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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1971, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanville, Jan. 20, 10711¶S PRO P C §1 BOWLS 410 Russ Bud" Oke sent the vins fly n s p R c ýperfect dozen deliveries last Wedned 13owi Thie great performance aw,1 d, in Men's Major League play, and thtl 62~- 234 - a m e at ~ be tv h ~ yca Ru s s a spared nh e fifth ind added sev en mir( SýKI PATROLLERLS J ar iewofnse f Although the number of skiing injuries are smail, par-98toatotk Mes ajreguhghvrneh" icularly when you realize just how many people have "taken caergt aki heMxdM to the hi"in recent years, a ski patroiler is a pretty nice Th___ _______________________ e sortshapyith tht, ust bve nc t ît600 r 0 perso ohave around, - mu Murhyhappy Jin McLean .2Must700 SiPatrollers aim to head off skiing mishaps before tlîeyE upy25JenMcat or70 ope~~nt~ mximu a avemin- l 's Eag ies - Edge Port-'nepe 210, Bernice Buday 206, viEAESWNBGOENDLSTWL Coole 206, Shirley Fowler 2()6, omavle ageIguladrinteJir'C mum of en' cquîipment, having won numerous competitions b -i ueif 26 eg Omlvil l lau e *rcfca fi.. adrscebthi and ndHEFaynes 20,5, Denîse Anniaert circuit, mn ved into Port Hope Thusy itadam ~retcl istad n rsuebohinCnaaan heUitdM ajor D II* w gme 205, John Clapdorp 205, Pete away with a 6-5 victory, on the sirethoagal ny3 orilrUIail eonzdbyhsrs oordeiBt D o p *U m e ~ Dobbins 205, Ron Haynles 202,1 seconds from the end of regulatïonti. Th atole s ail ecgizdbyhs ut oord The Men's Major League has -EL* Maria Opako 201, Don Wright htwsabgvcoya tehneonPnhr n jaýcketi, wijt h ith eyellow cross on the back. Some people resent been operating for 2lmar 201.. m.4 I~athe oal Eals agv been agga atitortphpte Acual aot h ol pu i fe sing ndeena tate5i arîulrha a up The ocal au n uhavebeen201.n them ngttingp priority on the lifts - until they are injured. and during that tirne one bowl The Mixed Majordseerned t most of the season. ýAUtU,ýlly phot the Olikeplurashiree PlateausandwhennThethEaglesinhoweverlarraasinto ua couplexof ajot goal-tend they ar constantly maintaining a keen eye for injured skiers, with the big game more than three 0 ras bo lerus roll ed a ls oeernit any other bowler. The one Captaîn Larry Devitt led in KsikFidayn ingh tn uy. Sandy Brown will be over 800fwith ErnePrflect a they lest their next two, games -, nSto nFîa To aythelestit s haienîn wok.A ki atollr ndonl Rss Wige" Oe heway with six goals in put them in conten-tion for :outf for a few games due ta) an rolling hlgh triple for the ev- m1ust b1e ;a minimum of 18ý years old, and pass written and jdid it again. This time is big three games but even this top spot, while Whitby did altercation with the refer ,e ening of 825 (323). (Some Tis Friday, Bowmanvilic playsa idawt h pctclexainations wýýith-.at least 75 in bis first year, single was 410, bîgh for Lib- was not enough to overpower the same here on, Sunday in Keswick. Everyone seem-1 mighty fine bowling, Ernie); next home gamne featuring-Sutton atih alsSna îh '80 afer hat Heor he ustpurhas thir wn nifrmerty Bowl this season. Russ the