a -b & %u WdWu ""~ f uesday, 4:30 p.m. Ini Solina Haill, Jan, Brow-n's Orchestra.- .y welcomye.4- e March 26 for R-i unmage Sale in, Ceni- and remem(bereci, L in loin me- ur dear brother andi Iney, Gordon Mitch- nssd aay sucddènly,v [n God's euiu [rom alsorriow nc îk oil days o 'ere ail tLogether r our lives bari -ea oy -wnc n. daughtÉer 4-l' 1aurrss b ýd by edge MONSTER BINGO Thursday Night I RED BARN OS qA WA Durham C(ounty Beef Im- provmenA;socation AnnualV 1 Meeting, Durhamr L o dig e' Temple, Highwýay No, 28, il4 miile north of 401, Februiary. 1,1 105:30 a.m. to :30 p.mi. Thiemýe:! "Proposed Gradhng System-". Wroodvlew vCommunflty Cenktreý MONSTER BINGO Next Monday 7:45 P.M, RED BARN Os H A w A MONSTER BINGO) THIURSDAVY - 7:45 p.m. Sosedby Oshaw3a Minor softbail JUBILEE PAVILION rticles for Sale] ýY for sale. Cail Brooklin UJR hurner electric Stove, ci condition. 623-7264. =TR for sale and delivereci. I Cliff Pethick. 623-2313. )TO-SKI snowmuroblie, 19701 18. Cali after 6. 983-93117.1 3-'? EËD-, shelledi corn, for sale.' k-ui-p or celivery., Phone Carrut'hers 623-5485. 1-tf JDÉEBAK -ER- Service, new i usec p a r ts. CGraai ým'ýs age 1-1-6-23 19-tfi B-UYING or seilhng furniture or applhances - Caîl Elmer,I 263-2941 until 5 p.mi-., Ham- ) ton. 2-tf RADIAL, armn saw, compîclte with bench; 8" table swwithi capaicitor miotor. Telephoniej 987-4827. 4-1 U SED washer parts, motorsF Shmnplicity,, Hoover and Mottai appîhances. Nw chlir omie sie.Paddyý's Market, Ham-1 ton 263-2241.4-f UPHO TERYcloth, $1.99 per yard; odds and endis,2ccaA ,goodsecto to choose from. WVhyte's UphoLsteryý, 55 Kir E., Bowmý-ianville. - --2-3 40 FOOTl'1/4 inchi TV tower structure with ah Channel, antennia ilnstaled for $85 Special on colour systemis Phone Roy)\7Andrews 693-20Mti1 TYPEWRI1TERS, acders, calcs," cahregisters,cdesks, his files, newý%, useci, rentaIs, service. Discount prices. Open TIuesý day, Wednesday, Tusa.Bill Hamrilton, Brookini 655-4179 46-tf WHYTE'S UPHOLSTERY ANNUAL REMNANT SALE NOW ON! TV TOWERS TUE BEST IN BLACK AND WHITE Color and UHF Ail Towers are J ýq" eaivy Dujty WormanhipGuaranteed WHITES J.AMB-OREE iTV ANTINNÂS' ,ING, W. VA. ..6 omnuh MAPLE GrROVEJë th to 28thC2-.5 r 2-1685 [G~~3 SEAL3tf TOf CAROINATROPHIESad ~E$ NLV)AWAIEDS he e-lc-eof back vr JURY & LOVELL wle TRAVEL AGENCY ls Kin-Z t , omaiiI Hcnrictta phon3 ay Fbu-____________ secetterRooms for Renit Ior«-* ever 1U -S--Droo wit- e of rdg. 63718 4 by Hleleml IFOnd mri-emories inger ev,,rý Rýemem inbirnCe keepa hl n nerai'. -..ovigîy rmerntiercd b: I wtorwithlout hi-e hiomne priheges,.T Li- infoirmation telephc ATr 40% DISCOUNT If yniai-ere fnsb e fr yourl club oroiaiztn' Rooer' Jwelei- Md. andi se Oui- fine slection of WIE DO AIL OUiR OWN E'NGRAVINGI ON OUR xmpePrice $00 Save 4A0 4zfi." Cars for Sale I>195 GTO CONVERTIBLE, 6 62 3 -30 95. 4-1i -,,STANýDAR-D V-8 '6.6 CheeleII 2l .-door hardtLop; low t railer, fsutbefor Skt-Dnoo;Viking! ,- wrhnger -washer. 987-4983. 