~eceatonReviews nocikey Ward one 9go1alrd Olle'ss', Çh 1arle ' 'esnh d easi gamne played o fm Keieth Sheelian, S;cott Clifton,- The Leafs goal was Scored 1 st, the Bomb .JTelhrOy7Potter one goal, wiille'Ai 'Visser. Ier's played to M Nile Buttonshaw-, K e v i n BSInîSmILûgue tc ,',id orITnlbsn ~Peh T 2-+p-- eI sn Tenýry m*d Pa.i ! f Pme- l ton spent last weefkeli3d w!*ii her p9renthiMr. and Mres.ý Roiss Car LOl eUsio oronto Dominion Bank eDorts Modes t Growth The aida Zamn,3wavfle. 16, 1970 11 Rs~i $2 "i1l±irste ropïafion foi, bases toV-i1' $18 nmillioni s a gisl Irànhou n the revos Kecs Rre ag filfvs i eto4nrces týtal$12 2 nlî, a drop -cf $154 mil- lingf-A of sâxiti t iiosare lu'r $53 Mil~- [erz goals were co m Almond onle goali ausit, Darreil Jonesi 2nd oie >assist. SeI(oant gine the: and the Cardimais a nothing nathing, fi rt gaine cf Thtirs.. thec Rayalis dfa sby a 2 tao fiscore. ls goals were sc)red, k WTelsh with two,. se Littleton had Oneý second encOun-ter tise (s shut out Ihe - a 3 ta O score. ,T-he' - - - cOTcet l'enýAir. - - - -:AsýsantU,hapdl t. mr goal was scored by Len Wlsite v a 1l te 1 score. Neals; Recording SeCretatý a7sisted by T=m Luna and: The FWyers wvere led by Mi- M'aueJomPare ; M Murry Ruy. hael llobbas wlth three go -siail, Thoamas Stapies; Fin In the third contest, the'and four assists, John Turner1 Le-turer, ffarry Gillis, SIIc Royai- defeatedl the Fargcs'- ý, goals and one assist, liar-Lefr, Met rihtFir by a 4 ta 3 score, The Royal"!,veyv Lootsma two goals odCmiteMn vrlT goals were Scordb Gentree assists, Jimmry Lati Tyler, Ha'1rry Jones; Aud,éito FrrlllwAith twa, ýMark Char- ane goal and onle st, enry Takce-rav, land and Tom Fowler one goal Goeakinne goal and one , s-, eaeh. Thne Fargocs goalS weresiat, Stephen Hobbs, one ga. Cut Master Wil i a scored by Rck Bain wKith toTe"Bý4goa wsscre y Baten of Balieborýo ai a-ni one assist, Kevin Gray: Ed Gruyte.crFaasisted 1by FraniklWarshipful Bras. Au'stJ'n Tro one gayal andi two assistaý. Leach., ter, Ne'ýel Bceardsley, Erîe ltefnal Atamgm f l hescx. tm gxeLake of Port Home condcuct the 4ay the Frank's VarietyL of the day the Braves deffe- oftherestonad.stle cer e feated the Ramns by a ed ihe Panthers by a 2 tofficr 7 te 0 score. The Variety avare, The Bra4ves goals; were; Vnited Church Wcnu crew wvere ied. by !VkeSa-.cze by Mark Chis,ýholm and! Me United Church 'WOas 1ler with four goals and twO Tint Jozoski, whfIlil e S tev\7e heldthi,3in ii asit,,ef ane, John 11111 lIead picked uý,P OnE asSiat, Su y Sch,>1 lb l-i Tue and Rab MeýFarlane cone goal 1, tuetinanteHu-d y afternaon. l oin o LI 1 he third game hy.ms-j a fter - ool i, lcg o ?aýe j. oke - , nx'ti, DnnisJoliàotianeî_ i ýsets, depaisits, Juans, 12 ýexpenises, incarne ta earnings ail recordedi les. er Thlle year ttla 'Dy $1L96 millions ta millions and ail of1 s ta eflected in lo'n pa ortfolio vi li1 a major fatorm VUS tdw WS:alai rise of $149 millions in per- tion nRl savings deposits ti C an-!aIos a da. The high interest rate.s whichcea, ýrvailed throiughout th'e year!t 7 re eflct-d in nt sies fiB als total Operatieex-o A hpfnr a1nn)rýia- e ta na $~. mu-includin, apprQpZiatlçXlio for Of $184 ýos by a taaei G tfii CIOras~ n i ~ZfZ2~Zt h ç~i~ du~~ -~ * tai I~'W~aI ~C5 Wii~ ~ ad, o h~.' ylF i7 w'