Seed Clecning T enders Wantec ONTARIO PRE -EASON, PUBLIC WORKS ~ISCOUNTGENERAL CONTRACTO1I onh ail orer tkep b MaÉh ee1Vi til .îj2 p.m. Local Tii Ot4fh oni Sced Grain andi T'ueday, March 23, 1971 Grases aie Dseont n Sed orcnst,>ructioGn of New D Clepiing and Treaing. trihution Chambers andi E Phone 86-431 moa of existîng Floor'a Phl)-e 9864 !Founiidation, Donmitomy No. Foi' RuitrDo etfeDparfment of Health, Whii Gairry, Steri.nin n iu PybamrHospital, Whîi Veral nd uraae ifaf a JTender Documents may Saratogaand Elnan.r Bromiotuineni fnom Reglo-nul Offi Cimax Tirnothiy and De'pa1rtMent cf Public, Woml SEED SUPPLIES "i 797 Finruss ýStreet, Suite 2 SWjý.N' p0. Box 8000, Xingston, C SWAIN arlo. Tlephone 544-89,55. SEED CLEANERS Note, ý: For futhar infomor tiono egading this Tend Blackstock pluase cahi Mr. C. J. Tool 8-3 D)epartoient,0f Public Wor Kingston, Ontario. Teiephe vvork Wanted 544-8955. The- lowest on uny Tené WSLS ceanni uf.Phione fot necessarily uccepteni. 728-8180 aniytine. 7-: G. F. MOUNSTEVEN, BUSINESS lad'y wAill exrange , Rgional Manager, bouskeeing/ookngjor Tender Opening No. C-217 unnid hourd. Write Aclniutise _________ 178, r/c The Cu-nadian -iState -B 'ie mnan, Pý..Box 190.,owna-Uies villa ____8~ __Opportunity_ SNOWPLODWIlG -E ARNMO4 NE Y 1IN Chain Saw Work Men on Womoien ta e-stc ~p'~xy"y~ and 11ollect on'ey from N JP 0 Type igh quuhiity coin-oper ced dispensers iln your arua. 2632520scllhng. 'To quahify, must b. 2~7 car, refemences, $750 to $3,( cash. Saven to twelve hoi F RA N K RNK weekîy cao nef excellent corne. More full time. We Trenhinqvust with you-und est ahi SEP'TIC TANKl your route. For pensoul INSTALLATIOTN terviuw write: 1~.. 6 BOI'VANVLLE B. V. DISTRIBUTORS LIM NO SUDAT CLLS D, 240 ecumseh Road E; CALLS Windsor 19, Ontario. Inclt 623-7201 1 Phone number. 9 JACK BURGESS B ealEstate for Sa tJIL EURNiERS .~- WFURNftULn CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 Mail Address P.O. Bonx43 -BoanviIl INCOME TAX RETIRNS TI Siori and T'leeral Prepared JAMES BELL 9 CONCESSION STREýET W. BOWMANVILLE 9-2 RefrigeratiQn Appliance Servi«ce'( Phoene BERT SYERI Days - 6'23577 4 6ig2.' 62-3 17 7 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC A CKERMAN AUTO0 W RECKERS 24 - H UR TOWING SE R VIC E We Tow You In One Month FREE STORAGE1 Nothing Removed from F ourj1 Car Whileine luy Caire 623-5756 Mortgages Wanted 24 HOUR APPRO VALS 2nd and 3rd Mtges. Arr?,nged In thbe Convenience et Tour Home LOW lCost. You eau eau te Il p.M. today for helpfaii courteous servie.. Prompt Investmient Corp. Ltd., 330,Bay St., Toronto, CALL COLLECT -Evgs. 231-8146 2-8B IIANDYMAN'S' OFF PO TUNITY: 4 hedroo hbon living andi dining roorns.E muediate possession. Aski $10.900. Only $3,500 down NEWICASTLE: 3 hedmni bunigalow, 011 beateni, 4-p bathi. Good size lot. Aski COURWICE AREA: 5 -ye ohd, 3 bedroom brick buni low. 011 heateni, 4-pre. ba Natunal stone fireplace. G; age. On 1/2-are lot. Nuc lunniscapeni. BOWMANVILLE: 3 bedrc( bunî-galow.