n and Mr.G Blue en pieces, *kitchen. You will Wal see these wond agrtistic, sensible, chen Utensils. G. lihnraculate f non-breakable,( cleaned, bright tractive coloni just the ware for kitchen. Corne in and thern over--enti each piece a necee RIC]E & CO. Phone 66 Opposite Pest FOOTWEAI 'Values Supreme Ladies' Kid Oxford........... Special $3.98 Ladies' Strap Slippers, house shoes .... $1.90 Ladies' Silver Cloth evening shoes, hand tu ,soles ............. ..............-..... 10 Man's Black or Brown Oxford $600 to $8.50 Mens Black Boots with rubber heels .... .$4.50 Men's Brown, plain toe with rubber heels $4 ly four weeks to Christmnas. We ,pers ail displayed. The choice is 1 ,m early. U1.3 5 to $3.9î pr Ladies $1.35 to $2.,' $1.15 to $1.7'5 pr Children's $1.25-5 ickey Boots i large variety for ail. A5 on any article makes you sure of hi )u want by choosing early. avelling goods in rnany-,newv designs. V-C1,aoude Iveou% of Good Shoes Bowmn Mv Dame Suite Gib bards Ar Advertising At $247 1otner 1h Is to, sel it Gibt ýrate cos esuite is weUl built. Dust.-prci drawers. Ample cuphoard, space. The Gibbard Guarar 1 to the suite. TABLE MAT INCLUDED nt to lerful, ý> Kit- TIOSSY, finish, easily 4. 511-- . ais iiuwill huuwnext mreeinîg at thJe home of Mrs. A. Smith, Wed- nesday, Decesnber 2, at 2:-30 p. m.. . Mrs. Edgar Prescott has been visit- ing- lier mother, Mis. Geo. Gibson, wýho has been unwell. See the play "Auat Susan's visit" on Friday night at Enniskillen. vis- Epwortli ..unu-suallit, ý,o nigit. Mis ntou of mission ingS- -MAPLEGROVE .t6eqt, gad iLprngsrmn r your Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gay, son Har- afternooa instead of Thiursday, onm Mand account of the Suaday Sehool'Con-C oid and daughter Evelyn, M veation in Bowmanville. League will w loo de's SnwdeOhaw, wrealso be held on Friday eveniag. à .re se Aenrl Fred and Mýiss Mabel Stev- MUCH BELOVED ONE AT REST ,nsMiss Conistance Seward, Miss ssry Edna and Mi. Clifford Sw'allow mnot- Adelaide May Annis, Tyrone ored to Toronito last Thursday and 1 atded the Royal Wiateî Fair, - e ply egretted and beloved by turiýinig home on Saturday. Mis allwh o lnew e ,Adelaide Ma'~ -EdIna Swnlbowi stayed oveu Sunday beloved wif e of Mr. -rthur W. A n ...Mis. D. FI. Coates, son Dr. L. passed aw\ýay peacefully in sleep ) Office . ontes mnotored down from liwhic.h kows no waking in thiz life i OfficeBrantford on Saturday (to see lier on Thursday, November 12, 1925.e sister, Mis. Thos, -Sniowdea, woiý What peace and reet it must have stili impri)lovingÎ,. . . Mr. C. H. Sno)W-J been for lier after fightipg- so brav e- or den piesided at the organ on Suni- ly such dreade.d disease,'with pain day at chiurch in absence of MS and sufferiag for so mny months,1 ,Edna Salw. i and Mi-s. yet with it ailshie was ever brighti Lancaster, _Mi. and Mrs. Nichoils, aadho -fland we tls h Port Granby, spent Sunday at Mi.