Mms Bru<ce TiIIsoren, EcaIpr hn9741 Shortorn assi Conestants Receive Instructio Last wreek, îat the'h (e-11'. and MNs. Jhn Rtck tare, Cathy Lasby oi RoCAwOod (I-aiton), Bnnie MIilar,1 ard, NewcastleShorthorn b ssie contstnts, repre- I ewe, (P1elerbohorl'igh ), AdrYMr,(feCaruon senting thpir bonne counties acnoe.Ontiarjere là (V5ictsi), 1-eathler - Fwth, Oerc VitraA11ne itenaneat al meeýtinlg of the SofonAsoito.Crowa", HepelerWeigtn, sthPak',W- Durîng the affernocon, Atise eceived instrcton hi ford (Lambfhon) Sun Tupmasi, hUntyear's assie groomungther ir ostorn calvasnd ather detitat -from Cnseon(Prance Ewr) om ele co wvoud he valuable ato t-m in the comnpeftijon. Th iA tya'Alenai sofatnMr cr~r wirn-1r of the cmeito îl per tradjiint ilkesporf (Lambton),L02h LeMie, Acmfon(Ieatn)e, kilte cstumies, affoli fairs sud other eînadué'ng the Betha Kaelag, Durham {ryRuî jrick Paas- comnin g yeas'This photosh Wmatha gri r 'cing in- san (Pas'sySou'dDt) u dyDeel Sebrgli st'cipfrom Gordon s'o andPaýul WeVbb. Included (Oitarj), Loralea Rutîdga, Uoueywood,_(Duffein), o! Vs NaclaCommunet, c'ous thoi1070 The Rree ansd Cuc T h Nïwcasfte, YOMfarî ynmîin We&ng Anseyacwearîog pa 'Wbte boutni-niere. î"d 1Kevn doing awnefl Ma ec~ayTeaue'o tnJuv 5lý Mâany baS ifulcarde a hat iob o! wafco~g CtUeiguca tenrmuniy Hall Bord 8Ynd Mj1ra.Has'",ýryaewiomretes' fr thii is' a-t A a ember of the Pjne miserpe 180 get otas enrsivet spd tvetyv w-ent r, FsivlI r nalet homedus'ng pep HoU aar ontvasas wu e amo n tUe tesun g tcea!aigoatenmstyadi- Frinds rastiesand naigh- many gifathaf wue ispi'- o'ng t crmînafinnsbon fawa' tU bocscale t eprsstUir d. iTCas ifA fach othrsr 01 ws'eMs.IlrvurisMme mbers of cenraultia e e appy wPe'm abeawuiuruby rig ng 'one, Roa coupl. cirlant ifh damant eo..thaîr sAtar-n-aw and hcou oa, il Una, .P, rs sd aihhur pa an neeMrs. Mcl Touig-boyraarmate conomesnp sontet tU epewifh a Mloey ft Srin w,,,r nh U Carno! tha F)ýes tivl XI4ney and ther daîgter Ro- ftrai cît able wt orWalkre Mns. Rosae asytn eeaio i iatr f-m 0e Piees o! rouyglass vasescupa t c', ius #rm hePim Mnir o otsacrbri dai4 1sproon sot igoaî tFr thses'ssnaI v al Cainad, i a nadd u' io ohrgfawresev using tUe cvcoing, pour. pýrisa sor dalilift'f0 Mr'. Wsag tes weraMca. Stan MAu întint aa !to wban Mrs' i-ney peetthio1t.vifh Mi'rt Mrs WaeMurfrt .1errlNE PowellM:-, rta Augat sfoi1970 Ai' witU a Dictwe o! Mr. Truteaur xrssnVUas ec rVi-Wae' isteonrS an ie n norainpran -itute for such thoughf!utness, Cio0ýe 1l Raiii n îiyautgrahet~ rhapy ta 1be surndet by seI chran. e sot Mrs.Gere ngf te al oa7Vn TUe brida o! 40 yasaman !ti'fiandsJan l-,;Kimali , , , Mrs.Da l tUeTwn Clrk n that data jr,'1y1arngVU cotaeVr: William Wada, tUairis' i dand rsot sîtas'-I-awMcabour sîoere o!f ,ji;iland whifacraiosduhfr&- w s ttUa AýrninrîWade spd ra ics b7 rsinaio ,,bat tha famlfly hartprsni door r Vo walcone fthe guest. aslc&!. ---,vcpetwhrgrtayCuc Council News Fe oc ot~rn _____ ~~~~~1Alttreueiga gU on, mIutStreat near