Reports f rom Women' s Institutes BLIAC-K8TýloC-K WIV . the niew Board, namning the personnel and their duthes. The Jauary eeting of the Manvens township isad ils Black-stock W. I. took place în f irst Kindergarten grade in the Towý,nship Hall oin Janu.- 1969 and othershad been add- airy 6th in tise aitennoon with cd thnoughout tise counties. 21 mnembens and nine visitons A ncw scisool fanrcfitarded present. childaca had been opcncd ai The peidnMa-s. ercy Bcthesda, Manvens-pupils at- VanCamp, wclcoimcd thoseltend Tnafalgar Scisool in Pet- prescrnt and the-meeting open- 1erborougi. cd with the Ode and Collect. "Wîth incaeasing pupils, ad- The mîrinuteýs af tie last1 dîons have been made 'te mneeting wcnc reaýd and aP- sevenal schools and i is ex.- paoved. As. -RusselI Mount- pectcd that ail former one- joygaetsteaue'n- roomcd scisoals wiil bc closed port. Many tsank you notes wîthin two yeans. w enera fnomn those whan. "Transportation is cestly, ceived Chnistimas Cheer boxesbu esar.Sm30bss and anc from tise Ch-ilda , btranesary.1Some300 us pes Aidforgifs sni ci heda y, cavcning an estimated ahlrnnunced isthenca, tw TV11,000 miles per day." annuncri h;ý th ne TV Mn. Rowan's opinion was we denated to"0the day oon that there is much more to tn tise Port Penny EHospital offen in the ncw langer iad been bou1giian instail. schoolsý "Campetîtion is keen.- ecd and wsbeing cnijoyed hy er.'rl4rc are mare, acîlvifies. t'le patl('ien,'ts ierp. We alseo sucb as drama and sports. had a letten andi Christmas! Children lcarn te get along a rd fr a m i a r ld p te d b o y . w ith m are p e o p le . T h e re 1 5 ending aur fees and î nclud-ý lic school and enterîng isigis ing a donatin nta MacDonald school. Puiails are kept more Instîtute, sening auotr yarly occupied andi are more'social- donnation fonýr a doted boy ly advanred. Parents, tea, get and laning qultîn, jta know anc anotiser better.ý Mas, Skelding hadl chargelThe new System gîves equall oi the program. Mals. Carieuainlopruiy fr Wrvgnt. The mtai, "Tietevery chid te make a useful Evens. Te mote, Theand wothy contribution te pwoiï, ewlJing of wnk ndi heSoiety ai which lhe is a o me ,,:ýlïig o or ad'memiser. Teacheni aLso ar e tis ret ilhng e et he, upgaading tiseir qualification %vas comnj-(ited on byMa, and training ta cape with ise Ken~ educational sysicm." The rail caîl was ta came Mn. Rowan futher diseus- a pro-vince and oneic ofits i1sed thse new Occupational dustnies Thee was a smaf ýll Courses. oiieaed and tise ncw displaiy ai articles mrade tei Credit Sytemi. "This is the sh1ow y\,u), talent. ena ai equal erducation for Mirs. Loane Topa show,-Ieveryonc. There are night cd a loveiy grouip ai coored classesfr aduhi education, slides, taken by beFr brotheýr I ass Adit Couaýsellhîng 5cr-i during t1isirttrp te the Ba1, i.- ýadGianeSrie tish ses a-4s smIera. viesand Gianlf c Se, rvie Temeeting closcd ith t1isecer aamayletsct.lo of Caind, AlovIvcompietji ofa Grade 8 a-id siningcf Caada A ovey ovW find themselves unable rlunh wapeve y tis t cope wiith today's jobs. Tise graup.govennment is tnying tai pro- -- mate more education te more BETHANY %W . p pupils, patîculai'ly adulis. "We live in a world ai Memnbers aiBof sn Wo-' changiîng ideas. We have men's Institute met in Ltie chanige in farming metisods, United Cisunci Sunday'i Scisoolletc., etc. Evcny yean tise need hall on, Monday«i night wittli for eýducation changes. There Mas. Addison Scott pnesîdjing,. are more tecisnelogical cisang.