k DVXSTRý-1iA - WlV-th joy and thankiu]ness to our God, the Givecr of Life, we announce the birh f aso wom we have namred Claude Leanard, born on Pebruiary 28. 1971. A brotheliFr for Henry, Andrea, Gracia and Robert. Bob and ,Jean Dykstra, Bowmnanville. 9-1 HA_ýRNESDogand Janet (1-ee Livinrg) wisii ta announce the birth o! ,Iieîr daugbter, Meisa Jean, 6eb ioz, an Yebrujary 22, 1971, at Merarial Hosp'ital. A littie slsteï_ for Tro'y.9-1 WERRY-d andClore ae bpyta announce the saf arrva o their son, Wes;ley John, oin Thu,,sday, February 2-,7, ai, Osb-awa Geinoral Hospital.Maythaniks ta Drs. EBecktt, rn and Stocks, and i nurse,, on 4C 9-1 Enigagement MZr and Mrs Carl Baby arel pleased ta annaunce the en- gagemenit eo!tbeir daughter Nata obrf Douglas Cuth- b5ertsorn son o! M. and Mrs. Afllen Cuthhettsoa, ail o! Baw-i nianvll.9- Forthicoming Marriages Mr. and r_.s. William Rab- Inson,- Bowmnaaville, wlsh ta announýice t he fortbcomag mi-r ïge !ter daughter, MariilnGrace, ta John Samu- cUi Bodgett, Osbawa, son o! Mrs, Latrne BbapdgeýttPeter- bo-roughr,an th lae M Bbodgeýt Wedn ta ak plarce audy ac 3 191, ln St, Paujýl's Uitedl ChrbBwmnanv-Ilie at 4 pm.1-, BAK-tMemnorlal Hos[-, piaBowmainville r, on Stur1,- day, Rebruary 27th, 1971, Edîh an1kt, agod s1 years, wjifc ol the lotoApfred Banks, d1ear nmofther o!fRea (s. .ack Parkiln), Francis; Con- n1a ghanr, Flossie (Mlrsý F. Chanider), Pearl Ms Harold Potter-), Mandiy Conaaghan. Ruy(r. PteWoinr)and Percy ýrow-n. SE;rViýCe was hehid lathe Marrie Funemal Cha1pel, BomavileonTues. ROUND, Jaeph Ced S ud!- dayat Lay1,'tona Bchý, Fla da, on mamnFEbruary , 191_, sph CeccilRound, tbe- lovcd busband of Leta Eliza- beth Plkel ,fathe',o! Mrs, iliam Heary (Fra, Court- lcu; broher o! Mrs. William Lymer (Olve)Iape Goe Mr. illïýim ,Allia Mr) Bowîmanviie and Arhu Round, Coiurticea is 72ndý year Restlng at the Atmn- strng rral Homioshas, with fneral serviceý in tic ieha'pe1 on Thums.,day, Match 4ý aqt :45 prri Intermrent Eben- czar Cemtory. 9-1 HART,Grtde MyA OlaaGeniera L Hosptal on Momday, Match -1, 1971t, Ger- tr-ude May Lyr. la bn er 74th yuparwdmswo! Ernest John Hat and doar mothero! Mrq. iio$ Pot (Margaret) o ,ýtobîcoke_, Stanbiey and Doug- la op shw aaid Donald o! CourIce, sister o! Wih'ilam E, ïLymer o! Maplo Grave, Miss, AceLymer o! ruîtialand,,and t late Ar-tuir -J.1Lyimer; min urived Y Il grand- cblhden. Restd at Mcîntas- Andcer-son R1une1a1 Ho)me, 152 Kisig St.E Sriewas b eld 1a1thechapel on Wedinesday, Ma'cb 75rd at 1:30i.-.Ia- terien MontLawn Cerne- tery,9-1 JONS Dvid G -Suddenly at Port pery C (ommua iity Hos- pital, sa, Match , 1971, pedav G. Johns, dearlio% vod hud baid o-riory Wonna' us -i.d n fther, o! Hilda (Mm. . appia), Nestîcton, als srvîedby fîve grand. ch.ll1dreri. Ira bs 7rd year. Rest. Ing et chape! o! McDernott- Panabaker, Porit Perry for service on Thulrsdiay ;t 2 p-i. Interment Nestîctan Ccmetery. MORIL, MryMaude - At Ma~ycrs eior Citizeas' Reidn e, perborough, o Tuesday, Match , 1971, M1ar.y Bowmryaavihle and Toronto) in be 8 vdyar, beloved ieeco the late Edtwa"rdP.Mrrl doar mother o! Fergut E. Mot 11, ui Ct, Arzaagrand- f br !Patrîcia TR Mrrili, DATL'Y DEIV-ýER'Y TO I OSHAWA--BWAVL ORONO NEWCASTLE! Repairs Watch Repairing Cestif seciWatchmýakr a! o Canadian Jèwelles-sý' Assis Marr's J ewellery, J- ln Memoriam Cards of Thanks I wish ta express my sincere thanks to friends and relativesC for cards, visits and gifts, also1 ta Dr. Cohoan, Dr, Mcntyrea and nurses dutîng my stay la hospital. George Skelding. _9-1 Sîncere tbanks ta ai wha e- membered me whilieI was a patient in Memotial Hospital, Bowmanville. Special thanks ta Dr. Anfossi, nurses and staff on the third floor. Ron Rowe. 9-1* 1 would like ta express my sincere thanks ta aur trie nds and relatives and mnany cards and flawers that I received while a Datient la Bowmanville and Osbawa haspitals. Howard Gibson. 