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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1971, p. 2

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Tl Th anadian statasmnan, Bowmnillea, Jan. 20, 1971 in walfarapaymenta had b el, peaple wha wera looking for vrk but unabla ta find anve Pla nin Bd Un eil iy of th(Ie, -ha maintaÎnùeàd,Î a le-% n I q B . U nv ils ara in the 15-24 ega gro-up; wilargely ina-igble fo SOf fica ln employmentan Tow nAif C i -1 P l n workar reètrainîg a1oancAs. "One doas net hava ta hae Mau dlu ta point out th atýt hce Af T esd y M etiis somathing wrong with aur7 The omuviaPlannfing 1,sexpaOcd ta havea popu7la-M Ar. Lewis chastised thte_ Board pZrasanted th4e toen's tion cf 1-5,000 people. provincial govetnment for hiav- new"Oficii Pan"ta ha ub- Iti a dataiied and vital 1 n "acqiescad" ta the fed-. iias ih oni ch mort whlchi,!as Andrew Thomýp-ieral govrnment's "daiýrtbrate br ls Abouht 100 eopleatr- sn hara oardpicy of pursuing unemvploy- bers.A,,Kiït 00 rop statd , shuld 0* f)ffàeonarn en" endth ½heur sessioen toalal rasidents lur the toüwn. 1 Tax Relief Nedad Whlc statedat 730 pm. me do net Ihave [uf liet afait that a taxreilief1 was T'le flan reo 11-V ".P sace tI this week's papar 1 n ,dd yar ago l adait thelani l Bomaniil slaul ci t hereport jusýirce and pare b*e-i y c tig rdr pur ha used and devlopeduil therefore holdfing it aver ittitil chaffing Powirj-Ha nconsjidared the year 198 wh1en thatown net week. a maussive hiousînig progîram as- sential à1anin1tad jOut thatl ~ erau any qualitative chan1gé." fou;r years aga the Conserva- A f ter S a THa daclared thlat educatian tivas had recommaended that lu tha province should ,3trÎve 100,000 'homes be canstruÀcte.d niot only ta ifind a seund rhila- a year iu the provin1ce ta0 sat- Y eam 's s,,ophy butsaatyt a 'n i 1f vthe growîing need. !prove the quality cf têaaciung ', In 1970, the govarument (PROM PLE ONE> and flnd 2solutions for esocf fait 40,000 homes har ofthi O~tofth Tryleaeth! te nomnalies cf the system, goal , ha declard. rac, r. Lewisu tedd freempfle personfs wth HaRebaliread that jobs COluld1 there as:aegdasde Phd':anad MA'9s not baing able ba craaztad ion ani pollution understeanuding tht taf11 ý i tefit-id work. ,proleets, day cracetresi, soc- weu III OntýrjO, l, ttackîug Bert Lawranca 's sal cçara, racreationial fields, Anayme aiiaes pafim Mr. Lewis said that wîntar projacts etc., ail des- '1be candidates halvae n pollution wste"logical and igned taonsr fostar, and re-enibaulzd arepcf fis- table extension" cf the g erate work for the uuem- conten i tu thaprovi7Înce, Mr.orth Aniearican aecOZOZuc Pioyed young9. Lewis arguý-ed. r ei adta i ol AI Lawrence, îha ainialy gdsrutre r ei idthatMha cMe- j-as decarad that the, costs of As long as thle Tories rain nyarawt r c aduatenareta hgh ndlupoier> ha mnaîintaiued, ane Kaough's admonition th-at"ail ediatjoarpeilo:oph f eduand'e newou d aduded iu thinking vas -not well wth the muni- téat wa ptinso, ,o d(aî,>thera cou i ha a solutioln to cîpal Ijfea in theprovince"ý. W3ertiLwn ue iesid a the probini of pollultion. The NDP leader criticîzad asîierted tht tiekltîaiityvof Exa-mp1ces of poillution tie mpima tatoofregaa 14fP' i h.provinc, bas b eau ýHa ctad tira case cf Domtar gvrmn, frt a h impaired. wvhich wap. faund gulty, under grouuIds that ît failadtacn Bill Davis, Lewis re- section 27 ou tire O vWR.ect,ýs1 h uiia rus mtarko4,ba pssd ver tha aof pelluýting Lake Nipignand which would ha moat affected1 proirlni et trag ownarshilp subsaquetly flnad $1000. by tire formaàtion of s largori and conceatratad