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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 May 1970, p. 11

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HighKicingDancing Girls Add 'Zing' to Mixed, Chorus avallonale. Tcesare1 5I hI eACanadian Statesman, ];owmanvih1e, May 6,1970 . Ist Brown's Cuba ti-avelledi Mi- and Mrs. John Knoôx. tion on the Campus Quest ta Taranto on Saturdav byý Anniversary choir Practiceigate from thé Sôliiia Tastitute Mran s.AF.bewedeat o chartered bus and visited thelfor the kindergarten, Primai-y! t- the Officers Conference ofM- ndMs A br-ipreginm andiwr eetdo t Ontario Science centre. Hav- -nd ipniei- Sunday achooith o-' Isiue~ nethy, Manilla, were Fridaylthis, the second round. I ng a few seats vacant on the classes1 is on Sunday eveaings Guelph -for several days of vîsitoIrj with Mi.-. and -Mi-sDonj Mrs. J. Anderson and Johný bus, tPieýy lnvited some of theiat sev,DT ka.~e ~alradfmi.--~ --nlro~Ptraeg- st Newcastle Cubs te attend aléo. MIrs. J'ohn Knox was a dele- 'Mi-. and Mrs. Gordon Leask Several young people frorm ed wîth Mr. and Mrs. Henry ýWith the Llonswel ahead 0f wilhe geafly imissed-intheour-- commupity -took -part -iSheppa.rd -rece-ntly.,- Il the other Sixes. tbey won nw ve au.vv U cmmnta-te r jteMls for Millions w'alk en~ yptisa- xeddt news ev- rreported t- u, eSolna crauitasîîreeayrare the ilr- . 1.S yatie- a~Idr extended.,t a.gtf p- q%âiir bdt-mtfgt - tet> -a rRobbieRiXdSEcode 1veyhing gaing onm but when Bi-ooklin Stewart -Tillsoa iand Danay-v etry te e*" .ft~n Th Alia. -In -the, absence cf Jlirn about it and others ai-e reluit League2 Inis Sixer -Donald Wllks at- fiat ta give us iliat i-ln-a heii 1 thleii- ant a-Commun - cessu in covering the whole' suddenl death of Fred Todd. iig32 miles. wt ~Mi-. nd 'MI- H R,1i1 Werrv tnd-sori8 were M ý-aýid liz~. MIres rcnty Barchýard had b een left off of prizes as single or triple bowl- Gilbert whq have been inquircml, f11 OMthe sentence, M isor Shensroeyvir.ar n r.Osaan . RselV cmleted 12 pjctaadrc Phr hdrtun' a-ers, but we haven't be&n able ing about lier and woneig M.ad r. sslVcevclponeahno.Tes chr a eundhme frorn1 to get that information. Every- where she is, she is ini Mem- acmaîdb r n Mrs.wee rsned tthi4- .0hospita4. And we apologize t one asks us to look up so-and- -ria Hospital, BowmnanvilCarence Vice, visited Mr. and 'Achievement Dyo pi '~brothers Jack and George! so and hie In turns sends us where she has been a patient r.Jbo n ooh t2t tYletn Chard In the Town League eýlsewhere. We'ee run intotnonSndy Hoôckey Danqe write-u 'phone oalls about church nethfrtofDcme. earonnSuayMs..QatiladMr w erewereferred once to Jack meetings we've h'ad no word i. lgn ayorPaunly- On Fr eeng Mi-. and Ray Qur.andOhwwr and.latr t Gerge Itwas about. You're calling the îng a week's visit with Rev.Ms alFrhn eeget ihM.sdMs .Qa. George who was asat year's wrong number. We wouid be and Mrs. R. Sherwin and fam arnthe w edg thLehusti] s weekend. peietandwho hes agate only' too happy to li this, page and icon thenenrodte eeukeonMr. and Ms. H btvd every.weenfor you BtruyouTPaylon.at terctaeo ukonM- n r.DnWibe d en t this year's prest vi--Mr. andfors. Bruce Taylor Lake. and girls, Oshna