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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1925, p. 7

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ýNADIAN STATESMAIN~, UOWMA.NVILLE, TfURSDAY, NOVME 26, Il for Boys' Parliament bt alunR îs finer r. Try faou. any LDA. uality Counits lity counts in meat more than anythîng buy. That is why we are so particular ying cattie, that they are young an~d have i fed. ýes usj wanti rS' experience in the butcher bus-. in a position to know that our the best meats--and we see that CAWKER & SON ilding Butchers Phone 64 Bowinanville "Çcailn1 lirg up prospects by Long Distance 'is the b.st waqy toadete or,- Librarian of BownaI1vile Publie Library. Alex. was born in Rost- hern, Sa'sk., 18 years ago, and for the past 14 years lhas ived iii Bow- miainville where he attended Public and HIigh Sehools. His sýchoo1 re- cord shows that he passed saccess- fully every terni and departmuental e-xamination he tried. At the ige of '15 ye.ars'he passed bis Juniior' Ma- tiieuation obtainilng 6 first class; and 6 second class honors and woni the Gilfillani Prise for Generai Pro-; ficiency-a record of whichi to be exeeedingiy proud. Since ieaving achool three years ag-o he bas been fittisig hmrseif for a druggist at Jury & Loveii's store in Bownranviiie, preparatory to at- tending the Goliege of Phariinacy. During these three years Alex. hasi also secuared his Honoramy Matricu- latLion standing by studying- outside of business hours andi birningý the midnight oul. IF .may not be amiss here to m-eni- tiou that ail the cievemness of the McGregor famiily is not bestowed in Alex. His eider sister, Hlelen, is uow Principal of the Cotinuation Scbooi at Richards' Landiug, Ont. During ber schola.stic career at B. H. S., she waý twice a memnber of the debating team which wssc cessful each time in wîinn--g--h- Intem-Schjooi Shield. She was alsol ans energetie and versatile editor of "The Screech 0Owxl1", the School Magazine. Margaret, a younger sister, is up- holding the enviadble reputation of the McGr-egor clan, by beiug a mnem- ber of the teani winning the debat- ing shield last year, and this year she -%as first in the oratorical con- test. Alex. has been Mentor of the! Larks' Trail Ranger Camip, st.* Paul's Churcb, PBowm-faiv.Ille, fol- over a year. He is also a pioncer or charter mnember of the first Tuxis, Squame org-anized lu this cburch.' Apart for thse boys4' activitieIS in~ which Alex. bas ai'ways taken a leati- ing part he is a vaiued miemberan egular attendant of St: Paul's C hoir anti of thse Junior Ma; 1 ar tet. Alex. M4cGregor's Platfoirm 1 To keep lu toucis with thne various groups already organizeti, and 'aid tbem lun evemy way Possible:, 2 To be active -iu orga'aizing. uew groups, and in securing leaders forý tbem. 2 To secure in West Durham thre formation of a Boys' Work Brard te unify, anti centrol theunuitsor gamnizeti1. Saclis a Boardi wouilt be i- strulmental in arau-ging athletic Meets, Couferences, Father and Son Banquets, aud other _gatheringsý in the Interest cf Boys' Work,. 4 To foupti n Convention witbl regular meetings te iustruct the olti- er boys in tise carr-ying eut cf thse C. S. E. T. programme. ,cure througb Parliarnent1 ;e a sumnier canp for a m c enveieintly loc t et couid reacb it with eas'e,ý liceS se motierate tisat al eenabled te attend. 1 Ivocate a Pioneer Pro-! uteet the neetis cf tise Who is unable to attend n ugs. vre wisolehieated support, nt anti out cf it, te any te raiise funtis te ar ranime in Ontario. luence thse leaders cf our ýay more stress on tise ýide cf our prograrn anti boys cf tiseir groups i-lu ucis with the cisurcis anti ing possible World Pence 1as foste}eti euns anti tise oard. ING LEAGUE STANDINGI Sof Teams at Martyn Bro-., AIIey and Recreationr Club~ Satirday, Nov. 21, 1925. Men's Lague aptain Won Lest Total Points Score igk, 21 0 19782 281 hell 17 4 19407 23 lmg 14 7 17218 19 is ý14 7 17076 181 )R. 12 9 16138 171 ycaistle il 10 17050 