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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1971, p. 11

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- I egens io of Mr. andI' h aainSaemn~wavleMr Mrs L.Sta~non.II ___ 1T maOP, coustice; ïMad orsi 1 the automobile. Sa adfa'fyo audy 'Brule Downis and I'ilvfiMllte law,,remo.ve ub M.ar r. k.oý~ai B.K ,inmani, Osbwa; Mr an.,, W Neuwastle Detachrnent Yf Fbruarpé 18, 1971 wý,hen 'obsFtruction, and aval-! a. peu-JbJns hty Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Editor ?~~~~hane 987-4213 Aux ymee Kinsman , Mis1o!theOntarhi Provincial Pas- persnsetretebui-ayo pt 500 Mrcarkko EWrfic ueRS amrdth bsi fupt 59t .Mr. adMs oaAho Beam reorts tht lastweek's re Kinm~n, f February lhes -Oesesfa!Gils Texaco, Klixg Vr friig wa ue ts o ùr ad 2t, 17.in ,toýynta,car sales, andi a cut rate and fml~M o lw j, Jades sovsBenwaseuicte god t eKnmnand girs, elebratng igae 23 motcor vebdce cd.- gasha, aill catei %nQig- he resent number OF cc a Rliebor.wr una is bonpes everyone wil -,wth andi Mi s Marguerite Wihcieipersonal SqinjUrynd ay, ffcsogah uiessrlu auebu uae heBs hr, nikle Q4 take an intreset, Yro w" e ltsenpesas were onauked.howe tb %,lack a! býttention the, motar- u J 7 neghbour can be seeni. urcy epveniug supper gusts In tetiduring the sine tbe cut rate gas bar and lm- dents cocurre. because motar Satuirday MrR. , o N.r E.iZ, 9 'L . et Wrng!t.eral wof béii ndcoemachine, bat-;ilu oblinding snow starm and ported drn h lzadm Lu E an 1 11tbre uw eefourll repo rts 0 Ê'teryotester, tyuan ity o! wren ch- hi.gh winds. Becaus.e o! poor Sunday. N ~w~ctI Mr.N. E Wrxbt alu breaknter and tbe(ft, orne lre- eadamnsgliwitvsbltmtrqscllîdetiMarch aei iealm ?eate- The Nw ý t U ngwîh tenreosproti:on 1baving taO borrwskts1e is omaBatfPCbv pr a ifu ama.tbe ateb. wd TnýViýiit pakedotr StS Cd oto olkl e lhv a Hockey othr eld tei, jects i'ubHokyMdramtecaêgiPinpro ififaroe hrwth wt akdostne ao olé their rme ans of tbanking him wiltb baid o! a stck becaue UsbaIa Mnnc rebg o dyw l teono ohr u r tnigv loeo ce oe aBcmhmMnr itrac omlauts, fýourneutyanmbr lnuo-,eims uie rougb h te h at -i, coma nsmoassau anepdo-posa nd feli abjects an Mthe h waontiiytmeeting ou atroplîy of years o!flni clom u OhGmswu ot bexg outwmmreporbs M dl îscoer- o! the bgwy inenng n .n-his, iaeIt asausesskMrsà neArihTbompcis h nnafatfan_ 1 pied Hal,12 ImOthes werreseut 15 iltme that Mrs. Florence Till- i ol eafu ibat Y David Sheare !mly issauavee u-a rertpand iug upo rvt jTwslp hs prsaeÇ ipe ugsiowo pnd gutest Charlie Aquiina. Jsou presenîtdMr. AquilnaHeir in atitidnl reason -as' Thursdgy, February2 a get it r nt .PoetatitorprS!te remains a! s"erl stolen be ta use ,commun seuszet % showem o alMses( Wecoet b tePrsîen, ih hetrphsuitably in- t10 mise