ITHE Mr.Pec a~rw 'dy overn-ight guests of Mr. BrentoInFaro fStrvi and Mrs. Wm. B. Hoar. and Mrsý. IanFarrowattnd Mrs. R. S. Peltzer and son ed thie lIre Follies in Toronto David of Rosemary, Alberta oni Suindiay. are visiting her mother, Mrs. Mr. nd Mrý. Br:Ian Priest- Sheldon Moff et and together ley anddagher Alison and visited Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. ,Robiin of Oshwa were Sun- lMoffat and family at Iroquols, dlay- dinnjer guests of Mr. and'Ontario, last week. Mrs.Cee Joes nd aul Mrs. James Tamblyn is .Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snod- wearing a cast on her foot gras-s of Lindsay were Mon- due to a faiT on the ice. Mrs. Cecil Robinson is. a ~ Ipatient in the Oshawa Gen- JÂIABTIJJLLL.Ierai Hospital, Room 3022, f ter a, nasty fail in her home Rev. J.A. Ramjit spoke on on Saturday afterrioon. Sunday aniid will be the r.SednMfaatn- speaker inext Suniday. Mrs.theldon Maloffat attted Mr, W. Longyýýcar camneedtefnrlo rbotr homer on Saturday from the ýthe late Mr. Cecil Stew'art from Western Ontario, in the nosrii.London district.K Mr, and Mrs. O. Mercer and, Mr. and MUrs,.1J. Fajt spenti Orono United Cburcb Wo- F'ridp\y rn Toronto h1eIpinc, men beld four, meetings on :Mr. Roy Beatty,1 v e ý1to an- Tuescjay - Unit 2, in theý other apartmecnt dosqer to bis'Main Hall at 2 p.m.; Unit 3,Q~ 'work. supper meeting at the home We have had snme bad'of Mrs. Nortnan Allun; Unit 4, ,stormiy days tbe past weekiat tbe home of Mns. John Go- end maýny cars have been iforth, Winter Road, at 8 p.m.; Bowmanville Rotarians held the left) 'rin eploy !ars. i pma, prsi ont f thei ttick an the roada around Uni .i h pe .E their Ladies Night at the l-SiyBua, John Price, Kinsmen, Helerin un, wife aIý Mir. and Mrs. R. Westheuser, Unit 1, a pot luck lunt-cheon igDtha oo n e-Ms ayOteMs altepeîeto h ein 'Starkvriile, and M,. and Mrs, at 12:30 noon on Wedinesday'Ofltly. One hundred and forty- Zier, Bill Lum Chiong, Mac Ivan Hobbs, Mayor of Bnw-s J.D okrwr the home of' Mrs. Chas. T. six people filled the Inn's banl- Schewc-uk, Tom Gaye, Otto avle Dorothy Suttie, wif eC R-nd Mrsý. H. Thieki,,on over'Mller of North Orono. Unit quet room where a buffet waseiffradMs egJfey lbsDsrc ~the. weekend.[ 5 meeting will be held next served. It included everythingý The Head table for the meal Governor for this area, Stew; The firatsiesetHigh week on Tuesday, Feb. 9th, at from hot beef to cold salm , in-cluded: Doug Kemp, presi- McTavish, president af the ~Scoo hs ede ad aoterthe home of Mrs. Carl Biilings. shrimp, hemn, salads: galoreen dent of the local Lions group, local Rotary Club, and cha 'E 'begins thîs wpeek, Karen, age seven, daughter even a suckling pig. Display- Dorothy Jeweli, wife af the man of the Ladies Night eventr Saturday evening t he snow- of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Francis ing the doudcous fare are (frompresident.ofthe Kiwanis, KevinjEvelyn McTavish, bis wife, mýobi 1e 'club hadter usu]l Quantrili, returned home on run and had a social evening Saturday from the Memoriîal Mr. and Mrs. Len Goodmaur-! p ~ n. afewrsat Fowler's. Hospital, Bowmanville, phy and daughters. i C.ompec s rrogres.s 13enefîtr Mr. Alan Trew, Brighton, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Joncs Miss Susan VanCamp, Tor- was home for the wekend. 