j h.Canaian Stittennan, Bemmanville, 8, 1970 EDITORIAL COMMENT The March Was a Worthwh ile Challenge. Inéur hwnblêé ôpliii, kw what f'wàrth, the MArch for Millions on Sâturday, and th¶e Durlan Christi&hf Schodl march the week before, were both worthwhile efforts. They accomplished thé màin Gbjètc- tivé cof raling fuinds for pr'ojécts thât wil bc of bénef it to éduoétion énd charitablè organization work, but they also hAd a distinct side effect on those who teck p....... ànid on mâny parentg or relatives who wère spectators. Théy challenged yôuflg péôplé tâ téât their physical and mental capacitiés and they etrtàinly camé through with f lying thé rsônaily, W wé wrè f&Scinatéd by tetcnacty M hfiâny of thésé yôung- gters whi6 Wéré ôbVlÔugly in gtêàt pain Aftèr waling 20 mile ý fréty - rived in Bowmanvile. Yêt, writhôut à wlinkî4r ifôst of theém struck out égain for the 10 mile walk back to Oshawa, in-any li>împhgon bllstérêd féet, tireéd And wêà±y, but dètéËffined Vostick with it to the énd. Atý that point, wé dôubt véry inuCh if thé mnotêy they wêre th tàisé by côfttiifftgwàs àf any gregt lffiportànëé te thém. The antÏi- patéd satislactiôn 6f aehievênént nîust Unmasking> the Trhe wéèk 6f Mà.y 3rd tô 9th, thé 55 1Ciïsfttâ Clubà antd thefr Kinette âuxlliàriéé 6f bitéet Eielit 6f the Assôtiâtloft 6f Xiftsmen Clubs, wil combliné théir stteèngth -and béýeîft a eainpaign to urnask the "Gréét Màs- què?&ader". Trhé Kinsten and Kiin-éttés areéciéllétting fuftds te hélp in thé têt earch of thé dtêâd 'childrén'é diééà*e Cysùe Fibreéls. CyâtJe IFibrâsis is the no6st cùmffiôn and tériôug; chroftic dia- èase of ieiancy Alid ehildhôôd. It affets the lungs and ditestiôn. Thick gluêy mucus clogs the luftgs &td prêvents thé flôw cf digestive juicés frôm the pan- creas into the ama11 intestines. Thé childid la iy tâ pnéumôni'a and oftéri suffers rnainutrition *lthough eating ravenously. Reaching thg .eaders of this newspapér -are f anmdiar with the work of The Salva- tien Am'fy amôlng dewn-a-nd-outs, ale*- hibies and hbôméléss meni and women. But they (and we, too) want to knew what The Army la doing for the "swing- ers" -, the new generations cf young f oik. mrn-anv c-f whom- hveshwïFtheirý havré béén thé dôminating urgé that képt thema going. lIn these dé ys a nf ct)tpirativéily aeft living, our ildren don't f aeé tee xanyý challenges that bring out thosé hlddrIer qualitiea of courige, stanfina, detcrMin. Étion an-d sheer gut,;. We thik it'i iftportant that these characteristîcs should be givein a wrorkout ncw and then; its one way confidence ls atirnu latéd. Theré's nothing bétter ýfor thm ego than leartilng that you really cari do somrething tinder pressure and strain and pain. Antd the mor t tr thèse Challenges are facédî and mverý cômet, thé bettér equippéd for adulite and the battie for existtnce ini a wôrld of comnpétition, thÉ.sé youngsters Will bé. Lifé lA a struggié fr-arn Start ta f in- ish and yô.u êithé_r naké it or yôu fAi1 by thé wayside. Whô knows,niAybê thôsé marchés miay have, convibcèd semé yôutlg pêrson that he or shè haA ènough on thé bail tô bé a succèsà a.. and thât's haît thé battié. Prômn thMn on, it's a matter of intérest, training, taking advantagé cf opportunitiés, stây- ing with it an-d éxtending every effort to cômpleté the job, Great Masquerade CyÈtt iFbr6ala is càlléd thé Maa- quèradèr bécause thé. child fihày appéâr tô have asthffia, brônchitis, céliae diA.. éaoè or an allêrgy. C/F préêênts syflip. tôft which are éltén côhfuting évént to dôctôrs. Cystic' Fibrosis killà mOre, yôunËstérs than POlio in the pré-vac- ciné étâ and rivais Câncér as a cauàé of déath up tà aee 16. lIn campaigning f Or funds, thé Klnftmen and Kinettes of Distridt Eight ihôpè to r-aise $50000 to finance théir C/F Resea.rch Centre locatèd. in Tor- oftto, at the Hospital for Sick Chîldrén, which they have sponâored for thèr Cariadian Cystie Fibrnais IFôundatiôn the last four yéars. May we urge yidur genérous sup- port.4 e "Singers" of the place, getting gainés gcing and sérving cofféé and cakes. In Môntréal, thé "Pottèr's Hoýusé" wàs set up -', similar meeting place for young swing- ers. The, Amy has inany combes ln opération, ail around the world, and- ciever -Iiïûsiciaxis have-set---iritual 60 A~/A/?" £et ters to lte 8cidor Deàr Sir: Vour help ln géttlng oui- Incarne fax message across 'to the public during the fil- lng season was greatly ap- -prAciated ---- -- Asv,ôir- kriw.the mrer- SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Toronto, Ontario April 29, lIP70 Dtar Mi-. James: I arn wrîfîng again te the major emnployers cf Qntario about=surmer -empicyment- availàble when it is needed. Viewed in this light, hiring a student could ,be one of your. best investments. For many studenfa summer jobs are- èssential tri assisi fhem teô 7ontiua theif- éducation.