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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1971, p. 6

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50 dYr.-OId nvers Farmer m-'s Warden's Post in Lose Vote Over Hope ÎT wp,. eeve byý 8verék yetl r nIti 1C'M.5n Iommlc l obug c emer 'D" 4 f th t ne 42 nd-Pum onte Cmuci irmin e year. n., vc Mve slipm hé Mmden Malýelm u1rw e e r r ete thlo év land QW uri ïf lop, aeveecy Co0-25,é wfor 41tfh 42 mnbr ona th ae munci otag ISane o! tIc men- v as t let finit e nce- mIna. es wa léte t mvers deléat lad acitere th unr cas year efya h Ïn H oe i ya Wi i-u forfI Wrden' eat trnats yeal There wa speclth e- .Cdhn Sftiat tgh raoe would er 1 egel !abillt forl ýelIy Iaurý,y or n'iage éý Yroery o Olr aây lc ----uf rodctesocforha-ndied 'fty ;aeÀyou>ry af, PCopet cyD eaia <whirk Oeaions c crates esnloy ,b e 24ongctuaL",ailt (a tt'flia ayc ý i 1fe la this We wuf e beabl tedi- "and t osoi b rqisan aien, agrsssve laerslpade wIrhhee cuiv mmthee 0! îi theOsaw AePlanning andý1 Deelp enf md e.la toldrI tIivoa eeuleirhaf- It Isususweter lis wiof cf~ thante n te Cu,î Rt interdèew a! fer ie ai fors cf goéverumef wSla- evîtabieand Tohl ,echngest ulate tMsUr. Macou ndes i probab l have te eade. But- le tlnfited rjtha I lternatve ceanlywou hav Rsflniag WardenJatif- tlgôon Reve0fSntI Issues orgl OnalYgoér.!ntL and cOuuy planncng Russei RÔ andaned.CAr- MduthenofWre MnMaàoen t yi tongrtula L 1-Q nd, c- 'binstýance mIÀte neitb faernaljoésfatmak fu an ocaaon, ey, rauniastro borgaetiýý noatrionand flic shesion, LHaba Abnout 5% ensscowdedl oritheaufli2eents cfaea Mcon. iolný' I, et 50 years cf baeer cucv a harvuera cVleeronlie- s m7 nle'an has theecide.E la bn onfe anvrsCouci teese c if sr ewa c and BrAges. Fortwo years lis set 'on the WrnAnviScrýy Comniiftee. And, !asf 'but byl no mneaustsf lcrAadls been for a ýnumber 'cf yas fhe Stafesrran's orepndn for flh elvro ra NDP Leader Questions Forgiveable Loans to MulI-Nat'onal Firm Duiiýrg téqeto cldfgtthé large m ulti-nafioôna] afierï lsspeechf0fs atycopnls falîlfl in esfl. eunday, "ow au a in b ld out Jeu.lSf, Nw Deocrtîcagalust aunInternational cons- Peny eadr telenLeispany unless f ia st rang revealed wîere hiep arty itratoa ld? e asked. stands on certain cîtîcal issues. es saîid Ietâking evcry- on Begianal govemnment. for'tîlug into cnieairthe instance, le t at cd fIef fie GM wýOrkers lad een Weil- NDP as appossd tafhe reg- s Lv ' yfeiinratol lnlgavernmnent uhms~i e itfurtier woc-k effect sa fIeý provinc. ies de- couîlý e cdouûe toCanadianî_,ze clrdfa a nafi'fvuiorns moebut lu no way tIe prvnil as-nefl wmled f0 forge fite Amenicea muncialsiieiy.He rsala- on poilufers, lie sé Il taind iaf uderthépi-suent pa'y took a " ul tn" saug fad f d fs ligewîâicî wulléset ar-bitre-r- fîymai t'chive S6Oaily by -a brto eve> u deveopsei ~ lé lbietacriinlprosecu- Ou icEqulîedIndstIelflu.es adl