determination of the third night. Bruce Osborne, Kim ed to be aslcep at the switch Doris JolI in top form 821 at 8:30. After that o-1y foiur gasrmaint h eud adeumt h ey usull eut ponheeekendof penr mhstarted out with 4 strikes then and fourbît place clubs, Whit- Rogers and. Larry Devitt did Sunday night except barry (330), Hector Ballantine 816 shdltoa oe -qrid quif)nrnt. l'hey rmallyget ohewemknssoffpandmsparede mitsduandbyarandt Suttonan Sthto.sth ringri inintthe66-3lssoss DetotD andiBtk ande.Buck),Cowle.ee(317)s ehtorsweeedlet w atHh oore Eahptole~ snormally required to buy $20 worth Oke then completed bis game The Bowmanville Juniors Sutton, while Larry Devitt So, let's be ready for Lind- Also, seven of our bowl t t t cf uttns yer. hatbedoen'tsel - e i stck with i' 7 more strikes for bis big started the weekend off on a collected the hat-trick and say Friday night boys. Next ro 1dovr70 wth lrs~ XO NOIA ATUSA Tbeyarefirs onthe lops i themorîng nd he lst 1ff . A tremendous effort by winnîng note Thursday night Crough, Colwcbl and Parker Sunday night the Eagles ge!t Piper 758 (301), Phil Harlos Ther Montreal Expos will be sendin be rfu lyr l'hY j1-tuntheslpe i t . mrnngan th lstOf agreat competitor. A tlp of when they edged the Port added singles in the home their chance to avenge their 753 Maurice Annaert 752, G1ord to Oshawa o1 n Thursday night to conutaccî,t bc angt.the bat from all members of Hope Cougars 6-4. Sandy gamne agaînst Wbitby whicb moss in Keswick wben Sutton Simnpsonî 749, Jim Bruton 727. Ass in ý njries can be difficult because of ail the heavy the league. Brown and Kim Rogers added ended 8-6 in favor of Whitby. comes to town. rheCosy78adLl al,1-f1,l rnintsae rei ýýtuler re' otn rng an hyiias Five bowlers bit the 800 singles while Larry Devitt After dropping the last tw'o Feather Tip:- ArightCos 71 8, ich a nclobe-albai l fnean i this uarear ivîed ~cltbig, ut atrlles aent otenwrog. anyphyimbnsmark Lefty Ern Perfect had and Raridy Rogers added a it is hoped that the Eagles! Support the Midgets, Juvi'- cd high single of 341. AUl gond rea, an rtd defenses for the hunt.Ji ogradIwe biave -i\cin favorable comment about treatment skiers bave a real nlght with games of 231- pair eacb. This took care of wîll be back at f ull strengthiailes and Juniors by purchas- things corne to those who wait, Ree 'îî t ýrî how to play the infiedi ufed n rvd received. ~~320-334 for a nice 885 triple. wbat the Red Fagles felt was fo rtbe gaine this Friday inl ing a ticket on the Spo-Jet 1oabt an tl atng' edw JackBondhad827 239304-týhir o,,, ut am til waii 1hitting ,instrjuction. Man tîes wbn abrak as ee se wîhi th secil JckBon ba 87 (39-04 thirmain opposition, bow- Lindsay. Keni Holmes was i-land the twxo Whiz Skids.,(. wlin abrak asbee st wthn te pecal284), Larry Piper 823 (290- ever the lower rated clubs jured in Port H-ope by a stick Corne on out Sunday night JiAttinEpsGeea a radoadilîtused by the patrol, the lîmb needs only a26-8) Bill "Jake" West- chaaged this. Iin the mouth, whiie John and leod your support to thel tention, Bowling M~anage coutJînillFaninabosGeeal ang er rMlPprr b 'ýs.lake 818 (235-297-286) and AI Sutton defeated the EaglcsiGoodwin suffered a knee ib- Red Eegles. Take note, on January 1 serto iln. hr sago "Goose" Osborne 818 (240-293- 1971, 36 of our bowlers have'sceofwnngTheisaodpssbtyhtRuy Wit(h ech injury, a data sheet is completed concernbng1285>,. over 200 average; abso note Staub wîll also be in attendance. tbe accidenjt. One copy-goci to the national office and one to Fourteen bawlers bettered Ls o iMiltionl i ourney ihAeaeof2027,56 Flmwl busdthlpiht the one o)ffice. The su-snpected injury, the skber's ability, type '700.' Russ Oke 792 (410), Bob etc. Not bad for a Mlxed gets underway at 7:30 p.m. at the LEginHlSuhSmn 1af kisued au teprat,ýure, snow conditions and wbere Williams 786 (266-294), Elton "'Ln ,League, eh: (Raid) Street and wîll lait for some threehor i~tbapend presolre of ithe details. i"Mayor" Annaert 768 (289).Ç;1 û nu eLoljfla WrighAtthtcncuson1froeeDnoritet b b gve Thje paitrol ba asa -p cf the area to pinpoint juit wherelDave Reynolds 755 (312), Don R e i-â%e l e - ,Ene Perfect 323, Hector whbch is strictly voluntary with the îhs crshvn acciets take pac.Wben there are a lot cf injuries in one Oke 746 (271), Harold Mich-w-Blatn 1,Lry Pprtecac o atcpt ateEpsSrn riigCm particular szpot, the ski club is notified to inspect it for danger. elson 738 (283), George Piper 301. a Florida -- ail expenses paîd. Hevwe nw h mî aneos.Cuty idbon738 (272), Doug Tayo73 fl IT f( /e /4 O I d Over 250 Gamnes t ' Hcýy e i9 stems agru.Cutwnbon(263-261), Wild Bill Ok: 71 0tv 0tt t t sinow n the networst. (311>, Lowell "Meter Mac- À, perchie Crossey 291, Eroie SKIING CONDITIONS - GRET t t t tDougai 729 (271), Doug Cart-ret 283, Peggy Haî'nes 282, Snow conditions et the OsbawaSkClbwr hbîi t t t tr71 25),Hwad"Kd by David Goheen this game, B o w ia n v il e scorcd the first goal wîth1 Denise Aanaert 281, Hector ofrtiseonvrthwekd 'LOTS 0F SHOOTING Bromeil 710 (269), Bob Kono- Hockey - a gamne played by sbould leave the rough-house i Richard Murray. icoriag to tie alnie21 odSmîa 0fa bssao1vrte ekn.Teso-aigfr et you dcd't know that Oshawa Skeet Club menibeî's paki 704 (265), Rois Wright1 six members of a team on an to a later time than ini a hoc- the gaine. - 281, Don Wright 277, Howard bad rectifîed their equipment problemiadteatiiilso blstd wy t or aret ha ay tersketogaîz-704 (264). ice surface approx. 200 ft. key gaine. Fans uîually waat lan the third perind, Bow-11Brommeil 276, Doris Joli 275, was blasting forth at quite a clip. hon in Cd an Th lsrootes tuîed up oer 310000taorgets a- PeietRsiHl nbd long and 85 ft. widc. to see one skirmish, but not nanviIbe did corne back but George Bebee 275, Mauric That new hîlb groomer doci a temnosjbadwt and thaLt represents a lot aof shooting. Richards 268, Jirn Mckaight ville this was not, the case. the final period. outhustied the Redmen to the'berg 268, Virginia Faircy 265,imoeeaadmnmaenwangwhtebatfu Actuallyol two cusued up more shells than 0mb- 280, George Bebee 261. Each Unre played intact oaiyý On Sunday, Bowmnanville' puck. ýPhil Harlos 264, Larry Piper sunibine, it was a weekead that makeaprsngdheoo nwa, and theyý (botb in onrel