9-1 Sincere tl'anks ta frie-ndsl wbo remembered me withi cards iand vîsits duriag myl stay la Memorial, Hospital, anid ta staff members and nurses1 on First Floor, fat their kind- ness. Violet Gilmner. 9-1f 1 wlsh ta express my- sincre thanks ,ta my mother, relaý1- tives, frîends and. neighbots for cards, flowers and gifts andj SDr-s. E, L, Ewert and D. Sproull and nurses during my s3tay la hopta. Helen Allen. 9-1 Harold and Gi'rlie 'Dean. Buster and Gwen Harris, Jae, Margueriete, Emojean a n dý Lamna wish ta thank relatives, neighbors and frîends for their many acts o! kindness, during the loss of a loving ahr Arthur Harris, 91 I wauhd ike ta thank my friends and relatives for, kiad- nesses showa me whlleîni SMemorial Hospital, B3ownan-! ville. Also thanks ta Drý H.1 .Anfossi, Dr. Spears, nursýes and, staff an surgîcal and medical floors, Capt. L. Frost, Salva- tion Armyand Rev. B. Long, Orano. Mrs, Mary Neil. P-1 Mrs. Annavane 'Noden and the Naden Famih1y express Fheir *sincere thanks for the many, acts of kladniess, expressions o! sympathiy and floral tributes at the bass of a dear hushband and father. Speial thanks ta Dr. Cuaniagbýam,, numsing sitaff a!of the 2nd Floor, Mecmoriat Hosprital, Bowmanvvillleand al wvho belped la any way.- The amlyo! the hlatei'4da MN. Taylor mwish ta express sincere .tbanks ,ta ber neigbibours, rela- tives and frîends ol Blackr- .stock Commuiinity for special icare and kiadness szhown dui-r- 1iag býer final Iiness. Card.s, ' floral tributes and donationsi ýta HeartY, Cancer, Hosýpital and iChur-cb ,,rnds ,were Rapprec.i- ae.Special thianka taInRev. V.Parsonis an-d Blackstock 1U.C.W - Houck-- I wauld like te ex- .press my, appreclatian and thanks toalal the relatives, 1friends and nclgbbors for their ifloral tributes, gifts and mianv, .deeds of klndness, at the time- So! my ecent bereavemeit in ithe lass of a dear brother, Jim .Hauck. Words cannat express 1bow kind you al bave been.>ta .me. Especially would I like ta 1tbank bis doctor, Dr. Hi. B., 1Rund]e and the MairrisFuneral ;Chapel. God Blesa a al 1 Mrs. Wm. (Fia). Eteganis. We wouldlike ta exprjess aur siacere thanks andaprca 1tion ta our- manv frtins and ,neighbours wba biy their pr-- e nce made the occasion o« oi .25th Wedding '\ii-iverszrY 1sucb a happY event aind for the beautiful',ifts wbil1ch wiil 7long be treasuiredl, w-it secl -thanks ta Mrsý. Fran Ku.zenko. 1Mrs. Helen Henderson, Mrs. 1 Joy Brown and ta M. A.-Low -and ta Kathryn anid Mike. A a very special and warm thank you - Bibl and Dorothy Turansky. Becepto 1. Mr. and Mrs. MelvilleSieep -wil1 1--a hoeit thir famnilV COOKSON-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Florrie Cookson who paýsed away iMatch 8th, 1963. Withln our hearts we'1l always keep, That tender love for yo.u, We'll try ýta do the best ta live Like you would want us ta, WThen ta, your grave we wander, There ta yau we feel sa near, As we place the flowers we. 1bring you We whisper Mom, we are here. A beautiful soul in the garden of rest God bless you Mom, yau 1 are one of the best. -Lovin gly remembered by husband and famlly. 9-î FALLIS-In loving memory of a dnar son-in-law and brother- in-iaw, Jîm, who plas:sed awayý March 6, 1969. In tears we saw you siAnking, We watced. é,you fade away, Our hearts were almaist broken You fought so bard ta osay, But when we-, saw y'ou sleeping Se 'Deacefully. free from We could flot wish you hacki To 5ýuffer thataain -GCreatly mrissedlby nmothe- in-law Gertie Adama : ,and fàmily. 