aafel l'e did noffe fe"or ewsluedetliodf at l elle ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e Aas rvddago oni lIfe nSpofedng flprovince. , Mee d outo.TIc m"ajor coats fir la een su abuse o!f woald bé borne by fIe, pol- Ieproraî lufiePaft wtî Inters wif lithe goverfiseuf alsost he Iebaas fgoing te helplng lu certain fecînical né- uiutl ntioal comapanies qui-émeut s au the Occasion ",,whidli re_&üy doc2t ueed *bat warr-anftd. înd o! incen in thse fnrst place-" Es alled th-e goveru. nints porn peotru' He itlnsted hatorgiveable 2asi they were te continue, should ôaly be made fa Caa- dian coînpanies. H-owever, he said he f avored granfing in- îceatives by way of services sueh x.s roads, water, sewer, hýydrô' anti-pollution devices, whi'àch wouid serve both in- dustry mandmulicipalÎty. on Canadians belonging te internatinaluins, he argued that if was the nly way ,te LAVENEM. MeKINLEYi Laverne Hqenry McKinley died sudden ly at -bis resi- dence R.R. 2 Bethany on Sun- day, January 3, 1971, age 77 years. A farmer al bis lifetime, pkie was born la Manvers town- slp, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John McK"!inley. le is survived by bi wif e, the former Ana ElJiza Clemett, and their daugliter Mrs. Ken- nefli Sinclair (Ruth), and. granddaughtýer Launie Anas Sinclai; ' 'Ams sisters, Miss Reina McKinley, Mrs. Gladys Stringeýr. Mrs. A. M. Ross (Alice), ail of Toronto. The funeral service was hld on Tuesday from the Mackey Funeral Home la Lindsay, with Rev. Keith Ad- ams of St. Paul's Anglican Church officlating. Burial was la St. Mr 1Csmeter,Lffrd Sw.for that change of ace "MO0N. t0F R 1 -7 a e9 pnm $L,00 e.era CouncïilNews Téiaugral moeIgc Cauncil teok place lu Blacli. stock on January 5f1, 1971, Council memnbers were sworz ln, an Invocation was dllvered .y Bev. Victon Pansons. and eý husîness meeting held whIcl, lasted for flie better part cf fie day, Appoinfmenfs te fIe varlous committees and mauni. cîpal posta were Oemasds, Bom>rowiag liy-law 1192 was passed allowiag flic fownshlp fa borrow up ta $90.000. Cauacls resolufori (Nuni- ber 48) tei requIns prlar ap- proval ly tf c Bard cf Heaif I on bulIdIng lot applIcat Ions was lisld ln. abeyance and a commîttes cff wa appolnted'te look lata tle satter. Don Fnew moved and Venu Asseistine seconded glvlng a grant o! $200 te minor sports la the ares. Couacil talld a letter frins John Ancien regarding fthe need for a stop or, wamnng igri ai fhe cornem of No. 2 Conicession and Lot 17 and ad- vised that a sga las been ordered and wIlil e enected soan. A dIrection was fabled per- muftlag fhe tewashlp, te pro- ceed wlh fIs Wygerde and Presbytenlari park purcîsse. A decisian regardlng flic Nestieten stremiUIe adto wag put aven unfil Is neuf meestlng. Appoiatptsfwee By-Law OfcsadDcg ContraIOffl sF isn Dog Tag Offîcer (ai 2'5% Live'Stock Inspecter sund LieStock Valuer (ai $5 a tnip-Wm.Fonder. LoAtiery Offlcer-Tcwnslilp Clerk E. Fowler, Flag Warden (i $1 eafUne) -Beth Dunsmore. Weed Inspecterý (ai $50 a year)-Merlla Suggltt. Cemetemy Officr-Veru As-ý seistine. Trench Iaspec-F, --MGlbson, Pounde eee-.