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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jun 1970, p. 14

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14 neli Canadian taemn wnnv lu lne 24, 1970 C arruthiers, Speaks To P BX Op e rators lin a recent atidcess te the phasis on the electoral pro- the ý Prîvate Business Exchange. cess, objectives are now realiz- Operator (PBX) helti at the ýed by citîzen participation lie- Pak laza -Hotel in- Toronto, tween elections. The intense Aiex, Carruthers, M.P.P., Dur- pubic reactien te the fetieral harna s-1.5tressed the radical iWhite Paper, .he saiti, was a cý.hanîgea taking place ini cern- prime example 'of ~Citizen in- miuncation between gover'n- velvement, invo]vt-mentwhichîi amr,rx anti the people- may quite psil nlec Speakrng2P2 teÜV a' gru na-ih 1oeen te- make ma publc relat1 io, C 'ný Jucl T hisreen _reti- owc Membn -a i taith gw-greaterctie atipton g'coitocsxitý-Of oerdin !n~~bi5rdlb n' structure! ba eute ,rteplctos has= many 7-advan-, gnrouaThs groupa aId-t bî ant amrong theseý he listei Ca- adcentrralazation cf politicai greaier awareness on the part riebate anti tbe modern cern- cf the citizen te problems fac- m.unication media, are partici- ing bis e)mmunîty, a- doserI IDatîng coiiectively. hie saîid, in relationship betwecn govere- the preýcess cf goverament ment anti citizens, an improv- through. protest marches, sit eti understanding of tie Soc- down strîkes, and public for- ial implications of legislation, _Thsh C-~iVhèta prt of tt tiliote&-an-- - ballot. Today, insteati of em-laxist i n today's society. Rerports fro %0 J omns Institutes Tbe gratitimothera- were hop- culture repDort and Mrs. H-o-w-.," cureti at the June meeting of ard Crydecman's Safety Re- Solina W.I. We discever now,lport. Mrs. Everett Cryder- therc are as nany who arelman was pianisi, Miss Pearl gra drnotliers as those whole Iach ldi igsn ni are net. Every year we have IMrs. Turnbull sang ducang one or more new grantimotheca3 morning session and Mrs. enti several can boast cf newTI Ruth Stenger ti the after- grandchldren. neon. After lunch there wasj The meeting operedion June a parade of songs, where one loth in the hall with Viola from each branch dresseti in a1 Ashtnn, president, in the- costume te represent a soi-g. chair. After the siaiging of These wehe guessed by the the Ode anti repcating the audience. The'-Presitient anti Mary Stewart Collect, Mrs. Secretary of the Area Board Reta Fraser, secretarv, i-ed henouceti us wth their pres- the minutes. anti gave the fin- ence. The, convention will be aniai re-port. Mns Fraser Nov. 4, 5 andi 6 ai the Royal aIso readthe Uiaoat. rec-ent ici- IYork in Toi-ento, ter frein Lae-Chîng, tbe adopt- 1 Miss Murtiock, 'Homne Econ- eti taughtcr the Institutelornist, tiiscussed ber 4-H work *apansors from Hong Kong.lwitb our girls. We are the Pirs. G. Knox will reîyý lhesiesses foc the District An- it was aainounced t bat therrinual i-ext Spring, Mrs. Ralpb are Iustitute pins,. seals ant-iDavis, District Presitient, is crests avaîlable te members. Idelegate te F.W.1,C. at Winni- Doris Hilis gave a very ie-'pgl uut c.Hi tcresting report of the District 1covereti the tiay's progrean welI Annual helti at Hampten inienough for the numbers who May. The Hampton ladies1were net present te sec what were very liospitabie heostess-ithcy hati misseti. es anti provitieti us with a Following ibis, Mca. W. Vel- bourvtiful dinner, Besîties thc iowlees anti Mrs, S. Milison a2sual programi reports, Doris, matie presentatiens te M-Nrs.1 tolt ius about Mrs. Morrison's! Gordon Leask on bebaiff e <Are-a Board runember f-cmralnstitute andtihae U.C.W. Mrs. Beaertn)sp ec, Mrs. Bruce Lcask bas been a member aI-ý Vlali' ederati-on ef Agri_-rmost constantbv since 1916. She bas naoved te Breoklin rcceiy 'and is onc of aur i j valueti lie members. Mrs. Bruce Taylor reporiediI for the directors an oui- bus 4trip pilans. Tie d2te Ia ,July 2 2lsi. W plan te st te W/T/I IThousanti IsIantis and enjey a boat trip tbrougli that scenic sumni-ci resori. On the 'waY AL~tJ~ cown ht la pianncd ibat wc ~~~;~ 1~(O I I iit the berne of Sac John A. ffEs~'D i Mactienaldiun Kingston. We 4.