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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1971, p. 14

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14 The Can1adian SýtateSMan, Bowmanville, Feb. 3î 1971 Kens Down Hoopers 57-45 Corna fion Shade FuelI' Cornaio Cfemainlained Guy Parks was thc ers 5 Wally Seto andl Franký tirfive point 'ladover hest with 18, John Rundleie t-iMohun garnered four points! yKp-i.'a MeIn'sWer in Town tîng for feu and "'Joe" Bur-1apiece, Fý4,çk0balEageplay, iast gess seven. Ken Kelly clet aiD rne undi 'TuCêýay niight, atthe -,Hgh ed half a dozen and. Wither- a 1A point performnance for &h6 ynsuCorona- idge had four. ,Stephen's. Ted D)ads.on'hit for ~ cgedStphe Fuls39- In the second encounter, inie, with Stork bagging five !lihe inîghcap, affter Stephens'led 13-9 af the end'and Tom Pearson four. E "en,.s ha efaed fl-n of the first quarter, with eac-hý" T tnig H~oj.r's Jewcellery 57-13 In team seoring seven points Ta tnig teper.prior to the hall. The Fuelers-çý W. L. T. F. A. Pts. Keýr 's 1ed ail fhn way, with Increased their lead to 29-21,, Coronation ig i Bull Sribe pouring in 27 but Coronato u mt - sco(efo C le n A 49 1 pain ST. E, .BOWMANVI LLE (diecfy n fontofCimiify Chrysier) Phone 623-7311 PROMPT EFFICIENT 24 HOUR TOWING ~ LAURIE THOMPSON Class A Mechanie la in charge àf repairs- \ 11 andtîlne-ups. aufomattranlsmissionls. RiOTON MTO 1Nir. j,,. 52 it l5I aited i Ui Mr. and NMiýs. A, Sa Oshawa, were ILuncheouest of Mrs. R. Davey on Sunda-CI Sevýeral attendied Farming- Froiers show at Utica Haill Agooclly number attended flic annual meeting of thec BlcsokAgricul tural Soci- efy on Thrsday nvening wýber e WMlStfu a rt Dorrel sbowd clordfslde f o tishlai ses, which w,,Peeweil cn)joyed by a1l presenit. Stanley Taylor attendedfiteý anniuel Meeting of the Dur- limiCentral Agriculture oc iety at Orono on Safurday afternioon -i whereafnnia statemnent and report of fIeý ycar's w.ork wene givenfo thie Orono Fain. Directors o various classes, of horses, caf- fle, sheep, crops, fruits and ladies gave a report in thir departments. A successful mer in that area gave a reý- port on bis diepartme.nt and stre ' sed 'the fact someFar mnight substitute comral exhibif s forlisokcass whirh xwould onilyv owýerthi prizemoneypaid ouitf fo h eandas a grant is pi on prize money paid by.ft fair the prcvious yeer, e thought feirsý thaf would sb stitute Commercial exh ibif were on fInir way out. l hope fthc directors of outr local fai iwill pay heed f0 his tal- fa eand IKc-v jn Forref Stephen's linthe final eighf Ken,'sMen's îhn ,21 fo accounýt for minutes 15-8 fa feke fhen com e Wear 6 5 1 355 371 13 4of flicscnig Don from behinti decision, Stephen ti, hled f[ve points,, with AI Murdocli paed Coronaý- Fuels 5 7 0 443 402 10 ~d Wayeurgcss, each tion with 16 points, whiie Jim HfOoper's Jewel- pin i asigl bsktBeam wes riglit behInti witli lery 3 8 i 451 474 7 ýen's Men and Nichai psof ofIal sud Mrs. Herb -toppins, presi- ~gio an Fis Fu ls en fthe U.C.W., nofed 27 1OR- an FÏ k ru ls embrsand six life members. Ç'93 Intcresfing and informative repare f Or Playoffs meig eddrn h er Scverel baies of ncw and used byAanCoin i matdheti Fisks as they blank-,clothing lied been sent to iSuinday nigh ,Jn.3se d Legion 7-0, and Lintonihepdquerfcrs for iÎssion ré- [uio TwnHoke La-camne Up with his fîrsf shufiouf îlief; medicai supplies sent fo ciosndi out threli r lague of fhe yeer. If