1 WANTED Lambg Lanie, availabie Feb. 1, FOR WRZECKIING MONUMENTS 1$140.50 inicludes heat andi GRAITEhydro. Ail conveniences. Tele-! DOM'S Auto Mrers - Marbie phne62-588 -tf Parts Ltd. LIITED number ofrenta 7'j12 CORNER POSTS unimts available now fo)r sea'S- 4Q r-ÎiONZE loni. Roomrs ini1cde TV,bah____1- RUTTER GRANITE suthnower, tephon . Fly3i3,g Livestock For sale CO. LTD. ________________ij'ýend 73 iatrioSt. AuctîinSales of JnurPhone 263-26f44ý Port Hope, Ont.WEKY2 RHan spngg BOWMAVTLLE LIVESTOCK SALES Gerse- cwsW Crooks, IR. C. SLEE - 6214M 1 a t Ditrhamn ColnntySas Arena, lIPort HoppETR.R 2, 885-.5932, Ît.,10rno- Every Thulr-z.. 7:30 ------- 4. er ,an I,'F yoiu arc buying ojr selling; lvesýtock o'f ,any kind, caIl - Ivan iJohnson &Sons, Live-1 f stock Dealers andi order buy,- ;ers, li.R. 1. Ballieboro. Phone Pets GERMNIAN1\1Shepherdi p u p s, e DOG Mecat beef, fresh frozen, cut, 18c lb. Modlem, heateci c' boarding. 1Havelberg Tann *ýSc'hool, OrOno. -983-5016, ýl' cornier Taïuntoni Roaci aind High- ýf'way11.2t W~~anted to Buyi EPAN, mrrust be in goodi coni- .HOSarea Bo"vmanhhe s New"C a2ste, (to bu1v 'mr i"-. ciAIcash ifedei'WieAd-ý e1. vertier 175, c-/o Thec aai - Staesma, P.O Box 1,Bw Work Wanted ,S-NO-WPLOWING Chain Scaw Work J. POWER 263-2520 FRANK BRINK i Trenchinig SE;;PTIC TANK INSTALLATION . 6,BOWMANVILLE NO SUNDAY CALLS 623-7201 Refrigeration and Appliance Service Commercial andl Domestic Refrigeratlon - Milk Coolers Phone BERT SVER Days -62.3-51-1 Niglits -6337 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC P E RSON AL INCOME TAX RETURNS TI Short anid TI Geiierai prepared JAMES BELL 6 CONCESSION STREET W~ Phone 623-5746 -2 Work Wanteu .l4.elp Wcunted 1-eal Esta te-for S ale_1 G ENERi-YAL carpentry (a il1 REGISTERED Nurse and Reg-TE- bedroom bungalo,1 ty:pes). Ai. Martyn, Res. istered Nurses' Aids, fuli or acIuiJnumn siding, two-car ga - 72-49.3-2* part time. Apply,, South Haven aàge, finiýsheci rec. roo-m, 2 acreý FOR ltertion andNursing Hfom e.MliiStL., Nw o.Cail 263-8811. 3-2 itr"osadrepairs, csi.Pon 8-41 3t YI______________ gepneral carpientering, m-asonryý,'(ate hn 8-11. 3L caîl 26-2113 42 TEXAS Oil Copay eeds______________ 'sNOr0w p 1 lin, lanes and m-an over 40 'for shorttrs rocas; Plow ,'and -wing equ'ipt- s, -dngBwmn ,e Cn ~inF. î ed iuck. Lloyd Gilbanktc csoer. W tan 986-4868 2-4' I rite S. U. Dickerson, Pres, -Souýthwcsetern Petroleum Corp., BABY-SITTER available after 'Ft, Worth, Texs - school and weckends, VincentsLE pmieofral Ma,-ssey School area. TelephoneSA Shlpmaeo ea, 6213-5206. full or part tim-e; must bepe- KgS.EstBwanli pared tlo start fou-r-mnonthLL 3 igS, at onaiil TINSULATION, blowinig mcth- tann rgrm îcr hone 623-3111 or 623-95 oci, with rockwol workman- desire 'to carn in excs t'WS OTHP:Na i,p guaranteed, free estimates. $;150 wveekly is necessary-. For VSPR OE 1{ary L.Wadle, Newcastleapitmn hn 6351.HydroPlant, 100 acreIs. Modc- 745 3 1_ _4_ ___--tf 4 poit tPon 2 -1 cm home.Barn. Four t'rout, PHOTO__________________and________streamrs. Excellent invest- ýrPOTO Cbokopying nc mim- VOLUNTEERS needed to sew ment. grpig1 ok'ôynai andi knit Disaster Relief Cloth- SOUTE ORONO: 50 acres. dressing labels, rentai of ovei-- heaci ~ ~ ~ ng prjcosfrsekr.1~Simnple patterns, ah ma- Býrick 8 roomn home. Barn, Cail Community Business hue. Wrkiryu Trout stream., Owner retiring. 