15ý ýr il 7 15466 15 iston 10 il1.16621 il an 1i 10 15397 14, 11 10 15534 13 se 7 14 15338 10ý is (; 15 1415 40 8 '<" 5 16 15606 7 ry "B" ý6 12 12 39.4 7 y "4A" 0 21 120414 0 Ladies' League rarce 1 3 11111 20 surh 1 5 11551 191 Camneron 13'8 511469 19 Ganiffer 1l 7 1043ý1 14 ilin 8 10 10531 il ýainprizel0 8 10809 il ýudersonu 4 14 10i532 6 ýborne 4 14 9719 6 lutton 3 15~ 9647 3ý 2 1k ter, li Public e i' 1 Pretor of the Tuxis Square and a Mentor of a Trail Range Group in that churcbi. Much of the growing interest and success of boy-,' work in bis churtch is due to the' untirîng and unseifish efforts of Norman. He !S also au~ active ineniber and a reg-u- lar attendant of the Adult Bible Outside of hiý church activities he is looked upon as one of the best, basebali players on Orono teai» which was entereci in the Jiunior Durham and Ontario Basebali Lea- ne. We are infornied thiat Norma's candidature wais unthoughlt of by hiiand caame as a surprise when his associates iusisted that hie accept the nomination. They said it was coming to bum for the faithfull worl, he had performeti in the cuhurch andi the C. S. E. T. When. askiug a frieud what Nor-ý man's plans were f or the fuur'e intimateti that Norman would7i-rob-' ably enter the teaching professionl as a stepping stone to greater ,ser- vice iu church work.,. Norman E. Winter's Platform 1 That a clefiniite budg-et be in- troduced; this statemient to cover the expeinse of provinciai-wide b o ys' womk., 2 That members accept greater respousibility of (a), Trasýeti ChrLstian leadership for youngerý C. S. E. T. groups; (b) Pronsoting kzeen-1 er IoYaiity to tise local minister, (c) More active participation ýn the mis- sionary enterprise. 3That parliansent founi a cir- cuiating l'orary for fis nwn imess- bers, of za few of 0the best books on vital issues. 4 The deveiopment of the Pion eem Prograin to meet the npeci oif thse isolated boy uuajbie to join an organ- izeti C. S. E. T. group. 5 That tbe parliament as in- dividuals unidertake te foster thse spirit cf Worlti Brotherh9eti anti Pence by tise foilowiug tiefluite Imenuis: (a) Tise study of, and active support to thse League cf Na- tions. (b) The excisange cf letter 1packets w\ýitis beys cf other niati-ens, anti by sentiiug, a representative toe thse International Boys' Confereuce ini Finlanti uext Spin5s' XcY(e)tucfy cf suitable literature -fer tise pur- pose cf educatiug ourselves te the great problenis cf international godwl.(d) A more Christian at- titude towards and co-opemate wîth the foreign boys of our own towns anti cities. 6 Tisat Summer Camps andi Conl- ference be erganizeti ou a Countyi basis, anti expenses kept within reach 1 cf ail boys. 1Attractiveiy armanged with. piuk and white roses, cbysanthemuums in mixet saties anti erchids, banketi witb palans anti ferns, tise Russel i ll home cf Mr. anti Mrs. J. H. Gundy was on Saturday the scene of a smart coming out tea at wiich tiseir daughter, Miss Aimee Gundy, was introduicedti o society. Gloriou.s bronze and yeliow cisysanthemums ceutreti the tea table at whieh Mrs. Wallace Scott, Mrs. W. N. Tiiley, Mrs. Herbert Tilley. anti Mre. F. B. Gundy presidei. IPremier anti Mrs. GS. Howard Ferguson caileti during 'the aftermuoon, as titi many ether notables lu. Churcis and State.-Tor-J onto Daiiy Star. DOUMINION 0F CANADA WAR LOAN BONDS MATURING Ist DECEMBER, 1925 THE BANK OF MQNTREAL, under authority of the Minister of Finance, is prepared. to redeem the above bonds in ful at maturity, without charge, at any of its Branches in Canada. For the convenience of owners of the bonds, the Bank of Montreal wi.lt accept the bonds at any time prior to December lst, and will make paymnent in each case o Dec mber Ist, either by issuing a cheque or by placing dhe amount to the owý)er' s credit in the books of the Bank, as the owner may desire. BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS Bad weather makes it difficuit to plan successfui1 weekiy treatî f or <Honior Roll bo'ys. Saturday the1 boys took part in a novei athletici turnarnent, kickiug rugby bai anti throwing the baseball for distance and accuracy, batting basebali for distance anti an obstacle race.1 Prizes were chocolatie bars which ail- ways make quite a bit wivth the boys. After the sports ail enjoyeti a treat of real pink circus lemonade and £ancy biscuits. Mr. W. W. lli, the Bursar, h uutierwent a iiinor operation re- cently is making satisfactory pro- gress. 