- Oil heuteni, 4-p bathi. Wlk-out buseme Garagýe. i/2 acre lot. Asi $23,900., ers 17,5 ACRElS: on large mi' Famtiy tirmber. Prireni $17.500. Ternis. BOWVMANVILLE: Bungalc 3 bednoorns, cil hcuteni, 4-p bathi. Garage. On 2/3 i lot. Fnrceni ut, $23,500. Eî -terrmf. UNDER CONSTRUCTION hedroomn brick bungalow., beateni, 4-pre. bath. Lai lot. Fniýeni ut $24.000. Teri BOWMANVILLE: 4 hedmî brick 11i/2 storey borne. heateni. 4-place bath, good ratioi.. Asking $20,900. Teri BOWMANVILLE 3 bh room,' 2 storey borne. heateni, 4-pre. bath. Gara Centrally .hocutuni. As& $26,500. Terms. After Heours Please Call: bBud Virtue - - 623-V Harry Voerman - 987-4 SI& Osinga - - 6ZI-- jesse ,Van Nest - 63-1 Gary Hancock - 983-5 Harry Coutts - 725-2 Ross Davidson- 705-277-Z Bil 'Rue --705-786-2 3Wesley Anderson - 349-Z Mortgages Wanted MORTGAGE LOANS available at current rates for any -worthwhile cause. AV LAN,,INVEST MENT S 576-7E Evenings, weekenrls and holldays 729-5623 24-HOUR SERVICE' MN1ýiers et the Onta0ie Mortgage Bro)kers Assocîatiot (OWANVILII Q WRE(KERS We buy Iron, Rads, Batteries, Metal, Cars and Trucks for wreckirig. We seti pa8rts for most makes of care, angle iran and pipe. TWENTY-FOUR HOUR TOWING ~USTOM ~'1LtMIG ¶eal Estate for Sale',eCadinSaesa,~w in înm sIdîngý, 2- a aaei fn is d rcetn roo Noc agýents Plhone 3-8811. SReal Estcfte for Sale'Real Estateý for Sale TnREbe(1orîailjug- eI nBomnile LOT or a1e 66x 15' o HOSE or ale out eW, ro, i Vil-' Felag f Ooo Tedy arin,17 n kd it aUBc w9iil ies nta h fie a eee me Wrico dvrtse118e /o ____,Pîîit s egl id dut trn thre 2 -l ft5200 foot contiîng on -dthewrn sd lis-~~~~~~~~ Bod9, omnLie 91 R FRSLE cuse kd ak nd ent of1 tidcof the road. a hen it turned ~cko4teI~-Ak ~ loi p ivat e al orren, e Vint PruÀt 5 rou n Le rodr 6 0 nci ifee trug- te1ithonoErn- ol ous nd FOR born, 17 start, le, StreetNthroughis counl, nw hy rpre ih odted rer was sopped 1,e REALTURS Oshawa, bungalow9on rainrpeaed g ýýui t ffanGtoe 2 n slpery atitt-imeilnd-01ake to Newcswh erc byrpot an Laccientin wh ch T h un icoresii prîoulyclsetw b1ahair e 'Ing'aso cloe tC hurcb Stteian schoo ovcinbogtafn evdteCon ees onstew1argued9that be ~ ~ ~ ~ 3i 3190,SRETW ST ec.Wt this bornle.yu u 9-1 to $0an csso five days osph M.Mcînay 82 he Crow had hnot adduced ks, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ captlvn om ala omni ulx n eVineta Proutsw5a rncarke d tas (fid $10 and ots , omini-oe rîwas a e orge sen and4,e Plione 62-4403ORnd rie salroom, refrert, 3 edrorStrateet, oe2onKn treet, East, ins4e 5 das, fllwngcovcto apro edrbyi e A torney weashng hmcie, 17ryer, elec ero rmncntr l ealy moringy of anu. ar y or hig r-ovez' 80 ' niirm_ Gnrl Hldd1 n ValTU tiO stov, bnailo1971 av pide ctegodsldroe ep ort8th n acch d etn ive da -rh alcoo n 1mllitre of - Dep rept d ge Baxter reservedcjudgmeil Ler brckhom siuaed acle policy; caIlepnss re- o odtem. 