mankeid - Afnica; Sunshine boxes to sick lul wiî fo~excllet os'firsf fwo wins in a row f0 and shut-ins; flowers sent In, s.They roucd wolshow fln league thaf jusf be- cases of bercavement; dona- fsani sowed tIc way cause fliny endeti lest place1fions f0 Mental Healfli andi xc playoffs. trin et hyare ready for fIep-'y- AIcoholRsar01SrefHv Wit ths tPe of hc offs Just as tlicy were lasen etc.;tw boslaien ~n ilnotlie disap- year, under Bill's name. Sent ta, Quin-Mo-Lac Camp, a cd ilalic p yofft hnfPnfinsf period bc)fi Christian -Educaf ion Progran m thefirf ame Foanclubs playnd toi a scorcîcs fie. sponsoï'cd for ýyoung people; *ý'the ud'ySho ai n oly ,vrinfthe top goal- Th e scoring lopeneti at the eSnay colbi n ng _lchurch ,hkitchen lad bIna e- ngaerg, u aiso shbuf 11'30 mark of flic second per-dcrtd cn' 60.Neisof e' lotiwhcn McMuilen tiit fr eortei Foran-, of Fisýk's skafed Niclis, pnoducing fl iony! Ha rold White, represenfetivei fIls amefcti for top goal of bbc firsf fwo tehd. ffe Manse Committee, not- endcr and Forani's feam- laI the flirt, Nicliols mnatiecd repairs made to bbc manse: shoiwed l tlicy wan- no mistake as fbey collecfcd and ew euminum siding plac- l ~~~m~ ato mn. As ï1e11their second goal wifî onîy 15 cdoA Ic xtnir douf fIe rublObers fired secoonds gone by flic period,1 AlanBeer, Clerk of' fhe m b Ke'sthn wee Mlntre o'ig fic conag.Session, reponteti four Com:- fli pukspa~ NeisLegonjust couiti't fnifi munion Services lield turing afor Ken-, la li c sc- br'eak<s as fhey beard flc hialflcYear. Thnre are 123 imcmy- gaeLit n rocti fbuzzer and were left stand cin<, bers, two baptîsms, two mcm- econd whtces o flchre whiteweshcd 2-0.Ilg bers removeti by transfer ant as icholsdweiLg ion pickcd up one mino'r a tw death.s. Mn, Beerc- 1One ,major penalty, Niichols Piresseti thanks f0 Mr s. vWalten fint gnlsaw am eevdfw ios Ncals Who lias been tflcfait- and ex-',citing hockey Bggn frfi gm eefui Communion Stewerd"es ngEr ï 3ggn fon h am o a numIer of ycars, to bbc tIrKe'~an Fik' bt-Slnnp in goal for Legion woOngenist anti Choir Leader a ~ cnrcess irsfpeniti.playeti a terrifie garie in alice Sundey School feechelis IhueF finely liroke lfl:iosing cause, and Linfon i n iMs ar Rlywole tîn 50 mrk o fli goal for Nicliols who came iup been flic former superintenti- i peiot, sonîg wulnwith bis first shutout of fien, n a e.at Ms ai cam as hontliatict. yar.Nonfhny for their Inspiration- otlitianterfafaeFOOt-NotesýJ ai leadership.J ino li tir wtha, Semi!-finel, playofîs stant The followIng arc flic 0f eSunday, Fnb. 7fh, wliich wiil ficials for 1971: flei tl'id, Fran con(fÎîa. bea 3 ouf oet 5 serins, wîfh Eiders: Henry Jakeman, Ail- a aru of ens a ls nnsend NichaIs doing bat- an Bccr, Donald Lowes, Harry aabes ~ ~ i fep nouigfi i he fire f game at 5 p.m. Preston, George Wadteii, Wal- Letbae pene lÉ-ic an ti egonanti Fisie Fuels fer Fallis, Eenl Weafeit Pt 43,TmemntsigtrgI u -t 6:30,lihese Clarence Rbwan, Vincent -Jack- M1Uned ;rdifompaofaaiu rvt sonie son, Reipli Preston, Cr g a fve-ninufeme'o -terifieanti xcifng hckey Porteous, Dr. Normaun ows n blie on, nd s ccIfeamn fricsfL( becomre Cliarles Weflicnil if,Heot fli legLe chap, 1n Saca1CMe W3rit !,e, EBan Argue, s.eb of fn nglif moing n hckeyfan, lt'e urn oufCppins anid Mrs. en Rly arc ~ e up i. edeciladtd anipik na f ler twards: Thomas J enpi1g, fin gol e 1615,~ m o faflicchampionship Ray Porbeous, Mr. ant i Mns t cn - w e ow faf flic playoffs arc Wes MeMahon, Robent Ryýley, saigFrom fils corner Ross Devitison, John Neals,1 Irs aieFik' pektile twislins taflic winning Mns. HaroltiWliite, M.