or the 14gb "1$1000 froni Domtar t tl ie r fgoeumna u1 scn unwl~aent in tire provinlce, drap in a bucet," ha said. because tire is apretyn AdDarcy M4cIeoigh, lie "Ard a faw anonthq. latar tire oveta]il plan for Onai a mentioned, bas sald tint tirera goVernmunit o#.erad tire coyn- ýwirola. ej is omtÜn wougwih i.t auy a forgiveable ban cf, Ha condamedtreTaato_ la sinehun wreg w~ir~ $44,Qo"clentrad region as beiug tac muplcpal lite lu OnrtDarso.ril"loeyki Wt (Veýpan Finaily'. be cu1 ou r. Ha g ave Panothr eepe csl ui ihdeeom »te loaded with irany, il tiraof INCO I lu ubry iiirs ia ntd Stae Tories bave declaredtdirt they was giv ey untl 1975 ta reducea "Surely it is poaible te are eccolimc 1 naulists. y r$e% the amourt cf s1ui eaa neoo lnt Ctýtbig ThiriO(wn Thmrats dldiXde eaunssions fran is eaa-altiusipwirothar Mi', Lewi aiJittia doubt sýtack,3. parjýts oif Onitaie suad Canada," tiret ho faitt ire cousrvativas ,"Wbhy ra tbey sgiveni mcliha assertadj. Welre oui y goï-Dg ta end iup tinte?" heaiakad. Ls ar H ad htteTrno cuting tler outiroata by they had a net Profit O P1codf $ eta lniad tin ot a singl diecjussilng thse isses. llion sud they are proot- rafarenc)eea. efii frem an MlAtr l wlio ha: beauluig ieathan a $200 milion use lu tire eea.Ha rraakad poWer tbase past 2B ears?" Jprofit fer 1971L,»taenromulcnri 5 ie aukedliplrish-lv"who a asi Ha seid tiret tireawara nlnp deait witir in ana paragrapir cree tls or 10 prospeutions lest yex lnTo uaca 1 He.cxltlcizadtheeumudr tha water protection act lia cons,,ýirdaa ira Plan as ex.pendlture on capital plant sud nona undar tire ir maa- beiug tee aultoratie. iu thre scieol gsysteni sud fiýt ag amant brauch,. "Per7,uaps", ire said, "people tirt tee mucir o a a niraa h NPwuddon't want tireind cf Jhfe'ire gone ta tii. ii udc d-take a inuch ir fmmarstand. plan Outiiues fr tirnt., ~cation (collages and univarsi- Hae seid tirat Bill Davis 1-Ad Ha seid tint tire nr ni- ties etc.) asud ntet olih ta beau impracisa abouit nost ,partant single issue w Vas for. the. prliery loyal:. Ha dý s.d issues but lied agreed ta talk aigu coitrai sand Carnadien eco- tiraI whien a ciild tarts ta about jobs. 1Irai af tire Canadian ecannmy. ehpol iis curio:i-ty 1,sironadý "Wall, Jet us teIk abouti "Aliltira Tories ara decelar- to tira abspest but thie undar ljobs!" Mr. Lewis said. "lu mi-nd- a ed econoinataniits"he tirepraantsysteni il 1: su - Dacrnibar tirare were 53,000 saidÎ Btia oyuapar ~presad b y tire lima hoe reacb- peopla uneinployad lu Canada tre saa aiRyerson Press, tire eu grade fiva. 'suad ara probably more titan.iigir incidence of non-rmedePt H~ itie dtirerLé was anl 60,00G out of work uaw. professer: in eut universitias, t wppart fo paa17"ht iasustirerPavae about1tira growing p Lartic(ipation el for clilîrea with aT d a haiti o pel mii-uati ona, apna u clyeintel r emotionaltirecunr woar uggd in puip, paper sud zain- cpfl onderned tire ,nead" in utiiiag n .. ~ imn lsas Lalgfer Work More than 50% gcf tiere r 11~a sud aidtrt a stui- HaPoitaout thnt tirera mlued in Onai,"ie 1ttd ;1LI ntrasts ýwera bang ere 146,M0 peepie unamPiOY- "sprcsadaad - i d y breucatced lu Ontarioata prasent aud JePan, German)y, Scaudlinavia, wirci tia duatin irt trerat c iereselutii:tira USA." s foiuîda. prvinc waslu gber i n!l Mr. ewis Wus ntroduceci. by o QaliatIe Cangs tra estcf anaa (5% varDoug Moefatt, tira daclared ~ 4Tia amiistatve oss estmetirsu 40 oarlest NDP candidate for Durbein hava beu trniadai.s,»lia ear. Cunty ridîng, and tiranked by itaed,"bu tieraira ne Hastaad ire $3 milion Wiimr ar 1111,tira ND? candi- ____________________________________________date