%struggle encle& there was a smile, TriXinan Poweî... . Mis. John Mn which revealed the silent yet joyous 1w day ,Mr. Milford WilkinsOa, message of victory. to Mi. Alex. Wilkins, Salem slent the Mrs. Annis was a deughter of the th weekend -with friends at PeterborolteM.Jh W.MLuli ad] an.d Keene and attended the funeral l eMis. MJoughn Wof Bowmitandlltn of hei ant us Wn. elsnand was bora on the Mc.Laughlin fio Keene ... . The W. M. S. will hold farmi, aorth of Tyronie, now occu- their next meeting on Friday, Dec. pied by'ber brother, Col. L. T. Mc-- llth at 2 o'clock sharp. Will the Leugliin. Here she lived with. lier memibers and friends please roteprnsutlh w nidin a- pair change of timte and date .... Mapie î*areats unt heMnwA u .ite i at Giove School will hold their Christ- iimnyyeawiegh , Mi. A. heW nnis pair mias tree aad concert on Mndffay reside near the village of Tyrone. .urned evening ,December 2lst. Please note r.Ansisuvedblero- pair thedate Evryboy wlcom. 4-1iowing husband and thiee childie-n, pai calso by lier mother, lier twýýo brothers, pair HAYDON Mi. Byron J. cugha and Col. pair Miss Voua Sleomon je visiting hier, and lier sister, Muvis. James Thomnp- 1pair sistor, Mrs. Chas. Brigges, Toronto son of Port Hope, to aîl of whonu the . Mr. and Mis. C. Avery spent the sympathy of the whole commiuaity have week la Toronto and attended tho is extendeà in their irieparable loss. large. Wiator Fair ... . Mrs. Elg-ia Mount- With the c-piritual and social if e ane, joy is on an exteaded visit to Toi-, of tho commuaity Mis. Ainale was onto, Hamilton and Paris... Mi. very closoly associated, being Eiugene. Beecli, Scugog( is et fhomie doat worker la churcli and Sund(ay ç2 5 Pr recoveîiag fromt removal of tonesils School, and la othor chumicl orgaiza- ...Mr. and Mis. Everett Beachi tions she took a keon and livoly spent the weekend with hie parents, intoreet. Heur r ioval by death at Mr. and Mis. A. Be..... M.r. and what miglit b e tied tho zenith of smnall Mis. E. Bradley and fainily speat 'heu. usfulaees, lias le<t ai lank aving Sunday with Pontypool friends... . which cannot readily be filled. Mi. and Mus. Milton Slenn mand 1Tan her home wliore sie dispensed family spet Sundey with lier muotler, hospitality with sue.h a lavish hand, Mis. C. Johns ,Hampto.. . Mr. and she muade for herseif a host of Mus. T. S. Mountjoy Sundayed -with friende, by lier gracious kindliness lier mnother, Mis. J. R'utledge, Sel- and ovoî-reedy welcome, lier biglit- em.. Mi. Carlyle Ashton entèrtain- nees of disposition and lher wisom ed hie boy frieads Wednesday evea-, personality. To meny lier 'whole ing, his birth-day ... The interme-! life was an inspiration, and no les diate girls Suaiday Schnol clies wes se was the celi foltitude with which entertaiaed et tho home ofthirshe took up the cross of her last teacher, Mrs. T. Mountjoy o o-illaoess, anc which aie earried ser ivle day evening...... .Sundey evoning ibîavely aad so patleatly until it a League service was largely attended the Mesteî's 'will that she should lay ______ amnd aIl eajoyed e splendid programi it dowa. pîepared by 4th Vice-PresidIk,,nt, 'The f.uneral on Monday wes very Miss Mebel Beecli. Oui young largely attended by fiends and - League woikers are doiuug good work relatives, maay of whom, desapite .Puoparetions foi. Christmas Tree the unfavoreble weather, had travel- enteitalament are in progress. 