Mnoey tLn teral Tyke Rlh ituJuyau;a - ersn(s) neetyepsu uooieInetgto ytgt itnt hewabrrd-ob)a b oe6 -qs abrsMlsn h nsrbdanti accepteti by bim ]projects connecteti witotama Neýwcastle provedti tach, oo leMranirsHreyM-tmslslupbc.TieNwcstIe O.P.F.antiIe forastanti report au roatnIvMs A e, aBwnnil turn calletion ?Mre Marlene with deep, appreciatin. This iu Minor Hockey. The pr-ice munch for the visiting Wlo-Giwr udyaroonpersans are chargetiwith mn P.P.Aulm Thelt Brnchconditions, anti when Ilse o euedyevncg.M Ragersanfor tue minteps o!tropby will be awardad ta the o! admission was decîdiat dale club as tbey downati te ilr thh m-bthýýo îfalles. 'or liquor offances. Toronto, bas resultet I nthe weatber waruing laover, pro the, jas! reglarmetng1hîh înîgteam .-n the comîng 25c par persan, adulta hlt,52iNrat arratoErM.Gan ei iWoefo'Drudteery ouu rrl !a btyrsAiucedi aîî.i iî aegus !te .Omnt aiy w-ere pprve Two lattera Novice Recreation Tournament. antifuntis raisetiwold bpeKniian scoretInluthefirt a wPeak !Pthe far wust markats Illours ! Suudy ebruar Y who la chargati wih possession yon limie, rmonay ani dtrouble.Bmavl. paere aio reati at théa lima, Fowiug Ibis presantation, eîalytlidt etwean tbaherieod, blh assiseti hyScait tarerueawolti acoyainances o01,197 te inustrial shop ai o!sAlan automobile partsi, u- oua fdom Samn Breretont, Chiair- furiher tima wava speut lu ar- two Hockey ot ,,hars Assoca- Poster, ta Cive Newxcastle a D9 Abs father and t"a"ma'someYlsS. Pc;nsgMi r hsmie an o!fthe NewcaWtlaRaeam- canging the tournament diii- Ëlins. O ataFora Naw- lO, grasscattle if possnblIe. Hbobbk en ior Pnda ui an àrlv eglon i Ibi s attrl lic3 on Co-rnmttee&arIvi7ing Ibe Ma rT-_kl-edAI-Stars on casîle bouc was aubmittd a a t h Lteam xclaugati get!Mn. ornma Bratilrdani bols wertoe. aPlice DeparIumaut. O e o s Hockey Ai I- hUn adNovice ainemeSuudayn aI pn Th a luthe second ppperoi ih er fasthar Mb. In.E. WigtSevaral 1break-jus ccurati ,owThe Law * m Stars anti Bontam AI-Saa tono arch 24ý-lts. seamat fvoabeamoug thIe Mike Smith scocing tbeNw wra Wduad y supa'nsc rmug d w Moscn hlet 0,and Mn.GCordon htiaaetin ounaan iorWith Mrc. Joanne utton Newcasile Moîhersandi Mrs. cas le gol a sistati by Marko! Mr. andiAMc ETpi"a. E d 1 t our J i ey l - i:àrlAtMlo b arer)rtntingïlView'tsanti f aClayton Beat-i;, Bb wbiicb thSelroch hati pad ttediggthenmeetig bYra- Hutton would report bis limaLake anti Greg Mealn.Lýittia aMsMlaI ,,foîdlVMrs. Keill Wordeu are away! Tie lgh-ay TrIaf!c 'Art hbje andi Staven, Bowmaenvîlle iI Uta anlry fea, ani wraakîgprsntOonlo H.ockeyMfolli-1tbebr association, Oao N a wcasde gati wo go lu HWamptonspent mat Tuesiay in Flarida. a't ues t-hat no pransa"l Mvanti-Mrs. Wayne Pîýg- IIII ta ha reimnburseti. This o! araI, as announced .that1haven't as I et