23794onvsigtion le oug t hfne er rn t hensesusenso.C rs n_!s1agidIl1 sto30RIGSRE STetc. n garding sal fhome prse- wo uidin lt, p $50scusd wbos car wJssesphc- Evdenceof Costabe Crag Edard fo ngld ey, thaoubeatdstit fBo-c t wU d fr, e. Imedi- viabefr ,0Csurofetnsive Daviagd.Smith b-wasoPP wstht h *acuec rladLae w care -ksmnil feWArig L Edroomsigro ,hahnviBýmniI,.Dpe, oesrvda okwge akdwsýii o1s >04 attrcti eliving4room and rte p oseio;$,500. erms o od lheroc atinltmiet 100ne2 revKia Stdth asrot, in t e 1 aing Waývrl Rad an- wth. rvea cf r ob1tio-(Y lag)kn-e nddnigrom arangdtahit yorbet, 150 bPlýon pa ne oa, c623-7694 boun mon Qn Street, foary h, fo n b'isl f rv-Jnar's, . O ecme ferataced arge ahohbc t.8 rietaln1e7estaxewilladlo . lowed by ,om, ep12th I ad fr enine a - lote igthorrin way n i gbIriheac daperdo Largenlt 6Vxa 6inise d n auyfît motacnaewt vl ar topd orastp in.wy 011n tempinra'a h r0fasre pràete-nses n t$90 a-îsieue ntlsno fr p ainat this8bouse y seluil t/e ar-ol dmrick bun gTe otherar did ecnotling une. rounbscrwntofbcueo arbe qe ponten t ie. e lesd o homu ths d w ttabd rgextra 764.Invetiath n r ear f bs. tea- te bighacneitnh H asuie a lnghee borsoe bikh m stae n e poif înt !eretd. Te nylag ltn9s7. etrly bu 13ram advryrid edaErahaierrains-r.iv3în lcbl>bs 9-, thetter Thean Nesricw o B w ay to alpeciatoe thisbeui- Tlo bute d i esnaltsprisc sTedtwo drivr ws underext- 0f *18 nd 1% enfre oburngfeus cd Ikmndill catin of w o one fui hom, epad f la indsc i ýapig 9-fr1,20 suarrteieyd tea famm I aeth o ndit1iofthie der. n f ispeafj eiee su atrctias lýndsrapin and a- oldb tteei. eeh ýone dadlocatore.RoeonAbeuslot26afd isprmie o1efrm telr mrveetraeq ite Ham to su263-2766. 9-l,150 S AVEd UP TO23769. ouglason rCoy, 11Stret oaun uri 4h n St ýr,I W b itb Jug Bater gavecehlm a lrevien ndis 6 ro pit _____ _______toniRod- 8 ïqsbwaplade -iî0't a s-ml rdebyacin hm n ro ,de levelcenrne in averley ard- c atli O lcaed b gu.fiy 0fimairted chg te ad wawiedre in. 1e a o eepote ens. Lied at 2.0agdb-e, OE divn auay 2n ndsm on hautomaticc.i ewovileiae ad beof fgood ehav-e ing sold on excellenti terms, rno-tea,-,faringtopfrace opof i cense suspensLionL4 0 or hti rm teueo ew $u2t4,u9t0becal oonsd r We t- fîhuseb sl. ilý 12-er-l rsc ,g h thechar br oug t, a i un same t icand found htislf h-îngsc oegular, er ceued ~~~at-peae arripshdow0 shu tyou his on atJrta ct Tt 0adcosheod5 asestond i te wetn d to*ITmm as were a ,,, r No Carneifnowertoedarrangel laneap-, 96 170 Cet a n ab utom:3atr licnsersus nld.manCosae Mr i', waied ahlm.