623-318 ow e. Red Cross Hea- vices, 26 Frank St. 4:-1.1 uarters, Temperance Stret, ORONO: Neat and dlean ___________ Bowanvileopen cvery Fi--two bedroom, i.rnishied recrea- day 1:30 to 33 or calMrs-. tion roo , ba. Asking S18,0l0, J ACK BURGESS G. F,,ers 623-2639orMr. .cer 01L BU-RNERS - FUIRNACES SPry,_9 8 3 -.5 29 1.2 BOWMVý,ANVILLE: 4 bedroom CLEA-1NED brik 1/2 torey h1om-e, oi FLMBNGREPAIRS COULD YOU SE hatd 4-pice bath, good lo- I PHONE HAIMPTON . EXTRA MONEY ? i cation. Askîn.g $20.900 Ter. Mailli 26-11Te Otro Automoblile' NEWýCASTLE: Alm-ost new Associaion needs community 3bero bricýk bunalow Addrss: 11 rpresntatves u ~tceptani argelivingnd dining oùn P.O Bo ~ 30tf hon inmemersip pphca Patýio. Double garage.14 3(-t ,io ýfrom noto-sts. any are lot. Askhng $27,700. __~ repre sentativecs repnort thai -t1 liroOrn manud oarS tei er in i hir spare ORONO: 3 bedroom brick FO wrkngmohe ad ime hav,,e entiïrelyý pai fonr a Ibuingalow. Oil heateci, 4-pce.1 chiR, in frm hgoe baby dit- olour -TV, vacation.s, steo,ibathi on 1 acre lot. Terrific; ing crîie avilabe. Ponetypewrhters, etc. No experi- scnr.Axiu1osi 263267.4-11 ence req(uireci. Write for fuil: 10 AR PARCELS:Sut __________________free in formation ',o Ted Riscliî, able for 1,200 se. ft.hoe ider O.A.A., Box 307, London 12 Priceci frono $5.000 and ' up> .der Ontaio.32 TENDER Tenders will be received for the purchase of prope-rtIy vhich wvas the -FORMER FIRE HALL 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Ther property is described as bPînng ln the Town1 ofBoan ville, Couuaty oef Durham. and as part of Lot 124, Blocki "P'" on Graitt's Plani. Dimensions ai-e ipp)-gxim-ately as followîs: Frontage on Chnrch Street Fast Limiît Sougth Limil West Limit A ea it shah11 b. a1, ond to f sale that the buýilding the lot s;hahj he removed wlthin, threce nthfls of sale. HERES'OU'R-KEY TO -A BIG INCOME Mail This Coupon Today ýTE W'. T. RWEIRCO.ý LTD., Dept. A-140 UV 4005 Richelieu st. MONTREAL 2C,, QUE. Gentlemien: I an, interesteciiný selling the world famous Raw-i leg ieon a ()Part-time basis ()Fu-li-time basia ()Please senc irm, your Freei ca-talogue with fuil details 1N aR m e ---------------- --1'--8---------dre--- 12' 23,j" City 51' 0" Pr-v. -------- --------- - 518 Sq MAINTENANCE f the date of EETRCA A ppl ic antis should lha ve t Envelupes shonuld bc clearl'y pmatureda-s (o onptents and be deliveredl in ýhc oMcte of the l-esgndn later thanl 4-,00 p-m on Mondal, reb. lSth, 1971 The highest or any tender mlay not neceuearily be accepted.' ,. M. MIR',A.M.C.T. Town Clerk-Admîiistraior 40 Temperance Street Bo.wMnville, Ontarlo Notices __ TOWNSHIP 0F CARTWRIGHT 1 E SNOW REMOVAL Car or Truck Owners ARE EEREBY NOTIID THAT A CAR Or,'R£TucKý PARKED ON TOWNUIP ROAD ALWACSAND, lNTER7ERING .;WITU SNOW REMOVAL WILL BE11 TOWED -,WAY AND TUE OWVNERS WILL BlE REQTIE» TO PAY EXPENSES. See Section 89D, ighiway Traffie Act M1ERLIN SUGGITT, i N 0TIC E TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE NOTICE 18 RIEREBV GIVEN THAT nBV-LAW NO. 71-5, BEING; A EV-LAW FOR REGULATING, GOVERNING AND PROHIBITING TUE Operation of Motorized Snow Vehicles, WITfflN TUE TOWN 0F BOWMl ANVILLE WAS PASSED BV COUNCIL (ÔN JANUARV 18TH, 1971. The main provisions of1the By-Law are as foilows: "No person shahl drive a mxotorizcd snowvece along any sidewalk or part of a sidewvalk in the muntnicipality except to' cross directly over a sidlewalk. Any prsnmay drive a nmotorized so e ii apark ila the m1.unicipalsty exce-pt upron tlie Oadlways where public ve.hiculiar use is prohibited and except in thoe aa where drivlng of mpt"Vized. nwvhilsi roiie y signi or