petSt det.' oiiytorprtta page, se please. with your and girls were Sunday visit Mr BurneyHoy, ai-ywtMran Ms.h We resorytoreor tathelp and co-operation it could ers *.ith Mi-. and Mrs. Ted Mi-. I iarryuday îhMrs.Hazl Mlle an Mrs D.be illd. ut w ned yu KoecenstelBlakstck. and Everett Spires enjoyed IMuldrew. Othe ecn vst Mrg. 14zel Miler an Mrs. . be flled. ut we etheyoweekendensatpHayelLake.c.oth-seekethaMuldrew'é. orsrethMi-. Gdod are patiînts in Memôorial te keep us Informed. i- and Mrsý' Harold Pascoe _________ and Mrs. Gordnt r Hospibal, havIng been there And now, more Scout news. had as Èwupper guèsts on Sun- and Mrs.- Douga ikad fOr a few weeks now. Alsa In Scouter Roy Hopkins reports day, Mr. and Mrs. Lyn Pascoe PeterboroughTTTT hospital are Jack Bould and a terrifie bottie drive which and Rhonda. E LIkLUL±L1VILJLI P eboough. Donald Tilîson. was held In the village on Sunday guests with Mr. and h oy n ilsgtee The famous Cor)inz A-PoppWn kick uine was again ýAnne Jamres, Joan Hligginson, Donna- Black and Pat-- With- the- weather warmning Saturday' wýýhen $85 worth- of -Mrs -Everett Cryderman vere Church-services were held.,at the GardenTîpako :reat foim last w-eek as theyý performed in the Stocker. In the background is the mnixed chorus. Dur- up and the sun' shlning wve bottles was collected, and the Mi - and Mrs. GergirIt was the Sunday sehool An- Sunday to orgniebltam 111 Jacký & Jili presentatÏon at--the Town Hall. 1ing the performances, there were many surprise skits realize that guests are grrivin!g turn-out of fathers was mc and girls, Mr-. and Mrs. KeithIniversary. Oui- guest speaker ~i h umr etSna f ~ .-.-~- nenione lathe rogam.fi-mn out-of-town, or friends appreciated. Assisting Scout- Crydermian ard girls, Mi-. endiwas Mi-. Chas. Buckanan. Cqd- ttIey register t ly yer' da,(,r iildd rmlf o ih, Bey. lnot net idi h rga.from the jvillage leave fon'ers Hopkins and Bill Wiiks anM-s John Legere, Way-ýne adrington. The Sunday school en-.and Mr .Tiko -nyDootyKelly, Rena Fisk, Pat RndeJo weekends to visit e1sew,ýhere. the Scouts were fathers Ken ua sang two numbers. the juniorsetrand to o hi Please rernember to Phonie In Whitney, Tracey Embley, Moi--adsnos.Ltl eil Pope' daughters and terhaad Forrn Land Ranger Com pany ai Courtice yOur news te987-4213 and lëy Allin, F'red Sneed and Dont i.adMs .Hcaa~n eir.ttl plr eas a b ondyee-Ncoso.Tuk eeîannd Je an visîted Mi-. and Mrs.I from Perrytown -sang -t-wo on Suinday. 0" L n -R n e C m an t C u tc lap alb Mnà vi-Ncoo - rcswr on solosý r ing to assure your news of ed by Mr-. Allia and Mi-. Nich- Ivan Ellicott, Peterborough, oný 'bengprite te smewee.'oion s ellasfrm God'sSunday énd were also callersl The ski club hired a bus and" e E bengprntd hesanewek.oionaswelMi-.oi ooeand Mrs. Keith Camp- setthe eeîga ok! GlC eWe've been receiving calls Hardware, Doug.Wright, pi-Osi- on For Old sh Today from several thi-oughoutth dent of the locl Lions Club bell at Carmpbellcroft. HaePtroogrcenty.1 uline village asking why somethlng and the sponsoring group and Mi-. and Mrs. FrankWs-Alrptd an eclet wasn't pinted, clalmint that trie Lovekin. Many thanks lake visited at Mi-. and Mi-st"me, throg about ail the news ever i-e- ta the fathers