-ýii av etrTa e ayt prceti eaui polntmen for inpectiony prTThed. The i on n e ecnd tb i nïe etoo of 1 n waslec- r c O Jnry 27h 1ew Indiatfi,4 of ork done.Li hom an lansJainIT-1was $5 anthoteof ivmage athaonite ai ngst of .1 to Nppear k orbtniCourt un- 7aoosid pi ihanati576-090YOCoELÈrae ILaid Sithans-and.15%we,,takn. RR. ut b neer mde t. Bfor Willitam e Waîtg, L h 1Iis ouroaîranee a ein th iro ot Inrlne rcroom. .Slzý adunted u to22,1-2766.ft9wbereougls fcond 11 a ur n ufnd w Sire $ 150 l înd J s ae hi Two btbrin hs, 6mirno om SAett St., o an g oufo a divwoE1 aýý't lysý,qthautma i-CakWbenyou wenhr pr o IT- e ai bodtoe.Im eit ssonî Asistanc in planing to ehat rod ed wit h f na B irpchrese suspenin.pobtonIwand e wa rst, A uy Fo at $26,d0,Baensd ry bbdco-bic bre ongeOREnts Tlepne tanard. The d îcsari onsta l a nOP o ld benf gthere was ..î g sLoy b entbunaloin daelossopig ian gadLadAss anc vr' n tio n was e ronf fir-nasun)o igLi a ber, sin Judgte Baxter. Lie Othsh, eutiul l are khm l B YAve R mePlner prourne. prf of insuraonre or Wet itsof igb beama onLand lbe t ntd atend br ea p- ews n, ov e livi rom wtheBwmanile - Anolde broadooniexquhitelyderor homethouhtfuly and cx- ad detîls o thet chatergesary Lý-tee bad wof eang om sid to sd.bain snece yu HOME FREE CONTEST 0benpad .,tTh 5 etoficer itredbseug treonsinjî" Lav poike ehu ort 56198etinspe2850twtonasygisto l.Oni ea an d thevinae d o hrite uuaýý;l sgn o in sudntatDrbrn Cole 00 ANDlFDale -L 623-5638 T was f:$ 00 an r -t s, or pamnt adinw o feahaiz- wîa reanded Brghon Cbai taý 9-1 SpaousEpsttlvelwitadi- d s cnesspne o ake.5ýwelkn. lohiig Jco nviction for p se in- 7 roon iinctive custom qnualîtyURSandLTDF bre onths. eorg Edw d I , scnofrt m aran for traf- inrono, jus offageyIn115. BOWM4uV Lps Cororigan B idenw as pa re Oaa , pvin emre than 0 mili , presteutirnb Tis R. Land 950h deta e. '.-,aloe 2 -5 33 oest b 6 tf Libe rted andLiKing Strect garmsd f lcoing 100 mil i ýcase,- ipîridr In- $28,900 with $7,000.roo . Sie djutd uwno2,10 q. t.when he fosrvd an cast ý-litres 0fîbiod $1ov be 28 Evdne as t t w f Tn wo A STT bahro s auiyrs» Bownanvîhe Com erciaboukn veile ro Jeedin at C on1.table Wbtely, orp n i d n o u te rug pand ei rm dats ap orsesioton J 1 12 J 1e ad clied th a informatins0 p nwsionpp oaba Th ou wrt f e al bas ude A uy Fo a Goo P-ti,4,r sorey Telah e t stabrdl'eDaid-i Cntrsetion rwhe1 he oh-) ben moat enph'If th a in Rn oo - a ualoe tcsomerc , i na n n Lnvrsmi condt on wstab rle Ii an sc r d a ovbir'_2rnig o to rffcking there mJ u st e ae.1 mz= 2 Kinge ewrara f oLhh tlan crHwyl. $11500and -i-an"btîn te mith * ah al;crui eir t the TautnRo r om the ortn ju i l s -1 te ence b arnd Jade fle- Osaa .eut.i1r- Bowavll 'cth $,00 on ..d 40'Hme lane16f .9 ad .9%.ecouastr potsoftw. tc nurning wllct if sungoij Bax d ter. n y CiotherwhG roits 623-3393 10ing0,on ,xit250'anvlot. - .. watr rhdued f o the spneeg arr 0 nto ts he h ea tbond ane fbc rom dt obsa e ic hatofwbrob Pond Aaaure#iwt, T achersmnddorcharacer on nohe, i HO E FEE ONTST eenpai. Te ofice tuned1-ils 1M1, ers ontdos inot ate muc .ing Just d f paved raive. 