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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jun 1970, p. 4

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4 Tihe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, 3une 24. 1970 EDITORIAL COMMENT; No Longer Connected With Park I dhe Dim and ,June 20, 1970. DeM James,- Reading thse letter from Mrs, D., Wallis in last week's Statesman prompt- ed us te do two things - remove the îîKiwanis Park" signs, and let you know that the Kiwanis Club of Bow- manville, abandoned the project knawn as."Kiwanis Park" last Septenibe'r. T deci;î-_ t- d-th--ak-a Kiwanis project was flot an easy one ta make. We were ail aware how much the swimming area meant ta the kids of the town, and perhaps you and your readers would like to, know how we arrived at such a decision. Flrst, we had ta find thre rnoney ta pay the modest rentai f ee ta, thre new Owner. (Up until 1968> thre property was free for our use tirrougir the good offij- ces of one of our members.) *Second,. thre bulk of thre work -on 11Our orcirid of tire week goes to tire Royal Canadian Legion Pipe Baud, ual j unI for tireir impressive performance prior ta the Mions Carnivai an Satur- Clay evening, but ratier for their con- tribution ta tire community over many years. 1Wine tire organization iras irad ils ups and downs tirraugirott its prolong- cd iristory, il iras continued te function adm'drably, witirout asking for publie assistance or support. In fact, their operatiou iras been se quiet tiraI, as happens ail tee frequently, tirey have been almoslt aken for granled by peo- pie ini tins area,- while their many acr- colades have came fram aIrer cammu,ni- ties where they have entertained af al ejannier of furetions. On Saturday ,eveurig, tirey were A lelter from Prof esser J. P. Love- kir of Lakehead University, pubiisired last. week iii Tire Statesman, apparent- ly contained several inaccuracies con- cerning circh affaira in Newcastle, We the park cornes ai. a ti-me whe-n 50 petr rý cent--of-our--mrnbers-are-busy--on-thei'r land, and are tirus unable te attend lire wvork parties. Finaily, we were discouraged by the attitude and behaviaur of some of the, people who used lire park, Week affer week we cleaned up garbage,- re- paired tables, tailets and tire refresh- _m mt - .-- 1 1-- y- ý- ng-,znda É,J We found tables sawed in haif. thrown in the creek and dragged off the prop.- ICI OAREflÉ erly. Even tire lifeguard's first aid kit was stolen, and thre playground super- visor's cupbeard raided. Sa, we decîded ta, cati it a day, n we are sory we had ta.an Sincerely, Bob Caok, President, Kiwanis Club of Bowmauville. superbad genereus, providing almost an hour's pragram for lire speclatars, ____ many of wiom iradnal seen or ireard- them, previously. TËhere were rnany compliments heard as we passed A Ma tirrouglitire appreciative audience, bath on'tire- quaiity of their playîng and on tireir . mart, impeccable appearance. N a well-arganized unit tirat marcired well and played magnficently; they 1 l js a were a real credit to lie town. lOn aSe Sa we say continued success ta tire get a r Royal Canadia n Lgion pipe band and realîty, B urucir apprecialion ta them and their sometîme. stauncir members wro have doue them- example bast a fey selves, their Legion and tire cemmuuity TisaI praud. May tiey have a good year and Bourassa. inany-more- of tiem in future. We correspon( should-6e exîremely proud of them. in~g* tisat bei are hi 80 easily. regret -any confusion- and embarrass- ment that' may have resulted. Profes- sar Lovekihss information on lhe local situation. obviously'was not correct or up-la-date.. The Way [t Wa's in 1855 Cobourgý and Port Hope Or*,, Verge of Bankruptcy Bowmun ville