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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1971, p. 12

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t-conard FOSkeit(ne9RbyS ~.wishta annaunce the arrIai of thein ,chosen :so, Dre ~lehae1Sl~awp A brohr for na Ci-ldward. hela GYand GlennThaka à1 concemnied. - GODEJa andac Brenda1 <fiee Farrow) are pnoud ta an- pounice the birth 0 f their son Gregr,Jo hn, 6 lbs, 9 Ozsu, on PFnid,,Januiany 15, 1971, at Memrm1 asîtlBowmaa-b vill Prud nanpanntsare! thaniks ta Dr. Sleman -ancima- ~tènàtv Ibo oustf. 34» Mnrac!MiamsA Fair, annaunce lefrthcmAg mar- nae i their cdaughtllenP- trîciaJae to Harvey LIewý- ellyn Willîams, son af Mr and !&~s C. Llewelyn WîlîMs, eUl of Bawmanvihl The wed- ding t take place Saturday, February 13,, 1971, 4 o'clack, St. Jaseph's Romran Cathal c Ihrh Mar riage and Mrs J.-W.Andsno Osaw wsh taannoice tee Ici-,ay Jane, ta Donald G-eorge -miisnsn aI m. and Mrs.1 Jamieso aI Bowmaaville, ~The weddring tooli place ,Fnî,aY nîglit, Janu-ai,1, ý197i'1, at St. Oaýhaw, t ev .J ýGigase Co ff clatu, 31* Johri-Suddenly, at bis home, N.3, Pont H7.ope, an ~TuPcsday, Jaiuary b2th, 1971, 1ýEdgas' Johin Bm9cogbe- laved husband of Edna 1 dear father aIHawrdSur- rzey, B.C.; Heiene (Mrs. Edwin ý.arvonea)-, of Scarborough, ~brother 0f Hnod Grand- i athcr ie fJohn sac! Nelson Ban- ~yweugh Fraces( M r s. b7ruce Laine> Melody ad y$hlc arvonea. Servýice a trdiWn the Rosa Funena C hap- 1 ýe port Hope, Ffiday ýal, 2 p.m,ý ~cernecr 3i At %WC11HsptlBw hpnmid of Ethèl Mcînyne 4 h ofaIEric rdCbon (Mrs Braer ummes),Ha- ?lgs ed ,5of IFo)xhooý, and Irre grandchldna. Restd at the EiBanloW Funenal11Home, Dro m frcsri-ce at'Lang C Çb1apel fan .Fnlday1,qYJanuary 15ý iintnmet OonoCernetery. Etntered itarest :atMarma 'wood Nursîng Hoerr, Bawman- viI o n Fh*iday, an,15,197, MiyElizabth Frwlwd 'owv afThoma Har Eeno ndmather aiMr.GJ.. -C(Lewba), Toinoni t; Ms. ndRonald G. Eve-ra ofa ~ eOaawa Ewat a f Mont- reaIla beh--r ithya.Rest- ýled at lee rrsngFuna 4~Qwe. Gshawa ithfnena] sevc athe(chapLModay, January !; 18 at 145 m.inter- rient OsaaUnion CemetLery. I q'ursing Home iýon Wedaesday, 4januamy 13, 1971, John Smith es'QBowrnanvlllc in bis 7ist ea-. ested at the Northcutt iliti-Fneal Homre Piv- afnrah servcewashehd on jnorani-m aî Intenineat wmanilbeCemeery 3-1 ëMITHChneAtBuffal, ewY(rlork n iMoadayv, Jaauary I~,1971J, Clame Ashwonth i o M Jacknian RaBowmaa- ville, wife of the lteNorman - D.Srnith, d1earn-mother of Mrs. Il - - Iaget --Dorot-y), East P !ATILY DELIVEIRY TO: h OSHAWA - OWM41ANVILLE ,~ORONO -NWCSlff SNursing Home- 7,COMMODATION aIyn f, rbirst Manor for Sno PocOrano 8-63 - ACCOMIIODATION available eitreasonab1e ratrses tk.uif3 l VenNrsing Hailone, New- aclpboune 3-41 8t In Memoriam HALL-Ia loving memory aJ Sdeanrfiend, Mrs. C. Hall', *ha passed awsy la January, 1970 Time passes by, but lavingý thoughts linger. Jim and Ktty Newman, Ruthle ad Jelîva. 3-141 HOLROYD-In loving miemnoy of a dear father and grand- father, Fred, who passed awayv January 15, 1969. Neyer far fram aur thoughts, Always hIn ur hearts. -Ever remen'bered and sadly missed by Bill, Jean, Jo-Anne and Judy. 3-1 MAHAFFY-In lovsng memory of aur dear father, Henry Mahaffy, wha passed away January 21, 1970.1 Just as you were you willï always be,9 Treasured farever ln aurÈ mernary. .