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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Mar 1970, p. 2

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2The Canadian State-s-man, Bowmanvlile, Mar, 25, 1070 Cartwright Taent Te-kes-- Over Complet e Pro gram 'At Toronto's Durham Club ýBleclsock-_On ciay ov- m'aeny facta anti humarous enlng, a group matie up ai bbe anecdotes. Mra. Neil Malcolmn present municipal council, pat anti Mca, Merlin Suggitt pro- menibars anti others, went te senteti a slitie show "Cent- Tocanto In Dalton Doccel's wright Thraugb tbbc Seasons"' bus ta attend the Mrch meet- Mcs a.lItMcLaughlin, ec2 t ing af the Durh'am Club ai compenleti by Mca. Lamne Toronte. This wes "Cart- Thaopson, sang a solo, "The wright Night" et bbc 72-yeac- Impossible Dreem'. obti club. Richard Bowles, enothe- 'Misa Aleen Aket, bbc firat Cartwright "native son" thon, lady presient in the hlstacy ntroduceti Lawrence 1alcolr, oi bbc club, was ta the. chair Reeve of Cartwright, wha anti welcomed alltethbbcmeet spoke an tee tapie "Cartwright ing. We Know Froro Whence YeuI The prograin whlch was Caine But Where Are You presenteti by tee Cartwright GongI" Mr. Malcom rein guests was well roceiveti. Janis in1sceti an lfe la Cartwright Dorrehi gave ber speech "'The 30 Years ega comperedte taet- Green-eyed Manster" which da3s ectivitios. lie teait won filct place et Cartwright bricily witb, the trendi te larg- Central Public Sebool. Marie r government unit-s anti the VanCamp anti Debbie Swan offet on Cartwright. lie ont- played i pana dut "The Shep- cd by intnoducing the membens, herd's Evening Sang". Dur- of coundil, the clerk anti roati hatn Counby Public Speakxng supenintentient ta the meet- Winnor, Cindy VanCamp, lsatng. a-student t C.C.P.S., gave hec Foilowing a rgen speech, "Our Sunimer Roli- luchanttaheewln gamny d3ay". Miss Aketi preen lnhanetinwnoemn both CIndy anti Jenja wtb acquantances coneludedtihbb gits, aise the Durhîam Club pleasent evcning. Trophy ta Cindy. Mes. Lamne Was lb the tuining bock the1 Thompson gave an excellent yers or bbc ride In the school hïsbory ai Cartwright Town- bus- teat -matie saine feel sel sbîp. This paper canteineti young at beach? ____ Hionor (art wrighit 25th Anuni versury Appoi nted P roi esso r At Lakehead Dr. Tamblyn, I'resident et Lakebead University, bas announcedî the appoi~inrefl of James P. Levekin as Pro- fesser of History, Faculty et Fducation, Lakebeati University. Professer Lovekin ls the son et Mrs. and the late C. R. Lavekin, a native of New- castle andi brother of E. R. Lovekiu. Ho studioti et the universiies of T oroento, Quoen's, Cornebi andi How- ýElect Off icers 0ûf Goodlyear Retirees' Assn, On Monday, Mardi 23. The Goodyear Rotirees As- sociat4on wos formed tia meeting boit la St. John's Sunday Scbool. Officers obectedti t serve an the Ex- ecutive are Chaimon, W. Blakoly; Vice-Chairman, W, Bote and Secretarî-Tcea- sucer J. C. Coyle. Tic next meeting'ai tels acwly fanm- eti association is saoteti ior Aprih 13 in tbe St. John's Suntiay School. Blackstoek - On Fnicay, llalx)lmceleratÇ thermbrh I(h, M. annMls inIvia the Recreaion Centre, Bleck- stock. Noreen Cook anti Neil Vaeon Marcb 10, 195, by T r s n o c r the lobe Boy. P. L. Jul tan thee an anti Sylvia andtihec'Wbiloe e Tysoaslilve Ir -Broaklan Unitedi Chnrch. Great Speckleti Bird, -well- Rosedalo, they have ae rancI Oven 200 guests were- re- known Tocanto singera, wlll neen Bownîanvilhe. 