V»eTor- Mrs n Raarta. As 1if hart hen of !t ie o the! Resient osesrivewtyor oon ydueyf0 fli so-rd nt beak if, ou ncti have_______e_________________Tb Ing toadfo c-oCudawekshldywth ber! TeCanadîin t*tesfnan, Bowm=anvlla, Aug 12, 1970 Pr nos ae--th pe dw a1k'f aml , Ms' 0 ar nd sn crtani_______ WM croci aafe unewas fitbu momp crydpri on edchidren att u em bers am[ the reeve thato evr akoisth rif Nnp- I b~eoriginal al peru Ai- spet i ýotawe wýýih E; reacy t~ce.Th;OUi chack dughtr and fer frimll, C Jack4 bq nep o Fireuy ndsepI t 1ndJMrsC.DEochy g L0îidayJq i, atTnvistok n e Report WHmover d a am- ndAS t~uu ýo aitosr a ia2e Newvase- Duein te NonMr D~an ]Reromrd hbase r 5e s arata~lt h sun ancictaf. muicldo Yirem harm, btu bcirte fuI ent cu A v vci i ans cnncted actîvn- turned fo thie ilage fotowlgithrughou thtAe ares tnnse u sould tey aulafeel hey frrs to ree the ri,; ta r t fies, paygmrud was not re- a vitAl with fier father, Mr. A arnd worred conccrnlng Hth ame theright ltouham i 'bvutg bautck cameras opl,.,, aumed notAiTuesday mning J.yCorrey at PineEd,,&ad toubla viaitor tetce Momport when tcru yelled us o urt arincul rsSb ka d The attendonce Deotis week îaan,lacer enjoying Da ek. -POT' Fetal might tours peue turfsu0L hat th y udj o edo~ al 0a averagen 10 to 15 cHaie, hb tMocoN..tem, wîeuh tbenssortd deu -ibe rtd hbutImm (ladinogwbo ar o duy s g wae ws nsly ouine wthPlease terephont, your news lconRicroicht oocteetfîrat doean't sen to p-a or polc fie ip -idteyfl gaines, rts end pcta, ong.c fîor r- a r'ha o yutese pe_'ople 'mare qujifea a fe ailuitargt.altelo Vsa nte ~and tuof eariguna",sn sitDing wiih you Cl as ieafoi ushmAteavaryTaephone caUcis eronmdae sucyvp[eea gumat buch oy Jnda"oShî weh 98S742 1, sme kîds and noVtac ethue inb te pop.e. methîng plu, Maun-ai. wa ci %a desatedo17 idian . Jo - ____s]y eéther, h Wouod Immem. wull ba uêLerin opti on"t r ng tberno n thaE hocnrîthis Dua~n, an ES y TTTr It een tîrtthal ar1_ olumOIn o! uthe diagrace otdrîs ît h arcn 1 hgr o lu Iremo. !ï, "n oeonpue suld wata- nakedoas Our Mrida, nshad vouset-y tagirddynit fogpe inridi asa teee, -o"'fTuV Td YVIJjLL l art,uaRtort nnif sld.put up ithOpe uch 'phomn i p'c 1 a "mitarî yea lh from brnches ort biphetaPurchasîng etarmeoosbY canl, the acates'of couvsrscastinh aughts larEd ves i ws aeced cand enthiuantc- LI, sst ua, a large lmh "at te tIulowkSd forsemethig bauha omadbut pou naad OIoly abc. Ibe kdi-g Presype H"msy deArat ithatsorts from pa fupe hby Haroînt Br-, twe 5t 5cns ch thhk about if t ou nmiwgli rc dls o oiea of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bw ndndein yteiesrocog'haro dSwutîg Qth1y b ,tur d sin ia e nme "ofne o! s rltaUiltmer ilatrraom pcted taM. of water pajots. Thle costumes, rguar sche4ulesi, oàifAsgays fut taice tat.Stores coult01pave beenOne caultrYes, eraWsîethr rp whsl fe, wese ccdorful anud n aiancdnhart to ha eut, aod rsarns asdtai eldaout tiehe udîfy o! f0s we bau bu n a~ authentsc, up hi mereanimais coointhepot, pricaus from ii15 Mce ntstWhoand tha diagrace tai if optir- Praa eaa ieen r asture. This wdus j( cents, ýrt hmures atwse WInen a4big abouttheo! thes affaîrm; <ypof u I coman ccurencepera 75 cent(.