-N p- poinfment as yef. Boads Cm -lfsé Reeve Lawreacv Mlcli and Norn Mains. Feuýes lwr-..e Mal- colai- . By MLuliiMur- i-anBymm, Ccli ilsn, Dan MCuacols for atcya Vema sseistine for a two-year Durham New Democrats Eleci 1971 Offilcers TeDuirhain Cunyi New Demiocratlic Party Assciaioneletedif site f oficrs or19171 in ville nurse anid mthrf thee bjren, Conie Kelly, was eiected p idn.She i te ,yife 'A Bowmanville of mrnbeshipsecretarynandltent h rvn cial council with the local polîtîcaloraitonTe new officers, posîng for th-eir picture are fromn the lft front row, Gerry 01f hof (Organizer),MerX elly, Coinie Kely Pran ofat(Dlg t faregional--' large). In the back are firm the l-et, BIîl Sfcey (ýVice- preiýïdent), (C'armýan Shirïk (viý7-ce-pre-sident), ,Geral d hik(assistant orgaizer) WilfDay (PaZt-president-r),l Mlildred Sutton (vîce-president, Cýhester Borek (vice- president), Doug Moffatt (Provin--cial NDP Candidate), and Wilmer MiR (delegaf e to the provincial council). MAPLEGROVEENFIELD lirs, Talinîagê Taylor wasa1 Mape GaveUntedCluclsecads byH.Freman cr- ummrThe minîster îguIn esf Elila Taylor, Ennlskillén. Congrgatinal metin wasrled.Mns.H.LFley imcved, maage fan, a speaker fron m . n n.WlndBw îeal1ed fa arder by Bey D MrD.âM-s ifrdt Harisffe a eliiau pt for fIe adoption f fIe i- fI Bible Society. Approxi. man and Mn. Erie Bowrman lck upper on Studa v- S!o and service Feuand rommt 32 aduits attended the visited af Mn. Boyd Werry's. eing, Janith 97,laîeiséçaiided by Mrs , TRWiemetn . H arris express- Malton. Christian Eduaion Hall,,T-elcarried. Mavsd l ey zr d hz thaaks for support ne- The U.C.W, Ield ti Janu- 'Meeting was cpend w grïms the Outreadli ,Cammtis ceve durîng the part year, ary meeting la fhs clurcl Senipture radn ada untrpart l cspeseodd iîlpes for strides for- basement. Mrs. Rod Simpson prayeî n mm brnc a rsmC. Salw anid adl Inte comiag yean. P. and Mrs. oyMorton coaduci- lins. Freda Gibbs aieth.CRiselno el MltyeseefI otion te ed the dvfinlperlod. Mns. Bothe1land Jhn u-n, Cai rprtliaccspte-d , ou nd wscoded by E.Balit gave a talk on lier foloedb apryi'byt±eseoded Lyrs. J, ubaa-d T hismv anidrcettn aJavan where-, mînste, arried. ovdby 'T.,Wbteý aýnd secoýnded yMs.C If w"ïas movdb .RbaGenai prcaint I Mns D. 1ïly, e a paafd vta p rt fscl urc se s,, man moveH, Ieyle .sccepfed0 who prepared'the repoýrt waards rpot eAccepted, sec- moDvsd by Mme, . Hla, neby Mm .P, ltre tecoaded by Mns. E. Laird, ciiid a .Femn I and fa fIose responsible fori Chag Teepe gavede arraýYnmgthe suppen par'ý t. E medfelis- ma eéd by B. Barmabaili, sc-cee coude b P. c- ondd ly P Mentye. ntyre, carnîed. Mrs. J. Ru- Reports were distniliuted, baud saved for the adoption frne giveri ta