m: andanSaesmav',wmiv.lee aw si,~7 ',Yke 3LcÈrý )f Yn~,a-11d3Kv nGrey each had nelIat, Randy Msesand John ~ a ~Ia~t TUhA îadsa-db nyJrvswt nGrl eddy t wo aneI goal ~ j-7coe b a three an ansas-ivt ean Bob Ekie two, h ua aaLat"d byPaveLav- Holmes wandHong megoraswere "Acoedby Brad Wbile heHylh' goal goal while Rod Dewel, Arthur Mi!meýr and Bo Sacleonon ad by Steve lBzrau. Hoebo ah a n ri efethdan sit he son cL neto h sit aesc~d Bantarn am En s1-0 cor.Te asupeohuBsbyates by a Es4 ount.The FY- t' zGoa7eý l un sordb ,.2seah aa eeld r'gal eeMcrdb Jan M th, teBae uet ihoega ndtoHbsasgoalan neasit sucore. The Blades' yoa, gol hleRn ronhaunsWooler ane, John Turner, cw~ Mu~s icn'galwssordb eiatr n1bur- oranc assateIcllTe Pan bý Bll Bu rooks, i Kevî WËrdwhilKeith Shm - thersgoals were cored by thet ceçondgarnethe han and Scontsliltn eacmab a oogu ihtre 210 LmyrThe Selra uthirfnal Atam garneL of adScta a he s weresored bY Kevýîin he àday the Clippers defeated sI3ts, Ti-- y C -ry ncan and rad Nlanwhie te oyasby a 4-2 score. The 'SteveJm essas IJnspicked ',-Ifl Clippmes'gswere scored l hetid atm an roy Paul Fic.ý-e with twa, Paul theHsie eeae h ATOM LEAGUE Çasgagnete and Leonard White Braves ya32cut h ~lle firatgains , an goal each. PaewCary pick- HskiW4e'goals wee suord <f ~e~ucon atrda, aned up woaaxsand Murry Rab raugh a ne,KeDvio ~i Vaetydefat~ Rudy ne The Rayais'goltwgas unesitTr by a % 2score. ,The V -%'and and Tom Fowler WouiScynte-nc.The Brat-e'gol ewegoal er coe at enethd'nbasat er coe y Jon Jahaso e with two, wbiLeMik u'e e cino o. etVse ikdu n had one ga adtweau O4h the Hawks deeatesit andL Pst Ryods'a5teBavr y a9-3 coe. MIGTLAE [anse, SWt nonsdThe Hawks' goals pwere n sco atefrMidsgetgae h Ioclgaon ech had pansby Don Dvsn îhthé arnetsld-"eated the PES by The Stars' goals wre whie TamConliha nsa - soe.Th aret'gol ,cle, ~o Walan sd San! and Braley James haWeIasga? aoe sit Deuso eah Ladne ac asitreask h.TeBae'LryBrntwgolsn g'gn w,ýoal eesoe y ar w sita tv ae n Tie Fargas' goals wwccacroixpas twoamassita and nett ans asit, Pets Hoikema, by Risk Bain îth»FpRichKnceugan, auDilntosits ed nc ass; atn PrMUt ahenseacnd aine the luthe4secn e h ai p i goal wr cormed by Don gols were scored by Mikel two assis errcy idand Sebu ur MaxJhn a wobrtPayaone pesiat TMich Sefec Oa n,* Wings' gol was screduby Kiu Mssiat In the MAiru gai eFa, Antsam 's b - cr Mththe jBrina shut. wTe eeas gaswr Rangeaby anu8-s cout'MrTedby hi Unysaswith Bruia' gals ere cord by y Dug Hnniu o', Jerry Rohnles oalwthtre gols asssta Gln Jmesansgoal asit, KCen Lvigone a a CQVE RAGES: EandyNGwrnanw"I'eDui goal, Tom liean aSasi DAMAGE O PryJcraJmCmbl WVNED VEHKICS anJaTeilanasitBo- O T t t heautu a ;ien anlCcùchniv eeate fhoNoicehesby ào u pe -jsoe h fs' g :"Ts AC ideut f Asaafrhel ~f peei~,d erland with twoanda assu. ar Mark Sinypnla41 Ontaic ~ôm u~l l- mi ewirn MMGie wtand The sona h>n CRera ALc Ourwy ayTSm scy onwanJa. 