Bownianville and Stanley Boyd The Canadian Statesman,BamnllFb .17I nc~r n il watesv -ýei held, with 12 present. Ili, iytrvle t aat i 0 -e Ï1ýoand $200 reP ective1y1 waVs reported that the average Squn"dayatenan atn Visbiîtywa et eel por n uesay tis area ik rnmng mest of the raads Marvers, an Tuesdaiy eernthe zaIr e efrac alth imeo ietde ail l o uthern Ontario vas weeblce Sho w Pbruary 9th. Cindy MeCoi attndarice at church thraugh-ithe Ice ie t apeLl ;Mhav nw rft. storck n by fe ne (,Icled in bath the eie-1 wh 'vas chosen Dlne un ut the year was 33 and ther.Gre.,A ol b xet T eII rs. ad crs cld~ sorm nd b Wedesdaymentry ad s c a ngr 1 ooni Sup werst ins. Thhadt been four bapteiss. with e;d, al rpstama no tersctio ofGeoreMad«Kigi schoais. The annul meigcmuiywse id a fa snrwedn 1 i blr fteron AF me t ng o t e Bo m n Casses in t he Friday ho l e ýýr n th e E d i to rs oMailU nieM any eniayed hearln lu k o fu era stue ~iie aa istic unt o te cntcte tase ifthy aealeterreuesin had-mdeaý bot 957a.m. ,Drivýers postponed for a wýeek as were! On Thursday eve.nig aotgratulated the congregationfnetr]uet r.adM ndad i Cane ociety wa s ters efnorkg smeatcls uh sbyotiswee arbraAnaBus a wmviieOn.1 any other activities. M rmembers of the Durham n sniiainaining'and impriovii2g iryVnam i XY id t hahoe f M, ndpotes fr s.Mr, ar ask-cidrnsmitts ;and sweaters, 1Baw-manviIle a n d Clarence Jan. 28, 1971 Sorry ta report that Mrs.î Caunty Junior Farmers ený- greatiy thephysical condition nsaryoSudynthi ir.RwadCoombes, Jan. c d that notice of aur available erS: it,17.After Presidentifilm be sent ta schaols, ora-sippers and m-eni's socks, for TI'ink of Hampton. Damnage Da *r Charles Smith and Mr. George joyed an evening of informaiýý of baoth the Church and Par- ,erecet rciigo h g ClrneBel! welcomned those 1 izatins aýnd churches. ptienits In hospitals. iwas estimated by Bowmavlle 1 quite agree with M. Skeldng are bth patientai curling at the Blackstck ih Hall thrughout the ýYear utrlScît' evc r eîen'rt, thie minutes of the lasi Serv c to Patients C hiair- l In the absence of Publtetyltown Police ai about $500 ta Mundays ledioii. I w s'h at er H siai ao gRink. Aftr the curling, thy lIe stressed that in 1971 work pam mecet ng w ere re d and ad pt-. m an Mýi r . . S er r port d C a r an r. v l n e r ,each vehicle. There w ere no nearly kn c e o er n w ith M rs. IM a Taylor. W n o e lunch and - sc i ouht t a be done on brin gng oi a ed.tha fve atint hae benMr. Bell reparted that Mrsm Uis ue tetsieakb oealteefok r ontm ttehome of IMr. uid in new members and on van-i 1 h.Souin Asola@a one of these so-called mons- enjoyiag improved health. On Mrs. Ralph Larmer and f a n7j- ous communty a c t i v it i e _s.1on Satudylaur Ol i iasrrMi. B. ID. TilJi- crvd ine ec ît. is.Mary Logan will be assistiag' Despite' the poor driving ters. I arn sure most peopleSudy Mr.Am Foer ily. Lawr,ýence McLaughlin and1 1ý 1- -iCý tat