-Lovirigly remernbered by Mary, George, Vcki and Bobý 3-1 RICHARDS, Herbert, who passed away Jan. 20, 1968; Richards, Edna Spry, who passed away April 8, 1961; Spry, William, who passed away January 18, 1968. The fall of the leaf cornes and But the gates of memory .1neyer close, -Always remembered, Reg.t 31 WEBBER-In lovlng memory of a dear wfle, mother and grandmother,.Luchla, who pas - edaàway January 19, 1970, .-Sadly missed by Roy and [family., 3-1* WILCf',OCK-Irî memory ofaIa dear- frtend, Edith, who passedi away Janiuary 21, 1970«. --Greatly missed and ever re-1 memberedjIby a friend. 3-1t WILCOCK-Iii memory of aÎ dearly loved mother, Edith,, who passed away January 21,1 1970, who will always live ln1 the memory of her three chlid-1 ren, Ernest, Margaret An-iai-nd Thomas, whose lives she touch,-, cd wîth lier wlsdom. -Greatly missed by her chlld- ren., 3-1 WRIG;HT-in loving memoryF of a d1ear iusband and father,r Thomas ý1(Scottie), died January1 17, 1956. Surishine fades and shadaws f ail, But sweet remiembrance out- lastsII. -E e enembe(,Ircld by hswf Annie and famnily. 4 MONUMENTS Marker-- - Mctble CORNER POSTS BRONZE BUTTER GRANITE1 CO. LTD. 73 Ontarlo St. Port Hope, Ont. 885-5216 BOWMANVILLE R. C. SLEE - 623-3383 - ~3-tfl Personali HYGIENIC Supplies- (Rubber goods) maiied postpaid in plaini sealed envelope with price liaýt. six sam-'ples 25c, 24 saxnples 100 Mail Order Dept. T-28. Neov-Rubber Co., Boxý 91, HLailton. Ont. 1-52 Auction Sales Auction sale of fuiraiture-, etc.. osat fa the laVe Mrs. Georiginas Bura, Janetilîle, Satirday, January 23, at 1:30 GrneHi. Ted Spenceleyv, cived untii 2 p.m.Lol" Trn Aucioner.3- Tuesday, February 2, 19741 -For Altenations Vo dishwý,ash-1 WEEKLY ýiig areasa,Kitchen ad DiaiiVîg LIVESTOCK SALES Hall No. 1,- Department ail at Durham Clounty Sales Arena, Heaithi, Whitby Psychiatric Onono - Every Thurs., 7:30 P.m Hospital, Whithy, Gnaraiol. Selling Ho0rses, Cattie, Swine, Tender Documents may be Calves,ý Sheep, etc. Chailieiobtained from Ragional Office, Reîd, Auctionieer and Pro- Departmneat of Public Works, pnieor. 3-tf797 Princesa Street, Suite '204, _______P.O. Box 8000, Kingston, On- Hoi.stein Springef .S a 1i(e, aria. Telephone 544-8955. ' Thursday, Jaauànry 28, 7 p.rn., Note: Fan funthar infai-ma- Kawartha Livestack Exchange, ian regsrd lag this Tender, Lindsay, Hegular rnonthly please caîl Mn. C. J. Toaley, Sale -the last Tbui-sday af eacb Depatment of Public Wonks, month. Expecting Grade Cows. Kingston, Ontaria. Telephone Assignons please contact Kcitb .544-8955. Hiobdeni 705-324-3189 or Th7lwct n n Tendei- 324-9388. 3-1,no ecsanltacpt G. E Mun, ee Auctin sal, maIera ac! eioal fManager. antique fumiiio, private ITender Opeaîng Na. C-205 estate, 1plus amuiysalej to becbld Iat Stirtcvant's Aur- 3 ian Hall,.33 Hall St, 0shawa, W nte on Saturdlay, January 23, at _________________ 1 pr..Atmtrwas;he c! Dý îEAD ac! cippled lairn dryci-,> cheat f dmswens, edcc-'stoc. Margwill Fi- Esrm, trir tove, coffee tables sac! 263-2721. Licence 253-C-70. end tables, chrome tabl, 1-tf chesterfield suite, electnlïc Iran-ý c, lamps, radia, hall trec, WILL trade 1878 Northumben- buffet, televîsion, rangette' hanpd & Durham Atlas, for Prof. rail-away beds, vanity. dishies, Squai's book. Write Advcr- steel ga3rage door. Taris cash .tiser 172, r/o Thle Ca-naia No resenver. Myles Ki-;ng, Auc- Sùttesmaýn, P.0, Box 190. Bow- tioneer, Phonie 725-5751. 3-1 manville. 