Chrisimas -Dinner -for aHardy Hermit VOLUME 116 12Pge BOWMANVILLE,, ONTARIO, WEDNEýSDAV, DECEMBER 30, 1970 150b Per Copy r NUMBER 32 Christmas dinner for a hardy hermit. It's turkey, and mashed potatoes, tur- ýip and dressing . . . how good it smells .. . a veritable feast for Reginald High- hiili who has been camnped in the Mosport Park area since last summer. A kindly necighbor and fellow,, worker on the clea n-up crew at the park, Harold McCulloch of Pontypool broug-hit te meal in for Mr. Highhill on Sunday afternoon. "He has r)e X k a guardiau2n aYngel to me," said Mr. Highhill. Vet1ý'erIan Ind'y 500 Dr-ivecr Switce s to Snol.w.obilE F or 11ospnort Ra qces ian. 2- Vateýran Indy 500 dienJmagne eU ope a aacade, Hurtuise. or 'Herk" a' e uruiewill switchl to apaili mediia race Sunday ha prefers, îs no stranger to asjonomobie for tiic analaaist cito the top radio, snowmobile ratcing. He tool Miýosport Snowmob)iIe er tel evisiOn and newspapar per- part last year in North Ameni this weekend (Janutary 2nd ýsonalities fromn the Toronto ca's richest snowmobile race, and 3rd). area. at Lake Tahoe, Nêvada, ,and by Hurtubise will be t lMosportL ýOne of the biggest names in his own admission, has "raced as a guest of Kohier of Canada, mnotorsport for, the, past de- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) dent manufacturer of a 2-cyvclei! n t e RECEIVES UNIQUE LETTER Stew MeTavishin sa s ar B3owmanvilla Rotary ClubM MD b y gels plenty o! mail. 'But e lis flot raceived anything be-4% fore lika lise ltter ha gtVi h LU. from Vise Ivaple Grove Khni dergarlen class. Il was Part For tise second timE printing, part pictograpi and-imany weeks an IGA wienon a place of papertisis area bas been robb Fihout Ihreer fat long and txvo most recent victim - t' fret wide. The mssage- store aI Coîborne, wsel ilianking him and his club for tisan $1.000 in foods errvianging to taka their class arettes wera stolen tna end Mis. Davias out 10 gel a in last nigisl. Chnrisîmas trea. Two weeks ago The only person who prob- broke into Toms and -bly didn't like tisa idea wasIIGA Ia Newcastleara tisa posîman. goods valued aI mor iGA Sf ore Pro Burgiars- ss of $1J#000 se in as, $2,000. Tise samae rvaning ai store in attempt was made 10 roi th( red. Tise IGA store la Orono, but il wa: tha IGA not sucress!ul. ra more Accrding 10 Constable Mus and cig- r:ay Joynt of the Nawcastli s break- O.P.P., the tisieves are pro wiso know wbat tisey are do tisieves ing. Inla ccrase they isavi id Sons antared the stores by remov td took ing tise cylinder-o! tise lock oi ae tisanitisedoor. Santa Visits Bethesda School for Rl a Cluus came cto Bath bugisi Ihal was 'ust 'gîrat' I presanits. So il woul d haem uaît i Tise presants wrre lnumet(rous scheol last Tuaslay and I..hecause as soon as Iisry isad t1o0 ha nsce 1 lm ii- in tishe can,- and rno one asmisseci. Evený il so nurs haen ½- 'I , w, ed tisaîr mik and cook- eime. Thay offerd hlm Isa andmI aikîten, gvuesl o! tisa scisool, tea. Tiseocildes i 'ess - go eain ik ok- admd ar aw az,1w a, -pôl cverlooked ast lto î egbQi ïrith reb alwouc a? t aw ilhg bswl oedîe'j iLe>"!QEQ5W) Ex-NewYre' Makeshift Shelter at Mosport, -R aff e an Bake SaleReggie H-ighhîli steps f rom his makeshift shelterI jacket keeps him snu, but his cotton pants are barc1y The Decmber meting ! Mrs.S. Jams and is, L.where he has been camping sneeMs potSta-c sffcÀnt-thus the blanket w1hich he wears like a the WAomen's Hospîtal Auxil- Dpp-eli gavaexeln reportcs berry Fiestivýal- last July, He has just fetched -1a -rock sarong. iary was hield in the formner'on the Otario Hospital Con3-,out of lis stove to warm l is hands, An eiderdown nurses' eidý e The meat- ventionî which they attanidedi ing opened with the auxiliay Toronito in Octobar.'T e thme FRE W EES LosE" FINAL A odteBetaie prayer, was "4Co-operatjo~n for p)atienitslt-e rahlzl The tr-easurar, Mrs. R. G. sake." The-,% both