d ,c - with he fture icodîtilns n th ara thse wll aree he sreet anthendyRecreatmaianleCentreil aMns;i coc~ epntd la emnim"Syrfqsaid hathet ak0 ihpbiiyi h ue. condineipation esdrthear aee iiaretesresadreturned home ta bier apart- A number of!]local curiers _.George Woewilat sDugsSep, haa eî~ donlationsin thieamount of desngneilteSnhle M.Belaseanucd htpi ew wue eks ndivesave iidewalks of any town are, etatralnln ty atcptdl h nulWardens for the next y ar, g t1! E Lde'A ~1 2.0.Exenesfor transm- IGou il efida res urojetv i h 17 am anrc~durer aenctin no place for skl-doos. Our in hospitals and nursinghome. O'Keefe Bonspiel held at th, Lay Member ta the Sente- 'prRýoi ot3-,(risadings for the Red Cross. As paiga bas been set at $7,200 to n o hi teto councillors had a chance ta ro disScunQenLn portationPposage, drugsian Everyone is hopîng that Mrs. Part Penny Curling-Club onj Mrs. McArthur; Envelope Sc a eysupie ab dreisingi, etc., tolýtalied $3464.1the'ei ' edfrAcmpiasmnrwsieclav enrwre ihfwveto thîs. However, by a Fowler. will be able ta man- Saturday and repart a maOstj retary, Mns. F. Staniland; Ad- m'.Gog 4 d dc "Johnny coats", we wlll fia in Toronto Jan. 23 and 24icollisioîns af any consequence. close vote we stili have them'nne allm withbe Dfu tinCarmn eone htdoubt be asking for a supply1 and representatives from aur For the past two and a hallt otn ih age on hen own. Welcam e enjoyable day. Mn. and MnIr, visary Board, the Wardens was'riestebyRvet - smnCarmn eokiro!mn'ehtesirs rstni en aatedac. weeks there bas not been an ko hyaelcnehome,, Mrs. Fowler 'Neil Baîiey and Mn.,and Mrs, Mrs. Harry McLaughlîn, Ms e oe n ît ui of filmswit onir arersiUnaccidentttnda laI nothhy se areaedM1whichf r cw im ý -ichools arebas reste in ths eas liijny and the operatons have ta' The Public Speakiag Con- Brian Hamilton woan the ta Donald Green and Neil Baileyr In ked fary paigeI the ublirdn Jnur obey the traffie îaws. Iow- test Was held In Cartwright phy and scime îoveîy pri7es.1 Neil Bailey is ta bethC2b the Counr Taele- lageFebnuary. enSt.Pa .1e thIofedes hvetoCenrk Pblc Shol-nCongratulations. Other cunh 'mittee ta the Joint Panîsh b npieer o yLi IN K-- AUK uu I 7th, the Newcastle Ontanoh agtfrsadtefnsThixnsday iastead o! the first ens wha also toak part we ,reý withi Port Penry. Reports fnom Boa !WnoaadMs U C W a rnity U.Caad peakiag __ght farsts'aW esterninesnneriwas. have been reserved for th V I IU rx nilPlcelvsiae are flot stiff enough. planned Wednesday. Thirteen1Mr. and Mrs. Hlarold Kyte,1the A.C.W., the Sunday Schoolaýý Trlnity U.C.W L on~~~~~~ely one collision which they The numben o! jobs they exeln1pehe eejd- Mr. andl Mrs. Ivan Thampson,1 andl the Thursday Guild weneNny Mcuto Obw. r s.WNo r an aue d tat Intnde foolat w ek) t i22. Th. bie's a ceat This accident occurred on not tbnk people woud stop Blackstock Hgh School, Mrs. had as their guests and teax a social time concluded the