Hûs No Debt Edito's lOtt. We are upon themn, would Pirnautit to rnet their liabi1ities; and deeiily indebted teMils 12s. 6d. in the~ poud, are a]- bath, ýwe uinderstand, are ser-: Irene Rineh et Newcastle ready talking as If taxes could i<ouslY considerfiig the pro- toun th na, l thefiri pace ha pai, iety of repudiating their ,who recently udtent ntefrtpae epï,d ebt 'z, anid saddlinig the' bur- froant page of The Bowman- and that if an attemýpt las den thiereaf upon the Province viffe Messenger dated Feb- made under the Statutle hy the a t' large. Sucli are the legiti- ruary 7, 1855, in an olt Sheriff to collect them, lie will Mate resiilta of their utter chest of drawers andi passeci be unabl.e te do soý and the reckleasriess -n wild goose it along to The 8êatemmn. govennient will be foreed ta speculatiansa and unprofitable The following article about aseuie the debt. Iii Port raiiroad sdhemnes. What a those apendthrifts ln Co- Hope they put it in anather thriving pair they are - sartiti! bourg and Port Hope shoulti liglit, but the anticipated 're- It la a fact'mwartl-y af notice,, be of particular interest to suitlt ihe saine.- They put that t!he municipalities Of Ca-'ý' Mayor Jack Heenan and theanselves in the position of bourg and Port Hope, to-: Mayor Michael Wladyka. It benetactors to the whale Pro- gether with the tiauncil of the; would appear tuai snanY vince and argue that sucl Urnited Counties af Northum- ehanges have talien place in being the tact, the govern- berland and Durham, havE ail three lakeshore 't.owns ln ment can do no less than fly barrawed from the Provincial thse intervenlng years, wlth in their rescue thua in effect Loan Fond about one-fourthz the ceastera towns In a bit adinitting that they are load- the entire amounft availabie' better shape now andi Bow- ing themewelves with a debt under the Provincial Loan1, -'-nanvlle i>liis - i-osne--wIhch -they--wll-be-uiabIe tcrTUncU-Acti -Whabasabecome' dlebts that have inereased pay. of the money? taxes somnewhat. The Ct>baurg and Port Hope We tutta h uii COBOURG AND PORT HOPE people being in about the pality of Bowmanville wili same predicament, it 15 -no learn a lesson from its eastern' A week or two ago we wander, these' ancient foes neighbors and not run so notieed an article in the Co- Shculd corne together and by deeply ir, debt as ta be under bourg Star, speaking in the making a virtue of necessity, the disagreeable necessity of highest ferms of praise of the endeavor ta make thase un- ,,srtig to repudiation. To Town of Port Hope as a acquainted wi th te true nat- say the least ofit. it is a most -flaurishing place. and lauding ure oi their circumstances be- disreputable way of doing the enterprise oflils inhabi- lieve that these places with business. Bowmenville la clear tapis, which struck us, as ra- tuteir admirable harbors and af debt, and let us keep it so. ther strange, kno(wîng that for prospective rallroacls inta the If we cannot lie a thriving inany years past -the papers afi nterior, are abo ut the Mnost town without paylng 12s, 6d, these localities have been un- posperous places an this ide in the pound for it, f ar better rernitting in their abuse af of the lake, and afford admir- -We remain a flourishing vil- -ac cai ther, toucbing their able facilities and rare Induce- lage free from debt, and able local affaâra. We wondered mentsto men Oi capital wish- ta look honest folk in the face. very much at that tirne what ing ta settle ln the Upper BaWmanville is a thrlvjng could have praduced the PrýOvince. Of- course thse for- place - praperty la rapidly marked change, which seerns tultOus pufi an the part af the increasing in value - Our ta be that having assisted to Cobourg organ demands a re- taxes