'We'ri eeived by bbe bride anti groom, lucky that wo con escape th( . tised hy Mr. and Mms. aPPe.or at a honefit periorin- sinoke ant itnthbb city on( Lwrnce Malcolmn, Mr. anti anco, with ail praceeds goîng go out ta theeianm," seiti Ty Ira. Gordon Cook, Mr. anti te tee University oi Tacanto's son. "Pollution Probe la try M.Fred Tccwin anti Mn. anti Pollution Probe organization. ing ta inake Taranteoa bettei Mss, Howard Malcolmn. Mary The concert bas been set ion place ta ho. anti wÀe'co gladt( Loub anti Jamle Mahcolmn were 8:ý30 P.nM, Monday, March 30, de wbat we can ta belp thein' In charge ai bbc guestbobok et the -St. Lawrence Centre foc Ian and Sylvia will ho ac wlilch was a glft af the hcitie's the Perfamming Arts. Tickets companieti by their bond, bli mother, Mca, A. J. Cook wbo are priceti t $3.50, $2.50 anti Great Speekîcti Bird. Th, was uneble ta ho present as $1.5û, anti are avallable frm_' gcoup Incluties Amas Garrett zbe was In Caliiomia. Also tee theatre box office 366-7723 guitar; N. D. Smnart, drums~ uneble ta attend was tee anti fcam pollution Probe Butidy Cage, steel guitar, anc groom'% fether, Mr. Stanley 928-6155. Jin Coîgrove, boss. Malcoera wha la In Fborida. Ian and Sylvia Tysan, ac- They wiil perorn many o Dancing ta the muscof companieti hy-their group, ce- tee well knawn Ian anti Sylviý L>r'sOrchetra, Orano, eontly untierteok a similar con- "'standards" but will, aisead w~-enjey'edMM. Howard cert in Boston. Sali Tysan: a great deal af matecial fracx Malcomi acteti as M.C. for a "We were anxiaus a temnke a their just-neleased Am pe -short programme whcb îIn- contribution ln our haine town, Album, Great Speckloti Bird ebudeti Baton Twiling, by anti icît that if we coulti The concert la belng pro. Michelle Millet, Port Cretit, caise sanie maney far Pollution sentedi for Ian anti Sylvia ané accOMPanÎeti- by hec moteer, Probe, lb wauld bclp thoin in Pollution Probe by Mambi Mis. Jean Millet. Twa slos the wýmk thoy'ce doinig". t Onrot Assaciates. ___ by Misa Gall Malcolmn. Humo- - _ orous readings by Mrs. Barris, Brooklin. Tap dancing byCadyMacomanti CathLeg ion Ladies'Auxili'ar Btrxsbow accompenlet hi Mca.' « Wlbh 30 members prosent Berthà Williams, lat Vice Pros Dorothy Bristow, al ai Yeî- anti Jean Burton la the chir, Nonce Calmer, Geangina Cartý verton. 1ev. V. Per-sans spake the Leglan Ladies Auxiliary er, Anne Piper, Audrey Bote frlly and Inviteti Noeen helcl tIrir regulan meeting on- Rona Bathgate anti Rose Dick- ati Neil ta the platiarmn. Mrci 2-,,L insan, Iloward Malcolm thon reati Oa hrtcCatrwsda- Convenor Mary Weshaver ~rhymng atidresa ta tbc hon- AlethCarr sdap >urd cupl aier hlc tecd In memomy ai Corraeefollowing bbc commitee me- three ' hlîdron, Gordie, Mary Ethel Shackelton, a roll call of1pra keioasstnel Lau ant Jamnie presenteti their efficers anti executives was cabering bbc K40 Club ar inahet-wrb Roal eulonconduceet andtiheb minutes Satunday, March 7. figurine, "ýBride", Lillian Cook from bbc proviaus meeting Duiag a short rocae presenbed thein witiî a silver wece atieptet. wbich ducs wone pait, tereE tee service anti aa un ai maney Taking tbc iloar, Nyle' drews wreMboit.lTke wnE ifroin thenr relatives anti Sheeben announcet, futher nonsme nd Marglaena ftientis. Tbey aise ecelveti plans regartilng the Bowling Couiner ti ea enicen a raloeellaneous