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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Mar 1970, p. 6

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The Carnaclian Statesan %mai wnville, Mar. 4, 1070i 8Wh Presbyterioal Meeting HeId ai Harmony for. UCW ti Girl GÛuides Make.'Powell' Plaque With Money' Th'e eighth annual meeting help in ail possible ways, giv-! The eet and installation oi the Oshawa Presbyteriali ing education anci training for ico offiee-by Rev-. L. W. United Chuirch Women was! better jobs. It supplied faod' Herberi aiofngeicwUitedi held recently - t Harmony, in drought yeers and is help- Chuirch, chaijrn ofu Oshawa Unirte-d Church, Oshawa. Theý ing with the digging ai wellsý Presbytery closed [lhe meet- -z rnornniig session eaturd>re- and improved agriultural! ing.r p'êrt, 'rom comrnttec chair-1 methocis. ht helps ta plan, bei-, The afficers for 1.970 areý: m a nd greetings from Missi ter nutrition and gives 'ei rsdnMrs, Douiglas Re-(i ýÇira Neal, president ai Bay cal hclp in family planning. Ipath; Vice Presiîdents, Mrs._ .ei Qinte Conference, U.C.W. iT1he worshapsriews nRbr hffed Vr.carl -Th e "In Memoriam" service! charge of Newcastle IJ.C,W. IDowni, Mrs. R. B. lse; was n chrgeai Carcmnt1Folloxing the dinner hour,Rerdn ScrtrMrs NU-C W. 'ev.- Fraser Lacey af Har- 1KnnýcetaMry,:Crrsod STespeaker was introduced'mo-ny United Church braught Tomsi; Tar rs.r ai-d b_ î1 Ms Carl Dawn.. Miss 'greetings. Appreciation ta nanlce Thirasuerad i 'jea r Bridgman le a missionary, people takig part in theiWh1-ite; Cltitensip Socialý cir uarlo'ugh from India. Shelmeeting was expressed byîAî amnt red ciok o India as a land cf Mrs. Robert Sheffield. h, Me ln mr cotaitowering mountains afternoan session opened with; aSter er and vast plais hc oths Ral Cali and a good attend- twardship & Vocation & Ca- ofi rein and the rest ai the ance was notcd despite theoPrtÔ inCLtai d yr er y dry; extremne heat weather. 1'.isso ary Educationl, Mre, endcol; 200 earaidarci- iseBnigma spke David Duchemin; Programmie, and n1à 200 yar od achiýý iss ridmanspoe gaini Miss Beatrîce McLean): Lead:I Lc.ýtLre anid sculpture and:,and outlined some ai the cdu-esiteeomnMs a ~hn'els;thewcalh aithecational work in conriectionilHolman: Supply& eifrc ýon,,ýtry in the hands ai very with missionary activity. She 1Mrs. Alec Mertlin: Pl'Res& iew en te rsiexremlvplnsta returu ta 'India in!i Publicity-& Arciv\es, M rs. poor; great literature and il- Juns 90adakdfrarJ alr oiainMs htetay; hih idels an cor-prayes tacarryon hc work i H.M. Kye. llembers or. Bowmanville's 2nd Girl Guide Com- 'Sandra Kn igtGldaBteyKth MntJnt rt4Ybon; ýexquisite handwork: --_ _ LrclinologY and primitive V f _ pany are shown with the plaque they made with Townsley, Patricia Morrison and Cindy Ward;, second hipnd labour with oxen. moDRNney, as a Thinking Day iProjeet. The picture on row, Bonnie Campbell, Sandra Noble, Jili Stocker, The country la trying very Panel on Problems of a nilnür respons-ibility ai the ,the plaque is of Lord Baden Powell, and the amount Cindy Childs, Mary-Ann Graetalaars, Caro1yni Grant tard ta b ilecpoe s e g- upr ndians ini Canada Dcpartment ai Social end!-oI money $417 is ta be sent ta the World Friendship and Cathy Abbott;.third row, Capt. D. Heard, Teresaý ~~.lng.Fail butervpibemcaesg, gate.by the population! A large and attentive audi- 1eii evcs Fund in honor off Powell's birthday, February 22nd. Heydens, Diane Wright, Sharon Hammond, Donnal explosio.n. grinding poverty-, ence turncd out from Oshawa, When presscd ta state their 'The Guides sho-wr are from IcIf t ta -right, front row: Hilditch, Judy Paterson, Sharon Noble and Lieut. M. ri- flood, drought and famn- andfr as fer eway as Dun- deepest grievances, the' Indiani Christine Willison, Susan Howard, Shellev Bail, Graetalaars. !