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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1971, p. 8

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~iuaStaesmn, BwmavlleJan. 23, 19711 PRTopi cs>a Feink IMOhunýr 62 3 234 'AiMES LET Lag1es have only four games ,i 1remuining in lor "C"' sehedule, Thpe ag1e,ýîare ut 1home1 Liiýdsa, game time 8:30 at the Memorial e wvill play their second game ini as mupny'- visit Whitby on M.lonlday. ie encomiter and last homer gami eprior toi have 1Penetung here o,)n Suniduy, Feb.h, in Penetang on Satunday nîgbit.' Onl1y the y games couint in the standings. feated Lindsay 5-1 on Friday nighti, anidi bere on Suuiday. The Ioss left the Engles: ioint inargin over Sutton in theiebattie fori ort Hope Panthers, six points back. us witneps-edj severul games involving the iincludciinQe we bud tihe pleusure of :ustle. Friday right, was our first chance ýg Fathers in action, altboughl it wýaS the bsrtat they have pluyed in Oshlawa- ýeting the N.HXL.'ers. 's alway-s put an quite anho but the etter, They are really somrething to see. SCostello, a former Jwnior "A" standout 0 also biad a *hnlin pro rauks, the Fly7ing ne 2 prwettyýf! ir bunch of plaiyers. vs won 7-5 us Har-ry Wutson und Pete : oried twice, thie others going t a Dunny idirn-iy arcd hockey commentator Briani inotcheid a pair, for the laosers, with Father Sa singie. E\--Geneual, George Vuil, wvasý 1tai' boy" far the encaunter, und he fired Rainie, asecl guest ut, the gumne was thir eveing psýignîn1g autoLgraiphel. It Mas, rimes cduring the exhibition thut Les Cas-! king for, hlm __so ut one stage lu the (i les off the ice by bis eur ta meet bi-, Port Perry Rink Wins Brown's 7-Yr.-Fil IMovers .Finish League PIay byý Win at Markham This week Preston the My en Novice Ail-Stars finichedý league play witb a wiu. Their' La kp shore Leaguýe recýord ýou- sl Fsted of 19 wius, 1 tic, 1 losq larkba the Mov ers i ao suot le Trailsled Pee We eS Win Deihi Tourn yi Bowmanville's Pee Wcee A emnwas igh scorenLC Ail-Star Trailsleds went ta thiree goals, RalphCrdema 1Delhi the past wee,ýckeud ta and CGeralýd Brunt each go participute lu that t o wn's two, ,und Buýrry B runt a* Si-xtb Aujnual Invitatiotul Ted Puk bath One. Tuu etand ceme away The Satu17rrday aýIfteoril no tops in the B Ciass Section. gamIe Raguust Ti]lonug.a They competed l i eld ý of a doser mtcxilh B 22 teams), draw.n fromi towns3 manvville winnrg 3- 1,' andl anid cities in Outanlo aid the, chots an goal 22-11. B-ill Lea-' niontheasteru United Stutes. mou waýýs ,a gaîIl top scaoret' The Triiledp(s won bathi with two goals', with Dan Cox games auonsaturday aai ýtgetting thle other. Acton and TiIlionhur-g, aoid Highi scarer in theine were victorioits lu the fiinals ugainsýt Caledolna wsRîh on Sunclay whptheybea Crydermuan with t wo. B3rtan !'