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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Mar 1970, p. 1

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Many Spectators Fil Orono Hall for 0MB ,Hearing Future of Peace Festival af1 Mosport- Stili, Uncerta*in Should Have,0MB Decision Ibis Week Residents of this arem should know by Friday whe- ther or not the confroversial Lennon Peace Festival will be held at Mosport Park. Clarke Township's hall cit 0ronco was the scene of an Ont ario Municipal Board Hearing on Tuesday to dec- ide if the -towvnship by-law No. 1653 would be upheld or altered. In its present f orme, the by-law allows only motor racing and ancillary activi- fies to be held ctt Mosport Park. The owners of Mosport were aftempting f0 have the by-law changed to permit recreatîonal activities, that would open the way for the Peace Festival fo be held there on the July 3-5f h holi- day weekend. The Hearing. was in charge of two 0MB repre- sentafives D. Jamieson- and A. L. McCraeand after sev- eral, hours of presenfafions býy legal represenfafives, and (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Imm LI131 VOLUME 116 16 Pages BOWMANVILLÉ, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1970 150 Per Copy NUMBER 9 Steve West Hits for Three Goals Jrs,. Even Plu;yôffSre BeuNenuke 7Easîer Seul'Campaîgn f0 #OreTuesduy-Nigt. Iee by HarveY Websfer r Raise $ 6,700 Objective At Orono's township hall on Tuesday morning, a large audience of interested citizens showed up for the Ontario Municipal Board Hcaring over the By-law that could permit or disallow the Lennon Peace Festi- v al from taking plae at Mosport. Top photo shows the battery of lawyers,, and plannimg consultants that took part in the discussions. Recognizable, second and third from the left are Clarke's solicitor E. R. Lovekin. of Newcastle and Clark( DeWith. Bottoin photo sb( cludîfng Clarke Councillors ers, -Rod Carveth and Ree, raw. Earlier , during a cci ment, a large delegationd a definite stand either for About - 150 Attend, ey F~es any Question S On-White Paper's Tax Proposai! During - Meetilng- at Orono Hall 1The second -of five constitu- formed in 1962 and reportec 'Lec meetings to be heid by in 1967. That report has beer ioLbacc0 -Durns eRuss'ell C.. Honey, M.P,, was modified cnieal y'h nheld under sponsorship of the White Paper, because it wa& flî.I Dram Federation of Agri- feit its recommencJations IL t P oflîyDool culture at Orono on Friday tax everything as incomý night with a crowd estimated i were tobod A quantity of tobacco was!at close to 150 in attendaiice., Mr. Honey stated that hi destroyed early last Wednes-iSubsequent meetings to deal was holding these meeting: day in a barn fire on the farm mainly with the White Paper' to Iearn the opinions of hiý o~f John Karsay, R.R. 1, Pon-1 on Taxation proposais wiii be conàtituents on the subjeli typçool. heid -at Port Hope -on Marclil (TURN TO PAGE TWO) A vlun-,teer lire brigade 6, Bowmanville on March 131- calledi from the Pontypool and Coldsprings on March 20.! FIRE IN GARAGE area could onIy prevent build-, Friday's meeting was of ai The fire on Tuesday noor irigs.- aroulnd the drying-barn, question -and answer type, was at Knapp's Garage on thc from catching lire. ýwith Do.ug Kemp acting as Base Line where an acetylenE Thie tobacco was valued atli Chairman. MIVr. Honey out-Itank -had caught on fire 115,0111 and the barn at abouti iinedl the background of the Fortunately, it was put oui $lO,000. The fire was reportedi W'hite Paper, frorn the timeivery quick]y without causiný about 2 a.m. ] the Carter Commission 7wasia-ny major damage. S4ember Expliains White Paper on Taxation West is the bg word around town today, a u cc e as Steve led the Bowmanville Cabte, TV Juniors highly-rated Newmarket club to even the series Th190EsrSatCm a wo gamnes apiece. In the Bowmanville cage paign was officially