~anÂack ~(OM2 ,Dkk~ tîme to go on holidays, A Bomranville homews burglarized by thieves yester- day afternoon while its, occu- pant was away at work. Miss Marjorie Purdy, wvho teaches school in Oshawa, dis- covered upon returning to hýer home at 284 King Street East, shortly after 5 pm. that the place had been ransacked with heri thingastrw over the forand nimny f her more valuaible possessions mlssing. Ier TV set had beeýn taken, soha her radio, sewing ma- cine, end tables, some cloth- ing>, sheets, and jewelry. TheF placewa left ln such. àa mness that she was not im- nliedial;3tely able toass1s he full extenIt of the loss, Bow- manville Police have estiîmat- ed il, atabout 4$2ý,0Q00 The thieves apparently took w,ýhateve-r thiey could carry and what they consideredt val- uable. They broke into every drwrand shelf, leaving the place in complete chaos. The loss La insure, Three eas g,bthivesr biroke ,into XMiss Purdy's place, but thaï.time they %were ap- parenItly onlyafter moiiney. B ow m anvý,il] e poliýc e Sgt, John McGueYurged reidents to contact police if they a re leaving their home,ýs for pany "If this sort of thing can haippecn onice it mray happeni agan,"he aidthis rmornîing. Th oiewill keep 3a watcï% on houses wvhich they knowm 'Ire temoarl uocuid Police Constiable Don An- derson and Ian Sitn are ini- vestlgating the robber, VOLUME 117 14 Pages BOWVMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAYV, JANUARY 27, 1971 15b Per Copy NUMEER manChotewh owns a' and sI ender shanks, the caif The federal officer suggested jusýt wcst, of Msprt sIdisplays some rather typical that the caîf was more likely ill sze f .,Ifbovine characteristics. But in a dwarf and remarked thal ~d ve th szeof cîfMost respects it is very much Herefords commonly have tone fhs osTecaîf, though ini miniature form, dwarf off spring. The cali I was aH alat, birth Neither the cfederal nor pro- looks Hereford . _. . but yoiu Mr, Choatýe Unerdi vincial Departiments of Agri- can neyer be too sure. It is h i e iehya ancutr rpreýsentatives in Bow- difficuIt enough for one to have stag. mavil'le have7 ever heard of to go through 1f e without 10 days nid Mc, thle criaucssu ating of a deer knowing who his father is, but IS bey20 ond ndadcwthough do not abso- pity the poor creature that Ieasy armnfulforMri utl discount -the possiblity does ont know what he is- e',msc soAdad ihis that it co(uldi happen. WhoiWould the real father please pnac, fine bone structure woul]d? h could? lhave the hart to stan,,ld Up. WiId nter Storm, Paralyz, es Wiode Area Winter's fury beseigedistatiatîcaavalabe, atatclearing activities. Southern Ontario last nightIthcy have i4sîac only a choolsin the distr'ict re- with the worst storm of the f ew accidents aind these wcrée maicd pe0hoghated season. But compared withimînor and(- inconsequential. ance ia somne of the rural other districts, this arca goti Both offices wAere flooded schools was well down. Burke- off fairly lightly. ý1wt aI ii epeakn o ule colrpre The Bowmanville Police re- wit aî rom penitopls.kiat onPulic10School r6ptedt port that they investigated aotra odtos htol 0o t 2suet only three minor accidentsi The cast-wvest roadways.re- showed. up this moroing. Rural which thcy could attribute mained relatively cicar though Hydro crews were kcpt busy directly to the înclemnency nf visibility w-as po)cor. The north- ail night makiag necessary the weather. south roads wr poor in ail repaira but there was n major The Newcastle detachment respects, with hceavy drifting breakdown in services. of the Ontario Provincial Pol- in spots. There is no abatemnent tol ice, thnugh they did not have Hîgh wînd îahbited -rad-dthe winter blast in sightý iEstimate 15000 by, 198-5 Planning Board Presents Prog rmlfor Deveýlopment 0Vf Town' s Orde-crly Girowth NEGOTIATIONS STALLED Reports indIcate that ne- gotiations -between Good- year Tire & Rubbcr Co. management here anid the United Ruýbber Workýers Local MI89ihave corne te a standytili ve a job scr ityv mlue uthe contract. PlIant Manager Jack Tay- lor told The Statesman tiis morning that at present no further negotiation meetings are scbeduled. The Bowýnl;anville Plpaning Ontario Joint Planning Board, Board presentýed th.le town's explained the report page by new 'Officiai Plan.' to the pub- page and then supplied an- lic on Tuesday night, Jan. l9t swers to written questions in counicil chambers from the audience. About 100 people gatheredý The plan is întended to re- to hear the Bar introduce place the one which has been the plan whlich derlfines and in effect, with various amûend- descrîbes how land ud be ments, since 1956. used in Bowmanvlle froMIthe The p0,jln describes in broadj present until 1986,. brush strokers how the Board The caraAndre*,wM.oudik tosctetw Thompson, ail tive members fpoges. t iedetoils)on thec Board, tesIear o hT'larîasnof town ahould ii-be Hetherington and iconsu'ltant dj ýc eloped and f or vha s Jerry Camxeron of thl Cetra ad dc ns1 eprt ae ~ govies of area. developmenti from residenito co-,(, r cial to) park and recreation.Tý UUMLE~.