~M~w ihope ormembers wiii take advantage efthiis oppartunity. anti hclp fili the husz se cal - 45MWWEi IMrs. Bcuce Taylor if yen would like te go, pcomnptly. ,U, IDi-actera will contact mem-i becs. Mrs. Ashion ennouncedi A there wece two caterings ai 'the hall in Augusi, the 8tb PLIYMBING &HIEATING iianti 141h. ~PHONE 263-2650 Tbe Roll Cal was answered by "Recallections ef Earlv Tyrone, Ontario Days on. the Farm". This was --ivery interesting andi humai-eus. Bîi Ly!e Wins C .of C Golf Tourney Book Review, T4h -'Art -and -Science of Taking f o fhe Woods 1C, B. CoIby aniBradfoird, Nothing anyoDe neetis otetiiy ant opees Angier together can dlaimn one kno)w about outticor living bok tha a rn apna century of camping experience. outcloors andi travelling is om- Iote thusanod. who seek the They put this to gooti use in itteti in' ibis encyclopedia on outdoor camiping life. th'rnw ok The Art andi gettÎng away from it ail. Colby Science cf Taking To The and Angier went through their eIs onr Woods (George J. McLeod trial-ani-error pericti maflyMîtchl'Conr Lt)The two olti pros are camp)flres ago. By sharing their everyhag ha4eswr k on ake ha irst tnp il)work eut' sUib a cetur. eDstetohudronx '~~ivm~jvlli, iTl~y rabsaçl~y~prbe he nd ee hretof, furtheyrataii doticdard(). cuïriýi ihovnaes, dsavifgsMitchell*s Corners School heid jwith bier 1[jhpbadcl aurence o f vwheeýledcampIljlera, al kinds its A-uIFietti Day on Wed- (Dear) wre-iing ,fer a yarj ftenîts, s-tovýes, laniernls, nsdaune l7th. 'ai ortao-u,Arng, N. jsleeping-b4aýgs,ýair 1attressES, Once kgite ha as I reland. Deac bias an imiport- clothing anti footwear. 1 divided into four teams. Poits ant assignment, from the GoC - Tbytl about cmigi wece cecorded for- team ef - 'year to assist in somne work the snow, with wise tipsa on forts_ as well as fer individuals. !there, This is net toc facr walking w,,itb snowshoes,! The Eagles were presenteti ifrom where my grandfather keeping warm, protectîng gearl wîth "Athieties" bars for the late John Hanna, was born and travelling by snowmobile.I having the higbhest total with (Enniskillen). Unfortunately, They tell about camping on 297 points.,The Mustangs hati Lasi Wednesday, over 50 golfers entered the Molson's representative Gord Rae. On Bill's lef t i o'aOwu- eiois c o -vemn wnel' tpSintvdass olw:Jue ýýChamer ofCommece GofOthersmeappearheing- 131h ai Bangor, anti alk avec Tbey tell how xte get startdtiGirls, Debra Dart, 23 points; Chabe o CmmrceGof ounaentaith Bw-net winner of the day, Ken iRonaid. Othersape w tevals ef Londondeccy when1 what te look for in e(upei Junior Boys, Clar-ke Pinsent, manVille Country Club in spite cf cold and riay co- inl the 'photo include Gord Schisslcr, on the far 1lef t Ii wsiteti there in April anti1 how te finti caprning sies Th14 'pointa; Intermediate Girls, ditions. Bil1 Lyle, with rounds cf 38-36 proved to be w,ýho was un charge of the presentations an behaif of!July 1945, bock covers carnping on.,a'Nancy Siarr, 22 points; Inter- ýthe besi of the day. In ihc abo\îe photo, Bill, IcI t centr-e, thue Chamber, Pres. Bob Lawton second from the righi! - 1_-- jshoestring. I suggcsis a mini- mediate Boys, Derek Keenan, la sownaccptig te lrgeMolon ropy f-cm nd ouramet Cairan eore Sephn. maibasic outfiit costing noI20 points; Senior Girls, Cathy lis shon acceÜng th largeMolson .rophy- fromandJTorIJÀBYtC'more iGeoan $15pewh mcr'will g15ethcarrisget 25apoints;poi SeniSeriBeyss ___[th e neophyte on the go anti Lenny Cbappell, 25 peints. 1 o Ig was well attentiet on Tues- wmill rernain the backbone of a:'lin Kindergarten, tehigh- Sarn oîack Has- wBg Day day cvening. Cemmittce chair- R IRI ALN more luxuricus kit, l takesi est scoreca axera Robin Brant* men wcre clecteti ta iein: The ticath ef Mca. Irvie S. the tamorous firsi-tamerslanti Ricky irwin. The i-estf chageo~difeentbotbani1Alli- occurreti at Mernorial truhbefr ngtncap. the scbool wisbes eey u aIse te colleci moncy for ad-1 optlBwmivîe <il hatvises on skilîful techliqu- ceas foc those who wi1 comn- ?