3-1 The uadenaîgncd auctianeer HIardcover and Paper BRack wilsell by public auction for B 1J r% . na nweîî as v ap0e0 K for WlagShap on Saturday, e Jnay16, sa is ',machinel RotaryBook S""ale shp qipr nt, like portablel OAE OK arc ac!eiecnicwlders, vise, DNAEDBO la:rge latlhe, steel table, d -ec-1, May be lef t at tri-i gincers, powrcmhack aw nc ice fsternhs , Bavr LmbrCan-i)aiu Tirel hiamn, ail the articles ie Cawan Pont,Î"lel'a Bsy lias used si-e for sale, due VHoprsJewcllcIrs aud Land- the praperty 'belng sold ac! Ir Hardlware, Or given Iteasii- heibre-,a-sns avefocdRtiIn Dâveý ta go out ofbuines.No, FOr Icku laeraIl i es rv . T e rym a cash Sa le Sé t 6 2 3-3c , A c-[60 tlolnec-r, - Deparîment of Reereation Countryý & Western, jAMBOREEý Sunday, Tan. 24th Bowmanville Town Hall AUDITORIU M - 8 P.M. GUESI' ARTIST Tena Ervine - Admission- Aduîts 75e - Chldi-en 25e 3-1 TRENTWAY TOURS TO WWVA JAMBOREE WHTEELING, W. VA, Feb. 26th ta 28th GOLFING SPECIALý TO 1 SOUTH CAROLINAI (MALES ONLY) March 27 ta April 4ý For further in)f or-mation cont act JURY & LOVELL TRDAVEL AGENCY 19 Ring, St. E. - Bowmanville Phone 623-3182 3-3 Tutor Wanted FRECHiiu4arçmcqulmcd for aduilt eganr forTuesCIyao P Eu Bx 190, Bowmnanvile ANNUPiL REMNANT SALE NOW ON! 2-3 303 MASSEY-Ha, rnis Work Buli1 tractor witloae,, ,,,800 Jubile Sanies Fard tractai-, 3 pt. hitchi system, bath excellent con- dition; 17 -toothi hydnaulic culti- vator. pull type cultivator, 17- toath Internatinal; I:3-funnawI ln tornationai pull plow con ibber;~ large space heater with [fan, ika new; RHR. 1, Hamp- ton, 728-3636.ý 3-1 Livestock For Sale YOUNG Yorkshire sows, fan- rowirg first part of February. SýX Hereford cows, bred te Charolais bull, due is March. Phone 263-2976. 3-1 ýBEAUTIFUL bangain. Twop registered herses for thbe prîce of one. Half Arabian yealinig mrchestaut wîth white star- anid socks, ad Amenican bred Palomnino yearling (stallion), bath fan only $600. 263-2183. Real Estate _ CALL THE MN ROZID R. E. MANN 1Insura-nce - Realtors Mortgages NOTICE Tobacco Farmers We have a number of en- quiries froni clients wanting t, rent Tobacco Marketing Board Rights. If, rau are consider- Cards of Thanks Coming Events Articles for Sale My thanks ta nurses, staff, Horse-drawn sleigh rides by VWATER for sale arcd delivereld. Bowmanvîlle and Oshawa Hos- the hour. Telephone Oshawa Caîl Cliff Pethick, 623-2313. pliais, also those who visited 728,8090. 34 __ 8t me, sent cards, floweýrs. It was Pes eev pi r OOSIsombl,17 greatiy appreciated. Special Pes eev pi r OOSIsombl,17 thanks ta Drs. Sproull, Row- for Memàrial Park Bazaar MS 18. Cali after 6. 983-9117. seli, Ferguson and McKenzie. and _ Daffodil Tea, 3-1 3-2 L. A. Squair. 3-1* Old Time Dance, round and REZR Philco, 13 cu. ft, square, Saturday, January 23 , perfect condition. 623-7803. 1 Sincere thanks tan friends Tyrone Hall. Music by the - 3 who visîted me and seýý.nt cards Country Swingers. 3-l GUITAR, Gibson Hunmming- while ln hospita], also St. PogeseEuhesw - bird, goad condition. Phiono PrgesvEcr: ilbe 7B86-2213.31 John's Altar Gild for f]owers9, held in Orange Hall, Panty- '0MT-k,2 .. xeln Rev, Gracie for visits, Dir. Hu- oo,,very two weeks, stant 7 OOSi 0hD.ecle bard, nurses and staff fonr their nu ray aury2nît condition. Asking $500. Phone kindness and help, ig8 15 p.m. 3-12d 0527-277 '- (Mr.) R Pason -23" FLOPR modelI TV, Elec- i 3-~ Special - Every Satur-day trohame; hauind pup, 2 years.11 ______night - al the Fish and Chips1 Cal 26,327836. . 3- 1 wis teyou cao est for 99e at The fwhtaexpress my sincere,Àcres Restaurant, Open week-IDRIED,' shelhed corn for- sale, thanks, ta ail my friends, negh- endq only. ___2-tfPc-p o deiry Phn bou rela tives for cards, visîts, ---- Bob Carruth1ers623ý-5485, 1-tf1 tinquiries and flowers, who Euchne party, NewtonvîlleSTD AKR erinw gave assistance ln any way Hall, Friday, January 22, 8:15 1and used, par ts.