-ie. The chut-ch is trying ta barton and, Orano te pertici. panelists said that -mosi i ___of_ -Ipate In the pael discussion 411 the Indieans lvants ta bel hnntgv w cr iyu inthe prablems ai the Indiens cansulted, and really heardB I~IiI ( ita nthgvose paon unfantua in Canada at Kedron United WNhen InIdian policy Is beine i iles ji iir er e tople awa-or n countes _Church an Sunday êvcning, deciîded. The National Indîan -' utass bîCrf r epem artrbuthieir IFeb. 22nd. Brtherhood bas been set up cutyed10 le hi "One ai aur probleme le the t pa o niesite-Tsick. texte; pravlded for Indjin dealings %vith the ,Iwera I for' anc would be verv chldren ln aur echools,' said Gaver iment. but so fan their LIu lVItM>e 'icai I,)Iv - .5 V JîeIpleasedI ycidc ol Hcrb f'abagan, Indien pai advice bas been disregarded, dedIfta respo n biucli v iemer wlh om bitenea. Ourtrates us b r- The- Bowmanville Country ink from Richmond HlilI with Mary Graham, Tam-Heatber hitwould deiinitely ennicb their "M t learn to read tories aboit nigotated and bonoured", said lub wes thé scene on Str3 points, skîpped bv E;leen skipped by Thelme Hendrick- auooonlendnkehm Dic ad aneine ububa i r.Naagn. Wen edday. February 2lst, af tbe[ Garrett, ith Marion McGill son and East York skipped by thankful for everything iheyl setigan eenull g o .onyta develop emenities 'isns Girls' anul on- vie Gloria Crotin second end Onnie Empey. !ook for granted until ihen. ~efreyo moe j ito learn «about Columbus dis_ on the reservatIons, and to set spc.Dorolhy McGnegar iead. Oth- Special thanka are ex- Sa, young people, long ori nwthe ftactS ihisto-y books, as weîî as'ment ta aur- people - ro Mexican hats and ponches erwinners were Peterborough iended ta Mr. Paul Kowel, aur short-baired, educated or nat, yours, Indiae are sae'ages wbohandauts, but mones that was as el! asMexican musi icekpr iIoblIednn.srkeere-dupefryurle. about insurance went aroûnd scalplng mhite Promisecd ta us by aur treetiesdeoaon wretetmeRylCainskppdbheay____ frth ýeday By &Il -means go and change Fat :Fie nurnc lue men. There la no apprecia- two bundred y cars ega, and ea.r'- < 'f ( iI the 1wanld but saret -with yaur-1 Fat1 ieisrneaoe tion af the sense ai extended neî er paid. We need securltv 'The 'spiel consisted ai two 5 ' l selves.. Now be absolutely' un borne and contents is flot famihy brothenbood devciaped i a tenure ai aur lands, and dÉaws and t' o l0-end gemes iL .tt , / 2 te',ttr oei h oyuwn ag enough. Your home could et an early stage ln Indien beiter education". with 16 inks participating. te sg l i.-r to this peace -festival? la la bcli destroyed by windstorm, culture. Which enebled the! Rev. Char-les Catto, ifoder- The out-of-tawn icompetitora OCT H FAI mt id Dfnieyntt1 rmtepaOo asi xxplosion or other hazard. Six Nations 'ta live et peace atan of the pael, explained were from -Tamn-Heather, Roy - BDean T SHE: FAIR bat the old. efneelayang ir nexcueac rci mre Fact 2; Plei coveraSiro-witbtateeantorr' neItht he.knewnfomrhis lx-aanCanadiensPeterboroug yous"possssios, a bQm. ¶ n S hr a. te th penew oenation ever sba aeiehd, h àtb 1I tould elso like ta com-[peopie wlt~h epositive, active pot- user and dope eddicts,,ta 171ipossesiay, horno Ide ebe itepnlIthtieIdesa teCi !daBihtn H1 n1ment ne the Perce Festhval. ,love