91 FALLIS -In loving memory of a decar ýfather, Jim, who pass- ed away March 6, 1969 What wie would give if weý could say, H -ello, Dad, in the same old To hea1r you-r voiese your Toasit ith you and chat To u he bas; not gonie away, r Nor bhe 'iptravelled far, a Just entered God's eterna And 1,left the gate ajar. -Saly issed by Linda, IDavid ind Gail. 19-4* -FALLI S--In lovîng memnory of a d. ear husband, Jim, who passed 2,,aay Match 6, 196,9. Two sad and lonely years have passed, Since yusil!ently !sýlipped Somn imre I've needied Sa mny lmes 've cried. iIf love cold hal've saved yOu dear, f You ineyr d ae id Icannot forget your sn1Jî'1ng fac, rie smile that ,wo 50 any-, In thospe happy, by-gone -one r0f th-e best the world could hold, Y'our cherishled smil, yor heart of gold, ýA1lcways; so goîad, unself'ish aind yoteft .belhind. _-Sadly missed by wife Jean, KEARNEYin lv.ig memory ,of a dear mother àndJ grand- mother Erica May, who passed >away March 3, 1969. Sweet mnemories will linger forever, Time cannot change them, ri lt's true. SYears that may corne cannai sever Our loving rememnbrance of you. l;-Always rememnberedby son *Dan, Bey and Family. 9-1', P l AIRR-In 'loving memnory of m ry dear wife 'Mrs., Parr r(Sophia Hall) who passed a_;way MVatch 6th, 1968 dUn MY beart yaur nmemarî * 'ways tender, fond, and V true, ,Tbere's, net a d ay dearSophîe I-Lov7ingly rememibered by husband Jim, 9-1 'SNOýWDEN-ifl meniory of! -dlar husýbandcî and father, Alan kSnowden, wTho passed awa: suddenily Match 6f, 1963, y. The month of iMatch again k .1, here, To u is the saiddest o,' th( year,> - The, blow was bhard and th ýP shock severe, [Y To part witb one we loveÈ Df so dear. - He bad noa time ta bid his'las' gooda) mailed ppostpaid la plain s21eeahed onae wih ~nce lîsi Six- sampies 25c, 24 sopls$100 ail Order DeI,T-2. Novrwr hbaiit- lC,1 Coming Events Euchre prty, Newtonville Hall, Friday, Match 5, 8:15 p.m. Ladies, bring lunch, Everyone welcome. 50-50 tick- ets at the door, 9-1 Dance, Pontypool Chamber af Commerce Hall, Saturday, March 6th. Music by Fay Acdams and the Country Hits. $3.00 per couple. Bar priv- ileges. 9-1 Bowmanvîhle Womea's Insti- tute Kopper Karnival, Match llth at Lions C entre. Many prizes including quits, homne baki-ng, candy. Afternoon teai 35c. Draw at 8 p.m. 9-2* Special meeting for parents Of pre-schoolers, M o n d a.y, Match 8, 8 pm., Y.W.C.A, Comnq Events Articles f or Sale Cars for Sa] Old Time Dance, Round and 1TANDEM two-borse trailer. '63nVOKSWAVGEN. Teb Square, Saturday, Match 6th, IPhone Newcastle 987-4876. 623-2115. Tyrone Hall. Music by the ___ 9-1 198-H- SLR -d Coutr Siner. ____N E E DA No. 51612A, Full price SUNNYSIDE PARK SUMp pUMP Ar' Car Mark et. --,_ 1966ï PONLTIAC Granid MONSTER BINGO isîerie, power steering, Thursday Night HARVEY PARTNER 623-5577 or after 6 63 7:45 ORONO 983-5206 ___ RED BARN (Zenith 14620) Wanted to Bi OS H7A0 ABOA- DUAL contrai needed fi Th Drhm autyMik 70BO-SKI, 13 h.p., reg. tric bîanket. 623-7264. The urha Cûtiii ilk$525, special $295; '69 eiectï-icý Producers' Annuai Ban iquet, Boa-Ski, 24 h.p., reg. $640 WAN TED-Cars, truck: Entettaînatent an1d Danice i special $495; '70 Sno-Jet, À~ tractors for wreckng,, the Solina Hall, Wednesday, h.p., reg. $625, special $495; man Auto Wreckers, 62: ,March 31, 7 p.m. Get your '71 Massey-Ferguson Ski Whiz,- - __ ___ tickets from the County Milk 24 hp., reg. $1300, special $795. CASH for antiques ar Com mebes. -2Parker Farm Service, No. 2 things, no m atter how DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIEDI Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. 