2,500, Perl er o w al, J be ro sIDo al . o z ' a e 1U rosyadmpatby1,Jo n ." soi we a beafl I.l hme toSessiontRasalBeachband MarkanMit- ga- e Fr ont e -ro 6-9ds, rod52 m.L -re lt, arge onAERJanuSteeryf 9th nipie rar el 2,0 Da e rmsZ.563 ec.medi$8,50tet Possssio! 3 ofthe Asadton of Earh 7lye theThslïmeetigs o -b-uiquor lunge cfth ýe Cufe, 150Aces- yrneHus edoombrckhoe n alrg C fdo 10Eduai o washhorpen t arntstearbers aodeinldo alt îornteris Terifi vew, lage on, lt, RecntarChoute. 11 n Jn.oOf u th Bwma- il ntresed peole John pcE.clien 98ý4'7 10 A Torhere elre teachier C reaCentre was.r9ae cnt.~Sacou erys erfrpToot o 2150 Terms presnt frm Coburg, hif isrused Itwas cfrernng' jI I :hng~9- pandoa. $9,0 Tem. ConlaBnaow!Lveyb ishawa nd Bowmnvil. qaliiatosanncepal -6Aces Tee, tram 3 er som.letrh aly aaLbeut-edF .rpira o t ve, onypolara. Fintd 0 orm wi cp orAt, c ated R B D V UEThe m ant em ofbuinssstndrg ds fo r Nuserlico 246 Ki»g'_ýA E. 623- was A the ci.rguan of Furthaerd issi on t E R eekr at coth Fnesfiv yers g , utanrth cfuntraslte rc JonCortprooJhr~aln esion to bu keld ain an ne mosry me nda C iý1-j wih9oo50oln s)ilstu one o st f DeWît1. h RuaNi ELd tOswauryiMrc.Pnsfost teDp.ofSia Brndd ef ow, ~ ~ ~ ~ ýà ,n odsts lo2 ce ero oe xe lae aanur t LRertymand'frianel Ste e rvicso w((il o ilhow at tUh Se . 1$2,90 $500 dtnhgr$e. 7aase0r0 d nî Bowmnvîl hpe fulfeeSb ole".Paelembur est-it rea. ofIRLOIN - -BONeeet usyg 35A RE L - ýA 14n L Bowanville rom ome b:adCommewnfrralcuiVrtelorai ou dvhcepoedn tCntbý,V Op ýjýi ii h 1u n room ouse hum on pa- ertranferrd. Reuîme irnRuaiEstat nec'i a 623-950 nclue a edira pratitin- Sveralmagainesof i 1rý-z[prpetîe aailabechocelo-a er hih ateofs e arestonte urscy orer1N iStretce ath. 3. cd red tCtwnwte E- edatoal. skng$2.00ofic o 63299 om. Oaton c-ln netnn tsôoo Tera frIfrmto.Jis e ihH.raiedLths iCoUmtn!7:30 se ndaam ahed o Cnsabl DvidT'Wbaset is a ood urs, ecn ked Maifam i Orge Terms.4 Bedmoom om e cNalet n ,,C ntbe a sre 'eil, lt lIfiýilitee ns c 'Me,2s zt t . Bowmanv ia yjaourtyonero wpyrnent and Smth ,Imiscuiewilihe huton e disribuedtt he o,. ai e nec, brvt ug m Atatve2s e tam h e wTaupsnt td.e0'offer. strn imjs o ton. Tael-n u meg eti, I.i p l "nyoe b.poiý clihom. 2epaat39iin roo m a lobck borldn hg ar rn-aer nes ý74b cio- Thre atishFnihei eroaraepthddrve 1Vsbah ; n -U r ertt hewa ds ed n i ANVNoIhWITO ens l ionroo , Snytras.Pod AskIo' eain. ovhygrunis . ' in__________wa driedt Asn 0ars f odd] n i h n onu wîiIet rae, bulc ue, $27.500 - 4t he adrompueyfrhbd3 ero oravleduîgteps U u ing brck innrt enic B -Oolrg ptmfonjotAkcredne$00 Bthocure mobrs wibcois fa.- 8tase Aseres roundoffiea !ndGNRLISAN Tles a uotniu elEtt ordrmc ~ I.- - basumeFrnt. 