attended the NXewby- Ander- son wedding last Saturday in (i Timothy Ea t on Memorial a i Socil &' U-ersnaiChur:h, Toronto cd into the f ellowship of St. Phone 623-3303 Paul's United Churcli at thel service last Sunday morning: by Certificate, Mrs. Douglas Miss Mari orie Bradt, Miss her parents, Mr. and Mvrs. Harness, Mr. Leonard Jones, Dorothy Bradt and Miss Eliz- George W. Graham, and is- Mca. Leonard Joues, Mrs. Ger- abeth Braden, Toronto, spent ters, Misses Susanne and ry Lavergne; by>Profession of Sudywith Mca. J. W. Bra- Geocgeann Graham. Faith, Janette Bryson, Linda dendiss wlyBty Timm-IBryson, Sandra Bryson, Col- Miss Janice Beecc, Town, ina, Dianne Belanger, North ett, Ser r Joinéonrdio- Miss Christiné Baldwin and Bay and Janice Allen. ail ktSer ontn i Wrs. David Weldon, Osawa, nursing students at Trnoan aege aclLn are enjoyng a holiday in Jani- East General Hospital, apent ney, Wendy- Mountjoy, Ste- aica.thweedwthteatr' phen Nichols, Gail Palmer, Mr. Bud Dcpew was home parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cls athy ar, MJoa San- frmte nvrst f ulhAllen and, Simpson es ac alr c la oMtic-W.,RsiSty oîeipi.C veu.Thiessen, Gary Thiessen, Mar- Mr. . Rsa Srik, QC., vene,!on Vanstone and Patricia feturned cecent]y aftec a hol- The ReV. Dr. J. R. Muteli- Woodward. ay l Floida.mor, past Moderator of thc Mr., Mecton Hili, Sault Ste. United Cliurch of Canada willMca. K. Versendaal of Ma- v" Mare, ndMr. Derrol Sîmp- be gueat speaker at the Uni- pie Grove South at the Base non, Seelcy's Bay, spent a fcw ted Church Oshawa Presby- Line, lias-a most unusual plant days this wcek wti Mr. and try Men's Rally Dinner Meet- but doca not know the name Mrs. narl Lake, R.R. 1 ng at St. Stepicn'a Chucch, of the species. Appacently it Bowvmanville. Oshawa, on Saturday, April is put outaide lu tic summer, 4th, at 6: 29 and lias no bloomi during tiat Miss Jill Ames la enjoying M n r.Gro ec period. It is brouglit in for the e a holiday in Lima, Peru. MisaswMnterndnd duingolatn winte Ames left by 'plane on Wed- and Miss Janice Beecli, B w n and cr erilyart eina resday, Marci l8ti, and çvill manvîlle, accompan i e d by to grow, sometimes as muc rttu to the College of Edu- Mca. Reta Rodman, Mr.Mu as over two inches a ngit, jtonTrno nM-e die Traveli and Mrs. Brucean ilrah4"nhegt Torotoon MrciTraveli, Oshawa, attended the Taend wrcacd h 40" i heiit s Don't forget ta 'phone in the Scarborough Centennial Coîl- Tigow ec ud hen starta itS <- nRms o yor ot-o-ton ee "penHoise" Mis Bn-opcd is about 20" higi and gues of o r out-of-towua nie Beecc is in lier final yeac pnrpt iî f1 guesa ovr ti ioldays a t the College. oinsca. Tc a r dte bom12 alsa, information.of your via- nhs Terd-odblm 1 9 out of town and holiday Recent visitors wîth Mr. and lias a shape similiar ta that of tripa. We appreciate the items Mca. Art Maiercison, Fîctt a calla lily and lias a large foc tbis columu. Juat dial 623- Street, werc tic lattc's bro- stamcn, wiich after a day ex-~ . 3303. tier and sistcr-in-law, Mc. udes a most obnoxious odor Mcr. Gordon B baa and Mca. Bazel Docan of Kap- making it neccasary to, put hIt~ Murphy ad sons ar a ) sud kasing; Mcs. Macjcrciaon'a away. Mca. Verseudaal thrnks MurndyadtsoJimmch.are niece and husband, Mc. and the name of tic plant igit Mrs. George Hanuai and their be "Dcvil's Tongue". ApendngEaster hoîdays wîth daugiter Heatier, Ansonville; A rnt ntdCuc ..