--,Tri-e, 1,woSîd gis hati; d heard wonesa wnekids Pot tAsc fîat tast tlus pas an uniuul tdes. UMhMrnea ceakids PPy aky 10 attndance, %isreiy was nipot, ut! v1 ls a haoe nt- 1p'a la t a -rl par ! hhgl prices for gond foouf, than t "thay arerj't dring any bsrithaf jeusf one aqperece OP Me0h0maPsio wae s'ecf e htoms if ay on sore fooldrus jut get those bai eut lif senu-ma f tparn onysbal Perso als ar an befre log thj ehr, .,-Anoihertcaatme taipmiWhh le 0har oui' kin en afwasbtoownwnToronto calied eon Ms'. amiatr a fast tnp bauktaGoPort -veced cakp tmern awa Newuncste -(On Suds& Wenif was risdagain,wil- Mr .Len Oughtre at ÏP ova lb,;J-ru 1 ý A: uit 23 i. sewastle i 1w»ples wew cent cr]ni t1he EeW; byho d la-ps wek, pe mn a came0aw-o1thAt iefrr ou! ,P-qb2 boit esfn erz Seliv arnund anthollidp at ,vlpN ar-ys eepi aa pSentduns ofI asleay uon 0 coa a ice cin40 yasatBnqeat lecet hu-han J1 -ieasug fv etwt i arnsduhtVenatwsa h gî.ro-gI nana Camete'y Memers 0ftht orsb ix acs inriarae t bachowte y rpcur. l-earetie t"o afair lk v- y ofi ou, jiÉ Cemmeer ard areipîn h ae hs elsroeipot.p iofiVob isfrianstafotfrVu f11bhv f that ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - tU eîat sa o rwand grew. The cirh TUera as omuchus'ch so-nufyaaywsontaNww c-ikprtpet0fsgt îi-nrfereted persoos sougbotwbich faIthle othes'da iceioecm nS-nna ataBah 'i utbt Vwl h u fmrdBt tUe~~~~~~ arawt aeii esr13 toches inrdam mrig as FuAvJ. RwamjitîaWailf Iope Vhey donl paven ifthurdce c agîn, menirabi ocasio sot at14 whilý e ue i~ela aout on holiday. Services wplus'a-pntfisnlV atmn gaV ayc e oniduf rend Chieserrice, starting a fatocruoaene un nAg~ 2r iha lue ts ut iwdring te rea"î alîtiatran- Mn. tic Roe ba s'tur i H roî rsolouA&a n Sn aio' ertwahrps-Ni avnn tot aigl'ri Uitn îltt ot f day were M. A. A.uM ln -îtn, tnarn. rîghior nutit o! hoth sexe Vhe,leetlanboeni _____,_hia_-_r.___A.on s puic rbe(Ah aswhereunable teha. buy t icibu ar. mooh' hoidy n SgUliMr. ipot Mainrt r . Ida' ous' own kitis bave enai-taouoo isreot v" En"igland S'ýPF Ue noj loks or, '- otn of A k iasl efined as a course mv-i)ý_ingý,4jsifs, ftoi. rs.Butb e a -orbwýe hsiy ivard fa haping ber rbroiOrono; lMr.S'Yand M m !or ocedurecunigly desriga-wes'e you aware that thoeon W isme liAly tey s'aplan- coirnafo Canada soon for ay rrwlogCnnleand Fl- ed for te ruua opae o! waentUch-moaf shucket ctu îî atyarark1 f visi hi.Wss' of Peteoough. specet n samoment tan t aiy csdmited îaioraZ t-te-_itnodaf-_ayt MIdeRosa- Oshorne ejoyet Ms' sort MA. Kea 10t o!words are auparfuus. 