are camparaîiveîy no- work the ruin af their re- bm i the compliment fromn thing - and with a good har- speýt!ve localities, they have the people at Part Hope; and bar In aur front and a rich noie' joined hands ta, assist thus theyhope ta keep up,.ap- and fertile country in our eacb ather out of their finan- pearances as long as passible. rear, we can defy conipetition cial difficulties. We leara 'IDhe fact afi the business is, and offer inducements ta set- th'it the' people ai Cobaurg baôth Cobourg and Port Hope tiers te which Port Hope and whose taxes, shauld enaugii are In a state oi almost utter Cobourg can make no pre- be raised ta meet the demand bankruptcy, and cannat long tensions. Durhra Couiya Great Family journal E.Sfacblshed 116 Years aga in 1854 Also Incarporatiag The Bowunanville Newn Thre Newcastle Indépendent Tise Orano News Second class mail registration number 1561 Produced eyery Weduesdaiy by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. BOX 190 62 -66 King St. W., Bowrmanville, Ontario JOHN M. JAMES GEO. W, GRAHAM GEQ. P. MORRIS EDiTOR-PUflLISREn A»vTc, MAxAGER BUSINESS MGR. "Cepri~t der-proert 5ihtssubiatle-tue!me, epeein~on bisprot.Perms-sion te erouce ini whole or in part and in oeiy fonts whetsoever, particular1y by photographie or offset process jin<a publication, muai b. obtained from the. publisher and the. printer. Any' unctuthorrzed reproduction will b. subjeot to recours» in iuw." $00a year-6 monibe $3.50 $800 a Yecir in the United Statea strictly inu advance .Although everu peccrution will b. taken -te cojd errThe Ccrncdjcrn Siotesman Cacceptsaàadvenu. înq i', is cluejeson the, understaudieq that. t wiR nfot bli.fer aoe 4errer ic ny dvertisement pubiisbed hereuder unies. a preof ef such advertjsment fa requested ýii vwitinq by the acdvetiier and returned to The Canadiân Startesmnin business office' duly signed byy ithe advertîstr andi with such errai or corrections plainly noted.in-u witing' tierean, and ije ual case if any error so noteti is ,,ot careeted bY Tiie Cancidicn Stateuman iUs labffity sisal! net eiceed sucis a portion of the enfin. coai of snch ad'vertisement cs te. spcS eccupfed by thse noed errer iiecs te the whoie spac& acupïRdt isy sui ativertisenient In the Eclitor' acDuff Ottawa Report - un Ba% ýothing for çq Headiline 1*s eyirir pretty iurny-sittua- en anc is ta rely aratisi paliticiaii ta rliaisie picture ai But sucis lis do as iappen and an ai tisaI was givea -ý days ago. ras- when Robert su-ad sanie press dents 'were cdaim- he isad accomplish- nîpeg wisat nobody im bad ever donc coming bacis from Winnipeg ta Quebec. City with .$ 100 millions ai "new" federal moncy. In a way, wisat's sa gi-cal about il? Daniel John- son once came bacis with $123 million sud ise iVas tisca claiming tisat, it was a near disaster, surcly a major de- feat, -AMang tise first ta, sec tise ligisi was Jacques Parizeau, an economiat of great repu- tatian and a former adviser ta bath Lesage and Johnuson. Parizeau bas naw joined tise rauks ai separatist Parti Quebecois. He ran and lbtin-a tise st provincial cîcclion. But he atill can sec bis way in ecouacmic mnaltera. -San arsa antyet back ili Qlueh-ec City ief r Paiea as 7iamigCat" tise anly ga-r in ubehd ruade ln Winnipeg wa mere $10 million, aiter al noting t6 maike a headîlie., Here wc are back again with a crazy situation. On one aide, sarne people iscre in Ottawae cry aloud that thse Federal Goverament bas once again given in ta Que- bec pressures wisilc on tise other baud people lu Quebec City arc Ialkiug ai a greal israak-throughin luFederal provincial relations. But tise truthis l, and Sep- aratist Parizeau is quite rigist about il, tisat notisng ai tise sort bias yet isappen- cd. Aiter ,.all whal is $10 million lu. a billion budget. What Bourassa and Que- bec really got in Winnipeg, was: l) An additional amount ai $50O million la equalization grants; nolhing ncw isere ise- cause it was money tisat B-,. tatisbe' Province because ai a formula tisaI'bas been worked out long ago. 2) An additional amount ai $28.4 million for lise con- struction ai techaicai scisools, hcî e again ithing special for Quebcc because it is also valid for otiser provinces. 