who drove and George Marlow's, Oshawaon o-- 8r WSf Cs T A TES AN ported la hockey, Scout or worked so hard In eorting, and Saturday evenîng.'1 sent in hast week. I spent Mon Guidé news. Thie may weillbe to those loanlng their trucksl Mrs. Grant Down and chiid-Iday in Toi-onto. LASSIFIEDS truc, but lookin tI nte s well as those donating!i-en, Sunderland, were In Si nteýatur-1 Oui- Nor-th H6~pe school comn-' Poo624 way. It Is qulte oftenteony Me. a iitiswth her pai-ents,ipeted at Peterborough TV sa BEANS or FANCY PEAS oztn4q ELMONTE Reg. Prioe tin 43* - SAVE 7 FRUITUCOKT AIL -2 : A Lancr Ranger Co- npaný eni-olled- its f i- st three Recruits Sandy Bishop, Jennifer James and Lou Anne Ratiers at Courtice recently. Takitg -part in the cere- Reynolds, and Cadet Cheryle' Fulton. rjwei-e, fi-cm lef,ý to - ight, Capt. Gail Walter-, On Wednesday, April 22nd, and special êvents- that thei Follow ing the candlelight company adiritroducing a 19c70, the lIst Courtice Land Rangers have experiencedceremnony tea was served. furtbei- branch of Guiding taf, Ranger Comnpany etrolled its since the company formed iast' The Rangers of Ist Courticef the district.1 erst tbree Rtangers.' f ail. - Dstriit wish to express thanks The Company welcomes in-ý The Company marched into Cadet -Cheryle Fulton askedito the lst and 2nd Courticeterested girls between the Goutic Tjitd Curc an te ti-c reruts o tketheir-!Parent Committees, and the ages of 14 and 19. They me Ioirned a large trefoil. Follow- ,own lit candie and light the;locdl -Association-f or tUeir en- Thursday evenings from 7:00 ing the singing of the National 10 candles of the rfil0j co ra gement and support in te 9:00 p.m. at Courtice United, antliem, Captain Gail WalteriThese represented the îawAs in 1Uelpîng them set up a new iChurceh, wulcomed the guests. Thee Guiding. As'each candie wasi included Mrs. A. Bishop, Mrs. lit, a Girl Guide read tUe lawý W, James and Mi-s. N. Rey- and a short verse. Ia candie-1 nids, mothers of tUe threea light, Sandy Bishôp, Jennif ci- infant daughter Dianne, the1 then each made tUeur Guide' Guiersàidý-ùidesôf'-C(ïir:Ipfo-iiïýëandstarted-tUeir-spa-i file District. At this time, the cial responsihility as a Rang-i de flt 'utepCr-er. Captain Gai! Walter pre-1 0- d _P r o a paoy and 2nd Courtice Com-; sented each with the -Land: pany were thanked foi- tUeur iRanger enroliment pin and' pari In the enroilment cera-! w.elcomed them to the lsti Newcastle-Congeratulations Percy Taniblyn. mofny. iCourtice Land Ranger Com-lIand best wishes teMi-. and tM- n r.SmWllc, Chi-n Sandy Bishop 1pany. IMrs. Thomnas Iennard who {New York, are guests of bar'l thrn described biiefly tUe' The district's fi-st three relebrated their 59th Wedding, slst.er Mi-s. Winona Kay, proram t1at the Company isjillangers were then saluted and Anniversary on Sunday. -- Mi-. and Mrs. Fred Hall, followi\,ng and ied thelithe services. pi-ograro, camps I ChrsRy and Miss!Toronto, spent the weekend, guests to later look throughicongratulated by their sistei-1 .ean Wright of Lindsay spent. with Uer mother, Mrs. Ellen thei- log book whicU outlneslGuides. Sunday with Mr-. and Mrs. Duxbury. Mi.