1 led e long cdistace to pmy their lest See the play "Aunt Susan'e visit" tribute of respect to a very demi on Friday niglut at Eniekillea. friend. Their maay heautiful floral offeriage bore silent testimiony to that love maid îespecjt. TYRONE A short serviceaet the bouse was followed by a service et the churcli About 40 met et Young People's- conducted by Rèv. J. W. Down, Pas- League Tliursday eveniag, Mr. toi, assisted by Rev. R. M. Patter- Fred Goodman was leader and topie son, Jauietville, and Rev. W. Higge, on "Heredity" was well given by~ Port Perry, mand Rev. C. C. Wnslu- Mises Rose Shortt. Missý Kathleen ington, Courtice. T. aIl of these Gilbs sang e solo very aicely. The gentlemen the deceasod was weil YOU-19 Men'e Quaitet of St, Peul's knowa, and they eci spoke very Churcli, Bowmyaaville, sang severel highlyý, of heu life 'ard chaiacter, la selectiona whlich were,,highly appre- termes whcih were echoed in the ciated. Mr. Wilfrid Carruthers jin- heaits of ail preserit. troduçed Mr. Alex McGregor who Itermeat took place et Bowmaa- gave e ýsplendid talk on the Older ville Cemetery, and as the cortege Broys' Parliemeat woîk. moved awey fîom, the little churcli Fouith Vice-Puesident, Miss Mai- la' icli she lied co oftea woîship- garet Moore lias charge aext week, ped, aiud wluere sie hlld 5 faithfully wliea report of Convention will be, workerd even the lemieats seomod to given and Mies Evelyn Brent will be in 'sympathy with. the saduiess of present the topic "God's Way With the occasion. Amiid snow flurries [le The Sour'. cie was borne to lier lest reetiag Mr. Norma Winters, Ororno, md- place, -wleîe bovingly and îevereatly, ,dressed the teen-age boys on hie ehl that was mortel of lier wlio was' plelforin for the Older Boys' Par- so well beloved, was laid there tti liemeuit on Sundey afteiuioon. Vote wait the resurrection moîning wvhen is to be taken et Tyrone Parsonage "the day breaks and the chadows on Satuîdey. fiee away", and wienalleh tat now ap- 'Our people are taking up Churcli peers mysterious to us shal ho ad- Maîitenance muid Extension Fund clearly understood, 9a- aaupaign wlth steadily gaiuiing inu- The pall-beerers were: Messs. Ar- Iat pleiaed by 'PastQr Doiwu on Suaday, Clemeuis, George Wilson, Colville ovening,..Services at Tyrone Evans, Fred L. Sinitli. bard 10:30 a. m~. Suuiday mand Haydoni and The floral tributes weîe very t.Long Seult et usuel bous .... Mur. J. beautiful and numerous, showiag H. Mutton, Mu. T. Richards, Mr. Ar- the love muid esteeoin l whiei the Lnne thur Rjichards and Mu. Albert Hew- deceased was held. These expies- buf- tededWlnter Feil' et Toi- slone of sympathy wero cerried by bu- ont. . Mr. Harold Skinner is menibers dl the Glemneus' Biblei net, ehowiag hie, prize sheep et Toronto Clese of which Mun. Anale wase i- iaand Ottawa Witer Faiî ..ý .tr. 1dont. Tliey include d wîeaths, pil- and rs. red oor, Prvidecelows, omblerms mand sprays froru thel [Iut Sundayed witl Mu. muid Mus. Byron Fmiy;b-_er midsitrMu m1 lis umlise1 Cl.W-u. FA H. Brote and- iy, M .adu ,ivisi Len Taý [te is' included an excellent without extra charge. F.D eting was of g m-issionary t is coavenler ittee. Ther iMock Trial, ed on "The by toward the ý .a wiessesP n the Benchlà", ý ltnesses and t kt in connec- About twelveD ie took part gr her part have been