623-3303 t.iv~~rv'p r'-,v ¶k Fn d S I PFr Rpi REGISTERED bal! Arab Mare, three years aid. Good show quality. Os h aw a 723-2167 after 5. 1 1 9-1 THREE months old rabbits. Rlemish Sandy's & Checkers, ail from Rcd Ribban winners. Phone 987-4948. 9-* IF you are b-uy ing o-rseling lvestack o! any kind, call Ivan Johsn & Sans, Live- stock Dealersand order buy-. ers, R.R. 1, Bailieboro. Phanel 705-939-6855. 4-tf CLEMENT PO UlTR Y ALL TYPES 0F FOWL Customi. Killed phone 983-5915. 9-2 TWO bedroom arpartment Avý,- ailable Match 1, Tclc;ýîao 623-2672. APARTMENT, beated, un,- stairs, self-contained; central, Phone 623 3969. 9-j1o rooms, 2-piece bath. Phone 623-2383 after 4 o'clack. 9-1 110 ACRES, good farm land" east of Burketon an lOth Con- cession. Phone 263-2355. 9-1' DENTAL suite ta, rent, 600) s. f t., could be converted tu ither uses, Phone 623-7664. 9-1 ROOM ln bachelar apartment bouse, $15 weely, ail con- veniences. Phone 623-3501. OFFICE at main corner, New- castie, 32 x 15, heat and hydro, vinyl floors and tule ceiling. 987-4834. 8-'- ONE bedraom apartment, all services supplied. Fitepiace, Adults. Available Apri]l st. $150. 623-3984. 9- ý THREE tooms and bath, self- contained. Available April 1. Adults only. One mile fromn shopping. Phone 623-3262. 9-1 SIX actes of land with 700' frontage on a well ttavelled road. Suitable for landscape busïness or farmet's market. Oshawa 576-7664. 9-1 LIMITED number o! rentai units available now for seas- on. Rooms include TV, bath, shower, te'lephone. Flying, Dutchman Mator Inn, 623-3373i. 38-tf Jost ___ BIFOCLS lacase, South Ward. If found contact 623,3055. Reward. 9-1, ro 62 ea ce I sq a ____ ,oun-raartiinin a,1uW a,,u c- vi i vrsri.u / n discussion, 'Let's Ta]k About BUS Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box n vesc Pre-Schoolers". For additional TOURS- Florida,'spécial rates HOME GYM 190, Bowmanvillc. 94l READY FOR FREEZER v' information Phone 623-5068 MdWne raa.192___ R. R. 2, Newcastle Wferooview Othr Dp 1artres Now Available Articles, for Sale -98-47 ctmuiyCentrei through April 987453_ California - Departing April 20 'IN VOUR AREA BOrie,4' x 8'-.Phone 5 M N TRBN O Colonial Virginia & New York For the Finest in Exercisers 623-5074. 9-.1 __-__5__4_____v_ NetM na IMach 31 April 7 SEE HOME GYM PIANO, Dominion; chcap. Tele- W ne 7:45 F M. Gaspe, Maritimes, Cape coq], îts fu ad relaÏing t c- hoo 23271.9-pilnge d deý Newfoundland crclvve i. your own home wi 1th 1WATER for sale and deivered. ENGpLISH juming s8add48e, RED BARN Fred C. DeNLIRE TOURES Ltd.ý HOMJI GYM. The secret oflCa 1Il Cliff Pcthick, 6 38-t.9f RESHARA unit is that your body is s . ED n Cipldar OSA ABox 238, Lindsay, Ont. otdaal ie.FrFEDEA an Cipe amT Ses"Th Prvat Ea" a l Co Clicot 705-324-9161l otd taltie.Fo REBABY carniage, two ctib1,Stc Se"h rvt a ador your Local Travel Agent Home Demonstration play pen and baby louag-eSoc. Margwîll Fur Farm,e "Black Comedy-' preseated by t 6-68 6-71 icence 328C71. 6t the Bowmanvihle Drama Work- - Phone 723-8344 -__ ____ S. shpT urdyFrdyS tu-TRACTOR chains, twa sets, - _ _ _ _ _ shp hrday, Rriday, 1, 13atur-5 Bowmanville '7 - 13x~28, and one set 14x28 heavy A SMALL. pressure coaker, p.,. Bowmanville Town Hall. Dcpattment o! Rectoation fit. 623-5756. 