2, 898 l Merc jwed Io'tM. Jan. Othe wýKLnga rte IfrmtonClIdfetdch lades by s 0- Liel uvvdb i îe scoIre, TheKinge'mrk ënteformerAlma Hummeta 1 lNiarFlîs, lN,nlu1B20 Vademett, olslisahe sdugtrMsWlla assat Bilsirkett nc ol Piief orieulu asarcu Sam llîottanteMr.CresArrt assat. (ahYe)iMaruvra su BATA1LAGE rs horins BueLik-(Iren-e'ý) la the firatBatangaine cfPerbogh Say.,Ja. Stb the PEe Wjee n iusn etda 623-023ssard b Joy Buus ithvise was held jin echapel,- 623-493toMlry Peor it w, ouTbusdy at 1:45 E .,fl Toma Founin 1, GL'eld Ledylwdb nenn r WilamPercy ofcaig RItMptcISevc ~, MLAS SES abnation- mnme ansu iat quaiy Mleus lta Choosedi don. MuaanThm's. Wtiay ber I Wei. an. - 9 OI. SeM, 9 a.m.. ta 12 Nas OBITUARY ME, ANE ANDEUSON Oas of Whitby'o aider sf11- zens, Mrs. Jane G. GAndier- sou, latterly aifaave ag 3ld t ths OsbawsGenra Ho'itaiionTuesday, Jan, 12, 191,illwiga mnt ll11- seeu Sh eas lu er 9styean. The duhe fIslt Thomas a nd CteieBon shewaboaoJuy3180 in La:àgnQso6ud u waa rnied lu Satln o June 22, l1900 Dte fs leFr- cia O. R.AdronMrA- denson passed away rui1941 Mn. sud Mrs.Adeso 1f t Ssatland sud came ta ý' Canada,ý taking up resîde-nce n hib 64yeans aga. Mrs.Andrso men's GapFvAPs Noble Grand a -i Rbka e.e valent Lodge i13, Wibyb bad bees a member fo r e 50 years. Sf5 W55 aLsa smem ber ai Whîtby Senioý-r Ctîze-us Mrs, Anderson is uviL by two sous, Fraunacis 'Taranto sud Thomas ai Napause; six daugbters, Mrs. C. White (Cathenine)ý, Mra. D. Scaotland (Jean) sud Mrs. . Mingi (Chistina), ah aicO haw; Mrsý. 1H. cyfe Ev)a Job o (Agnes) i WfitbRy' sud an ist: er M g.-JaeB- Mrs. Anderýson was rede C eased' býy a daugfte, Mr. Gerg almer (Ans) Mai Wfltb.y sud a son, John c Alberta Th-le iuuerai wss hLfoin If VW . Town 7uea Jas. 14, aI2:0Ar)niwilhb Rev W. J. S. MeClU2eeuutn i i t c c c 1: E c c c B i h O N ewYear s Eve a Big Night ýfor Fun Pti the one night af the year when noa hsbad urab-lashed New Year's wslsae at the- Legian prarty. cank- ns wives with completsk munt. imCanEr- yin£, the fun arc e nKhk, Gay and Jim Quin is rovngthe point as he gîves Mrsý.'JKen Kuhne tnjj , suid Kay and e abry MrnduMrs, Gar sdCah laswrsrae a heFb cart; sud Mn. Arthur hm-naymein bc llcu ou attendcdth e funeralcf l aia pagainabot aner. Mui Katte Buwasbsite-u %%eteDers howesdte pa- aW o aiMrs LnaBurwas»l un entateslrr okhault the 14l She pusad way Moudayshol euîuenig. CngauntIn %tnDse MrW W.ercer speut emai nu.ttedaughnter U n u Fnldy taMa.uat the bonms M-sRoyLltlU i Kual aci We brothr Mn.Anthun icad eath sn0f Mnu, Grn oatr he had returned sd rs KnuthNel a fram th Uxbnlge Hospital. Orana, who 7eeui,edl The Kuzenoshave sut their mnIr-'Îageý, Juay8 uKa ops fursaIthe star rs madaL Untd Cch i Rv.T nia taeigt o te nlgbts Segoe Tewdigdia- dha thestore was pen. urwssre uteOdd Fellaw Halllu Oraofor55 LasIyTuesdyight Mns. E. guests. h bpy oplire Courox sudMrs. George goîug ta esdeluTaane n Merer ttetehIfspot luck tii hmlushsiscorsnl superputauby the EasîcCivil Engineering. DasMlae Star lu Bawîanville. I W5îsRegistsred urîu ssstn faterMnC.V Cooper, Sun- Mer eudler vlsltd bis hal atIh 0hie aifMs Th Guides sud Bwnuesiare for ss VictoraCabsn t wnio P--- tptatMI aIls pese la qle uuulfrsryTetelU'Turseonwr Seaturei, y 1 swsth b sevd ayuc u 8 a.m. wlll ai dse spoe u-vr uy 1ersudKaty sd Kru ief cad sd Ier wsnflt hocey ud rasîseskaing hg. Thelo enîtBy Ils iberyac0oi, BTuesda .lbte 50-5 prias Flon dsAil ThebLKUda UC. au he d BUsiR fss Direcory Weduesd ;ay t ns h !home ai Mrs. Garland Cath Sto Mn!StE,(ian cat t leMs. T. Seveuspre- A couniancy' Cnena àmnan c WILLIM ~. ALL