6The Canadian , tatesMtra, oWmaavlle, Sept, 2, 1070 Huge Parade O-jpen's Blackslock Fair on Salurday This was one of tï- he beauîtilly, decorated vehicles that took part in parade BUBKETON zf.k (tnddfor last week) Mr. ai r.E Smith jaare vsthgwith ivr andr Mrs. E. ize&d................ Mr. A, cGar Oshawa, ~oei~the èeke d th Mr. end Mrs A, C, neen. I'~r.an Ms.Athur Den bave retlirned hom-e fronm -i 5eve-n-wek bitn the 'Yukon' Di, W. Beers Is spending two wveeks in England.U Maters -Alan and Jame-s Grant, COshawa, spentfa w days wth Mrs. R' Iiavey Mvn Oln Bailley and! ta 1-l IlyCaliornA"iited with Mrs.' T. Bailey. Mir. and Mrloward Davey, Mr, 'edTb and Mr, Stanlcey -Taylor ot0;red te ! h mkn z tI 2vt-- 4 Lng St, e , BX 10 Bo Phmi a âmle,- Ota 623-5493 Well knowît lady'driver, Mrs. Leslie, Gobel, Tyrone, teck three firsts and was in coIpet)itýion ith ber 16-year-old sou B ru(e whe aise won several fimats, NEST'LETO the Craft School has been was a splendfid exhIbIt and It conducted, was the best, overaîl horse Filteen acres, part of the show for somne timne. LaPatyient Discharged Beacock farmn, nean St. Chris- On Thursday, Friday and, topher and recently owned by satunday, Mr. Sadler exchibit- a5 Mr. and Mrs. Erie- Oand, of ed his hackneys and received10 week to a church, organiza-~ stallion, reserve grand champ-FwinR o kes v a toshwhsba odti tegadcapo.ake lif.Iion pony stallion, four firsts, Thie ast of the festivailogers tival at Mosport Park three office at Newcastlec sald pro. Mr. and Mns. George Bow- two %econds, third'and founth frýom Strawberry Fielcis 'rock w veeks ago the hospital treat-1perty is still being held for ers were Thursday visitons in harness, the Hackney Har-j festival Who ended up In hos- ed such diseases as suspectedý owners who anparently lost It with-- Mr. and i- Mrs.-' Ernest nal 'sa Steak Claess and besFt i t a 1was- discharged- las t wee(k iilf e c ti otnshepatîtis, as well- asl durirrg- the- thr-ee-day -fteàti v a] Bradley at Bowmanville. lady's harness horse with Mn.1 rm BwavleMmna ruacss nuis rc fieswh ettru~ On Saturday Mr. andi Mrs alrsuheMs. 1a Hospital. tures iiid badtinppers. ýthe grountis'aiter the fest5 GereBowers attendeti the Sott dîîn. ogrtua Administrator R. E. Es O f the total of '24 admitteti reported finding credlitar, 'Abernethy - Ferguson wed- in!saidi during and after thie fes- patients and 85 outpatîents, identification cards, ot h e r dn inSt. Paul's UnitedM.aniMs Eia Coe,1 ewe 12 anti 15 were personal. papers and, among Church, Bowmanville, ancltithTno, and Mr, anid Mns., avidsc> , Bethaybee nakin ut" on drugs, Mr.~ them, 60 wallets, aIl leit_ reeto1, h huc alCecil Siemonn, Hampton, vISIt- Thursdlay lunchenguests wih Bston isaidi. aI ngthe pilsoounda.gé Following the reception thiey ed -Saturýtday with Mrs. Vera Mrll. and Mrs. Bruce Feaslip.î A spokesn foir the OPP on h rtn wene ententaîned at the hoeMlitjy the PrLhtranCuc of the bride an-,d cgreoom. Mns. ivan Proutt !spen-t the Sunday mnpýing VMn. George *+ .. Mn. andti.s. Her,,b Prer, weekend witlh M. ni r. eni, iliamus point, ws~* Calgary, Aibenta, are renew- John Buc aColyn antite guest speaýker,-. lHe rcnly ing acquaintaniceswvith Ontanmo, Dougl as, Lnia. tedti te Pesyei cosns uriug the week they Mn. ant \i Mns.Dnld îPro utt, Men'sCoeenea wic weeguests o M.andi Mrs. cabooug, vele Snayte sutiietthe neeti f .. lacthr Malcolm. Mrs. Ponte<t callerýjs on bis aulntMiss Rt yugpeople to-day. -Haea istégranddaughter of the àProutt. Othen, visjitns wene a f Cw ecnsfrnm the b1ook- late Mn. James Malcolm, n n.M -f niMs ltb .B hilpoen of Cartwight's pioneer 'tam- Chainles Vine, Whitby. the trslaitons of the new re ilies. Kim Elliott, Lesdlsetvised version oi the il.'p Mn. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- Mndcay to Fn-idapy w'he lMani stili needis the, Bible ai son spent Fiday 7andi ap- randtiren1ts, Mn.. ani mrs. a f onte in spite of al new Vil day with Mis. Thonipson's Richard Dvso.M1. ant i Ms. Ventions, modem science ndU TEMIS, mothen, Mns.. W. H., Johaston iR. Douglas Davýison ai Sce4tt spa-ce ships, The younig po at Peffenlaw. frnm Blenbieim eno1etfi urs- lacký that, forte. They hav How fortuniatpe we are in thisý day to SundaRy wthb; spar aiT at aaies bill O IGMSS part ofi0Ontania! Vaýganies ,inents., On Suntiay thle iIichal do the,; helar the wod f G'oti the weather sejfldm cauýsé d1q- rdantiDgalas Da vison fa( 1mili esj They a ýtre cnfuseti ani ne1e, i aster such as was expý--enicetisd ttedywt h alhl afdn h rtao ln the Sudbuny, Livly area. sEliotbf&ie lay at Leasktae. c tjhepile bicithe will tý fulfîl T get bk hi fthesin g "STOP san Our sympathy goes out toý On SauraîM, ater't their. neetis isbýe U;for a CUT, TftIM, THINý, STRAIÇORTEIN those Who lost loveti ones anti Weltsý, Braaanti Rayner Mnis, H. Vssrsang ", The or CiU( L whose homes were destnoyéti. attendêti the WolndUniStagr fGlxe"wt The Thompson anti Marlow IpoeetFetiDya r.Sot tteogn e ready for fthe dayà of sahool aheati famlles here hadrnany Fanx- Nonthumi-beinlanti Foreeton0 ite ious h ours until they leanneti Highwýay 45 sponoret by te In théUited Churc'h HTi from the Reti Cross, that Dr. Land 1 iFnet eatmn itrPansns chose "Gra E vrHre tp >séve yuuare.- Jack Marlow anti Mrs. Mar- Foje,,t Rang r eeasen-t asthe thè1me of lhms message VIOLý low (Marlon Thompson) ant'i flnom Richmônti Hi]],Litiayreadfing fnomcor nîîîlthians Fý15, TCO Ib IKARC fail wnesaeAcorîg oati Toronto fordeontr-verse 10, "B--ut bY the gra-ce o'f JON WHILLANýý CHARLOTTE BOE5TTïCHE"Rý a Toronto paper, Dr. Manlow ions. They showcd slis tolti!Goti I a-n what I an: an-ti Ris SUE TULUOCK (KELLY) was délivenîng 'a balby wxhè1ýn ni ontrol ni isecanti tnee Grace uwhich iwas esoe- n th3torm was Pltiswost ' tiîbepases, the ot'opreî,mnthod ni mewas notl vin ".Apostie i Frieads pare setlfi tht . 1dýLigîiponds âanti helttres Paulj, in l'iýls wntiligs, rmca- Kichne B rto rturrnet 'de, tifàton1 sio.Th t ýn tewo rd "Ga'",N ~ fom Bwanil1osptal on c1hiltiren Eénrjoyeti à hike t het - -)Gd iôspo lwy Wetineeday. rire towén, a vii to 11a 1 wootiove the"hoai tefls" Reen istoswih n atilt ,nt ré dentfincatiQo. The'but lie gv$ sgae niB À T HOP Clarenice Mouintjoy antiM.tdè 'eatsîigwotltig adMr, Témiyson Sa,àrneli, nfi ,500tree, j ni ther a GaMil Mloif nhrHO 2301 Blackstock; Mn. Norman Samhr e.iiial tner ag,7 ~N S.E O MNTL elîs, Mrs. Merlin Suggltt, Mns. , at r.Mawo n- odt1jSnst ib e Rck Thlomparna anti chîltren, îtinntMn.Gaymtentteon - Nesietoyn Mns. Murray Coait.- e-s, Port, Penny; Mn. anti Mrs.' Donald McGregor anti girls, Tororito; Mn. Carl Gîlak NEW FRZOMI TWINKLE1ý Miss JdyMountjoy, Bak stock; Ms Frank Mollarti,i Mrs. I. Freeth, Sciugog Point;:ý Mrs. M rart uckworthiân ant Mns. Beal, Toronlto. ý k -.' J. Fonder, Mrs. KiniiCo ke i ani Mns. lRupent WemnyPont prny, were Sundçay aitemnoon _ wiMc. Vatmla& Bran muffin Laughlinani atend cdthe Anlglican Decoratïin services. Mr,.S antjii Mns. Lete M ix Fitzepni Oshawa weme Satur- dlay aitemnoon callens witbï Mn. andi Mrs. Geo. Johns. fr' Mm. a ti. Mrs. ArtienFet ani Anita, New Hamburg, who ar.