thanked the' At Bramialea hockeytora Cowie r-epoted $69 was made Auxiliary for sending them-. ment iast Wadînes;day might ?t tha bake sal1e and $89 fromn The mmesthen attended ,Bowmi-anville's Pee Wee ' of the doills wll be, drawn for- HaILl strong tamfrdIIi Riveride y'ati s P ane at the Auxiliary Tea i March. The arathon 1bridge ,com- miteturned in$54.50 ior f th l 1-ayiBITS DMI PIECES iWeicomeArriaiof'17 St, Paul'o CGITmaara sfavors for te pastent rayâ at .1eFtom iadvairice reports, New Ulike weather such as we h-avejo! iseeveningbi agst DChristrmas and the Sunshine MSPR - This Saturda-y anid Suniday, sniOW- Year's Eve i;tiitus area will had la the past on thse year lieetihalizen Machine, sgroup o! woman were making mobiles of ail makes and sizes will'be taking« over be a joyful one for those who end. H -ave tun, o and we'l1 sce you them for New Year's day. will be attending one o! the Aý note of warning sisould Li 1971 ijf welilve tbrouigis tI,- The Auxiliary decidad te Mosport Park's nearly.500 acres for An event that several dances, or prîvate ba passed along bo the effertcmnt of watching aI Y purchase book shelvas for each will feature races for everybody with a machine, parties that have been lîaed tisat thse law enfoncement- :>f- listeanog bt Guy- Lomnbando1 d floor in thse hospital, thus mak- Included will be a 'Whiz Skid' 'slalom operated by up. firers will be on duty to take and is Rý;'(oyal Canadians playfl - inag tha books miore readily Bowmaniville Kinsmen Club. Hundreds of machines The Lions Community Cen- rare of those who imbibe too ing as alwjays iantthe blr availabla te the patients. Mrs. L. Garson and Mis. R. are expected, with plenty of excitement, Unless the tre, thse Legion Hall and the frealy, so watch youn latake lo! tlisa i.{otel Aster iii.e Cram'p offered 10 dQcrate thse weather changes rapidly, there certainly will1 be no) Odd Fellows Celennal Hall and do't pend th best part York, Christmas trea for the hospital shortage of snow. Better go weîî bundîed up, it's on Queen and the Bowmaa- lobby.ville Country Club are a fe-w The Prasidant, Mrs. E. cold ini them thar hlis. of the spots that will ha jam-: 4,%î Thompson, asked that ail a-t t tt. edwhfoseutoava nual reports be brought te the DLGTS-fc~ good lima and bring ina 197110ge 8th, next.- Progressive-Conservatives, fc in lie accustomed mannen. j meeting Januarying an ýOntario leadership convention in February It is hopadtattsewate71 DP D NOVICES LOSE AT AJAX at the Mapla Leaf Gardens, are showing signs man will co-operate wit Afler winning t ' ofa a bestirring thcmselves in preparation. There, clear, cool but not blizzrad-ý , the Novice Tournament at ie jax on the weekend, Preston will be a meeting next Tuesday Jan. 5th, 'at the $40804 O"OT Il makes me mad," tisedon't thliink il i; worthhfr s the Movers were eliminated Odd Fellows Hall in Orono, wLen 10. delegates $3,0.6FRMNH resident said, "leach year ïI7,hit,-, b report their losýses,. by Thornisili 5 1e 4. and 10, alternates will be elected. Check the Darlington Township ac- have te buy as many Chilt- "-Wiy should 1 ral the pola1. r-Unfortunalely, bacause o! advertisement in Coming Events for detail$. counts for the month of Noý mas ligits again as I have. on ira," a resident si,, -'tlse le early publication datelise vme eetbe ntedslyt elc h nsýub nycs eafwdl s complete report of tise tourna- >With only a month to go, thare hasn't béeautoc, Township Council meeting of display b rple tise as.hba onlce ost me a few d Dment will not appear until mudli action yet fromn prospective candidates Decemnber 17, '197. Thay tsI e soen"lieys. oiewudntb e next waek. who are af 1er Premier Robarts' job, but no' doubt are: Salaries, lst-15th, $2,- l'If 1,aven catch theperson "Tnteresd. , ai or. go Thi Brorkiefo tse Inter- thngs will wa pshrl482.98 and from thei 6h htkse m ~ le illbe Murray Joint o! tise Newra,s- ngoTos wekleforte