fan ai thosa who suifer.1get la with the sa-called "in! neeledbe hmiiaio tebugma Rsrvtin u enal, as Yrken Pr1 Wbat ihe world needs noWIf you young people et-e reeillhycnod"? day she sterted ta school: she Nanihera Quebeccbave been Penny. Four Bowmanville alv wc oe acnended ildwt ehy htenhyga îi , judgment, Truc, but flot the negaitive. ilave, for your nclgbhboun, why is it ging ta do the world and' tac a:A lwsut jdgmnt was cxpected ta farget tb- forced ta max-e four tines- nrinks Belso curled In the bon -_ e9ains-t you ceuld cost yaU. Ojibx ex languege end sek lte fit-t tinte bccaue minerals iaplel. everyhin& yutu wn.YOoffOly Engliai. lwcre discovered on.iheir lend. j The "attractive' Mexican need liability iisicrençc, Siephen tewiNs, N.D.P. mern-1 Intenesied pensons lain e ther-a wcre Bey Elîs, Èact 4, You get ail this and ber af the Provincial Legiala- 'audience made the point ihet Don MacG regor Mike Kowel, wwre în ore h iowners ture front Scarbonougbi. West, allbougb Indiens need money, Bihf Welbbe and Ken Nicks. polty . 'it ome ow said ibat tbe white commun- irespect and. concenron dellelous meai was pre- lty ha-s prectised culturel geno ,-1iwbhite people, t wtI be up ta pieed and served by Don Cox cide la the name' of cconomlc itbem ta improve the qualiy and iis staff. progress. "After 200 yeers oai sheir lufe by ibeir owni Entetralmni tees suppiied. ai -broken treaties and neglec,' efforts. bv J',oaniiHey w vho did a panta- bie sald, 'Il feel thet eve 'hery- m Flkimýe of Ai Jolsohi'and b,- tling ncquested by the Indlients!Grup opened tbe evening Diane Gagno wo enorcd ,.,-" uîi shold o iven, ýith -no wiÀh _e group of folk sangý. dafices from the roernii twe- ""O-"-" -STURT T1,h1e pael fIt th«-t Canadia iranged by 1ev. Kenneth Deen is Vi Taylor. bonspiel con- needs ta te-examine Its pti-!-Iaind ibe'Ouireech Commitice 1vencr, Kay Ormiston andi onîties. Lest year fuft nul- loi Kedron United Cburcb. Phyvlise Cruess presenitcd tu heE AL HT JAMES :lion dallera was budgeied byl The Kedron United Cbur clh I 'prites. ~~-GAE'"L RT GENEAL NSURNCE the Pedt-rai Governmeni fan' Women on Friday, Feb. 2Oib I The trophy winens wth 39 IGAMEIU GENERAL NSURANCE Indien economlc develoument I eniertained 40 membeIts aiflte pointa were a tearft irom Leke- 24 King St. E.- Bowinanville - ver a five year period.i WieCas taVaetn iedsipe yJanGaat Office êêlCthe seme time fon ty mill ptt n the lowcr hal ai theI'with Yole Basciana, vice, Jean 1 2-81 Idollars waýsepent on bite new chur'ch. iGrhbam second. and Coinnie --P IIu 1 E J Art Centre ln Ottawa. la On- The pragramn included solos:ý Orn head. Runners-up wene a tarn. Inian -affaira h oüniy 7by Sitelly Watson and Mrs.1 -1E IPC! ____________________________________________1________ ouglas Love, and eccordion M 41 numbers bt- Peiti Rosnak. Jihl I mmcr. and Janice Gannon entertain- ed with baton twirling nuVn- kcr~.Rev.Kenneth EDeer sag o Tiny Tim numbers and Mrs. W cdTtd-a sing-song ivlth Mrs. Ross Lee at the piana. The guests tharoughly en-1 joyed the evening, and the lunrh and social hour that] followed. Business Direcory t A c c o n t an cy W". J. Il. COGGINS; Chartered Accauntant 115 Liberty St. S ', Eawmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HIALL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 361â King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 Chiropracti G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. 