1 are vîsting Mr. and Mrs. Alc Mr. A. Hancoc of Louai Watson et Burlington. onto, spent the weekend w'th Fun FariIs in the hospital. her parents, Mr. and Mes. Sam Mr. and Mns. 'Rosa Beatty VanCamp, 'isters Lori and ~visiteýd with Mr. and Mrs. B. ~ A T nlt Lisa. Sunday dinner get UllU GR Vi with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Van Bur-ton who have moved ta apwror er c ariother bouse a apel Sympathy af this communi- Donald of Bowmanviile, Mr, eroft. ýtyis extended ta Mrs. Robert and Mrs. Charles Hynes Mes. TFhe snowmobileý club areiJarvie and bier famîly and ail Roy VanCamp, Base Line, planning a run to Apsiey and' other relatives in the sudden M.adMs .P wio an oerngbt tayfor extpasing of ber brotber, Mr. we odycieso e maehkedplan ogo. Aot2 lxJohnston, in bis 90th sister, Mrs. Frank, Cruick- machies pan t go.yeae, living alone. She re-shnAax Our I nit i t ute wiil be ceived'the word late Sunday hnsAjx held an Tuesday instead of> evening. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Snow,- Wednesday as some of theÎ Don't forget the Cuba paper den were Sunday supper ladies plan ta go t9 the Unit- and bottie drive on Saturday, guests with tbeir daugbter, ed Church Wamen's Rally. Feb. l3th; more particulars Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pickaed Our U.C.W, will be beldinext week. and family. iiext week. Mr. John Pritchard, Manoe- Mr, and Me . Fred Wrigbt, tie, sentth pet wekBase Line, accompanied by visiting bis grandmother, Mvrs. ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mel LS&LL Trailsleds uncle Mr. Bob Shiels, Newmaeket, have re-' L & Tr ilse'd nowenand untanduncle. turned home after visitingl Me. and Mrs. John Huband,ý relatives in Manitoba, Sakat- W in Upenin g Osawa aso a few ther ne-chwnadClgrAbt. ~ O ecet viitos wih M- tended th, 25th wedding an- Ilayoff i1O-U Robent Jarvie. Mrs. J. Fra ser, niversary of Me's sister, Mr. aiter, bier daugbter Mrs. Non--and Mrs. Oscar Lîndbiomý: BowanvlieL.& Beennand, Orillia; Mrs. The samie date was Mr. and J MFarand sîte-înlaw Me, red Wrigbt's 28tb wed- eleda Pee Wee A's openiedi Hamilton; Mrs. W. Prouse, son ding anniversary. 'They also ther bat at o 5 eles Me. Chalie Peouse, Pori ad a surprise for them.j agaînat Port Hope he-re la't, Hope, frienda. Wiei age e r night. i was o cnteaot-as Me. and, Mes, Ken Lewis, Mrs. Fred Wright visited berý Bamavilecopitey ut Hghland Grave, spent the brate, r1adMr.J 1e rlaaaeed tbem wîtb a 10-0ý paît week visiting witb their Martin,' former résidents here 9ccore. daugter adhsbnMr. I nteMri'R.>itewrd lra The aýcaing washandfled and Mrs. Ry en usandso living o he Mrin R.Th ricpl paer(tcheecn nt byý Bill Leaman wtthi0i3-g0ais, 1Brent. Ra McollandsonWbile in Winnipeg they amisa hw ihMnae ereVn rde,(e Rap rdra ,Kuet Mr. and Mevls.Gardon Janvie, vîlsîtedf their cousin, Me. and! meeting,, Bownsanlle PUC, On thie left is Fratik C i~ep 2 wtb inl~sby Mn.AnnLakin Ms. amMn., Paul VanNest. The four Centrai Regfion Manager and Hloward Powell, P.eterh Xemiz', wDanny Cox and s nl aknM a fthein alan ,viited many Martyn.