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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Mar 1970, p. 5

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Eas èr Se l'C m p ig Ex er Ifo ms nt rcub e în -o D ug A btce, was Tiday iwernight 7%e ariadan Statesmian, Bowxanvlle a.2,17 I4use Mr. John Hoar, Vancouver, was Saturday visitor of Mr. Passes Haif Way Marlk and Mrs. F. Draper. 013I lai K TesrrMaster Blain Vaneyk, Ty- iRERTRAM J. NiCOS BrrmJ esBetNchl TasrrBud Allen an- man Motor Inn. rone, spent a couple of days non~dTurdyMrc 9 During the meeting Dr. ~ 'w 't Master John Avery. Tedthocurred Wed- of 82 RylS. saa h thtteRtrasha civ et leoitoue y h et edecease h a i is6r that th Rotarans hadachiev KeithSiemonintrodced byMr. and Mrs. John Griffin, nesday, March 18,,1970, at the ya a ensc o he ed over 50% of their $6,700 the infamous Keith Jackson,>. Miss Laura Griffin, Oshawa, Oshawa General Hospital, 01 months objective in this year's Easter provided some magnificent were Sunday evening dinner A so5 ftelt r n (ae Campaign. slides of Switzerland, Holland guests of Mr. and Mrs, F. March 18tb. Meeting -was Mrs JmsNcils .e e .JThe aninouncement came and other Baltic countries and Draper. chnired by Ralph Glaspel ceased aconi saa curing the Rotarians weekiy was thanked by Dr. Keitli Mr. Garry Hanewich, Cour- Discussion centred a rou nd Oct. 1,10,adwsmr luncheon at the Flying Dutch-,Billett. tice, Mr. and Mîs. Allan Wer- Presbytery fees wliich are ried ànJn,12,a orie ry and fainily, Mr. and Mis. $.373 for each resident mem- A resiet0 slaafr5 Grant Werry and f anily were ber and each household. 1970 years, lehdpeiul ie &WSunday dinner guests of Mr- fees will 1be based on 382 at Courie Home & School Assn, Ma.nd Mr. E. A. Werry s ad fr tle c:rgerMr andMrs E.A. err. Oca-members and 306 househod ro obsrtrmn r A I Congratulations toa these follys. treasurer, presented the fol- for 40 yas To rresenr i-iw aras Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery, Miss lowing budget estimates for He I uvvdb i le Linda Avery, Master John the charge: Minister's salary the fomrEzaeh uge r Avery and friend, Blain Van $7 500.00, taxes $350).00, Pres- his ste-thr Ms. ar ~.. m m niy S rv ceMr. and Mrs. Angus King, Pension $84.60, United Churcil wa two The Ontario Federation of examinations held early In the LtlBian Pension $552.90. parsonage in- Motsclinahr(naMre Home and School Associations New Year, and nmust have Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright surance $5 7.10, t ele ph one O slaa ndMsEdi will again present Community been currently active in someMI were Friday evening guests $110.00, administration $5.0 Green(Bty fsaaad Service Awards of $50.00 each community service or training of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Tres- maiiitenance $100.00, fuel for foursoBetmRbrto te nine students, one from programme,.si en ti cain0 parsonage $150.0*0, total $9,- Ohio, USA;Ewr rlu each Home and Scliool Area both their weddîng annivers- 211.20. Approximate cost tO Of CotceDne ri lni Ontario, in memory of the baieaarrinriwl al ouciprmotesn.DvdGogeo saa bselected by Mrs. J. M. __________Pe_______sand late Mrs. P. J. Glaubitz, Past $8.0o 05 ai.A Also uvvng ae an Priddle, President of The On- $8.0o 05 ai.Aitr l'resident and Honourary Life taria, Federation of Home andYR N motion was madle and duly its m . .Adwri Mebr fTh ntro e-School Associations, Mr. R. Z:TYR N passed that these figures h en)oCutieMr.H eration. Glaubitz, son of the late Mrs. cetdfrueathpe-Lsi