SPORTopuCs r ,, y Frank MIohun 623-7234 COMMRCIL LEGUEFINALS Bryson'sSMOk<e Shop took the fli~tii ùaM in the bést et vae Commr'ercial League finals 5-3 over Brooks' Superlest. Fuiture g-amnes ail on Sundayý3 morn*ngs, start at 10 o'clock. t- t-t t 1UNO',OW LEAGUE FINALS BEGIN Thle bes't of five Junior Town Hockey League finals get unidêrway Sunday mùght, six kpan, Pt the Mernorial Arena wîlb Nijchol' Motors playing Fisk Fuels, Nichols defeatéd týéù's Meýn's- WVear 4-2 Sunday to take the sémi-final in four gameas. ~- t t t 11101%C SNOW = LESS SKIING It la,ý rathei ironical Ibat thîs wînter haàs s4iî an abun- dance etofow and there bas been les* skîing thàn usualý Ila tact ne day wasý ruled out because of tee mucb sneow9 cra4atîng a prihléin reachinIR the hilîs, rainwas another probt-C lei and S nda e-orvisblîyvirtually rule'dout skuing. Evea lkidy ae been as nice >as usuâal -, with thal ideal crisp air,>rgb u- ieweaîh-Ier. Ecpt fer eryin3 thell,- csn,-iydyahave been duil, lthougb snew con- e ditionsobavnieenrgôod S-aturday' vwas aèfin sunnyday, great for warm ig skîghut SndywAsoeb ges.Thiîs corner béad'd i eut le tb-eOsbawa S i lu early -- but the wel snow and peorvisiilit pro ite usto lbead borné. Back aaîn wi e went aronund noon - and fi bis ime il was dîffcuit b évea find1 the club.,f Tbere is stll plenty of m9nor,-, àrticulârly on the billsV equipped for maksng artificsal snèw, seO w'll bavé le kèep aur fihgers crôssed that the sun shînéês only on ski days te m-alke il last. GENEkAL-S -TWV O INTS I3ACK If àorneone caoti th 1is reptottêr ànd thé létîgb-suffèr- ing fants, wbv the Oshawa Generals bave waitéd untîl nowJ teaaIplaying hockey - wýe imagine geneiral rmanage an coacb Eddie Reigle wýould ike te kn11W tee. For tbe pas', montb, the GFanerals bave lrealed the borne-F tonfans ten a fine braàidn ethôclcy, including a pair et victor- les everct the diefanding capo Monîreal Jr. Canadiens. The 2-1 decision Saturd-ay nigbt was a great Junior "A" enoulrtaturîng ead -lte end rgshes and speelacular goal- tending at heîh ends, On thbe road, Oshawa bas played wal unitl the Jisat bîf et the gaine, when the ther clubs baves taken ovacr. Howvar, fthe tearnstili bas, p.layed Wal---per hapatheSatucla-Sunay ack te hack Scbedri'ule hbssome- ing tefde wîththeledon H-eadingl-iite isat igbit's game, the (Generals Iid moived i te witbin twvo points et London and the final playoff bai-lb.2 Unfortu,1nately for Osbawà,, when the Julnior " A" scbedule was engbendith addiltienal eigt gaines vere arranged amn the 1,five teams ln a eaedivision iette tn teain ircuit.2 S; fe be Gnrals bave home and lbene ýdates wilb Peterbor-L ubOttawa, Montrealan Toi-ente. Tbey enly happen ta ha (iofo !tte top frive teams. I Osbawa's last gaineagnt thae ther division is in Niagara 'alîs Fridaýy nighl. Then -theý,y play in Toi-ente Sunday afttr-1 w000, wîîh the naxt bhrfe rnige Tuiesday nigbt, 7:30, wben ottawa 67%s wîll provîde thae ppesilien0;.2 COF BOWLING' < Febrilary 36!'