3) $20 million under tise Canada assistance plan; it is iscre tisaItishe $10 million camnes lu because Ottawa bas ,decided ta recagnize some expeuses not prcviously covercd under lise agree- ment. A few days ýaiter Lhiserè were two agreement,- signed la Qucisec City, a-nc for $52 million, liseatiser for $8 illion. Tise liraIanc wvas foi thePdeveloplne i tisrof ap za oties (Querbe c ity, Trois - itivieres sdSept - Iles).Tise 'second for lise construction ai a national park la Gaspe. Tisci'e again la notising ta fear or ta brag about. ln. tise first instance, it wa2s ex- actly tise same kind ai agree- ment tisaI was previausly signed with tise Western P r o v i -nccs, Newfaundland, and New Brunswick. In those cases Ottawa was giving ORf, FOR THE LIFE 0F A TEACIfER Show me a teacher -in June, and l'Il show you a characler wilh a crum- pled shirt, a wrinkled brow, and a des- perate iook ia his cyes. lus spirit is treading the lusis green ei thre golf course. His inward eye is contemplaing thse dark swirl-of water under a log in a trout stream. And his winter-fat, pudgy body is there in the classroomi 'which is more like a steani bath., Room, temperaturen 90 degrees. Before hun lll bo hut 30 students, eyes glazed, minds turned te somethiag important, like a swim, or a joyride, or jusI lyîng in lire sua. 1Chief différence between tirem is tirat tire kids are arayed in their cool- est, wihee adireriag ta some ancient in bis swaddling ai shirt and tic, jacket and trousers. Tire stadents are tirere only because tirey have ho stick arouad to write lasI- hope tests, and f lad out whether they've been promoted or have ta write tire "f inals." Tire heacher îs thiere only be- cause lsemebody, ianiris infiaite wîsdom, iras decreed that scirool wili continue until a.certain day in June.. I's net exactly wirat we la tire sa- ,called profession's jargon cail "a good, learniag situation". Sameday, someane wilh seme cons- mon sense is gaing la close tire scirools an tire firsl day ai Jane, andopen thern on tire first day of Auguist. June ilaa unonth for joy- la Canada, net îimprisan- ment in a sauna bath. Tire days are long,- tire -masquitoes-iraven't --really- found tire range, and tire world is green and glorieus. By August, lire sua iras lost, some ai ils blast, tire days are sirorter and tirat f irst wild lusI for tire iusirness ai summer iras abaled. Scirool could rua from seven a.m, ta anc p.m., and tirere'd- stîlI 6e a decent cirunk ai a sammer day ta 6e eajovcd. Ifs net only tirle healtirhat makes away moncy ta tise p ravin- ces so tisat some ai tiscir poorest areas can firat sur- vive tisen develop. As for tise national park in Gaspe, anc must realîze tisat tisis will be tise first one in Quebcc while some provinces .already bave Sa if a breais-Ibrougis was really macle iii Ottawa-Que- bec relations since April tise 29tb, it must be looked at ln another iglil. lb la al a er tisan hard facta. Aiter all, since tisaI date Quebec isasn't a penny tisat il cauldnat jus-tify under present arrangements. But on tise aIrer ide anc mi-ust realize tisaI aniy a f ew months ago, if not only a fcw weeks, Quebcc would cubher camplain tisaI it w as nal enougis or pretend tisaI il deserved more or flnally refuse the money because ai sarne obscure coustitutiona1 