i The Canadian'Stai IT he Or no Ne s anTunsbthe ÉEarth's LargestMe-u Lotus, a distance MisAnn Woodyard, Reg. 1 Mrs. Jennie Rchardson spent ! Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gîna and wseiner ho liv Nurse 'rom the Western Uni-[several days visiting relativesI family at Peterborough. aseptanpt versity, London, has returned and friends in Toronto. Mr.W. Kay Lycett is wear- ta er tudes lte viîtng Mr. and Mrs. Felix Yda ana ing an arm cast and Mr. Tony d Hs sts lier father Mr. Fred Wood- three of their daughgters of L. Mitchell wîll have tar spend Kapwo ie ya'- and ailier relativ es. Garden Hill wenc Sundav jtwo an mare weeks aet his ed the Bethany1 isCatherine W. Stewart supper guests cf Mr, and NIrs. home, bath the results cf two mg thve caprrept of Kendal spent Suntday with Julien Depaepe. recent snowmaôbile accidents. her cousins, MViss Marlon Mc- The Orano Senior Citizens Mn. and Mrs. Garry Robin- a..O Tedy Kelvey and Mn. John Me-I xiii hold their monthly meet- son of Bidgenanth visited Mr. credited wiîh Kelvey of Kîry. ing -on Thunsday, March 5tl and Mns. Wm. Rbinsan n y-tg Mn1. and Mrs. Martin Ink-iat 2:00 p.m. when the New- Sunday afiernoon. gd nwrdt pe n cf Whitby were recent 1 castie* Senior Citizens will be The Wold Day, ai Prayen ad aswre4t viiLtors of her gl'andparents,l, i uests. Everyone wel- will be held in the Main Hall tleBrgdas MLr. and Mrs. James b. Johnm-jcorne.afOoaUidCurlattileBgdea non of Hilîcresi banc. 1 Mrs. Wmn. Riddell returned 7:30p.m.1FndayMarh 6t. ' Mrs. Chas. V. Walker of home an Satunday alter spend- epca.ui yH-' <RR o~~l famile-- areinýted nd bingWednesday ta a1 ïScarboraugh spent last week:jing lest week in Peterborough. fmle r nie n nn wlth Mn. and Mrs. Chas. V.j jn adMs J .Wilasa fiend. Unknown orngin, _________ae__t______ome_ was totally destno Cope yhaare t thir o f Oshawa, Mn. James Wilson eni Station Street. o___ f Peterborough, Mn. and M Dr rnu'adjOining building Mrs. Wayne Pacey and daugh- ~ U.'I. ter cf Cobourg visited their Sorry ta losa Mn and Mrs. parents Mr. and lVls. Gýus E. Hanna tram aur commun- I Wilson cf Winten Road. ity.Teyhvemved back ta jWendy Gnoeneveld of Sim- Oshawa, but we welcamc lMr. .. ... .. ccc spent last week with he and Mrs. Veale and lamily ta NE A RUNG grandparents, Mn. and Mns. aur community. They have Juin-pep.mvditotebueformer- AIDw1 Orono United Churcli Wc- îy lccupied by Mr. and Mrs. men held lîve meetings an E, Han-a. ~5 Tucsday, Manch 3rd as foi- Wald's Day cfPnayen ta be fl 'uEARERS, lows. Unit 1, Main Hall- cf C. held at Ebenezer an Fniday, E«*Bldg. ai 8 p.m. Unit 2. Mardii 6ih, at 2 p.m. Ato W EAMREinit3 ithH a nso CE Bd.e a a thticC.E-Hl2 -ros l Better service for cf C.t 3 e.tBdg.Main 2 W. I.meeting on Monday, -piee scin ha your hearing aid means 8 p.m. Unit 4 at the home af'ai 8 p.m. Convenar, Mrs. G. W sm e better 1earing for you Mrs. Don'Scott of Somenville jBse Ri alAcren octorelt Drive, 8 p.m. Unit 5 at the event of 1970; Tapie, Curnenti otrt q home of Mrs. F. 0. Cooper at Events, neminiscent'cf Maple[ On Thursday cf last week, GEM divers fram Acaocia iesSceywsas rsn