61o4% omtgae. Proinert.esW.qured or :32 rn.wbcna cr drven h e nurymeAig h ort b'eistoryandof th Spring OntearienntorLh FohofeBowmn-holtawa ivn ann ifwLskgi Ma500-leroveREULSYile olidniwib fuc Pgdui *noedtht heDothevl 1287 TRY US Fe oRssi n f t e A scai n o Ea l oge st e T hised ý1ýshoohs liior lun e ofC ste 1401 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h*lho E edom icstry n pn. euedhyMft Mrcat M el Nue orpchol sne of thuSAVE 1 12 0 A crane.s ingyoe le arg. fedr ofDarinfbnutQuen SrhtmeC __on___c__large__ 1155 f Higwayoo, 2Ja$25.00. ordonBeech, 62-5265anni evit's Lue. Bomun-peopele.u p16 Trr9 i CoaewP,.on, o waenly- - 623-5868 lle plie et mtni $0 pcbr.Beuîu cF RtV -hetn. Grae sigA sl bf boumfolwe. O r ng1ry t 1669. Iert i oniy $8.500.ntoo$3.50 0 coliTeriinns. itere.tio of e LL K ecer aeCnte uý cr iC eAn pvd onryBnglRoyale Md omavle icusd 96 crn , TeQ, tram 3enromSletreet hatd y anda ndqQufiatoens veccofý11 Theuaiirtengof$300 damugdarsefo-fuhoa atSoc-Pns ieyasaojs ot fNewcastlee oh eWtý ri on .Ti-nsUPPLonIo ciES PaperTowels,,ýo Sohid 2ût orey 5 bl terom e R E ALlSAT Coe s of ca rlit on anni ,ar leesa- home on lot.Oshwawae- LINIin $100 to nu driven by Cerîl 4 iiOV'T. INSPECT. deoaeplrefielr.Oileasetl a t ou n île 5.Cr LSoia,9rnedB c 2Ri $18.900d pohtbstes. Thee wee2noinjuiesson Ermae forapORKds iSrcs W o Bowmuviile-4Incme 62-7461 orn623-2492e sabldVe bas o inegdtcnior Ipwatýn Sho h,SV pce. mixed ush. Only 20,006 - let oldeSt.oe,Bwm aththeeopIf you were dmivîng nortbte -onýd_ sa4esRingfThin Weel's Specialin province w'de-effortSALE acre p5, rtmeonts wit storelofaTanuon Rhei onSundayraîl rseaunn is rth ons tru- SURMEFNC Asd Good condition ad goo ragho- Bowanville: $.000dowinyou cao pouly count youîel re idQatn f to fascoîi aî-BSUT Pay3cre 6 % mil oga. Ask emoome bngalo . wifh iid sll uky ttyo waie ot s supportedl by flic'aea SRL IN - -B N o hng $85o000 , ban. n a luium sdig nw fmn- noReal i atnesacit.335 N3 e Ond wt NooNwater.2xmie ite gaae Osig$2,0.yficonr2-9ho me.r9v1nciul PalDuuauuu ed Beef CSS0 tudenteCouncil. oil cellent Inlot 67 feet front-,The0Newcastle detachmlet Sp rt Wek" a s pod nisr, d e H a ag em,4 badoran uH 16om.oe!!enwîhaî roeniNoîgtoLbbe bungalow $14400 itb $2.000 B ownviil: Liet t a u oBrefo h ciei ndbusiholas ofecvereody $23 500.resaboute seven ThboumsdeteofiTshiNW TCK ges wl e d ites n akwrdh9-z 9-fAnitan uglwwt ntigaceiv14 accients. ALARGE SLECTION -n dayeatnefo aTn Io-_ 2he bedroom uurtnsent. Buhi- B ravile otag om Tej asou ixcr rak mosette cd rudius resetui SV îngrae an exlta.patkio. petiunishLoeni lgot 14 un. one nvn orvhi- 0 îRS. ROE Yafroncabdy wýalk-ouùt_bicony, vamry séenië' faut deep, fulli price dnly les, two withfIrue cars andF by 10AB wifb 493); andni on Dî,NETTE, Asin 3590.