-e enoute to Montrn à andi Vinginia, are apentiing a few ~ys wih th uncls <, FEATVRES AVAILABLE VV AlClus Mn- Feliz the Oliver, cf Zaý MnRaphSaie' oranAT BOWMANVILLE IGA ONLY T ie is erls 5 Ianti Ivan ohrer families.2 5 jutige ni the c hiltinn3 pîis MCA[NV'S} Y-N aBelleville Faitoil~etiy Exbhitors wqý,%ere present ,Front Wooinidge, St. Cathiarni k t4t~ iO anti artwîght ownsîp. his u- YTVWLîAF (/z lb, tin)I Business Directory mk. J.fH.C-OGGINS Chantened Accountant 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanvllle Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comrn. Charteneti Accountant 361/2Ring St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 Chîropraciic G. EDWIN MANN, O.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Hensey St, Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: 13-, appolntment Chiropractor Office: r14 Frank St., Bowmanville, Telephone 623-5140 Office H ours: By appolatment dnesday rfathen D n 1a recent_____ ýd Mrs. DR. W. M. RUDELL, 1).D.S. Cheri, DR. P. MONTGOMERY ýd Mrs. 75 King St. E. Bowmanvllle Mairs Office Hours: 9 arn. to, 6 p.m. dally Bay, i Closed Saturday and Sunday s, the Office Phone - 623-5790 Arnold DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Vînes. Bowmanville Professional Bldg. in Sam- 222 King St. E. - Suite 204 fth Mr. Office Hours: lers on 9 ar. to 6 p.m daily Closed Saturday and Sunday ke Wil- - Phone 623-5459 __ d Tues- DR. STANLEY GERTZ d Mrs. 67 Ring'St.. E., Bowrnanville od. Office Ilours: left on' 9qr.te 6 p.m. pei; "',d YMond-3ay throuigb Thursdiy onst1l 9arm, to 4 p.m. Frlday P t Dry- Closed Saturday qa-d Sunday Phone 6Z-7C662 Hyland DR. WILLIAM KENT, D.D.S. guests Bowrnanvllle Prafessionial Bldg. aples at 222 King St. E. - Suite 106 ,Office THours:ý ge Don- 9 a.m, to 6l p.m. daiiy ino f Clse Wednesday and Sunday' n Suni- Telephone 623-7349 i sur a n c e IHARRY-VOERMAN General Insurance' 1-omne - Auto - Llfe Newcastle - Phone 987-42871 DONALD A. MacGREGOR Life, Auto, Home Insunance 67 King E.. Suite 2A Bowrnanville '- Phone 623-5962 l-fnmends. Optomeiry t Wink-1 KEI.TlUA. BILLETT, 0.0. ~aiornia, Otmer Emrtn14 ing St, E.- Bowmran-ville ikeran OfieHours: y apltnn ittile grs Telephonie 623-3252 sland andý Mon. -Tues. - Thuns. Fr1. lol wre Parn. to 5 p.m. m is iiow Wed.a7nd Sat. - % i 2 9 1L1i~c WLER'S SODA CRACKERS. 2 boxes 8c ANNA MARIA - From Corceatrate Apple Juice Trin 5 EVAPORATEJ)D Carnation MiIk TaitlS ORANGE PEZKOE, Salada Tea Bap P' 69c KLEEC'NEX ,-- Assorted Colours Facial issue Eo m Pck 31c CA4rLTON CLUB,ý - Assorted Flavours Soft Drinks CaSeoýf 24 î 7c IGAPlsnrnî Ginger Aie 6 BUS: 10 GRANULATED White Sugar 49C Kam Luncheon Meat ' 1oz-47ýc Kraft Dînner P 15c Kraft Miracle Whip Lge.lmm 32 oz. Jarj -Maxwell House Coffee '87c NESCAFE -24c OffLae Instant (off ee Lge. 1.39 ASSORTED COLQURS Delsey Toilet issule 29C IGA RO4YAiL G First Grade Butter 1ilb, 67c IGA Margarine 1 lb. 19c - egetGiantOf Tide Peergentpkg.0C Rights Reserved ta Lirnit Quantities Sockey Salmon Tomato (atsup- 61( 15e. CRISP, PLUMP CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS OR RIBIER -FroduceV of U.S.A. GRAPES 2bs.7 E Food Prices Effective Sept. 2j 3, 4, 5 OnIy FRESH! vseae Canada Grade A (FRINGor RO'-AS-TING) IGPA MARKET 77 K11NG ST. E, IN BOWMANVULLE EUT 0 1 mi4ý i -i IBL recemimf QUESTION Mx LLE