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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1971, p. 10

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nan, ~owmanvilie, an. 27, 1fl71 ,',1tb Presî'denft Teilsi That Today's Youth iproving Ail thzmTimre y' changes eserniel , ndeed for sr-copu el oe td ry o! liv- vîvel. "Th--e, a la rothing wrang hný Moles, By 1924-215, the 4-ý-H orÎrei- wi his"heclrd a ge wthztion hcad becoie firmly enI-1long asw remetber he principles -traencbed in mrost of the pro- people run the1 comrpuitar." -HsWill vjincase! Cnaafndoffared' nIf wîll be an e;gaere de-r mucl Ifn a program wbîch wouid hclp cisýion wuiîî be made byyouth', t'etdid- change ail tis. anid wbreecisionwilhv Mtao a ws "or the firat tïme aled-ta hamade fe3st, le adjured. M~ioaership programi, outsîde, theie "Every 12 yea3rs ou-rIow,-ý famfily circle, wes7 offered for ldetriles; so too ms u ~vmnvlle rural youý-th," declared M.business anîd te Chnogice) l atig on mole.ils" aadm-onished. hec Lions The scn uarn,1925- Ha rema;ýrked th hasi11-e eifci th 19 5 0gs, startcd off with poshorn In 1970 wîll joVr. in 19S88 ta clearer perity, entered into thne dis-: and by lIe turn ,o! the cn greater mal periýod' o! depressioni, and tu)ry will mni our bsns and ser-:eemerged., after the war as ýa: andi country. bottr l1v- whoie nwworld for youth. " How they wIldo, we doi,) .ded. ilta o "Youth' lad a problerj n rnfol krowý," bhè said. "But we asudtho0se da," Mr. Moles saidoknow that youtb 15 ou;r at u o"They saw the.ir parents' gels astat t, tl 'ad opes bein-g dshtbtey bcd biallsound aLil trialý asd no monay anti couflti fîntIdn pouth ha jobs. There vas aneceso!' "A a nation)jal rconference o!V itinue Vo nmanpower anti for tha fîrst4- Clbwic Iatnei idrants o! 1tim-e lIera was e a .nt o! what, recenlly, an W,' :yeur-old boy î 'lsoffer_ VIa affect o! science oudconducted one of the et - 'outh bave on the soceie w i nga. He titi the ,job gladly,ý .Le lima'. wuid wllingIy anti did litwell." eunt, from MýUobility nrse This p-ortantsý a new ageý as' candi- "Radio bloot, ai wtI th e vanda lue wf havîn thahea Voilanc a estincresein ommna-the heert, fthe hantis, an.dt VI the femi- caions," -ha ent rion. "-At CîliebacUl tIhat wili enebleyon oissd.sane time 11e mobihity o! th 1pprlein future ta do the jobý hanization people gew asmore ;and 1thet bas ta ha done. 'antI bAd miore cars appearati on flhe le. b 1bvways.Ela2ctrîcity bcd Mr. Moles ýis cn-rrently Pr- i ailscm ta the fanms. The borse sidlent o! theý Canadien Coun.. oups anti was rapflaceti by tbe tra Cto.il o! 41-H ClubIs, îiuicat 011 At this point, Mr. Moles neighbor 1saiti, rural -yon)ith olokýff, all-party TV wps the sarf t'o!eajor N E STLETlO N roulli wqs trak tin he lurban rentres,. se d ays, Fracntn ogrsp agauein aM.r an thlangs te port tîa'bi rural familles. vey Malcolmn, rCee o! MeInversý i! The educatJÀInel lves n-TonwnbiEp -ho 1was oracantly1 wascresedanti youth lah t elcttiWentino!fîle nite d oua ha consider bow 1V wa5 going V o ntis !Dur-hpn ad N 1950,"1 Mri mas nlwbis about tbfe local nes"media, or holt bV be called the local "gssi" edia.j Haigjust lisýtentCd Vo the noonl local IIeWS and thJ-e police report tattwo1 local youth's fave beýen charged withi possession and ibbiganalooi beverge, Icond m mSeif for liste'n- >ing with a srnugl feeling to the public ueiigof thi ames. Two younig