. Cuiledonia by 5a score af 4-9. Martin amrI Kirk Kempn scoz'- The gamP a g alue st Actnid oue goal each. Shots on,1 was s iy o cntest. The goal were 2-6 Bownianville tem nwou 9-0. Thle trophy for th BCls Shots on goal were 40-3 in sectin w offered fr th>e- favor af the local teaým, Bill first time thi7 yean. Men's Crurling Scores aYirsg ana aPt te camie 2nd sehre 1 ~points reach. haning out severapj stirrf Tuesdiay, Jan. l2th - Stu!j oesfor TucaJi.lt hecl the Movers finully James defeated BudAllen8-3, BiU Webber defeated Ai._ )n the scoreboard in therJack WaY dfeated AI Rundîr Rundielu-5,Les Zulkowskî periodi. The play sturted 11-5, Art Code defeated Keith defeated Jin B3ll 12-0. Eu I ;EIrard Morrison rr movl OrMisýton 11-7, Jim Bell de uero efae eitb r assing ta Winer WaYde feated Paul ilowal 7-6, Bih] iston 5-3, Art Code defeatedi on wbo worked the puckruWebber deeaîed Les Zlkaçw- Ç;tu James 0-5 Bob LawtostI mnIt of th'e Mankham ne rt ski 9-6, floyd" Ayre efeai defeaited BLud Allen M-6,Boyd' lrud Godfrey banging lu Percy Crapper 9-6, BuriAm- Ayre defeuted Paul Kowu osle Puck,. dersnefeatedr Bob Lwtn7-,", Jacký Gay defueracd Perc,"" stan the MJover pliye 1 1-2. Craipper by efault. )h ou MWinor Hockey Dy. jack Gay aind BariAnderr- Juck Ga nd EBan Aiider a slow stadt wih a week soui are te for firsFt place, soni are tied f or fýirst plaýe" 1thu Mvers swiung int o th fou poins each. with ix points euch gear an a goal by Don I Thursday, Jen. l4th - Boyd Scoreà forThurcday, Jan.21t wt, AllunBrunt enigAyre defeatd Paul Kowil Juin 1Bel dfete Art!o~ sit.Centre Ba God- 7-6, Jucký Gay defeaed AI 10-., Bob Lnwton defeatCrd cored a piture goal for Rundle 4-7,Art Code defeat- AI Rundle 10-8, Jack Gayd- loyrs siftjng bis way ed Bob Lawton 10-6, St feuted stu Jame-n(s 9-4,Peî ey - gih the Milh re adJames defeated Juin Bell6-4, Crapper defeatd Bud APIln 'a shouflder higýh buflet. Juck M(uudy and Ppe Crup-113,BoydAyread Do-, top nilght corner. God- per t iec -6, Budi Allen de- Rundle tied 8-8 PaulKo asa uotchied tue Moyens feated Don Riundcleu1t4.chfatedjack iMundy 9-6. goal, Danny Strike carn-- Bud Allen and Shu Jan es Permcy Crapper is in ficý e ssist. tied for first place with ftour place with five points, boYs iu doiug their Part lu makng the dury~ eXjMx d Uae ýwsn s-nase wliso fouud -- brale MinorHokyLde teuinlg the ame 's thank y "Ou tathO H ig Snge -B hers for a delijclous 111gb riple -B ahanse, Suudaý;y High Snle-T.T noon. This willl be U11gbIl Triple - Id] playaff game Or -RAverage B G. ilcox- -- B.Brock ADA Ifft H.Brock T. aguli . ier was -,the hlg B icars- e lg-ht ldMou- D P 1veno«Ids - ai s upel..r cor fR. Selleck _ gans 0f 39-261l-O.Bce Gra howlinlg, 1T.,Mîîso arýt of ithe entino P3, )"She" waS1 ar( Uld1, ta etwarmcd tFa itunal;Iy anc he" kueit on the i£ -kîýssed goal figbt-aguinst -,y at cetre ici moehumbile, fron -Bayvie 650 Triples' Mo o re C,26 ,R.Sellck 907. P. Ereynolds Mone 7 '73 '792, E . M1o orer,'77P,, O. Etlccr Moore 240 CI771. B. FBagueli 739. D. Ormr, 17, P. BRagueli 7 16, M. Btlcher ian l 44714,ý T. Milsor 70,'Gi Mifs) Seleck807704 H.Brock 72 .Wlo -i C t -. Richards 680, L. Coombes ý, 7f6. P418 1 4' E. Brock 666ý, D.Zean 66' 91. 14P.D a Dxtata-r f661, PD Bade 940 1 12(i658P..L. Sinale 658 HU.Slek" 9374121652. B. Diekens 7.651, -m. A' 9212 2 Ricards650. 