'Two boys went to Toronto re-' centiy to, have thieir tonsils renr>ved at the Hospital for Sick Chiidrcu. B'oth ,are doing unicely. Work bas beg-un on Superluten- tieut's reside!nce, locatedl at head of lane leading to Darch fluse. Mr. Burrou~ghs and is saff avýe beu leveliing' andi terracing around the new building-s. A volley bail net has ben iinstalled in one of thé dormitory burltiSgs 'Thï¶s fine gaie wiil provide pleint'y of- action on rainy afternoons. MIr. H. C. 04, ho fieldi, Toronto, hirman of t, newly-formeti Board of Directors, was an interz-st- ed visitor to the school recently. SURPRISE AND PRESENTATIO'N Mr. and Mys. Roy Smith Kindly .Remembered. (Too late for last ,,,eek's paner) Friday evening, November Ï3, a large number of frientis asseabieti at Mr. Charles. Cowýan's, Concesýsion 4. Clarke, opposite Clarke Chuich in honor of the marriag-e of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smiith, nee Elva Cowan. Early in the evening the ceipany was called to order by Mr. Stanley Porteous who calleti upon Mr. Gor- don Martin to rend the address which was lu part as follows: Mr. and Mns. Roy Siih-Dear Roy and Elva,-We, a few of yqur nany friends anti acquaintances, have miet this evening to houer aud conimemnorate the occasion of your recent marriage, andtiet wish you Gotispeed and g-ood luck in your mat- rimonial enterprise. We wish to toss you ~a few buoquets, whiie you are yet in the flesh, which are. or- dinariiy receiveti for tieparteti ones. We remeniber you, Mrs. Smj-ith, for your helpfuiuess in our comrnulity and clurch. We reniember your willing efforts in the choir nfd Suni-I day School. We know youm ability as a house-keeper andi horne-niaker and muSt compliment your' worthy husband on bis choice of a hf e part- rer. Yeu, Mm. Smith, are weillJ<nown to many of us. We knew yor in your single 'life as, a kinti anti weil- uteutioued young man, one -who shouid make a first-class- husband. IVe believe our opinion of yeu will be vemifleti fully. As a slight token of Our esta'em and gooti wishes we ask you to ac- ept these gifts. Long may you be spareti to enjoy if e here below. We wvisb you a fulliiieasure of humnan hrappiness. Signed on bebaîf of yourfret: Mrs. Lanson Millson, Mrs. Gieorge Smith, Mrs. George Stapleton, Jr., Miss Laura Stephens. The address was suitabiy respoud- ?i to by the bride anti groom~ antid mnedlately after a bountifuliilunch ras served. The rest of the even- Ig wasz spent socialiy and in danc- ing. Prosperity is Neyer Safe Prosperity is neyer saf e undess it rests upon protection. 'Your home is neyer safe. PROTECT IT BY INSURANCE Your busLness is surrounded by risks. Insure > 't. Your valuables are always in danger unless proteeted by insurance. Insure your present prosperity to remain prosperous. We can heip y'Ou. For Alil Kînds of lmsuraince Consuit DONdT Let your Home, Outbuildings, or Fences get toc bad before you commence ,to look after them. We shall be glad to give you estimates on Lui.,ôer, IPine, Hemlock ,B. C. Fir and Cedar. Shingles, B. C. Red Ceclar, and Quebec White 1Ceclar. Ruberoid Roll Roofing, Shingles, and Building Paper. i Ten-Test Fibre Board for1 insuaigadwl board. uangadwl Cernent and Limie SearnanKent Hardwood Flooring a specialty. NOW is the time to put in your next winter's .sup- pl'y of Coal and Coke. Our Watchworcj is SERVICE CaUl and see what we can do for' you. MeClellanl & Co., King St. East Oflce Pisone- 15 Houe Ph,-m PIANOS, Taylor Bowrnanville

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