- Mar. Arthsur Rowan aif Y(e- es ýin tise lasi 20 yeans than verton, nepresentative aiftise in the 200 years previeus. We taw7nships of Manvers ani must leann te live, work and CartwaIhit an thie Unitedt play tagether. Education is a Counnues ai Northumberland lifp-tinie projeet, Oua chiid- and Durhiam BSoard ai Educa.- nen face many unknown chai.- thon, was guest speaker andIlenges. In teday's metsotis dîscussed tise cu-rmnn changelpuils* are, encounaged to learnn in Eduicathon andi Administra- an their awn ibrougis gooti tien. Llbraay facilities and It-hrough Hle discussed tise palicies.bflaudio.-vhsuai aitis. No matier INDOOR HEATEDI Enjoya Refreshing Swim, for tlîat change of pace MON. ta FR1. -- 7 to 9 p.m. $00per person at th e Libertyý St. S. at Hwy., 401 Phone 623-3373 Bowmanville BMN McVean gives you somfething to think about. weekdays 1:05 to 3 pm. LISTEN HEKFE: ONTARIOS FAMILY STATION I 't Happy LittlIe FelIo-2w îow good our achcnIs eare, car1y edlucation 'begins in th-- home, . Many' s tudents came nomr b)roken homres. We ,need r'espo)nszibIe parents., There is re bnrigisi future ,for those a'itheut educatioan, Edlucation Ès a life-tîmne o f learning." Questions wene answenedr front the floor. Tise speaker! ,vas întroduced by Mas. Ro- bent Joncs and thanked byý VIns, Keiih Adams, pnogram convenen. Mas. Belle 'Smith gave cern- nents on the mote "Today's y'outis must face the fact, that the job for which, they are tained today, may be non- existent tomornow." Tile rail caîl was answered by naming a .change in cdu- cation between Yesterday and roday. Mas, Vincent Jackson gave thse- financial report, read the minutes of previeus meeting and the conrespondence whicis included gaeetîngs for tise New Vear fnom the F.W.I.O. President, Mas, Austin Zoel- ler, fnom Mas. Gordon 'Ruih,l East Durham Distric Presi- dent, and from Ma, and Mas. James Fraser, Belleville. Penny isags for the support of Mental Health were dis- tributed. A short course "Ac- cessonies for tise Home", wil begin nexi week led by Mas, Harry Ryley, Mas. John Neals and held at the home of Mas, James Kloepfen. Lunch was served by Mas, KIeith Adams and membens 'cf her group. Mas. John Neals expressed tise m mes thanks te tise hostess gnoup and guesi speaker. HAMPTON W. 1. Oua firsi meeting ai tise rew yeaa was held in tise Christian Education Centre an ~ January Sui, 1971. Presidlent _ Mrs, Chant apened tise meei.- *~,'a. ing by reading a poem cn.-- **.'-tiiled "Thank Gati for Dîrty ""M.i~is< Tise rail eaul was answecd' , wîth a Houseisold Hint. Ma. ,,<. _:n.îsî Bunrows readth ie minutes ai ... .. previaus meeting whicis were M appraveti, and aevealed a col- lection ai $12 was taken for The litile fellow with the, big, happy smîle in the tise Golden Plaugis Latige, bv ht sJh arnOe o fM n a Mas. Marlon Macnab repercatetioo sJh are k, oio r.adM visit made ta Galden Pleougis John Oke,ý 1840 Bloor St. East, Mississauga, who wîi ll Lotige and Bowmanville Nuas- celebrate his firsi birihday on January 24ih. John ing Homes and Bowmanville Warren is the grandson of Mr. and Mas. Cccii Milis, Memonial Hospital by Ms al rv Nancy Johns, Mas. Helen pl Gov, and Ma, and Mrs. Morley Oke, Bow- White and Mn, and Mas. Mac.mnvle nais, STise pnoganm was in charge Institutes. hi was tise fis compaaed thýis with tise pic- ai Noth West Gaoup anti was National Convention and tise turc ai agriculture in oua cisaincd by Mas. 