!7 15 E Archer 20f0; Shirley GeogeMaahliwas bewl.. Brock 220; J. Lutta-ian 217, ±ng n fne trinIbi wea, 23;T. Ritter 238- G. Pi-eut hic igb ripl was796(217,,220, 2, 2949 ; R.Weslake 249, 201 30) :1s 80 garne- Was,ý2 Î, 225; L. Woodcock 214: higb sinle.(Nie hwlig,'0'7A.Van CGcor 227, 238 leorga). D. Bond 233, 20;D.MRai ,ayî 3, . Rbinson 220, 207; M. for theç ladiesý. Dot'a bigj-,Dakin i226; .Pllr26 1ige a 80,whl eba 666,u fo-r ber triple (233,1; 53. e 'ile takil Telýam S aldings H.~ ~ Brc35 07 3 OWIl9 eague J ,Bord 249 3 D Nlan 27 4 Tusay eray21 G Pi-uI 2262 ~ DorUi Tompins ý207, Gail ---- Siib 346 2 ilîson 202. Marlene Stacey C. R-o beti . 235417 26193 J()yce Stacey [R85,Drty A. Va n Gai 2 25ý4 3 26Sta,ak185, Raie Woedaý 184, f). TUc Realr1is 23153 251laîne arcan Il81,Mariei C Mgan 3168 22Triin 179, Bernica endro J. Lttian 2747 22 174, JeanPoar 16 1, Mari B. ai-h~l . 22686 18 Gabýle 160, Dale Foi-an 159, 200 Ca3mes Corcen Barchaîd 159, Pat lMii- G.Mraal215, '201, 3';80; son 1,59, Cathy Lamîbert 156. M.V lra 243; J. R"ozem)aPegMisn 155, Pst Hedgeui 240;A Bock230, 20C, 224;-l40, Sujsan 1Mackie 137, Mai-g B, ýAlldread 232; , Riptter Guland 133 235; . Mogailp, , 2e; . Hgl SingVl-Gail Milîsen Va Dn eig 212, '254; . 25, lbtriple -Mailana Debo 14;1:B. Smiih'233,' '272, tacy -696,bigh average- 259; B. Bumra 221,24;K Drs epkn 27 Chipinan 22;J. MNb -5, - i Gaine 210; tA._BonSmaq230, 216, 27 4 ;: M.j Heatb h 224.,; P. Bumfa 200:ý Gail1 Milîsron ý23ý5, Cathy Lamn- P. P-ot1Ir 234, 217: R. Bokbit222, Roria W o&d 231, 21,'; 21J9, 241 ; E. MRe Dals Foi-an 22.9, Mafrlene SIa- 20f7, 2'37; Mv. lMicKaen 200, 220; cey 220-203, Doris Tempkin ýs S.Boc 06; B Wllima 231 14, Jasa nP lad21, Mrie J. Boend 266, 254, ?25; B.CbJ;p- ýTrlm 204, Dernotby tark 203- iýian 242; D. Nolan 21,5; J. G'ainas Woný Finlnz8, 6;A. Dehoo 204; Clnnainn ------- _- -1-_ 39 the course or (b) -pass a pracical test and a written teýst on) a date te be deeided; (early in 3. Mnimu reqirenentsfor ail appicauts le sixteen (16) years of age as of January lat of the current year, 4. The Salary Scale la as fôllows:J CATEGORY A Two years Or more on Mlygrotunds - Salary $35.010 par week CATEGORY M "Ont. yenr on Playgmrons -- Salary $30,00 par week CATEGORY "C" Wit7h no experience on Playgrouids --Salary $25.00 par wee m. Succasaul completiou of the course or tests does not guarattcea you a Position. 4. Applicaions audl Coutrse lime ýTaible are available at ithe fowa fuI1 igh School Office o3r theReceto Office, Town HaIl T. A. FAN'JNING, Director o erain LADIES' MAJORI Who Would Want to Be a Hockey Officiai at Any Price? LEA-GUE 7,-7-m ý- ý - - Fébruary 22 Fivé howlers turýé n âola sem gi-est 700 triples lâst week, Onie Etcherwas tops with a 170. Her gaines were 259- 246-275. Era Etché r had a 724 triple, 201-216 and a fine 107 gai-ne. Mabel Lewis ,tur- ed iý a great 70 rip l29- 158-257, and Joea Almond, ligbt bebin-d with a '705 - 254- 226-225, PHelen F, 1 s la atIli in tibere rolling ant evn 76~0- 286-199-215, Top 12 Avéerag&es Onje Etcher 23b, 0111e Pal- field 231, Dayie Wôlnik 220, ThéIa.isFer-ester 217, Eva Whitaheadi 214, Helen Ragera 214, Helen apw 212,Ena Etcher 211, Dot Breaks 210, Judy ragg ý201, jacrke Pt- fieldI 208, AudIray Osrnend 20ý7. Teain Standing Pins Pts. JTudy" Bragg -12861 16 Ena EILbér ' 2 0,-î14 Oniie Etcher - - 340 131/ Audirey Osmnid - 285 1 Helen Rogers - - 2999 12 1, DaGt Brooke-, .