ý Graham's durnrg my recent stayv in hos- pm, Ladies hring lunch. Garage. -1,6--;3 q-f- pital and sinre retur ning home. Everyone welcome. 50 - 50l-126223 1-tF Ta the staff of !ist Floor of tickets at the door. 3-1 BUYING or selling jfurnitune1 Memarial Hospital, Dr. Slem- or apffliances - Cail Elmer, on and Dr. White fer t ýheir care Antique Gun Show, Sunday, 263-2294 until 5 p.m., Hamp- following my accidenlt. January 24, Red Barn, 172 ton. 2-tf John Wood. 3-j* Wayne St., Oshawa. Doors open 8:30 a.m. ta 1:30 p.m. Ad- KEEP out winter coldwlth1 mission $1,00. Ladies free., Kaiser, Aluminum windows,' I would like ta thaýnk mry __ 3-1 doors, slding. Lamne Allia,1 neighbouns and frinnds for 623-3871,.-,3-4* their many actisof indnessý asi Dance, Pontypool Chamber WANTED-Ross rifle, or eth- shown me and myv family af Commerce Hall, Saturday, ci- antique gun, Germa,.n hel- while I was in hospital andiJanuary 23. Music by Fay7e met or dsgger. PhoneOsa since my retuirn home. The FAdam1s and his C o unt rv ywa, 725-8183. 3,-1:: many lovely cards and fiowers Strings, Admission $3.00 p(r1ISs1 mmdaey ac tha I ecive wee ostap-cople -and chair, coffee tables, double1 preciative anld certsinly cheer- On January 3th, Florence bed, 5-pce. chromne kitchen ed me up. Special thanks; ta Nîbhtingale1 Lodge No. 66, suite. Caîl 623-4182. 3-1* D]ra. Sylvester and Lee and the LcO.OF., wlll celebrate their UE ahrprs aos nursing staff of tlhe surgi'cAl loth A.,nniversary with a SDwse pain-)osj floThank yu banquet at Centenniai Hil Simplicity, Hloover and Mfa Florence Tilîsan, 3-1f631 pm appliances. New chromeý _____ - suites. Paddy's Manket, iamp Mrs Frnk . Clve an SUNYSDE ARK ton 26-2241. 49-tf faiywisýh to ex.kpress sincere U'SED tracter, Ford 3000 withj thanks andi appireciatian ta MONS.LLf BINGO lo0ader, less than 20f) hrs. use.1 relatives, ny ,-;frlends and Sein fo $30. JMr neighbors foî(r tin i many Tnursday INiglit Equ;ipment Ca.134 King St.i kidaassbeautiful floral 7:45 EBwavle - tributes, messages andu cards of i A N SED b a o k s, mnaga,,zines, symipathy received during the RED BbRught and sold. Morgan Self, ' Ilas of pur beloved huwsband O SH A WA F Antiquarian Bookseller, 86 and father. Special thanks ta Re.TmGrcefrhiaosl Bowmanville and West Dur-Smo t ouh saa ing words, ta Carson al,, Bettyv ham Advisory Board ta thePhn 72-613I Ellatt and Northcutt Elliott C-,I.B.ire holding their UPHOLSTERY cloth, $1.99 per stf.3-1* annual meeting at 'the ,ions yard; odds and ends, 25e ca. A Auditorium ont Tuesday, Janu- gaad1 selection ta choose from. ai-y 26th. A filmn will beshw Whyte's Upholstery, 55 Kiag We wish ta conivey aur sin- on the cancers of you-1g9peopfle E., Bowmanville. 2-3i cere thanks and appreciation, leaving the School fori the 40 FOOT 11/4 inch TLV towerý to al aur friends, relatives Blind. AhI interested people1 structure with a[il channel; and neiglibours for their kind- are welcomie. ______dflflU installed for$895 ness and expressions of sym- Special on colour system-s. pathy, cards, floral tibutes and ooviw coMmunlity Centre Phone Roy, Andre(ws 623-2006.; donations ta the Ontario Heant fl T/~ 6t Fund. A special thank s toa .I ONSTEflR BINGO~/ - __ Beaui Villa for their cane anda L M ~DOUTBLE-BTED Snowime o ble kindness, Rev,. T. H. ,Smilth, .iN ext M nuay Tral,,iers. Tilt and . swivel ac- Tc, teUitdCurh ad7451M tian, large tiresýs. alle price the Morris 1Funerail Home $600 -MrEqietCa, The farnihY oif the late, RED BARN 13ý4 King St. E. ,Bornvle Mrs, Margaret Farrow. 