-;11c E r Stee r iNchols, H-illadale Manor, Osh- 1otiber relatives. They really (right). Tmynand rawa, weee Sunday dînnerenod hmlvs LryBisbop sbared the goal- uests witb the former'smo-'e. ydthmcvs Municipal Hydro commis- utilîttes servîng 90,000 custam-a tend(i-ng duties in gaining an. ther, Mes. Robent Jervie. snners and managers fromCes, he said. hutout. Mr, and Mes, John Hubard, pjAaPceînB evle Me. Dobsan 'contr ud "Ini Èowanile'snet.haone Oshawa, were Sunday, supDer P NTYPOOL sl n otPryNedadto opuemreiga-1 isslte frTuda gucats with ber mother, MrewcteadPoteryan1diintapemrkiga- î,ighame .m f o afficiQÎals afOntario Hydro et- sistance samne utilîties are de- 4uhtat7 . f ouwatL. C Snowdcn, brother Bob, Mnrý, May Woods (Stewart) teîided the second annuel meet- veiopîng ather cenrlzd co -a ol sec a fie Pee Wee teamin!ii and nephew, Mr. John Prit- of t he Marah area is in boa- 1îng of thé ca-operatîve mer- aperatîve services. The econi-l action, came to Merl ichard. Manntiek. ~AeAand Sée this gaine. insiuemetn odypital In seriaus condition. Mrs. ketîng plan foe electric omn- arnicaaf bulk materiaI pur- These are the final stand- vnig'Fb 8th, et 8 p.m i Wood ils the wîdow aI 1the late missions beid et -the Flying cbasing, centralized ilig evening, Feb.Dutchman Motor Inn, tow- and'other sîmilar ,'ommon-to.-S ,!ngs ,In league play the C. E. Hall. The meeting Wilbert Wood. Peevînus to manville. SE e reloed ha s tre ket owrnaniîîe Pt'-iwil be in charge nI Mes. K. ber marniage she had lived Seaer evmldtht o- scessîuî argh ezatio c 28céHébpkins ofis5he arîg fo neer Ballyduff. She ils the pec objectives bave not only the needa are cammon toalal, 4Ânday .- cleros aIn25 yeersfor sister aI Mn. Harold Stewart been maintained, but in meny uniform oiesprccsad Cobourg.........18! month, It is expeeted there and the lete Albert Stewart. cases surpassed, dueing the mpono cies resactîcandt A -a. ---......- 18 wilî be a speaker on "Poilu- Also soi-ny ta report that two years the -peaiv e eomies alrg.salece ..Cshawa -1 - In". Me. Tom Seples bas been in plan bas been in oration. Tbe pene erfi ted by aIl." -----b--tb-y- 8-Mn. and Mes, Doug McCoy opia undengoing sungery. Manager George Van n i- Compec is e good tbîng for thet ayRidges ----- 21 and son Steven, Oshawa, wee We undeestand that biela ger nf Bowmanvihle PUC wasutite paicain as eî Sunday supper guesis with making stisfactory, progress the chairman for 'this success- as for tbe, customien. EvenE bher sister, Mr. and Mes. Ted anddue ta caern home soan. ful meeting attended by mare though total costa are ising1 1eea lcl-eibae than 40 municipal hydro eom-f3 h me 2. u.~ White and Iamîly. 1S in- lcl clbat missionees, managers and Ont- because of ieflaion, thïpac Merand Mes. Walt Pweek tathay thlesse 'ned by continued growthc A~~~~~rovaIs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wek Binni. ee Psoe itsey ~epî aria Hydro officiais. in ilwttersseupto mpwnr vl Is Bowmaville wereMonday cluding Deibent Bowîns oninklwthu osminc i alternoon visitons with Mr. Tuesday, Jan. 26tb, and Cl- Frank J. Dobson, P.Eng., per customer. Rates are low- 2nd & 3rd Mtges. and Mes. Leslie Collacutt. ford Curtis and J. Payne on Manager of Ontario Hydea er than they otberwîse would AFRAGED N TE Sypaty ofibi comuni-Satilda, Jn. 3th.The ateCentral Region, struck1 the be witb the curtailed grawth.1 ARRNGE INTHE Sypaty a ths cmmni-Satrda, Jn.3Ot. Te lIekeynote et the meeting. He Compee utîlîties have benefi1 CONVENIENCE 0F i ty is extended ta Mr. and Robent Hallorn and Herb' elrd Spasnhsbe t ndhe oiinofhs TOUR HOME Mes. Leslie Collacutt in, the Gould msa used ta have simi-deard upsinhmbentd ndte oiinaIti LOW cost. Vou cen eall ta pessing lest week afI their iar occasions during tbis per- theî pattern for