~~ E lerast Suhday mornifl e cfoi- ration- Army Stouts HoId Annlual Pancake Supper ISf. PauI's UCW UHcir The Canadian Statesnan, Bowmanvllle Mar. 25, 1070 Yaur OuhJ Rot aryTravelo gue Shows, Jungle Lif e :ýI The Tarzan - ]ike jungles tu, which at one tinie was onit along the Niger River and the of the most important culies dead silence of the, Sahara of inner Africa, but i.s rarely Desert were typical examples known by people of today. of the experience Romain Wl- Those who have missed helmasen related to the audi- these presentations will b. ence attending the March 19th disappointed in theniselves Rotary Travelogue entitled for not attending more if they "Timbuktu and Beyond". venture to the final travelogue Travelling through countries to be held April l6th ln the with strange and colourful Town Hall at 8:00 p.m. The customs, Wilhelmsen focussed subjct inll h British Ce- on the ancient city of Timbuk- lumbia. STARKVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Llew Halo Mr. ad Mrs. Harold Cas-. well apent Sunday wlth Mr. wefl, Port Hope and Mr. and and Mrs. Harold Little, Camp- Mrs. Lucien Lambier and sons, bdilford, Kendal, wcre dinner guests Mr. Me! Norton, daughter with Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cas-. and friend, Toronto, was a well, Weclnesday ls ek guest durlng the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoît, of his nieoe, Mrs. Lawrenc7 Far- Toronto visited her mother, -row. Mr. Farrow and faÎnly Mrs. F. Stone. and his son Paul remained for Mrs. S. Hallowell Is a patient a holiday With the Farrow in St. Mvichael's HospitaL, family. Toronto. siofial and the opportunist. Mr Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Falls. Smith also explained the Toronto, were dinner guesta aàt method used ln treating firsi Mr'. Llew Hallowell's, Tuesday. offenders, also the ramifica- Mrs. Harold Souch was host- tions of shoplifting -, one of esa for the.- Shfloh U.C.W. which la the inability to lie Mardi meeting at her home acceptcd by some universities with a fine ýattendance and when a charge of shoplifting is the Piresident, Mrs. Jimn Stark, held againast_ you. Heaiaso ln charge. stressed throughout his talli Friday evening Beverley that again as in 60 many Caswell entertained a few things it la up to the parents frienda at her home on the to teacli their chlldren righloccasion of lier birthday. from -wrong -and ta, enforce Mr. and Mrs. Ormie Falls these teachings. There foil. -. pivr.uea-ýic-ýei nct--woLuuiseriammond, xGalnovey,- ciildrcn; a -granddaughter-and Donnà Marlenc Lewis,. Cathy fsmil y, Mc. and Mca. Hal Rid- Elizabeth Locke, Icene Mc- dcli ýand ticir five chilîdren Of Farlane, Catherine Anne Por- Hespeler; and gccat-grandau- ter, Jennîfer Marie- Relider, gîtera, Misses Brenda, Shelly Margaret Anu Augusa Wil- sud Cindy Joins. cock, Dswn Elda Wtherspoon; Mc. and Mca. Chacles Bic- by Tcansfec, Mca. Norman Al- kle, Concession St., have ce- lin, Mca. Allen Cole, Mc. Char- tucncd home from a five- les H. Cook, Mca. Chiarles H. week visit witi ticir son and Cook, Miss Barbara Anu daugitcc--in-lsw and f amily, Cook, Mca,. Barcy Edwacd Mc. and Mca. Lewis Bickle, Cowling,, Mca. FEdmond Fow- Ciarlene -and David of Kinga. 1er, Mc. Cliarles Kenn eti to Jamaica. Thcy report a His, Mca. Douglas James, tone, pae n gcîyMc. Lest ,er J. C. Langs, Mr.~ enj oycd thc temperatuces Of George Athurc Moon, Mca. between 70 and 85 degrees George Arthur Moon, Mc. ducîng udher stay lu Jamaica. Llewelyu'S. Tomlîhson Mcr. Mc. sud Mca.- L. C. Mason _#w u .Tmlno~ Mr. ,Wv rie T1wnsnpi REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Chu rc h Scugog Street Minister: 1ev. A. VandenBerg, B.A., B.D.,- M.Th. Phone 623-7407 GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE 10.00 a.m. EASTER SUNDAY 10:00 am 7: 00 Bsck ta God Hour -Dial -1310 Radio- Every Sunday 10:30 a.nà "Everycue welconse" ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH MINISTER -Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B .D. OeGANIST. M Vr. R: Meicaîf, A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. GOOD FRIDAY 7 pa.tu, Joint Service in Trinity !United Church EASTER SUNDAY 9.45 a.m. - Chureh School 11.00 aam. - Easter Service with Special Music by Senior Choir. 