gfts, flowers anti Det Taurnaient. She Aphi]dathfo aVimanouacti andi carda, Bebh Noreen anti aise ceeti a letter cotaining bcdt acVm ih erplied, fittingîy. saine sports tips. In rospanse Atjournament was called R1efrsmet em orete Mca. Sbeehan's roqueat, anti was followeti b] tee and by the, UC.W. _fBlcstock. twa applications were accephecilnh Guesta i nclutecl the meni- for kitchen 'duies an Mardi bers ai thpr irwedting Party ai l4th. 25 years aga: Mc. J. W. Cun- On thse motion ai Hilda cc nlngham, Tarante; Mca. Jamies Humphneys, the Ladies accopt- Acc*dent Mlett, Port Credit, and. Mn.cd an invitation ta a Social Lawrence Malcolm, Nestleton. Evening la Oshawa wbich . , nr ilr Also atndîng was Mc. Rua- takea place in Aprul, *1"-' Und- sell C.- Haney, M.P. anti bis Following agreement that parti.,bthe exising accounha ho paît, March 21sf, 12.15 anto Ot ai town hinondsaond Treasuner Audirey Rate Iasuet was e single car accident ai relatives attend'ti fren Ca--a financial statement whlch bourg, Cohborre, Port Hop, a tipteti y he bcExecutive, lghway 2, -34 mile. west ol Newtolvillo, Oshawa,Toron - Pana for a September Con- Caurtice,, invalving Ricard ta, Part Credit, Cenningtan, venhion wer e announcet as Lee- Penfount, Rlili'4, Oshawa Brookîl, Part Perry, Keanel- well as the naines ai those et- $700 was the estimateti dam- worth, H-am-pton, Seugog, Vel- tending. Those planning ta aet i 3Dtg ttn verton. attend are Pros. Burton, Sec. aet i 6 -desain ÈC wagon. No injuries. March 2lst, 1:30 s.m., ai * westbounti 401 ah Hoit Roadi Douglas Wayne Robiertson lR. 2, Lindisay, tiriving a ' Chevrolet was in collsion *with Ronald Robent McCosh 67 Wootibauseý Cresceot, Aax, TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE wha was drîving a '66 Olds- theoe ahrtson car was $100 and ti $ta0hoebcMcCosh velu- bbceintersection af Highway MU M El35 anti Kirby, thene was e twe ft Mi car collision invalving David GWRA âPr Hope, anti Banry M. lier- * MN rison Bitigenartli. Hanringý * Il $500 damage wbile Harrison': '165 Olda lied $600 damage P IC K ,U POfficiaIs report a stop sigr violation. Mardi. 23rd. 6:10 am-.,aa lau -lighway 35 on EnterprisE G o d F ida Hlli, teere was e single cei G00mo tr*dma accident invalving John Dcaý ais Cllâan, , ai BethunE Street, Peterboraughi, wha wa! AREA USUALLY SERVICED ON tiiving a '69 Mustang. Dam. FRIDAY, WJLL HAVE age estimatet was $700 an' GARB GE ICKU ONno injuries. GARB GE ICKU ONMaroli 23rd, 2.45 pro, ar teKential Rd., nantisai Nowý horrible, Wliam C. Hne THUomRSDAY, MAKUI t lb-6 -Yirgto dnnckrn was n collision with Herber J. M. McI.LROY, E.-T-rim o! Newtonvmlle. $80( damge as oretaHansen' Clark - Ad,-i"nistrator. '67 Cougar çvhile Trfim's '6> Jthein go to work as though credilt course In French wfl] Una6e toAccpt H ll ds T rmseverything depended On us. be offered, whose successful N e wMrs. Johrns deait with the completion- wlll -be acceptcias ngu ge o F sti al f opie 'Your Weakness May a pre-requlsite for first year Am%âme 0 à Bea Source of Strength God French at Trent. The course had strrnypasagethroghNI',, 0Ourweakness doesn't realy The sumimer session begn,% Pa OM PAGE ONE laM U I I T e matter for when we have June 29 and classes end Augus-ý haod e a s r y passa e30,u gh' ' E " '-r'reached the point of gîv ng p 7, with examination during perorhes aaroi$3, a M e r.,E 4 55 II 5 o ritNEgs we wiil fmnd the great