The. Taai aenas,~w aîll, n. n7, 1971 Gxctin es Feauture YugCn d uýCie0 opening ga1me, Ite Bowmanvil le Novice B's, Jeffery's Superettes defeat- on octsI-O in a-fast, close bat tie. Rae Coakwell of County Chrysier- Ltd. isprsntn their trophy to Capt. Brent Badour. At left is Most k, Plaiyer Sc~ott Stevens of Bowmanville and at right, Milton's MVP A sudden death goal scored in overtimi-e gave the Milton Bantam B's a 3-2 win 'over the Bowmaniville team.,VWoody\ Lawrence, part owner of Larry's Sports and Cycle o)f Oshawa presents his comp any,'s trophy to the Milton captain Chris Neill. Toniy Pedulla of Milton and Sandy Kemp ofBom vie were selected the game's two most outstanding. playersu. The Milton goal was scored when the Bowmanviile team was short-handed with one of its playcrs in the penalty box. The Bantam B division consists of boys 13-14 years of age. Fred Fisk of BQwmanville presents the Fisk's Fuel Trophy to Bob obrton Captain of the Guelph teamn, winner of the Banta-,m A division game. Gep o narrowly by a score of 3-2.,vwith the wininrg goal comning,, minutes before tLhe e'nd of regulation tim-e. Tim- Robertson (-no relation tLo theP captain) of Guielph an,ï-d Boyd Knox ofBo anle were select ed the two most ouïtstandîngý players f1 thie gai-e Pand presented with hùckey sticks. 'he second gane he Pee Wjee Bý's, went ton Milton Cougars 1-0 when-thev, ( 1,11c Io-le goal wtholy a few seconîds lef t to Ipay. Jî i PIppen, owne r o Ice-( Sepýtic Service is presentîng hîs trop,-hy tc Capt. Gary, Dance, with Bow- ville'ýsMV Marty Preston ait lef t and Mlviiton'is MStev-e Haninan at ri-ght1. çi~ The winner of the Novice A dvson vas the Bwrnanville telam sponsored a-C% l w e g e by Preston's Transport. They defeated the tean- rm ulh yasoe'f31 George Almond, on behaîf of Bill's Billiards presents thie trophy to Bowmnan- drville, captain Gerrard Morrison., Wayne Wiea of Bowvmanville and Tecrry Cullen of Guelph were selected as5 the two rmost outstandîng players of the gamne Ô-NuItys Clobber KrarMp s and presented with hockey sticks. t p ce Tow Leguejumnped out ta-a very quickYo h q 1onvmieonng 7Il 2 w An Ioke ~y, urhyanld Archic Courtice. Chryiertea cae Mdwa nithepcrod c Bntam iriils -t ~ 1iý( an l - edNulty's cami back withAde5Holroyd. 0; Luxtan, y lctere m o) gal "Bucky" and Br Hughes 3, Gibsaýn 2; Farrand 3, H. e 11e1a(3andPan M,,F scoring wvithin 9Ci seconds toGray 2; Edmondson '5, T. rLaryHela r-tie it up. At 1.5:43 Andy Mur-iGray 0). for L ke V atti, phy notched his second, thenTemSadn m k af he cid taat the 19:30 ma,,rk Ted Fairev Aide ----- --.-- - ---------- th agn2.Caoa-made it 14:2far1Kramp's 1 Luxton .------- yserbune ,bck on the end 0f te fira't priad.,ET Gray 12 y -Me Putl;n and At the 2:52 mark hri dmnaa-1 Wo Lne ta mke t,-IlGreen made it 4,3. Gran Hlryd. , int C ry ier t te Flintoff gave Kramp' a------G-b----- the îra pera Cun-goal lead again ashecodFarn hy1rpttegreat the 1.8mr.KapsH. Gray ---- 1 ------ in te scn eic as led 5-3 at th e end of the per Rîigh Single - K. Aide 160, lad. . Edmaondson 155. scoret, tvreBulnseed High Double - K. Aide 285, Scrîg er Bb eliMNutys opletcîy dam- T. Gray 281, K. Hickey 262, ) Dave Kingld John inated ithe third periad as, J. Edmondson 251. s. Ènd alf 6seodthey scoIred five unanswered BnamBy 7i-n 1 fored Cr-fysr.gol.Ladn cNlysWoolle% 3, Kramer 2, Býa in Bura cord he n] thrdperiod attaiek was Char-i s Farrell 0. it te thrd priadforlie Green as lhe scored bis 2nd em tndn TV, nd he gme nd-and 3rd goals of the game.Woîe . 1 ny fo mnrpe-Alan scoring were Bob Sleep, ........r........ ere called. Irv Gill and Gary Will5oO 1 [lie second gam of the Only five: minorpeats tg ram-p's ibowed 8-51 were handed out. High S!ins-gle -K. Farrell MEN'S TOWN LEAGUE HOCKEY 20, . re16H.Bn 165, Ti. Chlapple 151. i%"Fi1IN G 1f gbj Double - K. Farrell 330 L.FaIla 89,H. Bain 279, W L T Pts. GF GA K.Wo]ley29, R. Chapple ty Chy0r- i 22 72 44127, D ranieýr 274, D. Mur- phy 28, LDadin 250., Locke TV - 7 " 1 15 7 6Jno il Uly' ot s 5 8 O0, 10 72 7 atr ,Cwc2; D Piperl Pret2; K Piper 5, Fred-r L~N airTeam Standing The Tyke division gamne between B owmanvîlle Consumners' Gas A,1 Stars G G A pts, PIM K. Pipe and Ajax Ail Stars ended O-O after regulation timenc and one overtime period. Thbe Lrns Loce l 22 9 4 8 Cwle-------. 