in tire lest faerai alacian. -t-e cime ven. a -mrc ýf.l - Examiner Ms Tala fPodoliak cf tlire Boad f Examiner: of tire Rayai Coýnsý7er-vatary cf Music wll l ccduct enrant pia-noý axamnatinfr the Royalý Consrvaorylu BowmeniviUae ouThuirsýdy, Jnury28th. TesPodoliak suidmusicý wti3t agaret fParsons Poole sud later treusferred ta thr stLudiocf Mena Bates. -Sire t- Cveel tire licantate Dipioma from tira Ralyai Censervatory of Mýusic w ith tire hIghest staniding in ail Fsubjeets for tira yeer. A participant lu many radia broecasts âsud Ontario concerts, Miss Podecliak enter- tained U.S. Air Force person- nel in Eurcope and Northr Africa lun 19.57, and iu 196t, presanted sa sertes of 10 concert: et, tire Toronto Publie Music Library, pIaying tiraentire ccl oa Beethoven': 32 piano sonàaes, MisPedJolak Is on tire teach- Ang staff cf tire R Y aiCu serva!tory f ]Music, ____ Restrikts (FROM PAGE ONE)- way. -incude nemention cf council juirisdiction over tire use of snow-mobilas on pIIl- vete praperty- -makes sny persan con- victed cf art offense under tira by-lï"w hlable ta psy a ffine of net mare than $100 and liable aiso ta have snowmobile drivinIýg,,privi- leges 'n tire ,municipelity Tire. passing cf tire by-law wvas srimost anti-clirmatic, but, te tlire app)roximnate 50 suow-r mobile anthus iasts wlireai- sembied lu tira cirmbers to listen ta to ,ireprocaedIngs, it was obviausiy a satisfactoryl s;oluItio n t iorny and cou- tenticus poim Only twa peopile from tire audçiencee spoke before council aInd bat'1 h expressed Çivw2 agait Ltira usa of suwm-- biles in tire town. Jack Mundr-ay of 145 Higir Street, reitarated iris viePwo contained in 3 latter ire sent te council least week. Hae main- tained tiret peaple dive thiri snowmanbIlas ini a fiald aejain- ing ii homýI'e aetunreasona Uly lata, hauts Ha said tint aven trui ira had complaiuad te police behai irdbeau told by tirem tiret tirera wvas uotiug tirey couid do, HIfeaxprassed con- crnor- tira safety af suow- Inobilars sud ralatedi exem- ples 01tinear accidenft:ire ires ired withI the veiriclas ntira streats in tewn. Hca aso saîd tit mnany machinas ware "belnig operetaed by yeung- stars wr:,ha ve net Yat reecir- ad tireir teens and iravjene idea cf thirtrsnsblis ,as operaters cf Tmotor vain-ý cIa:" le fit that.tlirra shoul-md habc giiato paibit-, îing snewm-obiies item operat- Ing lu).'11Y ares of tire twn unlass ail citLizens living iu tire ares iv their consent. Mr. Mund(ay said ire fait ire wasxpakn for a lrg inm- bar- fcitizen: and consdara that itwa tm "aiert rîiswoeagvnas (mucir onsideretion as-,mn or i ty ri.ghîts". SMayor Heurbs poinited eut tiret in Mr. Mvunday's propos- iiiig and Development Study -Reeve Carl Down; Deputy- Ree!ve Garnet Rickard, alter- nuate. Ta tira MemoriaI Hospital Board, Bawmanvilie -4- H. A. Barron, eppaintad member. Totir. Centrai Ontario Joint Planning Board- Reeva Carl, Down. To tira Central Ontario Joint Planniing Board - Harold Bal- sorn appointad imember for tira next tirrea years (until Jau- uary 1, 1974). To tire Central Lake Ont- ari Conservation Autirority E arJames and Richard Gbrappoîntad mambers. Tatir. Darlington Planning .ea. - Lloyd Ayre appoint- cd for satirrea year tarin end- îng Jauury1, 1974; Council- ed legislation It would only taeone individical opposingi binowmobiles ta have the usa! of the mnachine:, in the area quashecL "This strkes me a, ;s ïa mina orityý asserting Itsrgh over Two petitians xyere peet i dta council -aone signed by 'J75 persans, thek otherby 1.50. The first urgedi that there shauld be no restriction