Moter- hiar u sorlyto 30th, $2,783.16;' Welfare, sorry. ha vowedl. île detacisment who assu!ed niational tw-day tournament, t t t, t t$,'9.; General $368,00o, Ha is not elonie. Arcording that the O.P.P. is very miurs 'MISSED - Somehow, the advertisement, concerning 23; Roada, $44,449.05; Roads te lie O.p.P. tise! t o hit-i sted in finding out, wisoc the annual week of prayer from Jan. 5th1 b 8th was Pay List No. 21, $2,591.29 mas lîgisîs is widaspread. Il Vise thieves are and adds tisa4 and o. 2, $,69010. is a troublesome and all 100 when caugist, tisey will h ,,etarded ~~~omitted last week. However, il does appai thls, Total expenditures are frequent curne hlrsctdt h ftfre edition, with details of the prognam on page seven. thuss $3080046. 1poblem Is most people just o! te law". NABBED - The good news this morning was Sot eev aaeToh 'l that thnae suspected FQtypes whoniay hv been responsible for Pierre Laporte's kidnapping and death, have been arreted finally. if they lad been smart, you would have tliought they long sInce would- have'left this country. Other- wise, it was only a matter of time untilthey ware picked up. Next will coma their trial that should make for interesting reading, as the fades t t t t tî BUSINESS - Acconding bo several merdhants along KiuýgSt., Chaitrms business voQk a decided upturn 'fclibîwing lIhe settI1emeît of , thé M stnike. One merdhant blid he Statesmran that le did lis biggest I des4s- Iueltsse -on ThIAia 4 bi 1 '1nà1die4s beer t netailer her'e for many yeans. Howeven, it is under- stoodl liat those seiling tle large and dostly items, took quite a beating, compared wîlh former yeans.' t t t' t t. NORMAL- This comparatively sall aditio n is being printed, on Tuesday, whidh means the st as packed three days' work into two, a feat maemore difficult by tle lnck of mail Monday, witlle post office closed. Howý,ever,,next weak, evaything shlould returu b île cnormal state, of confusion, .vifl The 'Statesmian appearing on Wadniesdayi as usuxal, alway's providecd we recover from île New Year's festivities, Wie hope you have a good lime too)! DEATHS - For somiereason t'lat's a myslery, Cnsmsusualiy-ý is alîime wlen a great many de-atîs occur al n major tragedýies lappen. This year las been nio exception. TIre details are înciuded iii af airlengthyder11 coloumn in this papar, whicl mnsliatht1ose failiies invoived have cert2iniy lad anlything but a Merry Ch3ristmias. Our smah Four Secouts, memnbers of the Fîrst B owmanviiie Sicottroop, hpappily tlaka custLody of îlhe Carson Ellott Troply for the best float, entered ir the recent Santa Clauis pa>rade. Deputy-Reeve GCeorge Steplen, s->econd fnom the Ileft, pre- I eldthe trply th îe Rtnaslasi lurdabut cubpresident Stu Mc-. Tavish , fan fle fit île award slýouId b e inade t leScut istad Afterai, le said 'later, "'il was te h did most of tle rel work"' Accepti on, behlf of 11cm Scout tnop are, froml e ieft, Ron archanrt, Tony Keating, Bob Cox-t and John ilson. Te Scouts were guesî's o! îe otnias orthe chenheld j as is tlir ciub's cus-tom on î.-a linal Thursdac(ýy beftone Critas i île Pine Hermiît of Mosport Festiaval Ended' by Derek Sidenius, He came to Mosport Strawherry Fields Rock Festival Iast July and decided to stay on after it had finished. At first he got a. job cleaning up the mess the thousands of festival goaers had left behind. Then he worked on the'regular maintenance staff at the park. Whçn that ended, in October, he had nowhere inparticular to goso he set himself down for the winter in a lean-to-teepee arrangement he fabricated for the occasion. Most people wvould siot dream of campIing in Canada during the winter time. but Reginald (Reggie) Highhi ll of New York City is definitely not like most people, lie not only dreams about it, lie does it too. (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Hos pifai A uxiliaryr Receives Reports of ..............