Ibis Conîçec, Compec utilîty geoup ils more il .m.tody fr eipul unt Me. ren Wetlae, dIn 1969 wbenl the seven Hydrolfavorable then the provincial countrteous service. Prompt Saline. n spie aI sîoemy zero utilîtis Bsign wîb OAra eerge rinvestment Corp. Ltcl., 330 Ms ar ett sem weatheeteFrer no yrosBwavil1rat Keeps Rates Lower BeyStret Toont. pent lait week with ber son, held their meeting in theIem bic-peave ar A guest speaker was W. H. CAL. COLECT Me. and Mes. Gary Pettit and Orange Hall Thursday even- igagîiain ln n Powell, P.Eng., General Man- 366-95 CT daugbtees. ing. goals weee set, whîcb naw eager aI Peterborough PUC. Me. nd Ms. an RgeraaI he tecehave been met and suepassed."H-e gave an inspiring eddress Mr.andMrs Ro Roers Representatives ofte'he The advantage af Camper and quoted data Inom bis own EVGS. 231-8146 and daughters Nere Sunday Townsbip Fiee Brigades me a ense n rcgie tlt a hwta nrae Ssuýpper gucats with ber sister, with the Municipal Counciîe lîies wath ene- ptîti oonwaIelet ncee-g the Bethany Fiee Hall onh-ote Thursdey sevening. M esss. suit that twa mare o ganiza- benefits the cutomner as well. Hoaey, Werk, Dwyer and Fire tionSi bave been formed Thlere as the utîlîty by keeping rates Chif ame Wlli rlprset-ai-e noW four Compec groupslawee. Chif Jme Wilisreeesntin the proince, covenîng 23 Mr. Pow;eill eminded the ed aur local brigade. J:4*i .*Very few people have -ap- peecieted the sub zero wea- Amtber, snaow and higb winds i Auffl r.thal bave prevailed 100 long. conditions. gaether andhoa bus PORT COLBRORNE STORE HAS drive r and school childnen a BEEN SOLD AND WE NOW HAV'E day's holiday. Reports froin A LIMITED QUANTITY 0F press, TV and radio indîcate we are in the banane beit Too embarrossed to go out? c ompared ta London and other Weight Watchers" wili help you lake if off- districts, A, 1h an epi f o ffM.Fno alawse sAL S I Peter Suttie, District, Goveruorj oI Rotai-y, Vera Hnbbs, isife aI) the Mâyor, Stan Dunai, pre- sident aI thse Legion, Barbera Chipmean, wiîe aI Kinsmen president and head aI the local Kinette graup, Bihl Jeweil, ijeesident aI the Kiwanis, and Billi Kemp, wîfe aI the Lions president. ,AI Wterspoon af the Bow- S Customers il Compee meeting arc Itre), chaïrm-an oqf Ibe Dobsonl, Ontariqo Hydfre rborougli PUC manager, (Ontario Hydre photo) audience tIsaI livinig babils change since generatsoîrs change. Ho seid thal Hydro utilîtica should introduce lthe new ideas su electrical living and supply new incentives ta cualamers t a eoil attractive ta, them ta stey wit a.ur ser- vice. Ho meîutainedutîte sbould atarI iooking ta the 4cus- tomera from inte -ýpoint of view af giviugthem satisfaction, ual le giving tem thie cheapeat way af doîng a job. Ho emphalicaiiy mainteined that there hi nced for a con- tinued, aggresîive, marketing drivje ta ensure greater, elc- tricel energy use and thereby ta keep rates low. The speak- er painted out Ibat electnie power rates in Ibis -province were ual nearly as bîgb as in other provinces also as in môst countries, such, aslthe United States. 