'ld Kt n othea ares? on rane i t il' Y mniontUly m eeting f or Counicil -plan ta o o. s1"I ditOVpusi'0 NawT'castla. P.u.C. was r. Uan luCouil 1Chamber haethe bou1-se sttrvwa i ifrma warc racaîtn rTUa, fira tapt. report was, Monta aenng Te two1 aff an fbay putbti' ot fmonFrank Cowan riCo, fop tUa submniftted hy CaU imillroir .i nimb era !tepea avtsrt "licuirve. IV wsspuChasaibreaýpK-inî-4tocu iernbtUeý1ýe, pa iews attenta)t tfli copias o!r ýtheaveonn's aenalog efrefUs or sl fw1 tCmmnfy al.bcuoIUaWoladPrdi "nomathingthfws uc p-rtwsvwa, tU1pea, ve bat a-u Designa zfor Davalýopîog. wasaBulig Twpacccwne prrcifen hy thei en) dnlvaway srtI oud lkef0 b ookaogohs']!ro-hatm uu yviue !tU etn er aei a-k"lerpit.TStlo ec-ivet from ItUe Dept. r lluîltiogpermijfs ca î fi hy the Clark. s'.JenReave,-Dou1glas Cunninghbam, o!r uicplAffaira, Toror,,1 ntoTrJohnDe ic)rig for nF mdCtlogh. Thse a aassuiret Ms'W. Waifan that ha Ceofareci Region, tein ortfaClint Busley pvdeptr' t asreprt. No specia wul pnnlookahloto tUa i a lettes'f'mE .Lve e aae Ut-,e A peîitisr aufa e' etn atgf10tu )proset ïHome for Seninior acwo!Local Govaen-t7t1 tion, Du sfno MI iUteeniar e wa iies IV was fait by mcm- r tuti -,itatCounties, O0U- Streat Nefhnbf-a 1 cm i ycoit 00w Uc do c ahabot f Ibesof Coun-"ci flat fUis wesawaPlanning aotdabvalop o! tfic s'od cags pert TUie N hmenatstinfedtfta hav-e Coulncit tbink mi-ent ,Stýuty andthtUa Colecter's, a tfli e tin o "nonc,,,hm sesmrent Ofice las aboutnVi de. TUe lso at"Roîl, a new systam Ilegssels-[ that soma frea 1cwaeks ago, m1ovetondse nt intheir ne-flat fbc sholt wite h inkei'nd otcollector's ral whîch leavinlg for a holiday, h aC! tre-sa, alsýo thein -Zenithle- tan ing hlmforthinkng o! 1li hadata pracesat .Not behnta bus st pivtephonnumbar. m-uTUeCahd e wcslst Drandi r t ýomuch hîgher in cosf, butr rsiaasefurnîog o lct ev die ifrstnaC-pfor furtber Ifrabn aii eco accustamet te tUac- hie home ilright, but no driv- wault U wateo write fison tis' rproposai sot let thani aidway, thc CIes'k's office, way Havinig faîkadtet meni- numbr tawn o\ýjfan futuree knýow triai Newcastle anc in- may fint headacbes for a, bers o! Coun-cil pravialus to the 1! IV tî-eema such, The numýiber ereet while. meeting by personal contact1 la Zenithi 68510. TUieCuf Boardt o! Etuca- Ms'. Mottera, eas f o sul- and Vo the Reava by telaphana; A lettes' from Ms'. E. A. tien w e Nwcasstle Counciliway, ws'ofc asking for applica-ý ha ufe announced tha lie Gonmma, Planning Dcpt., subl- rs]ot ofer Councils snlvising losfccoin U ota- batvisifedthte Municipal Imît ted same ano W a' s e hai)a!"tini apps'eiaftion fer bis preperty. 'TUis is faelie auI~nd otpassat an fo questions askat by 0tUe Clar'k payln tUachool taxes onilooket affen. Ciunil tUe information sot lin w inio bregards ta Sui- 'Lîimaf. TUe Ontario Regional iComplainfa wera receivat advice- givan Vo hlm tUera. t division Cootrol for tfiseDeaipmnfCouroeil wil hlait hy bath Counicillars asothte1 Councilor Fs'ank BHoss ' fat sout,,lmo! tUe tracke. If wasitheir Con-farence af the Skyir Cerk's O fftice cQoces'niog i that ti abcbrg a resi- uggasted thaf ficheuotlLia otel. Toronto, -Augustionies sort barses tliat ss'a dent sort fa-xpaýyen, fiay shouit consulttUas'mun-ipl olici. 