prnsruined for whaât is perhaps a "nein a liein"idsrtoNext evet wllbe their appea)rance in (court and ]once aýgain the news meudia w posý,tljthi narnes and seQntence in the "Maisrat'sGossip" column. Corne on gentlemeni of the pen or moike, is tbis wbat is called news? TlO sit at yý,our desk and phone the p.cop Shops and get the news to it n yur comfortable pew at court, andte oformfthe pulblic yuhhavue b-come. Is _ýthis a pubhlic dut? Bingcaugbýît, being tried, being, senten.ced, is punisbmnent enough. Why pillory them in r public? 1 arn not ,suggcstingtaweht- wash thie criminial offence. But repally aýre thieue 'youngsters crWinals? Tlhe Webster Dictionary,, defuines crime as "specifically, a grossý violation ,of law. asdstguse from a misdemeanor, trespass, or other sliht offenice; any great wivck-edness or iniquity; a foui wrong,-" The criminals are we adults who set thern such- a poor example for~ tbem to live up to, We seil, manufac- ture, and use these products ourselves.. I know many young, persons who have become rmnl or are on the wvay to becornIng rmnas ecuethey have been Labelle1 crmnas in the so-. caleiews ,media. You woli't g-et r'e(wsý sitting, by the phne. You wvon't gýet the news ha-ving coffee at the coffee sopwhen the towni conigves you the newsv1 they wanrt the pbi ta have. Better sila good niewsmaýn al ays h7 las a dictionary at b1is e.lbo, ook'001 up the definition and difference betweerinc-nes and go;ssip. DensForster Squadra-nt 1l -3s caroe intoi asc ba!layes.» Editor',s note: The above 141ter a-ppEared last, week in th(-, Cobourg Senitînel-Star and -is reproduced because it probably reflects thec opinion of man 'y Statè'smnan readers as well. At times we too have dioubts about publishing the natrns of young first offenders espec- ially, wbo appear in the local courts, or, crnparativelýy minor charges where obv7iously they haive .been experiment.- ing withl some of ajur n-ormal adult vijcPs. The problem ,is, that vie don't feel competent tùa -Judge who should and wbo should niot be-, icluided in the court newý,s' soý we publlish ifairly camplete accounts wvithou-t glamorizing the offence or the testimany. Our exeiec as bee-n that to print t h-ebare facts is probably much beitter anti much fairer ta the accused than taf have his or ber offence spread far and wide ov mer ithe backfence rurnor netwIuork, that, often tends to eagrt and be errorieouz-. One other reason wby ýwe publish court news is ïin the hope- that for first offenders particularly, -it rnay act as a deterrent. We have heard that in one town in the Ui.S.A. where the crimie rate wýas îincre7asing rapidly among young peojple, the local magistrate or judge reqluested the newspaper to publish not only the names of the offenders who were in court, but also the names and addresses of their parentÙs. The result was an amnazing drop in crime, almost overniight. Frorn the requests we bave had In the pasitot delete names, many people, old and young, don't seem too upset abou i-g'charged and appearin iîn Court, but they cringe from having their nIames publishied in th(- piper in con- -neetiani witb an offence. Sc, M'r, Forster, we are no[ really tryig ta be gossipmongrsý, we hope wer a-re rendering a service ta hi Great Pine Ridge comrnunity and there areý Vîmes Whecrl î hurts us to do it, when people we know personally are invol- cd. We onjly wish aur effor'ts were pro- dc[L'Ing better resuits s0 Judge Baxter And bis colleaguesý would blave-. a much easier job.. We'd be happy to hear fromr mur readers- on tbis oie, ïxnowv-ih lIe Rev. T Scîroe l> aMe dea care.The chair7sang 'ýBleait wbhIl ;onms 'e VI T'a that fbinl' wîtb! lu i ety'sm ais w~ Younig iP-eople Hurt By Court News CouncilI weekend visitors w ith Mr. Communîty HFall on Friday« ixight, with the folwg BtanJ. 