1Amang, the Hydro officiais present werc Grýant Bain- bridge, Director aI Consumer Service and George Robert- son, Consumer Soi-vice and ~1 W,, ,, Einaor. Ontario fl-,rr menville Rotary Club, ouinii- cd, the warldwide scope of hMS organizatian in e toast. Distiïct Gavernon Peter Suttie spoke bniefly an the cluh's motta,: 'Ser-vice ebove Self'. Garnet Riekard won the crowd Ior bis "excîting" toast ta thse ladies. A bouquet af red roses was presented ta Evelyn MûTevish by Bill Wilson or behal aI the local club, spent the weekend with Mi-. and Mes. L. Stainton,, Ennis- killen. Mrs. H. Stinton is spending a few days with Mc. and Mns. C. English, Bowmanviiie, Congratulations ta Mr. and Mn. Bryce Balsam (nec) Lise Nielsen, who were mer- ried an Saturday et Enniskil- len United Churcb. LONG SÂULT Mn., and Mes, Wm. MeReelis, Me. and Mns. Fred Clîfford and Janet, Oshawa, were Sun- day supper guesti aIf Mn. and Mres. John Baker, Mr. and Mes., Harry Baker and girls, Oshawa, were Fni- day evening visitons -ao the G. Bakens. Mn. and Mes, . FO Smith, Bowmenvilie, visited wîýth Lite Smiths on Sunday. Mrs. Fleteber and Me. John Johnson, Osaa, viîited witb the latlen's parents. Mr, and Mes. É. Johnson, on Sunday. 'Mr.' and Mes. A. Million wene Saturdey eveuîng visi- tons aI Mn. and Mes. W. Van- oyk. Cilub 50 ladies will meet Tucsday eveuing, Feb. 9th, at the home af Mes. John Den- nia, Tyrone. Mr, and Mes. John Johuston woere Thursday guest i teir dagit r, M.anid Mes.Ala Cale and famlly, Bowmran- ville, ta honar Mr'. Johnston ai, hie hii-thday .< Mn. and Mes, J, Johnston 8were the itonared guesti at a sdinuer et Thse Acres, ou, the )occasion aI thoîr 39th wed- ding anniversary. Their dau- ,ghter Vivîau (Mr. and, Mn. J. Rider, Part Penny), asa cele- brated their i hiwýedding anniverîary ont the same day. AIL the famîly, including. ail the greudehildren, helped lu celebreting bath enniversaries and ail hiad e mail enjoyable tlime, îucluding a deliciaus dînnner. (fIteuýded for lest weekl Ml-.;end Mn,. Sid Cornish 3n girls were Saturday even- ing visitors af Mr. and Mra. yRobert Cameron and family. Mes. Rye' Gibson- received the sad news lest week that 'hec niece, Mrs, Ici-h. Goddarnd aI o Meroochydone, Queeonsa- tiand, Australie, passed ewey oue Jan. 2nd. r OBITTJARY iý MRS, F. TAMBLYN Cental egio. iFalowing an ilînesaf ai- Centrl Reion.mail four years, the. death aI Mes, . FTemhlyn océurred et E NNIS ILLEN Memoriel Hospita, Bawran- 1971. She was in ber 901h Mn. and Mrs, Arthur Trewi. year, William and Peuh, Inydon, Deughten aI the laIe Mer- wvene Sundey tee guesta aI Mr, shaîl and Ophelia Cnydermas-, sud Mns.'E. Trewin. the former Ada Ophelia Cryd- Me. and Mes. Lewis John- di-man wms, born et Hampton stan, Lindsay, were Satuedey aud received bec educatian ai evening visitons et, Mn. and Hampton Public Sebool and Mes. C. Avery's. -1 Bawmmnvilhe Higb Sehool. In Mn.andMes A BrnI,0f1907 se married Mr. Fred Bowmauville; Mr. and Mes. H. Tambly n wba piedeceased ber J. MeGil were recent dinnerm guests af Mca. A. E. BiletI, nany years ega. Bowmanvihle. Afler dinuer the 'Mný. Tambhyn bad nesided ln men1 folk, visited Messrs. Orano Ian many.years, moving 1Chaude Smaitht and Allait Staîn- there from Hampton. Site ,o tStrethaven Nursing tW as a memben af Orana United tane et Bwavil. Church sud aI lte Qi-anaUnit- Mr, and Mca. A. L. Weern ed, ChUncb 'Womneu. Site was were Sundey dinner gueits cf a lia a member af the Qi-oua Mr. sud Mca. Don Wearn sud HartlcuIîural Society and of family, Oshawa.1 the Womeu's Instltute. A bouse- Mr. sud Mns. C. Stainton, wlfe, ber chiel interesîs ceutred Mr. snd Mes. M. Poiherd. were around ber home sud Iamily. Saturday evening visitors af Survlvlng are- two daughters Ise