subinitetian lthe ,inaliatiwith SmItfýib Iît .er gatmteMs .The second Pant i rd eeMdive a oolr vebicle uPan agot tilAndy, noiskilleiu, couse wa s ai wib ight they - w recorsedtinsupay- 1bouc andti Is la 1be deall scorng frain Lake anti Shear-Wîh.'uo!tenislen4Hwabgwaltaysgpa- away ilfu avoro! paviug the ingthp NawcastleHockey with at thaîr meeting. Watch er c ouningaurhe coin M.lawreneWright, lTor- uieli aI thome O! Shacner oru ther non-transparentwc udyspe usaa oh r u~i cuhrThe second latter Mohers, in a snictly fun ýfoc postera anooniug -the s cby Bob Dwya.a toowas home for Ibehe 2 e nyTe 4 - cdAmatecglorabject placation fMr AntiMcs rîU eaKigton selwl ahligOe was lin heforn o! a "thauk gaiplna. layrust ha amoth- lgaines.Come oui hy the car- JNovice . nt. air" i'csele tha Innis. tha wlud iadorany wlptiow t-altSuniday ai ber home, ou Marh10hat11. yoii 1fromt a uvec3suroMpnieewith a son layug hockey, lpd andi cheer bhaue gala ~Newcastle was dfaei -1 Mi. aniMca1. E, Taylor wera killen Wizze cs"Puyirs nci O!suchumotr vebica;or wiih Mc anti Mca, Leslie Taylor, Afterabreitrdtei NAf delighted Charlie Aquilinaàand no pros. il was wih coin-hair bauses shouldn' bainmas Bail McRae put on a ari- Fridygustao!Mi-. anti Mc.iheic m natarial anti pairuaîany objerlplacetinl or pac- Burklon, wara WIc-;edsiayl the adtrubgnu wo recently hati baun cwt e action that the NwatevlThaiý nùorAi fr dthan ushow fec the visiting JimnA- ruLhy, Bomauville. bought ai rnisheti marking.ad lusuch a tmanuar as hooncveOunCillesa r niMa i10i h urigsdl aI thal for is;efcforts ovar the Hckey M ýothers were lhought Iba: . Won't you pmakean' 8eavertonclub as he Scorati Mc. anti McaI DoaldPie,- anticutling.J 1tructtha drive's vnewha put________years In asst- ha po, wîtb o au yoeforLa cone- Our? _ 7 of ce8 goals sud comfplete- son, Osbawa-ý, wcea îiy The fourth meeting o! tfhe-e ighway or auylu naci.. Mr-anti Ca.Gro erh acm avsta ly domînateti the action. Taom eveoing xisitui s wi,:tb c.ai l'Enniskillan Wbîzz-ers' casli7gb3ghay. ca.alterMriTrno h om bite ihi D 'yen acoret1i Newcastle's ouly Mca, R. How. ad at the home ,o!fBRa(nda ManY vhile ae aigpe- M Russel!Omatn t~a he achoTIni ilulh "t- goalqas istati by -Rahbiac oola-p .at MMrunWod.cagh .Ssn mJ eda tlnabihawthtlk ilei eeTbrdyvsiosaalal o heprnst hen. Newcaatle was oîîlahéim wawcaSutiyenngJthe mpnutes o!the lasImeet- easanti scaves dangling fronin IM"ni Mca. Lloyd Mb- havea utrve wihhe' aie th 'S y î n ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ithp game 24îta 1landti) ith "IýR Hwncq wlr n ls l-h rR in iur hde Mwkdtm nUr '-Aster lR ihard W Iocdan, 'Lugbinduslcuss atiay sttch- îKg the divac' view thcough Mc nti Mc, Wayne Pliîk Baby itesfryu Thi lft he saes ied aI a iOahawa la spentiug a coupajmg, darls anti gale s.ForJîhe wiisbll. 