3-V1 O SH A W A __ Pla-n now tu attend Academy,, We wsh a epres ar sn- war winin "Wst idebanijo, l'don road race seti cene thanksý and appreclatio)n Story" eing presented byý stu-Mtrfcatonhgwyst tao aur friends, neighbours and den-its aof Bwmnvih a girl'siuesats ie 6 Scal ntemen's hockey skates, size 7 relatives for thieir thoughtful' Courtice Higlihoosl Peý-hone 263-8866. __3- wiondis of sympýýathy, cards, fier- Town ll Bowmanville, Feb-__ ah tributes and many acts o(f 4, 5. 6. Tickets available'TYPEWRITERS, adders, calcs,1 kdnessoninars ud- frOm nstudents. 2-2, cash registers, desks, chairs, den losF oaf a dear wife, mothen -r files, new, used, rentals, service. and gýrandr-nothen-. A vcne-, 0T~l~ Discount pnîces. Open Tues-ý F.pecïi thaniks ta the ambhul- NIVLON1Lfl ING,~ day, Wednesday, Thursday. Bili ance drivers, emergency staff! TUSDY-7:5 Hamflton. Bnooklin 65,5-4179 0of Memoial Hospital, Dr., Sponsored by ___ 6t Sylvester and ta Dr. Fenguson Oslsxawa Minor Softball SMALL kitchen table, 2 wood- for his kindness and unden- îBLrPVLIN e his 8fo h ar al stadin inthepast rmonths; UIE AIlN e hir,$ o h ar ai staning n th laur table, pine table, also ta Mn. and Mrs. A. Mc-Donald O SH A WA 30-tl antique Caniadian vanity; table fan the use cf thein home aVdF- and bench, refinishedi in linev fiends and neighbouns for thel Donors Urg9ently -Needed blonde, beautifuhly carved set laýveiy lunch senvcd lligRIED CRlOSS of Victonian era. Telephione the service;also a specialî - 1623-4102. 3-i thank's ta Northcutt Ellitt .10d OQ >onor 30% DISCOUN>TOn D-i--rciner Fne nad ome father kid-Clii'and platform chiairs, chester- nessand a Rv. Gaci forbisfields, bednooem sute, at- comforting words.1 tresses, kitchen suites, bas- Wilfned Johasa n 3* Wedinesday, Feb,. socks, caffee qrnd end tables, and _________ :303.n.'t14:3 i. lhplaques, pictures, ane-haîf Ten ersVV nte 6:0 ,m. ta 9:00 pu, pice sale far artificiai flawers. Tendes Wa ted ivrMurphy Funnitune, King W..' LIONS CENTRE Bowm atvllle. 3-l* ONTARIO BOWMIANVILLE PUBLIC WORKS HL AELVS WHYTE'S CONTRACTORS 31 UPHOLSTERY SWÂT.ED TENDERS wil be re- W TT 1 H eIp_-W-anted REGISTERED Nurses' Aid, fuil on part time. Apply Souti, Haven Nursing Home, Mill St., Newcastle. Phone 987-4441. 48-tf HOU(7)SEKEEPiERÎ, ma-t-ure wa- mani, for. appnoximately six -weeks, Monday ta Friday,, 8 a.m. to i p,.n'Phone 623-7374 after- 4 p.m. 3-1 REJGISTERED Nurse and Re- ;Istered Nurses' Aids, ful on 623-7461 or 623-2492 147 Ring St. E., Bownianville Bowmaaville, West Beach, cottage, cornpletely furaished on bot 140 feet deep. Full pnice $4,500, low dowa payment. Bowmanville, $1.500 dowa, 3 bedrorn bungalow, on lot 200 feet deep. Asking onhy $16,500. Bowmanvilhe North, 3 bcd- rnom bungaplow on, 1 acre lot, R.feal Estate for Salle!iReal Estate for Sale slumiaum sîi, two-carngar-w age, fnjisheýdinc r, t1/-arer lot. Cali 263 -8811. 3-2 DAVID L. JOHNSON 48 Simeoe St. S. - Oshawa REDUCED FOR THE NEW VEAR Live la the country, year airaund. S t r eam running through 9 acres. Hause (needs ,,orne repairs), heavy wining in garage, smaîl barn, Cal Kay Hoskin 576-8461 Peter Kowal, Jr. REALTOR adGENERAL INSURANCE 52 Ring St. W. - Bowmanvillel 623-2453 Seugog Street!! Cazy 2 bednoom bnao on lot 50' x 150'. Real value -it $17.500. Act naw! QOueen Street!! We bave three brick homres tan choose fi-rn. Priccd from $21,500 ta $23,500. Terrns. Cail for detauls. 