j SPORTroPI 'A SALUITE TO1te NOR flOÜCKe1l tnthuiastie, balrd-working vlnér hs fot nbhi part in canadaaNatinail sport. ELvery boy in twcan ha"kýve ý-téop 'cuiy a lyMad xnné *11 h tured away. That's -,.thékidofa organlztioni l nonlY ads ngboié,bt c heaithier md.and better eitàeims They keep téyugtr f h tet n na hOcky vluneelaInCanada lm taking place right acroas the coutr; éer muicpaltyin Canada la doing the game 2hing durlngMierHoey ýWrek, Te ay th leat, mnor ocke léan important pat fý sur cômmUniy IlfeU téisan intégal Part of the fbriecf1 ur cn ýÉ nî?nityand a21 jorpart f4 thé spkortinig ciiisfor town. It lm benefilte the youngéters, ànd becauséaitis i i étronger bskpieinr hockey cotiutathe deeopment o1f bttér itians while hla i.keping thon occupin a aenodtA whll eneav r)tght at a -'n age wh'e n many 0efthpem ih *Atily hé égpaged In purwh uitch lese acceptabe toscety Powanwole h 'àateéno y ucéu inOr Hockey Day o Saturday.UnforUnatélywe had teiss it !u t héfct that the Onrie rï-'Lac'rsseAsoitnmeig wee théàamue dayand wewerécomm tted te attend Under r"écrain diréctr Bud an- gand hiaMsssantJ AcJoe"~nnett Boenianviile hai aeof the ànestMignar fekEy né-upa in Onare. {eever, ite s uccess is due ta thèe hr-nrln elwho ta. ftimt e oc, manag Énd ofümite TIRE LxAsur S'TEELERS - don Céieéand Mr, i1 Ï~ NDIANs - cal 1Otttr And Def>ýUg Hfenning; OÔIAL0 - non Welsh; CARDINALÈ muTo PsnFaulMltr; ONT - Jl Seult; B0BE~ Keth JnnigeStéw Trlpe; AtvfERICANS-Bra ?ryPt eld BLADES - AI htE, dJoDhnzsOn;"AM's - -M-,l R Car, eorge Evensý Bai, M, Gey;TMGRS -- Aléx -zAleÉxaîIder, ar eel FrýAN-K'S5 VARIEýTY - Becrt PynDave Reynelds, Scott Essry;C~NUMES'GAS TYRE ALL STARS - Bian ?ury, im ohlta ATM'A" ALL TAAS - Do-nWicx JerryMôrrion 'IAO V' "AUJ STARS -Let Maclean, ?EF WÉE LEAGUEr HAWR - GorgeJoue, Rn ýtéus; CANADIAN'S - Jon Wh~eRoe ohstn;rANýGERS -Robert Whillansf, Calivin ~fcullch;WINS -J. acGEGOR;BRUINS': - Paul Hugh SâaYir, Ro-T=ni o; EË,'e WE7"A"ALL STARIS Johnlir rGoreSainýbIury; PE e WEE ""'AL STARS ?'IXERS -sieeLchéDon Hobb's, HSIS et Smith; cUES ý- G lbP. llo;BAE rg Coirden; ~NHR - JiniCyeuin;ýNA A ,AL U SýTARO -- -- lci, aCrmi;BNA "B NCflGEi LiAGUE' IIT. ROYALS -- PrdSheeýhar4; CANUCX& - on Eirkett;, CENtRAL8 -- G&ýry Griffeuu; PAS. - Vera Grubin; TYKZ LEAGUE - Pat al;ATMLAUE-Grl 'akNI PE E LEAG'Ur - Jac-,k Locke; BýANTAM LEAUE-nýragg Conden; MIDLGT ZLEAGU- Joe Mc~k Môrrlsan, Doug paniýdra, e5u pArker, bave CIel Ai Junki, B on*, Th'ed Ero-wa, Warren Aider, Gregg We would lsa at ti tiE pay tribu"te ttO the odru 2.00/à OFF àALL SKI EQUIPMENT IN STOCK 3 in 1 Offer SKIS, BOOTS, PLSNo O»ery REG, $34.78 -$27.,82 Metal skis _________$71.20 Metal Sk'is