'George Yea itiseme was "Communcatin- ecanomry. We necd ta present Pnizes were given ta members IKeystone ta Progness". Mas. a better imnage aio fanming te if isrdures costumes and, Davis espechaliy menthonedth ie publicso tisai respect for weac woni by Mas. K. Caverly!tise addncss gîven to tise con- tise farmer is ai a isigiser and Ms T. M. Chant, venion by, Sistea Thomas level. We ise needti ta ake Tise memabers 'werc pfleaýsant,- MOane. She saiti it was tise a greatea contribution 0.- iyý cntcntahned by Ma.jugsiduty aio a woman te "nag" a wards tise peace anid economny Gelaburger Jr., showing sie iTisai is tise way te gel aoftise world. loi a accent holiday in F,-lîda [tiings donc, Tise delegates Mas. E. Foley niovetic a vote and Hý-awaiî. wenc c.nyaly ententaineti by ai tisanks te Ma. icka d t Mas. Bayanannunet tetise provine ai Manliieba- laitise pragaam co rtc. Ts course in "Acessoies foýr ts aywy î aqes etn lsdwtsts e Home ta e hid a ens.- 1ba rb cu es ani 3p-,ç,graams!ý. Tise y peaînr i ts 'ole nui day and Tusa, a.6hweac driven in buscs e s ofloe yasca re andi 7tbj. NtonlPec"arinsb- A dlainty 1 lch-was cvtiten Nontis Dakota andi bY theegroip hn cag. Mntb.This Is aven 2300 NSLTNW . acre set aside te) comm,)eman- Tise finsi meigits SOLINA , . L aie peace bctwcen tise two New Ycar ai Nesileton 1,Vo- nations by tise Wome'shmn's Inttt a et stitutes. Tise convention last.- e' Intue wa ;li Oua New Yarsmeeting c iedasadsvr i Wednesday afiernoon aitis opene wit ouanew res1- utc was filleti wiis woatis home ai Mas. Alian ecek tientiai table and chairs ai while and enjoyable pro-Fellewing tise opcniing"Oe tise front. Draping tise table nrams, Mns. Davis tisankced and tise "Mary StewartCo- was an attractive bine velvet the îistîiîue fer tiseir pa.rtIri ledt", .tise president, Mars, facing towaads tise audience. mking it possible for ber teWai WlS, extendet thee cThe reict isMhsthut Cia weicome and tise "iisank yau", AshMas, Rn solrettryTaylor 1,tie lyt o tise ostess. Afier wis;-ilng Ret Frserwee sate isne ý_- deligisiful rnbt, en "A very happy New Yeaa ta Tie eein oe e withtie piano, te ,onchide tise ail", sis.e aead a poem by Etina tise' singing of tise Ode, and meeting. Helen Wenay teank.- Jcus ae" repeating tise Mary Stewart cd tisose wiso asssitcd oLn tise Severai thank-you notdes C oletaferwhchth m n roramn, anondoawere reand by Mas. R. Davison1 Coleci, rdafi ndsihtieser' min.-n non(c rfnom those who weae remýem.- ute wee eadant iesture'sFebauaay meeting rail cail, bered witis cards anti "Gaod raaept ive a preseni."A projecc i'd lîke ta se aur Ciseer" boxes ai Christmas. balnceis eany $00,Tie Institute undertake tisis year." Mas. Austin Zocli.en, presiden coarepondnce as e rd.Ms. Hoar, Primany Consuit.- aiP.Wh.O ,1et grectin-sl Among ibis werc several ant, wîl be tise speaker. 'tissnk you' notes and a letter EaneBkrcoductei fo tiePresident cf tise cmcisui n eeîy Ontario Onganization, and' aloic snd alvr very interestîng lettea irorn cd lunch in tise iawea hall, 0111 F u m a oresaec Miss Vena Cistyton. Miss Pesail Leachs gave us tise igisî gss cf tise F'edeaat- ed News Bulletins, Sise es.- peciahl!.y imentianedtirseNa- tional Convention ihelti ai .Winnipeg in Augusi wisic'i cur District Presiden1t, and So1lna membea, Mas, Ralpis Davis, attendeti. We are donating $10 ta- waad tise Seventy.