ton M n' W strn Wi0e Dr. Norman Delakruen wil e Teye4frt eotdan thettic aus ftmmd a cteHighay 2 and llancock Road buyiag skl-doos just because Gerald Kelly and Mr. B. Rob- membes n1adMsGereeennws M. oeDra fPc aurgustspakr n Ani mtouyleaccident in this a h as !temsa, at bo ut 7:1 .m.o aur hycudntdieao ertson of Cartwright Central. Stevens o! Bowmianville and Miss Sharon Larmner, Osh- kering;Lde'V'na i lt.Dr. Delarue is a noted reali urd Jaury2rdoa tonacdet0cunig.r.\vmn w crone niva ow.Eah f hsecotetnt wllM. ndMr.Ro Crdn aaspndrievdyewthne asMia hrn Wlkr chs ugo, nlwl ewhea a bike ridden b y Ronald In the town limiîts duning the by Ralph Richard Marnison o! Haweven, I gueis we will nereive an award from the who were called in ta take bier Parents,, Mn. and Mrs. Nestdeto;Lde'1iiWn speak-ing on smok i ingdhw PB Massey of Bowmanviile Jan.,22-27 pertod two cars col- Onono and the allier hy Steve juit have to put up with County School Board and the the place o! a Tononto couple Raqiph Larmer, David and nonr was~ts oeDra tai quit. n.Wad aid thatîidded across thc intersection lided on Lberty Street on the William Babich o! Bawman- tbem. I hope wo have no winner, Cindy VanCamp who who wene unable ta corne atiPaul. Pickenig h qur ac she basodeed"Smoking 1Su iela! Sçugog andl King Street and 26th ,et about 5:10 p.m. as ville, collIded, eausing $400 ski-doo accidents In Bow- spoke on Being the Eldest in tho last minute. Three bualoads o! BP Pack muelr adbsw!e n p and sain" as wlAs acob0alt struck-a curb. Mn. Massey one was prepaning to turn and $800 damages respectively. manville. the Family, will proceed tol On Monday evening,Ja- Cubs, Brawnies and Guiide.s as Mr, Cak i.îm.wn unit for the April metig. Iwas uninjured but damage ta onto Wharf Rond. Drivers Thene were fia reported la- Tbanking you, the next contest ta be held atj any 25tb, the Vestny Mýeetin1g weli7 as parents and other in- presento ibagf fa. It wassugeted tat Art I is' motorcycle was estimatecl were Clarence Kilpatrick a! juries. Robent Noble. Grandview Public Sch-ooi. o! St. John's Anglican Chuncb tenested members af the comi-:pnecilto.Svrlso aso werewoAl rie n PORK LOIN QUARTER CUT INTO 9=11 CHOPS UN A PKG NO CENTRE SUCES REMOVED s'1 Las I ý luIl' PORK C SIIOULDER or BUIT ib5 8y POR L hnkLt5 FRESHLY GROURD %58& LWET RO Lt.1ýýlIVAC1/UM-3PACLO :4 0 i INSTANT COFFIE AC Acio0nPri ce d! GRADE A LARG DOZ NO. j CjREAMED HO,-NIy 4-LB CTN [Acion 1ried! SALT IN 1-LB 'I usK ATDEA&PI SOCz2 LYSOL SPRAY ANTSEPTIC DEODO(-RA\NT 7~o 8< OR MACARONI re ; 'n, F,- î"P', ý mi WZI gifts wvere dùanated byvalu mecanso! Port ?erry, Namey, 4ealDaiy, I'ayw VnsLadies' Weamr, Children's. BOUti, Peel's Vnjty Stoi'e, Penitlanid Je -,weclecn, Eleanor'ý Flowcrs, Helen aridDai' Beauty Saloni,Bnn' Beauty Salon, Richard's Beauty Salon, Conway Gardon,L ete' P harmia cy,> «3rito-n's DJrugý, Port Penny ýCleri, S4m Leùv- insoin, flan C-,a'r-nee g ieC-an d Momn.The Ladiesý' AuxHïdl any soopp, ptaechipos anid Mn'. 