895 12 2ý50 Rila ovr Gae ')M 1 il1 V, A . ,,- Averages kards Redmen ryoffs pa tue- starting ua800 "C" stne icnfo eng ph lint Rqud t he ea cme o thua Junior PY e' cod have rtheirý () He e r ceeu1the P usa urvcal Supp; 4100 LI g ',netis ine MCWaS loaca, with-< ' 306 , ý ent, -anidciexcellent .,eni ta enci rujShes 30, 1îglI triple 0.3. ysaraunci bythe forwards anidefeuce- Team adings,, mens. The predesi"li ha ,veu tedi su the ta keep on. their r ýcbks n etoe touruamarenit ty and stop thein before theyPar-tt6r .. ompieted lu eau get sturteci or the dcflicelBru-ce 3 iBowmoan- is ini trouible, Blake --------- 3 Port Huron With a2 100% effort ever Annuenpt --- - ianville 2 ta time lhey get on the ice y1 nSut tLclii le - 2 t by double owmnvi l c o u 1 d fane Gameivs Over 200a Port Rlucou quite weîî Smic 3623,She, Tihe Redmen's playersfri2521,amn333, ihis wusan rtCourtice Secondas-y are lu the 2022,Partnr 28) Ws of hockey rocess of studyis-sg fai- their 218 rvuce 218, MUurdock takiag ad- examas and writing 1tlein, so!Wht-y 200. I ,Single - Nyi ea fa ' I I Triple -NyISheechan I& I~Team Stanings Reg, $995 M I'I%. Bruce------ ---- 5 Aipart ----- ----- 4 sutcliffe -- 3 Games over 200 269,; 1;Pus West, Ford 206; DMu-dock ip 12 Averazes !Ste phens Trou~ er's ~ ~ "i Jeelr13 aIncrueWaýlly Seto tai' their lead ta fîvepoitwheon foI I;Ir. ýStephen FueLj;sls owned ru zner- For t he J~ up Kn's 'Jens War 54-32 lu NrT ledte a Mn's-,Towvn TBasketbah pointsWayn'Ie P, ýLIgeC- ubl-heder Iat for sx o ,Tuesdaiy nighbt, utthe icTfgh fl'souiL r ud"JOe' S1oo ymailni. tre muanngjbas>keCt Last p la ooper's led ai' Stp1,'swe the wy l the openjig gae, te'hroughout tih [e but Cooaincm hog byled 2644 z wl'th il point's i lIcthe final37-J P, at tLe quarterta sixby teJee( qatIs f p] crs tapositlt-e anc poinit d- DeGru dices, this yertha th e fecrew ,former tcam-rr luyed i arunshort for à e- 4 iteing32 tire gaineund ill mnagd uce.Il~rpe tan dfa au ppanen't tatwas nmb r o pa u"t flllrength. anir methia. lit 1/Singi E aI328 (28N-281 ) whlch "ufldsales ingle1also givem Uie High Aver- Mike M4urphy age 0f 28m. So far 1971 has! Peggy Hye been very goo ta youch P"ee__ob -ns - ------ Pis ruie. Marie Brooks 508 Larry FPierproviding ,comn- Dn Bishap------- 4972 petiton lu the Aerage race Bpu J0 4745rled 797 (310). giviug hlm-RossSWright 4580 self a 275 average. Don ish11inpRonl BurgesS-------- 4853 who semsto hlave the miark Russ H1alîma1n ------ 4731 uEilo 779 (31)uHctor Balan- H1elen Dulnn------------ tine another posibl e . Albertsamn -- ehantndernlahe Aeaere rheCross:ey - - ould 742 (311p ). le Patfield st111Btt Charlajnd -- - - Usoe n torm 728Doris Joli main,- NormMcee 217, taining Migh Avmee frthe Lola Wrigt-- - - -- laadies vwith 251 roll,,d 72. Dn Wigh- ---- Virgîinia JIairey 717, and last Bernîce P>uday ,---- 21but flont least Peggy Hayniesf Vi cooeir 770i 704. The othe11r 300 gamnes HlnVuebr rol]d C- RussHtey34DneAnet -- 760and Betty 1Chrarnd30 2. Lem;n Cimnor Aftr treeweeks Cof bw-RnIye 7429 . efind Fo-wler (n o nr fGergB.pýc6 70.) teum staningswith ight Bn evo 751points floe b unsPhil 1Hurlas-. 7223 With Seven pints Shirly Fowle.... 