These awa rds are offered to Glaubitz, Mr. R. Secord, Di- Mr. Henry Klepp, Canwood, sent Urne. Meeting adjourned. Mrs.R.Cr (loec)o lionour and commemorate the rector, Youtli and Recreation Saskatchewan, was- overnfight After the full meeting, eacih Oshawa r.M outstanding leadership and Brandi, Ontario Department guest astweek et.r.G.n Young (Ada) and Mm. N.e(Con comnmunity service rendered by of Education and Mrs. R. A. Mvrs. Lloyd Alldread and meeting. Tyrone StewardsG.Y Mrs. Glaubitz througli her Donald, Awards Chairman of Maxine. Glad to hear Mr. discussed re-organization of Bowler(rc)0fOlaa active participation in the The Ontario Federation of Lloyd AlIdread is improving. current finances, presbytery Mrs. J col<a)o Provincial and National Fed- Home and Sehool Associations. Good Friday, March,27th, a fees and the drafting of a let- Toronto r.J alc By erations of Home and Scliool Awards will lie presented in unîted service of worship will1 ter to announce future plans. erly)adMr.Wlim tw. o hl n h yon hrhart (Eada fOlaa lh eas well as many organizations May. On Monday evening, at the Lions Centre, mem- how each of them works on humans, "Speed" wasbeed nteToechrl At the U.C.W. meeting Apr. brother, WlimHret In h»ler own community.________ at 11:15 a.m. 8hRv ln alr hp ae bers of ail service3 clubs in Bowmanville Iisteied to termed as the Devil's Qwn Drug, because it kiIia its hi und' i atrSn'8l e.GenTalr hp aeRbrAtu n SFunds for the awards haveams nomtve dissertation on the current >use victims in a short period of time. This picture was day. Corne and worship at li fPn ig ciowl dad i fOhw;Mx aeen otiue by Home otfraie speak at Tyrone chureli. Lad- well cfTraoadPryo an cotr siat onad LdIZAJiLIJVILLE and abuse of various types of drugs. The speaker was taken following the meeting and shows Dr. Morrison your church. Everyone is wel- tes from Ennishillen, Salem, Whitby n 3gadhlrn and scho Asoutiatioan Dr. Alexander B. Morrison, Deputy Du-ector-General being presented ,vîth an appreciative gift by R. G. corne. Service ai 11.15 a.m. Haydon, Long Sault and Ty- The mmra evc a as well as by individuals who Churcli sevces were heîd of the Food and Drug Dîrectorate, Dept. of National Lawton. Others in the photo are, from left to rightý i.Sunday mornîng quite a rone are învited to hold their held et2pmFrdy ac haaveorworked elycltoses.yndwitr J M. aand sRev. HaJ.haA. eRamjîtOtawa.Ske.plceedntember- attendedel, tait nAprihlHnteetinga catrr8ap'lce nmbera20edat tehe Armstrigong8 pFuner20al (Ilaubtz Net undy M. Stel.Helthan WefaeMrtt.a.He xpaind te ackoBuceColelserviancSthe.ntAno wsihaducntoiong ervce.Anindcton yroe hurlbbuidini henHoe, sliwa InHoemtwa -will be the speaker. Mr. D'on ground of corne of the hallucinatory drugs that have for the evening. The delicious dinner -%as served by service for menibers of Ses- meet in the sanciuary to hear in OshaaUin(eeey A great many -young People- Morion, Mrs. H. Sheppard, been used in tribal rites for rnany years, and explained, the Acres Restaurant. Jack Miller won the prize draw. sOn Of this congregation was Rev Taylor. We would also Rev.E.Wnes patro demonstrate leadership PO- Mrs. B. Cruse and MI. Geo. held. A new member, Mr, welcome anycine, special hlui- Emmane apitChrh tential by performing innuni- Wood rendered an excellent wîsh unless special arran- D Ralph MiUs was also inducted tation ta lemnoodce the serice erable communîty services. number. lenesau i as an Elder ta the Board of The Federation, by means of On Monday, Mrs. G. Morris, wr aeb h don- 9o-I-ariira~ Session. Communion service these awards, commends and MrsnJ. obinon admMre H.or.the ~I na uur t sfollowed fthe service. Rev. R. applauds- their efforts and Thickson atîended a pot uck Several of th ladies pre C akn'msaews Teâ Lt-+ R N P I hpsth encourage thede dinner held at Cavan. The pared and served lunch for the bdtCavr.Thcoi velopmfent of their leadership guest speaker was Mr. B. An- relatives of the late Orlan sang an appropriate anihem. students of thiq calibre. are a Peterb'oro T.V., spoke to us on Monday. î e T a n n a sman, IMiss Sharon Hatfield, qualtie. Aard toyoug drso nes cmmetatr fr Tew t te curci bsemni VIL LJ o, nd MI-s. AllSanu nga e- snost appropriate-memorial for ia connection with the CNIB. On Tuesday evening the la- Four mobile training iabor- unis, study cubicles, test la- relays, cad-celI relays and de- Tornt MrspentdSa rsAy.v Mrs. Glaubitz. He îad been bind and had dies attended the Easter pag- atonies, equipped to gvein stumnt, oolsand work ýectors.benin w and M. admi. A Students receîving iliese had two cornea transplants eant andi thank-offering at struction on Honeywell con- benclies. Gas 2--Gas-control systenis M.Y o rleyman and family awards will be chosen from and could cee. Pamphlets Canton. Lunch was served in trois for residentîi heating Up to 24 persons can ba ac- utiîîzîng direct spar Ignition. Mas. Morley hi oer Edely nominations submiited by the were given out and we al1 the hall across from the systems, this spring wlll make commodated for each course, Also gas systems using flame sk.veyined bither wdhoi- Laies Cary principals, teachers and Stu- learned' a lot about eyes and churci. It was sponsored bY a working tour of Canada, with students alternating be- rods or ultra-violet detectors stery111 la hospta$,37nd0sis dent Couacils of Secondary their diseases. He also sires- terM. and Mrs. A. Richards. $8 Schools. Nominees must have sed the importance of donai- the U.C.W. covering more than 30 centres tween classroomn periods on for flame detection with the Lora Lynne Delaaey spent$ obtaîaed at least a 65% aver- ing eyes to the eye bank and On Wednesday, the general fromn Victoria to Halifax. theory, scliematics and fune- RA89OE, F or G relay. a couple of days with Jauni- age la ether Grade 11, 12 or explained how the next of meeting of the United Churcli J. D. Grant, manager of tion, and lali sessions in 011 2-Short review of siack- fer and Weady Yeo. i 13 Christmas examinations or kin couid change the donor' s Women was held at Garden Hoaeywell's Residential Di- which they will fire and mouated and cad-ceil systenis, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lam-.eb rn 7~ ugg Hill Church. AMrs. Greer pre- vision, whicli1 is sponsoring adjust the equipment and including i îr control beri and Eleanor were Sun- rt'h e ugd tsbU sided. The devotional part the prograni sald: "This ta an solve control problems. equipment. Study of control day dinner guasts of Dr. and 0geyueasosnc.Ude was prepared and given by lndustry first in Canada. Past Courses offered are: Stats systemis uslng the RA890E, Mis. Raîpli Price, Port Perry. Io ie hnsm xeietee Elizabeiliville unit. Mrs. H..training efforts have been and Limits - Study of heating F or, G relays and visual fiame Mrs. M.. Daglish, MmR. ssrontheaiunm read:om C) n %e of0 e F r Quanîril, iýs A. MeAllisier, directad mainly at the whola-adcoln onrlesur etcos Darwin, Don Mils. Mrs. M. aije MsK.Trew and Mrs. C. sglers, utilities and original mostats, warm-air and liy- Eacli major centre