opened on Frn aywsth atemkig evrlThursday at the Rotary Club Fran Ja w themasermakig' evealluncheon in the Flying Dutch- pmtblank stops, and comning up with the big man Motor Inn. save when it was needed. Back-checking by Deputy Reeve George Ste- forwrds he dff f Sundy'sphen on behaîf of the Mayor therie r was th mference from Sna' opened the campaign by pre- gamne, and if the boys can do this-ini the narrow senting a cheque from town Newmrke'rin toighi itcoul beall vercouncil to Campaign Chair- Newmrketrin tonght coul beail verman Keith Jackson. ber. on Sunday. The objective for*the Bow- Dani Cowle notched the manville District in the cam- ýe Twnshp Clrk Hniyý PENSIONERS CLUB llocals' first, mid-way through'paign which runs from Feb- .e Twnsip lerkHeny 'he frstperod wth ickruary 26th until March 29tb ows part of the crowd, in- Next Monday morning at1 Wooiner addîng another four l b ed ,70,hif 0lyforwhih e -s Frank Gray, Robert'Chat- 10 o'clock, a meeting will be' minutes later. Steve West as- useid re c tl for ripplede eve John Stone in the front held at Sf. John's Great Hll sisted on both goals anciidrenin this area. Theon uncil meeting in the base- in an effort ta form a club Snd Bow ls cnfi u ted capagninth Roary aluiscn an Dan's marker. Grave Be dcn-y h aar lbî demanded that counceil takeiof Goodyear Pensioners. Ail!nett taliied for two goals ei1 cônjunction wîth the Ontariaý r o r against the festival. those peniosned fromr Good- the second frame at the begin-; Society for Crippled Oilîdren. Introduced by Keith Jack- iear are invited to attend.ý ning and end of the period json, the guest speaker Mrs. ' while Steve West'hit for twoKa nda0fheClpd within a three minute period Chiidren's Sehool and Treat- §i span. Westy finished off- the ment. Centre,, Oshawa, elab 1 S scoring for the Cable crew in thethid prid *itha tî-orated on some of the tech- calhesf md eoe by faying niques used by the. achooli BITSPIR EcalWesimov byfakng te their effort toalad some of ithe lonedefecemn t hakm 14,~000 crippled children In,- A_ sr in ateQfý .otk4Ws ngtnig Y tathe 1ower riht ndjOaro i r . e r h e a i g t h e e v s t h a u a o r i e I \ a p le L e a l r af t r s c l e t d th i'e e T e o !al of t h O sh w& 1, ew orkRager. Tis afer 8 ear soidserice isteady gamne as a good Offen- the hlghest level that his -or Leaf s wîll receive four players at the end of the 'sive defenceman. Len Kay hec abilities will allow. The 6ctason in exchange. Tim probablyis happy, he'l be 'was the lasers' big gun col-, TR r »rETo in te payof s bu wh isgoig t lok aterbislecting all three Newmarket in te payof sbut ho s gong e lok ater i coUnters. Bob Kane was held donut business? ta one assist which is a must t t t j ta corne ouf on top wifh tis th 0MBhusky crew from Newmarket.si< terwooi nI FOILED Yesferday, aithfie start of te M Once again Sendy. BrownAiv aRA le[ learing, i Orono over rezoning ,Mpsport as a Tom Wilton, Brian Peters and is recreafion park -rathier than just a motor racing Dan Cowle were solid N circuit, the Stafesman photographer was ticked deecead ee rafya le off when hie look a picture of the 0MB officiais, sisted by the two way skatingl of the forward units. d e Apparently, they weren't interested in being 130manville is very fortu-ýBWA 11 phofogrephed. We aiso ha've a suggestion for TR OPG W Could ivB e i sirniier future events. This was a publie hearing,,.Ar1ý,ifh Lei - 1 This photo shows Russell C. -Honey, Member of Parliamenit tfor- Ne,-rfhum berland-Durham, in action at the meeting in Orono an Friday nigfht, sponsored by the Durham Federation of, Agriculture, whnhe explained mnany of flic White Painçr on Tnvcitin's ûrô,onnkls In, îh hný-rxx iz TIjoI7 KÉI,,x but most of rnose attenamng, incuding the news miedia reps, found it most difficuit to heer what was going on. A sound system wouid have cured the probiem; efter ail af a hearing, one is sup- posed to beebie