7p.n. - Eastcr Service preceded by Hymn Sing. Music led: by Junior Choir. TRINITY UNIT El" CHUR(H Minîster - Rev. George &. Ward, B.A., B.D.. Organist - Mr. William M. Findlay, B.A.. A.C.C.O., A.T.C.M. GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE, MARCH 27th 7:00 p.m. "WONDERFUL LOVE" Rev, M. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Evcryone cordially welcome -t - j- t. - EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH 29th 11:00 a.m. -)EPERFECT PATTERN OF PRAYER" No. 8 -"Praising God's Omnipotent Rule" [ZHERev. Geo. K. Ward CURCH SCIIQOL HOURS: < MU.ouu.m .fusar ep~ÂaeMàaC 10:00 a.m. - Junior and Intermediate ,11:00 a.m. - PrÎnary and Beginne's i2uacucary7 M _ -nTreaucec[ -- m Un .tue St.Madi17at bt er -ffctveKennedy who- rendeced 'tice SétrIhz ehad a apecial clasa ZS:0 .m.ti St Pul' UC. Mca. John Killeen tien gave deughtad Irish melodies onl'Of instruction -for a group of W. held their mouthly meeting a brief summary about tic hec viouin, in kecping wih the Girl Guides. lu the Churci Hall. guesi speaker, Mc. John Smith, St. Patrtck's Day theme. Sic Foc tic Easter Service Mca. The President of tic u.c. tic head Intelligence Officec wa capably accompanied on Lawrence Farrow wlll be in W., Mrs. Jack Welsh, opencd foc Sinipsons-Sears Ltd. Of the piano by Mios Ceryl Met-, charge 0ofkthac music etwith 1&s. tiecîmeeting by exprtessing Oshawa. Accompanying Mc. calfe.JuyFnasoolt hec pleasuce ai seeiug suci a Smith Wece Mc. Howard Mut- After thanking Miss Ken- good turnout. It was especial- ton aud Mr. Tom Carter from njedy and Miss Metcalfe ticheg m ly gratifying ta sec so mnauy tic Canadian 'Tire Store, here President began tic business C~et Cashi Today of aur young people of tic in Bowman ville.1 meeting with tic motion that ciurch lu attendance. This Mc, Smith. atated tiat in tic tic minutes lie approved as For OId Appliances Included tiose fcom Expiai'- fiscal yeac 1968 two billion writtcn. This was pasaed. Tic ers, Tyros, and C.G.I.T. Tic dollars worti of merchandise Treasurer's Report wus given tbi'êugh Preaident tien turneri tic was stolen in North- Ameni- by Mrs., L. Welsi.- A short STÀAT ES MA N meeting over to Mca. H. De- os, one of tic factocs why we business meeting followed. C L A S S-1 P 1 E D 6 Mille, Mrs. J. Colillle and have lncceased prises today. Lunch was served by- Unit 6,! Poe6320 Mca. L. Eldridge from Unit 4 Sboplîftlng la dividcd ia includlng Freshie for thej Phn 2330 wbo were lu charge of a short two categorles - tic profes-. cildren. iSEverton Vîiic. I 1 B LA CK ST O CK................ -------------... Miss Caca! Werry spent the wcekend in Toronto visitmng Miss Sharon Songer, a girl friend sic met at Dae Lake Camp lasi yeac. Tic girls ai- tended tic Sportsman, Show. Mc. and Mca. %Les Bushfield, - London, spent somne time wt lier parents, Mc. aud Mc. snd Mca. Neli Malcolm k and family wecc Sunday ev -* ening dinner guests of ber mother, Mca. A. J. Cook, Z- iBroaklin, who bas receutly . . cetucned home fcom a trip ta California. Mary Lou remain- ced for -seime holldays witi lier A- steady ýstreamï of hungry- aduits n hde grdayoties fMr.n pourcd itt the Salvation Acmy Citadel on Saturday Mca. Wilbect Archer wecc Mr. evening fo he annual Pancake Supper, with pro- MW and Mra. Will Dugan, Minden. ceeds of approximaiely $70 going for Scout and Cub Mr. Ken Dunsmore la ex- work. These two pictures show some of the hectic pected to cetucu home fromn activity arotind the building, where hot plates, fryingar stili1 o Port Pccry Hospital ou Mon- pans and other utensils were put ta good use,. aud the day follawing surgery. kitchen staff of volunteers kept dishes washed andl .and s Jack Skelding ready for the next sitting. Lower picture shows Capt. Sunday guesta o! ils parents, David Peck, complete with chef's hat. The other photo Mr. sud Mca. George shows Hacry Bartlett in the forground and the chief C'ongcatfflatioàs ta Mc s, mixer upper ýWeyburn Adamas, whipping up another Nellie Crawfocd wbo celc- batch of butter, with dish washers, waiters and other