-,7. Atdi- .r nmori ati ue mi r dUb.son Scott, Arthur Wigbt ~. Kn7srecivet fw -~-------------.-- Frak White, Allen Be-er, ~beoa m ~ ~ BE HANylit, Vincent Jackson, Glerge -o F ;sk ,,were MDo-Neals, Glenn Preston, Clar- 'ifl tw goals, 1Diiling Bethany Unitedi Church ence Rowan, Wesf on Hutchin-l,* anc anioe ol'rsonAtidison Scott. -1-)Jn asitsaogwîf î5 Congregationaj Meeting Manse Commit tee, Mn, anti,1 - wil hcfiegolen- TIc annuel Congrcgetional Mrs. Harold White. Audifors, 1 mlreeting of flic Bethany Unit- Ross Devitison, anti Charla in e o t eme Nchas d Churcli was lield on Sun- Woodi. Representative fo Pre- - day cveniag Jan, 24 In Sunday byfcry, Frank White. Clerk of eh 1o hall, precedeci bya pot Session, Vincent Jackson. luce supper. Bey. David Treeasuren, Mrs. Wres. Mc- W P'rtîy dhairedthflicmeeting, Melon. Christian' Educaionî, _______________ wit Ba Wefheiltas e- Wellington Cepeling for iJunior ,V4CNA W tery, The finenciai report wes Boys; Mrs. Allen Been, Mrs. givea -by Mrs. Wes. McMehon. Hao, Wiefo n0Gop aFR MFais 7T Mrs, Earl McQueid neporteti U.C.W. Presitient, Mrs. Hrl 70 T F (éjYAice for Mission anti Service, not- Coppins. Organisf, Mrs. How- ingcontribufions dowa slght..at oe, hi edr ly romth prvius yer. Mrs. Thomas Jennings. Cool- Mrs Vîcea Jakso noetimunion Stewardess, Mrs. VIn Aa successful ynar for- flic Choir cn ako.Cuc ae anti expreàsedtfhanks ta Mns. aesMran Ms.H ol , -~~ Howardi oenorganiat, anti tesM.atMs, aai - MrS. Thomas Jennings, choir Rv orfhcyepest leaerthaksto ail officiels ant Ir]t TIcSunaySdbolreprtAllna Beer, fhe former Clcrk e wa~~~~-i givea Iy Mrs. Allen Beer.ofteSsinfrhinin Thîs ynar the sdhool ila a ointereion, founîng f li cr. effrt f bc Aglian ndTwo hymas wene sung anti Unifet Cliurches. The Junior Rev Nrhypoone h Boys ment during the week, . Nâiofe nnonc.l supervîseti by Wellington Cape:-eeicin Ilig. The> Girls, known as H A RV Ey the Uni Gnoup, ment during E O teweck also, led by hrs BDT'RDT ONlT ) P RT ER Allen Beer anti Mrs. Haroldti V ER IN~~hife. Concera weýs express-, Sunday cellers of Mrs Tlý OBON 9835206cd t he smail affentiance of Bailey were Mn. anti MnsH IÔE EAT SERVICE the age 4-8 yeers group wlich McDonalti, Bowmanvýiý le, ai mient'Sunday mornlngs. Mrs, J. Peelinig,Osaa Fenton Falli gve the- 1 ,- M t' P.. NICE 'N EASY Tough, beautiful anti very durable, Easy te ley, strong colourful neetilepuacheti, non-absorbent fibres. Easy fo clean, resists spilîs, colour fast, mildew, rot eut insect resistant. Widc selection cf patteras anti colours, great for baflirooms, kitdhens or rcc rooms. Mfake If Happea onIy 4.44 sq. yd. Vinyl Carpeting Punctune proof! Cushioneti vinyl fiooring. Gleaming an- tique type paintet designs protec'tet against staIcs andi spilîs. Hydroconti baeked. only 4.19 sq. yd., COVER'UP WITH C.I.L -CILTONE Semi Gloss Paint Tise greet îiferlon cover Up paiv. iOe i(-rang-e of eûl- ourvs. s' far ail kintis cf uses, Vsabc toug b and durable, ONLY - I Atit a bit of space-saving glamour te your home. Quick and easy to assem- ble, this 42"' bookshelf eau be adtied-to for Preas where larger shelves are calleti for. Price is for 1 set only, Save Now At BEAVER I eaver offers the homeown- er a wide variety of home improvement do-it-yourself produets. ýSave now with teaver's RE-DO SALE. Order