Wltis Bourassa tise picture la complctely different in tise s;ense tisaI fie is taking ev- crytbing tisaI- la pasing by aud aItishe same tiare gives t'ise impression iethatle la comnpletely1 satîafled with Jb. Tise onl]y pr-oblem wtl tl1sir k1eddofetpprôarh lu. tisas it, bhuln' ie flt uaie ise Province,'tisaI Quebec la gctîing mare Iban it dcserv- es or marc tisan tiseotisels. Quiee in la way t is e largeat undcrdcveloped pro- vince in Canada. IfP.I, New Brunswick' sud otisers w ere as laitge as Quebec, tisey would get amaunts equivalent ta what "la, Belle Province" is gelting from Ottawa. Jane rougir for teaciers. It's tire hast-, minute panic, Tirere are 64 memnos from the office, tellirig you ta 6e ila hree places and deing îirree different tigs, attire samne time. Or se il seemns. There are tire final exams -te sel, supervise and mark. Tirere are marks to 6e mustered liraI would murder a mathhatician, and writîen dowa in six differenl places. ýThere are new beokn ho 6e ordered, and aid books (about 10,000 la my case) la 6e sorted and caursted and stared. And everyîiil la a deadline tiraI always aeis to 6e yesterday. Some aitirhe yaung, new teacirers find lb a tmaumnalic experiefice. Samne- tiring like trying ta milk a ïeow while looking over your shoulder for tire- dangeraus bull known ho 6e in tiresame and ignare the bull. But wha can compiain? There is the deep satisfaction of knowing tint Joe Daugli lias passed and samebody else wilI have ta, teacir mm next year, that Naughty Nancy, sire af the cacky waik and the talky talk, iras hier ring, and will 6e driving nobody crazy next year except tire poor simpleton wr gave ilta toher. .There is the sincere satisfaction of 1,knowing that somne of your graduating students wiii probabiy contribute a lot more ta t4he worid tiran you have, as doctor's, nurses, teachiers, engineers. -There is a special 'toucli of sadness Lwhen the kîds in the two-year course, who are finished' wîth education, prob- ably forever, inarticulately tell you they -have--enjoyed their year with you. -Their- 1future is~ not in pastel shades. They seem so young and vuinerable. You have a great wish that at least they'11I find happiness, if flot affluence. And finally, there are two gloriaus imontirs ahead in which you dan't have l-et leap to your feet and scutîle some- where like .Pavlov's rats, every time a bell rings. 1 think l'Il stick it for another year, tise higis sciool stud cleaned up tise tow and placed tise disp aI tise corners. I tiik mare ai lisings today's Iccu sisould bt- laid and1 sisould lie given c them. 1 wibnessed tise process and was s0 paper mcntioned1 farts. Our teen-agçrsa ta get along just f9- pie juat rememnber -go-d-tising& es ie j- ~, ai tise bad An l-ntercstcd Deader Mrs. W. Wickeus. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WEEKLY REPORT Weck ai June 14-21 inclusive, Admissions ------------ 93 Birtis-3 maie, 4 femaJe 7 Discisarges ----- - .-79 Major operations 14 Minar aperations,-- - . --38 Emergcncy Ireatments --192 Visitiug hours 3-8 p.m. daily at Qucen's JUiversity, ais- tainiug honars sud a scisol- ausbip, sud was also tied for history. Jim lias since j oincd up witis lie navy for service la the Pacific. Mr. Chsarles Carter, Jr., DeptŽty District Gavernor, Zone 10, is' attending tise Lions Convention at Quebc City. Mr. Alex Lockisart, Tor- onto, ia visiting bis brother, Mr. T. H. Lockhart. SENIOR CITIZENS WEEK Tir- ,e v-'ekfaJune 21 ta ,Iune 27, 1970, ait ,hougir nat efficiaili prociaim- ,ed, is recoguized by Senior -Cilfzea .Clubs and a number ofairoter organiza- lions as Senior Citizens Week. 1 Far several years lire moalir of May irhas beenrÈecognizcd la tire United States and, an effarlta have a similar recognition in Ontario, 1 iatroduced on 7'onday ai, lins week, a Private Mem- ber's Bihla inthreLegisialure. Tire main' fealures of tire Bihl are as follows: .1Tire council ai a municipality mnay by by-la-w proclaîi lie wcek*6e gin- ning witir lie third Sunday in Jane of eacir year as Senior Cilizens Week te be aýbserved la lie municipality for tire purpase of encouraging: 4~-Tire-recegn-itia-n--of--entribu-- lions made aver tire years by aged men and- women ta tire life of Ontario. 