The grom's Moth er ass À to receiv and choeqat ur- q uoi1se crp A-n des with long pleated eleev7es an1d jewelled n eck-,ine , 1ha ron10Iliz7,- XX d ILn'sing a c ce s sori'e S, a nd orag 7edd-vof Talismaýn roses. As the happy coupleleft on their wedding trip, the bridle was wearing atw-ec wool tweed suit in tuirquorise shades 'r with black accessories. A corsage of yellow Sweetheart rosebuds complemented her ensemble., On their return MAL COLM GUVNDRY back pleat ln the tloor-leiigth 'comn the honeymoon, the' skirt extended into a chapel couple re-sumred their studies White 'mumis and red car- train, àagehades-o t the Uniîversity of Guelph. niations, w i th candelabra, of matching satin caught the Spe ei guests atdte 1rceated the, background s't- brîde's elbow-length veil of te wdig icue h ting for the wedding of Miss silk illusion tulle, and she bridegroom's grandf a t h e r s, Frendriria Joanî Gundry to M:. carried a cascade bouquet of Mr. Wilbert Malcolmand Mr. Jamesý (Terry) Malcolm onl red roses and white carna-Jae SeketnoYevr ]JDecember 19, 1970. The bride tions. For "something old". ton. is th dauigter of Mr. and the bride wore a peari Sun- rsAlnP. Gundry Of Sun- burst brooch belonging to e -Rdale ,Rd Barrie, and the maternai grandmother. be BROWN'S bridecgrooisiý the son of Mr. Miss Nancy Dotzemt of an r.Howard W. Malcolnm Stratford, a classmate of the Miss Kathy bbotson attend- of Yelverton. bride at- the UJniversity of ed the weddlng in Kendal on Rev. Ken Heroni conducted Guelph, was maid of honor. Saturday of Miss Vicky Cath- ýh e early evening ceremnny Aohncasae Ms aecn oM. Gary Thonteil at t5o'clock ini St, Andrew's Boyd of Clarkson, and Miss 3 o'clock in the afternoon and "esbyterian Church, Bannie, Candy Macolm of Yelveton, also the wedding reception ith Mr, Ca se Van Hemert sister of the groom, were w <hich was held at the home of prsiin a te rgn bridesmaids. They were attir- the bride's 'parents. Gven . I marriage by her ed in floor-length gowns of Mrs. Haymnan reports that father, tho bride was gowned deBali vlvet in hunter's the Scouts are working on a, in polyester crystal satin de- green, In princessstyle, the new pnojoct, that of fixing and igndo mir ns gowns were, highlighted by putting in A-i shape one toy tend-up collai and long stand-up collars trimmed with each, and those are to be don- 'pvswere fetures 0f the, gold accents, and were fash- ated to the Children's Ward at reFssbodice, and an inverted ioned with long sleeves. Their Memorial Hospîtal, Bowman- cascade bouquets weme of red ville, and will bc delivoned Annouuce NeW and white carnations. 1 thîs week., ralillgMr. Vaughan McGill ofý Next week will be the Dist- 0 ,ne: Bthrt asgo.msa, n rict Overnlght Camp at Mary- neaIii2~ cuuslac ehany ws gr.mSapn, nddale Park. ushnin wee m. tepen Linda and Pete Heasman, Shirinks Pîils Gundry of Thunder Bay, bro- attended the Ice Foies at Excosiehellnsub'tacepoveshdIfk Bob Edmunds of Oshawa. ' day rnight. nStr .4enwrhé dàs and re-pir damaged tissue Following' the ceemoay the Jack and Marilyn Hall, A renowned research mesttute bas bride's mother received guests Plainfield, were Sunday visi- found a unique healing subistance ln St. Andrew's Church hall, tors with Mr. 'and Mrs. Pete jihteaiiytosnn eir She wore a princess-line Heasman. rhoids; painlessly. It relievos itching cherry-red crepe dess with Belatedi birthday (grectings anid discomfort ini minutes and -black ý.acc,(essories and corsage to Miss Karine Hayman. rpeode ulp hoaýling of the injuned, ~~- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brandt.and infiamed tissuc. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young and In casce after a, white gentîy fO YJeanine, Toronto, wcrc recent 'Yeinig pain. actuel reduction A visîtors with Mn, and Mrs. ',i-rïnkage) toý-ok plac,-e. D rv u Ross Boyd and boys. Mostý impoýrtant of ail-esuts qPe Mr. and Mrs, GaryHooper hrçý_[ghi l-,itLhi2ncroe-& 3rd Mtg-s. and Scott were with ber par- .wpre~nt Morthrougdthat hisHiprold cent was maintained over aperiod APrRANGED IN TUE et r n r.Hnl of nn mnis.CONVENIENCE 0F Hugiies, on Sunday, also Mr, ~~OU HOyMonhE David Hughes was home froni Thswas accomplished with a WaterHOoE "w 'heainig sbstance (Bîo-Dyne) LOW cost. You can cal t< Wtelo ýwhih quickly helps 'heal injured Il p.m. today for hclpf ni Mr. and Mrs. Clif f TerrIlI, c'es andf stimulates groywth of new: courteous service. Prompt Hampton, visited on Saturday tisu.In-vestment Corp. 1Ltd., 33,0 ovening with Mr. and Mme. Nýl Pi.-Dii i-- oferd n ont- Baysýeet 'rrono. Harold Hughes. ,~No Bl-Dye j o«eed n ont- Bay tret, onoto. Mrs. Gladys Hayman, Lead- MÇMIn and spoioyforain called CALLI COLLECVT er of lst Bown's Cub Pack pqeparation HRAsk for it at ail drug 366-9586 reports that 19 boys (almost gt~res Stisacionor ou moey EVGS. 231-846 the entire Pack, with the ex- I~unded.ception of one boy, who un- fortunatcly bec'ame Ili at the lasqt moment) along wlth their g four laes spent the wcck- Lend at Camp Samac, skating. ..~. letohogganing and hiking and ail "LtLE4LleI report a wondemful wcekend. Wîll the aeighborhood please Wîe fiTe la11ing woman mut have stoler two of O-Ur new ýtake note also, that the Cubs towels!"will be holding a Papor Drive Uusbau- "Wel, mePeole are fike that. Which towels were lan the near futuýire. they?ý" Miss Tina Kýozu'o spent a quiet weekend t hom-e wIth Wîe Oyom1u no 'l'The oaes we broughba jýckfrom te hn mothr anglter Eliza-, hotel lalrida, bceth on SfcatudyM.Atvr CLO4ITHiIES CAREHI1r oý wîwth fniends vent by bus to Toronto to attend a hock ey Thee l nohin ohaper thant the test of bavng your gar-,game et Mapîe Leaf Gard- menr1te lend prebsed- . . . they arre nenewed to their ens oriinl feeines1t a fraction of the original cost. On Suaday Hanna and Art Farrow entertaiaied Don and j77>ýEý PAna Wlkinson, Oshawa. IRE CRSSFLOOD DONOR CLINIC Mm, and Mme. Peton Liclair, Oshawa, were Sunday morn- WeFebruary 3nrd - Lions Centre Ing calions wîth the Zulauf farnlly., Miss Anita Miche spentf the y' weekend wîth- Miss Maisha Mm. and Mrs,. Rolf Miche aa,.d, L E - 4k E F! 45nian, Mn. and Mrs, Pote Hoeas- nan-Mn. Stan Tisnovsky ýspent 9 UET84 KING ST. W. 6123-5520 atu;rday visiting wîIth Mn, acflOUs and Mns. Hoad, R.R, 3, New- dNEMRD"Wýe Specialize In Shirt Laundering" castle. V~LnILhI n Saturday cvening the Recently- Exchanged Vow,ýs in Barrie Mr. and Mrs. James (Terry) Malcolm are sho!iLwn in the above photo as they sign the negisten following their manriago ive o'clock on Saturday afternoon, December 19, 1970 in St. Andnew's Preshyterian Cht-urch, Barrie. The bride îs the former Mies Brenda Joan Gundry, daughter of Mr. and Mns. Alan P. Gundry of Barrie, and the groom is the son of Mr. -and Mrs. Howard W. Mal colm of Yelventon, Pht rb avero Juet aoi-th of BowmanvilleiNon doce tho e chooltec le, a rather sizeeble school Dutch or mk n osiu building. It 'le often nefomned1 attenmpt to_ cairr y oven a typ"- ta as tho "Dutch" echool, the ,-ically Dutch oy f hife. neonschool, on et beet al The feet thet thVero e ',no Chietien Up"Rofomnl" ec7ho)ol. It Dutch î,ýla heshol eacual will ho the pumpose of this qito maida e the Dutch article Io de n u on fhv ut ihlua l boni- Firzs, of ail Knox Cnsi edmspokenl) et Kaox