wllra- BMaine, Mimico, Mis, W. De- metia car]l sfltdadth tah iMuldîew, Mrs. Mercer and we are aimiûig ai the man formais, once la the spring and again rick's Day guesis of MI. and Attache Case cas 4)ba ek m xiad S ign s of Sp »,rin»g ! jM1erîo prt-i.H eupetmauatrrs o Giaic iRnit contol adts- c iv te two vsitsrom igapl-M )enisb, bokyaWregby,0e7M St 1Mis. B. Wheeler ,readered a Who works drectly with and Ga -eieta mcn ntefî,poiiga i. Johin Denis, andttend- i,7 aa~ i.hfifrUntdiiol âmr duet. Mi. and Mis. Zufelt from buys heating and cooling con- trol systemns including iliermo- cants with n choice of times ed thue St. Patrick's Tea and CHICKEN HAS RETURNED TO Quin-Mo-Lac Camp had .sldes troIs - the dealer serviceman". couples, pilot'.buiners, coni- and courses. Students pay Bazaar.t- and aveus n exellnt e- t eah sop ontacto an biatîn gas controls, brating $7.50 for encli da3i.long course, Happiness-is - Ibeing a fr1. Rp ~port on what lias beau doua. dealer service personnel wiîî appiance self-oatained valves which represents about 3 e end, hnving a friand, being"Sff W l 's vv E N" 1 Theminutes were rend by have an opportunity to tai and wate heanter controls. cent of thie per-student cost of wiih friends, and welcoming GOLDEN BROWNMrs, W. Bannistar. A report up ta five full-day courses on Qil 1-Residential ofi-burn- the program. About 3,000 iiencis -wlo attemied the H N 6354 frn te3 utsws ien ypcl atig an aPr er conirol systemeL including students are expected to tak e C.W St. Patick's1'an ad Several itemis' of business heater control equipmeat. Ecsac kmuidadtw-ic at bazaar, whic wa a ue2KNGS.EBO AVIL Miwere carried out. Lunch was laboratory is manned by a sces Proceeds. $110. ___________________________ Brouste Gicken served by unit one. Honeywelinstructor who will E K LLENrA seltoa Have hie *. spntenedy x oonoby local Honeywe).l special- day night when Mrs. Edna lîe kss.1Correspondent's misiakeofnr Seagrava, were SundnyPul ît was Patsy Moores birth: 15l mc week's news ahould have guesis at Mr. and Mrs, F. W. ter story. iurtdEs- n w W day, The labs contain fully op en- lkeibs: ery'. is NnHaPver,,an 1 Sn c ' P Ahoefrerational gas -and:oil cooing thy Sîke harp and Mrs.any etrs Hm Reg. 85c [ Mr. and Mis, Jackson Pea- furnaces, space and_ water Mrs. Rocs Sharp, Miss Ka- Mr. and Mrs. Reg Weaving, ton, visiied Miss Louise Hoar. cock, and boys, auksn.haes olr an oln h ShradMs A m Ancaster, were Saturdny vis- Mi. and Mis. W. Park were W E'R are home or the hoidays andSharp, visited, with Mrs. D. B. itors ai Mr. and Mis. Floyd Sunday guests of Mr. and W YE 0 1 H 1 1àAY 0Nwere in to sea Mrs.. V. Pan- Kay, Toronto, while Mi. Beckett's. Mm. Doug Park, Oshawa. I D Y O LYcock who is stllin taheu hos- HAYDON Adami Sharp and Master Gor- Mi. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey Mi. and Mis, James Wood- pitl. onSharp enjoyed thea hockey and Val nia, Bowrnanville, ley and family were Saiurday Mi.r-8 5 cB and Mir . n rais, I. vilad M s -ls. mAhgae i ape ea Gr- er SndyGordoncllrseennggust o M, ndMr.adMi, . toffilean M. iloken. tea fomGado a i . tnBunrgeissRbs uresanddai- d . ac re o foRDAMR 8 CH2t DeKokr, Oshawa; Mr. and Branmpton, w er e Saiurday bis gianidfnther. Mis. F. Toms vislted Wednes- lly, Raglan. IA e c U THJSDY MRH 6hMis. Robi. Wesiheuseî, 5hi1- visiiors of Mr-.anad Mis. D. Mrs. N. Collacuti, Bow- day of last weak wiih Mrs. Mr. John Hoar, Vancouver, Insurance in ohwer wth r.and Mia. Camai-on. manvile, was Sunday evening G. McLean. Bowmanvilla. B.C., who is takiag an exten- H. Thickson on Sunday. Mi. and Mis. Wayne Piggott dinner guesi of Mi. and Mis. Mis. Edith Stainton accom- sion course in Toronto. spent la pleased to announce tf tefetv %ff an~d Andy visited Mi. and W. Griffîn, panied Mi. and Mis., Henry the weekead with hic parens B,. E s D RIVE "'- IN NI Mrs. Henr~y Moore' Donna Mrs. James Piggott, Waverly Mi. and Mrs. F. M. McGill, Stainton on Sundnyý visitiug Mr. and Mis. A. J. Hoar ac 3 , 1 7 spediu nf e dns.Mi. and Mis.