truth the week of August il o 14. yerfrtecomm-issioner, that, came to Paul, ,My Dendllne for applications tu Source in th capitl saystrength is made . p rfcin summer session ia May 1. that Mr. Spicer was the Gv, Newcastle: Officiais of the Great castie where they received training weakness." Our weakness may ernment's flrst choice for the Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts met from professional directors, made their 12e God's opportunity to make IT'S ALL HAPPEMN ureally strong.ATH B' contraversial asslgnment, iwîth the Community Hall Board on own stage, scenery, 'costumes and pro- usThroliTali How o Hei funtybiflngual, Monday night and advised them that duced a nurnber of plays that received cruit new members" was waîI »' Dornna Wood married to a girl from France. wudb nbeb acp hewd cli o hi itasee, at y- 15 Bsebl nivlebl and is considered an expert on' they udb nbeto cettewd acamfrterquaiy. aetl nd vlval French Canada. He was a terms laid down by the board for use The news that there -will be no f es- "Jesus keep me near thelare the In things at M. J. member ot the editorial board of the hall this summer. 1tival will be greeted with dismay by Cross" cle this part of the Hobbs this week. of The 'Globe and Mail for This means that, unless somt-thing ,many of the supporters, and, convers- meeting,. The boys basketball tearn 21h years bef ore jiningth The business followed with playeti at Courtice High School. polîtical science faculty at Uieseen occurs in the near future, ely will be welcomrd 'by others who minutes andi correspondence Bhe t he Courenethc e Glendon College last year. i thiere will be no Festival of the Arts were neyer too enthusiastic about the read by the secretary, Mm'. tamtam.cae CtoelgBan- In 19681,lhe matie an unsuc-, held in Newcastle this summer. youth program. Emerson, andi the tre asurer's trita aetrùhwt cessful attempt ta get the- Lib-; lb will be recalled that for the past A meeting of the entireFestival rePTrhgive by Ms. Hasllpa vlcoryCi0-ri erai. nomination in Scar-i several seasons, the festival bas at- Board, bas been called for later thîs wee1 a ed ute ln Penfound, Greg Wallace and Sog h at nth eeral lci. tracted as many as 100 young people week, when several important de- ýwcre made for the Lindsay Egbert Dolstra. general elect cm t ew cson il hv t e eton h . dueGrand.> His frientis know hlm as a[ -_made._Son________ _____________a restessacaemi wih a oodIt as ove boy1 s an gils'volleyball sneofhmr egngvtoow2tL been cmltd.tdcOddtatw ak asu.Hobbs boys defeated Theeealegisa idation banameshenescore-e. scoream The egisatin naes Eg e ut att e aa saorex- ISaturday for the îarm sale oai 98"Beneath the Cross ai Grandview wth a toalasgarni Ilsh and Frenchasteofcalsbu ohtasble--Jss rth iphbn-o15t5inhefs g e languages f anaa and pro- cellent scarîng opportunîties. livestock, hay, grain and fur-essanth Mialbne and 15 ta 1 next game. Our vides for the etàla et fbohteams .tr fMrbutr. e1e itinbogt h etn bilingual districts where the, iO AE ~ ~ eal afahterdlgt De Jong. They are quitei o a close. weedae i ahgre (f RMPAGHEOE)wvolcamle to flacsoshwirdll hav obemd._ _ 1 wsareyrûrm .eeX aed nbol e miortypouatonissu-Ken aboedth scorlng piease with the public's re-1 Mrs. -Emerson gave a read- wih s cof 9 ta 15 and 4 houg to th las gveringdrug with Ken- Tamiblyn and Randy d n e ng ftet 6 Frn-spek re' tsI oic r heo ,agency mark. John Gaine madie it JMr.heric oadmte, aarn to evcer a prs cn est lpratian forti e t lun- lsunlikely ta be name t at can do the jo effective- tWo to nothlng when Bruce Mr. rieyomn oot SvrlIihsng eesn rprt e h ora ditrct Simpson won the face-off ta, lawe.Ty bave bought a with Mrs. Malaolm aat the ment in Port.Hope. TheGovrnmnt as ar- El«oraing th spake th let o Bil Frguen ndhome in Caesarea where theyipiano. Lunch was then serveti Next Wednesday, M. J. mared' toalof $150,000 for saiti, "We, as Police Officers, passed it 10 John who scased w1ll apend tlheir retîremnent 1by thc unit in charge and a Hobbs girls will venture te, tecommissoner's office in agree with Dr. Joel Kaplan the goal. years. Later ini the summer social time enjoyeti. Mrs,Em Courtice 1lhSho o the irs yer.0f the totalI wba wasbeati of tee United Three, minutes, leter Allen' they are planning a' two, rson vaîceti the apprecliaon rousing game of volléybali. $3,0 ostpay the com- States Armny Mental Hygiene Gray scoreti, ta, spoil Wlllough- nnh'vctont oln.Mr.. Webster bas. volunteer- missoners slary andi ex- Clinic ina Vietnam, that mari- by's shutout. The assists went1 Mr. anid Mrs. Grant Thomp- 'UEed is snawmobihe te be uti, pense. juna i a dngerus dug ad toGordTiltn an Pau Tel son nd M. Clrke illilal aRKdemonstraatiostraio forr t execet ~bas a seios ffct n hoe ord Tle niPulTlecopnic r ibrt Mal-! classes participatlng ln ' ýM.Sie sepce owho, use it."1 The third perloci also was colin, Yelverton, on Thurstiay , aMr Mrs. H. Trick, sni praiect. Intaly h il aeonth.a 'Me nspctor mentioned s bt at te colt anti visiteti with friends in the Lindisay, visiteti Suntiay with onyaithat marjaa aes e ess btbt eascudPefferlaw and Beaverton orea. Mrs. Grant Carnochan, Mr fQ TTAi smell staff, but the staff w! inte aiun assad- have filled their respective Th -VUL.UAY..L growsubtantell whe If impairment, therefore, nets, bati they been able to Mr. Win. Steel, wbo bas re-Im rnTck anti ather friends. bilingual districts are namoti. we as Police Officers who are finish their plays arounti the turned irom Australie, and! Mr. E. Bell is a patient inl' MRS. H. R. SUlMERSFORD Anadvlsory baard was nameti already concerneti about the net. Tillsonburg won a face- Mr. Richard Rowan, Enniskil-' Part Perry Hospital, We wish eoahfMr.Holi. recently ta recommenti where saughter on the highwa's, do off In the iast minute of play e. aleionanubr ihm a speedy reaovery. Sumersforti occurreti suddenliy thedisrics soul beestb~not agree ta the legalizing af in the Bowmenville endi and1 local resitients on Saturday. MraniM.Anlon tMeoalHsta, o- lishei. mriuna h woulti anly pulleti their goal-keeper. They Mr. and Mrs. Weylie Mc- singer, liellard, Ontario, spentimanvillo, on Tuesday,_ March TobeinwibMrdSicr t thte problem. neyer got a shot on the net, Keown, Mr. Lionel McKeown Wodnesday witb Mrs. R., De- 17, 1970« She wat in ber 70th * juristiietion will be limitedt t Mr. Powell saeita i u h emncudhv n o ln ooRoati, vey. yoar. feiealofics n oprte tcariedt atgood scored at least twice if tboy were Sunday dinner giiosts Mr. Orval Greer. Oshawa, Deug'hter o! the lete Wm. 1-. Ieea ofie In Ottawa, deatmn caure go olt have founti the net. witb Mr, andi Mrs. Bruce' visâtet Mrs. W. Bryen oni Mutton anti Phoobe Mey Mut- b1 eSt offices oi ioderal agencies prograin ta warn yaung peo- The next game in this series lieaslip.TusaytohefrrHliaMS