10 Acres! ! Excellent building site near Ornn. Onhy $11,800, 38 Acres and Br! Chioice parcel S'3to1k f Lindsay. Same ipemns Asking $22,900. Only $6,000 dawn. ý Nunsing Home, Mill St., New: ,-Asking only $23,500. Eas e hae sevenal acreages, castle. ,Phone 987-4441, - 3I-tf Iterms. a ýfrom 31ý/2ta 110 acres. Cal VOLUNTEERS needed ta sew $3 00 dawn'Peny St., Whît-ofieordtîs and hait Disasten Relief Cloth1-'by, srnalb bunigalow on bat îos River! ing. Simple patteras, alil ma- feet deep - a bai-gain. 50 Acres with river. Ideal tentis- supphied. Wonk la youn C'-ou'ntry iliving, $300 down recreatiorial speculative pr-op- own home. . ec! Cross Head- sml uglwo celt' Ierty. Askiag $500 per acre.ý quanters, Tempenance Street., FuilI pne $7,00. TneracreIo. Bow,ýmaaville, open eveny Fnl- 1ý day- 1:30 ta, 3:30 an cali Mrs. Country living, 3 bedroom Alter 8 p.m. - G. Evens 623-2639 or Mrs. R. hm with large dhning roamý, Gordon Beech 6123-52?65 Spny 983-5291. 3-2 garatge. Asking onhy $18,500. P. Kowal - 623-5868j Country living, 3 bedroom 3- MAN OR, WOMAN bungalow, with new alumia-ý- 'WANTED -continue PRaw eîlum sîding, aew ail turna.ce - e- 1 ghAsking anlv $15,900, 111ýIW% & a profitable business of yo,-ur Building lot on 35 Hîghway,,JHNF ow.Na previus exVerience $300 down. Fuît price $3,900ý or capital invcstme.,nt. Write___3- W1T. RAWLEIGH Wanted toBuy CCP. LTD., Dept. A-140-916 SOBAE-afmi -d-a--l-- 4005 Richelieu St. phane 98-5584 Orona. 52-33 ig9tEst onavle 'Montreal .207, Que. - n-62-311or62M%50 3-1 For Rent IOOO ctadda BARN, suitable frsoaetwaen oom, rfAinhc ,ec00a COULD YOU USE Phone 623-2176. 2-2* VanombrAkig$80. i ïï __ -- - Taims. EXTRA MONEY? FURjPNISHED roorn wlth frldge. ro The GaVi-a Atombie:Phonie_623-7148. 3_1*, BQWMANVILLE:ý 4 belrar Associa ti ed a m utnîty lousebrick Ili/, storey homne, ail .1 isaton ves tacepmt c!SMLLan-be!naom ,heated, 4-piece bath, !good l0-' sýe.en at memship acptlia- ýPhane 9351 i-a. 2 ation. Asking $20,90(î. Terms. thons fi-rmn otonlats. -Mary BACHELOR sac! anc bedroarn/ NEWCASTLE: Aimast new,, represcatatives repart ta prmns 2-04 3-1 3 bedroam brc buglw thLlein earniags. ln their spare ___________ 3 Large living sac! dÎîiiag raom ; time hiave entirely paid for a ONE bednoomi apamtment la Patio. Double grg. 11i rcolouni TV, vacations, sterco,IIHamyptan, heated. Telephona acre lot. Aszking' $27,700. typewritems, etc. No expeni- 263-8866. 3-1 i8YA L ero ence nequlred. Write for full FURNISHED bedroom, geatie-bungalow.AR Ll modem on- fi-ce information ta Ted Risdihl, man prefenred. Private .en- bengances.aragmoe. trn.n OA.A., Bax 307, London 12, trance. 623-5134. 3-1Large o. Harage.beama. Ontario. 3-2 -ONE bedroom apartment for OHONO:ý 3 beniroorn brick AP LC TO S rent. Phone Dykatra's Food lbu ngalow. Oil heated, 4-pce. AP LC TO S Market, 623-3541. 3 bath on i acre lot. Terrific for the position of a5 iONE St.dW.om apanl, ë63 scenery. ,Aaxîous to seli. B y-law Enforcemnent Kig9. W.,e Bo23 a01 villc, 10 ,AýCRE PARCELS: Suit- $90.Phoe 62-502. -fable for 1,200 sq. It. home, O fficer HALE bouse, Newcastle, $125 Priced Iram $5,000 sac! pr. for the rntbly, heat ac! hydro paid. 62 ACRE FARHI: Large Vlg f Caîl 623-7446 after 6. 