'hm, Ona, YWere Suudamembun !Ih aniywl gaineapiea. j~ ~ itb is gatia- rux ock the gRvi a1 thnuae obarved Ulh vsbosat Mc. ani Mca.Wil- ha piovdeiTh tdnlau Fridy, Famm.16 c'uNi Mn.danisc. OCCAsb- the MNbîe chant, A diuty uch1auvert mant anti "For Salée"br Ilackbiur ', stff a]eloigfnadt Juvenhle to% wi; hî p1ju tsMc.,nancras servesi. 'sigablocklag the v lecw _Miss M I uIOaawyour vn rNewcastE- Tis i tha plazas, nîghl achuaola, essaynî o rade F-i8 NwcasetlaIna v el i ' - S thm !Eduuacon Wee, prcomnaîcmbe wYe orth ic o hpa ---- "Seboolaare for eople'.iatityoua, anti v lisbyc aet ilaa"bel wedfntefnl0 bi Oaria ealonrea ofiniomercil ne-;g innamsimai 10,00 a p, la ha'sto!fivn emrcias.Thy ladý Eurso Ne of1ý_ net Iha princialani ha tbroughou the gaina by qi a 1- : cîally apaussSundnî Ma:,h' prsutalivos ta schools. taken ta thea caouin luoca but two goal uis r7h a i Fi adaCIck1Bauç i [riu Wawcnstle, wa ahaîDha met thal peaçin, aetasltwosad a bal! inut Sacandany Sehool,Landau, at foilloug Ibis plan o! oprra- may the n observe u nlîfon-Igave tha hoime tnna 2-1lic Iwotbr pn.Ths ntr-linOPEIN HOUSE nlMoui- bctor. ewsalle xillreekne estiu suipat coas foin t"e da lmaning fr Rui'alKm- ThIal e 41rnoonlu il h iv n g ginas Tb-ursdaynt eOxiai omnte orEu eatnPrants;eontiavlaken p with Apei lvo-Snda uNwata catiansWeak, soic hbaslaknen mlanon focrVillage Kinti- enranspeakce rflns anti i uîidy, Feb. 2 foriepa mnin-ig foriaanso! Gr'ade'm T hiarrmaion woa suie' Forthe second garina ! heinL Duang Ibaheek ay Morch 1 i ;Wd yniorniugmilteti y NWacastla PubP lbhat o!fvue sanies Cawauvill 7- aCholCn akt1 oIr Panants of Grade 4 -- 6; Scbool Pr-inial, Ronald E. iefeated i hunat ,6-2 tal île upe thirIasnoo donslaTbîîrýtiay norrnu!g for Par- Minthe saies ai, a garina ap-iaca. pe thepulictademnsral JCowanvllle jumpedcuI ____?pis___W_____, outîne lacning pagrama.îfront 2-1 lu the liraipnit Studenw î haburgt a ihgoals by Gary Va n Dam(oeei b5r)(oaanl b.in ter arns a cha' '7~ fhein Chaclie Gi-eau, anti PauAsus te attend nagulr ar ay cassas,, tMculog far rdîlin Tu~~~p aitochosaeuet;'ihBent Sine sculring nainN ý"ED P R curccula actvîtis suh ' ~ f ale SinsoiandtiAlban't Gree science fViS.f cît Cps 'SI) cialc lts'i ', esonîia Cawanle heu nappti oe OR4CO P SýOIIr7BU? 5 tam g arent iterthoansecond t tak oa -l luc cong tuilea wihat, e a ti-' auci s cdgol foiG aryul Van01 PORK LOIN QUARTIERS CuTNO tailrpu , "thae uilo he ativanipls n ntI. waP, rlIÈPy hope aMn afPeýMCulug o aconccifa nAti Cfx0'eohol{paga -,eef thc hange Ylute long aVwînlenpthat Ibs laoPau ivitiai I MWrcCloughat Lvr duiu hloti"anti houri o! Public Ska iug. Que. lawnfai hili ren Teachri anti pinciplFal im Tee wIjll haNo PUBLIC The Naw 'asi in Vaien- Tainshen xehagetigoal ativsat b ai 1eny o!nas SKTIN bi Suday.lu-lin Daca as wil tiadat