ausieth aptlati~ ple of the dangers anti they will be Pleyel Sunday, March i Sunday Services î Sunday visitors with Mrg, Mutton was born Jn Darling- !ederally owned transportation are willing at ail times ta as- 29, ln Tillsonburg wltb gemetînýthe Presbyterian Cburch .R. Davey were Mrs., Sam, ton Township antmi attended syýtem. This includes the sist any group in this on- time et 1:45 p.m. CNR, Air Canada, anti certain, deevour. hsxh gaewll be MVr. Morley Mitch'ell chose Grant, Oshawa, anti Mr. anti schaol in Bowmaville. She is federolly opereteti feies. Th"elm-Sunia" a teaiomeers wowadiDavey, Bow- survived by bier husbai, Mr. meetngconuctti Y playeti in Bowmanville, Tues-lirl RSueso. In corrying out bis duties, President Bert Muttoa. anti day, March 31 with gaine time fprhntestrsanoge. eusctiy a Mrs. î. eti sH - aouR.sewife, eedeca Mr. Spicer will ho Indepenti- catered by Mrs. Edgar Wright at 8:30- lian tient ine it f rs W .Mmoria opta-,Achie oests eteti erount ni cnt ai the Gaverament. His' and the U.C.W., wes turneti There were 599 fans at the Jerusaleim an the palm strewnien inMmra optlhefnees crledrud h. appointment ia for seven years avec te Cheirman W. H. geme. Let«s see If we cen patb. The Pharisees looketi Bawmanville. We hope sheiber home-anti fily, anti she *e anti con anly lie revoketi et Brown -who presented Shirley double this next tîme. on anti seit there la nothing wil soon ho well enaugh tai toak an- active part in a11 oe miti-term by egreement ho- Marshal an the argon antid fB fnill Mdon l nwecen do. In five days there lie home again soon. phases o! the work ai the Sol- id tween the Cabinet anti the Ulah Chambers an the Piano. Sunday, tbe St. Mery's Ce- was no armir anti no tears as Mm. J. Peeling, Oshawa Ivation Army, ai which she ?- Speakers ai bath lieuses -of A sing sang wes conductetirment Redi mon coulti le crown- H troti the lonely roati. Ev-t wes a Sundey visitar af Mrs'!wI membe ai he Slatia 7-Primn.,by Vice President Wes Vice, edth be AIi-Ontarîo Champions, Amy Home Lege ankfrieesT aie.o h avtions ,r Bsicllythecommssinerassisteti by Le Collacutt on next Tuesday night. w r ruh akt t ryHm egeadas O îî o ethe in. nîewibn o rv]Gates ai Jeruselem. Mrs. Vis-: ar e member ai the Wofin's wl ersosbefor insur- A rs wInstg Itutee lng that Ottawa fuhfihîs the FoIlowing a vote ai thanks to Tillsonburg in a spectator sec anti Mrs. Scott sang "From r i I)re r nd Mrs. SuBo morio ri hv pegefeqa -srie t Inspector Powell f ra lier- bus shoulti contact Mrs. Jean Hs Stripos We Are Heeleti.nir n fe s M.adMs uesdhv pldeo qa evc oIn the United Churcb Rev- resideti on Church, Street, eCanadiens ai bath major lan- VeY Brooks, a lengthy ques- Devitt at 623-5597 for roser-eet itrPrascoerbrfrmn em lguago groups. lie is empow- tin nt aswr roicti-orias.IPPamiunsy- cDa"os!30 - ourseS Besîdes lber bushanti, Mrs. s, ereainto ndIsnosteobecor-Mceteh e ec es. vov Itee topîc for bis sermon. This'... Sumnemiorti is survivod by a ~; pain, ani l notobhgeti~ ~~ adi~swI the Day of Decision whenih son and two daughters, Ken- a hoti forel earng l thl -NESILETON Jesus tiecîdeti le must go taoi s mme neth, Mrs. Robert Lackhart course a! bis investigton RCngauations . . Jorusehem. The multitude foi-i The summer session at Trent (Helen), bath af Bowman- lie cen caîlowitnessesitasap- eun'mJ. lowed, inpressed hy the meek- 'Univedsity this yearilofevleatMs.H