71318 Over 300 Gaines Erie Perfet 38, Ector J lak Balanin~311, jLurrýy Piper 27,310, RuSs Hately 304. BettyutRaF Bu-Charlandý 302, Don Bishop 31 rtner Oser250 Cames A jn S lven Brue Perfect A285-281, 011-e 20:Patfield 25 Don Wri.ght 28,E 20;Virginia Firy287, Archie Mmes eD~ Crossey 2, , Don Bisjýho)p M280, Vaintine Johin L4mu280,Pc-g y Itwî eMyouecl 210 Haynes 279, ossW right78', y 202 Lurry Piper 271, George SEASONS'SMEI 201ýCiarl,,d OOD UNTIL 1267, Churand 2692Jak l Iuty Ant exýellent famil'y 1971267 Laeo Couors 262 Put Room to keep the eh 192 Aonnunt s5, ri oli 27. dud g;,0 moslig 19~ on Brges 25, Lou Wnght bers. Wh1y rmn y0ur c 191c255 Jrnm Murphy 21 od rsy rn orln 190 Cowhng 250. Aldia. Bri yu ajre ej 11,9j Averages linifymaec 18 B, ,ruie Perfect------ 20 yorumachie ith us. 182 arry- ------ -- ---- ,Phone Ai Wýerry,2 18LryPiper ----27 5 %wilî he lrst aeeepted 180 D-r----oli - reguflations ,change. ,I0o ga i av Reuids--.--( level ground Irais. NwI sask Jl.m End n-----1 oth iinS no the acto BaU.ntie ~ t 6:5 onalB niils iand ýd Dd 'rester -- rs - - -- îond sut I'c Î 6~ 1 0j7 ý ural Bowling .kslen ... 7 9185: St. J oseph's Mixed ~Bowling League fainary 24. 19i1 25 2 No. Team pIs. Pinsi 2"38 3. Hili Billies ---- 22 1115,' 234, Cr1-awly ers, - 22 )10971 2241 6.Wiseguyýs -14 10()59'l4 2 26 ieTrain 121 , [12"0 215 7. Wauderers -12 107 3 1. Utpredî 'ctaqbles 12 107414 2 8Ga incr1s 7 1026f 206 Meu ITlgh Triple 204 , LaIdies' 1-Iigh Sngle, v0 Vi Ruddy2i 5 4 20 Cadiles' Righ lTriffle 20 1 B.Hiky, 54 200 Over 300 GamIes, Over 200 G;ames M Mik e Kennedy 29,3, Fred Hioiroyd 293-210, Bih] Ormep 290-204, David Orme -2"M'f Gaýry Can-way 255, Vi Ruddyý 2154, Mike H e 252, Nancy M any246, Lionel Hickýey! 22 8, Kty Scribe 227-293, Lii Smith 226, Bileen Hiclkeyv 223-218-213, Allen Macleani 223, George Charland 221-206, George Gibbs 220i, Bi Scrbe 219, Bettyv Charîund 217, Ger- ly ry Dwyer 215, Sandra Drapier id 214, Jim Fuir 205, Cars-Ie Orme 204, Theresa Rives-s 202. -e Bi Top Ten Averages a BilOrme-------226 e Jim Fuir -----------2------13 ? Pave Orme --------- -- 27 vGary ý;Conway ---------25 S Vj Rujddy. . . ......... 20)4 Blill Skribe 3 ~ BileenHickey - - - 0 IHi(7 Cs - ~3 v2 aleGoe ---3- 21 'High Siges 212 D. g Tp Triple 214vD n Taylor -------9 212 .Taylo - -- --- 211R.Vanee-. - ------- 210) D.....o... 9 206 R.Lid- -------- 206-,DYphDav------ 2 CRusi - 9 202 . MrsaP 2 S F. oen----- 'CHE FUN! Join yjoinied are having a bail adrty aiready planned bl. Ideas gaeul eetd ÎIERSHIP ONLY $3G'.00 IV place wivth fireplacýe il, 3Pamil1 Idren warm while -mothier an( Coýff'e served free ta il mein r to -eep warm? This could hý hi and spenld Jthe whole day ,ai oming for ,week-end just leaxi Why IV ug it home allil te tim1e' 263-8412. Mmbr jiin OM iu future should sno0Wnobilin,- Uacres tri run machiies 4o..Hill af more c@ulid you w-ant? Liste-r bile report every Tusyn.igIi 9 ----6 a -9 -9 9 9 -9 ----9 ---- 9 s- -- 9 'rnrtl~ O huc ~6 t _ _ 9 dc--- 9 9 9 ce -..9 ci-------- 9 bards - - 9 --- RENTALS Tvif SALES & SERVIC 723 -001 426 iSIMlCOE S. OSHAWA Sheil Canada Limnited hias un opening for thie righit an to leasýe a service station in Bownlianiville, MJRBRANT) GOOD POTENT\"IALý The n"arto b cosiere wir el: the M"otoring Pulic *A Self-Starter - Amhitiousý and Aggressive *Able to Direct and Supervise Staff *Experienced it This or Allied _Businessý *Sales and Promotion Orienltuted A MnmmCapital Inivestmenit of $, wvill be Requirjed. Ail Replies Confidential Provide Comtplete Resumeic Sheli Canada Ltd. Attention - G. B. Holley Oshawa shopping Centre Oshawva, 0Ontario e

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