- John Potts, to, Mis, A. Willoughby, Osh- Miss Reta Dîckey, Mr. AI- parents, Mi. and Mms. W. spendig a fe days.Mary and Bille weîe Satur- awn, Mis. Howard Bradley, Ian Dickey, Hampton, visited Rahmn. 6 I G S ..L day eveniag visitors ai Mi. Maple Grove, Mi. and Mis. Thursday of last week with There weie 17 tables at te 7 K N T> . U T A adfs . Treni's. Rs Page, Solina, e wt the L. Lamb's. regular partytheSeconay --Mis. Arthur Rend accom- Mrs. E. Page. Mi. and T4is. Earl Trewin nîghi..Winaers were-Mi. Mervio h eodFor. panied Mi. and Mis. A. Lock Mi. and Mrs. David Boili- and Donald weîe Monday ev- Anderson, A. Nelson, Mis, of Port Hope and attended tlia well, Maple Grove, weîe Sua- entng dinner guests of Mis. F. June Anderson, Mr. Bill Mal- The appointuient of Mr-.. .Atu o 5oili Weddtag Anniveisary of day supper guesis of Mi. and Toms, occasion of Donald's ley, Mis. G. Montgomery and as Life Insurane Manager adM.Gog i . and Mis. David Wilson ai Mis. C. Stainion. birthdny. Congratulations. Mis. Bessie Walkey;' 50-50 Brown as Associate Underrte an ou Gasport,- Newv York, U.S.A. Sunday supper guesis of Mi. an d Mis. Kenneth drnw, John Broome; carrying General Agency Agreement wt h rw Mis. Read spent Saturday Mi. and Mis. R Howe's wera Lamb, Oakville, Mi, and Mis. prizes, Mis. Taylor and Mi. Life Insurance Company willnwgv u D it 1 va 1 i ifih i dMrnri, Dan- Mi. and Mis. Peter Van Grin-1 Donald Lamb and family, Fred Wood. 1 - -- - Johrn E. Quinn of Paster Rock, ception of the Lendbenter- ,~N.RBL.,CSMTIanBRd receivd her edca, Pinder wedding on Satuiday.yU atu olnaugs2,ew4 Congratulaions to Mr. and li*FINEST QUALITY UNBELTEVABLE FRÎCES!ee*q shehools. MOn arotl1,d.4 MseorgMWadeueîwh 1man Witherly wbo survives. Saiurday. SEND YU SNOWWMT NOEMAMis. Wtheîly lad resided A anuber from bere attend- FACAL ISSES KINCREMit Bowmanviile for 19 years, ed the turkey supper ut Hnmp- FAC forTIS9ESKI. RA coming baie fiom Pînster ton on Saturay. Reg., o 9 $1,59 Value Rock, N.B., and ai thflue reof. Brent and Brad Clemeas, E Specal 2for 9e pecil $139 er death was employed as Hampton, were Saturday ov- beilaud-Durham Health Unit, parents the E. Wiighis. FRERmmeLFlsMdFas ub R She was n mamber of Trinîiy Mi. and Mrs. F. W. Wetiy 14 for yourHor Fliad a h FunlbsFILM United Churcli and alco of the have i-etuined home fiom. the FILfo orHldyFn1FLM Order of thc Eastern Star. Sunny South alter spending'A 0J ewV Surviviag. besides ber lus- part of the wiater there.LO AOB E TV- s6p7 00 baud and parents, are a son, Mi. O. Beckett, Bowmnn- F R ED RIC ÇK'S C. esdawithMrnd rs.F. Beck- UAOLO AE- 35350 Tefunerai service, held on att. PRKESCRIPTION PHARMACY odyMac16h fronu the Mi. and Mis. Roy McGill, - Mrrs unra Capl-Bow- Mi. and Mrs. Harvey McGill, A ULCSRIE F ORRTR F% CTippins, Bbc., Phm, manville, and, couducted by wera Suuday dimuer guests -at 67 KNG ST. EAST 623~~~.2546 Rev. G. K. Ward af Trimîty Mr. sud Mis. Milton Stain-SRIC 0F.Y RRTAY LU 67 KNGST. EST .62-2546BOIWMANVILLE, United Churcli, was foilowed toa's. by crel4.tion. Mi-, and M-ia, Arnold Ven-,

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