combined botb trap and: In the averages the Old Pro once. Ail the other times tbey travelled 200 miles to play1 Niegel Ferguson and Buddy 263, Marie Brooks 261, Jack Up tbe sport. skeet sh11ooting. BEraie Perfect is bowling at a were shorthanded as thee re- ,Milton and lose 4 to 2 in theThomas scorcd the goals to Chapman 259, Pete Dobbins Cold? It was a dozen or so 3egree eo eoStra faatastic clip and now bas an ferees called a close gain cf tournament that the Stoaey-ý putý the garne on ice for Mil- 258, Bill Joli 255. Jim Bruton emescf thr Ofibawa Skeet Club from the Bowman- average of 278 for 6 gamnes. hockey. Ibrook Sports Association beli ton. 254, Mike Murphy 251. mornîng and around the zero mark whnwvrie udy ille i-ea iniclde:"Cck Kilpatrick, Max Brown, Ellea Jack Bond hs second et 267 When an oppoiing player W in Stratbroy. The other teami in thel AveragesThoaytreoufttecod asnSaray-iyo Car, Gore Dvi, Loy, Mrbe ad San Irin, Jckwhile Rusi Oke stands at 265 going to the box for two min- Harry Willoughby scored, tournamerit a re Oakridge aryPpr 8,Eri er cr in the shade and standing stili.Nwifeyn hdtl CarGewg ýqîý, lyd Mril an g waneIth is sons, for third place. utes, wby retaliate? It's usuel- the two goals for Bowrnan 'Owen Sound, Port 'Huron, feet 271,pDrsJo2 6, Dver-us that, before wc took to the his, thrsan aywwud K'nowler, NlsnStarr and Bud Welsh Dyalo'nFon mm Nwslytherealatontht here ville. The first la the opening Tlsnug t hms.. c 7,DrsJl 5,Dv Dykstra's Fod and NelT1Y thenrergiatitn Thomths andlReynolds 247 (3), Jim Bruton -ihave believed tbem. But ît's true. t Osborne Insurace tearns are ferce secs and you are alsoi staza when Gary Murphy set Stoneybraok. i241, Maurice Anriaert 235, Hec- Teana k lbDneStra vnn ido tied for top place witb 5 wns~ sitting it out for an infraction. Harry up ia front of the net. With this lois, Bowrnanvillel tor' BallantkneC226,DHocard MIOTOKEqEKan n1oi ab The St. Mary's Cernent Red- Milton came back but couldataow pîcys in London et i rmm1125 aieBok made the weekend complete. Once an it is ).the mof year whea we arc asked toi This wcck Nels Osborne mca Juvenîles won the game score a goal. arn. witb the possibility ni25 Hle ua22,Gr ss.'ppioiît nisior hoc?,ike, end"1c to î'eminid our readeis of thati'tear had a 1411 single gaine on the strength of the two-i This turaed ont tb be the playing another gamne if we 223, Ollie Ptfl 224,orcaBrcaro66rJa ~leaywelknw soan-"Dn' cn tk yu byor an average of 282 1/5 pins goal output of Bruce Simpson, oaly period of hockey Bow- win et 2 p.n. [Simpson a23,Pollerd 162, Marie Goble 160, Coree per man. Ken' Meni's Wear who.was later to see birnîcfijmanville played. Ia the other -There is also the gamne to FIl~ 221, Rusi Heliman 219,asy Jhsn19 aeFr !,-!l iei. old38 o ihtil. baaîshed from the game.1periods the Redmen forgot be pleyed et 9:00 p.rn. for the Jim Nîurphy 218, Mike Murphy an 155PPgyMlin13 lp3',al e ce a oito deserves e ýgreat da n ek-2dShdl Bowmaavillc won 6 to 3 overiabout cbecking or slkating as Young Canada Tournement 218, Pete Dobbinî 215, Bill Jannary 12, 1971PetMlin1, iar. t~ cedt o tei rî~yhouii sdone.