ryJzn apear hofore him anti may coin- JFarder, Port Perry, wbo bas ness oi Jesus as He rade on 30 oues double the num- (Alice) ai Strathroy. -Elght Opel tho e to tstiiy on ath. reacheti the venereble age, i> an ass. lie was King of mn, ber offereti le 1969 session, raTh uirnaIse srvie.X Heýmay aise. force them ta niiiety-seven yeam Vt 0d a y Iii bis simple attire' there was H. G. Hooke, directar of part- Thefun rls urvie prod~tuce documents. In ad-I (Mardh i ) On Sàday,irmemi- a vast difference ta a Political turne htîis et oiy elti froitheMorsF stdesbd tdy Chapel, Bowmonville, on -Fri- t iltion, be con receive evitionce îFROM PAGEOE)bers o! ber famnily honoureti King. Ia Jerusalem Hle drove Fourteen subject areas are re- day, arh20tb, antwe c -such as bearsay-thet would wiagers wece able ta skate bei with a birthday party eit the rooney chengers frain the presenteti. onducteti by Captain Peck 31 nat normelly be acceptet inlaa back andhl h eesv Mrs. Kiag's, Port Perry. temple,.lie bealedtihte blinti Includeti as courses aof eSlaio m.Itr crasthe apposition cLçsr Lewis Watson, Port Hope, Mr. fevaur with the priesa andwfirtiear corse inIndien Althaugh bis investigatîve thebe ue-line.. Cemetecyan.irtyercors n ndi poer ae id, e asno Tiiisonburg were îorceà to anti Mrs. Carmen Nelson, the scribes w,ýhicb was bis un-t Eskimo Studios, a course la A Cmnther mnybatiu eeuie utbority, and relies Play omevll' sye antrrayth 'h, Mad Mr.Gar-do ing anti whicb wes prophe- urban googrephy, anti a fourtb- floral tTibutes attesting ta 4bue onxtecutvrnmet tact on play wblcb Wa iiensl ntMrkwrah, r. antiMr.ar- siedi. Mr. Lawrence Mlcolm yeer bialogy course meant Dar- hgb esteorola'icbthe de- anhsrcmeninI the pa ed it doivilel Mrs. Will Farder, Mr. anti anti Mr, Barry Malcolm favor- ticularly for secondary scboolcaet aabli ee hs iiia recmend alons. 1! tee he et îhBwavleMrs. Osmonti Wright, Mr. andi cd with a musical number oan teachors. esdwshedwr hs - ovmnnet alstaec, oMrs, Roy Taylor, Mc. Roy tee saxophone anti vialin, Enrolment in the 1970 irom the Salvatien Amy Ccèci reprt'the fallure ta Par- j Werry of Blackstock, Mr. anti (Bach's Passion Chorale).0 summer session- saiti .HmeregeWnin' sî Mi. Spicer wes haro In.Lina anti Bren t, Mr. anti Mca. The Merch meeting ai Nes- approximately 500, roughiloiL tge No . , PaltstRoye Taranto anti attendeti Brown r ,Horry McLaughlin ai Neable- tieton U.C.W. was hel t he doublee 1969 encalment otioN.29 at oa -Public Sebool on Avenue, f aster ton. Refreshments oi fruit, homeofaiMca. Norman Mains 260.,. Cenatilan Lgion. As thell, al nn Roati anti North Toronto Col- boal, hirthtiey cake anti tee on Tueatiay aiternoon. Ianlthe A number ai visitiag lectu- Bilwagvetaheamy 'legiae Institute. Alter grati- anti a social lime ai reminis9-i absence oi the pre.sidont, Past ers wil] complement members hy thee Unitedi Steelworkers Sueting frein the University oai d cing concludeti another happy President Mca. Mairs took teaf Trent's feculty in making of Amecice Local 2375. Tocanto with a tiegree aocain chair anti apeneti with e reati- up the teaching staff focrh Palibearors were Mesrs. ta Perla for three years ionPrier ta ber hirthday, Mrs. ing, "May Goti Reaew Your summer session. .Among tc harneieFe tgr ,e o ars orthre eas erFarder hati the .adted pleasure Strength", fohboweti by the visitons will ho Dr. D. M. Mac- James Atilain, John Lachal