-2371 EîloenMoore--2581 Thaîrna Foi-rester 22461 12 Jeryca Tanjnant - -21716 î12 Mahel bcILewis . M2457 il DlIi'- Patfield ~.225V73 9 Shirley Davis 21837 7 Ovr220 Gaines Onia Etchar 292625 M ai i'n cKnight 223-2,59, Cè- Cile Bowers 223, Audrey Os- 1mmond 229-28, -JoDyc Lyle 22M- -42 EnaEther 307, Wiliac Sesbitt 2,53, Louise HefFernaný 2"9,linnte Taylor 221, Nancy Eas2,32-221, Joyce Tannant 25 KMi-.Kng 1234-221, Mahel Lewis 2'9.1-257, Joanne Bremn- maîlM 29, ,Toots Wiseaesn3n 29, Hlen riRogers 286, Jean Rai- asa 28, eathr Mora 67, Jeyue AlImond 24 -.26)- 22, Thelrna Foi-resýter *232, Dayle Wonk243, Florence Draper 238 I/li-aiTannant 224,Dt Breas 24, NncyCox223-' NihtHawks J, ai- 21, 986 20 C, ruce 21,3US 16 F, Bruce - 1,04t8 16 K. Ca,;mnpbell 211l4 14 'F. Lnd - ------ 2 1,194 8 iI HîihSingle - rB.Pipcr 263ý High Triple- - F. Land 669 Over 60 rile F. Land 66C9,K.C-ibl 62, B. ilbur 617, F. Dyk- str4 608. , E. ebee 603. Over 2,20 Gia B B.Pie 263,E.Mthl 2, F Land 2-53, 252, F. Dyk- aItra 2 50, F. Brue2,42, B., Smith '240, A. Dkta23, ,DViay 239, P. Brone' , B.Wilbur 20, ýN. Van Abea225, E Debee 24 J. Roweé 221, -K. Campbell 222. Averagas5 J, Main-s - --------------- - -- F, Bruce,- K. Caimphell J, Rowe --- L. Ceembas F. Land ,---------- A. Dykstra ----.- A. Buirgesa B. DWiur-- L. Woctc)ck N. 'Van Abha-rna -, P. Broamie - D. DeVos ------------ --- Liberty Belles Fabruary 23, 1971 Team Standings 1Ki-kton ýEtcher- 'McDoniald - Miller -- Gîb5on Bate Pins 14435 13573 13956 1348 13876 13566 14440 13270 13068 12369 High Single- C.Robait- Hîgb Double- C. Robai-ta Gainles over 200 C. Robai-ts 249, 307, B., sey 230, 201, F. Bradley 203, Maiion ýGibson. 257, Etcher 256, Do)tMto M. Kirkton 233, A. Wison M. Henning 219, MlarieC son 219, J. Luixton ,218, Dadsoa 218, H. SheEbfan B. Stevens 212, M. AIr j206, V. Millar 200. Averages> ovar 180 C. Robais - ----ta---- - F. Oradley !W. Ceembas M. Gibson ___ C. Lxa M. Kirkloan P. Josen;-I- -- J. Cbaple Fi, Dadson'- 84 During the third perîidof the Juvanle hocke(ygmehee nSaiturday ,3beween Bowmnanville and Markhanr, sevcral fuil bliown batties beTitwee, ncmr~ ý brs cf the opposin~g forces recaliy tese te pyscalenurance of the ofcas lî,Here are two examples of thetoug job the-iy haeii itrying te kefe'P yeung 79players undar centrcl, whien tenpiersbecrna frayed, st-'icks go up, gloves cone 77 off, and the-y clart swijngiýng. 