-ted willingly, so that TAhreesI Bnda. wto ok vr rm thno epaydhaiwe- ille M. 23, Albert Saman 213, Tyroie ------Points Pins 1hcrt 14,SilyMrel17 I The Bowmenville scorers, slumping Redmen. This scribe bopes thé boys Ru__tcy22,Nr M5. 6373 PtHde 3,SsnMci hudrd o Bwanileen e oys enPricpa enine Gaines Ave.besides Bruce Simpson, were HaT y Willoughby scored stick to the fundernentels, Keen 212, Lola Wright 212, Phil Eolnaiiln-- .4 6227. 136. th ra pr fhce.EnePret -6 278 Steve Fcrsey, Laurbe Gy, the aext 'goal ater being set skating and checking. Wheo Harlos- 211, Don Wright 208, So----rie- - 3 6173 Hg 'i!is ýýring9st our altention anther soa "To keep Jeck Bond 6 267 Dave and Murray Ormiston. up by Leurbe G.ay and Dave these fundementals are fui-RnBugs20,PgyHne Maple Grove 3 6149 27;hg rpl'oi op y1;ur oy ou oot uatear - put hini on ice," Ia this day nd Rusa Oke 6 265 The Lindsy' iccrers wer e Ormiston, ta apen tbc second filled then hootiag and bit- 207, Rosi Wright 207, Vi Coollem --s-----61-5-I--as 608;hgb verge-ori aýge htmhrst e eo.n oec apolm oeeAl Osborne .. 6 253 Mike Raby,ý Grcg Tamblyn staza, ting corne naturally. 206, George Bcbec 205 (3),Slr i 68 opis27 tob bcmngmreo pole.Hwe ,Bob Williams------- 6 2521,and Dave Ferguson. From this point on, Miltori Lets make the Young Cao- Shiley Fowlcr 204, Denise lligh Singles wedo hevau, the ice, and our volunteers de the work te put Dave Reynoolds -3 25 Witb the smn-bmn playinglitook ove ' la the goal icoringlada Tournament a succesi. Anneert 203," Bernice Buday ay ae-rneer- 2300Gane lusetweek'm coluima, will he pieased to lut ail cf Don Oke..--------------6 2481- Chapmen 202, Rob Vendenbcrg Don Tayl riples 736244, GalMlin260,Dos hecchsmaae, eeesandofficiais who have miade coug,,Taylor ------. 6 247 K0.Do alr--------- 7 T p qnaii wib t in t niae ,omanville's miner h ockey prog- Mai esAaeert---- --6 240 ________---_----_-----_72_a 30sccsu.Howard Broneli . --- 6 236X en s M e -%ie r-s u e is on Avery------- ------7218y Te eo io Hockey Wýeek underway, ne less then ebght Rois Wright --------6 235 m , A I5J Averages .78Gie o g es il be layed et the Memorial Arena trtingwitb Elton Brock ----------6 234M-Dort Taylor 6-- Gne-----------.. 25.. 29e Jim ~~~~~McKnight - -- 6 234 LeimB»c lNcwtIfZç aý ody'iObor_------- ,2i Suertesv, ito l ovc a arldllihhs----- 6 233 g i , î lCV kindly donated tAI boxes of lRalph Davey - --._ 6 128Cinnao Following tht it warolb MiltnaantBwnnbl g ceso ---- 6 228 chocolates for the two highest1 J. Clarke ----- 2-5 Nutrne 2 (Curic)etýics inthe ee e B"eMinainct oa e 0:0 ohn Cardek ----- ---_6 228 yA oeactcac tte12O oeukcikdfrteysores of the first game bowl- Ray Vaineer - 6 223" whh heBata '"ganegongetnonwib vhîtn eei'Iel Htcy1 224 Junior Town League hockey minute when Kea's were tI'o îag goal. In the second it weî cd. Theflrst highest score wesDik oos1 6 219 ývýihÈ-i ýitiy B* aiegon a oo it ilo gi i Bob Gievle6 2 nSuodey :nîght produced men short on mînor penalties' Nîchols who took bbc leed at Our wee Thelma Forrester with aeRyois3 27 Sn w n bl ï"-~Rwqvi1 arysSports. I:Brien Mertyn --------- 6 224 two 10w scoring games with but were unabie to fînd an 