- jnin us ln this eampaign h hi-ing as many atudentsa you can this summer. Please contact the Canad _Manpowèr Centre, univei aity or collage placemer office in yo'ur area for ir formation regarding stt dents available for emplo: ment. --,Thank -you-for -your -cor sideration. -- (M»' le, 1045) Néwî cs f her hu8band'i proniotiorn te thé rank cof Lieutenant Colonel wis ré- ceèlvd this weèk by Mr5, W. F'ranklin Banister, the date, méntioried being April 12, 1045, Col. BRanistér was min- Istter f St. Paul's Unitýed Church, Bowmanville, when lhe ènlisted. Mémbess of Jrslr Lodge. AY. & A.M., ow manvillè, gathered in the Lodgé Room, Wednesday da3' evêning, for a service of Thankiàlvin# and Vie- tory in Europe as spôngôrêd by the Grand Lodgé nt Canada. W.M.Ross Stevéns presided and was asslited lri the imnpressive servicés by Cnnn Major C. R. Spen- cer, V.D,, and 1Ëev, fi-. W. P. Fltehér. Miss Margaret Storey, nurs1l-in-trainlng, Tordnt e Gênerai Hospital, ih spénd- lng a couplé cf weêkg wlth lier eaiténtà. Dr. and MrÉ. V. H. Store y. Mis Id Peeblès, Col- borne; Miss Dcrôthy Shnéle, Hamuilton; Mr. Aichié Smsale. Toronto, w e r e wëéetîd guéstÉ df Mrs. C. J. Stialé. Gée. È. Annis, wêil knôwin and hlAhly réspectéd farmér of Ebénézér and Ée-Réèvè 0f Darlington Township la now the càndidâte for the Lib- éral Party of Durham County In the Ontario PrO- vincial êlection te bé field on June 4th, At the Libéral convention held In Orond, V April 30, Cecil G. Mercer accepted the nomination wîth the provision that lie would make way and staunchly support Mr. Ania fi h could finàlly be per- -suadéd tn accépt. Orono: Mrs. Normnan Bru- ton ls being welcoméd fi-cm Engiand. She ta visltlng Mrs. L. Bruton and other relatives. Newcastle: Miss Louise Trenwlth has returnéd home after spending the wlnter In ]y Toronto. Mi1s s Dorothy ls Trenwith spent the week- end at home. r- .1- 1- d e a rol1d Bowmanville! LlkeIy there are stili sorpe citizens living of old Bow- manville Days whe will re- call these two odd characters quite well. 49 n ARS AGO and -Distant Past F?ôm1 thé %tatesunilFan r (May 12, 1921 Mn-s. Arthur Willouighby, Cto1borne, 2pent8ufldày wîth Mr. and Mrg. rT. A. Duatéan. Mr. and Mvrs. C. H. Hlàddy and son J2ck, Toronto, vis't-. Éd relatives hère Sunday. a business tnrp toe foston and N(ew York. Mis Mabél Lo'wé, Osh.- awa,Pand NMisa Grace Lowé, Tôronlo. spenit the wéêkénci with Mrz,. Wealèy Mattl-idw,. Prof. and Mrý. John Souair, Torontô, 1>.r r r- cent guésts n1 Mr. An-d Mrs. 'Lt. Stèphcns, ncêch Ave. Mi-. and Mrs. Han-y King- - vott, Toronto, vlsitCdt withb SÉêrgt. Toi-h Annison oni Mi-. Andréw N i c n ô1 $1 Quîêén'a ljnivèrslty, Kiln;- stan, LF hrnhe fôr Iholidaya.: Miss Néad5 was guêstf ~ ber sifrl-a,~ Wil- son Neadsa, enrout'ý4teoWin- chaé,Ont., wbIére she. will spénd thlé surnrner tt hér cousins. 1Mrs. R.. M . MitchelIlels Totôtito with htr- son, M .I rày, wèû undérwëiit an dotratiOôn ait hé Slck Chlld- rén's HospitAl onMÔdy Mrs. WlAtroip, Mi-. 're -Wllstrop *énd friéndé, cýf TetOntb, saÉ-nt thé wéekend with Mrs. P. Clarke, High Stréét. Mr. and Mrs, W. Cham, WÉerry and Mr-. Thô8, Pên- lOund. Oshawa, visltéd tri- éfdd hère récenitly. Miss tthél MeQUÊMénh.h awa, spént, Sunday wiih Ms, P. F. Newbouse. Miss Gladys Wesfaway, Ohshawa, spent thé weekend at home. Miss Nelîl11 Pattinson, Tarontc, spent Strnday at A home. Miss Jane Grigg, 'Torenn, spent the weekend at hoine, Courtice: Mrs. John Wal- ter is visiting relative%, jn Peterborough and Keene. Sclina: Miss Vera Baker has rtturned te Nichéls Hoapial, Peterborough, af- ter four weeks' vacation ai home. ColmersVii Florida Museum