arnE congregationa nd heard this p urch services ded and oui It pýtt's. - ---o J The sympathy of1 thecomny iý extended to Mr. J. J. Virtue and family in the great bass they haVe ,ýstained by the death of Mrs, Vii- tue. The funeral from the chur-h ,vas very largely atteaided, evice- being conducted by Rev. J. R. Bick âssisted by Revs. Cook, H. Wilkin- son, J. U .Robins and W. W. Jones, B3. D. Floral off erings wee an and very beautiful. Interment t~ place at Bowmanville Cemetery. Visitors: Mr. W. R, Allun spent the weekend in Toronto; Mrs. Ge'o. White visited her daiughter, Mrs. C. MeIBride, Peterboro; Mis. W.« G. Wilbur visited her sister, lVis. Bur- Pett, Stouffville; Mr. and MIrs. J. Jowling, Mr. and Mis. B. Ferguson1 w'ith Cartwrighit friends; Mrs. R.1 Johins and son, ZMon, at Mrs. C. rohns'; Mrs. Clifford Colwell attend- ed the funeral of her cousin at Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cry-der-ý maen, Solinra, at Mr. B. F'ergusuon's; Principal W. J. Morrison of Bow- manille High School, gave a very ii- eresting address on "Heredity"' at Young People's meeting Friday, even- ing. . .. Rev. Mi. Cook, a rtre misionary from Inclîa gave a very instructive' address at the Sna evenling service. Sec the play "Aunt Susaa's visit"! on Friday night at Enniskillen. CARD 0F TH-ANKS Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C. Thompson wish to convey their sincere thanks Lo their friends and neighboîs for Leir kindness dtrring the sickness of iieir daughter and in the bereave-1 ment and for beautiful expression of owers. Byers, Toronto, with >theiî parents; Mrs. William Tordiff, Town, with lier mother, Mis. Toîdiff who is very MI IMr. and Mis. Sheldon Pethick with frÎends in Newtoaville and Ziofi; Mis. H. J. Werîy, Mr. ad Mrs R. L. A.shton and baby Ross, Mr and' Mis. J. R. Ormistozi, Miss Gladys and Mi. M iton Stainton Sundayed with relatives ia Orono. We heartily welcoie home Mrs. John Pye alter her recent visit in Toronto with lber daugliters, Mrïs. A Stainton and Mrs. H. Joh-nston. ...Congratulations to Dr. and Mr.s H. Ferîguson-It's a boy-League Wednesday evening opened with Mr' Frank Dorlaad ia chair. After de- votions Mr. Harvey McGill read- the scripture and prayer by Mr. F. Or- chaud, Miss Lillian Wallace, Srd Vice Pre.-ideat tooli charge. The program consisted of a reading "Success" byý Miss Mary Lamb; topic "What is Success" by Mr. Erneat Wýýerry; reading on "Success" by Miss Gîradys Stainton; M'~iss Miyrtle and Arthur Brent favored -with a vocal duet-"Dear Spirit Lead Me"; violin solo delighited aIl by Miss Elva Orchard; reading "Little Worký" by Mi. Roy MeGilli. Meeting closed by M......... .Rev. E. M. Cooke preached his first introductory ser- mon to a large coIre t on i Sunday evening. ý.The deepeet1 heartfelt sympathy of oui commn-iii ity is extended to MrL J. J, Virtue and family on the death of 'a devot-I ed wife and mnother. Scugog Y, P. will preseat their play "Aunt Susan'est"a8p.m Friday in the churclI E veryo0 ne com--e and bring one with you. Ad- mision 25c and 15c., 48-1w oui F~iday aigit et Enaiekillen. Neyer Before Such Tremendous Values in s The town bas been thoroughly aroused by tliis extraordinary Sale of Overcoats. Our Store bas been patronized by eager' and delighted buyers who appreciate the Sensational Savings. Every Coat newly made in the latest style. 