brated lier 86th bicthday on helpers in the background. It was a camplete succes Mca. Mcth. rsdMs and nobody weut av.ay until they had eaten mare The Carlisle Dempsey were Fclday even- than they neded. M Big 25" pictuire tube wit exCluS ing dinner guesta of Misa warranty plan. Betty McArthuc, Toronto, sud C ' 1 J3~ Exclusive ELECTROLCK fine tu spent some ie visiting ce- .SDec li i s C.rusade a perfect picture et a touch. latives lu tic Straiford ares. Il Plus INSTAVIJ, two big 6"'x 4"s Mca. McDougald, St. Macy's, hand-crafted chassis. is visitmnglier daughter, Mc. M~ Delicrait cabinet'n 7 anid Mca. Glenn Larmer sud "~ ~.wainut finish. M famlly. JE Compare at $84U.0 Blackstock L.C.W. Tic ftenao uni o~ticGreat color! Great U.C.W, met ai tichernoe o! -Mca. Gardon Strang ou ac lti, with 15 members snd ticce visitors preseent. Mca ' Kenneti Samelîs conducted a wocsliip on tic Easter tieme. Ducing thec business, tic de- vallon for whîci aur gco.up is responsible aitich General Meeting was planned. Tuera will be a Dessert Luncheon.on May 26t . Mca. V. Parsons gave same remarks of tic Pccsbytecy meeting- held at Elarmony U.C. A bale is to lic pscked - good used clti- The Pentecostal Church, 75 Liberty St. S., will be lîng ta lie lefi aitichechurci he cn fNRUA EIASL ETGSE until April 1. teseeo OT MRC' AGS GSE IMca. S t a n! or d VanCamp PUPPET, SHOW. Tuesday ta Friday inclusive, next conducted tie Bible Study.- week,. Rev. and Mrs. Peter Tarling (Aunt Edith) will Mca. Hacold Larmer was iu conduci an interesting service designed for boys and charge af tic program. Mrs Lamne Tionipson played som girls 6 ta 12 yeacs aid. Each service will begin at 6:30 Irish Melodies. Editi Mc- p.m. and end ai 7:45 p.m. There will be mystery seats, Laugilin cead sanie paems au action stories, music and singing in evecy service and thc Easter theme. Mca. Lac- the amazng puppet show entitled "NOAH AND THE mec gave a ccading on tiche ilb hw nte rdyeeigwe eA s Donkcy concecuing tic Bible. AI'wl es no h rdyeeigwe loHove Lunch and a socalUie everyone (aduis taa!) are invited. The minister of the conc.luded tic meeting. Pentecastal'Church is the Rev. Harold Dawson. Blackstoe A.C -i.en tic March -pictuce of tic its meaning because of is fre- I I D Tic A.C.W. met ait tel churci caeda-linr- unls. Il Yar1- âla on Thursday af- lem.s of tic immigrants on ar- Lunch took the fanm of ai fternoon. President Mca, Harryirival lu Canada. Sic also blrthday cake lu honour ofM McLaugilin was i charge cf dealt with putting more Misa Dempsey's birtidsy. A 120 tie meeting.Th Devotion by mieaning iticth Lord's Pray- social tirne concluded thc af- 0 ~Mra. Velvi Bailey was based Ic.c whici -often loscs mucli of ternoon. KiN( OUTROHIOME sive six-year tning mearis 19.00 ,price! The Flamnenc o -1" Extra sterea features at An extra-valus priccil E Hand-rubbed Deilcraft cabin etry in Autumn Oak with suthentic hardware. E AM/FM stereo radio, 10 push-buttons, and powerful 80-watt chassie. 1% Precision Duel 1210 changer.. 0 Balanced six-speaker sound system.' *0 Provision for adding options! cassette tape dock, exclusive Satellite Sound and the new Environment 1 $ 50 à audio aystern. 499 1 Compare et $569.50 % 9 Great sound! Greaitrce! Pr ices on Limnited Quantity of '69 Modelsi M- ME M& I V Mm I IfaVE TMII i ST. W. BOWMANVLLE I PHONE 623-2314 Reformed Cburch KIlg St. E., Bowmanvilîe Pastor: 1ev. J. Nuirna, B.A, B.D. Services: 10:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Sunday School: 11:15 Back ta God Hour Diai- 1310 Radio Every Suinday 10,30 am, 75 Liberty St. 9. Next- Week. TUESDAY TO FRIDAY 6:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. NORTH AMERICA'S LARGEST GOSPEL PUPPET SHOW __ - - -.--]MeV. lm MEl Tarling for BOYS and GIRLS 6 to 12 yrs. old Quizzes - Contesta Mfystery Scats -- Prizesl -Everyonie Weîconic Rev. W. H. Dawson, Pastor. M.. r- > l- è V 1 -doligel 11 il: - ITI VU