10:40 on Hughes' goal. Bu'agee)igscreo 34 'aD C usl 6 9_16 '4Th A"; teem-s lmiove into action efter lunch, witb four Maurice Richards --- 6 2 23 loti of action, as Ken's came oeiginKnAetugidrgo atldb a oetey second highst going ta A yar------- 21 taaer frm Guclrlb and one from Ajax. At 2:30 it xiiiD.H B ude 6 2 rm bebind to tic league wt ay3 ecnsrmi-uikteituce 60. Aey03smndals1haF.g e al tspon - - 6 208 bPrso te Xoehotn GuphiaNobegreGord Wilcox --- ----- 6 222 leading Fisk Fuels 4-4. In bbc iag in the gamne they bad a In the tbird, Legion ot one33grame.ton Frs nd1. Watrson----- 6 2018 Don Bagal ------- 6 221 second gamne Legion ncttcd gle hac9sKn'0eescrdNcol - s the bn o iOsborne, The C. Goodman------- 6 205 Coamumi ers' Gmw1Ifi'meet Ajexih the Tyke exhibition et four He-Jp Palmer ---- 6 219 ione laie in bbc third to de- a man short but they were bock the lead et bbc 9:00 mark Cogttoa girls arend n raf R. Lird -------- 6 203 o'lc.' oel eDuel 6 29feat Nicholi 4-3. topped cold by thc great on Ellis' goal, onîy to seecigirls are stlbaea0t frrn .Bowrsal ---6------ Bentem hockey o et53,with McGregor's I.D.A. andlBill Oke _ ------6 219 In tbc first period cf bhc goal-tending of Nemis. Nihos oucebak t acin w 00 tril .Mrheî ---6 V R Gueîb, boki goina Mgt eco5tr3t0ev,.Jin -ru ----- 217 first game, there waî only one If Keo's bcd pulled ont a. to aaatcu bcsoe1:6Dayle Wolnik ean ibh nimCoombes - 0 FU; ! l ii l g e c f , t h e n i g t h ae d fno r a i n ' l o k S . J e r L e a d e r --- - - - - - 6 2 6 g a c r d a e ' o k a W in i a th is g a m e , it c o u l s h o t î R e a d e sW o rd e n s c R 6 0 . H e r g a m e s w e r e 2 1 1 - 2 6 8 - G . C o k w e l ---- - -- 6 2 0 23 ghùisFiýtd.fo nie 'coc, tDirk Perfect--- - ---- 6 218] 1-0 lead et bbc 5:20 mark on have proved to be real excit- ed et the 15:48 mark which r281ero748wed34by-The1m22FoR. Avemon---6--201---WE Mary'IlernentRedm-en paigGuelph in a Ju ieble clash, John Carter ----- -----6 216, HclIam's goal. iagwe hs w earsIr tebg k r stAey748s-o44d-7819-323 .Aey6 20 Admyiission prices a re-$10fo adults,7cfrstdnsLkeAact----- 6 215 Ia the second, Ken's la- meet agaîn in two weeks asLein went on to wia b 3 0 ad(mlr eb Franke Mohuai Moorhe 123h 732 -n212 -le2) eat e ~ vH-Sakil 0 CE aýnd 50ldenSc, iet u3 nar 215 crcased their lead et bbc 1:30 only two points separabethrn onest 4-3. Th adwrighce oheswh ebs ocn rue . - o6 21'5 mark as Adcock pushed one for top spot in bbc icague, se This igame provcd even1y 225. th72 22- 9 -1 Iewvi.11*e-SKATING I Real Embate 4 2 6916 4' ~ iie, ~ ""iniucing ame o Mce'-ivr.cn 293-29, Doris Jeli lieatld - 26-22 Selby Gat 3 482693616 2hBomnvlc'ralieitr sat bciheu- it -Lfma-2225,HeenD-n----Pr ---20 8 3O-I-RIE *Pepsi Cola --- 4 2 ý6821 4 Tuesday evening, Jenuary (348-301-273)). What a way 288, Dave Reynolds 285,, John Fa ewis d --- -- - 242 PobyGantlac 3 93 Pee Wee "A" Ahl-stars played 307 average, Larry. Braie 277, Ruis Hetely 274-273, Vir- Willie Nesbitt --. 