ead fIsm, sud aofIe Mansi-eport, secondsd fýieY were moved for adoption by T. Whlte, car-leêd. Thé asz prInted, with tise open for Teenags report wvas Adopfed ~uestions affer ach motion. by s moôtion fro-ns Be .D. Xey, Rar-ris movmd fIat flic Hernis, seconded by Mme. C. Session repart lie accepted, Russell, carried, The Èev, Rarris aise Movsd for the Blusinegss ieco adoption o! thé Vaatio Bible Scîoilreort-, cae Accountancy Mrss T. White noe o WM. J. H. COGGINS -fthe adoption ciffe U.C,W. Chartered A cauntant Lrdo ritdW.H. rowE, 115 Liberfy Sf, S., Bowmaavilile Lovrd fori s adoptIýown ch Plane 623-3612 Buelongtud sprthec WILLIAM C. HALL oaded by H.ý Grsmcnid B.Cmm.B.Baralal niovéd forthéO Iharfersd Accouatant aopinc!fIsCUbsreot,ýY 36% King St. E.Oshawa seoacdby J, R1ubeand, -carc- Telephane 725-6539 -ns.B nwé id wntten motion forflcadp Ci r op rai conf -dieSccUtfale!orsc. G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. ChIropractor 15 Elgin st,, cor, cf bborsey StL. , Phoae 623-5509 Office Hours: By ppoiatment JOHN H. -TAYLOR, D.C. Ofc:Chiropractor 14 Frank St, Bowmap ville Telephone 623-5140 Office Hours: By appolntment D entfal DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 1 DR. P. MONTGOMERY 75 King St. E. BowmanvIllie Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 ip.m. daily Clossd Saturday and Sunday Office Poe-623-5790 DR. SALYGERT4Z 6'é K"ing S.,E., Bowiaavllin Office H Foura: 9 arn. ta 6 p.M. Monday through Thursday 9 an.t 4 pâm. Friday Closed SaÏýturday and Sunmday 'Phoee623-7662 - DR.it WILLIM KENT, LuD.S Bomanxviile Professional Bldge 222 King St. E, - Suite 10j6' OfieHeurs: Cîosed Saturday, Sunday and Monday Open Tuesday fhrough Fnlday1 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Telephone 6,23-7349 DONALD A. aRGR Life, Auto, Home 1Insurance 67 King E,,Suite 2A Bowm-anviile - Phone 623-596t2t KEITU A.,BLETï OD 13 9lgS.E omnll Ofie Hur: y ppoiatmient ' Telephone 62-ý3-3252 - -, car n!id, J. Huband m'cvsd for the adotion C0f theNaipi("nat- ing Cmîsrp4 séc-. onded by W. H. Brown, car- nied., H.ILFreman read a reëportt given hlm bY fitGh dsen Brownies, Resmovsd forit adpinCecnded b7 r.C Rusicarried. An A4ifrt reotwas gvnbyB.a- rabail and nîoe yhmfa 'f be accepted, c !,edy J Huband,caîe.Amto fa hold next ya~earg tional meeting op cr-the ,third Saturday li Jnury was vated down. J.Hbadmoved for the fifthnS9-turday .la Jaauary, seconded by -' C. Snut- fer, carried. T. Whlte ove jd the meeting le hl t73 p.m-, fOliawed by aluch M(eco1detby .Mcnye' car- RevHarns apoatd Mn H. Freema as '2 îhonrry Eid, The otion wsmv maId yH.Grss, cnded C.Srve Sote, ar 'd n r te- faï,,, Renad Mrs. , pamido Inoe thatodwek n h chge, seo adted by Mrè,îE fla cnparenthe eenNsafra Falbe Our speakers on TemeracaSunday; second. mdb r.W. If Browýn, car- n 'd.Amto for a Oof thaus taMrs.C.Sotefr ben acharge ,cf fIe ar,ý'- seryi dun:,ng durci was mov-ï ed by Mrs. P. Meinfyre, sec -_j cnded by Mr&, T. White, car- nIed. Minutes cf tl etn 1 ýwill be printed and itibt Evervoevoe'aî aar fR 0*eEV5RY WEEKDAV SOME LUCKY VISITOlR TO A SK?