ih Today'ý Be sre John H. Leslie of Peter- 'tv ad Oshawa put on an effective display cf Skindiving and arlifacts whieh had been found ai the botlam cf lakesljseaie tovstThe Seads âdpartyS j kaws th teVStboraugh, Mns. John Rckard cfon Sterds vnng acicuba DivIflg for the boys, ai the Pine Rigde Schaol. and rivers and with equîpment used fer this purpose is sick tha ur niext Newcastle, Mn, and Mrs. Carl, tho n SthraevC . aen8g, Ma n h e above picture some cf the GM sponscred dixieérs The boys who lincd the pool 'seemed to toogl Beltone ilns n ereCro 1 Mr. Oi Pritchard, Mn.'are preparing ta demonstrate saine underwater tech-- enjoy al cf the activities. is able tht $ericeandMn. Whem. aby oand-e[ePeter' Pritchard, MnoIckniques cf breathing. Bob Stephenson cf the Canadian -heiti Genter ed the Agricultual Conven-MisGl acOtwsabeei tini oot aiwe. spenitrihe weekend wîth the HiFL patients. SI Min. ndrs Wilfond Sand-former's mother. Mrs. b. C. Hadmnan, Hampton, w e r e r ANe, 1Snowden. and brother Bobgei iteBon-eee q~5 l HOO PER "S JWLLERS erson of Columbus visited 1'lohrsse r n wedding last Saturday, whiCh R l LTD. their cousins Mns. Cecil Rab- ar e itnM.adMrs.,wshl nS.Gerel n!F l 29 King St. E., inson, Mr. and Mrs. Williamohere upergucOshonwatuA-l glican Ch urnch, Newcastle Robinson on Thunsday ai.lasi Several other neighbors wencj patient in the Oshawak. Gen-gct a udy îhM s.e'Mnhand Mn EnJcniB H I ar h 9 16M T H U R S ., M A R C H 1 1 h j wM c . F r e d P a nt n e r is n o w a l M s . H u b a n d ; a l d in n e r . n n e c a i l 1,~ui m n a v n g w t n n u s s a h . e d n .W! b. C S o d nMnra W I s a a, n c s. P r dy E - Cross Manth% Id Fi i id an _ __ __ _ ___9 eai Hospital. He was mcx jL. Misna t.Pere in sitowres wiî Mn.aynt Mis a h BwmaviRed rasn Diî ety ervices, Indîvidualý- Bawmanville, lait week. lwae r rn tPierre, SmVngm.Bae Durtu.amnh r ganhld oeNusn Cuss.Tos IFEAIIVG SERVICE Mns. Julien Depaepe spent[Ajax. spent h ckn ih Mis& Mary VanCamp. Mn. îng an appeal fan lundi ta heip ands af articles of clcthing D ra RP DIANNE MORGAN a long weekend visiting er thein parents, Mr. and Mns. A. Charley Hymes, Base ine, mantan vital Red Cross have been complteti by the N ewCheef Uvmnl 41I G or ean.N. t b akgernie. and fel a m S . ilse nttrrc dGelperviicntalteGueopleanea. lîccal nao nal adie rnatin- Perhoneug745-32a4io n ive inrime. ani isritan, al n M tsheawnl Srybrother, Mn. Tom VanCamp.] marivilie anti the surrounding.Commitice fan distribution in _________ Phone 75-3244Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ginn jwiih her parents Mr., anti Mrs. i G clp hlmversityGelphs'.Teawncnvî i lol aiiarl aie0fUna o i"TEE L wene recent dinner guesis of T. Armstrong ai Staynen at ephmceert i h tw avs ilbe 1a iatrrle,1fO troPCS'TEEAL i their son and daughter--l, help lier fatien celebrate liii birthday. Miss bisa VanC amp 1heid Manch 9Ou ta i6ti with 1 ihe People Of tuis anea alsa A REAL CUl' bintiday. accompanicd 'ber sister andireturns ta be recetved at tic benefit fram fmany ailier serv- On the apening day ai the feniaseTa.iTown Hall Headquartcns onlices niaintained by the