1 spent several days lanlire Nortir- west Territories in lire past week and 1- lirougir T migit in tris Report men- tion some ao' lie policies ai tire Federal Governmenl with respect ta resource development and nortirm ecoiogy. Within :tire lasI f ive years tire North bias aI JasI begun ta provide evi- dence afitis real potential. Like lire tip oi an iceberg thrusting abeve tire sur- face ai tire sea, tire Northir 1 revealing tire evidence ai wirat lies beiatir. New mines sucir as Pine Point in lire Mackenzie, New, Insperial, Chanton Creek and Anvil la tire Yukon have annpïrpt r-rcntv. iqt h dsovery aI Athmason Point a couple ai montirs ago, we know tirat ail exists on lire shores ai lhe Canadian. Arcîic. Olirer potential deposits seattered, across tire Norh have been identified and are being cxamined. Mary River on Baffin wiIhiti ran are and C-asina Silver in the Yukon are but two ai tirese Tn Narlirera Canada we have a rela- tively unblemisired canvas on wiih ta Mr., T. Harry Robinsni n Rochester-, N.Y., la visiting bis nsdece, Mirs. Wm, Cowle. Recent visitars with Mr. &niL lMitL C. G orCFotl Gican-Larra, were Mrs. Hor- ~ ace Southaîl, Miss. Southal and Miss Faux, Buffalo, and Dr. C. T. Thomas, Taronto. r Mrs. E. B. Moses,. Miss Pcggy Moses and Miss Marg- aret Ogborne have returncd irom bolidaying at "Popular Villa", Thurstonia Park. <"'~ Peterboroughs - Durham '-District Ayrshire Club held ils Red and White Day at Millbraok recently with Wm. Ness, Oakvi lie, as Judge. Prîze winners irom West Durham included Cia- '-rence Allen, Newcastle; Alex -McMaster and Chas. Naylor, Hlampton, Stewart Marlon, Bowmanville and Clarence- èI Mountjoy, Ï3urketon. Cla- rence Allen was awarded grand champion maie, also - 'firsl for best herd. Howard Hancock, w-ha M »TaII reccntly took aver tise Mas- ài1, 1970, sey-Harris dealersip in this ,vmanville, tcrritory is a newcamer ta Ont. Bowmanville, On Saturday, Wesley Fow- ssed with ler, accompanîed by bis son tory about Elmner and Bernard Jones, idents that journcyed ta Toronto ta va streets meet his son, Pte. James posal cana Fowler of tise First Cana- dian Paratroop Btn., who tise good arrived back from overseas nagcrs do on the traop sisip "Island ai tisaI they France." crcdit for Mr. Donald Ferguson bas passed lis firsl year exams dlean-up la Healtb and Physical glad your Education- at the University their 'cf - oai Toronto. Don will spend tise summer at a boys' camp are going in Nortisern Ontario as phy- ne if pea- sical instIructor. ýr ail the Mr. Jîm Southsey has cl instead-DasecrL is irsaivear lu-Ai-ts cd ironi a trip ta Alton, Grand Valley -and otiser Western points. Warren Paving Ca. start- ed excavating King St-pet. on Tuesday in readiness for pavement. MVr. Milton Lard. Toronto, rccently visited bis brother, Mc. John Lord, Wellington Street. Mr. J. T. Haajper is visit- ing relatives ýin Rocisester, N.Y. (bý, Tire appreciation of- past presenl seivices .yendercd by .outstRr"L lng age'dpêrsoa's, cii-ber individuaiiy,' or in associations. (c) Tire devclopa-ent oi speciai programs and projecîs by and for the- aged in, communîties tirrougirout Ont-, aria; and (d) Tire uiuiiof agenerin-î i- tcrest ta aand kniowledge af aging and lire aged.1 -Il Tire Deparîmeal af Social and. Family Services shah have respansi- bility for promoîing and encouraging observance of Senior Citi.zens Week, where praclaimed and all deparîm.ents, commissions, andI other agençies aoflire Goverament ai Ontaria siraîl co-oôperate in every way possible.