16twoteamns then selected five players each ta uine up on their respective bhîe ~ 1oke 1 113 16 29 4 efect. - ----------- --------14 Unes and bad a shoot-off into the open -nie ts. The Iwo teams tied once, but on the ' en, D.Ppe----------------------14 second round Bowmanville got one ýmore shot into tihe neût than Ajax and was oone-----t----17 26 4-rer-ka---------- consequently declared winner, Mauiricel Prout, Bowm-anville councýillor, presents tic ?lLocke - .Il 10 14 24 4 1HIighý Single - J. Perfecty ~eeMNuly s 11 10 14 4 2 20-21, K Luxtan 21 the, Peter Kowal Trophy ta Dale Broome, capDtain, of thfe Bowm-anville teami. of H' Iigh 1Triple - J. Perfect 590. Glen UpTrton of Ajax, and Mark Shackelton, the goalie çf the Bowmanvil ea n .1-af, Mcuy's12 il 2 23 1lJuIros a twere elceced the two most outstanding players of the game and presented withfiSt1' ison, ~ ~ ~ I ]fi ys l 0 12 _22 .Moshe(_r ;Roberts 4, Ad-1_ _____________ __________ ilon Cifty 13 lu 12 22 4 ms 3. Tghes, cNultysp16 72, R. lhow-63. btt Loyl 8-----V-----2---C O F BO ' 10 9 12 21 61Rober2s2Standing H12, Riplnvle M.RobetaHlroy----------- ------ reraps 12 9 10 19 '1 7 Lamant--------- 16 Seniior Mixed League MacDonald -- --- 4 11m Cuty i 10 7 17-8-Ad-ms 1 141 Cain 5, Davey 2; Bradley 5 Davey --------------42 jack BPond gaes ail the wyD. -ck inKrMp s- -- 7---6 ----s-r-- --- acoal-2-Bum-str »High Snl .Mcoadthis wteek for the men. Jack'a G 10 7 9 16OIliîh-- - ----- -------- -13JHolroyd 2; Whitehiead 5,Ter- 371.Can22 Glhese ihtiple2-0was h764 (242, 95, intof% Kramp' Brooks . - . 12 ry 2; Brunt .5, Lyle 2. 264,, D. Bradtey% 265-293, G. 37.Hs37xa ihsnl.C: keLck 2 1 5 1 3 îh ige- M. RoÏberts Teamn Standing Jensen 261, J.' Pearson 26, ay Alldread did the Isamne A Irns îok 0 5 1 0-1,R ok 2, owese -2 L. Brunt 261 for the ladies. May's high tri-D Ddry Couty 13 6 5 2 Cow 24-08U. Adamis 222, W)hitehead------ - --21 1Hfigh Triple -_D. BaGypews76 29 8,22.G zinyr, Vlculy' l 8 6 4 6CG. Ln 214., T. Woodyard Terrv----------19 1763, L. Brunt 70, G Jnsnay's 287 was high siýngle, C 1lson,20cNulty'st, 7t714 18t212,-W.-H--r--d-08,-R.-Short--runt818697,:G.Maonl 65 S Nce bowling yuta I 29,B. amnt 00 J WeshCaî------------- 15 ýCain 62,G.Tesn 679, R. Team Standings B 2M~'er Cuny 9 S 9 4 2 20, ralQ 14 IBouwi eeoter 67, J. Bond û 865 16; B. Iloward Corden, President of the B owanrville Hockey Associaionj, Pr eèntu1 .e Specialty, Paper, Products Lt-ud. lTr.ophy ta Rýo'n SIuccati'owh Gep amWhichwo the M-,ïiget divi71Si'on gaine. There as n dobt aotGuel!ph's- .mprioityin Ithe contest. They wo-vn lhandily by ascrof8.Outain Layver awads ent ta Doug Risebroug of iGuelh and Dve Tbbthecatano eBo arvleteam. aeTbie 171 Mr.Jean Devitt, secretary* -treasur er of the Bowmanvihleckey Associa on, pre17sentsl" the Specialty' Paper Produets Ltd. Trophy1tac Gar Cuther,- captai the winning Guelph ta in the JuTtve nuie div'ision. ItLwsà close mïatch, endw- ýg 1-0. Guelph scored -with oly 15 sec onds left on the dlock inreglto îe e-ve Forsey of Bowmanville and Jery Misurka cf Guelph, were sleted th vo miost-Otstanading players of the gaine._____ M.-rshall ------ 8893 B3rock ----------859" PRoberts . 9042 Van G-'oori: -8233 Nolan 8 1481ý Prout 8 200 'Games IC. Roberts 234, G. Heath 22,7. N. MKee 233 20 , A De- 21 1, 226. E. Archàer 21, N. jager 26 .Znde ,rvan 200 M) organ 207, G. Prout 14, R ]5208, J. Luýffman 211, W. -Denn-y1 Westlake 263, 236, L. W, ýood 1.51262, 218,ý S. Roiso 45, WJ. cock 209, 246, J. Bond 28 15CPerama 220, 200, 219 , C. -Mor- 327, G. Patter 20, G. Dennis 13 gan 209, R. Van Den) Berg 2'02, 214, 23,2, B.I Chipman 2241, A. il 225, 214 G. Feddema 200, E. Bonàsmia 208,(G. Sm,î(ith239), il Deboýo 20;0, D .1McReelis 271, 217,D .Nan21,JFlk J , J Rabinson 2510. 229, 2419, 23, . eboo 209, M. Patter, 4 20.204. S. Brack '2'1, B, Wil-zema 237, 22 5, A. rok220, 2 Lianis,21,0 . Smith 24-'la# CMcKeea 211. -~ ~ ~ 0