4hen. winners,: High lady. Nichaý Neil; Iow lady, Carol Henider- agra;eeig fMavr E.,aswîî;Towvnship )Council was fheld In sonl; high mian, .Cseý the Township Hall et Bethnany i1ow man, Ponnie Henderson; with the 1following miembersi 50-50 draw,, Mrs. E. Trim, taking their oath of office:ý Mr,an Mrs. C. H. Lane ýReeve, Harvey MaIýlcolm; Dep-ý celebrated the former's bfirthi-Iuty Reeve R. John Payne,ý day by being dinner getCuclos Alvin Mýitchell, Thiursday .-ýevenin1\wth r. Lw is McGill, George H. and Mrs. -Bill Lane and gir'ls, Neals, Port Hope, :Reeve Rarvey Malcolm eu Mrs. Milligan4r and Beriniec, ed the mneeting týo order , wel-ý icenompaniied by Mrs, R. Pail-r,-coming all memibers. Rev. row, vîsited at Mr, Wm. Tay-, Keith Adlams o!. the Aniglican lor's, Lindsay, on Saturda1y. Parisýh of Marivers ledc a blrie!Î 1Mr. Charlie RaIss wa also in devotional servic. Lindsay,. Saturday, w,,here ne It was agreed ro hold a meet. visited1 his father, MVr. Jacký ing in the Bethany Pire Halli Ross, and his sister-ln-la, lflion JanuIary 28 etÈ 8 p.m. ith Lidsy ospital. the Township Fire Chief, Mr. and -Mrs. S. J. Lancaster Town)ship Co,'uncil and r-epre-ý w re rent tea guiests with Ysen-tatives; fromn the th-ree fire, MVrs. Normian Bairstojw a1 station-s In the township toý Leskad. Sturdy evningconsidr the"bcoperation ofth dînner guests with the Lan- Fire Dep)artmen-ts in 1971 and casters, were MVr. and Mrs, the use Vo bc madie of the Aif. Pe-rin of Cowaniville. funds avaài3abIe for fîre -pro-ý Mr, and Mrs. C. MT. Jones tectioni during the year. ,were dinner guests, Saturdýcay, A bank borrowlng by-law- wîth Mr,. and Mrs. rBruce w,,aspassedf. Th(, Townshipi Leuty, Poart Hope. of Manvers dloeFs nrot w the: Rev. T. J. Snelgroveoe bank any mnoney et the pres;- as his Sunday morning tonic ent timne, but it mayv be n1ceýs-ý "Disorder, Diïsciplinle, a n dsary ta borr-ow funds as the Dis-ciplesý", stressîing týhe fact'year -progresse.s. The Reeve-r that order and rgltosanid Clerk must be prop)erly- formï. a nlecessary, part o! aur authorized by byý-law if Coun.' way of life, both in a per- 1cil shouild see fit Vo borrowv sonal and a community ont-u fundlCIs at a la ter1,d ate. look. "Safely to the Sunset The, Rond Superintendent Gates" was sung by the choir. Maurice Bradley was eml-, A pot luck supper, follow-1powered Vo hire and fireem ed by the annuel Congrega-l'ploy'ees and to engage renitaI: tional meceting, was held in ýequipmnent, as required in 1970. the S5unday Soh-ool hall on Henoeforth nail severances' Sundaýy evenling, report of granted by the Township o!C which wl be gîven next Manvers, will cost $10,00. wek.The maýtte-r of the Kangas Mr. a nd Mrs1. Melv7ille s-ub-dlivision was set over until samris, wvith Mrs. 