te hear, wouldn't you think? OLDIE - Ronald Stapleton of 45 Sheppard Ave., Willowdale, is trying to find some information about a 1930 Buick that he acquired from Jack Hathaway- Prior ta 1958 if belonged ,ta John Trimble and Mr. Stapleton is wondering if he was tflfirst owner. Mr. Stapleton says the car was in the Cenfenniel parade in 1958, painted red, white and blue. Appar- ently, he is restorîng the vehicle and wants te know all he can about if, t t j. t j MACHINE - The new Zemboni ice resurfaciîng machine at thec Arena is an imposing monster, but so fer the operators have been having difficulty getting thec hang of it. The ice iast niglt during -thec Junior- gaine -lçf t mucli to be desired. If is hoped they wili have mestered. it before Sunday when fthe sixt h game of this series wiii be piayed here. That shouid be a rip-roaring affair if Tuesdey's encounter is a sample. Press Meeting, Over ..Festival1 WIffle this -is being wrif- feu Wednesday affernoon, a press conference called by Karma Produçtions Ltd., is stili in Progress et fise Fly- ing Dutcliman Motor Inn. -Press, radio and televisioa representatives f rom'a wide area were preseat, attempt- ing f0 clarify ail aspects of tise proposed Peace Èesfi- val, slated fer Mosport, if the legal obstances ea b. cl eared. The organizers were par- ticularly lut erested in as- suring residents of Clarke Township Abat every pre- caution is- being taken to -inake-certain those- attend-- 1 ng the festival would nef damage local properties. Ar- rangements are aIse beling miade f0 provide edequate insurance f0 cover any dam- age that migist resuît. by Rot ary Cl ub Helen Nash, 1970 "Tamrny" je AmikRAY GIBBS SELLS pJwIIcF The Statesman>was advied, d UwHer this week that the Sunom, service station that, has 'been operated for several years by uy Fe tivu Ray Gibbs, King St. East, bas ray re$ ivaibeen sold to and wîll be oper- elated by Kurt Sloos. Kowal d W Real Estaté handled the trans- action. ~eId iere Mr . arten xx,., ni-o ani- Festival might be held at phaftici denying the rumor. Batterwood (Vincent Massey' "There is no way that any- former estate) if if oouid nof, f hlng of tis nature would, be held et Mosport, was flatly take place on my estafe. Heil, dented on Tuesdey by h I'd have te, leave the cou.ntry, owner. Robert Martent if I allowed if. Thiese people Apparently, someone frorn Ihave noa control over fhem,"j Karma Productions, orga-niz-jhe remarked. "If la unhe- ing the festival had indicatedllieveable whaf «these things thet other sites in the area can do fa an area." would be available, if Mosportl, "Batterwood estate,> said wasn't, and by a pracess of Mr. Marten praudly, "ýs a speculation, the name of Bat- beutfl piece of, property. ferwood had been mentioned If î a mystery, a beaufy, a as a possible, monument."1 OBTAINS LIQUOR LICENCE Mayor Michael W'Iadyka of Port Hope, who quit the local Conservative . party, because the Liquor Contrai Board wouldn't grant his hotel a liquor liceace, had finally won bis point. It was announced on Moaday that, prpvided the hotel eau meet certain, ce- quiremeats, if wiIl bc issued with a licence and becoine, thse first hotel in Port Hope Permitted to serve liquor wîth meals. Speech Com petit ion Won byý 12-Ye ar-Old Carfwrighf Girl A, 12-year-old Cartwright ,Central Publie Schoi girl won the Durham County public speaklng contest et Orono on Tuesday, Feb. 24th et the the Orone, United Church with her telk an "My Trip to Western F . ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ SURVTEY - BowmanvilWis agooeYplaëc o-,-Yë according to preliminary findings of a survey con- ducted here hast year by the Survey"Research Centre; of York University. Those confacted here indicated a very high degree of positive feelings about'the town. Fully 75% -feit there were adequate oppor- tunities te develop and satîsfy their abilities and. interests, -compared -te -about 60% of -a sample in a town- studied in Oregon, USA. 