on a snowmbileoperatar returfi- ing straigh tot his residence frami an out-of-town rujn. Th-e secýond requested counr- c»I not ita make restrictions which wvolldin a-ny waY cause the el;minatian. of jobs' mobile parts areamade, T 1Gcoadyear plant in B.O 7,an-l ville m-akes rubber tracks for, the snowmiobile industry, Can en Hooper took the banner for the second gro)up ýof petitioners citjng a sectijonI of the MuTtnicilpal Act whic' gives himn the righ0.totadc sa. Readinig ;a prepared ,Late- ment. he said th;at laws re-. garding the ,operatkintc snawobils w r eeded, but senisible and reasonablaan not djeprive a;n Oitda f the righi'tc ta part1cipate in this 1.ï.es dthatgthel esponsi bility ft perati în a ow mnobile should be place-dwbere' "it ilgtly belongs --with the' operatar". , He frit thatlesitn wou-ld haý difficult te enfarce and police. "It woujld be like sendinrg a St. Bernard on the trail rf a cotton-tail," lha remarked. Most of the audience warmn- ly applauded hlmr when ,ha hâad finished, Coý-un. Prout cnurdwt MVr. f Hoaper. Coun,ý Allun expressed con-. cern -for the -safetly of snaw- mobilers driving on Ùha raad-s. "What bothers me," hte said, "I: tuhat 1,have read many statemients from experienced snowmi-obilers who say thaýt snow m iachit-es should not be allowed on municipal1 roads,"1 Reeve Dylcatra, beîng con- sistent with his stand durirtg the last counlcil mneetîing on the ise said that snowmo- bile,îs hold ba bannedbe-, cause m.ost Snowmaoilers are, not goinlg ta uise th1e streetsu lanyway, lHe fiti that 'if they were allawacl in, the tawn it would ba extramnely dlfficult ta keep them, off thé sida- Coun, Hutbbardýc took the Position that the rponslibl. ity for oaaemn f snow- mobile operation int the town should ha left up ta the snaw- mnobilers t hepms elv e s .aud ttherafore counicil should not a veni bother passir9g a by-law -on, the imatter. The audience gpplaLAedI. e Caun. Bell fait however, 1thera shauld ba legisiatioil 2andraidteerated wbat he ca- ',er th uia it ad baz- ar-d factors inhaerent ci the aparation of snowmvrobiles withtlin the towni limiits. tDputy-Raeve Stephen wn dered why thera should ba >c; miuch discussi'on on snowmo- biler: needing timne ta get back into town. "W4at about tale »ha Couin. Hoaper pointed cut th î)at the petitionars ware agree-ing withi council and tbat ail, they were asklng wias a time aIlowance to Jet them return ta town after Il Former Couxicillor Les Coombes, a rasident of Baw- mnanvilla, who had sat In the audience through thesae dis- cussions, rose ta registar his disapproval ut the statemnents 5made an the matter and said that, ta his mind, whather there is A by-law or not, the SnOW11n'obilars will stýl ride oni the siÎdewalksFHa maini- taied that the aus as on the snowmobil.erS ta ,prateet the public. Mayor Hobbs rerfarked] that na ane should have thie -ýright te operate a m-otorized vehicle on the s F.idewal1ks and adided that a4'Raction c« 1%" are makinig It difficult for 1the irest. for tire year 1971; HIarold Bai- vuepired portion af Mr. H ut- fl T n er to': ,tari, tire appaintmeut enigon Jenuary 1, 1972. Tatira Durham County For- Animal Fe oata f Agriculture Co Counceillor Tink appointad for Co t lV n 1971. to a Ta tire E. irite fr~t5- Tne meut RCommîtefoa. tee s ndrnfor s aw Animal yaa)r tlnierm xpiriug an Jaauury Centrai eiice wra openad eIt Bowmenvila Town Council * d 1,17.o Monay inight. Tira, e miers af tira Datr-, Tiraywere $24A.1.20 (nept lînigton To wns!,irip Conuncl plus teax) frein Cawan Pontiac- Staniding Commrrîtteas for 1971- Buick on a 1971 Vanidure, .72 wvere slected by Reava umarket v\alue $3257 sud ai- D)owu suid Depu -ty-Raýeva 'Rick- loîaing $913 Orla adain a ~ r atirle last ceuïncimet traed contifi veiicle; and îng, ounJan(iary 4tir.