75- _____ 72Make Rink a Boxing Ring 72 Juve lies Hang Up Skates Af er arkamWi'ns 6-1I PIs. by David Goheen puck and s.coreýd on Jin 18 ,Two perioda et fairly aven Cesra.This waal the, 17 hockey weire playad Saturday ei g Bomnle cud 1night aIthe1i local ai-ana. Th nseT -d ôoprtli- 13scoreboard raad Mar-kbam 2, lsbutsan es he s h 12 Bcwmanvll1 S. ar'sCeuRdmn er hin cece 12ment Radir 1ý l, at thal poin, , vryioe won last Saturday nigbt if M4ynar d nd Jurin Tatlma-r the third perîed had heen asslàfted tt Cemplta ethlescr Sparîially elîminated, T h i s ing etdthaiE»raI parrid 307 weuld have foi-ced the Red- The s--econd staarmained 556 men te play Sunday and if s;corales as bath teins t-ledý they had won that onaey te i7fo ncrease theirmai-in. Th Fe-ceuld new ha meeting the re- caacecighwee1i 209, prasantativas frein the east.1 net show tha e 3wmanville EO At the end the score red ean e gt a cleair abat on m48 ,LMarkham 6, Bowmanville 1.1 the Mairkbam n'et. 224, Inslead, tbe Redmen turned At th, 3:05 -maritk oet the Gib- the ahana intou a "bexing t1hird perledi, Juin Ttra Ering "wilb th embtns crdwit ia t Sîainas- 214, frein hoth tearna gradually sisinmg. hmy eing 'sent te their respective Four miueslter, Bill eydressing reema. Mitchiell s1ora-d with S'lave Hockey was net playad by Maynard Vnd Tom Daîzail ail, only a tew and when assisting. '230 hockey la played the perfect Tom Daîzaîl scored ark 121ý1 passîn1g, cbacking, skating and1 bam's 5th geai uiaasisledJ. 2021 bitting that have becerne pi-e- The at goal was scered b'y 199 vaýlenft Ibreughout the years, Dava Sisns wîth! Bill Mit- 19htn ead and shoulders chahl and Briaimbersa- 198 ;aheve thie hrawling, sisting. 194 A the 128mai-k etIba Bowmanville had li1me te 18 nirng proJinTetîmrrar coma hack but wreunable 184 oý,pCnad tihe crng for Mar- temuster Penough lipower ta 184 ban ha ssitawantMLe oincreýase thair score. 18 SeeMaynaard and Tom Dol- Thîiina edathe Rad- 1811zaî, mn'scbiaineste continua in 11 AIthe 2.36 marIdk eo taf heplayeffa-. 18 eIQd AI Junkua atôle thaý TIse Manaew-wit w o u 1ild lie te thank tha playar, parants. thi riandis, and everyone es who bas foi- lowd hes by hrugoul foyr this spot Unifl r,'extyea( rie, w t G1S. Maýry's Cernacnt Rd maisr will tr'y again te wîn lb. A-OTrie -CILmionship. :igh tiSingle --OEchar 2886 High Triple -1. ýReyods769 HL Avarage - B Richards 242 Teamns Pins Pts. R. Selaeck -.-2,5562 39 E, Brock -- 25049 38 n. Wilcex ~.24020 35 Bý. Richards . 247 54 15 lH. Bî'eck-- 2 5000 311 M. Richards -2 5 52 3 2 D. Rei.,ynelds - 244F 2 O. Etcher 24021 21 E. Bgai- 24022 20 T. Milison -22 8698, 16 LU Smnala --------2 37 36G7 12 B, Ric-hards 2V4 24i2 M. Etchar - 24----237- 0, Etcher ... 24.1 37 B. Brock 24 Ï, 5, Chie Canadlian Statesman, BowiïanvIe,,Mar. 3, 12719 B-ryson's Mov e 5Siep ClOser Brysn's ri~oe Shp mv- ieblu4Lî!ne an-d anChO1r a ed a steD 1ý doe1nthi us tog- deFe. Up fr-,nt for the Cmmecial Lage veryone gv ta10 t;tie11n Sunda'y nio-nng hot, wth Mrjrrsoi- d C"wnrig Brooks' Suoertest tlam, Sa'nsbury, Prouit, ,fln 5,Tbevctr gives Brly- Coyle, Ham-iltonrvi an 1& so 1 -1)0 lied in th e hat of initop foirn, fiv fna~,wsth the second Althoýugh held to Qtlly ani gaine slated for 10 a m. this assist, vanie thought- BRrooks feLu beh!d, 2-0 a!