31sf to Saptembes' 2nt. A ritten onsort blocking tUal try- te olotvae bis problaM. tas'for-tîc.A imotion was moinv-smatae0et a souvenirs Vo ha steppat on ori Conilo'MrgrtBvrraon mrata al tbths tima Ve o bv ebrO!fis Cucl sa 'sl Jrte aîk, lesývi ng materiai semert shockcd o ifhbnk fUi -a patltb-a otaI pectfv.if smoewutfiptoa.Teawso man eoud bac is ps'pas'ty A latter arliar sený ýt Boy- i ala i[atend, mpinabuteyugtct without soyana ven tryiïng ta er ortAtama sot ciCo msskbng1TUle Port Hopie PanigbaigtUsse paes r lin ie for a ui hakonwx or rotc asking Cncil icf abt to Dn flicie- GomingEvents rceva.Coaýt forinsuring r fey era lnitaresteci 11 theirwl, Djk. BondHas Cemfer, Na r te fo irian: the vllg, 0fslui n i espýct fa jint The Camreten Bar l ps day Auua 23t.Eve'yody$7, Aena$15, ,UC. 30, felthatteyshoit ha sýolttogSuntCay, Auguaf23dat tfwo wehem 2- Lbs'ry 7, m nakng ra total ofr ii wilti anothepr councit but ip.m. ,A s'cquest was ite ______ ____ 2 100atogethar,. faIt t her- wou-ld it wib ounilorCoucU f0 hava C Notices In a lette' romtUao WRrClarke if they wold shalow I. igUt stallrd town tUri TUeNecafle- C rcfenn f0 frie qevwage pAn, 1Altte st'Otaba sent ta ort tUe nearfuturie, Oran in tUe Memnli witenJul 1fli svied Hpeanniouncing that Nw aecyant o[neilear tUa Lbrary w bile coatfomificm iaf licrats srtpron t aste era noV rpne ate.t TUefeta'liOoks 9 m, Auiguaf 'L 4fh te 3 st af grs-m ibat b'ean approve a1nt t fUi-is fimie to job la Inf thcmsclygo ili »w" 'a- t -31 pm 3 -1 rwhn fby wre oplft A meeting la ta l Ji elUdttpliai Couac-ilion Ai! ny Auut20fh at 7:30 ns'a"Y, fLiepepeaera- gai'ding tUeCentrai Onfaniieîn:zit so te ,worm ocb n I Jo i Ptanning Boant,. . m-somay'epll iiate Raa "'RIDGE RUNNERS" ofer o ur cucî-oia efiyr Waats w vera thcn s topie o! woud lke faend, dsuso.Hvn atEr ALET1RENE AND SCAR A lettes' fs'o tUa ur- a Fse apoc im ai fn jpi-- I requevstet aving tUeph i'Cul otet that golden-- Country W vestern MvmSuc fis' a a ýint:fU1i S yePa r,ilia vinug tU cb!-JýigU b thafares antdls tii et co-~~~~~~o prai on o!ftUe illa]ïýge lsaaatsogottevtae d afya ecîas'bng tUapbi ase U usio bu ie t e lClidreni a bal! day bil ssVfic suwayher 'iNEWTASTLE - SAR1GAU.6 t aon rtaSptltti by aejencbnîg4U Eve ry Thursd1ay, Friday and çSafturday 7csf Vo fi achoo "Wc aef Dire ata Uevlae Mss,. îMadeleine Wllllaïms en ranci i, d d ava jhuîiidretmwaiîk- Wei hundfiIeo/luousIwtCoe 1E R O iu e BonIv.ýe ottclm Cit Round Steak St Bone tees poit î S ilnRoas OR WING SIRLOIN STEAK Fuityo Cîirîor enoe "GRPE AT CONA! %G RïL L » M ACeHA LVES - r, BRe ND, 1,AMi rV A 2L AtJMPACK !18BVACUM 11PACK OL .CUT rX Br, ,&>jnr E ý,rýpOiRpK S - T,-k 5lîi~4 - ai- - Cajifornia's Fînest Seecfless Cardinal Ribiars 3 Vcirieties To Chaos. Prom Sandich iscuits AO9 LWO1117C14L CREAMETTES ~ 1 CLÂRKS o s SOP i~oîn69( SERVIETTES pgo 565 3 Rag. Piçe 6 '>-/SVE 5e, POTATQ C HIPS f-xpg64e Saturday, Ag, 5 90 Jane Pr er ayIatD Rg 7-- AE 0 OANE rPARKEr-R WIENE ROf F tà, t'-, fin - -ffkli -i il