'W. Prouse Sprlng until 'the flooding con,- and charlie, Port Hope, at-. dition of the, land can beý cedd ïthe Ic,Palies at MeWzi- properly assessed. ple Leaf Gardens, Sunday Oni receipt oil the proper evenii. fees, a severance will be Mr, anid Ms.Thoý, Par--grante-d for sale oa!1landr,1 date of Wib were SudyCales Palmer to Smelt andý visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Smelt Vo Lavelle. Roy HUall and ChaOre, A sýeveran-ce 1is;to be gra nt The Sousare biyrn n d oChaýrles ,Palmer to sel] 1vat,îngtýoy.s, which are, to be Off fthenrtey 140 acres presented toc the cide' more or less in Lot2, Coni- a;rd in Memorial Hos'pitaL c ession 8 and retein is buid- Thris coming weeenIalngs, and 12 acres more or less. camping patyfor 5Scoiuts îýis A severan)ce I s Vobe grýýant- being planned at Mrdlee oElizabeýth Munrdingcer V-O Park, and aniothýer of the sell t1he south baîf of the nortih sam fo th fllolngwee- aîf of Lo4t No. 20 îin Che Third end Por that reasoni, nO papr.ICý-oncession of the, Township, drive will be held for" at fl MVanvers, consisting r)f 50 leasilt wo week5s. acresý more orlss , Newtonriville Wmnsj. Grants of U25.00 eacb iwe-re Ijtiut mt t h homje of pprved for ftherS al1vatfio n .~-Mrs C.M.Jans o Wdnes Armyv and Hospital foir Sick t- aryWad wlcoled1a1 and Memerslpfor 19'71 wil ha ïn ped nthe lusual way witb tfaken out with the Ontario steOdie, Mary SeatCl odRoadk Associationad id Iple.tand loT01ds Prayer jin copies of the Municipal World ýýd unlison. See.-Tlrafs. TMrs. Oieodrd p.;v< flIc+r, lll, ý The TrIwshzln <of Manvcrsý Y YEA TVIlG Tyroene,( Vo bld 4,., ~4'~1 and l .G me' Mr. andi llîamsrn- mn - Gartiï%i bmxs, Miss B-er-I n. Mrs. ' Iv r- ant necesseryn ar-- ta.le rmade attBill Heu- TNMs.Glav' I 5011 withl Mns. a - I ý MOTORINN S. et Hwy. 401 omnle Phone 623-3373 A Your Order In 6 eMînute,, ris, Anebovies, SamL iacon4ý 'eppers, Grecia wet eppers, S;MALL LARGE $1,45 $1.2o za wibh a beverage se-rveci rDubchman Mugs .in ýT PIZZA TO T'AKýE OUT îr Door - 75eû Extra 'town lnits) TH0FIUIIO flPflll.j ~a&± s7,7n-LiF2rny W the Flmn brothers forý their loss and tIare as Palso aý feeling a! sadne-ss Ihat another ladnark, work o! aona o! theI Cartwrîgýht pianleers, has dip- appeeret. Nestieton lUuited churcli Aninuel NMeeting 'The anniueDl congragationlo!0 NsîtnUnitedi Church Lwas haîtl ïnîle churcli besaeint an Wvednaesdey aven îng, jan- uary 20, with a splendtid et- - Reverenti Victor Persans", who chaired îlhe "meeting, opI- eeiwith prayer. à1r, Lw rance Melcolm Irea hemn uItas ,o!flepevauiieinc Mr, Nor-mea Mair, crc *trprqŽnU,nn d,,rf an1OVrxlltIeM Genecral Insurance FIRE EandAUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Contact: HARRY VOER31AN 3,3 KING ST. E. r80 WMAN VILLE seemed the favonrate, The Welcome, andi Mr. ai Mm i-ritto was '«The potato la île George Buckiley Of L\ewcestîr. Kio! wail vehgebfs'.ths Mr. -and Mrs, P. J. Rnwe o! Low es ia harg o!lIeJanebville, wera visitors on pragram anti gave a very f Wetinestiay a!tarnoon witbý teresting place about tle po- lMr,antiMrs.F. Gîlmer. tata entitlad "World's mcstý veraie a ele hn With Mrs. A. Mîlligan anti are many kînts antid s Berniece on Fday, viîtorsý mainy es a peeîgwere 1fr. ant iMrs. Taylor thami The poteto itself las Kernohan o! Minden. - nat many calories, j ust 93 foýr Gir G1 uide News: "Parents, ________________________ Nigt" as elti in December wlen the girls playati a scene *fnom tle Christmras Canal. liz ite Campfire wes anjoyat, with U À2rÀiÀ îe carol singing anti refrasb- (~4Ipu mntsThe Chrisfmas tnp ta VLAIRE O T 0'-Keefe Centre, ta sea îlec amasPOLYROPLEn O.En Fm rACS "Nul Cracker