- Tirere is a irislory in ahl men's livei an& 'Senior Ci-uzens Wee-k cn e--not only an opportunity ta recogaîze but also te record tiraI history. paint a future. Wc are workiag xâ someting nabady iully desa . an Arclic ecology and anArti climate. We arc allempting tao create a bahanced devcbapmenl wirîcir will mccl lire needs ai tire Northr, ai Canada, and of tire future. Our concera for deveiopnl aiof northern resources masI 6e- matched by an equal concera for bath tire people ai tire Northr and for tire envîroament ln whicir they live. Ta tis session ai Parliament we have pnsscd legisiation ta prolect tire, qualiîy, ainorîhera waters in tire Northera Inland Waters Ad and tire Act. Protection of the surface ai norlir- cmn lands is pravicled and strenglhened la ameadmenîs btirte Territorial Lands Act 'nad by sponsoring a- broad program ai Arctic Land Use Researchr wiich is. kuown as lire ALUR program. -Tire legislalioru and pragramus are designed ta ensure tiratirhe benefils canl 6e made available ta mnan without degrading and despoiling our Northr- land. J7(Corer [or £Poets TIIE TREES T-Tw blessed wc, ta live wirere tirere are trees, To- stepr--outside--tire'door, anti see tire- cedars crowdiag ta tiresirore, 0f our smali pond. To breahhe hheir fragrant air, And kuow thal maay birds are iroming there. Tire cardinals and cirichadees and jays, Tra-t add suci celer la our winîer days. To gaz.e up at tire shape and sec a maple row, Dispensiag blessings as tire seasons go., Ta spring tire sap and rosy buds we îsee, Ia summer icaf y sirade and canopy, Ta -Autuma glaonos sirades -delight lire eye, a And as tire wialer cames, we tire'sunset dye, Trace lacy patteras aiflire branches 1-bare against a pale gohd sky. Sa let us treasure tirese, aur good, strang, patient friends. Tire Trees, Pearl H. Craig. 'g' ~0KJ 25 EARSAGO19 YEARS AGO R1K ~(June 28, 1945) <JUDE 30, 1921> An Orchid to the Legion Pipe -Band id52$'7~~e5-1 34 R~cirM' In~ccIir~r'm~c mn I ~ttAr Report. from Queen'As Park by Alex Carruthers M.P.P. Report from, Ottawa By Russell C. Honey, M.P. lei ýâi Tisree leachers have heen engaged ita lIiithe ivacancies on itise Iigi sScbool staff. Mr. A. -R. Scatt. B.A.. whn as __cýacbing in Osbawa Jïj Scisool asat year, wijll eacir Mathemialics, Miss Elsie Tigise, B.A., Lati and His- tory, aud Miss Marian M FrakinB.A., -gcnerat work. Bowma"nville Womneus JI. stitute bceld tise Jane mccl. iag ai the home ai Mrs, Alex Taylor, Concession St., on Friday aiternooan.'Miss Hilda Curtis sang a solo and also rcndcred a piano salo, Mrs. W. Adama gave a rcci- tation and Miýlss Doreen Bat- île, a rpno solal af wbicl were mucýisenjoyed. Mr. Clifford Caerl .ba rcturned from a busin)ess 2 trip ta t-heWest.FHe reports business ' \ry (qIet, b'jUt prospects point ta a bumnper crop. Dr. sud Mrs. J. Cam-pliell and iamily, Toronto), lpent Sunday witis Mrs. J. Fletch- er, Cisurcis St. Mr. Wrciord Souci S'îsait tcnding tise gonventicon tise American:.Oplical Asso4- ciatian at lise Waldarf Hotel, New York City. Mr. sud Mrs. James Pick- wortis, Coiborne, recentfly visited her brother,Mr Henry Farrow, and othier irienda here. Miss J. Jackson and Miss, Wade. Port Hope. were rec- eut guests ai the iormer's sister, Mrs. Tisas. -"Wýoodley. Mr. aud Mrs. Eugene Dopp aud Mr. Norman Bottrellï, Toronto, spent tise weckend at Mr. Tisas. Battrell's., Mr. Goldwini Anderson, Landau, la guest af Mr. Day Waruica. -Mu- -IaTanEcbas-return- i-- rý

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