S. Lamb'a., and two san,Mes Ruscll Van Mn. sud Mes, Elwyn Dickey Horne (Marjrinofa Whitby, sud Velma, Bowmeuville, were CarIaos cf Orono, Keuneth af Sunday supper guestsaet lte Las Angeles, Cail,, and Mci. M. Stainton's. Chas. Miller (Mary) af Qi-ana. Mn. sud Mns. La rue Lamb in Alsa survîvîng are seven grand- campauy witb Mr. and Mca. cbildren and Ihnee greal- Milton Staînton atteîsded lIse grandeilîdren. funeral aI tIse laIe Mca. Ada TIse funenel service was beld Tamblyn et Orono lest week. on Weduesday, Janey27tb Mn. sud Mes. Earl Tre wMin InQioua United Chucansd were recent visitai-s wîth Mes. was couducted by Bey. Basil Roy Taylor, Blackstoek, sud Long.- Intermeut waa lu Qeona Mes. C. E. brui-, Qshawa. Cemetei-y. Mn. sud Mes. F. W. Wery aybutulfoltr- womre dimier guestsaet Mr. nsu M an bueau dfoatlb- Mes. Jim Moorcrafl's, utesisud nmr u a ln mauvilie aunlIse occasion aoitih ee m r in whehte d te- Andrea's bîrthday. bg semi hc h e Mr. sud Mca. Wayne Beckett ceased was held. sud Penny wece Sunday aller- Pelîbeanens were Messes. noati1 dinner guesîs of Mr. sud Merwiu Cryderman, Le Roy Mes . Haaraid Skinner, Bàw- Brown, Everett Br-own, Ivisan manville. Tamblyn, Milton Stainton sud Mr. AllenJ. Werny attendedHa-ny Jase, a Se;hool Conference lu Taiato Flawen bearers were Meurs_- recenthy. Fi-suds Jase,ý Donald Harnm, Me. and Mes. Devjid SIain- Charlie Staintan sud Franklun -ton anci f amiiy, Coboýurg,,Tambyu, The Canadian Statesman, Èowmanviille, Feb. 3,"1971 Deliclous Buffet Prepared for Annual, Rotary Ladies' Night C.H.S. NEWS, by Kathy Morrow Most aI the 1111h year stu- E dents have been vîsîtlng uni- vensities such as Guelph, Mc- Master Queen'a and Watenloo this paît week. S.A.C.U. (entrence 'examas',for univers- îty), wero somewbat long andc turing an Tbursday, January 20, but wene a change fram I the usuel- claasnoom ýroutine. At present, the fourth year geography clesa are. s.elllng themiel'vos as slaves ta finance a 'pnaposed trip ta major U.S. cities such as New Yack and Washington ta study urban development. 1Clubs A ew club bas md l debut on the eflen-achool s ýcene. It's ealied theo Huimantî- tai-ian Club but la actually wbat you migbt cail a atu-l dent's "wamen's lberatLion"' group.. I went ta their second meeting on Monday. Jan. 18 and found myseîf ln the mîdat of about 15 girls.' One strang supporter suggested that et futureý meetings, different members wauld be In charge - stertlng a tapie and leadlng the others-into discussion. A few tapies suggested wee bortian, day cere centr-e and an the raie of, bath sexes ln ou- aoclety. Their tapie waa broad- not reelly specif le since tbis was anc af thoîr finit meetings; per- bapa three girls, were againat wamen's lih. wble five, wcre for Il, and the remnainder un- deeided. We dlscussed'the raie of the maie lu the famlly andt iu society., The main point thet the "humenitarians" t-led1 ta get acroas was that famiir cry, "We went equel nlghta!" The ,aubjeet oaI wamen's fa-t ahians and cosmetics wei broacbed but the meeting came toae close aller sonieone chai- lenged the lengtb aof time that these girls had supparted the seme vlews as, the wameu's 11h- erationiat. Most sald that they'd feIt appressed since they wene young. Pamphlets on- ttled "Student Power and Wàmen'a Llh", prlnted by the "Young Soclallata" lu Toronto, wero dlstrlbuted. Na boys ettended the meet- Ing. The Dramea Club, plans .ta begin casting thia week fer ",Salome", e play about John the Beptist by Oscar Wilde, Plans for thse future Inelude an entry ln the Sîmpsons-Sears drame festival tbis spring. For the paît week the year 'book staff bas apouaared e cav- or conteit. Entries are melnly done u inte achool'a calours, but the originality and ai-t work very fi-rn good ta very gond, Finît pi-Ize las an L.P. record vouebier; second prise, twa passes ta thenext dance, and thIrd. prise, _a titi-e bat poster of Jimi Heudnlx.' Sports Mr. L. Carlson, boys' phyr cd. teacher, says, "The Blue LRaiders rebounded fram, a iweak firaI quarter ta erush Carlwrirght 97-32 . . . " is býopea for- a "«wlnnLng streek af six games" came truc on Tues- day, Januery 19 when lte seniors beet Bowruenvlle 53- t45. Aithougi the juniors eand ,bentams didn't fane as weil, the Clarke support was feu- I r Cleaners C/iu-,c î/ They arrlvedt at the hockey gaine during e s eccoîJ perlod. "What's the score, Jirn?" lie asked of a fan. "'Nothing to nothiag," was the reply. "Oh, gooffl" sheexclaimed. 'lThen we haven>tmiae thing." CLOT}IES CARE RINT: Prevent Contagion - germs cannot live latreshly lae clothing. Rave your garments cleaned regularly, GRAND OPENING ý- SUGAR PLUM Bowrnanville's New Winter Sports Mili February 6th, 10 a.m -' Fun for alil BOsWMANVI LLe C LEANERS *«T 84 KING ST. W. 623-ý552' 10 CLE A N E R We Specialize 1n Shirt Launlderinig» WIS!WIGS! WIGSIU GALORE! If you haven't tried on a wig and-you're just dyîng, Corn eon i of curiosity too to the J(UT 'N XURL BEAUTY SHOP We've lots of wigs, ail colors and yea Want in sce how you look as an auburni,bod or any other shade, i short or long -hzir?? Rernember the s aying 'Curiosity kied thef- cat". Don't let it kili you- cornee in and s"ee how you loo0k, We'll be glad te help you 7l KING ST. E. BOWM-ýAN VILLE PHONE A623-5019 astie, The cheerleaders made 9good showing and kept u P teamn morale,'1 Miscellaneous The Friday niht danic, sponsored by the WieHue eéatured "Merline". Aithougi, the dance was well chiaperole- éd, attendance wasn't up ul, par.' The addition of a so- ing lounge for students aa netwithapproval by ,stuidentIý nd janitors; the staff seentçL( oe have mixed f(eiîngs as ý its'advantages. We'd like t ofcLe y e come Mrs, Marshall tato he staff;SI ish laaing Mrs. Deck, li'a place as a hoe conoiec teacher. HonorSertr Misa -Margaret Goyne, COsh~ awa, aýcrTetary iet Cour-tICe Secondary Sehool, was hor- ored at a fa3rewvell partyoDI~ rhursday evening when aomne 20 teachers and staff gathe-ý ed at the home if a fe'lýi teaciher, Miss Alice Brhm Oshawa. SThe, ladies enjoyed a dIc- lhghtful buffet dinn-ereale ,and followirig this MVrs, ah' Coverley expressed there grets of ail present that Ms Goyne wauld sýoon1 be 1aîg -he staff. On behaif of theý ladies she presented two ilt to Margaret, a beautifule-1 bic based clock and pnds $et wîth Suitably ege inscription anid a crystaàlpe. fumie boutle. On behaif of the mai!e tf siembers, Miss Burnha-m pre- sented Margaret with a ster-, ling charm bracelet wÀith ia sael typewrlter charm.ý Miss, Goyne expressed her thanks toa aIl present for a [oveiy evenirig and the beau.. tiful gifla, also te YMis Bun- liam for npening hier homï-e foýr the occasion., HEARING AID WEARERS Better serice for your hearig ai dme ams better hearing for yoU Be Smr to visit otu neit BeI'tone Ceter 29Çing St. E., Eowmanv'51