posters and where permlitted, motorized s-no)w vehtýicldrivea. lui a Park ha the muinlipality shaih not be drivea la exceeýs Of, 125 miles per h101i-. Save and except for Section 3 hereof, ae pcver shaH drive a motorized snow vehicle on mnicipal property except where,, hy mneans o! one or more sigus, it is indicated that sutch driviag is authorized. No person shali operate a motorized snow vehicle hai the municipality betwveen the hours o! Il 'clock p.m. and 6:00 -o'clock a.m. except for returning home. Ever-y person xho contravenes any o! the provisionsý of titis By-Law is guilty o! ant offence and on sujmmary coniviction isi hable to a fine o! ntot more thail $100 (excýlusive of costs) for each offence and shahl be hiable to have bis snow vehiicle privhleges in the munficipality withdrawnt. TChe driver o4 a motorized snow vehicleF, not heing thei owner îs hiable to any penialty provided under titis By-Law and Ille owner o! thie motorized snlowv ,ehlicee h also fiable to sucbt penalty unles at the tme the offence wvas committed, the motorized sowvehicle was jin the osessono! a Personp other titan the owner without i te owvncr's cronsent." '.AI. McILROV, A.M.C.T. TownClkAmhlta9 be an as~ St. Mari Cernent Company Lirnited P. O. BOXN6U SAES OPPFORTUNITY MALE OR FEMALE Ieve a neerd fortw sales l' agnst Peratr from nrnwbranich lficein Bw avle.The slaff we will hfre mst belleened dPie- ferably ý,hFve a proven record: ocf selling and listing expieri-I ence. We %wond like ' terie appliran'ts ýwh1o nwlive a"d! wvould* prefer to iwork the ruiral a2rea. ApPlicants ýfrom Orno, ewasteNewtonï- I ville, fHamptonl, Ennieýkillen and3 (U1limited avris i 1et0I And4local Papers, direct: Toroto u ne. Fr n ersol and confidentljý iinterview calI Mike Belmote (aller huscali57-9) LUMITED, Relto)r 360 King St. WV saw -23-2516à Opportunity Ïnvestnient Opportnt IlRYSOUND Re.(ntai Property mnDwtw Boýwmanville. AUl leaiscd toi good tenants. Wrte A DV ERilT 1sERTl14 c/o Thel nain tteia r.o. Box 190, Bwinil Real Ett frSl wel bht1-ea-l rc bungalow, 3 hlrooms finsh- cd i-cc.room, paveci dréive ynicely lanciscapeci lotOn ers are very anxîous to sdli l'ry youi.r dowvn paymepnt. Ask-j ing price $23,500. Ternis. Calli ý728-7585, W. Frank Real Estate Ltd., Realtor 4-1 NEW HOMES BUILT BV BEERS CONSTRUCTION QUALITV BUILDER 0F FINEHOE CALI, W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMI14TED 623-3393 barn. Only $3,000 down. NEWCASý-TLE: Two-storey home. Ail modern conveni- ences. Large lot. Agrg. Low dow-n payment. BOWIMAN VILLE: 3 bed- rOoom, 2 storey home. 011ý hae,4-pce. ba4th. Garageý.' Cenitrally lcateci, Asking $2 6,50. Terms. AfeHoui-s Please Cal: Harry Veermian- 987-4287 Sid Osingza- 623-2401 Jesse -Van Nest - 623-3230' Gary Hancock - 9355 Rai-iy Coutts - 725-2649 Bill Re - 705-786-2185 Wesley Anderson - 349-2669 After 8p. Gordon Bi P. Kowal - 623-5265 - 623-5568 44 623-2503 Bowmanville: $0)O owhI will put you Into an all-reîee- trhc -3 bedroom hbome, niî ext-as inicîudc(d. Broadloomi carport andi walkout basemcnt. $25,900. Bowm-aniville: Cia 1 $ store-y home on gnoc size l~ close to hospitai, shol nid shopping. Just isteci ,50 Income hbome In r3owriap- ville'. Upstahrs renteci - ,(e in dfownstalrs nd be the larid- lord.,$6,000 down, 21 Kîng St. W., sewmanvile 24H R 2 6923-33931 24HU $2,00 owaAPPRO VALS Sîz- rooim homne on egeof 2nd and 3rd Mlgei, eci ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f tvih ewfunaepl-i- C or onieholq iog wirhn, etc. Large loti O ofsTourVoe It sitable for garde-ner il p . vda o r elpfualt Bowmvranvile outou sric. rOmii-e Cowy bng lowinquiet res;I- fvsmettoip. LMd, S330 Bai dnala-auo n Ideal for'St, oronto. $890.Terma. Large brIç ick hoe on Church fSt-cet.r Idpal for duplexhng or; office cneso.Lot la 536x 165. Open for offems 4 Bedîr)oon Bowanileclose tri Lord Elgin Shol.LovYCly brick home wlth fiisheci recreation- rm.Asklnig $30,900. Bilding LA t Exelnhuildin 'g sie o Lek rd d, jusýt north of! Taunton Rd., $4M50 $300Dowil Thruce bedrioom ibungalowý wýith ilarge living andci iningl rooXm. lTax%,e s onhy $80.00. Jusýt a couple ut miles east uW Newcastle. Full price $15,500 Owýner lcaving counitry. 3bedroomrs plus extra large diingi anci living roomi. Very deep lot. Wve can ai-iange hln-j ncn.Locateci in Newcastle. " oseandf T-wo Acres Six, yeaP.r olcM, 4 bedroo-n H unIM Jr11covereci bungalo w on No0. 2, H4igh!1wa,',E asýt 0of Ne o- cantie.7_ fidal for market ga rd- iner or lhobby farm. Asking New3 ccroom b'urick bun- galo wihbuilt-in 7garage. Holwood kitchenr. ElCCtiic herat. Oly$22,500. Dufflex - OPshawa 'Wel kept homne o Rd. near Khng. $'22 C peroth. Ras lman such as garage, ste fricige. $24,500 witl After 9 p.m. caîl: Sa-n Oudshoorn- Dane Found - Kav BrOwa n Audrey Plain Non eheum Frank ,Simipson- Pat Veo - - 'PhyhWýlis loble- Wni.Tranisky Art Greig ý - ROT Fos-ter -Orono Anfiy sutch -orono CALI, COLLEUT Evgs. 231-8146 Lionette Club~ Holds Two Meetings The Lioniette Clubo held the1b Chihtmpas imeeting at t he hLn utf Mollie Ket, The delicloun, dinn1er was- in the -foci-ri of smnorgasbord Inclucling tu r- kc, resshïng pand ail h> th tirtimhgs. Colîceni Lush andl Ethnaý Ewert were tri charge't uot the meeting. -Busîiness wa's5 kept to a minimium. COu?;T Christmas centre-phece md by Lionettr Ede Cole,co. tahniýing 10 silver dollars, was w or by Gini Masterson.Fia Patterson and EldaCuhe- son were in charge uof these- tickets andi dici a teýrritho i Ith oi- beat profit to datý. Dcpendible Santa a jriveci- anmi fistrihuEd gitts that sur,- roundeci the ti-ce. The girls enjoy/ed a sing-song ledt by, Colleen Lush, andi on oui- departure eCach gi-rlwa presenteci with a Sa--nta mug fil'lci ith poinsýett!as. aa beau-. tiful gitt from-- Ede Cole, Oui-r thanks to Ede, and to Mlj for opening ber home--n, It waý, truly11 a lovely evening. n~b Riso Te onthly i -onette piEer[- jn.oniing was helci at the Lin y extras, Centre, J a nuar,,,19, The9 ove andi treasurer's report wasý reai bY h $,000 Thelma Leslie, followcd by the- secretary's report by Mollie Kent. Tt was; decidýei we wolld ti-nys for the hospital !ri Oc,- 62-10 Betty Rrough anci MargareW 623-45611 McGregor wcre lru charge af 72Z3-4809 the meeting ani-i introducett 725-638 Miss De Gooyer who hutrodue,- 62-07ecdIlte ai-t of plastic flowier 6-101maklig to us. Each Lhonett,> 62438 ac the opportunity ta make 62347159 a flowor, anci gurprnsgl 983540 cioghthey rcall i tui-ied ouit t2-1~1to look hike a flowr 9381 The excuive eetinig, neý-< non th lit be hcld at the 83 .9110 hbome uofPresident Bannie Ma- 4-1 Dnaldleh. 97,Lcah. SVETZAI- i-.of a edca: !-70. graridfath I. 1 k