EEG. 88,00$70,40 Boots by Tyrol MEN'S REEGc$500$ 60 LADES _________$36,00 Eeg. $28.00 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE IFROM 5*O oOFComplet. Toy 50ý/roOFF .lnventory. C~meandHave -Yoit and Your Children ouifititd Be-,Ouir Experienced Personnel ' 160 Church St., Bowmanville I nigbtlighingeadhg his~~U trpewihgies of 20 274ii aa h Cn, 3 . l fraehadacs l te second, a coreacrpi n 2hethrdan thn n p in atrigh stik oRchTis 368 r75 751ber911SacakLaycer 7o (09)vie bwld 441 Wlld Bih ke, gétl-ag cvery day-8--, hd aLes taf 45 Mw2ntY. !ewlVr ha 7200 er' on2 ad74524-)1 LukterAnnaCrt782 (267), r Don flaneil 76 n abg 5 cinglé, HngM"Fa" Ethera75k (lh28, Wal "blk"Hael (299, ,Tm Mcn ight 741g 2-4e2,360singe arne; Bob,,C Laird 7426 ),Le- s Sud pade 732 (70>, ohn Vn Dyk 72 (285),OrDAe Hjnenols 7 (298), eoePier 711 265 Harol Micelsôn708i295> 705 261, HnAlleck 701fl A239 rîMththear sknsp! yencAn ( a,ti a 294 ci nle gmr, Fa "S Po"dohn 9, 265San cIls 22,Dae Tr 28753D Perfec 01, DOe 2707 La ne Hardare-hd -ig Lrnie PerfetP. t 238wa Nr Yel, ebrne Inuranc Adult'Man l 9t undy31 Hon Smaer,maage 22fth rculd hé rangeI's1r27 Braie Perfct- 9 227 Jack Bn ____9 26 Ai-rc -------___ 9 225 Ras Okye ----- 9 24 Fog ay our - e9i24 Dorln Oýa -. E; 24 Jos McKngh - 23 Biilrie e 237 orge ier 9 217 WalbHaély-- 9213 Hoard 'onl 9 23 Jon BVatn fyk-9 231 Dou-"g Cre 3 Haatng 45 10355 4 4 o0834 Gold~.2 7 $802 2 Sc I-edule Ends Sunday, M&G Draw With Franks 7-7 Brooks' BeatBryson's 8 to i plac bokedupsetlédfora mn dcssd coupaed e fne alled rem6-4and7-6 scoresý withd Wltucr Fr.nk'È,HAtrs on fr rnksan rat vpeswt IvGlfl For the secon stri h wac Fli o along w iJelmI'-ien a nduon 1:5 rUnnnc k Wrlner h ng,,epid forMtn & ickng p te Mb & . mlk Steve flUromauntaied hs or Ru-de si'tfor theWa= dfrunfoteouet lizzhng scoring pace, strikung terFrank --aM. Davead hr8-wiA mntnd Steurspastewnes Simpeon ouned mutthe Grant Wright Brooks goalié, wa nbeatem fter Bran E Vans' edz thDnt ho caromc la eoff Wrmieh' s skFates, at 1:00 ýf thé efir-',-"t y a rcet weeksr, ha.- ýig bén a m ajo-Dr ra e GEl' CASH TObAT FO ILD APLANGoEg New'ville= StarkvlePlHdé 2,Mr uli Thursday Jauay 21 Hghage oiWod -Doris Torpkîns 206, Galà 5; ih aeae oi Mlllson 201, Joyce Stacôy 187,Tmpis26 Hle Weods 185, Dorothy20G&e Star,,k 183, Elaine Marchant RreWos2228Ct& 180, Grace Farrow 177. MarieLabet232, oli T'1rim 175, Olive Hqý-endeson Star.k 2220liMllwir 169, Delores Walkeay 19 o-20 oc tcy22 son 152, Shirley Mri 4, inmn2C DOhaaAVe' aItSkMINDo E,1 SALES SERVICE lýie Sutc.k é~Sombi utBos em (logî:les, EtÊc. Etc., .-Droqýn u ad brôwe &ou -OpeSn Ngul 'i :0P.m, Convelentrima PaymetPa Aalal (617 KING ST. E. OSHAWA