-Fiftis An- nlvensaay Funti cf Women's h nstitutes in tise Dominion, as well as $10 te tise County jHomnemaking Clubs. Rdta Fraser, aur secretary, inameti as delegate ta tise Officeas Conference iseld ai ýGuelpis In Apail. Ashort dis- cussion followeti in regard te pucistIng macdisises, se we coulti set tise tables for 150! ai anc urne. Peal Leachs and Elleen Page are a commîttîe to laaok after this. Tise presi- dent asked membens te brîng han thiciaCanada Pstckcns lab- els aitishe nexi meeting. Tise rail cali was quite in.- teresiing ant inuorous -'A j Pplar Song when h was a jTeenager'. Mas. Helen Weray, leader cof group, Histenîcal Researcis anti Cuarent Events, toek.tise 'chair for tise pragram. - ýShe called on Mas. Laary Spires for tise metto, A New Year's readîng. Tisis was ativice in tise foam af a recipe to be hasppy anti successfuilantise New Yeaa. Annette Taylor favoreti us with two fine Piana selections. Mas. John Knox aeviewcd tise Current Evenis af 1970. She mention.- cd sanie aitise tragetiies- nesa lorne, as well as tise world evenis - thse moon trhpLs anti tise strikes, tise war situation anti tise unernployrnenî. 55e conclute i witi s sae isappier events baoth fan anti nean, hn ail it was Lricestinig anti humerous as wei as very serious ior us te rcs thtie ycaa 1970. Mas, Ralpis Davi tisen gave ber veay fine repart ai tise National Convention, Tissi is iselti every tere yeaas It was in, Wizsipeg ibis yeaa, partiy because aI ManitobIa's Ceai- tennial aiisle O601h An-niveaI- sary of± Malutioba"%aWOMe41Vs MAPL E GIOVE W, ýý l Tise January metnf tise Women's Instîtute isatiMa. Garnet Rickaad cf Sisaw's as tise guesi speaker. Mas. Stusat Morion was in chargeai tise fiollowing busi. r'ess. Tise rail cail, Name a Canadian Indusrasist nir a pness chipping cf Indus,,tiaa ,-nieaest, wTras answereti by alil tise members. i was agreeti ta give a tienatîon cf $25 to tise Boaýrtiof Stewards, Tise celebration of tise 25th Anal.- veasary aif aur W. I. is ta, be isel inl tise C. E. Centre en April l9tis, wiih a planneti Pot Luck Supperata 6:30. Tise cammittee in charge is te plan a pragnani, A iistory ai tise last five years ai oua W. 1. work wiii be given ai oua Feis, meeting, It was decîicti ta have an Open Meeting laten in tise year wiih tise new executive planning tise meeting, Mas. Stepisca Jeffçry was in charge of tise meeting on Canatisan Industries. Mas,. S. Morionre kiadth ie mai10, "In tise gcootiolti tisys, tise man who saved money - was a miser, nowadays he 15 a won- tien,' wisich was wrttcn by Mas. Grant Bennett. Sise salti "Slxty yeaas aga, a teachea canneti $125 a year, anti many mca worked for 50c a week. Everyone worked, teenagers, ciiltiren anti grantiparenis. Tisere was plenty ai gooti foodi; meat, vegetables anti fruits weae ail canneti. Wood bati te be cut fer fuel. Taday, iewer anti fewen people are waaking. Money may be mare plenthful todsty but it 15 just as isard te save meney." Mas, C. Russell anti Mas, P. Mehïcntyre in'aid'tume costumie, sang "Put on Youn, Olti Grey Beonnet" anti "Tise Keys of H eaven" , accempaniietib Mas. W. Laiad aitishe piano. Mrs. Hl. Cryderman intra.- ducet Itie guest speake-r, Mn, Gaanet Riekzard. Ma. Riekard spake on Canadian Ind.usties anti tise place tisai tsey v ,e -ia aur reconomy, He saîdtita t 1-ene is- tise challen-ge a chane whch is bý ots ex.,cîting, and ±ut~îg Mi, Rîcka;ýrd [ and data pertaining te th~e sýevmnty.-fifth annîversany Ex- pans»lon Fund for Ma.cDonald Institte. Mr. J. arshall of Durbam En ran, nd Ia memiber ofNsteo' sisten W.l I.gave asleddaccount *of thieir recent alctîvities, when th seved250 guesis a tany.