Sa- Provincial lcgiîulaturc's third KLEAN'N KLII --àMns. C. Banr, Mankiam, was Mns. A. J. Campblcl spenttievincficlh.TaieysPoniaHaiqa- session, Fcbruary 24th, it xvas TEKTH a lnccongustai n.C.a few days lait weck visitingirural aneas will be canvasseti crs in Toronto. Red Cross announccd thai Alex Carruth- a jRuselion ednsda iat1 ie brother John ai Maxville,ithroughcut the menth. Youth, Guipait Hospitais, Ho- ens, M.P.P. for Durham County RuselObtnsaywM. at n c h paîgri Ciairman epns itjbdges and Inquiry Servieswhip ef John Robants' Con- Frechon.nadir, Mt Sielijh rnhqct a 90hal ielp this anea. Tirough senvative Party. w_, Mn. and Mns. Wayne Pick-ý h rnhqoafr17 sg anti and daiightcr Angela' and lamily, Oshxawa, Mn. and $2,700, the minimum neededt aOur membcnsiip in tic Inter- Mn. Carnuthens, a former ~ îi~~ spet the wceknd witi Mn1 Mns. Arthur Martin, Martiin carr-y on Ried Crois work her.jntaa oit eaeai eeltahn iicett apn Mtse MîckenD wson and jRd., Mn. and Mns. Ken Wig t cCndin led Casto.lielp whenever disaster much eontnov.ensy since lie was k amly insalanti son Kennie, Base bine srke h Cf allensor.k vt nIwreSna ine us~Society ibraugi the efforts s astIke hougiaut thc world. electeti asDuamsMPPi I ihMn.'and Mns, tc omavlleadDitict' The genercus finiancil up- Cnadatha ube S andi Mn. H. G. Freeman wene 1Wright and family, Base L Bandeprvies many services pont af evenyone is n eetiet if Compny a . 'n' ~Miss Susan Laird, Oshawa, 1n IunMonday eveningMr e- tthpepeo hscmu-RdCosite onnetaOPnYfYugCndes Jdect ' augter -Mis negilbankber t Wright and duhe t.Dnn h atyanass shhsI i atjand the Bi-Bi Commission, byta iss E.nnennillbalî Jimany local citizens have been Pleasp welcome the vlner Tcfnta iteWi and fricnd, Taranto,' on Sat- wd, ith E the îllamer'shelped by tie -Free Blood cnvsenwa al nyta mah fngeti ond cthaWIpde Il Èer Mrranay..' redTransfusion Service, Free b-oaa and ielp YOUR Ried Crosst baie anti votes In the lIeuse. if Steve &an do it '~~' Rev. Stanley S n a w d c n, 1 WigtM and M nl . Fe Cupboand af Sicknaom sup- help YOU and YOUR neii al at eet hpt o'IfniKe M.Shawvillc, Que. spent iM.MnoMnDa-Crdr-pieDsa&terR ee, Wterbaurserve Ian ty em.est hp a Yuilcaping bea leday cvening and night wlth Mr nir.Dv rdr le, 'tr -lfsrefrtim 'v .- * ' ~ is parents, Mr. and ns. .. ichn aho bloyd Snawden. d Suntiay supper' guesis wit icen aho Mn Ala notin haisl parents Mn. and Mrs. Instali, you can c OshAle Sodea- eleAlra, ne.yaecn ee HowadCyemnadfam'K E m Lbanding process companieti by lien sister Mn. , rdCrdrmn n i m enfor u andMw a yliitdthï ohr Ms eeAlr, M M On Tueiday fienn the1i eucine party In tic Orange more on Sunday. another room or1 isîtdH thWinPrt mohe, Jim Gibbins anti daugîleripupils anti teaciens finiIHall, Friday evcning. Misi Carl bangîtaîf, Eddie and' Mn.sE. H. Win., PortHe. sMidhelle, Mns. Ernest Burness, 1Kendal ichooi weni skating atj Irene Mercer receivedthei a Cuaxwntnnit congratulations ta Mn. at wa canylnh nn Aea at im ais îl nti Mn. R. Blit Cache Bay tuis weekend ta Deid ing 15. 