33 hindudngH-o am fr$î0 0 M A-- -- 3oa3 6925ia Richmond Hill on home ire (Our gentleman always ready ginia Feircy 274, Larry Piper JudywBregg - - - - 2861 Q V I MuiRIN------------- 3 3653 Son1o39w2v5l er igl f 5.Haai26,Btt h rlanJOnlyE Brg ---AC---T- s <'Osawa Ara's Lageit Si-Doo ealci- Ken'eand recorded a 3-0 shutoîît. to'hcipj Perfect 804, also bigh 273, Jim Brubon 2773, Peggyi1nRoes- - 246 zu2 I Lander Ted ~Puk, Bill Leernan and, John Luffman'led'the pack 267, Helclen Vandcaberg 261, Marion MrKnîgbt ----- -- 268 4 EGLA -3362 1Paul Sobil. Steve Tamblyn'for over 700's wbcn he rolcd Ollie Pabficld 261, Howard!Gail Masters --- - ---- 2311 GAMERE LASEC L 31 58 playcd a fine geme to gain i 763. Norm Paddy McKccn 762, Brommell 258. Rusi HalirnanLouise Heffernan -.230GA ESGA JuryG. Love-i- 23466295 23te shubout our srnootbie Dave Reynolds 258-254, Maurice Anaaert 256iToets Wiseman -- - - 23, ,, A E Muton & On Saburdlay evening la 741. Maie Braaks 741, wbo Rao Wright 256, Albert Sa- Marg King ------ 232$î0,0 AT S5A LE S SERVICE G d -- s6459 , Bowmanvile, bbce Treilsledis rolîed bcrsclf bigb average for man 254-252, Mike Murphy;Marg Perris 232 - Frank'---s 15 were agalini nncrs, this timie tbc ladies of 247, Ruis Hately, 252,.1B111 Joil 250. 'ete or --25-25If woIn $000$500 Varity 6 373 o dening Ajax 6-2. The local still in beurnament forrn 727, Aeae oceAmn . 235 ____ ___ scorers wcrc Bill Learnan and ',The Mayor of Orono" Jim Larry, Piper 307, Braie Per-,Joyce Dilling - --- 238ý 50 Ne's. EACH ec Rabph Cryderman witb two Brubon 720, Doris Joli, putting fect 268, John Luffrnan 254,iJoyre Lvle ------- - 224 - ý241 Wsge Stoc: Snwoie utBoots, Helmets, hr r in pca n- ol ah ryButadmre spirit la ber tram, 714; Norm MmKecn 254, Deve Reyn-,Joyce Major ---------------290BA D E GogeEtc. Etc. ..Drop ina nd browse around, post bospîtals across Canada Jim Hubton sroring one ecrn. Ollie Patficîd 711, providing olds 247, Marie Brooks 247, 'Dot Brooks-------276VANEW1 - pnNgty'ti80 ..-for whirb The United CburchRl, lpb Cryderman bad a big morne rompetibion for tbc other Rns Hately 242, Jlrn Brutoa'Jeckie Patflcld -------- - 239' HOLIDAY FORD MUTN Saturdays, 'tii à:00 P.m. of Canada supplies and ad- garne, sroringtwasitigladies. Lest but net lIeast, 240, Doris Joli 238, 0111e Pet- Nancy Cox -----24-- Irinisters staff te serve tbc twice and as breaking upi Rnis Halîma, 708. fiefld 237, Rnis Haîlmen 236,lMabel Lewis --------- 222 or $2,000.00 Cas Coveb nt ie Peyrt1nfn Plan Available total 322 beds. Twenty-twomrany Aja:x irushes withbi The other 300 garnc rolcdHle n Dua)un 230, Albert Sarnan rniere Trry24 Early Bird Gaînes sîtarlat73 rbors are resideait wbiLh a-hcin g. bv Jean MrLcan, 343. Nîce1230, ,loan Sutrliffe 230, Mk Jan rmel28Mn rean aubeDo ne s2-58572-581 - f h bintaswtil TeTraiilsledsý,' let league bowling Jean. Il wouîd semn urphy i226. Howard MBrom Dayle Wdolnîk 268 -l 6 17 N G ST, E, OSHAWA tro il;rbmîbl aegrn sthiîdarnighb irias if bbc Mixed Major Leagur-mcl] 2"". Maurier-,Annacrt 22 -F, Bieen Tlore 20 (Bewee Wlso &Harmony) -erviced by nonnreidnt doc 'Cobourg, then ib n~ b i0 oavîyscessful sec- Vîrginia Feîrcry 21PRn 1uî Hee Dpw 37BSE T H DO tor0,AU-O0ntarie Chainpîonship, iond achedule, cia. 218, Rosa Wright 215, jîi HldeSîmnhck 21 ISE

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