'Isn't that encourag- ing? ACTION- Whuie -this town is e nice place, we'll have to admit thât recently most of the action has been in that hub of the universe te the norfh, named Orono. Lest week, if ivas public speaking finals, followed by, the White Paper on Taxation discussions Friday niglit and on Tuesday more activity, wifh fthe township hall packed by interested citizens and lawyers for flie Hearing thaf would tell the tale on whether or not the Peace Festival wiIl corne te Mosport. j- t t t PEACE - Today et 1:00 o 'clock, Karma Productions Limited have- scheduled a press conference at the Flying Dutchman when more information on their plans for fthe Pence Festival shnuld be available. Wîth any kînd of luck we mnay be able te include a front page item on the ouftcome ef the cenference- in bi edif nn- Wndet- î Wf hf,'re ç, smehn wi tiiw ind? AIeta Senator o r n r.KihVn ou Campof Bleckstock, became Wuiu S eak the second girl fram lier schoal Iw ilisp innine years ta take the trophy.- Lorna Wright won At its next meeting, on if for the Cartwright school March Mt, 8 p.m., in Trinity in 1961.ý Church hall, the Canadian Runner-up in the oretoricai Club of, West Durham- will be conipetition was --Mary- Ann eddressed by Senafor J. Her- DeWitt, 13, of Kirby Cent en- per Prouse, a native af Ed- niaI School in Clarke Town- monton, Alberta, where he shlp, who spoke about "Seeds". receîved hîs university edu- The champianship shield wes cation ini Arts and Law. presented by Miss Aleen Aked, During Werld War Il he the. first women president of served in the Canadien Army the Durham Caunty Club of as CaptaLn in the NorthAfri- TËoronto. can a'nd Italien- campaigns. The runner-up Lions shleld Following bis refurn from was presented by Erie Barr of oversees, he was a reporter, Bowmenville Lions Club. columninst and frac lance writer, bef-ore studylng , aw. Winner of the West Durham 1le was -called ta the Bar in trophy was Kinm Hawlce, 13, l~56.oa the M. ..Hobtts Senior Later,. he entered pôlitics Elementary Schoel et Hamp- and beceme leader of- thÈ tan, who spoke an "Rends". Libralpafy n Abeta 1eWinner of the East Durherr was eppointed ta, the Senaee traphy was Janet Andrus. 12, ini Ottawa ini 1966. Recently af the George Hamilton Pub- the Senafor 'was appointed ar' lic--Sichoolinic Welcame, who observer a n fthe Canadien spoke on "Prime Ministers". delegation te the -United Ne-, Other competifers included: fions Assembly. Sandra Hejnik, aiso oIflhe M. SIf is interesting ta note that J. Holba School, Hemrptan his greaf -grand father was alsa sPeaking on "Vietnam-i"; Ch-ris a senatar, representing Princ jtne Sei'by of flec Newcastle -[EdaýrdIsIm, duing uibe cbo, takngajmuý ilvioïs aa 182n& fouRN l Ia P.4 7WO>Q) lOntarjo Street' School ,Holds u pen -ilouse --- To conclude the actiîities of Education Week, Ontario Street School 19 holding Open House, Tuesday, March io0th, from 7:00 ta 8:30 p.m. 'Vou are invited to the school during the evening, to visit the -classrooms-,- and--see the children's work on dis- play. Pupils may attend also,- when accompanied by parents, In some rooms a few pupils will be participating in class assignments. Althoughi next Tuesday would flot be an ap- propriate time for an inter- view, you might wihto arý range for suchi at a inter date. Plans are underway for an evening's programme of mu- sic, physîcal edîicatïnn ýon. strations, and- other activities ta be held in the spring. NO-JNQUEST PLANNED An inquest will not be beld into the death Feb- 2 of David Cralg Blissený-rden, 212 -year-ojld Ison f ofr.Ilnd mrs ra Blissenideni, R.R. 2, Orono, who drowned ini a bathtub. Coroner Dr. E. D. Hubbard of Memorial Hospital, Bow- ýmanville, pronounced thei- 1-Int lea afer e as takeii there, çiia#man efl ii? meeting. 1 1 1 - - £-mdy -Ya4-Çgmp

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