Suiite", -wes par-i ) t'cipatec Lna by bath -Brawn- RUBB3 E R-B-AC KE D aesandi Guides. Several o! the DURABLE ! latter bave recervet ades DU ABE!nicluimig Bakers, Rlgo STAIN-RESISTANT anti Lite, Collectrs, H-ath,ý È-ASY TO INSTAL1 1ing. Just 1before Cbr1strn1a;,' th-e Gides visiteti several o! Lies Fiat, Doesn't Curi l "shut-ins,-', sing-ing Ibairý Cnbe rui with favorite canais, and givingz bome-made cookies, wit h Vhe scisors.kind heIp o! Mrs. MNary Brownl, Next Sunday they Choice oif Colors 1lape tehav a bilýe and a Great for kitchen, co-ut epigle aier Guides fin.ish their 2nd classa bat, amlyrom, test. They w.isb taf express1 dabedroom, ier appreclîanfor heipý basemtt, ndcldonions towend îl PRICED Bînïlgo hit d in Cmant FROM Hall Setundey evening, andi aisa la tbase ho a;tended, %q, yvd, makirag il a sncb a succesa-ful Upaffaîr. ClosÉing tinougît -- Let us cch -rem(,eban l ac I licatos areavaîfble wrt "God"-rnes firt]i stalltion.wr inclute Our joung peopla .STIMAATES Ï11Our planning anti dec-ioan rnin.Ltp us q ,rnne,51.r îrF,. Mary Jone; roîl vo rst, Yi-nstake rin Saftyinthe Homi-e" fe pýictuires o0 illus- ec was tanked and ah Benedctio. ,Ap- MOr, and to the 1-ii n. Mary Wade lheld cup ai-d Mrs. ý inez the lucky chair, SHOCK ABSORBERS lation by certifted tclnkiaBs, ASý LOW ASý $32,00 Set of 4 WHEEL k steeingaend sas- $9M9 Most Cars--- MONEY ON DX PREMIUM QUALITY FUMEL OIL CALL COLLECT A*k Operator for 668-3311 or Dia! 1-668-3341 DX FUEL OIL CALL US TO-D-AY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE BRAKE RELINE D rive2,safc car! Complete hydraulic' system overhauL. INSTALLED AS5 1,91YAS $24M0 Parts and Labour, AUTO PARTS Completei auto re- placem.ent parts. 'Irevenitative main- FORý 623-2510 160 CI-URCH ST. BOWIMANVI L Vlagoing to be neces-sary fo the Do Lince Officert mnake several trips ta collect the licence, the partiesý ne- cessiteting the extýra travell- ing and timie will be pajying for tiis service by the ad .T ditional cast o! $,2.00 pa-r dog licence, The diog owners who pay e licence fee pujnctualîy'v will boar, no edditionial sozt Z par licenice. The Mnversshaire' o! the cost of the Gansaraka Regi Conservation Area purchase o! " the M\ilrroperty et tBaltîmnore wHi be finenced ont of cur- rent taxation for a Lthree year period ai the rate o! $8,00 ;prr year. Until fuirthýer notie Lewis MNCGiIll will be ther> Mani- versepeeneav n the n Gniareske C.A. _ The FRoed CISuperint;c]edent wesn given autdhorîty Vo have any vebiicles owe off any roedi or ,strect in the Town,,i- ship thetl are obstructing snow remOval. SA letter is ta le w uýri t t the Department o! Haghways the 0u1iy !road entn ence be-ingý gix en) 7AHiha hs ýwinter in resýpect Vo peet service in for-mer years, Travelling axpense-s o! Counî- cil and staff over and abçvve regu-le-r dutiesý shaîl lbe pay- able et thie raVe o! 10c per mile. CouýncIors NeeplE end McGill and the Reeve will ' constituta Vtie road -orlitea. The reeve andi Deput Rceave shel be onteSteerig Comn- miteo! the f-ive nor thern municipalities o! Durhiam County. A number o! eccounits were ordeored paid., Niagara Feus, Onteriai, will ber Vie sa-,ttïng: for biennial" meetings o! the Anicanc3i and United Ch-urchers o!f aaa Januar'y 25 - February 3, 1971- NEW CAR, WARRANTY WIIL REMAIN VALID WJTH PARTS AND,, SErRVICE FROM C.T.C. rie" lerter 0;5IL

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