9_1 os ide o coer. elehon e dayet Mtceach 1 nO12,c1 , s ut n ith th ooeraTdléson eh Ticet2a3 Rc3114.Ofice Country & Western à ML odtaco necl 263-8475, 9-If r THE BEST IN lent condition. Gerald Kelly,lI_____ PARENTS Day at Courtine JA M B OR EE BLACK AND WHITE Blackstock '986-4257._ 9-bf HelpWanted ,Secondary Scbool, WednesdayF andudE paKkrviacem, ARTME oyl uch Match 10. The Staff ofS d y~, MÇ(IXh 7th Color and UHIF STdUsDB artse rce new- P ________RoylLuch,_ a! uUflua RECEPTION Gara3ge. 1-416-263-2233. -tf Saturday and Sundlay, Hig-t extendsa a codial invitation ta Bow anv'leULL time waf11rm98e-u15, ment parents ta visit classes at any TwnH l are 114" Heavy Duty cean eartoumsefive neto duingt E day at on - .Workmanship Guarantccd pyears. Hampton 263-276,5. sahesman for Allia Chaumnera, netin-ih dcaio ee.AUDITORIUM - 8 P.M. 9-i dealer >la Port Perry area. -----GUEST ARTIST W I ES'9i N-JT '0-Written applications only. oý MONSTF BIN O SMley B[tý,ýSMoto-Ski. oOffice Box 70, Blackstock. MONST R BIGO S iley ates TV A TENN68 Ski do ail in perfectra THURDAY 7.4 p.m ni g condition. Tlphone THRDY-74 .i.- Admissîion -R l. 6, Bownmanvilie I6ý,3-2622. 9-1 OPPORTUNITY far-tiyoug Spnordb A uts7e - hifýe, 5 - - -- _wom ca ta help witii oulse-! Oshwonord fbaldls75 hide 5 MAPLE GROVE UEbooka, magazines bought work and children. Must live Osaw Mnr ofbal9-1 623-5251 or 725-1685 and sold. Morgan Self, Anti- in. Days off arangcd as rneedi- S JUBILEE PAVILION -___ __ 3-t!cquýrîian Bookseller, 86 Simcoecd Amuithaepma- ___O S H A W A - 3 0 - t! S INTl . ~S o u thl , O s h a w a , T e e p h o n e c n t A h m u s tf r o m h a v e u tler m n d ____R Ef.L J RPP7276TG ~ofJune, at east. Telephanie TRENTWAY O -2beek IomUSED washer parts, motors, 1728-3636. __9- BARBADOS - 2 Wees fram nowmoîes Sîmplicity, Hoover and MoffatNRH BE AD aad TOURS $288.00 *SE ILappliancos. N e wechbrta me DuRHMCuaBoADan d, Te ABDS GRENADA and suites. Paddy's Market,, Hamp-l cation requires immiediaiely, FO D TOBAGO - ?, weeks from CLEARANCE ton 63-2241,. 49tf !noon out supervisoir for On- FL RD $7.0ONE ONLY: S44, Sý9, S23 40 FOOT 11/4 inch TV tower tarlo Street Public Schiool. TE ASJAMAICA - Wecks from 'ýý structure with ail chanaci Apply la writing tating c- Machlt t 28th 25.0 USED 1968anen installed for $48.95. periencadqulfatosa MITEMBREAK> ;FREEPOUTr - -8 Days fram $17 RUPP SNOWMOBILE Special on colaur systema. M., A MacLeod, Business Ad- MIi rki ýJfAMI BEFACH - 8, ays Item;Phone Boy Andrews 623-2006. ministrator and Treasuren, Bax Caioni E SC 165,00 to Bradley's G'oer _I _ _ 6-tf 470, Cobourg. 9-1 COored- - la 1,5 ïýaý »iý Pontypnool AL -2-pce. Cetrila SELL REAL ESTA TE- Aprl ithtaMa 9t HNOULU MUI HAAI . 1 190. and up; 7-pce.' kitchien Join ýOntaria's Most pro- For fkirthier information contat wek fromn $558,00) 277-2171 suite. reg. 139, for 109., chairs; gressive Realtor speciaizing Jury& Lvei HOOLUU - 8 Dys a - - -2~Sealey maîtresses, 39.95 and la rural, tawn and vacation Wa.ik&iki IroRns -,'O L.00 _u_-_______ii_9-_ up; continental beda. Murphy properties. No expérience, Furniture. 47 King West, oesrful rpr in TraelAgecy ACAULO -8 aysfrnsNoticeg 4 baais. Excellent commission SC Ki FS.E., Bowmainville$290 Dr. E. D. Hubbard's:office TYPEWRITERS,. adders. calcs, arrangement. For furiher la- 623-3182 Ail prices icuereuajtwlll ho chosed fsr Match 8 cash registers, desks, chairs, formation co nt a ct Omaor 8-3flhtaccmmoatin, t;as-t Match 19 inclusive. 8-2 files. new, used, rentais, service. Chisholm, B.R. No. 5, Belle- - fers, a svinfight beach bag and; Discount prices. Open Tues- ville, 962-7686, H. Keitb Lim- Drapery Secah-Come aad many, many era.Pic-k î Fast, efficient car wasb day, Wednesday, Tbursday. Bihll ied, Realtor 8-3 sý-ec out drapery. 