àmission ai the entrance gatues. a Jne2e17sl x 5for one-night 'stands wibpi l hmne-she rc Many membrs etet 1 IAllUn. who was un her 83ri quikme-ig trs.Ms i-&Fielti Mcclt te h eld next ,l.ia at dmn orteda ycar, bati been ie hospitai for spo ran eet àrcne- tickets iic nisft.hpoie for StceetFaîr un July. abuîiemnh iearrangemaets f rconvci _______ IWe were gladti t be'abie te BrjeDrignTo- termlfoc e ergny The hourly-rated payrol j ated heLifford Gninship, the fermer Olive S. Rick- shelter if if muai ha set eut each Fritiay ai Genenal Motors G ard wshedaghe fe the -where you are, with what you cf Canada in Oshawa totals ja'h Party on Wcdnestiay eveeing. lt1ereat ae(y-lae i-lrgtew isa 200OO ...........The langeai crewd ever fnom lansGrhada eeiveti 1 b ___________________________________a_$2,000,0___0. tarcand i-car attenddt. Just os i-ad n eevdhrý . te dive yeu an ides,. about education ai Sbaw's Publice $65 (1,2 aplae)wastaenSchool, Bewmanvillc High $659y($w2ena a a,tae26co, a913, Fc. y-O ingr e fne AnotharshAgi eS.Ale'oprceest __ ~jy~ r5teaîtiTsism- ?Education, Mai-chto.EOST N OV dlan rcholt i thir auppein he dceaad rsidti a R. t ui- mieniseml Rev.1o913 Cbrhe antie the li- ii- ,,jr7 '> teOufrne all, ilnk ine.rofj Nwcastle Ueti ~ '3k~l~ taang bis hholdy et uushineclacnte" cut b (K<; ~ ~ . ~" eetecy ryocisetchCae'sin,bomew ati n ws 10aiane eranthr pek-fiesn a- o u dasugiarsd Y OurinaisterDe orat . C ~H Mcan (Sadh ie) tn-1 'AHBEA N IEGaate aî ati t sec urty e is M bcayhury, Wilim Mole, Msc» Cehfcte p1i8%eoffihrinomto aetrou oanard beof g con- c.D eie (oii c otc ouaenrca diero rt rteh Sti-a b is omefora f hoIm eeià(aie)aniJon days Aise survli.ing ar wviier, Lbyet M:Tharrae rmanothar spa- ive so Han fouPearce <erso) - SaatAe 1'NDAsRD ît CrUticae. iec n tecenty eain Dy Ma. H.ocainact dlie),(Etn) -AHBEA N IM"Gaate aig uecs. mn bwr.Lws'TefucaLevc wa24BySea.Toit leyI gardias, posluyaMan. CcrepsiIathei81/c%.FFiriay. JunaiStbrtrono I atu ee Hay gcewers theMoi-ri Fuerai hapbert.63-47 1 f ie nhom for uiableewManvidwlle(Matie)wacnduc-ohcoen1 weebey t hrvsibhircrp.cdbyRv. T. Sm't iih ter-" hewseasite receive abi-t s wryas Bowarl) liete tra M nh en e netcir.HoadAln(n). N R T US gardes, patures and co Jaes .on eei , rue nt i i -47 Si- Bac, cllknwnloal iaha mi-.wu'tbae to uu touba ui Iacisufe reivetian ag milersth Allie, D rCaviitte an363 tii-g~~~il fodobheal o h aicul f'ek le hscthh aals rmm hoister da (MabLe'Boai--yPewll. _and______________acode__1 wackwSi-tcaght his imiacf amlop toutavengi- tax poudswiihn a ho.ur, on a to-pound-testlina. Sam's ely i-agi-etnas thatiha ha ho thi-cax couple of ami-Il,14ohnncAllsenack un. Hw aven, Sam doasn't appean to ha disap. poli-ted.d___in,_the__deep____________Messrs,_______________ - I - if w.w. ~ w Lwi cu w. Miitiy, 9-10 yrs. a edlýt7U ~UJ( Fengueson, 4tb Caria Phillips.' - -1 11-12 yrs.-5tb Joanne Seaecb-I A mîscellaneous showerwia!tbey were def'eaieti hy.Super- ei; semi-fînaîs, Barbara Han-ihelti on Satua'day aflernoon an test J0-9 aI Omarnea. . it xas j ning Mihele Laant !the Cham ber of Commence a bard one te lose as Ponty- -laicShacn Frrow;7-9 Y Hall for Misa Elaine H1ylenti, pool hati helti leada of 4-0 anti yns SarJoane anechel.1-12a brida tuabha-i- the van>' ceai- 9-3, anti iosang un the 9tb an- yrs-4tb Jann Seechl. 1future. About 50 ladies were img. Saveral of the regular, IAdivanced. Miîlitai-y, Il l41pcesa-t anti Elai-e axas theaxere net lpresei andti he yrs. 2nd Janet Lovekin; Nov-1 recipient of mai-y loi ely anti locals put up an effort ail the' ice Solo, il yr.-lat Banbaraiuacîuî gifla.wa Te bve onsne Henni-g. i The. local senior sofîbahll cluse ones ibis year se ibis batiI Ativencet Solo. 7-83 yrs. 3rd îeam bati won thee striglaîito happenr sornetimne The Sheron Farrow, igarne., defeaiing Cavan, Bailie- IMitigeis anti Pee Weesaxl Advancedi Duet, 21 28 e«asbore and7 Bethany ln Unit erd- Iswing ie Paction the -weck of -3'Janet Lovekîn anti Katby ci- This winning ,treak andi- j une 29, i Blarr, l Suntiay atternoan wlaenî i Cliambur af Commerce mcci- - - lA la

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