$20 (net plus tax) iromri (:OCemmttea are Councilier irvVnPai -'Tînirand Dallas anid Ree Cauclr eta ieft Deî.chef end clark-controllerta 'n On tira Roads Cmitaeain ieCwnvhiCc aaCauniciller Baker, De-puty- sund if it mneats ail ir.-le oci- ireave Rickerdý and Reevé fIcations re-quized for trenew D Cvv., icotolva lmaitaprocutre. J & scTTys '"BESI BUYS"# *1970 *1970 *1969 *1969 *1969 41968 41968BOGA * 1968 * 1968 OTG *1968 *1968 *1968 f1968 41968 41968 41967 *1967 OLDS Cujtiaýs2-doar bardtap. V-8, autamnatic, power SU PREME steering-, powe.r brakes, radio. Lic. N129'?4. OLS2-door 1, rdtop> V-8l, automatic, powrr steering, p ower brakes, 'buckets", wida a vals, radia. 4-4-2 Lie. N24901. PONTIlAC SainWagon, V-9, autlomatie, Poweir steer'ilig, SAFARI power brakes, radio. Lic. X36048, COBRA FAST BAC K 4-specd, 429-V-Bantgine, custoiyi radio, "c".Lic. 151249. ENVO)Y Deluxe,2r, 4cyidr custom radio, EPIC "buekets". Lic. 2531. COUGAR 2-door Hardtop), V-8, automatie, power steerinlg, power brakes, console, radio, widle avals, X.R. 7 vinyi. rnof. Lic. 17326A. 2-orUardtop, V-(), automatie, power steering, power brakes, power windfows, rcli.nin-g seats. Lic. N22191. 2-door Fsbc,42B3-V-8, auto matic, power steýering, power brakaes, radio, sport deck rear seat. Lic. N2,1660, Convertible, "almi-ost brand n, automatic, new tiras, custom radio. Lic. L91300. BUICK Le Sabre, 4-dolor, V-8, automnatic, power ser CUSTOM îng, pawer brakes, radia. Lic. NiBOOL. CHEV ½j ton, heavy d-uty, long wheelbas., Fleetside, PICKUP custom radia. Lic. 62065B. GALAXIE Ford 4-door, V-8, automatic,poa steering, 500 power brakes,., radio. Lic. N29410, GAIL. 500 V-8, automatie, power steering, power CON VERTIBLE baksrai.Lc 21H CORTI NA J1300 -,eries, autoirntic transmaiss-îin, 4-cylindýer, DELUXE "Ni e. c.N1004. DODGE Autamnatie, 6-cylinder angine, radio, WINDOW VAN extra seats. Lic. B99773. ALPI NE 4-cylinder, overdrive transmnission, CON VERTIBLE, 4-spfeed, radio. Lie. 418109, GALAXIE Country, Sedan station wagon, V-8, automatic, 500 power brakes, radio, 9-passaruger. Lic. X36128. 7T-BIRD *1967 LANDAU *1966 *1965 SCHEV *1965 SUPER *1965 *1965 AE~L~METEOR 19765 RIDEAU *1965 41965 *1963 41960 lYou rmust bring thL i ta takea dvan toge1 these priceS> Promýpt Finoncing Thro FOR MTOR CREDIý of Conceda "Oshawo Ameas OnIy Ford Deule 2-door hardtop, V-9,il power, beautiful condition, auto-matie, radia. Lic. N1518. CHEV Cab and chassîs, 6 cylin-der., good tireps, 4-speed 1 TON Lic. Y4113, CHEV V8, uoaicso ai.Lc 3 COAC H auoaiusorai.Lc 32. Convertible, buekets and console, -V-8, SOTautomatic, pawver staaring,pwrbak, SOTradia. Lic. 223369. ,poe aks VAUXHALL Coach, 4 cylinder, bucket seats, "good VIVA runner". Lic. '199150. PONTIAC Autom'atic, 6 cylînder, custom radio, COACH enae owner. Lic. N81113. 4 do or, custamn radia, 6 cylinder. Lic.N27150. DODGE Sdn V-8, automatie,ý powier steering, POLARA 440 poe rakesý, radio, Lic, N,16699. PONTIAC Station Wagonl, automnatic, pawer stýearing, 9-PSSEGERpower brakes, power tail gate, radia. CORVAI R 9 door coupe, automatic, radio, buets, MONZA brand new tires. Lic.N22331, DODGE 4-door, 6-cylinder, standard tnrnsmission. PHOENIX Lic. L99496. ma c 815 King Si, W. MUSTANG 2+2 G.T. s3588 s2888 $2788 $888 $2688 $1888 $2288 $1588, $1888 s2088 s1088 $1688 $1188 $2388 $888 $488 $788 $488 $588 $488 $488 $ 588 à DONALD 576-18 00 Oslh'awa

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