ogfa erse aa nsMI eyn, Clc- tur buI a are t 15 BgnS.corofm, fa ben vrysuiesn Cbajorteed Ascontn.vt Rysear Weheldaur hun l ' e ,TALR, SCýOtart oo ou Keda li C uiroprac ic Mrs.gaHeanosterefa bout 2 Office.athemya abrtyhaine A sn hep G4 EDW9iN MSNt,, C norenthie2pltes wlhopiture Chlropracton MÛ ainda l ar oin aud a $2 0 lrnse Itpownsr sclded l a seu a oua Chirapraclar Sus gae au ntenesiu tll o )fflse: flteRoyawartyhs visil lu If De Pn f a i 400tmfownds huew ea DR. VLIM RUDELL, DDS choal sud lçltehen, sud ruad DR. P. MOCNTGOMERtY Idonation ta Ifs' ePeýruvlan ,dis- 75 Klng St. E. Bowmanvllle astýer; we cnnbtd$5ta luise Hours, the Dr. MeClune Fn swl 9 a.m. ta0 6 p.mý. dally a contributions tn asurM- Clased Stransd Sunday sluary and BibleSclS Officephone - 623-5790 fuada, Mrsn G.Cathant crnd GERTZ snie lntenestlng psm. 1h DR. STAhLEY eeig et uuliwllbea 67 King St.. EBwavlethe hoe i Miý -,Irs. Helen our Office Houri u it n, a avn f 9 an.ta 6 p.m rgau u n. .Fse Mcdy bnugbThurdytheuchTeralcîlux Plane c3-62oerroielgabuth Ëawinaeýnvîlle raessi $mg Courtise wne !resWvsion 222 King SI. E., ute16wlth hein agtrMs o 71cased StudaSunday csdduhes Manday Ms G couumauns Open Tuesday tbraughFldyburalguteNucGee I nsurance !s wobuw'S a&Yfeurpoint tu log E., Suite 2A sâud r.Itn hoy sud fhai owaviy oe62-92 rn Ohw sdMs.Rf ____________________ ctalta 105ou1Bowrav ren whowre watrchlng. h atn thhtoeok oada -avednure thsatemp"au: Gae a uterauu texýt wson rnat igdfet otae aana ed by lue, M rs, à JdyFolMiss Agl uhlSa playeId the ongýan hnuh so hesc i4ti Meýmbers of theCetvewe uPaspl tahrI D aaAssociation o, u-tkn irpse banWest vïàtedeoonoFl Prooge.Thsmembersaith uegupvlslted LnrPb aotvisited witb n. an lis SchooîL where tbey sawtwMsPEcevasuAin pisays a ne for Grades 4 t vnteweed sud an- efor Kind Ce rga-ýrter ta1 nd arpr MSde Bahplays lvave he shild-Conif ahmtanhsia gal' bladder, held attehoeaMr.A Mn and Mrs . JC. ,Cook Kuwtu yas ady viitd whthe Sinihs, Sundayevngaury2at7p.t aiternoon. Mrs, FIeilher sud Mn. John Johnon, Osha wa, werc Sunday ans guestz af Mr.sud Mrs. Ber Johnson. Mn snd Mri U Bakrand Ruth uwesSatunday s eningp eÇ# OI 4 guests af the G. KNova Mnud ens WR Vanev, vlsitsd -wîth h C Puwnd eu's-, Satý,ýudyevrnsdî ra e, Mn nsd Mr P En egava ao.,Ausbaasn be thcees wpthreraonAE lSai oo su L(d, J net 111e; Mr Fletchen 7 andMn oh'Joai on, Osh, i ted lh'hTj e paren t nSare y.os t Mn. sud M le J Cook su Miss rassSmlt wc Sua 'Bp a day aternon viiton wet Mrs.Ethe KId su Mn.sud LUMING Ipeau N E qA Offer Expires Jn,30f 1971 AT YOUR DOOR, OR AT YOUR -STORE IF IT'S IT SGOOD because he owns his own bsnss ,, it'shie Iivelihood andi ho wants io ensre t cntinues to fI!,a vi s'h Wfhy ot visit the store w,,here erilives Smoked pini TURKEY StcksL POntarS 2 B A G tï d",R ÉER ""eis"" FRENCU~~~~~ PATY~ '0 C iir'CLAT ONONRLLS JUCHCO AE BRS ZIY EO ANT59 < Umm0 e»MFI * CRYASFN~F0 Apple Pe Fec re Tle isePprTwl 2'RLL 56 IGA Cril t, 6~ , eOMS* 50* ,, ~e STAFFOkD PIE FILLERS ICA TEA mAe os Ih IGA C5*O CGERR mi r 1.0, F tLESA 5cRSPER 6~O MM6' 6 :T:ERYiýAu 7 M-0 k 5SAMWCIl6S'5ss4 oNirAiO Canaa raeNSA ~A WSNrn~5O 39t~~M ~LNaeGLERW 5 FRUI JUIES1 MSV0. PI$.WCoaN -M381w,0~ mRNECYtALS 37 ~~GA ev dý APLEAUE l ~~GA04O~Ui! '4 PEAN HLVS i33 iH~~F0~F5'l i ku t,»o