- a-drutbe c of etthe 1rèa- -1eýr the îrst period, wihge'1otnnd1errat&dper. Brsos ortollîng-the play. frmds rokw î Geoýrge Sa'nburv at 7.15, on p.--e1 of Wýa1terFj PrÊnk'sz in a a ~ ~ fà bakadrfo close >in, aa-ibngsrlhsta r t-e4 andi 'Tm Prout at 14:25 got porl, utmproved as file thle blustling Srsoke Shop ga'i-e oed airon na-goffa-id -wmging SC.rg 1 apý'tèa-un :Broo(ks fmirally got theïr at- alorý-Ig w t0MMurtcar (a tack srted otas they ronre 0f hjs best outinýgs of t pli~dwith hreegoals-, n thce playnffs ndLnn iii second pr'd tomoeino - ere th e sr'~aûsot -2 1aald, Stee Bu ýjilns 428ers, along nj_ oný a poweCr paDon Mc. -son. Murter a-t 95, and Lan>y- Burna aýt 1.1,gave Brooksl V1îtch, the ganC esAdominant CLASSIFIPDI fgelathe --wînnrs' nt, Poe6330 the tbree galsan asse Pob VFu ,z 'Mr~rio b Cltdth ic nrsback In frt aga2 n .-l , (I ith tahj CliC-k -d for the is-ane marker in the final frame at 129 1:3on a sè,t-lp frini-n . threw iUp ja stubbrn dee !G/ OT Z .he rcmaind3er of the gamne as Brooiks continue,- to pres The moeShop cu weathared ia two mnshrV stiatioln eri n the pr-4 .10d when tîhey led i3 The onesdrwt reeo the fouýr penalties iýnade, swlf hokeygaineettypca playo ff C aliýb r e, "r Chiej Croecy an( Vmnce V»ans-tonie handled ithe fîcain hoe efficiently. For BryL:onsý, Lthe leagueER hotc)test clu b for corne weeks theirvcor was a great RN~0150 teai eCffortý, With Veîtcbi hav- ESSO n HET SRVI lnig une of bis finest gaines in ï FA ERIU M e Richards,, 24 21 ~ .b~ .U1UÂ O H,, Reynolds __ 12 230 . Wîgill ~24 p2 D., Ormre_____ 24 225 D. Bagnell 4 2 5 HE P'almer 24 224il gf à, d G. Piper 24 ýý2 71 B, Ronopacki - 9 221 F,1971adleyK24KYL.ARK4-DIR, SEDAN T. Milsen 24 219 o L. Richards. 24 21-4 V. Prout - I24 210 1971 ONIAC LAURENTIAN 2-DR, L, Coombhes __ 4 28HARDTOP Marilyn mbrd .24 20 ELBok- ,. 24 20 M. A. Richards - 18 206 G. Mîlîsn 24 205 A. Sleep ,_24 203: Thý Br-adley 24 203 PEUR MONTI! L', Welsh 2 0 6not e es E. D i Chens .nil ne4 203 HMoo)re Il121 qi.ppedwt 5 Vegu, .cdaunate 65)Triples, .Paer769, H.Reynolds trnsisiu, ow r ering,(parwer disc braIeàs, 7535, O, Etcher 7144, D, Orme Potic nl) ndraio 724, R. Selieck 18,> G. Wilcox 707,Maly EÀ"Ricrs 703, L.Dr We1ïi 69'7, M. Etchr 2, T. PH nE ~ 9 Bagnefl 6910, MeaRichards RSTPINA 686, E. Brock 681, T Milisgn MS NA 676. M. Welsb 671, BEKno paýcki 672, E. Dickens 666. 250 end over GMmes Marilyn ichards 22W Gq Wilco)x 304, U. Rich1ards - 2.2,ý D), Orm-e 304, L iae254,ý O.Etchr 288, M Etcher 284,1 .s 'R. Selleck 36, B.Keopack -e- 271, ET, ReYnolds 'ý256, 262, 16 ig t E oWalVI Brock 265, L. Welsb , TH. Paumner 308, 2.56, GDces A AHAGE eaigMr 251, T. Bagneîl 253, __________________________ a 0 e UNDERE AÀ&AGEMET THE SERVICE STATION FORMERLY OPERATED BY KEN SUMERSFQRD AT THE CORNER 0F kING &LIBERTY STSe US- NOW OPERATE Y Don plain- Don M L9achian AND WILL BE <NOWN AS DON'S _SHELL SERVICE. 180 KING ST, E. PHONE 623-5662 *TOP QUALUTY SHELL GASOLINE *COMPLEEUNE 0F SHELL PRODUCTS *LICENSED MKCHANUC Announcemenf