-DOO [DEALER WILt WIN $5,000, SELECTIONS WLL BE MADE EACH1- DA,(MONDAYTHOG SATURDAY) PROM AL BETWEEN JANUARY 8, '1971 AND FEBRUARY 6 '1971, ATi PRIZE H EADQ0UARTERS, i ccident 'ound-nup < (teddfor letwe) diesozhetw elea Bo w.,xan ivL, (, Tow Police PNo prsnaijuries wre r ocrrig ihiJhetwn Aother twSa cilioni lïiits heý pas wek ccrredonteolwigdy Eary Sturay ornng t te lth, at 1:!18 prnionth 2:10~ ~ ~ ~~~~~' a..acrpoedn tra oCaesarea -jujst Oît Ifigh- oný Queeýn stre rOt ar!oCwy 7A. IHarold Perôy Fot struc à a tee, seanding a i fColumbus and UoyMrii three occuupaýntsto hsîa. ugteofNettodvis Injured were, Rnald Joýhn ofthe two vehicle1(s ,escapedï BDb4ch,th driver, ae2,li r.Ttldamage wau mu 2- with a factured .1left am lae yOPa 1000.G' broen j ý aw and lacerations t bis !aeand -arm; Williamr Babîch age 22ýý, lacerations to bis left arm, 'Valentine Baîb- ich, a g e 28, lacerations above ber le ft eye. All are from Oshi- awa. Damage to the vehicle was estimated at $400. Minor dama-ge resuited wbt.,- a car oprte y Fred Rc ard of BoVwma -n v Ille back edM 1l it ai parked vehicleowe bny Dawn Bickerton of Bok vilieville. Trhe acciden,^t occur-ý F H%0 red on the 16th at 7î:50 pa. on King Street West na Silver' Street. On Tuesday, the 19th, at aot10:15 a.m. two cars col- ide nl the intersection of Church and Temrperance, The drivers were Davîd Blair Coýb- bett of Newcas;tle aad Jean M Vanstone 0 oü' vîl. h Cobbett crwspoedn West on Church--,'lanld UteVan, stolle s suon Tempveranace at $250. 1 Fo e s todheeki low acc;îident tally aad reia- tively quiet week for rnia A tweo car collision o ih way2wetfBo avie ein property daage u-t m'ated at$200 JhnFraùk Ill.-1> Koenderm.-aa ,and Donyald Duan, both of Bowmanville, erethe Wi Sidig tegra new-jwi,,A, s1ort, ,ocst she toured nj, pott,-er1es dw iio o e withi a group ofpoteres rs, Fre'd Griffin ga1ý ' sa talk on- th 1ida nwoU Mr. and Ms Gdre cJ-mnto singwthýf an r adRoadvstd r. tuhWzSi r Mr. aid Mrs Fredïrif f and rJ ïr n nFe ai ee get tteWtea Mr, C aroyn and Jo-Aas, 1Ea Jus: a short sf ta yautSkî-Dcô dealor Ifs so easy, Sîrmply f11 out an entry form" inhishwom Then you mail it l n 10skî-Doco0 Yo-ur aecu epce OUI a ifew days fter -end You could end up $5bOO0rCher Make pans rhight now to visit your Ski- Doo dealJercand beco-me eeigible fm oire of 1h ose $5,,OOO cash zs, Re-be5thr' nothing n e f Trade mark 9 mb"ser t. .Ït s )LAuvom Mum-cumTnPG.. - tSUN4~VS OUNTYChrysler-Dodge Ltd. ORONO FUEL & LUMBERLd ÎP RING ST. E. BOW AN VILLE j STATION ST ~LIT A flI#~ ~ E - -- -- MHN 8-5444 R.2 Ipt UAxç T. ORONO 617 KING ~T K ~.1' LVIS MARINE PRONY,2-58 .ý 1 1 1 il .11 -il ý«DOU DEALER lu VVINI M TE 1% ww âK, dd

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