$4,500. the rest eîtber single or fwo S Friday, the fin-ai day, aso Car Wash Countmy-living: $300 down, car misas cltuenetws he argari ue N Excellent Bowmanviihe ho- smali bungalow on 1 cre lot, Collectively the property Salmon - Halibut It wus junigeni by snowprn-10% ur raton Mstsel.Asin oîyfull price only $7.900. damage was bigb. But indîvini- Fresh White Fish cess, Cathy Wamani, an-d won $21io.00.t em. s. .. nyually,ît was relut îvely low, Fresh Filuets cf hy lOB's "snow mile."Ot he i Sm $21,00. Trms.Country-living, 2 new 3 beni- ad here were no reported Soie, Cod, Haddock, Pereh sculptures inchuded i "amv-ý Afr .i ai oom homes with crpomt, eler- personal injuries. etc.. the sea sýerpent", "500,w rUty, ateo 623-3077ll tricaily heatuni, an large lots. Accrroîlng to a police spokes- a whahc, andi' emie. he Pat egem -' 623-3187 Countmy-livhng: 5 room bun- ma driving conditions were Custom Cuttîng on Friday nigh, to n iSp), JnOgm f-18galow in Orono village, Ideal extremely poor in the arcu for Week af a peuk, thiere wsu Ph 9is Rbble 623-7159 for starter or retirement home. mosf of the day as a bowling Smoking & Curing old-typums' haskethall gamu IanOudhoon 63-984 Newaste:3 hdmom bn-wind pirked up snow off the Leeker Rentai oloc by a dance featuring, AssorýýAtu Flaers Jane ond - n Z-2-9654gNewc u aste eraeot 200fieldis andisent it drîfting in the Claipp. The 'total amount s Kay Bron '623-31650 feet dee gaorase, lo20- swirls and piles over fhe ods. 'Y T C of nmoney raisecl by spîr t 623-31k0 ftt Teere wereshtdmusswkei visi- tD wuuk was $222,00. ure Pai - 623-3 5 63 ue a a c rpey bilify was nil. @ ~And hn spor-ts,lutTe Auorm e hr 72-89 Bowmanville: $50,00 carnies-rIIM ~ ' E' dysounen aO'el Frank Slmpsoti - 72-938ig 2 hedmoom cottage. Ask- TIMMY CAMPAIGN finîshèni up thu aso fo ArtGrig - . 62-591 only $5,00. IN MARC H ys ernbtgis'volleybaill teanis. a Newcastle: Cenfrally horatuni The annual EastrSu IOE6357 At theformnt the girl Wm.Turnsk - 983-54 dplex, prusent incarne $200,00 einpaign te raise money i playeni bath Esnaa ai ~(O E0 Ro' ote -Oon 93581 otbyruiI ainrreiicad. for C r i P Pn1 e d' Childrer's 3Kn t ;ONîl andi tha eniorsEde Any utli- roe 83919 skng$2.50.1work wili obldfo i Bwanvîl faIc Easfdlalue gam m 9-1 9.11'March 114h te Apil ltlî . LnaEym rianville, Mar,.3 1971 1 1o mue restitution tûV- speode1 sentence fohrpveý,i ysus, e ferma-Ibei 4-, s. 4ss keep thle peu aic i ho of ge tîrne oc1oenen prt- etime r t$50 Itnesses war1 ýpret fon the Crowpre-r-ady fo v etc 4 in a rase of asufincvn Michael Donojgbue, Ra3nfcir4, Nickerson, JerrySîosad Gardon'Fwe. eec rounsel .wlbo bani to bc-- rsê wbere aseithat th.e matteýr be adjoumniedi fo Maîr,,, l- FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANI) uý0f ýmE -4 Eý BROS. LTD, I18Dimdas St. E.- Whïtby Phno Whitby v ffl4552 WAVERLY NEW BU NGA LOWS 9¼'% MQRTGAGE fromi $1,400 down :OPEN10am opa. OLDER I-OMES TAKEN ON TRAE Turn north off401 at Wav- enly St., go !north 1i saW, wntch on fast ;5le frd BY MARIANNA. DEVELOPMENTS- LVE 0iMR ~ PHONE 623-4172 or 725,lei-950PK Fresh Pack SPINACH I pkgs. 49c 2 $-9C ive! Save! 4 lbi, 1,00 VegetabIe Oïl Toastinasier Whte Sliced 4 9ea9esc SAVE 29e QUALITY'I 10½/ý King St. W., Oshawça