00 GurnedadasrdMn. Robent Brown, wîo lîve en guests ithviMn. RusselI was enjoyed by alI. _Tice'the low. Wayne baweny from liste anti visit, anti cf course, Diamon Ring 66.GravearRd.edN.,svon Gimbleit, alsa her daughten pupils who titi not go ikat- West Hill won the men's higi te tny eut thir iki-do up odn ecent rage . NTicnM ..John Nannis anti famil]yling stayeti ai tic scioci with "anti Anne Cooper an a man's tîcre, do is heso a M. tîi.were luncicon guests. !Mn. Fergusen. -i ticket was low. Joyce Dninkie!M.adMs iiRmog g r.H ron room Mn. anti Mn. John Narnis A Fatier and Son banquet i Newaastle reccivedtihti doan i r (7/ ,-, ns.H. r owr nd c rid s. anti, family wcrc Satundav 1was -icîti Satunday evening, pniz..an S. unde sios.aiMn.E AS T opers ff-ew llers £ td evcnîng visitons withis daugiter cfarMn. antioMn.hW.S joantiTMes. Kuzenkos. Ticv INSTALLF ~ ~jJew1ters jDemeten, bath ci Maple Grave M dM onpn enay2s orteSot1 TcPe.T .Segovc were from Bramalea. Toronto. Rd. N. entsMr. and . Jh Non-! anti their latherssin Kendal toica the service hene Sunday j __________ 29 KIG ST E. OWMAVILL Mrs.Ethe Hiniman ac-ris, "iaa.schoi. Tic guesi speakerj as usual. lIe tolti the story' 29ý1GS.E O M NIL compaýnicti by'lien son anti i lram Peterborough spake ta of tic îign boanrd pointing t I BET AN Corne in loday foi wîfe M. and rs, OTilIeý them an Scautlng. wnong way andtihti trouble i'! B T AN wie n atiM. _nie1 L 1Tic Women's Institute mect- 1 causeti He neati Inaniticeigli h11h 'Mr. anti Mn .Walter Bridg- 'igwa ed us a aler-!jCiapten Of St. John, the1 a h TheWo,,,,sInsbyut i wcnc visitons at MB o donvî of iVrs. Eddie Caunaux witii an Christ spcaking fncm tic thc home ai Mn. anti Mns. Àfe Pre-, 1Taylor's.. Mns, Helen Hendensan presit-i jcross, eskifig ils, favaurite _Frank White on Thursday. jAvallabI6 In Se X 9V Mn. anti Mn. Edigar Hoskîn, lng anti Mns.bow givlng the , disciple ta looi efier bts mouh- Pnize for hîgi score wcnt taI size... in a rainbam Osliwa;Mn.ant Mn Gergeminutes. It was maveti that1 er. Peggy Foîten sang a solo 1 Ens. James Kloepfcn, seil decoralorcolors a Carson, Ornn; Dr. anti Mns. wc senti a $25 voucher ta oun ý"That* s Why I bave lIim Sa", j prize ta Mns. Roy Fenran, anti' Bruce 'Bawran, bondon; Mn. local store for a necdy lamily We wcne veny pleaseti ta sccj tic luciy door pnize ta Mns. X 12 anti Mn. Carl Grass and In thecocmmunity. Ten -dcl- sa many oui fon bath chuncli Inene MeDenalti. 'Michael, Columbus; Mn. a t be sent ta tic new anti Suntigy Sciecl. nl n d BhrSPECIAL BOIl Mns.blcyti Avery wcn viii Chldncn's lIospital in Toron- Mns. Jean Allen visiitlen: ic wyognz e tari et Mn. Wilfrid Ban's ta. Baton's anti Simpsan's motier. Mns. W. Mcncer, an any Fine Brigade directeti by M n. lawrd ewlngand jboth sent us some matenials Tueîtiay cvening. ' District Fine C&ief -Ross Neals Mr. otge Cunic, isei ta lie matie up far articles Ion[ Wc hati anotien five inches have answcrcd two 1aîsou-Îq% HH atesmân, Bowmianville, Mar. 4, 1970 ýof about 91 sing tobacco, which. contalned chimney fire a quantity of tobacco and î.Strong, a same equipment. The Bethany 7s ajone, was Brigade concentrated their ef.