luIbathird peniadti o round iu ativane ofIbis "rague" shap t i wib belti on Salu-p'n Slra vniî.Taointhe tuu, eaHesni achol eak saas a wîk-cla eanig fainaigî ulilhal wa tecocateti lu the scoring for iCoanvilla anti ealenti lconcetration rt ofJO ck.TisÎladue ta th ee,he,,t thama o!fi-ad anti .Aibant Grean scaring fro Bant actlvitiies, fac" Iat New caillaJuvanns, 'whîla wih large baurcha dec- Sine for, Elinhurat. Coa n - The comimitteea ggesa&i ;now ia playoffa,crata m-eat j orng the front o!rthe hall. villa naceivet i fve o! the sav-1 pulienal activtiasnlaimpoeJTee uNwalleIceoth s nseot pnizeaWene wOn en penalties handat ouI. pubic ndestadin a ciThusdy aenig a 9 'clck'uti-agocclti lma wa auejayaci rea iveaRecreation p ra i eopontniie fo atiagalu Sundy aI 2 pcni yPaI. The next tance i hI Thursday Feb. 251h pubf.TiuîpinludshppnoNe ayuna Mg MIhe eat h bad the lait Saturday lu;Feinubil Park aI NawcastlEa Ilg ditsa.__i__l, r Twe-edice couFritiay ach an bîlwnuu 32 Sol igh'he lti a 1-0 lenti ight Frhl inlg3 Soin eri h iî proiU nl The Waist Durham District for Newcastle Tim Jankis and .........R 9 7O Il CHOPS IN A PKGS, NO CENTR U ICESRMOE Inbte Ihirti panioti. 5h11 giv- celleti bacausa o! uupretiicl- Saturday, Feb. 211h il at vecythiiing hayai laable wa7ather on Sunday. How- Dan Hopkins gai a shut-out CnrleiAmshr Wak'-' Fb 7 ramai in clu elaianti cith avec, the service wns belti at aganut Mllhroak withha 9O 5-0 t> l pro»S AE IlBazrrE.n, akS'e l MONDAY LIDIES Roy Vaeru nnet stopplng'CÇounlice- Second any Sebool score. This vas C&tuefnt MCINTOSH A Iyr.e~PA RBSQai 4 'J n oe andtileCausda ywpr inseî-fnal . 175 and Vreavecyîbýing sabtat ah hmvictor resent wbiuas any east tplay-.off gaine i eifnl u Cp cy, Fineat lEatîng Apple 3-1b'IIf Spr'Rgt ulty 4 A. auata! 02,E.foaa as qucky aken away fronipean bs e! a t the Unihtd Counties Langue 2 SJ Huttn 285, G. Couc& Ihaîfu weu Tweed sconedti wo was Wall attandeti.-Mca. Flan- Second gina ibis SBactiy. J ED DELICOlUs F a AM0 leK L V R 256,ý G. Hloel256), E. Pan- ln ni aoGg b itrai-y each raejivad their fiv eukin , silt by Cal hlHalvers or Quart-eîl riu 24,5, M. Gootie 22,K. il was a bard gjarinela lasi and yearnc pIfo! ervice with Goahal, Dale Million î-iswcîlD Nlacar22,î. bLun 241 ,!M. sainais vas rend lun the faces iScouting. Other Scoulars flroîn "by Don Wîlks', Jerry WaInua- -S atstorePak Maor23, .Langa!! 220YNawcastl pljayens anti fans. csl hown betmaker assisteti byrTim Jecuk- JA G 224 pR. Couch 220M. osîcoacesstlicae;nwiil racaive Ilîeir fiveati10 lsDaii aîe nasshc, ifIrniw Gm'o",FirmSAAG &f~r<l4 < C.Pceig28,Hporu ut -Nawcastlaplayens ana ne ai oly nsitdI wUr ' c "b - 2"n, Ryean pns a2M Islamdate. Stevan Whyte assialti by J!! L El yerspin Canada No. dae.GradepueeMo% A16, EU Neal 216, B. Lake 1r bî hycogauaeite At the regular Cul,)menetingti T (9 SIDE BA C Tow Cu C. K ea g n 203, D. Mace i hisîîa was sountiec. ceceivati badges. Among ibein Ne c sl wo v r Rd l efraa N , 203 V.Wasn 9, !M. Gannoti j a re iLht d mre u ý Ti t am ak Area i Q'rCh c uait y> Price and lValfue .