Businessm niazed ta CcS$ç Program Busineqsmen toured Courtîce Secondary Schaol pragram, explains the greenhouse program to visitiný recently and were, amazed by nîl they found. School businessmen, Gardîner Williams of Houdaille Oshawa had never been like ibis in their day. The end resuli Sînde Nix of Oshawa Genei'al Hospital, and in th( -a healihier respect for the graduates from the prov- background J. H. Corey af Bell Canada. Also ln 1h ince's school system. In the picture above, Pierce picture is Olga Shirchenko, a grade 13 studeni whi arragher, teacher of the Environmentnl Sciencesj was one ýof the tour guides. IL..~... ...1, * ~ ~ ~ US URNE un I I -- -- U... .U.. .. -. - U~W U. ---------I-~-'M~'-~ ~ May 1 thank fthe Eitoir for the space in the Statesmnan through wh-ich wi ve are ablie ta,. caïymmunicate ta the pulb- lic hevork of the Choir. The Eý-xcelsior will present ai concert, In Oshawaý, Sunl- day, December 20 to aýur hast- Thp CýristanAlla Ch-urcii. The conce-rt w,/lll be ait the Hfilsidie P.S, Thanks. er contact wt eacha other bu'iustee bring it ta admi i" Sil sthi ink t1.1s las nthngtin !unabie ta sa5lve il ;t do with tle motion as itipie feel .tley have hast rends". with l e board". Ch C onve on,)ouro, said le Chairnman Cyýr il O'I did niot thîink urban po pointed oui that trustee reaized now bus routtes lad no po wer tside a affected ruiral peapfle, andl-metnTeboard ca trdcdan amneadment pIiac-%aicoicivhy-rui mg the -, ?oid "ua"In- thliasnt- aci iaivi&ually motion 50 il wuldrend ". delepatced ta do so i R ERA TION l Ratn, alet ndTar b oard". ïvrs,. Mary Aniyatt boroug.1h, saici thp- ýnao, contact ýs have hourd bie stud1îed andclarffled, A e port is ta b.e madIatth~e nexiý ;Iith exandigahoizosti lin~ua ~ TVn r c 01Grdu tes O îth the papewhoeltd the Womeni's Instfitte, 41thecý 1arge.stgru in the worýj1)ld The annual surey c anduc ShosaiTch1ers' col i are proud of,qf Caada a andored by t1he Gildance Services leges crs.Aytt rpAid sce CanadJian heritage. We acrci lof the Nrhubrln ndrl GradeJ2 ?of the Fye Yar r-ealy becdtath wr rdhe challenge and carry theiDurhant Couny Board of rd u- Prglra, 8M per cent oIfhe'iiin " athe motion alnd Mr,. trchý for a united CanaýDda nicatia n"Where Do thestudnts wient on ta, Gra:de 13, 'YOuýng addled quicklY that e this, ce second centuy. -Qaduates Go'"-lias just beenThîs'sa ix pe- cent icesecu change iît ta sial Mrs. Cecil Wilson thanked coinpleted1.laver las year, bc aml,92.5 per Prape we doneeid better M1sa Emerson for lier spien-This survey htale whcre cent of these Grade 12 grad- communicaion bePtween rural did, report of thi. Area Co- iutes are now erie in saie people anid trustes", si r vention, for ber untriring wonk and13 froiatheof10 Secodary type of educatian cCril, igthata- over the year and prissented Shos !Nrtibeln any Grade 12, Four Yer iitainsiuld rnot be heron bhaîfo!hte niof ad Du lab Coutiesgoe, a1c>atesalso went on' for ted don by sucli words asi bers, wih a Womens Isi eaiglsacoll un dct o this ear. iu ýSt" and "shah". HUe su a!feeploonMr. po Tadtinaly gadats !he gestýed amnsrto e Fmprsoyn, Pprpsed lir thanlis z Four Year WPrgrm sei em tuste. kow afterslwhui ïl a abrief 3repiy. Ain tus yeiiiiý;ar, n'ios nrd plynmn. Hwever, noti:eably actnin as been taken on, a Mr eislit aj1, cand-iesat go on ta sanie type paioLrger anb river11-1e-lasi probllen, SprntnetFra- andintadued issGal Ml- ddiioraleducation. Eighty- few years have been cnti er Hagie sa-id sne dsce ('o11nvwhoinpresidied Mt1he r-Oseven per cent o! aIl Grde îg their eçlucatî,n. Mnyare flanosalbe jefit Aadminis- cord player for a serles i3 gauisdid 0tus, lguy tednoteCflgsa A rta and île woýrd mu 1C(hrisimas cain ra t cmmenqmore than bal! o!fthe Grade ld Ars & Teclnolgy. Dur- oudbe changed ta "mal", orate the Adventson and 13graduateswentonMta uni-hann WColeein Oswa, Sir! l.ewas backed up îby Mr, 1 te Wlrh ofthe (ChritChik .versity, wîth IWatrioomi wr- afrrd Flemring l Pti bri.Donehwho thoughît h ,un lrue Weits cnCluded jI nto, Tfrent ,!Gueiphiand Ws-'cui, and LyainlaBelhevilI