3-1" brick home. Bai-a.1 50 acres ROOM la bachelon apartmeat workable. On pad rs. Newcastle bouse, $15 wcekly, ahl con-lPriced ta sell. * ilbe reelved hy the under- veniences. Phone 623-3501,. ORONO: Bidn lot, with signed until February 5, 1971. - 34f, baran. oaly $3,000fl dowa. Application should state cx- ONE - BEDHOOM apartmetl,: NEWCAISTLE: Two-stamery perience and salai-y expected. dlean, modern, new fridge sac!home. All modem ,canvenli- stoye; Courtice anea. Phane eccs. Large lot. A garage. J. McCULLOUGH, Clerk. 728-1527. 3-i Law down psyrnent. Box 130, New,ýcastle, Ontario 3-i SIX-HOOM bouse, Salins Road, BGWMANVILLE:. 3 bec!- 2 miles aorth af Highway N~o. room, 2, storey home. Oul Retai Salsman 2. Will rent wîth an withat b eated, 4-pce. bath. Garsge. RealSae m n 29 acres. Phone 263-2157.- etrlY lctd Asking 1Long established store requires 3-i $2e.500. Terms. the services of an ambitious, -iAir'uuspes al courteous man 25-35 years , TWO bedroom apartment on Afer HîrNes al 1with, retailhardware expe-ri- Lambs Lana, available Feb.' 1. JesVanNet - 6-30 en!e and the ability ta assume $140.50 includes heat ac! 'Har-ry V-oermian - 987-4287 resonibliy.Ealy dvnc- ydo.Ahconveniences. Tele- a3Hok- 983l-5155 -ment ta assist in management'phane 623-5888. 3-tf HryCus - *725-2649 of appliance andc television de-i LIM\IITED numfbenaof rental Sic! Osiga - -6320 partment. $100.00-$130.00 perunits avaiiabla now for ses s- Ross Davidson- 705-277-2321 lveel1 to start, five day vweek' on. Raoms include TV, bath, plus bonus and fringe benefits. showe-, tehephone. Flying Bill Rae- - 705-786-2185 IOpportunity for the right man1 Dutchman Motor In, 623-3373.1 Wesley' Anderson - 349-2669 ta participate in ownership of s384f 3-1 .the business after thrce years.- ___________ Reply stating past rears of cm- Notices ýploîment and marital status. _________ EGAN BROS, LTD.,, 2 Qec St. N.,'BOLTON. Telephonel 416-857-2211. - 2-2 REAL EST ATE SALES OPPORTUNITY MALE OR FEMALE We bave a need for. two Sales agents to operate from our ncw brauichi office in Baw- manville. The staff we will hure must be licensed and pre- _________ferabir have a praven record Cars forfale "" an ud listing experi- '65 PONTIAC, powý,erbaks We would like te Intervie'w powei- steerng, -v-8. $500 or, applicauits who now live a d bcst olfer, Phôone 623-7234. would prefer to work the 3-i ruxral ares. Applicants Irons '66 CHEVY Il, low milcageOoNeatl, ewo chea, perfect conditioa, bouglit ville, flarndof, Enniskilen and new, ane awner., 37 Pi-aspectB-,navle St. ater 4.3- Unlmited advertisig ia Wetro snd local papers, direct WANTED Toront.ollfle. sdcnieta Cars and Trucks interview eali Mike Belmoute FOR WRECKING (sîter hours cal 576-1908) DOM'S Auto SCHOFIELD-AKER Part Ltd 360LIMITED, Reat:r 723-1121723-2265 Corporation of the Towvn of Bowmnanville NOTICE TO)ALL DOG OWNERS No persan shah ,kre er maintaha ani- dog lu the Town of Bowmanvihle unlcss suidalg has been liceuccd and regis- tered under By-Law No. 67ý-9 of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanvîlle, and subjeet to the provisions of Section 5 and 6 of the Dog Tax ac! the Catlle, Sheep and Poultri- Protection Act, sud has on a collai- ta which has affixcd s dog tag issued for the current year for the aic! dog, The 1971 dog licencýes are aow available and mai- be pu rchased at the Treasuýrer's Office, Town Hall, 40 Temper- suce Street, Bowmautvilhc, 1971 Licences Must Be Purchased by February 15 No dog shah i-una a large and na persan shaîl permit a dog owned bhhm la runata large in the Town of Bowmanville at ani- lime. A dog shfah b4e deemed ta be at, large when it la off the tpro-prti of the