541"al-sh your frece bidet -NOW at service FREE with gasoline Hamnilton, Brookln 655-.4179 SALES - i omee n able floral drapery for drapes filh-up Flying Dutchinan 4-fSALSC-heicLiond verin or besras o h 1w aWTUY ad O ELGul! Service Centre. 6-tf price o! $1.98. Also satin ha ck JU Y a dL V L - AVAILABLE, a number o! 50 othet r elated praducis ta drapery lan different colours, Any Persan knowing the[ black choir cassocks, mea's and business and indu.stry, on gen- $1.98. Fitgas lnpery TRAVEL AGENCY present address o! Norm Smith ao's lo oin orserou.s commission achedule 11.25-1.49-1.59. Custom made 19 King St. E., Bowmanville and Flore Smith, formerly o! and cbildren's beanios te, Fuli-_tiTrne ep. needed, but part-1 pot lengih, unlined 1.50, lîned Phone 623-3182 Scugog Street, Bowmonville, mac.WieAvrie 8 tari for rigbi monan ,-! 1.75. Bwmiaaville Fabrics. - -91 is askod ta contact Floyd Zalev, mchîe adri sesmncet s imalt: 1o 9-1- 2776 Wbelpton St, Windsor 15, 9, Bowmanville. C80, Consolidoted Paint & ___ Onari. 82-2 Vornîsh (Canada) Lid., P.0.1 TRENTWAY_ - Box 396, Montréal N. 459, Que- REISERD hie -Vina- KINDERGARTEN WHITE R a r i Equipinent, bec. 9-1 TOURS turc Poodle Puppies, (papor R GST A TO ormorhy Cockshutt F a r mniEïAT.~ trainod). Phono 623-5294,. R GIT ATO Equipinent, bas ennounced a M SPECIALS FOR H'91 -lmpton Ara nw elngpgan. eore REPRESENTATIVES Easter Weekend BRITTANY Spanel Puppios, pls you buy any farm equipmntt EQUIRED teregisterod; excellent bird dogs, Ut1 iis year, sec us. Buy on a Can you spore 2 hauts a tanatural pointera and retrievers. Tisat Would Attend Cash and Carry Deal. You111 day? Do you want to bank a NEW YORK CITY Good huntîng aad field triai BETHESDA- HAMPTON JR. save huadreda o! dollars on C substantial amount o! maney NASHVILLE, TENN. champion bloadlaca. 728-7200. SALEM- SOLINA Inow breakthrough in etailing each mnonth? We have open-ý WASHINGTON, D.C. 9-1* WILL TARE PLACE AT farm equipinent. ParkerFarml ings la the Matar Club Field April 8th to liii', 1971 D- et e! rs foe, H m tnTno Service, Newcastle. Tlephone with High Guaranteed new and cut, 18clb e, h oeed Ha pto Juior 987-4413. 9, reaewal commissions. Contac For fustier information contact hoarding. Havelberg Trnaîning iVioflay, Mvarc .[1 tfl.--- Don Polishuk, 1200 Belvedlere JuTy &Làvell School,. Orono, 1-983-5016, 9:,00 A.M. - 12:00 40qa'a eu Joors st., Ohhawa, Phonie 725-8402. corner Taunton Road and High- G. GLEIRS, Principal -ati 84 Travel Agency woy 11.- _ 2-tf 9-1 BEAVER MAN OR WOMA 19 King St.' E., Bowmanville ie Bowmanville WA'ýNTED - continue Rawleigb 1623-318Z oie- SEE LARGýEAD Service to consumers. Get intoi Pnicea MrgretH 3 THE CEMETERIES ACT Pae1 a profitable business of yaut 1 Pîrýs]ýr4r--H s- a'wn.4 No previaus experience ïpial "Open Haute" will be IN THE MATTER 0F Tise Cemeteries Act;* and ____-___9-11i or.capital investment. Write the 1:30 S..unatch 140p., fr'in IN THE MATTER OF Tise Bus-k Cemietery, la the Towaship J-Mar Equipment W. T. RAWLEIGH 1:3 p.. uti 4:0 pm.,ai500.fDi b eSherbourne Street. Tours o! o Darlîngton, ln tise County of Duramn, eiag ofO0. LTD,, Dept. B-140-916 the Research and Treaiment pomposed af part af Lot 16, ise Broken Front CO. 4005 Richelieu St. eCentres, as wehl as the Lodge Concession of the saici Township described as,170 BowmianvillcTe m otel27 will ho conducied hy qualified folbaows: 17 nentoa admM nra 0,Que. jstaff., No patients will ho Gravel Truck___9 seen. Butes will beave Bow- COMMENCING ot a point within tise interiar of Lic. V31693 RPEETTV tmanvilloe t. 1 pin., returning Lot 16 wlich may