-tneasure"r of F,.W.I (O. en- closed reguLajions iin regard te the annual fceJsheet and also mcintionred the "Aniirver- sary ,Fuind." The ipamounrt of donation is lIIte othe discr. Ilion of each W. I. A dicusionfolo!(wcpd re INcestleton's îty-ifh anni. vensary ,and ih wasiiunanimous- lIy dlecided to have a "poot; luck" suj[pen in the CýO.F. hall, Febnu.ary 6th, at 6:30 p.m., whenthebf members will ,ententain thecir husbands and thene wil be a short pnogram. Summary DaL)y for the short counse Wiil e bruaay l7th ýat Hampton. The twelve lad. les who took the course are planning te attend and thein cushions will -be on dasplay. Let's Brigiten the Living. room" was the therne chosen by Nestleton W. 1 te be sub- iited to the Fair Board and the articles are listed for thse exhîit. Mrs. Haray McLaughlin, convenur t fHome, Economîcs and Helis resided for thse paogramn. Th roil e-au ",How te keep yor,;l figure, and yeur vi-igar" showed thatimosi mem.- bers were weight conscieus. ilt was gerierally agneed tisai wilpower" is a miust and tisai walkîng does help in the problem. The motte, "It i 1ineot how inuch we have, but, 'how muoh we enjoy that niakes Happiness"l was ahly presented by Mas, McLaugh- lin with a poemn Happiness. Mrs. Gnant Thýompson gave a reading, "0f Special Intenest ta Health.-minded Women," "The Requisites of a Good Nuiýsing Home" was given by ýMas. McLaughlin, A- "Let's Discuss It" peniod followed wien each member gave lier jopinio>n on questions submît.- ted by the convenon, Thîs was irost interesting ýas ail wene required te pantîcîpate ini the discussion. It was.aeported tisat thirty- one Christmas boxes wene packed for adulis and two for cisildren. Twelve were taken by Mns. Cecii Wilson te the Hillerest Nurshng Home ai Pont Perry. A special "iisank -you" Is extendedte Mas. Ben. -DeJong, Mrs. Walter Wels, rMas, Fred Dayes, Mrs. Hanry tMcLaughlîn, Mas. Grnan t DThompson and Mas. Richard rDavison wiso assîsted with tise rpacking. c1Instîtute Grace concluded thspart c)f tise progaam, ai.- ter which a delicieus lunch was senved bhy Mas, DeJong's ,group. Masý.'Will Asiston ex- iended ihe a--Ppreciation ta Ithe hostess ,anid teail wias- sisted wîth the meeetinig. Thce neimeeting is Febua ri3n The Canadian Statesman, Bow#manville, ,Tan. 20, 1971 NEWTONVILLE A fui,Pacýk of Cb and attendrngthe annual Shouldfice, and Mrs, . -Bow)en At Bronte. scout- les ne boy whoIIL was Banquet and entertaînmient ati Mrs S A. Rowe wa, a sup- 111) with their leaders enjoy.- Toronto's Royal York Hotel, per guest, Sunldayj , wth Mrý -ed thitp to Camp Samac Saturday, Iland Mrsi Ed Rente and Tif f- ov-,er last wveekend. There they, "Life's Great Race7" was Rev, any, after visiting Mr, Rowe stydin heated cabins and T. J, Snelgrove's toc i -1 tn Memorial Hospital had a wonderful time wÎth Sunday mornlng, rnentloning Remember the amnpua Con- various wînter sports, skating, that, as we endeavoun to run gregational Meeting in the tobogganing, etc. it, our characters are molded, Sunday School Hall, ne'xt Sun.- The previous week Scout.- in strlving to overcome person.- day, beginning with a pot-luck,ý master Phil Hayman took the al handicaps, or lending a supper at 5:30 p.m. Cub Pýacký on a hike to Mary.- helping hand to others less your "eats" and corne eut and dale Park, where they had a fontunate. enjoy a time of good fellow- "cook.