10 Big Days' Sale Starts Friday Morning, November 2 7th Ends Saturday, Décember 4th. Prices Slashed Below Manufacturers Cost on Men's, Boys' Ove rcoats, Sweat..,. ers, Boys' Suits, Wholesale Prices Absolutely Forgotten. OVERCOATS 75 OVERCOATS TO CHOOSE FROM 75 OVERCOATS We have had a big and successful Ovýýreoat season. We now,want to make room for new Christmas goods Don't wait till haif the Winter is gone-buty a new Coat now at prices unheard of before. Corne early and get best choice we don't wan*t a Coat in the Store when Sale Ends. MEN'S OVERCOATS Regular Values $17.00, $18.50, $20.OO, Lumpedat 1 Price $12.95 Regular Values $22.00,$24.00, $25.00, Lumped at 1 Price to Clear $1 6.95 Regular Values $27.50, $28.50, $30.OO, Lumped at 1 Price to Clear $22.50 Regular Values $32.50, $35.00, $38.50, 'including Society Bra 'nd, best liported Cloths Lumped at 1. Price to CIear $26.95 BOYS' REEFER COATS Any Boys' Reefer Coat in the store, value sup to $11.50, $12.50, $14.00, On~ Sale to Clear $7.59 MEN'S, BOYS', AND CHILDREN'S SWEATERS, SWEATER COATS AND PULLOVERS Plain and fancy design, every 'Sweater in store qn sale. Big reduction in price for quick clearing'. MEN'S COATS AND SWEATERS Regular $5.50 For a$3.98 Regular $5.00 for $3.79 Regular $4.50 for $3.39 Regular $4.00 for $3.19 Regular $3.50 for $2.69 Regular $3.00 for $2.39 CHILDREN'S SWEATERS & COATS. Regular $1.50 for $1.17 Reguilar $1.75 for $1.37 Regular $2.00 for $1.57 Regular $2.50 for $1.97 BOYS' FANCY TWEED SUITS With 1 pair bloomers, Regular Values up. to $1050, $11.50, $12.00, * On Sale $6.79 Each Men's Khaki Workç Shi 'rts, On sale 79,c Men's Cotton Flannelette Shirts, Heavy,...................On Sale 98,c Men's Heavy Tweed Work Pants, Regular $2.50,.......On Sale $1.98 pr Men's Ilorsehide Gloves and Mitts, On Sale ,79c ,Men's Suits, Any Suit in the Store Dur- 'ing Sale at 20% Discount to 'Clear MANY OTHER SPECIALS COME EARLY AND GET BEST CHOICE T.B. GILCHRi IT biretly ppoite ankEvery article lu the atore of Mf«xtrepl guaranteed te give bgst Phone 61 .atiaction. and iuîs. .. u ascoe, MVr. Wal- lace muid Miss Bessie, Enfleld, -with Miss Mary Ho9garth and Mrs. R. Pas- coe; Mr. Arthur Blanchard -visited Oshawa friends oui Suaday ... . Mr. Jamesý Reynolds lias accepted a posi- tion ia Toront o.. Miss Ruth Me- K7eseock h'ad lier tonsIls remnoved i Bowmianville Hospital lest woek. Longue meeting Monday ovening -,as i charge of 3rd Vice-Piei-- dent, Mus. E. R. Taylor. Mu. Alex. MîýeNeal, Orono, spoke introducîng Mu. Noruuuaa Winiters candidaLte for Older Boys' Paîliemeat wio spoko of C. S. E. T. w.ork muid hie platforiyu in thie comiag election. Mis. Ever- ettCrdmn rond Bible lesýson. Pi'og-reu included: îoading-, Miss Myrtie Vice; piano solo, Mus. Taa Hardy; topic, "Life muid Worksti Raîpli Connor", Mu. Ru'sel Smih vocal duet, MVisses Francee and Kt Crydermen ;iemding, Miss Hle Wonnacott; piano duet, Misszes a7 joule Collmcott rend Margaret c1 Kessock. A contest wases oui d Attoadance 94. Soo the play "Auuit Susas iW IJ441 lttzâ OVERCOATS . OVERCOATS J'i 9 q