by teelphone andtitake advantage of Beaver's Free Deiverý. Take advantage of Beaver's year round Bud- get Plan - vothing tiown on purchases from $100. to $4000. Low mnonthly pay- mnents include everythine, No hiden costs. Drop la anti sec your local Beaver Manager now for fast ap- COUTERTOPS! Trim old - 6 C olours Replace that( cousJter top jlu Iorkitehen. See them lin ;(tractive colours at Becaver, Legh27.88 10 Pt. Length 34.8 SEE THEM NCIW AT BEAVER! STAINLESS STEEL Single bowl stainless steel ,inks. Overaîl size 20"'x 18" x 7"1 deep. Self rimming. Reg. 20.95 Now Only Double bowi, neoIctige. Overail size 31" x 18" x 711 dieep. Self rimming, com- plete with stainless steel basket strainers. only 136.88 each GREAT BEAVER VALUE! SERV-A-SINK For the Laundry Roomi Wall mounteti on steel bnac- kets. Matin of lightweight meltied, stone, Easy te dlean, vlrtually stain proof. Cholce of four pastel confetti paf- tern shades. Reg. 29.95 Now Only ----- mi88 ý,BAT White Only rHTUVBS I Gleaming Porcelain Ou Steel .- Beauty Anti Grtoot Beaver Value 57.88each VANITY SINKS For Thc Vanif y Cabinet Whit e Porcelain On Steel J MAKES 1KITCHEN1 UNFINISHED STARTER SETS Naturel bircli, smioothly santint, ready for paint or stain. Precisijon fittet, warp-frec tioors anti trawers. Non-tnip Arborite counters, gleamning stainless steel sinks, chromne faucets. BIG BEAVER SAVINGS 54" Upper Cabinet Regularly $59.50, Now Qaly ------ - $54.95 54" base Cabinet complete with Sink, Top anti Faucets, Reg. 147.00, Now $1 29.00 72" Tjppcr Cabinet Rngularly $77.50, Now Oniy ------$71,95 - 72" base Cabinet comnpletéewitli Sink, Top anti Paucets, R<cg, $147.00 159.95, Now -- - ----- 84" Upper Cabinet, Reg. 88.50, Now Only - -----------= $81 95 " 84" base Cabinet complefe with Sinli, Top anti Paucets, Reg. $C 191.00,, Now -------- 19.00 PREFINISHED.. HONEY BEIGE STARTER SET 81 -Witie Lipper anti Base Cabinets, compflefe with single basin stain- iess steel sink, Arborite counter 9 top anti chrome faucets. Prefin- 30 !shedtinl beauiful Honey Beige SPECIAL 1INSTANT KITCHEN OFFER V î na g;e C op p r c tc e s th e t l f y c t r e 1,oneti Planff fect.Atiue op2rPlsbni with baket-on furiture finish. A tij n abl shelves in upper cabin ets. Solid Hîanoveýr coný struction, warp-free, sm ooth operating doors aid drawers. Easy to clean., Uppqr Cabinets, 24" wide ' 2"high ..........2.. 9 ,95 Upper Cabinets, 7 30" wîde x 22 high ;............. . ...... 31lx95 ~ Base Cabinets, 60" Straight S (counter top extra> .....-...... ... 91.00 i~Base- Cabinets, 96" Straight (countpr top extra>.. ........ 119,00 See Them Now At Beaver!1 BevrCUSTOM KITCHENS"ký: Bévrhas a wide setetior, of beautiful customi-made Skichens; Italian Provincial, Early Amercan, Conatssa, j Brchwood - allu 9 beautiful wood finishes. Al pr- ~ *. cision mate, top quality, Special Ofer, Save $.50. Specal Offer, Save $100, Off Purchases Over $500.00., $50.00 Off Purchases Over $7 50.00. $1 00.00 RANGE HOODS Accent Copper exhaust duct type. Equippeti wif h light. EaPýy te instali. Do awvay witli ldtchen smnoke anti odor. 2 speed fan, reg. 29,88 $28 Now Onily - - --$48 3 speeti Deluxe push buitton controls anti other features, reg. 519.95 Now Only--- - $5-- HIANOVER VAN ITY A ISpecial Bafnover Promo- tional Offer Ony At B'eave. :- Comnplete à36" vanit'y with polyester top, prelinishiet white baked-on enamel base cabinet, chrome fancets, Precision madie, easy to clean, space saving storage. h Only $99 99-g-5 A BEAVER SPECIAL PURCHASE! TOILET 'SEATS Soflit ne-piece naisture nesisf eut ern, gIcamingW baket-on enamel White onfly.te Rej;. 