and Schonol le not e Dutch col oe ateceso m and Ail but onte on two of ttltu- nover by he suensonreeh dents a ýre bor( Cnaies-ers. meny of whoni anc unabl4, o Liig adLalig p uaderstand Dutch lot, c;lone 13 lsiisehos b speak IL, 0f the teachens thene Knox Chsta Scol s are et leaet thmee whe cennot "ChristianilRefom--p ols' spoak or undenetand Dutch, It leuneetnbowh, and othors who would have e miîstake such astisy; av difficut Uie expressIng te occurred. Pstl hyhv selves la the Dutch language, have assýocWIaied th sehool wlth a chuirch w mere a major- mens ta a social timie, the oc- Ity of tho stuent hppon taI casion bclng Llnda's hinthday. :attend on Sundys O the Belated binthday grectinge, may ho asociettng t'heseý Linda. echoole with nfomaonesan -On Suinday ovenlag Lin'da sînce i l, rua by Christiane It and Pote Heaernan ontentaîn- muet ho a Chnistian "Reforn' ed Bevenrley Lyna eand Denys school. At least they have the tempts to hoChnsta asOp- posed toaseulan, ut bae they nover hrwd ofthewordj womd bas to th-e nfrainl obvinue, ýTheme Pwas areor tury,. "The Church-j (thie poo)ple) were ýýcalled to se-ýtrem tmaighti. again Peolo fommeP, nd 1life. Out 0fthis n'-'rmiag traitiion tLheChitaecos (46 of themn) la Ontanl, o meg- ed. But not on ofthe Chi in scboole la Ontalo ovoncalîsý Itself a Chniianý;) 1 rfo med SchooL. They do notwish to identify thmslvc smply with aone dernomiation, aor le It a "churchl"sho. They wish to ho identifîed wlth thc wholo chumch of God, ail Chistians regandless of their denominational affiliation. So you sec, Knox Christian School le neither Dutch nom le it a efomm school or a Christian Refommed Sehool, but simply a Christian School. It is a school that bas mego fmnia eform(dtrdiio.It atepeto give atoogl inorlChristian educaiontIo ail thonso that want this type of educ,-ation. _by H, Lise, for 11 Public Relations Commîtî,ce. STÂRK VILLE Mn. Michael Browno, Mn,! Gerald Hallowell and friends, Toronto, and Mn. Jim Fello- wcll enjoyed Saturdlay oven- ing at Mn, Sid Hallowell's. Mr. George Moore, Cetie- ton, bas been spoading a few days with bis sister Mrs. JimIl Stark.1 Mrs. Bian Caswoll andý Beverley attended the bec Follies in Toronto on Satur-ý day. Miss Beulah !Tallowell, Ton- onto, visited at Mm. Bien Caswell's durng the weekend., Many, have heen enjoyingi thein snowmohilos greatly endl often goiag alorg la parties. Zîon (Hope T cwnsehîp) (lnteaided for lest weok) MNý m.]annis. C. Meneileyt speat TUhursdeýy with relatives! Conratulat> ions to Mn. Fred] Raby w;ho celebrated hie bith- day, Tuosdey, Januamy 13.' Members of the family wemei peetta help 'hlm celobrate and enýjoyed a deltghtful tun- key dinnen, Mme. Leo Titterlngton and Raymond had dinner with Mn. and Mme, Chas. Meaeillcy on Fniday cvening. 1Sinceme sympatby of thîs: comnmunity isle xteaded tathe, widow and femlly iof 0the laIe Mm. EdarBaî 0f I- Wesleyville wo aeedawy quictly et bis home, Tcdy January 12th. Thefuea service wes held Fiday, Jaýn. 15 at the Rose Funeral Chap- ei, Port Hope.' Interment et Wesleyvillo Cemnteny. Mr. and.Mme. CeleRb 'pon1.t Sunday eeig wt il n. and Mrs, Alex PBaiet. Mmer. Fred Latonrs,Weu- bausihene, who spent tho ppeet wekwith MmV. andmme. M- 1 ýnilley, etursïied hmTuese-i day, sale P-rice e - __ . 9 'ip SPORT COATS Sale Price from-iL JACKETS Sale- pricefrn- SWEATERS Sale Friýe from -- -- -- - S'"PORT SHIRTS Sale Price from------------- WHITE SHIRTS $1 ~ - w $2,69 JP Boys' Sport Shirts Sale Price --------------- FBoys' Sportcoats _19 Boys' Wï-intr Jackets~ BOYS, SIT Sale Price............. $22,98 L D Bow%,maniville, Ontario Reg. to $6.95 -ý CLEARING.