-out", returning home, His story for the' chilciren ship. here, about 4:30 p.m., so there stressed the value of ;ismile Mr. and Mrs. E cwne is always some activity being on the face of a smnall girl, Peterborough weDre visitors, planned. This Tuesday even.- and Uts effect on the varîous Sunday, wîth her mnother, AMrs. ig v,71,11see a special "Golng people she met, one ralny day, Agnes Burley, The latter in Up" ceremony at the school, going to school. "The Harbor forms us, proudly, that sh-ip m-arking the rising of Glen Bell" was sung by the choir. has one more gneat-grandchild, Mlarteli from Cubs te Scouts. Mn. and Mrs, Charles Gray just arrived last week, mak.- Father Cleary wili present four and girls,, Orono, were dînner fig a total (if seven, Religion and Life Badges, that guests, Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Buirley also mnentions eveninIg. Mrs. C. H. Lane. the death notice tif M/rs. çSadie Pla4ns, are belng made for Mr. and Mrs7 Fred Hener.c- Gillespie, a resident of thig a;ýnotheFr Paper Drive ln the son, accompanied by her par.- village e 40 or more years near futlure, date cf whlch wîîî ents, Mnr andr Mrs. Clinton age. Some cf our older res7i- ýbe gielater. BrownNwaslweesp-dnswill prýob.ably rernember Mr ad Mrs, Laurle Sta ple.-prget.Snawt r e ae ton, Beverly and Rlcky, ci Ajax- were recent visitor~, with Mrs. Geo. Stapleton and Mn'. and Mrs. McCord ofle n rs'2u I Toýronto were overnilht guests withl MissAllie Nesbitt, Thurs- Intemde fisunhamnniedtedckbha Glad to be able to report the counter and maàde a dive for hus lbat and coat. that Rev, and Mrs. R. C. White "'Two o'clock," he cried. "I've got te get over te thse banlç, have received a more favour- _My wife is supposed te meet mne there at eone 'clckSharr, able report fnom ber brother, and 1 don't waat te be late, 'Mrnichard Gillingham, in hos.- pital in St. Louis, Missouri. CLOTHES CARE HINT: Hle is oui of the coma and showîng definite signs of lm- Do It Yeurself dees not apply te the removal of spots andf provement, hoping that hieMay stains rmyu a ensExrt ulie tetonÏ be able to return home before frmyu gamnsExetqliid tetons very long., needed.. send them, to your drycleaner. A meeting of Sunday School teachers and officers was held RED CROSS BLOOP DONOR CLINIC on Tuesday. evening, with a rather discouragingly small Wed., February 3t d - Lins Centre attendance. A small family gatherlng * .a m was held at the home of Mr.ý and Mrs. F. Gilmer, Thursda.l BOWMANVILLC evening,, the occasion cf their wedding anniversary, W E N R family moved to Newcastle last . *GIT 84 CLEA N ER week from.their former resi- IGS.W 242 dence here, on iil Street.A ER W SpcazenSirLanel ' Local p-eople attending the CL N Kendal Card Panty on Frlday nlght included Mrs.ý R. Farrow, Mrs. H. Trlm, Mas. Milligan and Berniece,, Mr. R. Bruce,i Mr. and Mas. Wallace Bough,, Saturday evenlng visitonsý O S O A S with Mrs. Bea Jones were M r.,~H U E 0 U I and Mrs. John Pope and Neil of Garden Hill, while Sunday evenlng callers were Mr. and A N A Mrs. John Carlaw and sons of Warkworth. Mr. Trueman Hendenson was A G I O N A home from Sudbury over theBA G N BO NA wAeekend, 'and Miss Dorothy Elilott home fron' WaterloowA ýover the same perlod cf tIm-e.ý hsW e BY S v son. and Carl wre super, guess, atuday wih M. PICE SLSHE ONAUJ MAIES and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ li Mr.A4 eni t o. V OELS OF NEWI, LSED Mn. andýn rs. WangLlce and STUDIO ORGANS