1 iropractar Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of 1{orsey St. Phone 623-5509 Office IHeurs: B-v apponiment DR. W. M. RUDELL, DAI.S. 15 Kinig St. E. Bowmnanvillel Office H10aurs: 9 a.mi-ta 6 p.m. dally Closed Saturday and Sunday; Office Phone - 623-5790 DR. C. F. CATTrRAN. D.I. Bowmanvillé Prafessional Bldg. 222 King St. Ê. - Suite 204 Office Heurs: 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Phone 623-5459 DR.STASLEY _GXXTZ-. 67 King St. E.. Bowm-anivllle Office Heurs: 9 arn, ta 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday 9 A.rn. ta 4 p.rn. Friday P,ÇQed ,ione 623-n Su7662 _ Insuranc e DONALD A. MacGR1-IGO-R Life, Auto, Home Insurance1 16 Division St., Bow,%manville Phone 623-5962 1 VRESR! II4PORTED A ASPARAGUZ S ÇAAt N..1I RAE 97rozen Foods FRASERVALE FANCY MIXEI VEGETABLE'S S LE.43 JAFFA ORANGES -%lob ruu sio SUESVINERn TOMATOES NBN II L9 SALAD 1I#9 LETTOCE ~ m5 _MORTON DINNERS _ 570 INQ ~ CHIPS WE RESERVE THE RIUIT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES KEITH A. BILLETT, .) .43 Klng St. E. - Bowmanvlhl Telephone 623-3252 Mon. - Tues. - Thure. - Fn. 9 arn. to 5 -pm. ffed. and Set. - 9 - Il Thursday eveninZa "he under-prlvlleged courîtries famnous! and. for the young for you ta sit and talk about it -will be a nest oai mrioralit7' peace and carry around youri, and lust. Are John and Yoa slogans and peace signs! Is such great examples ai dalng thi<; action with a positivei sornething creative towar d end*' If you realiy want ta do peace? Selling pornographie yvour thlng (and if you areipictures doea flot taeniy mind really sincere your thing1have the sllghtest cannectian should be ta wart te help 1 with peace. If John Lennon those less fartunate than you) would go and work amnang the then do sa but don'tsitdestitute for a few years 1 around and demnonstrate, be might haveý second thoughts creative! about his peace campaigns. As 1 see it, Mosport wauld 1 urge yusnible yad anly be a ýlayground for the .people' ta boycott the whf devil For the adlults 1r is ai aifalr. means ta make a fast buck and Concerned Mather make Clarke Township ai eight, Offers YOU.. SMALL GROUP TEACHING 30 COURSES IN 14 SUBJECT AREAS AN UNMATCHED-SUMMER SETTJNG Trent Uttivtersity's campus on the- Otonabee River at Peterbiorough offers summier school students an unusually attractive conihination OUf small-group teaching with a vacationiland setting. Tutorials and seminars are used to complement lectures and to provide for, individual participa- tion in the teaching-dearning experience. Sumýmer courses for 1970 are offered in-, Anthropology (3), Biology (2), Chemistry (1), Economics (1), English (4), French (1 credit, 1 non-credit), Geography (3)j History (3), Mathematics (1), Philosophy (1), Physics (1), Politica (1), Psychology (4), Sociolàgy (3). Tyent's course in Canadian Indian Studies- will lie offered as a summer cour~se, it ig a survey off the physical anthropology, pre-history and ethno- logy off the native population of the Americas. Other courses include a fourth-year I3iology course in Entomology designed espècially 'for secondary school teacliers and a second'.ycar course in Urban (ieography toelie given, by Dr. D). M. Morrish, University off Exeter, Englànd. Applications must lie received by 1 May, 1970. For information or application formns, please write:_ Director off Part-Time Studies, Trent University, Peterboroughi, Ontario. TREN'%T ~ NI1V ERSI 1TY Skeiul Feutures AT THIS* STORE ONLY 1 * LGA-4 wRITE ~BREAD 24-OZ.'LOAVES SAVE 70c ON 10 A p ples Pepsi - Cola 5ottè $100 MINýCED B1EEF 59cý Foodlinert BOWMANVULLE q -7 . 1

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