wïse ta'place trujstes in the part af ihe rogram Y a!ern being by farthe mos OpwMu ereclaly c Mîlîlema larpsiin I"miingînad- poem byMin~i ouise as- la. he neyt nios% popular cige, accontn or82per iiitraitin h mto kîn, An Isad a he anintiuton atetided by MGra d ent aI althjosestdnt t-wul e erly, ,who tad tbte gale a(Ilthe13 graduates were rsing t!coing suclicolpleges hesaid, !year, Give me a hight t 11înt -__ -- --- Another ?ual nmen 0, e kno-wn. îýAnd ie replied, Go EVI7Il CfllI',flionf rnpraio en h ai oý uti Iotathe drnssadpuit __u te 7tas it *3esml rra Vwu hn ii tehadrd ý,areasInaPeterbarotgh an GoTînt shali b. beurti'tn area four ïby lve mrnilesý, there a eýlight and )safer than a r ai r r ui ,,~ ~e 10 ch c-ools anîd no)c-l known waýy." spen1ds more than a haîl-liaur Mr, Fred eBayesgru sI i'an the bus at, o1PÎne tu e i îand Mrs. Arthur 1Hyland e- ! or chool 110 pilchldren are 10 mniles froni epressed apprecinîlon ta ail ichool and rmusi leave home wh asitd n ny a ,for A nmotiortn antranlsportatîin 'ant[icipated in ,a rural area .2'by 7:Anim, "Is there equality an educational and pleaisant defeated Il ta 3, reveaied a;tr nt adtémto fubi hlrnsed3 Omeeting. spli between urbanj and rural înrtended ta caver ail areas hours a wveek while rura,,l trustees ai a m-eeting o! the because "T feit everyane sliould chiîdren spend 50 hours in, four counity separiate schoal be considered. There is a defin-1 schaol and an the bus?" I n the Editori'sMadI oad last week iniSt. Johni's ie probleininl rural areas". John Dlriscoîl, Peterboroughi, sloal, Peterborough-. Dennis Hobbins, Peterbor- said afier lenrîng ah îlhe coin- MWP.'s ONORARY GUESTS -The mnotion, whcih lad been ough, saîd île board cold 'ments le believes île polîcy Dear Edlitor: :tabled aller a brie! discuission, "get ia m ore fields thani should be reviewed. "Perlaps1 We are pleased tai an- lai île October 13 mneeting, trnptainwhibis niai- uriban and rural pahîcy on naiunce tîn!ýtiMr- Alex Car- was reîntroduced by Fergus ion" .ird added thiat for- coini-tansporintian slauld be sep- ruthers, M.ýPPý., C-hie! Gov- Young,, rends, mnunricatîin purpases île trus- amile" ernment Whip, MNemriber fr"tînt in île eveni a change tees' raies s.houid be outlîned Mr, Yaung saîd île ainint D-urbanfi, and Nrs Carruai- ror probierniil. a bus route is. Bey. Jasephi Walsh, Camp-' ff tinie spent rdiscusin1g ibis ers; also Mr., Rsil ,,C . antýicÎipaied in il an ae, île e-ilfard, a'rste rpe-mtinindicates ihere 15 a Hany, C M,~, orl- our nenier nvlve mui en1t oepartîcular are aiaproblenri. umeladDuhmand Mrse e contaedî and a joint solu- people Luer. arecfloct aîwuys After bath île moâtion nndr I{Qney wihl attend ,as hanor- tiân or rcomýmendatian a f île farnilliar wîîî ne lines o! arnendment were defeate', *ary guests, ale performance members and administratoR mncationse upsice leAutehAlnPerbaagi o! 1andce's esiaby île le nmade to île board", bnard coame ia rbeîng twa introducedaahrmto e Excesio Char, aturay, Rayý McCarville, Cobourg, payea ago. "They should be questîng îe amnsate December 19 ai 8 p.m. atsaîd trustees und. adniîera-Iable ta carne ta a trustee first FOOD MAKET es WEl VF SPEýCITLZE IN:. by île ,c c -ur~ ixT Peter- " wcee FULL LIINE 0F: cluVa GROCERES, CIGARETTES, CH0C0LATES fr tile - --- -adCA'Dý--- en a- nnli'v Page Wdwrhas Chairni an Of thF, Ban'k, career thr-oughout Can.ada, Mr- Wadsorthwas appointed Vice-Fresident and Gn~ Manager in 1956 and wa elected Presidlent îa May 1963. tSinice Deceriher 1964 he baaý been Vîce-Chýairm-ran, residii in Montrea. With thè- Coming -retireent4 in earîly 1971 of Mr. H. W.: Thomison, Vice-Chairmnan, Toronta-, 1M1r, Wadsworth is re. tuning ta Toronto vilrei-- wiIl!asm broader responsi-. bilities, whlle ut the siane timne speniding-a, part of his tinie eac Imonithinm Montreal. This wffl enable hini ta continue bis c!osb relati'onship with devcielopmnet ip Motea nd th-rough0iit the rne of Quebec. 711-- FAIR -' - 1 ik m v» rA % A a a or** fer Minâd à i JW àv à le 1 ÀR au #,Th* flânnellnn 'Rê%%iÏrm gt"Vllld% Indue In 107n