owncr ad sacla alnder the contrai of a com-1 plent person hi- meana of s leash noit more thas 10 leed ln J. M. MrILROY, Town Clerk-Admiist-atoi- N4EW HOMES BUILT BY BEEflS CONSTRUCTION QUALITY BUILDER Of' FINE HOMES CALL W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King St. W., Bowinanvllle 62313393 57&8090 623-2503 Bcau-ty Salon' -Exeln business opportunity on King St., la Bowrnanville. LoI-i- Bowmanvillc - Im-medliate possession, new beautifulliy fln- ished 3 bednoam back srplit1on lange lot. Close ta achoolsRA shopping. $26,500. Trs Bowmanville -Inaepm- erty ceatrally lacaýtedI.8% montgage cannes cqfori$36Per moath. Orono - A gargeaus scue setting overlaoking park anld reforestation ares. Bnao with broadldom, iepae patio and garage. /aceot Asking $31,500. Good terrnls. Onano -Attractive:3 bd raam bungalow on good size lot. Askiag $21,900 with $3,500 down. Oshawa - 11/2 storey 3bd raomr home with garage, aï good Ustarter home. Oaly $9,0 -1wlth $3,500 down.31 21 Ring St. W., Bowmanvllle Very dean thiree eioc bunigalow wiv ýh large lot on outskirts 0of v i11e Olyv $15,500 with$30 dwa Loveiy ' ,2 hedraoirin ome w almiumsclhing laquietai-ca aI, villa4ge. Askhlg 17ui900. Try ,your aller. Lsrge :3 bedroom bnao with dianromff, this 1, is extra deep, ideal 1fan gardien er, etc. Very cljose ta chonj. Galy $790.Terms. Neuvastle New brick bunijgalow wviýth) built-la gaag. Hallywooc! kitchen, vanity in bacjth, ceti hat. $250.Terms. N catc- 1ICncam B1Ca1UU! ranch bunglalow', with finisbetd tabec!roomc apartmaent. Panarsmic view of contysd 3 5, 900ri Located on 2/ acres 0f Iligli rolling, land juat es-t cfol ioaa. One of the fincst hiomes that w,,e have bac! the leasune ta t show.ý If you bave eern wat- ed Vo see a truly fine a3tone homec, call naw. $4t3,900. 0OhawýVa Locsad cýon Athabasca ,_ BDeautifuil bic ixror1bn galow u Ls comletely. ýfinushcd ni restion noorn. S cht o oh1 s, parka, churichies laiares. Oly Thnee bedcroom -ibungalow on Third Street. Lot is 70' x 115« sac! very nlcely lindacaped. Askiag $18,900. Terms. Oshswa Duplex Legal duplex o tor nnrer King. Ideai for cs oslu coupla waatîng Cta geV tamL itcd or reViremenit wlth'an icr. Askiag $24500 Owlth $6,500 dowa. Ininedlats ossioOhw 1Cornpletcly reaovated older home on Cambridg-e Str-eet which Ila avery quiet, coujrt la East end. Full pnice $17,500 ýwîth oly $3,500 down., Invcstment Lange corner lo nn King Strecet Est. Sire 110' ,x 141, Present raalng H 3. Asking Atr9p.m, caîl:- Dane Fond - - 6336 Ea rown - - 6335 Audrer Pilan - 623-3563 Art Gridr - - 623-5191 Norm Wctheru"P -'M-4809 Frank Simpson - 75-9638 Pat Yeo- - - 62ý3-3047 Jan Oegem"a- - 6213-2315 Phyllis cobi 2375 Win. Turanisky - 9352 Jan Ouda3hooru i 2328 Roy Fo'ster -Ooo9350 A. Su!tcb Orono 983-9 112 DMADRINE FOR CELASSFIE Tues5dayv, 4:30 pam 623-3303 100 WETERN ad Ontai otact US. s,tockers, sold prîvately every Cali the MWAN from MANN Thursday, (anytime by ~ .E anAece hie paintmeot) . Ivan Tohraso, South Monaghaa, Bailieboro 49 Norfolk St. North, Simcoe 939-6855, 15, miles nonth af 426-2031 PotHope on Hîghway 28, .2 Local Representative mriles east. i-f1Ed V n aebk Pets ýBox 39, PONTYPOOL, ONT. GERMAN Shepherd puppies-, 81 O-rono 983-5366 weeko.ml es $,15 ,, 15. iS femaleio $10. Phone 62)3-7490. 3lu DOG Meat, beef, fresh frozen, c ut, 13e lb Modern, heatýed boarding. Havelberg Training Schaol, Orono, 1-983-5016, corner Taunton Road and High- way 115._ 2-tf 1- 3-21

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