- tairs; bedroom I forts on saving the bouse and iy was locat- tobacco kilas in close proxim- son Clifford ity to, the barn. which was snearby calu- doomed before their arrivai. Brigade who A large tank of propane gas pt in answer- used in the heating and cur- tved at 3:30 ing room' was an added haz- y. They are, ard. The total damages has saving theLnot yet been estimated The Éo volunteer lire was noticed by three Bthtany Brî-iyouths passing by on the road Le cail. Jan-1 who aroused Mr. Karsay be- iso attended. 'fore turning în the fire alarm.. Z was ta the The Pontypool Brigade were John Karsay. also in attendance at this fire, 1at 1:50 a.m. The new Tanker of 1006' barn lire of gal. capacity recently pur- The barn chased by the Beflhany unit royed aIso an proved its worth in both, ig for proces- these fines. I D -l F C.S pN s. j jP'i t.EN ,ayodycaa, re" am. Sa eyRE faA ~apTaodaI l nSeenAL ,Unqu 1 Tlosflsho INg scurLyten p Dc THEslyfrwaha o si home. "RO EASY TO 1 EASY TO 1 EASY TO PICK UP j RINSE OFF AN RE&PLACE "ACCIDENT» oryour best carpet buy! id pattems. AS LOW AS ;49C TILE TILES as, Iow as 89e per tule SJUS -OFFER ON INSTALLATION McGregor iHardware LIMITED PHONE 623-2542 BOWMANVILLE Lie. L3098. o* '5 card --Daik L.L..t ai.rICc m u Àr Mo 1 e, 'B. isïMer. There we 196 FOD J-PASEN ER TATON AGO ~etc., fan, a future moncy-mai-1 great many lovely and useful 1966FOR , 1-PASENG R SATIN W GONinrg project. Tic ladies anc gis givcn ticm. Sic h.s be- V-8, autaniatie, radio. Lie. X24297. .. l remindeti ai tic Baie Sale ing. merrict ta Edwand Car- caming up in Merci. Secati- scatiden in Kendal Unitedtli E 1966 ORD T UNDERIRD LNDAU «DR.$2295O vetisement in anlotien sec- tii mnti. Wc wish them NNI[ 19Ful or aDlTHUN ERiRpD LN A 2D.HADOtien cf the papen. the beit of healti, wealth anti Fuî poer nd uxuy eusped.Mesdames bais Adamns, Joan happiness. Lie, L32933. --.-----...---- Simpson anti Linda Heasman Wien Ross Patton was baci callecteti $71,25 ,througlidut ta bake Kushog tic 21st cf 1966 CHRYSLER 4-OR. SEDAN Bncwn's section on behali aIf Febnuary weeienti lie was un- 16 V-8, automatie, power steering, power brakes. tic Henni Funti. Bncwn's luciy enougi ta gelis leg, A SE RS E Lic L932. ------- - .... . -.-..------ ~..Busy Becs wculd luke ta tiai iractureti. it wtll taie saine, I tic resitients aI tic section wccks'ta menti. They wcnc - LOW DOWN PAYMENT, for sa eo ul contriiuiing outaon tic iki-doas whcn lic ta ths worhwhie caue. t In$l was donc. NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS 'TIL APRIL lSth A social evcnîng was iciti Mn. anti Mrs. Il. Fosier anc']1 et tic home of Mn. anti Mis. staying et anti booking afler T. Wilson an Saturtiay even- Mn. anti Mn. Bah Canutiers' O iCaswcll won tic ladies' hilgi Bob anti Patsy anc hliltaying prize anti Mn. Gwen Hughes tnt Floritia. They also calleti the 2nd pnîze. Tic two igli an relatives in Tenn. U gents' prizes wene won by' Mr, anti Mn, Robent Rab- -~ Peter Heasman anti Victanj insan oi Bawmanville were 219 KING ST. E. PHONE 623-2586 Doty. bow pnizes went tai guesti ai Mn. anti Mrs. Keiti MnYcnn Bruni anti Bradleyj Woad, Frtiday nigit. Wilson.Tic Oraaneesield anpilî-