(TURN To PAGE TWO etc.), and the ioc teml-, II I IL It was anl ocdd fate for man ,whlo went to coll-,ege and TUPN TO PAGE TOC) Don Staples, operaitor of a swine farm in Orono, gives anicon of iron ailt In n ture h piglets acquire the needed iro-n by foraging in the 1. The mron hlelps to ensure a strong and vigorous growtb. Theý piglets weigh Dut three porunds at bibt, and by the tUme they are weaned, at age six weeks, cy bit the peales at betweeni 20-25 pou nds. A good market pig weighs 200 unds, and thsis lMoral "aheed i n five and a haîIf to six, months time e' are not maqny old pig's around. Afb oar is considered old at six pearc; and ythe po o owif she ls tu duelier WEATHR - on'tlet he wnterstoj'rm thlatlmt blew us apart yesterday fool you;, Sprin.g is ju,-st arounci the corner. Mr.H ibn .R ,rprs that she saw a robin around her place e arly 7thîs week. Must be part of an advance guiard for the 1hoc, flock to see if things are satisfactory for thiem itn make the trip back up here from the south. What a story he'l1 have to tell if he stayed arounid on-t Tues-. day; after he sends bis reports, those robin friends basking in'Flonida or wherever t-hey go, probýably won't show up until October ... and who couild blame tbem? t t t t t ORGAN FPROM D.O. & P. - Our thanks tei former Bow%,manvilleite Wreferd F. Souci ef Winnipeg for -sending aleng a tear sheet f romi the Winnipeg Free Press of January l9th. It included on the front page of the Womnen's, Section a photo of a solid oak pump organ miade in the Victorian pattern between,1860 and 1900 at the Dominion Organ and Piano Co. in Bowv- manville.1 For the benefit of newcoimers, the D.O. & P. building is new occupied býy Specialty Paper Products on Temiperance St.Tcdealy there, are stili a few nmen around twnvr whop worked at thîs plant and turned outf hundreds of organs and pianos, many of them s tiIl ifunction- ing in Canada and the United States. t -t t t t POST OFFICE- Last week, this columni mentioned with some apprehension a report that Bowmnanville's Post Office might soon be a sub-station for Oshawa, if some action weren't taken to stop amv that wa s underway. The information was passeci along to Northumberland-Durham M.P. Russell C. Honey in Ottawa who phoned on Tuesday to say the proposed change bas been suspended. Apparently, be went to work on it quickly and came up with the answer that wîll ensure a continuation of the present post off ice operation. tt t t ON CABLE - If yen weren't able to attend' the thrilling hockey game at Oshawa Civie Audi- torium last Friday between the NHL Oldtimers and the Flying Fathers (assisted by an unsched- uled appearance ef The Flying Nun), yo'll have an opportunity te see it on Cablecast 8 this Thuirsday at nine p.m. or Friday at 9:30 p.m- From ail reports, it was quite an enjoyaible affair thiat raised a chuink ef money for Oshawa Firefîghters te turn oýver te those who are doing the!ir tm te combat muscular dystrophy. ît t t t t TROUBLE- We hasten to correct an err-or th-at appeared under the picture of newly-elected Warden Harvey-Malcolm last week. The caption read that he was being gîven a congratulatory kiss by bis wife Mitzî. Warden Malcolm's wïfe's n ame is Corrne; their claughter's name is Mitzi. We sure can get things mixed up, without haif trying! Our apologies. FARM POLICY - This Saturday, Newcastle wilI be the scene of a Farm Pelicy Cenference of the New Democraic Party of Ontario, 'cith the event starting at 9:30 and continuingý until 5:00 in the afternoon. Outstanding speakers wilI discussai!i aspects» ef farm policy, followed by general discuss,-ion and group reports. No infor- mation is available on how many visitors a %re expected, but the event should bc most interteFt- ing. One would almost conclude that a provin- cial clection is net too far away. The Liberals wvere n o o r o the weekend, irening eut, polic andthe rogressive C Csrvatvswl week C bcld ho a bspring. passer Strikes Two Stores Here Are YOU Part of fhe Problem ? Major Archie MarcCorquvodale s;poke to the Bowrmai-ville Chamibe-r off C. merce At As annual general meeting lait 'Wednenesaânghtn In a speech peppe with a flashing \wit anrttlng god humou-,r, thfivainAmymjrrekl some of the trials and tiuatosof bis work at Con-cord flouse, an-d a1pp bis observations to an ome-d nhee bhc epoýsed ilu the~ usin" you part of the problemn or part of thie a nswer?" Seate-d, nt theebl Miajor- McCorquodale are Chamber president, Bob Lawton and his wNf, Jcar 'RedCross Need Dn or For loodClinc onFeb worM