ho located as f ollows: Begîaaîng 1ai the RPEiTTV at approximately 6 pi..Ho- pito nescina iesuhesel ii !ts 1961 Chevrolet Van Dominion Automobile As- tura fate will ho about $1.50, into nescino h ot-atrylto h Canadian1 Lic. 47490B sociation, Canada's las-gesi ePlease 'phone the following: National Railway right-of-way xith tise westerly limit o! I suitable for camper -i$395 imatas- club, bas an opcninig for Ms-. Clarece Bell 623-5939, Lot 16, said point distant southerly lu tise last-mcntîoncd limit PANCAKE DAY O Representative la this disi- Ms. Bort Syer 623-3177, Ms-s.1 3899.53 leet on a course of South 17 dégrées 35 minutes Eastl PRIZE WINNERS sii This mcwas-ding cas-oct aGeorge Word 623-5721, Mns, framn the nortis-wesierly ongle of Lot 16; thence South 46 lai, Ms-. Allen Fisher, Haemplton la open to a high calibre, m- John Werry_623-2823. 83tus-e persan who wlsbes a bigh - dégrées 10 minutes East a distance o! 920,7 feet to the point, 2nd, Ms-. Ivan Cochrane, et, thon, average incarne. Tebe- y O'BRIEN TOURS of commenicemnent of tise bonds taelbe Serein described; thence Bowmanville phoneoros write Ms-. A. H4. Sauth 36 degreesà 48 minutes East a distance of 100 feeîtotan 3rd, Ms-. John Hodge, Kîrkey, (613) 233-6297, 56 1New York Special point; tisence Noth 53 degrées 12 minutes East a distance a! Blackstock Sparks Street, Ottawa 4, -- . ,, -134 KîngSt. E., Phone 623-5689 Canada. Ail replies will be 9-1 eld n stict ont'ence APRI 8 -il 5 fot t o pint thece os-lb50 degrees S50 miautes 10 $4q9.50 seconds West a distanrceo! 103.08 foot more aor lesa ta a point -----_-- -S l distant 50 foot an a course o! Nos-lb 53 degrees 12 minutes Articles for ____Sale__ includes fisst cla-s hiotel East Item tise point a! commencement; ihence Souths 53 M atas-CoacisTanration degreos 12 minutes West a distance o! 50 1001ta the point a! P RE I N V EN T R SALE Baggage Hiandling commencement. 2 Automatie Wates- Sofieners, 2 Launds-y Tubs, Taps and AIl day guideci tous- of New TARE NOTICE tisaitishe abovo cemeiery was rm,2 rsuePms(evadUe) umril Yor-k City by special sighi- closei by Ordes-in-Council No. 2057/70 dated tise 2nd day o!f up 5Pesr up Ne niUe) umril seeing bus,, including dinnier Jl,17.Putmps (New), 28 Used Motossfoas Jet Pumps, 4 Beatty Gens- and tiscatr".how at tise lamonsJuy190WeledPatc RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL ANI) FURTHER TARE NOTICE tisai tise se- Drive Motos-s, Beatty Pump Oil, 1 DeepWelHaPst, con bc arranged for $10 extra moval o! bodies fsrntishe above cemetery pussuant ta tise Steel, Coppes- Pipe andi Fittings, Mlot Watos- Tanks, Humidi- HAWAII HOLIDAY SPECIAL provisions af Section 57 a! tise Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1960, lies-s - Plaies - Spongos, Fus-noc,1 Ais- Cleanes-, New Fus-noce MA'Y 15 - -MAY ?29 Chaptes- 47, as been opproveri by Osdes-in-CoitncîlN.Pie acDusBoRgsestc,3We-Costli COS.ýT $439 00-3455/70 ýdated tise 121h day o! Novembes-, 1970. N'Pp n utBo eiLrec,3WtrCoesi ît colons-s, 3 Basins, 3 Vanlities, 1 Bath 51, white (new>, one 4' Includes luixury jet ses-vice, AND FURTHER TARE NOTICE tisaiaitishe ex- excellenit istel accommodation, pisatian a! tisisty days fsrn tise publication a! tise lasi o! tise, Cast Iran Bath, Useci Kitchen Sinks and Tops, O11 Bus-ocra intes-island jet isavel, 'bas-be- îw osctv okypbiain !tssntice pussuanti and Fans, 3 Bathroam os- Kitchen Fans (New), 2 Useci Mes- cue beach parir, fs-ce beach tocneuiewel ulctoso hsn bag, Aloisa Welcome, wist tiste Cemeterios Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chaptes- 47, the owner songes- 2 woy Radias