7andr M;s.roz !y mcL2llghý lini and Debbie wepre Sundaey di-nner gujesti cf Mr. and Mrs5 David Kyte mand famlly. Mns. -Roy Taylor ea Suniday guest cf Mr. and M- Gane Jurray, Crleand-l Kathenrinreo!M ile 10 Mn5, Taylor andMn. ura maled on n IS. 'JaTs. Farder At Hîlreat Nursing Hme iii PonitrPn. They reparftbtai Mrs. Fonder la quqltfe weLl Mi', and Mra. Anlsan Taylor, Scanrýougb,, were 'Sunýdp evýenlng guero f bis niothex', Mnfis. Rc.y,7Taylor. MnI. and Mvrs. MnvnGra, halns and Miss- Joanr lortoe wene Sne eveninig diunnef guýesta ;of MNî, and IIs. Rcq, 2rham and f1air--,rhic* on sunday ee lng le Chnîstian luErIatlin Buildinx lo! t'he Unritefd ChuirCi wag packeýd frte . Faxmly N4iglit ev .Pasnswl th- UC.W. A hyman, C w5r.. shîp tJhe ingwas su;!ng with Mrs, Gldys hompsoýDro "- siding atthepiao resideat of the U CW., Ms. Wvalter Wnlgbt read, ThreLord -ba My Shepherd buLlt ., ,Tbre Ranigý ens,ý favoned wl-eth trrede< Ligbtfuùl vocal numbers ae'e coanpraiedbyLina Mount -y onher ;,utohiarn n piano. M rs.W. Mbfyf i rdcdthe gues:t sele~ Miss Gladys Joblin af Port Penny wba sbloved becr e-X4 collent alides ela1ng rwthbelr fineconnty nr-be- r ew cent tîp -ta Japan and lxpm i'70. Apeito !tr ru mae exrese by Rev. Par,' sons; andMnWltwb a1,n presenteýd Miss Jbll with a gift !apecain After the BPenedictian, 1unc1h and a .oiltimne wserjoyed, The Scautiný solail held a cnowmobile raly i January 23, 1971. Th-ene wr only rLie entries but the7ýe ail, enjayed the, nally1 and the races'. Those wha !ho flkbwed along on the bus ,novidý e eu joyed seomng tore aýctivïti along the route. Raes lxi ï9_ nrning were 9wan by -rý Lew#is >wbo wn reArmaýtra-ng Quarter Mile RaesvOrte Tpy.RaLywinnr wr Do!! who i wore tied. o, the prise inoney. Las-t year'e wînnler fnm te rllR. tnophy, Hot iPr5, mpop and offee wee old Tai nîomnby the L A, and aýiFter the rall,; the ladies senved a bot p's n-eal, The Ladcies' A.ýuxiîary hael prepared for a- langer turno)ut and they appreciatedi very mucb -those from the,,.~ munîty wha turned oui tn supper and iii ibis way sup.-, ported Scouting. Mn. and Mrs. MnvnGr.- ham were guests cf Mn, aand Mns. DonGrar,ý'a and faat¶ly and Mnl. Leslie Gra-;ihans a!1 MllTbroCàk rementaly. was the elofctianri a! gý-Ev. B ward Scoit;as t-he lnew Fl.'p maite o! th;-Aglca Churcil a! Canladai. TRiglit Rev. Bd. wand Scott, Bishop cf Kacte- nay, British Columbla, and a graduate o! the lUniivorsity of British Clmi and th-e An- glican TooogcoCllegeofo British ,Colomi-bin, ived ini Biackstock as a chfI ld wb Ris fathor'r Rv.T. W, Scott was Recto'Dn o!f St, John's .A.i- glima Chnch Rev. and Mrs. Scott vwerr e boe in Black- stock forý about fivoe years in th Jal 920'rs a nd wllbe rememeredby some af aur ader rsidSon is. e eider My" Scott liveýs ias;aretired mînis.ý ton la Victorila, Bnitish ,Col- ombin, Il 1111 lim im i i k2ll I Ali i ýÈ ï rý4 1 :1