~5 1ttpEKenif 18ý7, L. Pattori You'výe been ,reaffing 0 c ar nnaso ak t ainn+a an eFlrdaVleoa 1.84, T.,agaa!18i, L jmkr a -Carnt '-e eG L. FarhakeY at ils hast Yant l lLake whaccivetif loy-wih core a! 5-1. Newc2st1I(' weetJuicy u fdozeBan' f row 175. s lsîoghest and bla-man bade, hcone Wilp.goals by Davidi Rowley, a u tC ntB a & e t MEN - 200 and Ove~~~~~~~r impbs. Now wa afac ya on ibueotrDni iîoSteven Wbyte, Cals ~ ~ ~ ,f JKuelanigen l291, L. Tlor hockey aIils moat fiogsso bi7_îiatorSani &smu .lCnad&N.&iM=d, itei5's Per 3, .Jakns23.Ja Mnia alnna.c ation. - Vlny nci correct iy nei Parker, Daily D*aStiocd Teiman, 7vl.a2'4,ajs, witaeb Ibeyttiaubiful Mrn sd Mca. A.L. Weacn nDu 28 . AIl 2, J. ae vqulityJe ppy 1 ea anas requln-ing more hudy aij)'w-ýere Saucay cinnar guasîs o o!DWC MeCcachdis22ssion.Huben 213, oe boys plpyingndlîcys whileJane Parker okg f S2; ,mbýnv201 B iýç'il[ û0 '1Î3 ssiaiy nem, tat prîg lephaut articles wnssel, usn, ' Emla 01 . aill20.'Ti uull ensibispîg uplayingatclsfo iTe ilvOshawga.îWIENER ROLLS pkg of12 39e j ing theauio run by MAfr. liait waak Misa Lisas Kri ýr anPrer(Pg.cf390> I U U , U ..~~~~~~~, U O10 K. 0Oshorna, witlb the p tro-rtaineti a number o! gýirl i _________HO CRSBNS pgf69 Public 5-koztinq limâe flanaed 'ceetis ýgoiug mb to(haea iuiejds toa aparty foc 1,l'TCOS US Ounelady ahoPd twoartiaofa! aigblhbhicthday, Congratula- FoPublek, i katÎing will bhe ldun eaieifo uin in is De' monte, Fancy Qualty Detergent, Lemion Fresh roea Cheese, SluceA&P Foý11 r thi ev e k, 8:00 op.nil. util 000 p ' . Pearl buto s ill h ulti Mc N. E. W right, Os a ,a aithe-?Xi montbi's meeting,1apeiit theweakeuti wiI Mn. ri okal S nihtLqi lc a o oii'Thuirsday ýe-venfin startin I9:00 p.m. and ta ha heti luWTorhto. - ani Mca.lEtqanuWelgd aigain on Sndyafternoon tarting nPt 2:00 p.m. 1Saine 40 sutens rprsn M.anti Mca. Joa RakkariDa o iug athBron'sPublc ati ntiSc-otBoWmanvilla: 7MnI. Newcstleand Twe Juvenilea; will play in NeCWCDate Public ýSchools matiaie' antiMci. Murray Maribail andil-l-zf ' 41o ~ 6o their beatt Ilrea out eof iieseries, ih wed al1pccety aTrot t ures, 'wene Suutay evauîng nsLfpk<25z CFTO TeedemeY bey aptifour dînner guesîs o! Mr. atiM. now inthi e led by ena gait, this ,hould prove 'eeiio hw.Sponso'1Cq lraeCneca Avemv in bonon. o!1@b0l2 7 te 4,abhockey aIi is habst wtheach tain dingthair ! ac.Ma' l p oaL c.at Mi anbl'ircn hast laiiiiain bP Position the- show wllhaeau anbu'hoar! dymr.,1n;ai10:30,ir Jum1in à nd !mily, C boumg, wEýee

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