and Aesiali;, Ooppes- Tubes, Fittings, etc.e flower lois. For fustiser details will disintes- ad remove tise badies, ad relates- tisem latise 200 Gal. Wates- Tank, 1 foot Saver (New). telepisone Bowmanvilbe Cemetery bu tise Town a! Bowmanville, County 2 rJ EVC 725-8470 af Durhiam,2 MU EVC os- write DATED at Tos-onto i bis 23s-d day o! Febs-us-y, H rvyP tnrPu b g &He ig 1971.atn rPlm ilg He tn IOBRIEN TOUR S Il ers St., Oshsawa, Ont GARNET SXYMONS Orono, Ont. (Zenith 14620) or 983-520U6 1 VI ILWLIL PE lf t! 1 9 y - yý K --- --= -- 1 -1 -1. 1- Auction Sales Auction Shed, Ennisisillen, Se-ý urday cvcnlng, Miatch 6. La;rge3 quantity o! gaod 'fuiraltuir, Some antique picces la furai.' ture. Sale tirne T7 o'clock, Cli!! Pcthick, Auctioncer. g-1 WEEKLY LIVESTOCK SALES at Dus-hans County Sales As-ena Os-ano - Eves-y Thurs., 7:30 p.m,, Selling. Horses, Cattle, Swin, Calves, Sheep, etc. Chas-Iit Reid, Auctionee- andi ProI- prietor. 23-t! Unreses-ved Liquidation Auc, lion a! 30-401 used Ski-doas an d saowmoblles, 1967 ta 19701 Saturday, Mas-ch 6. Helmets, mitis, suisi, boots; cuite-, traîl. es-s. Spos-uiag Gooda: Skis, ski. boots, toboggans. 1961 Cornet, 1969 GM 'C 12 tan pickup, lang box (reserve bld) properiy of Midtown Ski-doa Sales, Lind- say. Sale ta he held ýai Ware- b-ouse, 25 Cambridge St. N., LlJndsa.q .Fs-ccDraw for douible. traue-. Sale ai 12 Noon. Tes-ms $50.00 an pus-chose, bnal- ance cash, choque or finanàce contracta on location., Abso- lutely Na Reserve. FrsInforma- tion dial 324-2791 'Lindsay, nighis: 324-2783. (For coin- plete lai sec bills). 9-1 Auctian sale ta clear estate ta he held ai Stintevant's Auc- tion H-all,. 33 ,Hall Si., Osha- ,wa, Saiu-d'ay, Mas-ch 6, i p.m. Modes- and antique furniture, tefrigeratar. chrome table, stes-ca, radio, and me c orsd ployer, large liquor cabinet, rugs, floar lamp (spool hase), antique dlocks, vacuum dlean- et, folding chairs, automate~ wasber, Fleetwood TV, wickcr chair, poal table, heda, antique dining roam, chairs, ;large- quantity china and diabos, pois and pans, 1966' Cas-vair has-dtap (aafety certificate). Soles roomn opea every evening 7 p.m. ta 9, p.m. Ahl furniture welcame. Tes-ms cash. Myles King, Auctioneer, 72,5-5751.. 9-1 Wednesday Match 10 Clearing farma auctian o! ibree tractas-s: in. -Na. 656, B414, Ras-mail "M", Me. p a w e r spreade-, lin. Power Mowes-, 7in.. 3-pt. plaw, 14" battôm;, N.H. side-rake, Mc. 10' biy- dutv cultivator, Mc. power grain dr-ill, 16-s-un; N.H. No. 717 forage has-vesie- with pick-- uip and Cas-n hcod, A..C. forage, bbawer, compîcte, loit. P.T.O.) ,comnbine with hydrauhic table,, 2groin augets wiib motos-s, 10 cbain harrow Cpi., P.Tý. Isprayer on 3-pt. hitch, ne- 3- pi. row drap and field ralti- vaos, tractas- disc, lever bas- raws, New Arpa 3 pi. scr~aper blade 7-0, deluxe mode]; axy- gen-acetyhene out!it on ruhher- iired cari, ail attiachm-ents,ý Lincoîn,180 amp. ar-CI welderi ewith aitachimeit8, pos-tabI6 rautomotic air campressor Cpt., dual wbeel, farmtrale- witi1 bydroulic laiform, new 3' aluminumf ladder, 40' extension ladder, drill prs-cs vises, newAr elumber, new Pag and ha wlrc fcneÏng, electrie siove, s- friges-ator, 21 du. fi. deers freezer, furniture, etc., manv. items not ]isted, the prapertv o! Hîarold Rutherford ai Stouf!f- ville R.R., being 3 miles east a! Markbom or 20 miles NEF o! Toranto. Ras-m sold. Nný reserve. Ters-ms ca *sh. Sale, 1 p.m. Noie: These arc aa- extra good loi o! tractars ancit lmpbements and have heen wo1l! cas-ed for. Don't miss thîi' c xtra good fa--rm- sale. Atkin-ý 6son aýncWlsn Sale Mgms. I nid Auciorlecrs;. ___ -i,