patgraduete studios la French:. ai talking by phono ta ber theme byma anti the Lorti's risb aif St. Luke's College,- William Surnemiarti andi Ste- Iciviiizet4an ant Ilnternational' sister, Mrs. James Robertson, Prayer in unison. Englenti, who wiîî lecture i~ n Suesad- reatos. ~~Unlity, Saskatchewan. Mrs, Jackson neati the cr-ubngogrepby., fý On bis return te Canada hie! On Saturdey Mca. Farder1 ture passage more Isaiah 40:1 An Innovation thl.s yearF bi tacort l pliiclwa asobnorei he cai 8-1ani av evryfie il o heuska rocor 0l Nicholas, 18g montha ca Gado Gilison worelough Counby. However, benoi - ------l.--- rs.a T. Teaneil anti Mca. WiI- in Manvers, duo t; an unfav- ' ý e , for ~ism Motimer, Libtle Britain,' cmebe euazbono 8 5EMr. andMca, Victor Gilisol, nment factor. aur township ia CI Ve SToranto, Mr. anti Mra. Ceeui egain faceti with an inenease YI Webster and Mca, Graham,t oi $22,836.00, an atiditional pr job Lindsay. $9.75 per thousanti incroase.Co A IN S '% L Jy s~lI ponding a few tisys with hec 12 rois ($12 per thousant), CAS H AVINSH N L FROM PAGE ONE) grantimathen, Mca. S. Brooks, This year Manvers is the thîrti Bowmanville. highesb ai tbe United Coun- aretesworh aec 200 TH RSMARH 2th Many locah cesiýdenta enjoy- tics. Cramahe lias the tub- O FF&,Wit aiý At theC ountry Club, they et "Cartwright Nigbt"' on Fmi- loua honaun ai boing highest Fillakopng& Winte kichti ut ee las intheproday evoning when taey were wite a 13.17 ijl increase, fol- n shop dooc ta gain entry, aise ententeineti by the Durhamn loweti by Clarke wibh -a 9.88 àiePoesn boateti apen the office dean ï"' Club in Toronto. mil1 increae. Uniortunately. Inside anti thon went te work. Sorcy te report Mrs. Stan thie present syatem ai equaliz- sainhe sookacoplt seane rsi McNeillie is currently in Sun- ing asseasment works ta tbc e.m carete mhneybut o nyhcook Hospital, Toronto. ativantage ai urlian areas anti o Cupons or film to base or go out of date, Vour savings ir- cigarette ahn b u tchnoe-i Mr. Norman Mains returnedt t heb teriment ofrua 1- cets, T adl oth e y aoien D sfroro Oshawa Hiospital on Set- areas with the inihateti m;ýa- tram us wili buy your film -when yau need lt. It's a seens T a p teso liquor. tol 5 ucdy. Ia rutat isket values ai farina liaring tremendous opportunity. ks evra bttes f iqorToalMrs.an, utad islittheor on erelation t thee - bas la estimeted ti t ven $200. -Pcoutb were Sundey evenlng actuel productive capecity ai d1 The faotprlnt bot on the office In n ne guesta wîbh Mr. anti any farm o sai. Necrbhelesaî WE ARE OPEN GOOD FRIDAY ( shoe, s0 thet thiof wasn't se ^ i - 1 2a.- n 2-6pm n:lc, rOshawe a. hldaig ibrelation ta tbe asseaseti value I1 2ani n . 1, Na ret ae ercor- 18 IGS, Little Miss Kim Elliot, lag the criteria uset ia sebbîngl ýge yplcbut they p-I BOWMANV hE er gatpaetMr. anti Miss Pemele StineoDn was J LO ELLTD bt ebly arc laoking for sam ine -Mca. Richard Davîsen, i'bastese te some 35= 40 of lie'- 1 arette-semoklng, sweaten-wear- x 623-3602 Mr. anti Mm. Alwyn Haines, I cantomponany teenege guests, YOUR REXALL STORE 's ng, hali-boazeti up charactecai Annette anti Anthony moved or Saturdey evening et bbc IGST .B WM N IL ;7 i. ith nlentv ai money wha ike lat week in ta their lovely home ai ber macents, the Floyd, IGS.E O M N IL et bg watch belevislon. new homne whwch haz recen1tyý[stimson&

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