4.88. '99) Now At ý19 BeaverIb PERSONAL HANDSHOWERS SEasy te instail. Comiplete wvibh white, nylon spray hautile, 59"' chrome plabeti vinyl linnd flexible hose, ûchrome piateti wall bracknt. Fully atijustablebalont Regutarly $8,99 Now OnIy> 7.95 K-LUX 'TUB ENCLOSURES 3 taons - Opaquze glass cffect, extra durable, wide colour varicby, plastic. Pifs standard~ 5' tub. 3 slidinig toors open 2/3 'of tub witth for easy access. Regularly 69,95 N 1Only --- ------ - ----59,95 --- Big Value Savings On Medicine Cabinets MODERNE - white stainless steel, surface meuntet, 241 " witie x 173/j" high x 53s" dieep. SIiiing plate glass mirroi doors. eg. 29.88 NOW ONLY - ---- --------$26.88, MAOINT ROBSON -- surface mount et wvingeti mimeor ensemble. Pull sterage behinti cdi ng plate glass mirror. 36" witie x,30?' high. Reg. 51.88 NOW ONLY -'------------------------ - $46.88 PATRICIAN - lits wall epening 23341 witie x 17%34" x 334" dieep. Slitiing plate glass mirror toors, gleaming chrome frame. Regularly 24.88 NOW ONLV ---- --------------- $20.88 MOUNT TREMBLANT - recesseti, sutd- ing toors mirrers in Provincial antique golti anti white picture frame. 29e4" wide x 1934" high x 3.Y" tdeep. Regularly 42.88 NOW ONLY - - $34.88 Light Fixtures REC-ROOM No, 11002, 100 watt,reset with crystal glass. Bxsz 91"x 8% ", chrome o)r copper. Regnlarly 8.89 Z Now Only--- No. 11103, Larger 150 wtt a above, 11%', x 101-'% hrm or copper, Rcgularly 10.95 FAUCET CLEARANCE 'Save Up To $11,00 Ou Faucets Now At Beaver! Mocu single control fau'et wita pop-up drain anti acrator-. Eeg, 43,69$39 Now , only ------------ Moen 8" centre with acrator., Reg. 40.95' Now only _--- -- --$29.95 Moen Chateau - single hole, mount witli teck paeat aerator. Eeg. 3 $2,5 8 Now only --------- Tub anti shower fitting plus a1 ï njumber of accessories. Reg. 65.88$49 Now oniy -------- And Many More Sec Thcm" Now at Beaver ARE YOU BORED?.. Witli yourself or your home. Do something about It. Stant a do-if- yoursclf project for fthc long coflt wiuter. Re-do your kitchen, bathb- room or n ec room. Come anti se what Beaven lias te off er the do- lt-Yourselfer. Yen eau save op te 40% of coats by doing It yourselýf, It's Easy. It's Fun. Se on deay ... shop Beaven.. today1 Re- o hoe lorsNow Easy Kitchen And Batlrooma Floorng NEW PLACE '.N PRESS VINYL FLOOR T'ILES With flic scîf-athesive back Simply peel off flhc paper Dý' backin,-,ou3 each file anti place 'n press fthc fle Pcably ini place. A wite varicty ef beautqiu anti colourful patteriis will stick f0 auiy w fresun- face. Perf(ect for thse kit- \S~ licu batnoemor tiiiity ) ~ eenLaeitiie2"32", only2,89 Pkg. 9 Tules FIRSTSTEP Self Atilesive Carpef With ecomfort cushioneti Andi lt's rot proof perfect for foami backifig! Simply batlirooms, kitcheus, rec rooms or peçl off tlic plastic back- anywhere you like. 9 files per ing from this 12"1 x 12"1 package, 5 packages per carton. hantisome uetilepune-het Colours range from greens to, polyprepylene olefin fib- goitis. Now Only re carpet file, anti press --ou any wax-free surfac 'e. Streag anti durable, this 61C ac carpet file is stain anti spill resistant. MANAGER'S SPECIAL Ready to Assemble Bookshelves Prefinished. Do-It-Yours.elf OnI'y, . '19,095 1 0 0 a Mutton

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