- and Mrs. Ray Me- *IIb~ Neevin and family, Oshawa, Ho-,ior d o Reirem nt rom UICwere Sunday guests of Mrs. Honored1--Mtirerent rrom uît Eaa wishes are E.~5 ~ "'1 extended ta Joseph Fre h celebrated Uls hotU bîrthday I '~i-~ ..., tiI ast week. 'r ~"Congratulations ta Janet Lvkn who won the Matai- Cty Sweetheart titie with fi-st prize at the Oshawa, Civlc - I ~ .Ai-ena on Sunday, May 3rd. 9 . Janet was also a member of tewnning team, Starlettes y Team Twirl. ...... ....Yau cen spot the Miles for Millions Mai-chers fi-rn the Newcastle ai-as, by the lîimp or te orn out shaes. But nat even the blisters, tii-ad legs or hoies in the shees stopped them, as they trudged on aei keep up with the i-est and1 best o them. The teenagers! . fi-rn oui- own hometown have made lus lro;d 0of thenm, and they ai-e pleasèd with thern- r ~ ' eIves too as tbey shauld be i n thfe-enrmous way they have -iiles di dollars as tè aë done Nôtknowing &U of! fliase Who taak part, -w@ bàvC mentionetl1 no nais, but express congratulations t a l ofthem. Mns. L. Buttill, Siniths FaiX., lhas been visiting Uer- daughtei and1 Uer famlhy, Mx. ê'and Mrs. William Storks. O Saturday, accampanyiag ber daughter and Mrs Loin Jobnson, they attended th: -Open House of Albert Conleg Belleville, where- Kimo Storks Is a student. They enjoyeda Dlay presented by tUe stu- dents. and pool demronstrations- were elsô put on by tUa stu-l dents as wellr as members o! the Belleville Police who den-i onstrated scuba divIng. This Saturday evening, the- Pinë Ridge Festival of thel i-aise funds for tUe comng On Thursday7 afternoori, Herbert Colmer, Orchardvi1ew Blvd,, received a yeai-. They pi-omise a good time for ail attending and art Nasat urriewhen two- officials fronm the Uiiemployment 1nsýurance Con-_ planning and hapeful of -aee- missi-o-n visited his home and, on hehaif of the Oshawa staff prete-nted him with lng a full bouse. There willl a two--sutei- travelling case. Mi-. Calmer- retîred recently, alter 24 years wîth b bar privileges and those af the UTIC. This was one of several pi-esentations. Taking part in -the, infori-ml you who have enjoyed dancingj ceremony -were, -frorn-ieft tb rîght, Deug eyolInàsurance Officer Mr. col- ilb alIa son ta hemassadors mu and Larry Lewi.% UIC Area Director. ,viZ zsuW y be nu1W at tble HALVES, SUICED, DEL MONTE P )E A CH ES>I DEL MONTE ReQ. Price.tin SU - SAVE e oz fins FANY QALTV AVE~DEL MONTE Reg, Price i t 45t SAVE 60 Peaches i -fkztn4< tm mruuI DLMONTE rIE rL UC 8f PINEAPPLE -GRAPEFRýUit OR- PINEAPPLE ORANGE SAVE 40 Drink 4-Ioul9 FRESI <--HICKEN-PARTS- Leg Quarters Breast Quarters Chicken Halves l Mixed, Quarters ~W" IcutDpChicken WI4OLE EITHER END lSIDE BACO N Il", JANE PARKER, DAKILYDATED RAISIN1 6èft Aié All Coinuri Reg. 69o-&-ýAVE I& TOULT 459 TrissuE *,,4ogs9 Or. Balla!-d'm4 BeeÇ, Liver, Ohleken ce. 0* Dea!> SPECIAL PRICE DO G FO__4 25½oz 07 * Va.-etiesSPÉCIAL PRICE Sw.et M ixed, Bread& Butter, Sweet Relish Reg. Pie &3o - BAVE 4o ROSE 1-la a 9 BILLY BEE 4-lb. OOIl HONEY- wbte AUl p eranr1teed eftetuve thrioui 8aturday. May 9, 19M0 49< '9F URN8 BRAND SAUSAGE BE PORK 5 9<- SUPIËR-RIGMt BRAN4D, SMOKED, 3LICED RtNDLESS SIDE ACON 1-LB VACUM PA CK79 Packed Under A&P'aOwm Latwel ý.- ý i- , .,- 1 -

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